witchy--bird · 1 year
dandelions are magic. literally tiny suns in the grass that turn into the moon and then the stars when you blow on them. fucking insane.
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witchy--bird · 5 years
Everyday Magic 🌻✨
Witchcraft comes in all shapes and sizes, and so do us witches. We can’t all always afford the same items, time, energy, spaces to practice larger bouts of magic, and that can leave us feeling a little lost or sad that we haven’t practiced or performed anything.
But, don’t fear, little birds, because I have a whole list of different types of tiny magic practices and there’s definitely something here for everyone! Whether you don’t have many spoons or can’t scrape much cash together, there’s every day magic for you.
Kitchen Craft:
Sprinkle some dried herbs into your smoothies, pasta sauces, or dips to invoke their correspondences and intents
Stir clockwise to manifest intentions or anticlockwise to banish/let go of thoughts
Drink different herbal teas for different intents, like ginger tea for clarity and grounding
Coloured utensils! Keep different coloured pots, cups, or spoons to use in baking. Pink cups for love drinks, green spoons for money magic, and so on
Keep store bought dried herbs for spells if you struggle with/cannot have real plants
Draw sigils with the sauces you apply to your food
Make your own breads and sauces and turn the recipes into different spells
Home Craft:
Sprinkle a herb onto the floor and leave to sit for a few minutes before you vacuum to bless your home with that intent
Let a black candle burn by the front door to cleanse off negative energies which may have come through it
Light basil incense around the house for new beginnings and cleansing
Keep a money jar, and each time you add to it, make a wish for future prosperity. When you break it, spend the money you need to or give it away to the less fortune/charities to spread the fortune it brought you
Make essential oil sprays to spruce up a room with your intent easily, but be sure to do your research (here’s two to start you off)
Play calming playlists to re-energise your home, I personally like to use forest sounds
Hang herb bundles on doors to invite their intents in, like a bundle of basil and lavender for prosperous and positive new beginnings
Set out diffusers and match the number of sticks to an angel number you wish to invoke, such as four for support and family
Bathroom Craft:
Soaps and shampoos with scents/ingredients/colours matching what you wish to invoke
Add petals or herbs to your bath to bless yourself in their intents
Sing chants, songs and poems in the shower about how you want your day to go
Carve sigils and runes into your bars of soaps
Draw sigils into the smoked up glass and mirrors
Keep a white flannel for cleaning the bathroom, and could even put herbs or magic water onto whilst doing so
Sleep Craft:
You can put any manner of things under your pillow to invoke their intents, from sigils to leaves to crystals to money
Read a story before bed similar to what you want to manifest into your own life, such as a love story or a poem about being courageous
Sleep with a playlist with calms you to ease yourself into rest when you’re struggling
Say goodnight to your guides or ancestors!
If possible and healthy, wake up to an alarm at an angel number to ‘fit’ your day to that energy, for instance, if you have to get up at 6am, try 5:55 instead
Travel Craft:
Pack yourself a mini witch kit if you don’t have access to your things. You can include mini herb hard, micro crystals, a small pen and paper, string, and a small birthday candle, for instance
Talk to your guides and beings in this time in your mind to wish them well and ask them for advice or to accompany you if you wish
Take a moment to listen to the natural bustling world around you between having your headphones on
Say any prayers you wish to give in your mind at this time
Trace sigils on the windows or surfaces around you
Write sigils into your shoes for safe travel and unsore feet
Wear crystal pendants associated with safe travel
You can learn on the go! Whether it’s books, blogs, or podcasts, this would be a good time to dedicate to learning new craft
Work Craft:
A desk plant is still a plant, and you can use it as a spell of growth in your career
Bring lunch with you that you’ve magically prepared at home (kitchen magic above!)
If you’re someone who doodles as they work, but you don’t want to be told off or caught, keep an empty pen for drawing out invisible sigils (but make sure it’s really empty)
Keep spell sachets for success at the bottom of your work bag
Garden/Nature Craft:
Collecting ethically and sustainably can take a lot of research, so when you’re unsure, simply use the ‘discards’ rule. Take only what you see is discarded by nature, such as broken off stems or fallen wilted flower heads, sticks from the ground, or leaves also. Be sure you know if they’re safe to use, touch, or eat though
In your own garden, plant all year round and native plants if you don’t have much time for upkeep
Use food waste as compost for your plants! This is an easy way to recycle otherwise landfilled food waste whilst also giving your plants a nutritional meal for them. Take a read here about composting.
