witchspurred · 5 years
Clumsy Healer:
Tatiana was fairly certain she was botching this whole thing, but botched or no she had to try to make amends, right? Wasn’t fair to go around likening anyone in the group to a tried and true witch-
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Ah! Yeah. Oh yeah. “Um… yeah. Yeah, I uh… Got a little lost trying to help my beloved.” She forced a laugh, tried to make it lighter talk, “D-don’t we all? That hag wasn’t particularly hospitable, but I’ll get over it. I’m still in one piece and we’ll be finding Ezekiel soon enough, I imagine, so that’s all I need.” She was finally starting to wake up without expecting a dingy cell, so there was that! She was fine. Fine enough.
“As long as I know I have him, I can always find the strength to keep going. If I can’t find it then maybe Father Duma can help me see it.”
“Your beloved, hmm~?” Sonya’s emphasis was meant to spark humor, not to poke fun. She seemed so cheery, of course a man would fall for that charm sooner or later. If she was the one searching for him, then that must at least mean their happiness was mutual. 
“Sounds like the hag takes pleasure in pulling the emotional strings of young girls, especially ones with strong feelings like yours,” the mage sighed, trying to imagine how the scenario played out in her head. The unnaturally beautiful witch, tempting a young mage to follow her home to see her sisters. Sonya wanted to believe that she would be wise enough to not take the bait, but this was now, not then...
“A shame we already taught her a lesson. If I could go back and fight her alone, I would give the witch a nice thrashing, with some extra strikes just for you,” she laughed to entertain the thought in order to drown out the previous puzzling one.
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“...Du-Father Duma, you say?” she forced herself to use the proper title in front of the saint, no matter how painful it was to say. Of course she shouldn’t be surprised...they were in Rigel now. If the mage wanted to maintain her dignity here, she couldn’t succumb to blind anger from the simple pronunciation of a relevant figure.
“Why yes....I suppose strength can come from faith. Can’t say I get the appeal when my own magic is more than enough to protect me.”
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witchspurred · 5 years
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While most of the pages here just need a bit more tidying up(mainly the verses pages anyway), can I get a quick promo boost here? Like or reblog this if you are interested in interacting with a FE Multimuse, including characters from games such as Gaiden/Shadows of Valentia, Awakening, Three Houses, and more! Mun has over 2 years in Tumblr RP, one of those being in the FE RPC, and is underage. Thank you in advance!
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witchspurred · 5 years
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While most of the pages here just need a bit more tidying up(mainly the verses pages anyway), can I get a quick promo boost here? Like or reblog this if you are interested in interacting with a FE Multimuse, including characters from games such as Gaiden/Shadows of Valentia, Awakening, Three Houses, and more! Mun has over 2 years in Tumblr RP, one of those being in the FE RPC, and is underage. Thank you in advance!
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witchspurred · 5 years
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While most of the pages here just need a bit more tidying up(mainly the verses pages anyway), can I get a quick promo boost here? Like or reblog this if you are interested in interacting with a FE Multimuse, including characters from games such as Gaiden/Shadows of Valentia, Awakening, Three Houses, and more! Mun has over 2 years in Tumblr RP, one of those being in the FE RPC, and is underage. Thank you in advance!
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witchspurred · 5 years
Sonya’s Timeline: The Archive
A collection of all of the major headcanon posts that delve into Sonya’s backstory: from the circumstances of her birth to joining the ranks of Celica’s group. Additionally, brief summaries of sections and the age estimation(with the Valentia calendar years!) is to help clarify what Sonya was doing at a specific time.
Part 1: Youth With Marla and Hestia(Birth to 9; Valentia Year 375-384): Sonya’s birth leads to the unfortunate splitting of her family, where Jedah sends off his daughters to live alone at a priory. Her older sisters took good care of her and they were happy. That was until Jedah returned with intent to sacrifice all of them to Duma, in which Marla and Hestia decided to spare their younger sibling of the fate, allowing her to escape to safety.
Part 2: Escaping Rigel(9 to 12; Valentia Year 384-387): At first, Sonya met Halycon and accepted his safety at his hamlet, where she lived for years and honed her magical ability. Worried of living so close to her traitorous father, Sonya escapes again south toward Zofia, where she is sure there would be no danger of Jedah and his followers.
