witchloire · 4 years
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This stone is a very receptive stone that is known to draw in love. It is a sacred stone in India, for its symbolic relation to lovers. For hundreds of years, especially throughout Europe, it was used to cure insomnia and mend romantic relationships. Found mainly in Australia and South West Asia. It brings good fortune, helps gain spiritual insight, intuition, and is very nurturing. As it is also a feminine stone and works with the moon and with love, it can also have fertility properties.
Chakras: crown, third eye
Zodiacs: cancer, libra, scorpio
Planets: or on this case, our Moon
Elements: Water, Air
Sacred numbers: 4
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witchloire · 4 years
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witchloire · 4 years
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witchloire · 4 years
aesthetic water witch tings ✧⁎⁺˳✧༚
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~ loving swimming. obsessively. i cannot fathom how people lie on the beach and tan instead of being in the water. i cannot. pools? swim! no tan!
~ showering is where All The Thoughts exist
~ rain? storms? dark clouds mean the BEST weather. snow is the Most pretty.
~ even if blue isn’t your favorite color (mine is orange) u are still drawn to it. it’s so gorgeous and deep. you feel lost in the best way when you look at blue things
~ hot n cold water are both good, but cold water makes you feel more natural cleansed and hot water just makes you feel so much more present and existing. (cold water = escapism)
~ sigils are just That Much More powerful to you when written in some form of a liquid/dissolved in a liquid, water, hydrators, lotions, etc.
~ darkness is good. it makes me feel like i’m underwater.
~ i might be alone here but i don’t hate humidity. It kinda makes me feel less alone. i like it even when it’s super hot. esp after a storm
~ i check the weather a lot to see when it will rain.
~ painting water is hard but so, so beautiful
~ painting in general. it’s so fluid and smooth, gouache and watercolors are wow
~ river rocks n pebbles over crystals. any day.
~ shells as wards
~ preferred incense is palo santo wood
I’ll probably make additions later or make another post bc i can’t think of anything else atm.
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witchloire · 4 years
For some reason witchblr has this idea that "baby witches" (I hate that term) shouldn't curse or hex.
Meanwhile I learned how to curse when I was like, twelve (I read weird books).
Here's an easy one:
Take an orange. Pin the name of your target to the orange. Now set it somewhere and let it rot. The idea is that the orange represents your target's heart and as it rots, well, you do the math.
Now remember children, curse responsibly. Don't just go around rotting any person's heart. You might also consider turning the orange into a nice pomander instead.
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witchloire · 4 years
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witchloire · 5 years
although i have always had an affinity to water and water magick, recently theres been a lot of interference from a small group of spirits? my protection and cleansing spells have recently become too much because these spirits keep interfering and adding their energy to my spells. its become so potent that it’s destructive. any slight threats, e.g. my coworker saying something ignorant once, and horrible things happen to them the same day or the next day. in the worst case, my coworker was fired and a police report made against him. I want to speak to the spirits, and I hope I can gather the courage to speak to them without getting anyone angry. I fear that I am meddling with something I don’t know enough of, and it will devastate me if I cannot continue practicing magick 
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witchloire · 5 years
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witchloire · 5 years
Custom Sigil Wheels
So I read this post https://in-her-broomcloset.tumblr.com/post/160210641160/witch-tip-making-your-sigil-look-better and I took it too seriously/misunderstood what it meant.  So here are the results of what I thought she was saying, lol.
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Feel free to make your own sigil wheels and stuff like that. You can encircle the sigils in a circle or in the shape of the sigil wheel used (whichever you prefer). Happy sigil making! ^^
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witchloire · 5 years
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witchloire · 5 years
💧 Mermaid’s Tears 💧
a spell to create mermaid’s tears substitute, which can be used to grant small wishes, heal, or even reveal hidden truths.
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💧 gather: sea salt, stormwater, seaweed, sea glass bottle, blue and green glitter, white beads or faux pearls. (only use real ones if you want)
💧 fill the sea-glass bottle with stormwater and dissolve the sea salt in it.  
