witchuwoo · 6 years
Not a hero, not yet a good man: chapter 3
Mirio X female!quirkless!reader
A bit of swearing cause mama ain't a saint.
Finally mirio enters the picture!! Albeit after a bunch of nonsense but he's here! Give me any criticism on how I wrote him btw cause I don't think I really captured him
~°to the story°~
“What a fucking shit idea” you spewed as you stood freezing your tits off in the dark night, a thin jacket around you that did shit to warm you up
“go for a walk (Y/n), it’ll be good for you (Y/n), just take a light jacket it won’t be cold it’s only August (Y/n), god when will I ever learn to not trust myself on these things”
The night had gone from cool with a few breezes to hail, mist, and below zero degrees in an instant, the wind tugging at your clothes and the mist taking away any chance of keeping warm, yet still you didn’t stop walking.
Like something was pulling at your chest you kept going down random alleys, through spastic parks, spread out shopping centres, anywhere that your feet could take you basically. Luckily you lived in a very tightly packed neighbour hood so even three parks away home was just a 20 minute walk back, it did come with the drawback that it was a hot spot for delinquent gangs but you had already solved that issue for yourself, if anything the gangs around made it safer for you to walk around rather than more dangerous.
Your breath started coming out in Puffs of smoke even in the mist, as your teeth threatened to start chattering against one another, you tried to tug your jacket closer around you but all it did was push the wet fabric directly onto your skin, burning it with cold. Who knows for how long you had walked by now, strolling by the smallest lake you’ve seen in a while and watching the ducks float on its surface, if you had thought ahead you might have brought bread for them, but then again if you had thought ahead your wouldn’t be here in the first place.
The trees hushed your thoughts, and the waves lifked at your feet almost teasingly, like telling you they could drag you down if they really wanted. You walked about further up the beach, and noticed an old arched bridge across the lake. Green and creaky with time it was like one out of a fairy tail, just a really shitty one where the goats are little kids and the troll is a drug dealer, honestly it looked like it could break at any moment, yet a brave and foolish girl that you are you Decided you walk into it, listening to the screaming wood in triumph
“Kneel under my soles weakling” you snorted in victory “I’m the one who makes the-“ you stumbled and has to steady yourself on the railing “- oh shit” Something large had flown above you in a gust of wind, you grasp for you beanie and cover yourself with your arm to protect your eyes from Satan violent hail rain. Perhaps you should have felt fear in this situation, with the place being a breeding ground for young villains it would be the expected reaction, but if anything you were just mildly annoyed at almost being flung off the bridge.
“Alright bridge” you grumbled as you scrambled off in a hurry, clutching to your hat as if that would protect you from the elements “i was just joking around damn” You landed with a leap on the other side and took a well deserved breather from the attack, wiping your runny nose with your sleeve.
You peaked up from beneath your hat, perplexed to say the least about what could have made such a force, but found nothing above you, no birds, no heroes, no villains, just an entry to a park and a kindergarten school. your old one to be exact. You straightened up, your hands falling to your sides, had you really walked so far away from home? It looked just like the day you left it, the only difference being some arts and crafts project hanging on a tree some kids must have made during the day. you hadn’t realised you had walked so far but there you where, standing by the same pond you guys used to go for 'adventures'. The nostalgia was strong as you started to approach the gates, watching the last buss of the day pass you by. You pushed on its hinges a bit and the rusty steel screeched under your hand.
You chuckled “will they ever fix this old thing?”
Most likely not, with how many kids had used it as a forbidden swing, you included, you’d be surprised if it made it through the year. Just the sight of it brought back so many memories, trying to use the tree to 'escape' deciding who would choose what game to play by seeing who can climb the highest, how you always had to play the mother or princess and the numerous of times you’ve been ‘married’ under the swing set, how many husbands did you have back then? You scratch your head and try tto froce the memory out, your face scrunching up in effort, but nothing came up. For some reason your heads only giving you one face but considering how many times you stood under that arch that just couldn’t be it.
In the end you decided against going inside, it was late and if someone saw a near grown woman sneaking over the fence of a closed kindergarten they might rightfully so assume the worst and you’d rather not have that on your record. So with one last pat on the clacking red paint you parted from the old thing and turned yourself homewards.