Keep window boxes for your plants if space is an issue, or even a vertical plant holder
Strolling/being in nature, parks, and gardens is a brilliantly way to recharge you and your tools
Art Craft:
Paint your dreams and what you wish to manifest
Sing songs about your desires and wishes
Work with colours reflecting the intentions you wish to invoke
Before using a canvas, lightly wash it down in magic water with any herbs or spices which reflect your intent for the piece you’re making
Weave your crystals into pendulums and jewellery to bond with them
Sew sigils into the inside of your clothing or bags
Sew a dried herb pouch into the inside of a bag or coat to bless it with these things (but be sure to do so properly and not let it get wet to avoid mould)
Write letters and poems to the universe thanking it or asking for blessings
Divination Craft:
A pendulum can be made out of anything and string. Whilst crystals and pure metals and such are nice, don’t overlook a metal key or a beach stone
You can make your own deck, tarot or oracle, and it can be as detailed or not detailed as you like
Homemade runes can be made in an oven! Hunt around for people’s various different methods of home cast runes
Your own body can be a pendulum if you concentrate on the question and allow your sway to take you
If you’re a scryer, you don’t need a crystal ball, a regular mirror can work with your technique, but always do your research on the method nonetheless
Keeping PDFs on meanings is 100% valid, okay, and actually a really wise thing to do! They can help look at your spreads in a way you didn’t initially see
You can pull a card a day without having a set question
Sunlight and moonlight can charge your decks
Selenite is known to be a good charger for any and all tools
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witchy--bird · 5 years
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🌷🌿 Spring Witchcraft 🌿🌷
a list of things to do through the spring months, as a witch 🌷
🌿 studying flower and herb correspondences for spellwork
🌿 going outside and letting the wind and sun hit you to recharge
🌿 putting your bare feet in grass or soil and imagining being rooted to the earth to help with grounding
🌿 planting wildflowers around your house to save those bees baby
🌿 working with fae and other nature spirits and guardians
🌿 starting an herb or vegetable garden
🌿 spring cleaning to get rid of any old energy and welcome new, clean energy
🌿 opening your windows and letting spring breeze into your home to invigorate you
🌿 harvesting flowers to use for spells (ask nature spirits for permission first and maybe leave a lil somethin in its place as an offering)
🌿 making sunwater/flower teas
🌿 making wishes on dandelions
🌿 spells involving new ideas, growth, and refreshing your mind and body
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witchy--bird · 6 years
when someone asks why you have a bunch of rocks and jars in your room
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when someone asks why you have a bunch of tiny rocks and tiny jars in your pockets
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witchy--bird · 6 years
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Succulent Guide
Congratulations on becoming a proud plant parent! Welcome to to the wonderful world of succulents and cacti, here is a small guide of how to take care of your succulents properly and tips on how to maintain a healthy, happy plant based on personal experience. (・ω・)ノ
General Knowledge
Firstly, here is some general knowledge on succulents that will (believe it or not) help you greatly when it comes to taking care of your plant.
Succulents and cacti are in the same family! This means there are many different kinds and like dry places with little water
The world “succulent” refers to the plant’s fleshy, thick leaves. They are like this to retain water.
Because succulents are cacti, some can be pointy and have spines (like aloe!) so in general, be careful.
That’s basically all the general information you need to know that will help your plant grow.
Watering your plant:
Although most people believe that succulents thrive on neglect, they really don’t, and need almost as much maintenance as a regular house plant.
MY RULE OF THUMB: When the leave look thin, water the plant.
This rule of thumb is a bit of a last resort. If your plant’s leaves are withered or thin, it needs a lot of water.
Regularly, I water my 2" succulents with about 2 tablespoons of water A WEEK.
In winter, succulents and Cacti go through a dormant phase and don’t need to be watered as often, but I found this information as not useful because when I went as little as 1.5 weeks without watering some of my plants in the winter, they’d start to wither.
Remember, succulent leaves should remain fleshy! And watering them often is the key to doing this.
If you happen to forget to water your succulents for up to three weeks and even beyond, do not worry. At that point, the plant will ration it’s water until you water it.
If you happen to do this, do not immediately think that you have to drown your plant in water to make up the weeks you missed. For a 2" succulent, 2 tablespoons or less is the key. These types of plants can only take so much water at one time.