Part 3: Zofian Blessing(12-23; Valentia Year 387-398): Having lived a rough life during her year on the run in Rigel, switching to Zofian life was miles better. It was much easier to manipulate people for her profit while staying safe with her exemplary magical skill. Loosely tied to the life of a thief, Sonya began to plan her plot of revenge on Jedah only to find the populated area she resided in to be abandoned after drought. Having nowhere else to travel, she had to take the offer Grieth gave her to become a subordinate.
Parts 4 and 5: Grieth’s Subordinate and Freedom(23-25; Valentia Year 398-401): Being the henchman of a greedy bandit proved to be despair-inducing, both in what she was forced to do as well as what she had to keep in. Only with Deen was she able to finally release the feelings of anger she held in while hiding in Zofia and even during her hamlet years. Luckily for her, Celica and friends arrived to end Grieth’s crimes, with Deen’s own sacrifice as an unfortunate setback.
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witchspurred · 5 years
Event Day Suggestions
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Hey again, everyone! So we’re looking for the potential days in January we want hold the event (which we’re going to call Renewed Resolutions), and have a few slots in mind. Just to note, the event is planned to last for 9 days.
So please let us know at the following poll which time frame you think will work best: http://www.strawpoll.me/19073103
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witchspurred · 5 years
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Hey again, it’s Mod Hector! And been while too, huh? So the mods and I have agreed to plan on something different this time around. Instead of starting something on the solstice, we’re planning for a New Year related event next January! It’s in the works right now, so we’re deciding on what the festivities will entail for it.
So with that said, if you’re interested in participating, please feel free to like, reblog and/or reply to this post! We’d greatly appreciate you spreading the word around too!
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We’re aiming for something more relaxing and everyone to just wind down as we start off a brand new year. But as always, we’ve got a few special things in mind, so we’ll keep you posted!
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witchspurred · 5 years
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Hey again, it’s Mod Hector! And been while too, huh? So the mods and I have agreed to plan on something different this time around. Instead of starting something on the solstice, we’re planning for a New Year related event next January! It’s in the works right now, so we’re deciding on what the festivities will entail for it.
So with that said, if you’re interested in participating, please feel free to like, reblog and/or reply to this post! We’d greatly appreciate you spreading the word around too!
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We’re aiming for something more relaxing and everyone to just wind down as we start off a brand new year. But as always, we’ve got a few special things in mind, so we’ll keep you posted!
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witchspurred · 5 years
Another writing break. Probably expected if you know my pattern by now. But I’ll probably be preparing my multi in between playing/studying FE4, so if you want the link for the WIP just IM me.
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witchspurred · 5 years
⎈ (for Sonya?? :0)
a letter to the future written as a promise to kick your dad’s ass
So, dearest me, whenever and wherever you may be, consider this your reminder. Keep these words under your pillow, or tucked in your “secret pocket”, or for all I care you can burn it up right after you open it. This is our little ace up our sleeve, you see.
But I imagine you’ve opened this letter up because your day has been a little rough around the edges and you can feel that fire dying, so here’s some kindling, love.
Forget the hymnals, they’re garbage music and we know that, but remember how nicely Marla and Hestia could harmonize? And how Hestia would sometimes sneak you an extra treat and know just how to talk Marla out of scolding the ears off of both of you? And how early the priory made the three of us wake up and all those rites and prayers and frankly ugly uniform, but you all made it work. It wasn’t fun, but you got by.
You remember his face?
Remember to keep your heels sharp, Sonya, so you can grind it under your foot and leave behind carrion even vultures won’t touch.
Don’t forget why you’re fighting.
Don’t lose your fire.
I’m rooting for you.
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witchspurred · 5 years
Wind Student‌:
Part of him wished Sonya she didn’t agree, but even he at times felt his desire to protect everyone was at the cost of his own well-being – with others having voiced out against it too. Leif and Ced came to mind, who both didn’t want him to keep exerting himself to the point of being vulnerable to enemy fire, or outright collapsing on the battlefield first.
“I understand…”
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“If anything, I’m now aware that there will be many risks involved with learning Valentian magic channeling. So… I’ll make sure to learn my way through it. To make sure something is harnessed to at least be helpful for Lord Leif. And you as well.”
Asbel felt grateful for this opportunity, and that it shouldn’t be squandered. The thought became exciting about extending his magical abilities to new lengths, ones that he hasn’t even fathomed before when training himself.
