wisteriablaine · 10 years
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Marlon Brando, 1952.
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wisteriablaine · 10 years
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wisteriablaine · 10 years
You said it was honesty hour, Blaine. You have to be honest. And describing Sebastian's personality isn't telling us what he's like between the sheets. Spill it.
I'm not one to particularly "kiss and tell", or "sex and tell", rather. Let's just say nothing's impressive. Major thumbs down. Happy?
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wisteriablaine · 10 years
You're Sam's forever guy.
I already know, luckily.
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wisteriablaine · 10 years
Do you ever miss Sebastian? Or anything about him?
Honestly, and you'll have to excuse me, but hell no. I can't put the blame all on him when I cheated, but he showed me his true colors when he decided to try and meddle with my relationship after the fact. I have absolutely no idea what I was thinking.
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wisteriablaine · 10 years
If Sam hadn't found the texts and had proposed to you as planned, what would you have done?
I would've told him, of course. I actually planned to tell him that night, during dinner. Not the best conversation starter, I know. I guess I'd like to hope things might've turned out differently, but then again, maybe not.
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wisteriablaine · 10 years
Plans for the future?
Finally a question I'd be glad to answer! Well, I do plan on opening up my own practice with a couple of colleagues of mine. I'd also like to write a book or two, and definitely do some volunteer work with MSF. Personally, I know I want to get married, have kids, and the whole nine yards someday, and thank goodness I already know who that special someone is.
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wisteriablaine · 10 years
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wisteriablaine replied to your post:he might have something actually good to say. Give frodo a chance, buddy
I love you.
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wisteriablaine · 10 years
Out of the people you've slept with, who's the best sex you've ever had?
Well there was this one guy. I think you might know him. Samuel Dwight Evans? The man of my dreams? Yeah, him.
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wisteriablaine · 10 years
Blaine, you're a doctor, you can answer me this. Is it true Sam's lips are perfect for giving mouth to south resuscitation?
Well, I am a doctor, but unfortunately for you, Sam's been one of my patients. I think this is where I get to pull the 'medical privilege' card, right? Sorry, my lips are sealed.
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wisteriablaine · 10 years
Thank you. I'll be right over.
Okay… Just, come over. The door’s open.
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wisteriablaine · 10 years
What's Sebastian like in bed?
Honestly, I don't want to answer this question. He's vulgar, self-centered, and disgusting; he couldn't be described as anything else.
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wisteriablaine · 10 years
I don't want to tell you over the internet, Sam. I just....I have to see you, or at least see you when I say this.
Our relationship isn't a game to me.
Okay… Then say them, Blaine. What is it you need to say? Tell me.
If you could see how much I’m crying right now, you’d stop. These aren’t just words. It’s really how I feel. This is real.
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wisteriablaine · 10 years
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wisteriablaine · 10 years
You haven't let me say everything I really wanted to say. After all this time, I've finally found the words without sounding like a broken record.
We can try. Together, I know we can.
What is there to talk about? Haven’t we said everything we need to say?
You can’t fix me. I’m already done.
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wisteriablaine · 10 years
Well then come home and we'll talk about it! We'll do whatever you want, Sam. I'll leave you alone, or I can give you all the love that we both know you deserve.
Do you even have to ask? I don't care, I want to fix you. I want to at least try. Give me that chance.
Come home and live with you without talking about our relationship or whatever’s going on? Have a constant elephant in the room? That can’t work, Blaine. You know it can’t. I don’t know why you’re bothering. I’m so damaged. I’m just… Broken. I’m broken.
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wisteriablaine · 10 years
Then come home. We don't have to share a bed, or talk about our relationship. Just come home and be here with me. I want you to be happy.
Sam. Just tell me how I can help.
No. I’m not. I haven’t been happy since that night.
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