Repotting Cacti and Succulents is a lot of fun, especially when you get decorative pots or creative with potting ideas.
Some people like to use teacups, and other people use plain old terra-cotta pots.
Whatever the case may be, succulents and cacti like drainage.
So your teacup doesn’t have a drainage hole? No problem.
It is ideal to pot your plant in something that has drainage holes, but if it doesn’t, adding rocks to the bottom of whatever it is you’re using will help greatly.
I have small, 2" white square ceramic pots for my babies, which have a singular, small drainage hole in the bottom. Because I wanted more drainage, I used a few rocks on the bottom, and filled the rest of the pot with succulent and cacti potting mix.
It’s also healthy to keep some of the soil from the original pot to mix in with the potting mix.
When repotting my cactus plant, I preferred using thick rubber gloves to repot rather than gardening gloves because I didn’t want the thin spines to prick me.
I normally keep my succulents on the windowsill over my kitchen sink because it gets the most light in the house while being indirect.
This is the key to good sunlight: light, but indirect. So if you have a windowsill where the sun crosses over it throughout the day, that is the ideal place for your succulent. In winter, keep your succulents inside! And on the sill of a west facing window is ideal because the light is not too harsh in the afternoon.
TIP: make sure to rotate the pot so the plant grows straight.
If you do not have much sun, although I have not tried this, I know some people grow their plants under special lamps which work just as fine.
As far as heat goes, heat was not much of a problem for my plants except for my one pesky Echeveria nodulosa ‘Painted Beauty’ which I had named Rory.
Rory was not a fan of being near an open window, and since I had gotten my succulents in January, it was cold outside. A few rare days of warmth would occur in February which called for an open window, and any time he was near it, he would wilt.
And although Rory is due for what looks like propagation, he is my smallest plant to this day and I don’t want to go onto that step for him yet.
When I noticed my plants reaching for sunlight, they’d bend towards the window and grow very tall and their leaves would space out. Soon, the bottom leaves would die and need to be plucked off and I’d be left with a long stem, a few spaces but still alive leaves, and a small rosette on the top.
This means it’s time for propagation. When I first read on how to stop my plants from getting so leggy, results appeared calling it “decapitation” where you would cut of the head of the plant and leave a stump.
This sounded very scary to me and I waited until a month before I tried to look for answers again and found propagation as the solution.
There are basically three parts of propagation.
the stump
the rosette
the babies (which are actually a bunch of little parts).
The first step to propagation is to remove the bottom leaves from the plant completely from the stem by gently twisting them off. (Even if they are alive)
Place the leaves on a wet paper towel on a pan after they have calloused over and dried out (takes about 2-3 days). You may notice the the root of the leaf may already be growing roots, and if it has not, it will eventually. From each leaf you will grow a new baby rosette and have a forest of succulents! The babies make great gifts. (Note that not every leaf will be successful in growing a baby). This process takes about 3-4 weeks.
For the left over plant, you now have a super long stem with a rosette at the top. Cut the rosette leaving some stem on it and submerge the stem in water after letting it callous and dry out (takes about 5 days) For mine, I submerged the rosette in a medicine cup filled with 2 tablespoons of water. Soon, roots will appear so you can repot the rosette. This takes 2-3 weeks.
Then, cut the rest of the stem the is in the original pot down to a stub. After the stub callouses over, it will start to regenerate new babies around it. This takes about 3 weeks.
When it comes to propagation, it takes time and patience.
Here is where I was going to put any tips I had for growing plants but I kind of mentioned them throughout my spiel. In that case, here is where I will reiterate my most important tips:
- Water your plants once a week or when the leaves look less fleshy. - 2 tablespoons of water a week for 2" plants (some species may need more or less) - For repotting cactus plants with spines, it’s ideal to use rubber gloves instead of gardening gloves - Rotate the plant so it grows straight!
Those are my best tips. There really aren’t any tips on propagation since its a hit or miss kind of ordeal.
Feel free to ask questions! uwu
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witchy--bird · 6 years
I saw you post about spirit companions! I was wondering how you can sense C touching your forehead? I recently got my first spirit R, and I can only sense like his general area like a cloud. Do you gain those skills?
Unfortunately, I can’t give as much concrete advice as I would have been able to a few months back, as I am unfortunately no longer able to contact C. However, I remember it was like a sort of tingling sensation, normally in my nose or the back of my head, that I felt when he was nearby me! We shared a pretty strong bond in the beginning of our relationship, but I do think that you should be able to develop those skills with time and patience!
