withinyourstars · 8 months
Thinking about
Azriel smiling as he notices Elain clutching her fork.
Azriel lending Truth-Teller to Elain.
Thinking about
Elain asking Azriel about flying.
Elain flying for the first time in Az's arms.
Thinking about
Azriel not liking physical touch.
Azriel reaching for Elain's touch.
Thinking about
Azriel bringing back the light in Elain's eyes.
Elain making Azriel's eyes so bright.
Thinking about
Elain saying no one sees her.
Azriel being the first one to notice she's gone, him figuring out she's a seer, him lending TT to her, him listening to her gardening plans until early in the morning.
Thinking about
Azriel being known as scary and cold. (Death)
Elain not balking from him. (the trembling fawn)
Thinking about
Azriel being self-conscious of his hands.
Elain calling his hands beautiful.
Thinking about
Azriel blushing at Elain's compliment.
Elain blushing at Azriel's smile.
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withinyourstars · 8 months
All Elain Archeron quotes I loved:
"I would have liked to see the continent with you, Feyre"
"Feyre gave and gave - for years. Let us now help her. Help ... others."
"I'll do it"
"And as for Feyre's hunting during those years, it was not Nesta's neglect alone that is to blame. We were scared, and had received no training, and everything had been taken, and we failed her. Both of us."
"Can you truly fly?"
"I hope they all burn in hell."
"You came for me."
"If you want to live, do it now!"
"Don't you touch my sister."
"I would like to build a garden [...] After all of this... I think the world needs more garden."
"It's their tradition, though, [...] One that they fought and died to protect in the war. Perhaps that's the better way to think of it, rather than feeling guilty. To remember this day means something to them. All of them, regardless of who has more, who has less, and in celebrating the traditions, even through the presents, we honor those who fought for its very existence, for the peace this city now has."
"Because you're the foundation, the one who lifts us. You always have been."
"I had Madja make it for me [..] It's for the headaches everyone always gives you."
"You do not decide what I can and cannot do, Nesta"
"Why? Shall I tend to my little garden forever? [..] You can't have both ways. You cannot resent my decision to lead a small, quiet life while also refusing to let me do anything greater."
"I went into the Cauldron, too, you know. And it captured me. And yet somehow all you think of is what my trauma did to you."
"I just observed."
"You put them in your ears, and they block any sound."
"Put it on me?"
Here it is anon
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withinyourstars · 8 months
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Elain Archeron, as seen by the world.
She is the kind smile to strangers; the dirt in nail beds gently scrubbed off with hot water and soap; love without possession, the way flowers are admired but not to be plucked; the soft whispery voice that brings to mind the luxury of grace; mistakes made in silence, over and over; lessons learned; people met; the hope in dreams and the yearning of promises; the comfort that overstays its welcome and the strength to leave it for others; she is not the person to think of others, but the permanence of her care when she notices and she always inevitably does; falling after a blow, and always with the resilience to stand back up, no matter what; the strength to be able to love, still, after everything; never a harsh word that cuts; kind to herself most of all, first and foremost; the morning dew after a crisp dawn; the pastel colors of the dusk sky; the vibrance of noon days; laughter that pinches lungs and smiles that light up rooms; the bare hands that cup and hold the world, feel it with no hindrance; bare feet in the garden; long cotton dresses and long sleeved shirts rolled past her elbows; long hair twisted in unbalanced low buns and groomed into half up-dos; crooked bottom front teeth; dimples in round cheeks and doe eyes that enchant the rain out of the sky and the badger out of hiding; the ‘good mornings’ and ‘afternoons’ always wished no matter the circumstances; the ear that listens and heart that keeps trust; the insecurity of her own self; the loneliness brought by shame; the comfort found in starry nights; neat cursive in journals; the flour dusting her forearms and the crunch of hot bread out of the oven; the patience to wait for flowers to grow but the hurry in getting over her pains; the penitence for her childhood and silence of wants to earn forgiveness; always the companion, never the friend; the blood under her nails from saving the her world and damning her soul: the emptiness brought by change and loss; grief from unexpressed love; the engagement ring in a drawer beneath letters of correspondence holding a promise; the maybe; blooming buds and hard-work; donated time and skill; the hip that seats children faes and arms that hold onto small hands; hide-and-seek in the streets; the power of transformation and cycle of life; the remembrance; musical concerts and small pebbles of tears in her waterline during a beautiful symphony; the breeze against her neck; always listening to someone, never listened to; delicate jewelry from family, never from her; the saving all year to buy gifts and express sentiment because words don’t matter as much to others; admiring culture, not sure if she belongs to it; welcome in this new world, not sure where she fits; a family woman, looking to make her own. Lovable, desired, but not seen.