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“But, thank you looking out for me still, Lady Sonya. I’ll make sure to not push myself so far…” He lowered his head, gaze cast towards the ground. After long-winded battles, when the fighting would subside, Asbel often found himself standing with a tome in hand. He’d contemplate just how much magic he’s cast, how much mana was left in him, and thus… those were times that he felt left in a daze – almost to have lost sight of himself.
“… I think I can only request for you to continue looking after me. Even then, I will make sure to not burden you along the way.”
His dedication to protecting his lord- as well as herself- was astounding. She wished she could understand that feeling, one of protecting others from danger instead of desiring to outright destroy said danger. The ones she wished to protect...were long gone. And no matter how kind Celica and the others were, they could never fill that hole.
Though the way Asbel worded it, saying she was “looking after” him...perhaps this was a step in the right direction? Fighting with the bonds she made instead of with built up anger was rather foreign. Still, it was at least something to pass the time she had to be in the Order. There was no point in looking back to then if she could start getting better now.
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“Perfect!” Sonya cheered, lifting the awkward mood that was brought on by her uneasy request. “For now, let’s bring those books inside. Wouldn’t want important papers to get dirty, hm?”
Picking herself up before she got too comfortable, Sonya went over to collect the Dark Excalibur tome, followed by the Grafcalibur that was thrown away by her last attack. 
“I would love to begin today but...to be honest, I have no idea where we should even begin. Besides, I’m sure both of use could use some rest,” she offered the other mage’s tome while comparing it to the one that was “her own.”
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witchspurred · 5 years
@evilagar continued from x
“I’m not trying to make you laugh, dear,” Sonya transitioned from the playful tone in her first statement to a more serious one. She should of expected the princess to resist somewhat, yet she was still caught off guard by her wit. Celica must have rubbed off on the mage too much, the little brat...
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The usual smile on Sonya’s face folded downwards to form a stern glare. “It’s quite easy to see by the way that you’re limping. I was only wondering what happened, not why it happened.
“There’s only the two of us. No one else would have to know! Unless...you don’t trust me?” Sonya’s soft look returned, hoping to regain control of the conversation. Veronica was merely a stubborn child, just like what she used to be. She was fortunate to have a sister like Marla that could always calm her down, or else the other mage would have already provoked her.
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witchspurred · 5 years
songs to write my muse   !
whether it be melodies that give you inspiration for your muse or songs that get you into the writing mood — pick 10 songs you find to give you the urge, the drive, or the creativity to write for your muse.
->Persona 4 Golden: Shadow World ->Persona 4 Dancing: Heaven (Full Mix) ->A Hat in Time B-Sides: Security Breach  ->Super Danganronpa 2: Ikoroshia (16-bit) ->Persona 3 Dancing: Passing Hours ->Celeste B-Sides: Mirror Temple (Mirror Magic Mix) ->Rhythm Heaven Gigamix ->Sonic Mania: Mirage Saloon Zone Act 1-Knuckles ->Elton John: Saturday Night’s Alright (For Fighting) ->Billy Joel: Movin’ Out
Tagged by: @jasperlion(<3) Tagging: I’m way too late on this so if anyone wants to steal it go ahead :c
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witchspurred · 5 years
Sonya’s Timeline: Reflection and Freedom
She knew that it was impossible to leave now. Going against Grieth was a death wish, she saw how quick his hand was with a blade. Furthermore, who was to say that Sonya could survive the onslaught of swords and arrows that would follow from the death of their leader? One of the skilled snipers could pin her down easily if she just ran off into the desert sands. She had no choice but to continue working toward a goal she had no belief in.
The feeling that Sonya found herself with the most during this time was regret. Regret for trapping herself with these men that had no regard for her life or their victims’. Regret for all that she has done before, her only excuse back then being “to survive.” Regret for leaving Rigel in the first place and not putting up any kind of fight for her sisters.
Now the idea of returning to Rigel and releasing the years of revenge that were built up inside of her was a mere dream. Grieth would never want to go north when the Zofian fields were much more profitable than the harsh Rigelian soil. It was almost amazing how powerless Sonya was, even if she was the subordinate to a powerful man. There was no other way to look at it: she was trapped. Something she never thought she would feel after those days in the priory.
The only person in the thief network that Sonya was attached to was Deen. At first, she was a bit hesitant toward the older man, although they held the same position as second to Grieth. After months of getting acquainted with her new dreadful lifestyle, she began to interact with him more, noticing how he too seemed to separate himself with the rest of the rabble. He was the only one that she felt free to open up to, so she ended up pouring most of her life story into his ears.