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witchy--bird · 6 years
🍃 Spell for Reassurance 🍃
As someone who suffers from mental health issues, I often need reassurance to help me push forward. This spell combines advice from my doctor on how to heal from past trauma or troubles, and fill yourself with love.
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(side note: no spell or magick can replace a doctor. A doctor should be your very first step for any physical or non-physical healing. This spell is only an additional supplement and may not be right for everyone.) 
🍃  Gather  🍃 
✨ Bottle
✨ White Candle (for peace)
✨ Paper & Pen
✨ Obsidian (to dispel negative energy)
✨ Citrine (for healing)
(side note: if you prefer not to use citrine because it is heat treated amethyst that is fine. Amethyst can be substituted in for it’s calming abilities)
✨ Salt (for protection)
✨ Basil (for love and protection)
✨ Parsley (for Love and Protection)
✨ Rosemary (for healing)
✨ Thyme (for healing)
✨ Turmeric (for purification)
🍃  Process 🍃
✨ Begin by grabbing your pen, paper, and obsidian. Hold the obsidian in your hand as you think of a phrase of protection. Mine was, “I am safe, there is no pain here.”
✨ With the obsidian in your hand write the phrase on the paper. Let the energy from your obsidian dispel any negative thought. When your finished roll it into a size that will fit into your bottle.
✨ Prepare your other ingredients. Let each herb touch the citrine. Let them absorb citrine’s healing power.
✨ Layer in your salt, basil, parsley, rosemary, thyme, and turmeric into the bottle. Somewhere halfway through place your rolled note into the bottle and let it be covered.
✨ Close your bottle and light a white candle. Gently wave your bottle of the smoke for purification, then use the melted wax to seal your bottle.
🍃 Moving Forward 🍃
Keep the finished spell bottle somewhere you can easily and quickly find it. On it’s own in will fill whatever room or space it’s placed in with positive energy.
Whenever you feel extra anxious or upset grab the bottle and hold it in your hands. Repeat the phrase written inside the bottle, while breathing deeply. Let the phrase and the love from the bottle lift you up.
Repeat as often as needed.
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witchy--bird · 6 years
“Feel A Little Better” Bath Spell
A simple bath spell for when you feel at your lowest.
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You will need:
Rose Quartz
Rose Petals 
Tea Lights (any candles would work though)
This spell is best performed at night, before bed.
Draw yourself a bath, and light your candles. Set them (safely!) around your bathroom and turn off any harsh lights. Sprinkle in your mint (for starting fresh) and your rose (for self love) and get into the bath. 
Take your rose quartz and hold it close. Pour your emotions into it and visualize the steam from the bath rising through the crystal and taking them away. Breathe in the scent of the mint and rose and feel yourself being filled with positive emotion. Meditate on these feelings for a moment before getting out of the bath.
Feel free to make yourself a cup of tea from the same herbs afterwards.
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witchy--bird · 6 years
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“I’ll go back to the basics, start my magical training all over again.” | A Discovery of Witches (2018)
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witchy--bird · 6 years
Witchy Aesthetics
green witch: freshly pressed flowers, walking through a field of wildflowers, talking to the trees, terrariums, plants sitting on the windowsill, forest sounds
kitchen witch: cookbooks, stirring tea with intent, lots and lots of jars, herbs and more herbs, the smells of baking, tea blends swirling in jars 
storm witch: lightning crackling, calling up a storm, dancing in the rain, getting excited when you feel a storm coming, checking the weather activity
dream witch: sleepy eyes, soft blankets, meditating in the mornings to remember your dreams, reality checks, sleeping with crystals under your pillow
divination witch: wearing your pendulum as a necklace, sleeping with your tarot deck, shaky hands, too many tarot decks, meditating with your tools
sea witch: jars of seawater, walking barefooted on the sand, sitting on the beach at night, missing the seashore, balmy sea breeze, seashell collection
lunar witch: setting alarms for moon phases, talking to the moon, making moon water, getting ready for the next lunar eclipse, quiet moonlit nights
spirit witch: bonding with spirit companions, feeling the presences in a room, setting out offerings, seeing shadows out of the corner of your eyes, amethyst
fire witch: a whole bunch of scented candles, the smell of incense, cosy warmth, dancing flames, jars of ashes, almost burning the whole house down
crystal witch: keeping crystals in your pockets, crystals sitting on your windowsill under the moonlight, crystalline light reflections
water witch: way too many jars, running out in the middle of a storm to collect water, carrying a jar everywhere, shower cleansing and grounding rituals
tech witch: embedding sigils in code, stereoscopic light of a phone screen, ambient soundtracks, witchy phone apps, emoji spells, digital grimoires
music witch: jamming to your tracks over a spell, shufflemancy, headphones on earbuds in, charging tools with your speakers, playlist for every occasion
urban witch: dollar stores, carrying around their magickal tools, sigils for not missing the bus or train, finding that one witch book in local bookstores
glamour witch: sigils on the mirror, rose quartz in random places, makeup bags, looking fly, youtube channels on makeup, on-the-spot glamours
closeted witch: hiding grimoires in drawers, sigils for invisibility, waiting for everyone else to go out, performing spells behind locked doors at night
art witches: moon water in your paint cup, paint-stained fingers, charmed drawing tablet, colour corresponding your art supplies, local bookshops
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witchy--bird · 6 years
Apple Cinnamon Tea - Fall Season!
