withlovesav-blog · 6 years
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♡ Christmas, 2017
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withlovesav-blog · 7 years
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withlovesav-blog · 7 years
The Show
INVOLVED: Savannah Ward, Journee Ashton, Cairo Ansley, Israel Franklin, and Brandon Gilbert TIME FRAME: Saturday, October 7, 2017 LOCATION: Blue Flame Cafe; Atlanta, Georgia SUMMARY: Savannah’s friends take her to her very first burlesque show, where Journee subsequently headlines from time to time. 
Savannah walked into the dimly lit club and looked around slowly, chuckling softly. She couldn’t believe that of all the ideas her friends had, they decided upon this, specifically Israel. However, she wasn’t one to judge. “I think I see a table right by the stage,” Savannah said as she stood up on her toes, trying to view over the crowd of people gathered to see the show. She looked back at Cairo and Israel, pointing towards the table.
Israel looked where Savannah was pointing. “I’m going to grab it before anyone else can. You two bitches get the drinks,” he told them before his long legs carried him towards the table quickly.
Cairo looked around, nodding at Israel before she placed her hand on Savannah’s shoulder. “I think the bar is this way,” she said guiding her shorter friend towards the bar. “Can you believe Israel suggested this?” she asked with a laugh. “Sometimes it’s hard to believe he’s gay,” she admitted as they reached the bar.
Journee made sure every pin was in place for the wig she had on, tonight she went for pin-up like curls with an all-black wig. Looking herself over in the mirror before her, she shifted getting a little closer to it making sure her liner was perfect. Sitting back down she draped her robe back around herself as she moved to fill in her eyebrows, she used the pencil to draw them in before she grabbed her concealer and cleaned them up a bit. Licking her dry lips, she stopped for a moment to place chapstick on them before she moved to her other brow. “How long do you need Madame” the lounge’s manager asked her. “Uh” she paused rummaging through her makeup bag “maybe 20” she told him looking up as he moved to blend her eyeshadow a little more. “You got here 10 minutes late Madame?” he said shaking his head with a heavy sigh. “I know, and the place isn’t filled yet. You know me. I bring in large crowds. Give me 10, the room will fill, more money for you, and more time for me to get pretty for your people” she said looking at him through the mirror. “You’re lucky I have no other girls for tonight” he told her moving to walk away. Journee looked back down silently and the timid girl placed glue on her thick false lashes before she applied them both to her lids.
Savannah snorted softly, shaking her head at her friends as Cairo guided her towards the bar. “Y’all are crazy,” she giggled as they reached the bar. Leaning against the counter, Savannah pulled her ID out once more, knowing she was going to be carded, though she was well over the legal age to drink. Looking around a little more, Savannah took in the beautiful decor and the atmosphere the place held. Sighing out, she turned back to the bar and ordered. “May I have a Moscow Mule?”
Journee looked at her lashes making sure they sat on her eye correctly before she moved to her feet in a hurry. Moving over to her costume she dropped her robe and began to put each individual piece on her body. She started with her tassels, and then she placed her bra over them, tucking the tassels away gently. She already had her panties on, she fixed the thin straps holding the material together so that they sat on her skin flatly before she put her corset on. Usually she’d have someone here to help but she was all alone. After placing that on and pulling it tightly sinking her waist in she tied it off securing the zipped in the front. She slid four green glittery bands on her body to match the costume, two on her arms, and two on her thighs. After that she placed the long green velvet dress that matched her lingerie on and fastened it closed before she moved to take the pins out of her hair. Spraying a little hairspray to hold the curls on the wig in place for her routine. Draping a necklace around her neck she moved to grab her large feather fans, she cracked the door open and whistled to the stage manager and handed them over to him before she moved to place her shoes on one at a time, tying them up as she did.
Savannah tapped her fingers against the counter gently, her natural nails shining brightly in the light. Looking over at Cairo, Savannah watched as her friend smiled and batted her eyelashes at the many men checking her out despite the scrubs she was sporting. Looking down at herself, Savannah took in her purple scrubs and chuckled softly. Why were they here? Really. “Thank you,” Savannah said sweetly as she accepted her drink, tapping Cairo’s shoulder as she moved towards their table, where Israel was waiting for them.
After Journee had her shoes on, and the strings from them both were tied off she stood looking herself over again. Glamour was always an important piece to her performance for her, she liked for everything to be picture perfect. Moving back over to her bag she pulled out her gloves sliding them up her hands and arms gently before she grabbed her fur stole draping it over one shoulder before she moved out of the dressing room all together. She walked behind the stage towards the stage manager “did you make sure to put them where my tape is, it’ll mess up my count when I go to pick them up if they aren’t exactly-” she was cut off by the already annoyed man. Between he and the manager both, no one had a pleasant attitude for her today. “There are there, are you ready or not? The curtains are closed and we must get this thing started. Full house” he mumbled as he walked off from her. Journee looked to the man and she tucked some hair behind her ear, he sighed to herself as she looked to the stage. Taking a deep breath in she moved to her spot on the stage, waiting for the announcer and the curtains to open.