The way home seemed shorter than the way there, maybe cause your head was swimming with old burried memories, maybe cause you were fucking freezing and the faster you walked the warmer you got and you subconsciously strived for that, either way it wasn’t long before you started to recognise yourself more and more, the street signs making more sense by the minute. As you noticed you were just a corner away you started to jog, little puddles plashing up your shoes as you covered the distance between you and sweet sweet bed.
Around the corner you went and-
Something snatched your foot, catching you off guard and making you lose balance, face, meet concrete, I feel like you two will really HIT it off.
That is, if they ever got to meet
Hovering about a meter above ground your face was spare the heartbreak of dating concrete, something having grabbed you hand from behind to steady you before they really connected. Your heart stammered within your chest as your eyes stayed completely dead, your head trying to comprehend what just happaned but your heart only giving you face X concrete content.
“ah ha ha! Careful there!” a disgustingly familiar voice rang out.
Slowly you looked over your shoulder, suddenly sweating profusely, and there he was, broud shouldered like he was the son of zeus son himself, and his trademarked 100000 dollar smile on his face.
Mirio toogata.
You steady yourself, blatantly staring at the now grown man before you that you hadn’t seen in in almost five years. Your head kinda shortcutted the moment yuou sqaw him, considering half of your presence at school was directly connected to him yet he probably didn’t even remember you it was a strange situation to be in. He wouldn’t stop smiling, how did he not get tired of bei9ng so happy, how did his cheeks not hurt??? You had so many questions, but only one made it past your filter and through your lips.
“what are you doing here?”
Well you were never known to be the most gracefull opf people, rather the opposite, being rude to a childhood friend it honestly not that out of character for you.
Clearly a bit taking aback Mirio’s smile falters a bit, but quickly recovers back into the blinding one he seemed to wear like armour. You feel the hand still on your own grip a little tighten,
“ah” he laughed merrily, like a cartoon hero, which you guessed, he was, aside from the cartoon part” I accidenly slept on the buss and missed my station, so nmow I gotta go catch the last buss so I can get home!”
Oh dear god he’s bright, you had to cover your eyes from his shining aura, everysingle word like a lighting struck from god, he was so unrealistic happy it crippled you grey and boring soul, how could someone like him exist in this unfair and dull world, it was astounding, even if he 2was a little to enthusiastic about his situarion, you knowe, considering-
“eh.... the last buss of the day already... it kinda, passed? By now its probably gotten to Ua”
You swear you could see your words strike him like arrows
“ahahaha, I see, what a shame”
You looked down at your still connected hands, a brow raised at the almost burning warmth he seemed to exude, he however, seemed to take it as uncomfort and quikly let you go and instread gave you an enthusiastic thumbs up, optimistic to the very end.
“thank you for the heads up! I should really have been quicker, or, not have fallen asleep on the buss in the first place” he chuckles, pumping his thumbs up agressively, alsmot enchantingly so as you find yourself staring at the odd mannerism for a few seconds before someing to your senses.
You take a few steps back, your eyes flickering around for escape routes, though logically you knew he wasn’t a threat years of being bombared with questions of him made you slightly unwilling to know more about him and feed the horde of fans back at school.
You chuckle robotically trying to be polite, “ahaha, yeah maybe...” you shoved your hands down your your pockets, the insufferable long silence between you suffocating, stubbornly you kept your head down despite your height difference just about demanding it, him being about a dm taller than you “so what are you gonna do now" you ask when it becomes clear the other isnt gonna pick up the conversation” The earliest buss isn’t for several hours, and I can’t imagine you can walk from here to home”
“Ahhahaha... Well I’ll...... Call someone??”
He was completely helpless.
And so you made a huge mistake.
“or.. you could camp out at my place until morning?”
I hope you enjoyed it! If not please tell me why so I can try and better myself, if so then please tell me aswell as I live off feedback
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witchuwoo · 6 years
Not a hero, not yet a good man: chapter 2
Mirio x female!quirkless! reader
Aka me just wanting to write about cats and try to capture cat behaviour. Also I have no knowledge about how it's like to live in a foster programme so if anyone does know please PM me so I can be factual in this fic❤
Please point out any grammatical mistakes
~°to the story°~
After a truly exhausting afternoon of just sitting around doing nothing Akarui bid her goodbyes and started to head home, not before sneaking in a few rib breaking hugs in of course but she did eventually get out of the door to leave you alone in the cold apartment.