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hi guys!! so i’m going to be making a series for the fall where i create certain recipes/spells/jars/sigils/etc. i want to do this for y’all and myself! this is the first post in the series and i’m not sure what schedule it’s going to be on but i’m excited! i hope my witchy family likes it as much as I do.
apple cinnamon tea is very good for the cold and for clearing your sinuses! make sure you keep breathing in the steam as you brew!
3 cups of water
2 & ½ tbsp of chamomile (or you can use 2 teabags)
1 apple thinly sliced (or ½ cup or apple juice)
½ tbsp of ground (or 1 cinnamon stick)
pinch of ginger
tsp of vanilla
milk (any kind)
start with heating the water to a nice sizzle and put in chamomile.
let sit for about 5 minutes and then add apple(or juice), cinnamon, ginger, vanilla. sit for 4-5 minutes.
pour out into cups. add a swig of milk— you can add or subtract the amount — this is a personal preference! add honey — same with milk— as much as you’d like. i add 1 tbsp.
stir clockwise, imagine the feeling of going into a warm home after being out in the cold — a reddish white color— swirling around in your mug, and chant:
“With time ticking to a stop and the leaves beginning to fall,  Mother, hold me in your arms.  The breath of winter chills the air and leaves me cold,  Mother, keep me warm.”
visualize that warmth seeping into you. Take in the steam and breath in and out 5 times with your eyes closed. Then sip the drink!
**sidenote: I am referring to Mother Nature in the chant, but you can substitute mother for a specific god/goddess that you’re connected with:) I write all my spells and I use Mother Nature in most of them, but remember each spell is a little different for every person.**
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witchy--bird · 6 years
emoji spell
“the universe will send love in all forms my way”
like = charge
reblog = cast
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witchy--bird · 6 years
Bath Magic Masterpost
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Bath AND shower magic, organized by category. Shower magic posts are bolded!
Stress + Calming:
Stress relief bath mix
Stress relief bath spell
Anti-anxiety shower spell
The Snwitch’s anti-anxiety shower spell
With spoonies in mind:
Bath/shower spell for the hypersensitive
Bath spell to ease chronic pain
“Bath” magic while bedridden
Glamour + Self Love:
“I am majestic” bath ritual
Smooth as silk bath glamour spell
Simple shower glamour
Glamour shower disks
Spring glamour shower spell
Shower spell for inner growth and beauty
“Shine through” shower hair spell
“Soft skin, soft soul” bath ritual 
Mermaid’s bath spell (beauty)
Rose bath spell (beauty + love)
Tropical sea bath (self love)
Self love bath
Self love bath spell
Self love bath sachet
Rose self love bath magic
Feel good and love yourself bath spell
Bringing it into your life:
Lucky waters bath spell
Soak in positivity: a magical bath
Today will be a good day bath spell
Confidence bath spell
Fiery confidence shower spell
Shower disks for attracting love
Shower disks for attracting money
Success/prosperity shower sachet
Banishment + Cleansing:
Banishment bath - love and memories
Bath spell to release anger
Disenchanting bath (spell removal)
Wash that man right out of my hair spell (banishment)
Refresh and renew shower sachet
Cleansing bath/shower spell
Shower magic - self cleansing
Deep-cleanse shower spell
Simple protective and cleansing shower gel 
Cleansing negativity shower chant
Squeaky clean - a damn simple cleansing bath
Cleansing bath
