witchatiel · 6 years
im fed up with tumblr it just doesnt make me happy anymore here’s my twitter and youtube and my instagram  that hardly gets used but i plan to use it more when i replace my phone. peace out & happy witching :)
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witchatiel · 6 years
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i illustrated some of my favorite scenes from ancient egyptian papyri :^)
The Tale of Horus and Seth, Papyrus Cairo CCG 58040
The Contendings of Horus and Seth, Chester Beatty Papyrus I
Setna Story, Papyrus Cairo 30646
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witchatiel · 6 years
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so uhhhh yugioh is just being super unabashedly pagan on main now and nobodys gonna talk about it??
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witchatiel · 6 years
i love this thing.
guy: if you’re a feminist, why is your god a man? me: because… loki in female form, coming from the other room: -what did you say
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witchatiel · 6 years
girls don’t want boys, girls want to dance in the woods with the god dionysus and tear any man who dares to interrupt their bacchic revelry limb from limb
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witchatiel · 6 years
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witchatiel · 6 years
tips for walking in an abandoned graveyard
if it’s dark, don’t shine your flashlight into the trees.
if a child approaches and asks you a question, don’t tell the truth.
you may find some harrowing artifacts (i found a ribbon on a tree and some bible pages) pick these up and keep them. they belong to you.
if you walk down a long, straight pathway, you will feel someone behind you. don’t look
you may see people in your peripheral vision; these are the spirits. they won’t hurt you.
if you wish to communicate with the spirits, do not do it alone. cast a protection circle. only ask polite questions.
you will feel bursts of dread and terror. ignore them.
don’t read too much into what the graves say. some things are best left unsolved.
research the history of the graveyard beforehand. you need to know what you might encounter.
some beings may not want you to leave. should you come into contact with one of these beings, leave immediately.
don’t read the hidden graves.
if you find a headless angel statue, don’t look for her head.
if you find a tipped over angel statue, leave her be. she’s only resting.
don’t listen to music. this will distract you from them.
don’t look in the bushes. you will find something that you weren’t supposed to.
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witchatiel · 6 years
it is thats probaby djehuty himself yall
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witchatiel · 6 years
i took a 23andmd dna test and got my results on halloween morning
anyway my mum was adopted so i never knew my heritage on her side and as it turns out im a big ol mixed bag of lithuanian, ukrainian, ashkenazi jewish, romanian, swedish, dutch, and indonesian
i decided to do something with it and try to honour my ancestors and managed to find monthly suppers at a local ukrainian cultural centre and also a scandinavian craft fair VErY close to my house and now about 20 crows are absolutely screaming outside my window
@ ancestors, i know thats yall and thank u. im doing my best
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witchatiel · 6 years
Dysphoria management tip: Go hang out in the fckng woods.
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witchatiel · 6 years
i found out im prussian and would like 2 reconnect with the old baltic gods can yall like/reblog/etc if u post druwi or romuva content and ur not a raging bigot and i’ll check ya out
also anyone who works with morana or nehalennia would b cool
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witchatiel · 6 years
a witch’s palm.
palmistry placements that may indicate certain natural traits or abilities related to witchcraft.
the mystic cross. “x” shaped cross located between the head and heart lines. indicates that spirituality, witch’s intuition, and acknowledgement of power or ability were understood at a very young age.
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the psychic cross. “x” shaped cross located beneath:
the index finger: blessings from jupiter/zeus. wisdom, and a great capacity for knowledge. often destined to teach or impart. 
the middle finger: blessings from saturn/cronus. intuition, and a great capacity for visceral power. often has natural ability working in dreams and meditations.
the ring finger: blessings from sun/apollo. attraction, and a great ability to naturally draw in your needs and desires. often powerful with enchantments. 
the little finger: blessings from mercury/hermes. instinct, and a great natural ability for practice. often adopts new methods with ease and natural talent.
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the psychic triangle. triangular shape located beneath the ring finger. indicates that in this life, or another, you have chosen to suppress your abilities. they are likely powerful, but potentially caused harm- intentionally, or not. (this does not mean they are unreachable, it more likely encourages you to work very consciously.)
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the healer’s mark. a series of parallel lines located beneath the little finger. indicates powerful healing abilities; the more lines, the greater the gift. 
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the traveller’s mark. a series of parallel lines located beneath the mount of the moon. indicates that there is an innate talent and drive in travelling both the physical and the astral planes. a natural ability for astral projection; the more lines, the greater the gift.
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witchatiel · 6 years
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Implied correlation vs reality
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witchatiel · 6 years
hey remember when i went to a 90s night party and managed to essentially hypnotize myself into “its 1999 life is simple and good and im not sick yet so lets fuckin party” and then proceeded to.....not be in pain for once in my bodys shitfuck life
yea im still thinking abt that a week later and..............dionysus
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witchatiel · 6 years
doesn’t matter whos fault it is. this thing deserves to, at the very least, get pulled and reissued without the unauthorized use of the international symbol of love. prince was very strict on his copyrighted intellectual property during his lifetime and to use, without permission, the personal glyph of a black and lgbt+ artist when they’re no longer around to claim it as i am 100% sure he would have is incredibly tone deaf at best.
“Starter Witch Kit” by Pinrose - Cancelled?