You lived with a foster family, or well;in their apartment, your parents had been killed in a villain attack when you were two so you had no real memories of them, there’s one very blurry one where you remember sitting in a high chair and looking out the window at a girl with some stuffed animal whilst your parents tried to get you to eat but no faces and no voices. Time to time you wondered about who they were, if you had any extended family, any siblings any one looking for you, but in the attack people just lost track of who your parents where and without their bodies to DNA test there’s no telling which melted corpse gave you life, was it sad, yes others would definitely see it that way, but it was life for you, that’s the cards you’ve been dealt and you gotta try and win the game with what you got. Besides, your foster family wasn’t all that bad, they were kind, supportive, they regularly checked up on you and made it so you were provided with what you needed for a comfortable life. Sure they were hardly ever around, but that just meant you got an entire apartment for yourself and the bio son comes over time to time with baked goods he’s made. To them you’re most likely a charity case, which yes stung a little, but as long as you kept telling yourself that others had it worst you found strength in you to continue appreciating what you got.
The small putter latter of paws across wooden floors reminded you that you weren’t as alone as it seemed
Mreew~ Rindous soft shy voice rang out from behind a door, as if asking for permission to come in.
You couldn’t help but grin, and opening the door for him so he could come and sniff at your feet a bit, only slightly nudging them with his forehead like other cats would do excessively. You crouched down and the young cat twitched in fright, stepping away a little and needing lots of cooes and kissy noises to come back.
“Is it time for your dinner little man?” you asked him, running a thumb over his little forehead and watching him close his eyes in happiness and hearing the ghost echo of a purr start within his chest. Slowly you reached out too pick him up and he made himself comfortable against your collar bone, curling up like a baby with his head safely under your chin.
He was a rescue you had had for two years now, a pregnant mom had snuck her way into the apartment during a storm and you hadn’t had the heart to push her out, though at the time you hadn’t known she was about to burst out seven more cats under your bed. You named them after flowers and did your best to give the mom support throughout raising them, and most of that support went into Rindou. From birth he’s been a nervous wreck, he was behind his siblings on everything, he was the last to go over to solid food, the last to start adventuring away from mom, the last to figure out how to play. His siblings ran over him like tiny little fuzzy bulldozers and he just let them, they would push him away from mom’s milk and they’d crowd around the solid food like a wall he couldn’t penetrate, so whilst mom cared for the rest so lovingly Rindou became sort of your baby. You learned how to bottle feed and you would make special little food batches and let him eat in your lap as you chased away the others, you would sit with him and watch his siblings roughhouse, you would let him sleep on your chest during the night and inside your shirt during rainstorms. You loved them all truly, but only Rindou made your heart ache at the thought of losing him to another family, he was so nervous and you were worried how he’d fare without you. When the time came that they were ready for a forever family you did try to find a good family for him, but everytime someone would visit to see which kitten they’d like Rindou would run and hide or stand in a corner shivering the entire time, he was terrified of everyone except you and so he became yours, what kind of person would send such a nervous Boi away to be scared for the rest of his life Afterall. At that time you didn’t know he would keep growing of course.
But here you where, holding a close to 10 kg cat in your arms like a baby and having to reassure him when opening every cupboard that the door isn’t going to eat him. Of course when you finally managed to reach his wet food he got a bit more brave and asked to be let down from your arms so he could race you to his bowl, meowing softly.
“You’re such a strange cat Rin-rin” you chuckled As you dug out his wet food with a fork “you’re as big as a small dog and yet you whimper at spidernets in the corner, I’d ask who hurt you but I’ve literally known you since you were born and can confidently say that absolutely no one did”
Rindou, being a cat, didn't answer and instead started to shovel the food into his mouth, making little smacking noises he’s made since he was a baby. If he had it completely his way he would still be eating in your lap but you had stubbornly made a point of giving him his food in a bowl on the ground like a normal cat.
You watched him with a fond smile for a second, just Crouching beside him with your head in your hands and looking at your son go, he was truly a peculiar cat and you wouldn’t change him for the world, even if you had to lie to the landlord about not having any cats as it was not allowed in the contract. The mom and kittens had been an exception, Rindou is a whole other story.
You stood up from staring at your child and went to grab a piece of bread from the pantry, just a single boring slice without anything on it, you weren’t all that hungry and the Bio son had dropped of a bunch of leftover loafs which were shockfull of berries and nuts enough to feed a bear family so you’d live with just that for now.