💧 mix in the green and blue glitter, shake thoroughly. 
💧 wrap the outside of the bottle with seaweed. 
💧 put beads/faux pearls inside bottle. seal bottle shut. 
💧 take beads out one at a time for individual uses, whether they are wishes, healing, or revealing the truth. 
💧 when done with each bead, crush or break in half.
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witchloire · 5 years
🌊 Sea Foam Latte  🌊
a bath spell and coffee scrub for motivation and clarity
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coffee scrub ☕
☕  1 cup coffee grounds ☕   1 cup sea salt, finely ground ☕   ½ cup coconut oil ☕   store in airtight container.
scrub instructions:
mix together in a bowl, melt coconut oil slightly to mix ingredients, cool to semi-solidify mixture.
bath soak spell  🌊
🌊   pour bath, charge water with seashells. 🌊   remove shells to avoid breaking them and being harmed by them. 🌊   mix in ½ cup dried milk to the water 🌊   line edges with shells and light a white candle 🌊   stay in the water and charge, rinse and drain.
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witchloire · 5 years
💔 Elixir of the Wounded Heart Tea Potion 💔
inspired by Once Upon A Time, a tea potion made to soothe an injured heart
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💔 gather: 2 parts cran-raspberry juice, 2 parts orange juice, 1 part pineapple juice, cinnamon, 2 tea bags. 
💔 mix the juices over the stove on high heat. 
💔 stir in the cinnamon.
💔 heat water, steep tea bags 5-10 minutes.
💔 mix juice into tea
💔 serve warm.
💔 chant “cor aut mors“ before drinking. 
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witchloire · 5 years
spell for the tide-waiter 🌊
a charm to bring patience to the owner, or influence an area
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🌊 gather: bowl of seawater, twine, almond, lavender and an orange
🌊 bundle lavender together, tie together with twine and tie hook.
🌊 prepare seawater with orange. soak thoroughly. 
🌊 dip the lavender in the water three times, each waiting for the water to still.
🌊 tie the almond as part of the bundle.
🌊 hang in the respective home.
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witchloire · 5 years
Mermaid’s Breath Spell  💋
a spell for the ability to survive in emotional or situational circumstances a bit out of your depth or comfort zone, like a fish out of water.
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💋  gather: sea water, stormwater, aventurine, a seashell, and a blue candle
💋  embed the candle with the aventurine and light it. 
💋  mix the sea and storm water, and fill the seashell with it
💋  blow the candle out and pass the seashell through the smoke. chant:
“ Aquea pulmonem there: Come winds of the Caspian Sea Demersi sunt in aere, tenere spiritum, La spiritus to me.”
💋  place the seashell somewhere safe to hold the water until the spell is over.
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witchloire · 5 years
Full Moon Attraction Spell Day 3: Worry Dolls
Listen we’re just going to skip day 2 because really all I did was drink @jennycalabro​‘s self love rose soy milk tea and do various gushy tarot spreads. Day 3 was really fun though! 
These are Worry Dolls (Muñeca quitapena) that my mother gave me: 
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They’re about the size of my thumb nail, made of string, twigs, and paper, and the way they work is simple: you tell them your worries, and place them under your pillow. They’re supposed to take away that worry or fear during the night, so you can sleep soundly. They’re mostly for children, but I’m using them a bit differently here. Almost as poppets! 
Here’s what you do: 
Take two of the worry dolls, one that represents you and one that represents a partner. It doesn’t have to be a specific person, but if you have someone in mind, even better! Hold them both in your hand and whisper to them any fears, worries, or insecurities you have about relationships, love, intimacy, trust, vulnerability, etc. Really think about what personal blocks are keeping you from feeling like you can find the right person and be happy with them, or keeping you from being with someone you have found. What scares you about love? 
Then, tie the two worry dolls together like so: 
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 Imagine that they are you and a partner, happy and free of those fears. 
