I know that everyone talks about Jack’s acting for Anti but can we talk about his voice for that dude in NITW who gets his leg fucked up
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Fr y'all
You guys have to understand that a lot of us are having fun with this. Chill. Don't make him feel like a bad guy, or like a prisoner. It's HIS not YOURS. You don't get to force everyone to be unhappy because you are too.
@ this whole Markiplier positivity demonic crap
Don’t dox people. Don’t be a stalker. Don’t ruin things for other people. Don’t go looking for things that upset you, and then attack others when it upsets you. Don’t expect Markiplier (or any other youtuber) to babysit millions of fans. Basically: don’t be a douchebag over what was intended to be a fun little game.
Rant under the cut.
Keep reading
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you took your mask off haha.
you don’t seem happy haha.
you aren’t smiling haha.
this is all just a fun fun game haha.
so put your mask back on haha.
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and laugh like you mean it.
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You feeling okay? @markiplier
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This is too goddamn far. Shut the fuck up and leave Ivan alone. Condescending, creep ass douchebag. You all really have nothing better to do? Shame on you. Fuckin hell.
You're such a fucking liar, we are close to finding your mother. You soon to be homeless fatass. Spend less on twinkies and more on bills
You’re FUCKED UP. F U C K E D. U P.
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Mmm I'm also in the middle of Lost Gods. Very very good.
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BROM is one of my favorite authors! I’m in the middle of his newest book “Lost Gods,” if you are a fan of dark fantasy, and great art pick up one of his books! Big plus on all of this too, BROM is an amazing artist and does all the art work in his books!!
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Sleeping to my little heart's content!
The tag’s a little quiet tonight… where are you guys?
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I've seen some of my favorites change so much after money and fame and I'm just
So grateful for this smiling doofus, y'know?
We friggin love you man
Jack, you’re doing something very important. Thank you.
I just watched the vlog he posted and I have some things to say.
He touched on some stuff that literally means so much. He told us that when he stopped making videos, this awful mentality he’d been trying to avoid finally started getting to him. That this year was probably his worst year on YouTube to him. That he’d been so workaholic that he started forgetting who he really was and that he’d tried to be this beacon of sunshine that didn’t feel its own warmth.
Jack, if you’re reading this, I want you to know something.
After 2017 and all it’s thrown your way…
Despite everything, it’s still you.
I’m not just saying that for the Undertale reference. I watched a Reading Your Comments video from April 2015 and you said, and I quote: “You don’t have to worry about me changing. I’ll always be the loud idiot that I am now.”
Millions of subscribers and almost three years after that statement, you are still you.
And I know this year has been something of a hell for you. We pretty much all do now. But that’s not the point I set out to make with this post.
What’s more important to me is that you spoke about not just these problems you’ve been having, but about recovery. About self-care and about actively seeking help.
@therealjacksepticeye, if by some miracle you see this post, I need you to know that we are with you.
Recovery is so goddamn important, and it makes me SO happy that you can see that in the face of everything you’ve dealt with this year.
I know talking about all this probably wasn’t easy for you, being who you are. And I could see from the vlog description that you weren’t sure about the way you sounded in some parts. But please don’t be afraid that you’ll lose us over things like this. And please, for the love of Trico, don’t ever sacrifice your own health or well-being to try to appear as something you’re just not for the sake of everyone else.
You said you’ll be putting the energy of the sun into next year, now that you’re all refreshed and re-centered. And I am SO excited for that. I can’t imagine everything you have planned and everything you’ll go full-force Jackaboy towards. But what makes me more happy is that you’re no longer avoiding that negative rush you tried not to feel. You’re tackling it with the same force you’re throwing at 2018– you won’t let it stand in your way anymore and you’re leaving the worst of it behind. It makes me want to do the same thing to my anxiety, the one that I’ve tried 14 different medications for over the past two years alone and that one of my psychiatrists even gave up on me for.
I may not have been in the community for the longest of everyone here, but I am so proud of you, Jack. I’m ready to leave my demons behind in 2017, too.
I’m ready to follow this beacon of sunshine, Jack– but remember to keep yourself warm, too.
We’ll move forward the way this community always has.
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oldie but a goodie
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Gosh Anti, be more considerate of other and their work schedules
Very disappointed in you, young man
/shakes finger
The fact that Overnightwatch isn’t even a viewable thing anymore truly makes my skin crawl…It’s almost like Anti deleted the footage, and if you weren’t there when it was live, you weren’t worthy of being his puppet…
He deleted the footage in an attempt to make the ones who did see it seem like the crazy ones…
Or make it seem like none of it ever even happened at all…
Anti thinks he’s so slick, but I see what he’s up to.. 👀
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This is my favorite true crime story, tbh. 
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First off, for those who don’t know, Markiplier is doing an AMAZING charity stream! They’re about an hour each, and are thirty minutes apart. It’s a lot of fun, so spread the word and donate if you can!
My girlfriend really liked most of the sweaters you were layering on, particularly the one with all the hearts.
If you don’t need them anymore, would you please please consider letting me have that one for her? I know it would absolutely make her year.
I’m willing to pay, so please get in contact with me - you can message me right from this account, @incorrect-anti-quotes .
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I would've preferred to stay and watch like a creep but c'est la vie amiright
Tumblr is so empty because #OvernightWatch has made everyone so tired that like seven thousand people have passed out and are gonna be asleep for the next three days.
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"I'm not dead, and I don't necessarily wish I was. But, I can't say I'm happy with where my life is."
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Aka, "Time to Cry Again."
I think the explanation actually hurt so much more. There was so much I hadn't caught that just put everything together so well. What a willllllld ride that was
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Ahhh!!! #yoink
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