It felt so relieving to finally share her tale with another. She was not afraid to include anything, from the anger she felt toward the man she once called her father to admitting all of the crimes she had done once she entered Zofia. It also helped that Deen was a silent listener, never commenting or arguing when she was telling her story. She didn’t mind, as it was enough to let everything out for once. However, it also meant that she never learned much about Deen’s own past, but seeing how reluctant he was to answer her first question was enough to let her know to back off.
After two years under Grieth’s service, Sonya heard of a band being led by a priestess heading toward the hideout. She was not so sure of the details, but Grieth sending both her and Deen out to their guard posts was enough to make her realize the weight of the situation. If either of them was defeated, the opposing group would have a route straight toward the boss...it would be her only chance to get rid of Grieth.
Sonya knew she didn’t need to explicitly tell Deen this, anyone with a brain could figure it out. But she also knew the cost would be one of their lives, based on whoever the priestess decided to target. She did not want to be awkward and give the swordsman a farewell, knowing one of them would not return. Instead, she wished him “good luck,” knowing luck was the only factor to determine who lived or died.
In the end, Deen was killed, leading Sonya to retreat from her post, knowing Grieth would be unable to punish her if he was gone. It seemed like she was the one that ended up having “good luck.”
Seeing the group that defeated Grieth was a bunch of children and a few adults was definitely a surprise. Talking to their leader, Celica, revealed their goal of going to the Temple of Mila. Sonya, knowing that the place was up north and on the way back to Rigel, offered to come along to benefit both of them. It was the least she could do to repay the priestess for freeing her from her terrible contract.
Even though she was still technically under the command of another like before, there was a major difference. She was free. The others in the group never made her uncomfortable- if anything, they seemed to be the ones afraid to interact with her. It didn’t take long for Celica and Genny to help her open up with the rest of the band. Sonya finally felt like she fit in and belonged, a feeling she never had outside of her sisters’ love.
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witchspurred · 5 years
Sonya’s Timeline: Subordinate Work
It didn’t take long for Sonya to realize that she got the short end of the stick on Grieth’s offer. Right away she felt different from the rest of his henchmen, being the only skilled mage of the group...as well as a woman. The charm that she used to lull men into giving her assistance turned into an annoyance when the thieves began to take an interest in her. Feeling left out might have been one of her lighter problems, however...
As a subordinate to the leader of the bandits, most of Sonya’s time went toward residing in the desert to protect Grieth, mostly near his hideout. Boredom was inevitable with only the desert winds and ugly thieves to pass the time. She would often try to stand away from the others, perhaps near a window, and reflect on everything that she had went through to get here. While boring, it still wasn’t the worst job she could of had.
Other times, Sonya would be required to go on village raids with a small group, ransacking any loot they found. She used to sneak her hands into the pockets of commoners to take their gold. Now she was using those hands to cast harmful magic, set to take the money by force. There was a reason why she never took interest in these activities while she traveled alone. The looks of terror on the innocents’ faces was too much for her to bear. 
At the start, Sonya attempted to abstain from killing during raids as much as possible, instead sneaking and looting from houses, almost like she was hiding from her own kind. It was slow work, proven by how much more the others would collect than her. When Grieth noticed this, he immediately complained to her, threatening her position and home. Afterwards the mage had no choice but to fight, forced to obey her master like the obedient dog she had become. It was difficult to get used to the screams, especially when outside politics made it easy for Grieth’s men to raid piratically any village they desired.
Other times, the purple mage would have to go on single-man missions to assassinate a target, often a rouge member or some other rich fellow. These were slightly more comforting for her, as there was no one breathing behind her neck to command her. Often she’d just need to bring back proof that she went through with the job. 
Still, something always felt off for Sonya. Previously, when she had to kill she knew it was for her survival and to eventually avenge her loved ones. Now it was to the benefit of this twisted man Grieth, who had no other plans than to continue his life of looting. Or rather, watching others do the looting for him.
Oh, why did she ever agree to help this fool?
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witchspurred · 5 years
Check my muse's inventory!
Send “Open”+a muse to see a list of their items.
Send “check”+an item to see a description of it.
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witchspurred · 5 years
Write for what you believe in. Don’t let the bad, faulty criticisms of others get in the way of what you enjoy. Don’t agree with them? Fine, then just ignore them. But please, please, if you’re going to put them down, do it through proving them wrong instead of just building a mob mentality against them. With the latter, you might as well be proving their fears true.
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