Yesterday, Pinrose announced on their website that they would be cancelling production of their controversial “starter witch kit.” 
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Prior to their statement, many things about the product were unknown, such as their sourcing the sage from Native American based businesses. 
There was so much controversy surrounding this product, but a lot of the claims people made were quite inaccurate.
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The biggest complaints with this product were regarding:
Cultural appropriation of Native Americans and indigenous cultures by including a sage stick in the kit
“Appropriation” of Wicca and witchcraft as a whole
Using white sage because it’s “endangered” 
Making a gimmick out of witchcraft by commercializing it in a perfume kit
Copying the art for their tarot deck
Here’s the problem with these complaints: 
We may not have known it at the time, but they were ethically harvesting sage and actually supporting Native Americans by buying it directly from businesses owned by Natives. They also never referenced the sage stick as a tool for “smudging.”
Anyone who says you can “appropriate” witchcraft is a damn fool - witchcraft is such a vast practice, employed by many cultures all over the world; it is not a religion; it does not belong to one group of people or culture.
White. Sage. Is. Not. Endangered. Sacred to various indigenous groups? Yes. 
I have said it once, and I’ll say it again: Pinrose is not the first company to try and “sell” witchcraft in this manner and they will not be the last. They may have offended the masses, but I wholeheartedly believe that they did not have bad intentions by creating this product.
They actually purchased the rights to use the art for their tarot deck. 
Why this was a “bad” product?
As a witch and magickal practitioner, I think it made for a poor “starter kit” for witches, new or old, but aside from a catchy name, I don’t think that’s what this product was actually intended for.
Why this was a good product?
Pinrose is an all female team, who makes products that inspire individuality and imagination. 
Their products are not that expensive, including the starter kit. 
The packaging is aesthetically pleasing. 
Their products are cruelty free and hypoallergenic.
They were doing everything in their power to be the least offensive possible with this starter kit - we just didn’t know it.
They took the time to be sure that the products included in this kit were ethically harvested, in regards to both the environment and the cultures represented.
Technically, it could very well have been the introduction to witchcraft for many aspiring witches.
Overall? I am deeply ashamed of the witchcraft community for attacking this company the way they did. Sending letters to apologize and beg for them to put the product back on the shelf is not going to fix the negativity surrounding their company. What people thought was an attack on Sephora for being a supplier for this product, was actually an attack on an up-and-coming small business. 
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witchatiel · 6 years
ok this is a lovely detailed post and all but the tarot deck included in the kit also used prince’s personal copyrighted glyph in the artwork without any sign of it being licensed/authorized which is,,,,,, really not appreciated since he was really strict about his copyrights before he passed away and using the personal symbol of a dead artist and playing it as some “ooo look witchy symbols amirite kids” is a little..... uh
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“Starter Witch Kit” by Pinrose - Cancelled?
Yesterday, Pinrose announced on their website that they would be cancelling production of their controversial “starter witch kit.” 
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Prior to their statement, many things about the product were unknown, such as their sourcing the sage from Native American based businesses. 
There was so much controversy surrounding this product, but a lot of the claims people made were quite inaccurate.
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The biggest complaints with this product were regarding:
Cultural appropriation of Native Americans and indigenous cultures by including a sage stick in the kit
“Appropriation” of Wicca and witchcraft as a whole
Using white sage because it’s “endangered” 
Making a gimmick out of witchcraft by commercializing it in a perfume kit
Copying the art for their tarot deck
Here’s the problem with these complaints: 
We may not have known it at the time, but they were ethically harvesting sage and actually supporting Native Americans by buying it directly from businesses owned by Natives. They also never referenced the sage stick as a tool for “smudging.”
Anyone who says you can “appropriate” witchcraft is a damn fool - witchcraft is such a vast practice, employed by many cultures all over the world; it is not a religion; it does not belong to one group of people or culture.
White. Sage. Is. Not. Endangered. Sacred to various indigenous groups? Yes. 
I have said it once, and I’ll say it again: Pinrose is not the first company to try and “sell” witchcraft in this manner and they will not be the last. They may have offended the masses, but I wholeheartedly believe that they did not have bad intentions by creating this product.
They actually purchased the rights to use the art for their tarot deck. 
Why this was a “bad” product?
As a witch and magickal practitioner, I think it made for a poor “starter kit” for witches, new or old, but aside from a catchy name, I don’t think that’s what this product was actually intended for.
Why this was a good product?
Pinrose is an all female team, who makes products that inspire individuality and imagination. 
Their products are not that expensive, including the starter kit. 
The packaging is aesthetically pleasing. 
Their products are cruelty free and hypoallergenic.
They were doing everything in their power to be the least offensive possible with this starter kit - we just didn’t know it.
They took the time to be sure that the products included in this kit were ethically harvested, in regards to both the environment and the cultures represented.
Technically, it could very well have been the introduction to witchcraft for many aspiring witches.
Overall? I am deeply ashamed of the witchcraft community for attacking this company the way they did. Sending letters to apologize and beg for them to put the product back on the shelf is not going to fix the negativity surrounding their company. What people thought was an attack on Sephora for being a supplier for this product, was actually an attack on an up-and-coming small business. 
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witchatiel · 6 years
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