Elements + Other magical things:
Sea witch bath
Fire element bath
Full moon bath
Faerie bath recipe/spell
Odds + Ends:
Simple healing bath spell
Bath ritual to help ease menstrual cramps
Love bath for sapphic witches
Couple’s bath spell
Wisdom and intelligence bath magic
Mental clarity shower spell
Energy shower scrub
Shower disks for protection
Blue lace agate shower ritual
Shower spell for the new year
Anti-negativity shower spell
Related posts:
Bath magic
Using herbs in bath magic: Mess free
Bath magic combinations (correspondences)
Lush bath bombs - magical correspondences
Bath magic: Where to begin
Bath magic without a tub
Simple shower spells
Shower magic
Bath magic safety advisement
These crystals CANNOT go in water: [X] [X]
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witchy--bird · 6 years
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witchy--bird · 6 years
School Witchery
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Magic resources for all my student witches out there! Remember, magic isn’t going to save your grades if you don’t also put the effort in. But it can certainly support you through your journey as a hardworking student <3
General tips and advice:
To the witches who are going back to school
Magical school tips
Back to school witch tips
Tips for high school witches
School witch tips
Herbs and crystals to help with school
Kitchen witchcraft for school lunches
University/college witch tips
Everything you need to know about being a college witch
College witchcraft
College witch tips
Little tips for the college witch
Dorm life:
Dorm friendly offerings & altars
Dorm hacks for the college witch
Dorm room witch tips
Dorm witchery
Living magically with roommates 
Kitchen witchcraft for the dorm
Candle/incense alternatives: [X] [X] [X]
Witch study tips
Study candle spell
Study sachet
Spell for focus on homework
Stay strong and carry on study spell
Student witch hacks for focus and concentration
Back in focus spell bottle
Studying tips for witches
Tests and exams:
“I can do this!” motivation bottle
Cramming for a test spell
A charm to help you succeed on exams
Using sigils on your tests (tip)
Sigils masterpost for finals week
A spell for finals week
Focus for finals spell bottle
Final exam spell
Other spells:
A spell for good grades
Back to school success sachet
School success sachet spell
Knot spell for doing well in school
Sweet school year spell
“Leave me be” spell
Spell to banish anxiety and get a good mark
Restful sleep spell jar
Spells for back to school (masterpost)
Sigils for school, study and education (masterpost)
You may also like:
Magic to Replenish Energy 
Rejuvenating witchcraft 
Housewarming magic (dorm)
Sick witchery 
Periods suck. Witchcraft helps.
Mentally ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Chronically ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Drink Magic Masterpost 
Bath Magic Masterpost 
Bedridden witch series
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witchy--bird · 6 years
Tips for Hexing & Cursing
Anything Hot, Spicy, or Sour can inflict physical pain, heat, agitation, or “sourness” to the individual.
Anything you normally use for divination, dreams, or astral can be used for Illusions, Delusions, & Nightmares
Anything you use for spirit work can be used to send unhappiness, restlessness, or spirits to someone
Anything poisonous/toxic can be used to create either illness or even death.
Any number or color association you may have can be used in opposition against them.
Anything with positive aspects can be used to siphon those aspects from your target.