Next, place them inside a jar, baggy, cup or bowl like so (I used a jar because God I love jars) : 
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Then fill your container of choice, covering the worry dolls as much as possible, with:  - rose petals  - cinnamon  - brown sugar 
Under these ingredients, the worry dolls lovingly work together to banish the fears and worries you told them about. When finished, it looked like this: 
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Hang or place the container next to your bed, and let them do their thing! :) 
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witchloire · 5 years
Making Fabric Poppets
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I want to teach you all how I make my fabric poppets, and how you can make your own too. Here is my post detailing all of what I do to make my adorable plush fabric poppets.
I also sell them if making them yourself is too much fuss for any reason. Here are details.
- Fabric of your choice- My fabric of choice is fleece. The fabric should be a color you can match with your intent, personality, etc.
- Person-shaped pattern to trace- You can use a gingerbread man cookie cutter to make your paper pattern, free hand, or if you like you can use mine which I will gladly sell you a copy of- message me for details.
- Needle and thread- You can use different thread colors for different intentions.
- Stuffing and any extras- herbs, objects, etc.
- A marker of a similar but darker color than the fabric
- Scissors
-Step 1-
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Lay out your fabric. Lay down the poppet pattern on the fabric. I prefer to weight them down with rocks so they don’t shift. (You can of course choose rocks that match your intent.)
-Step 1.5-
I then trace the patter with a maker that is of a similar color to the fabric, but off enough that I can see it. Don’t worry about being super clean with your lines because they will be hidden in the inside seams.
-Step 2-
Next, to sew the pieces together. Place them together so that the side with the marker line faces out.
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Then, grab your needle and thread. Thread your needle.
Be sure to have a piece of thread to work with that is about as long as your arm. This should be enough for the whole poppet, but make sure to have more on hand just in case.
-Step 3-
Start your sewing in the place where the opening will end later. I typically choose the “armpit” of the poppet because then the opening gives me great access to all of its insides for later.
I use a kind of slip stitch for sewing. Really any stitch will do, but I will show you mine. I put the needle all the way through both pieces of fabric to make a loop, and before tightening I stick the needle through the loop, then tighten. This makes a kind of knot that is durable and nice looking. Here’s a picture:
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Aside- Why I hand sew- I find the process of hand sewing to be not only relaxing but also more magical. I can focus on my intentions while I sew, and with each stitch I’m fastening my energy into it. This is by no means the only way you can sew them together, but it is my personal preferred way.
 Continue sewing around to join the two pieces of fabric. **Remember to leave a 1.5in opening! Also leave your thread attached!** This is the only way to turn it inside out and hide the seams.
- Step 4-
Turn it inside-out. Reach inside and grab the top of the poppet’s head and pull it through the hole like shown. You may need to poke around a bit to make sure everything is fully turned right-side-out.
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-Step 5- Once right-side-out, your poppet is ready for stuffing. Start with the appendages first, that way you can make sure they are well-fluffed. After that, if you want add in balls of stuffing in the places of major organs to make it more human. (A ball for a brain, a ball for a stomach, that kind of thing)
If you like, add in herbs or objects for your intent, or keys to link the poppet with the person that you’re targeting. Consider positions of the objects and herbs inside the poppet and the significance. I added rose petals in the head and heart of this one, and mint and rosemary in the stomach. That gives it some symbolism, and what witch doesn’t enjoy symbolism?
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-Step 6- When it is stuffed to satisfaction, sew up the opening with the same stitch we sewed with before flipping it. This leaves a rough edge, and I actually like it that way. It makes it easier to cut open the stitching if you ever wanted to for any reason. I can’t be the only person that’s wanted to rip someone’s stuffing out (there’s a curse idea) so I hope you find it useful too.
Do a couple more stitches to assure your thread isn’t going anywhere and then cut it off.
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Ta-da! A perfect poppet for all of your witchcraft needs.
Happy crafting! 
 - Max the Death Witch
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