“Ladies and gentlemen” the announcer said loudly in the microphone as the lights within the audience dimmed and spotlights were placed on him. “Tonight, we have a very sensational fan favorite” he said with a smile. “She always seems to entice our Blue Flame guest and tonight will be no exception. Please welcome to the stage Madame Pearl-Collier” he said loudly as he moved to walk off the side of the stage.
Savannah saw the lights coming down and she quickly rushed to their table, sitting down as the announcer began to speak and she looked at Israel with a smile as she sipped her drink through the straw, glancing over at Cairo as she sat down too. “Now what is this that you’ve gotten us into Israel?” Savannah asked with a chuckle.
Israel snorted softly, looking at Savannah over his phone as he text away. “You’ll see. Your gay ass is going to love it.” He told her smirking before he looked at Cairo, arching an eyebrow at the girl. “This one might love it too,” he said with an even bigger laugh.
Journee stood with her back facing the crowd as the curtains opened and the lights shined directly on her full frame. The music began slowly and she looked over her shoulder at the crowd offering them a simple smile of acknowledgement. She turned back around looking over her other shoulder as well, stroking the fur in her hand before she turned to face them completely. She always liked to see the type of people the house brought in, so as she strutted about to the music moving closer to the center of the stage she took them all in individually. Her full hips moved in time to the beat before she stood, posing for them to look upon all her glamour and glory before she smiled again. She swung the fur stole she had and spun around with it before winding her hip to the song, she liked to tease people naturally so this part of her act was always fun.
Savannah looked between Israel and Cairo and shook her head, taking another sip of her Moscow Mule. As the curtains rose and the performer stood on the stage, she looked at the woman and the corners of her lips turned upward. “Mmm,” she hummed softly, sitting back, crossing her legs as she watched.
Journee eyes roamed everyone including the three in scrubs, she took them each in it was interesting to her the type of people that like to indulge in this. Look at herself in fact, she smirked at the thought as she parted her legs bending them at her knees as she lowered herself rocking her hips to the music as she lowered herself with ease flashing the bottoms to her costume through the slit in her dress. She spun around swing the fur as well as she strutted to one side of the stage using the only prop she had at the moment to spark everyone’s interest. She sauntered over to the middle of the stage spinning around once more with the fur. She kicked her leg up holding on to the side of dress as she rocked her lips a little more.
Savannah leaned forward a little, resting her elbows on the table as she nursed her drink. Her eyes were trained on the woman on the stage. She was so enticing. Her eyes followed her every move, the sway of her hips, and the dip of her ass in that gorgeous green dress.
Journee counted her way back to the middle of the stage, rolling her hips and smirking as she began to remove her gloves. The crowd cheered knowingly as she licked her lips slowly as she tugged at the glove shaking her ass to the beat of the music the musicians were playing behind her. Tossing the glove to the side she moved to work the other one off all while juggling the fur stole twirling it over her head a few times before she tossed it aside as well. She walked over to her left side posing in front of the countless men before she strutted back to the middle turning her back to the crowd she lifted the back of her dress flashing her round ass.
Savannah took another sip of her drink, learning forward a little more, tipping her chair forward with her. Her tongue rolled over her lips and she exhaled slowly, her breath hitching a little as she watched the thick woman’s ass shake to the beat of the music. The small woman was feeling some type of way and she knew that was the point.
Cairo looked over at Savannah, arching an eyebrow at her friend before she looked at Israel, tucking her lips in to keep from laughing. She knew Savannah didn’t get out often but damn.
Israel shared glanced with Cairo and he placed his hand over his mouth to keep it in. This was hilarious to him.
Journee spun back around and she placed her fur stole back over her shoulder shimming slightly before she turned to the musicians. She tossed the fur aside and stood before the men all playing their music and trying not to watch her so hard as well. The slow music was coming to an end as it transitioned to a more upbeat one. She rested her hands on her full hips looking back to the crowd with another chuckle as they cheered for her. As the music began, she shook her ass to the beat of it, her hands working in time to pull her dress up all while her back faced them. Once she revealed her large ass shaking for them, she dropped the dress spun around and within the same swift motion she unfastened the front of the dress revealing the dazzling costume beneath it.
Savannah was so entranced by the woman on stage that she didn’t even see her friends laughing at her. Either way, she wouldn’t have cared. Hell, they were at a burlesque show. She was going to enjoy it. Sitting back some, she took another sip of her drink, brushing some of her hair from her face as she did. Her eyes bounced from side to side just like the woman’s ass as she pulled her dress up to the beat. As other people began to cheer, so did she, clapping a little to show her appreciation for the body this woman had. As the woman spun and undid her dress, revealing the costume underneath, Savannah downed the rest of her drink.
Journee toyed with the dress, spinning it around her thick frame and in her hand playfully before she dropped down quickly picking herself back up. She shimmied out of the dress a little bit hanging behind her as she turned her back to the crowd, letting it sit right below her ass. Using it to pull her hands out she smacked her own ass before she pulled her hands out the sleeves and strutted away tossing the dress aside. She stood before the musicians again posing in the corset hugging her for dear life. She ran her hands through her hair slightly and down her body, giving her large breast a squeeze, she spun before them again. Dropping down, one leg extended the other bent as she palmed the stage looking to everyone. She had to watch to see how many were watching and how many weren’t.