Personal Recommendations:
Amethyst - Nightmares, illusion, paranoia
Jet - cloud their vision, blind them
Serpentine - Sickness, illness, make their ground unsteady
Smoky Quartz - Delay them, cloud their vision, make them be late
Lead - weigh them down, make them be late
Malachite - Anxiety, fear, cowardice, nausea
Green Obsidian - Siphon/steal energy
Obsidian - Cloud judgement, block energy
Jade - give yourself control over aspects of their lives
Amber - get them stuck, cause obstacles
Bloodstone - Nausea, chaos, frailty
Carnelian - Rage, anger
Hematite - Attract negativity into their lives
Peridot - Confusion
Petrified Wood - Ruin, abandonment
Garnet - Steal their loved ones, others wide with you
Nightshade - Anxiety, nightmares, sickness
Rosemary - Taint their dreams, nightmares, cloud their vision
Mistletoe - Attracting serious harm
Gardenia - Steal their love life, break someone up
Ivy - Binding, standstill
Roses - Tempt them into cheating, cause cheating in their life, make them attracted to you (especially good when you want to hurt them)
Mint - Visions, nightmares, paranoia
Lavender - Depression, lack of sleep, restlessness
Lotus - Depression, sadness
Catnip - Distraction, loss
Dahlia - Bad luck, loss
Violet - Nervousness, Anxiety, Paranoia
Valerian - Nightmares, Anxiety
Foxglove - Nausea, nightmares, obsessive vanity
Ginger - Bitterness
Sandalwood - Block, prevention, aids in astral cursing
Dragon’s Blood - Cause unwanted attention, spotlight, destruction
Frankincense - Can be used to control, subconscious actions to your bidding
Myrrh - Reflect back hexes/curses
Lavender - Anxiety, fear, depression, delusion, lack of sleep
Patchouli - Cause unwanted attention, push away loved ones
Nag Champa - Cause tunnel vision, over-focus, fussy, over-critical 
Musk - Temptation, authoritative interference
Sage - “Cut that shit out”
Red - Unwanted attention, aggression, anger, divide, agitation, burning, itching, emotional/personal obsession, impulsive, temptation
Pink - Anxiety, nervousness, unease, fussiness, over critical, discrimination, bias, error
Blue - Sadness, anxiety, depression, loss, mourning, grief, loss of money and valuables, distance, emptiness
Light Blue - Anxiety, detached, cold, loss of control, slipping, time manipulation (cause lateness or earliness), vague, cloud judgement, obscure visions, dream manipulation
Dark Blue - Nightmares, dream manipulation, fear, terror, darkness, manipulation
Purple - Nightmares, anxiety, dreams and visions altered/tainted, material obsession, confusion, constant change, manipulate variables, influence
Lavender - Lack of ambition, distraction, confusion, lack of motivation, easily distracted, restless, dissociation, indecisive
Green - Stubborn, forceful, rash, obstacles, getting nothing from work, blocking, inability to reach milestones, halt, stop
Orange - Expenses, not enough money, blocking flow, material obsession, yearning and getting nothing, distractions
Yellow - Siphon money/fortune/good from them, leech from them, lack of energy, lack of control, constant annoyanes
Gold - Financial ruin, siphon money, narrow-minded, tunnel-vision
Silver - Financial ruin, lying (to them), reveal truths, loss, mourning, departure
Black - Death, loss, mourning, depression, obscure their vision, bring out the worst, drama
White - Lack of ambition, blank their mind, disappear, make them (or yourself to them) invisible, push away their family
Ego, selfishness, loneliness
Discontent, not enough, divide
Imbalance, obstacles, hurdles
Hard authority figures, brutality, dominated
Lack of reason, lack of logic, lack of common sense
Unwanted attention, steal love, take away passion
Lack of ability, taken advantage of, gullible
Blocking knowledge, not thinking, clouded judgement
Shadow, unwanted memories
Forced change, starting over, ruination
Lack of energy, siphon strength and courage
Over-sacrifice, sensitivity
Ending, regrettable actions
Restraint, discomfort
Dissatisfaction, lackluster, anti-climatic
Destruction, violence, catastrophe
Hopelessness, lack of courage, blocking
Anxiety, delusion, nightmares, trouble with discernment
Lack of expression, trouble expressing, you have influence over them
Absolution, resolve, forced ending, loss, limitations
Note: Adding salt to certain herbs or small spells (such as bay and/or basil mixed with lemon for money) can siphon that thing to you from them for a simple small hex. 
Whatever you do with information is on you. Do with it what you wish.
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witchy--bird · 6 years
🌜spells & days of the week🌛
lil chart for when to cast your spells RE days of the week
🌚 moonday!! great for fertility, healing and personally i like to cast all my self love and positivity spells here too 🌙
the day of mars so strength 💪  and courage spells will be more potent! also gr8 for agriculture so bless your pets and plants🍃
mercury day!! communication, study 📖  and travel. i like to do spirit work on a wednesday and it’s good for wealth too. 💸
🍀 day of jupiter. lucky lucky thursday. i don’t have much to say about thursday except luck and fortune. i’m anti thursday🍀
VENUS. U KNO WHAT THAT MEANS. 💞 ALL the love and relationship potions go riiiight here. incl. self love if you’re not a moon worshipper like me and didn’t do them monday. in fact do them both days. do them everyday 💕
saturday (saturn) is good for clearing obstacles. saturn is all about renewal and liberation so bear that in mind. i’ve put emojis for everything but idk what to do for this so here is the saturday dog 🐶
again…sun…day…🌞 good for health and success, but also recharging and happiness! ☀️
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