Silently the two of you ate, leaning back in your chair as far as you dared without risking to fall down, just staring up at the grey cold ceiling. The clock on the wall and Rindous eating noises was the only thing echoing across the walls, the quiet atmosphere a constant in the apartment when you didn’t have Akarui over. Was it lonely? You bet it was, but it was better than never being able to find peace and quiet, and you suppose that was your two options, either have Akarui and her friends over constantly or live with it being exhaustingly quiet from time to time, and well, as much as you tolerated Akarui she can be more than overwhelming and her friends only double that.
It was always so cold in your home
You never touched the thermostat Rindou had enough fat and you didn’t want to inconvenience the foster parents with a sky high heating bill when they didn’t even use the house.
It was so grey.
The Fosters were big on minimalist design so most of the walls are bare and white, boring, the only decoration was some school papers you had strewn around here and there, some dirty laundry, but even at your worst messy days the clutter couldn’t make the place feel like a home.
Sometimes you wonder if you could ever feel like something was home, If that feeling of warmth you get when you step through that one door is real or just a fictional make believe that you’ve been tricked to think is the norm, you’d ask Akarui but the girl would probably immediately make the place into a renovation project to try and 'help' you and you really couldn’t deal with that, she didn't even know about Rindou so in no way would you feel comfortable with her nosying around every corner of your home
A muffled mrrrew between gulps echoed softly to you.
“Is it alright if I take a walk? I kinda feel... Suffocated....”
No answer, typical cat.
Well, it can’t hurt.
What’s the worst that can happen during the night?
I hope you enjoyed it! If not please tell me why so I can try and better myself, if so then please tell me aswell as I live off feedback
(also did I use that semicolon correctly??)
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witchuwoo · 6 years
Not a hero, not yet a good man
Mirio X female!quirkless!reader
Chapter 1&2 are going to be focused on the readers home life and some key characters, not all of them obvs but those who'll play a larger part in her story and character development. Mirio will enter in chapter 3 so please stay tuned until then❤ (I say to all of my 0 followers)
Please point out any grammatical mistakes (preferably with some comment about the story cause I'm sensitive)
~°To the story°~
People often spoke to you for the sole reason that you had gone to the same school as that dude in the UA tournament who lost his clothe, just to ask ridiculous questions about his personal life as if you would know this , when you were eating- a phone would be shoved into your face with his picture and a million questions, when he was shown on tv doing his hero stuff all eyes would turn to you. You had grown accustomed to just being an extension of him, that you didn’t really exist, only a carrier of Lemillion Info at arm’s length from the actual hero, you hated it sure, but life did what life did and if you started hating life then everything’s would go to shit, so you had to accept it, it was either that or live miserably. That being said, you couldn’t fathom why they asked you of such things, considering that by now it should be proven that you knew absolute zero of the boy they were talking about.
“What does he like to do in his free time?”
Well he was really into eating crayons when I knew him does that help?
“Has he always been that buff??”
Ofcourse, all babies look exactly like they do when they’re older, he had a 2836382 pack when he was three, super ripped baby
“Have you seen his...you know”
Yes, it was shown on live national Tv,
“What kind of girls does he like”
Fucking power puff girls I don’t know
”what kind of girls did he date”
He skipped that part and went straight to marrying the teacher actually
It’s been five years since you guys hung out, that enough time for someone to change completely, they’d have better luck asking you about all might sense you ran into him on a train a month ago than Mirio. You shared a kindergarten and elementary school not your entire life, all you could tell was how he used to be towards you and in class in general, not how he is now. It was annoying, so so incredibly annoying. They would interrupt you during lunch, they’d bother you on your way home, his god damn fan girls would flock around you for any information, one of them insisting on calling herself your best friend for no apparent reason other than that you knew her crush at one point in his life.
Speaking of the devil
“(Y/n)~~~” Akarui's sugar sweet voice called out from above all the others, cutting through your skin and bones without a problem.
Like cold water was poured onto you your entire body stiffened, and dreading, yet knowing, what you were going to see you closed your locker and looked to your side. There was the hurricane that was Akarui, twirling without a care as she came towards you like a great tsunami about to wash away am entire town.