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withinyourstars · 8 months
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withinyourstars · 8 months
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withinyourstars · 8 months
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withinyourstars · 8 months
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withinyourstars · 9 months
that gut feeling really is always right
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withinyourstars · 9 months
"I love you." he whispered, in the dark. "I will love you forever." He meant it, but we were young, and youth is fleeting, and our forevers never last more than a moment. We were butterflies, young, beautiful, and bright, but always moving, flowers to flowers, whichever has the sweetest moment. I knew he loved me, but I knew someday he wouldn't, so as much as I wanted to stay, I couldn't. I knew he would find another forever, and he did. And then another, and then another
Excerpts from a book I will never write #1439
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withinyourstars · 9 months
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withinyourstars · 9 months
Love is an addiction. I don’t know why they don’t have rehabs for people who have loved and lost. Once you fall in love you can’t seem to fall out. It has been 2 years and i still think about him. Maybe he thinks about me too. Probably not, not everyone gets addicted to the same thing. He probably had a taste and decided i wasn’t as addicting as he thought I’d be. I can tell you one thing for sure, he was as addicting as i thought he was going to be.
Excerpt from a book I will never write #1429 // He kills me.
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withinyourstars · 9 months
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withinyourstars · 9 months
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withinyourstars · 9 months
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withinyourstars · 9 months
“you should have told her, that she gave you butterflies and made your palms sweaty but you didn’t. you should have told her, that her voice was the one you’d hear in a crowded room. that you wanted to listen to that laugh for the rest of your life. but you didn’t. you should have told her, that when she kissed your cheek for the first time, it fixed your broken heart and re- awakened your soul. but you didn’t. you should have told her, that night you were scared. that to love her, would mean you’d be in ruin. you couldn’t face what it would mean if she didn’t love you. you were scared that eventually after all this time to listen to your heart you’d loose her and her love. but you didn’t. you should have told her, outside on that cold january night that she was worth the risk of heartbreak. that looking into her eyes hoping she wouldn’t see past your facade, that the truth was beating out of your chest. you should have told her the truth but you didn’t. you should have told her, that if you kissed her it wouldn’t be a meaningless kiss. it would always be more than that. she’d always mean more than that. but you didn’t. you should have told her, you were falling in love before she fell for someone else. but you didn’t. you should have told her, that seeing her with someone else was slowly breaking your heart. but you didn’t. you should have told her, that you could be that person she wanted. that you’d love her forever. but you didn’t. you should have told her, to stay. that when she left you’d be missing half of yourself, you’d only be half whole. but you didn’t. i should have told you, i loved you but i didn’t.”
— things i should have told you, but didn’t.//t.c
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withinyourstars · 9 months
"I never wanted you to leave."
six-word poem.
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withinyourstars · 9 months
I’m past fleeting love. I want something serious. The ‘“I want you to be my safety and I’ll be your peace type of love.” A love where we fight for each other - not with each other. A love built on comfort, honesty, reassurance, and consistency. One where holding each other makes the good better and the bad easier. I want the forever type of love with you.
Excerpt from a book I’ll never write
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