“Hi Riu-OMPH!!F”
She threw herself around your waist and hugged as hard as she could throwing you way off balance and hitting the air out of your lungs. You gasped for air patted her shoulder repeatedly.
“too tight TOO TIGHT!” you struggle to push her off you, and the pressure is released quickly as she realises that you can’t breathe
She let go with a sheepish smile
“Ahahahaha sorry (Y/n)! I just saw you and got a little excited”
She tuggs on your collar as she speaks, looking at you with that ever lasting smile you had come to just tolerate. Always so touchy, always so happy, there was no escape from her.
“Yeah...” you pick at the hands on your collar, perfectly manicured like they are.
She had asked you to go with her and her usual bunch of friends on numerous occasions, even offered to pay time to time, but you didn’t have the money to go and you’d feel to bad letting her pay. Besides, with how often she complains about how hard it is to do things with those long nails you couldn’t imagine having them yourself.
Despite your obviously indifference to her attitude she keeps on bouncing, deciding that your arm was a good enough replacement to hugging your soul out and hung onto it with her life.
“So what are we doing today Bestie?~ ice cream? Library? There’s a new book store out I heard! With the -Mona? Monga?- Books you like”
“Yeah so I heard”
“Ooh we could go feed the birds too! Or go to the zoo and check out the new bird exhibit! Endless choices the world is incredible!!”
She threw her hands up in celebration to her epiphany that you can do a lot of things, smiling as bright as the sun itself.
You chuckled “okay yeah, there are a lot of choices, it’s almost like we’re human beings with the ability of thinking for ourselves” she grinned up at you from her place on your arm, eyes shining with playfulness that was infectious to even you “why are you telling me though? Can’t you go to these places yourself?”
She gasped and tugged on your arm roughly, pouting as you cursed at her for almost making you trip, but she didn’t budge
“You gotta choose (Y/n)!! It’s our Friday! The fun bestie fun time!”
“Ah shit that’s today?”
The slaps you on the arm and you break into a subdued laughter.
“Alright alright spare me oh great Akarui!”
She scoffed and puffed out her cheeks, flexing her practically nonexistent muscles at you in a fake display of power
“That’s right! Fear me” she said in the lowest voice she could muster” and take me to the zoo peasant”
Mockingly you raised your hands in defeat and wailed “oh anything but that! I have a wife and ten children to support!”
“Ah- so feeding the ducks then maybe?”
“I don’t know, I’m kinda tired today”
“Oh, sooooo.. go home to you like usual and pretend the other isn’t there?”
“Sounds like a plan”
She was a pest that’s for sure, but charming on her own way, enough for you to tolerate her company despite the reason why she approached you in the beginning. If you tell her to be quiet she’s quiet, if you tell her to give you space she gives you space. You don’t know if she’s ever seen any hardship in her life with how endless optimistic she is, and if she had you’d like to have a talk with however caused it that’s rotten enough to torment such a bright soul.
You walked home in relative silence, that is you were quiet whilst Akarui chatted on and on about things she had done during the day, what her other friends had said, some gossip, what she thought about that kind of gossip, just anything that came into her mind.
“oh oh! And during training today Widow did this really cool thing where she like... Oh what did she call it?”
Widow, one in Akarui’s main friend group that you hung out with time to time. The girl had a quirk that made her look like a spider, six pairs of arms and six pairs of eyes, pinchers near and saliva that when exposed to enough air turned into a goopy mess, aka her web. You had long forgotten Widows actual name, and the girl didn’t seem to mind you just calling her by her nickname.
Akarui had a another friend who you also didn’t know the name of but was called Hercules by the entire school. Not surprisingly it was mostly because his quirk gave him many of the qualities a Hercules beetle. Quiet fellow, apparently very near sighted, but you didn’t know much else about him.
“Oh it was so cool (Y/n)!! If I knew she'd be doing that I would have snuck in my phone to video it for you, gah! Why don’t we share more classes”
Ah, that’s an easy enough question to answer
“because you’re in the hero course and I’m not”
And that was the end of it wasn’t it. The reason you were mostly ignored by the others, the reason the only interesting thing about you was your connections to a hero, the reason Akarui was such a ray of sun.
She’s a hero
You’re not
And that’s the end of it.
I hope you enjoyed it! If not please tell me why so I can try and better myself, and if so then please do tell me aswell cause I live on feedback
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