Savannah’s finger swirled around the rim of her glass as she watched on. This woman really knew how to put on a show and draw in the crowd. Her head tilted to the side a little and she hummed softly, watching as the dress was flung to the ground. As she viewed this woman’s magnificent body in nothing but a corset and bra and panties, Savannah couldn’t stop her mouth from watering. She knew it partly had to do the fact that it had been months since she had any but God, this woman was amazing.
Journee spun her way back up onto her feet, she smirked again as she moved towards a speaker leaning against it as rolled her body to the music. She danced around a bit her hands in her hair arms up before she looked to the crowd chuckling. She stepped back moving her hands to her corset and she began her split, resting comfortably on her ankles she held herself up as she slowly unzipped the corset in the front tossing it away as well before she dropped down into her split fully.
Savannah let out a small hum, her mind traveling now as she watched the woman. It had been five months since she and her wife separated and over seven months since they last had sex, so she was really craving. However, she had done a really great job of keeping herself together until now. At this point, she might just have to slip Cairo a few more drinks. Her friend had always been on the wild side and down for just about anything. So maybe, she could talk her into it. As the woman on stage, began to dip into a split, unzipping the corset, she groaned.
Journee spun around on the ground, now on her knees she moved on all fours arching her back she rested her breast against the stage. Sliding down against the floor she kicked her feet behind her before moving back onto her butt. She parted her legs looking to the crowd before she laid back on her back, kicking her legs up she held them parted as she flipped he entire body around now back on her stomach. She moved to her knees bending backwards as she used her hands and fingers to dance about.
Savannah looked over at Cairo, gently brushing some of her locks to the side with a smirk before she laughed at herself at the way Cairo looked at her. “Let me stop,” she giggled, looking at her empty glass with a shake of her head. What was she thinking? Cairo was her best friend. That would be so awkward. Looking back to the stage, Savannah realized she would just have to continue to fantasize.
Moving to the other side of the stage, giving the right-hand side some attentions as well she strutted over. Journee never missed a beat when it came to the music, she leaned against that speaker and moved her hands between her legs panting dramatic to the drums as the drummer hit them with ease. Her chest rising and falling in time with the beat before she walked away she moved back towards the middle dropping down into another split as she did, she bounced a bit in her split before she moved onto her butt kicking her leg up again. She posed a few times on the ground, sitting there with her legs wide spread her hands between them and she shimmied again for the crowd, getting loud cheers for it.
Savannah’s eyes followed this woman across the stage, watching as she panted to the beat of the music, her chest rising and falling in perfect synchronicity to the music. Savannah’s eyes were glued on her, almost to the point where she just about slid out of her chair. As the crowd clapped and cheered, so did she.
Journee grind against the floor, having moved onto her knees she continued to grind and swirl her hips to the music before she got up to her feet again. Shaking her ass in front of the various instruments once more, she began to unhook the bra she had on. Doing it slow and teasingly before she let it drop down her shoulders, she pulled it off moving her hips and twirling it around her head before she tossed it. Leaning down she grabbed her large feather fans from their hiding place. She moved back towards the crow with them, dancing gracefully with them in her hands. She covered her tasseled breast with the feathers as she continued to angelically dance around the stage.
Savannah hummed softly, her tongue rolling over her lips once more. As the bra was flung away, Savannah let out a breath. This woman was gorgeous. Rubbing her fingers through her wild, untamed hair, she looked over at Cairo and Israel, seeing that at this point they were just as invested in this performance as she was and she chuckled. Turning her eyes back to the stage, Savannah rested her head in her hands as she watched the woman.
Dancing across the stage Journee moved her arms around her body with the fans. She covered herself again playfully with the feathers before she swung her hips and spun around on the stage. She slid down one knee bent and the other out stretched as she fans the green feathers around herself. On her knees her butt facing the crowd she bent backwards and placed the fans aside before she laid flat on her back lifting her legs up and she brought them down behind her spreading them out stretched. Her feet touching the stage as she flipped over once more. She moved back onto her knees, infamously she shimmied shaking the tassels she was sporting as the crowd cheered even louder at the action.
Savannah watched the woman in awe as she allowed the drink the really settle in, letting her loosen up a little more. Stretching her short legs out under the table, her breath hitched slightly as the woman laid out, her legs outstretched before flipping. “Wow…” she breathed aloud. Looking around once more, she eyed other people in the crowd, seeing how interested they were in the performance and she smirked, clapping and cheering as well.
Journee stretched her body out against the ground again, using that time together her feathers once more and she moved to her feet. Covering her body, she moved up it slowly, her stance dainty and yet confident as she traveled up her body until she held them out wide stretched. She did a few more tricks with the fans placing them at her side and moving them in time with her hips and fanning around her thick body once more. She did this a few times in various ways before she held them out as the song ended. She smiled brightly as she stood there, the entire house cheering for her. She placed her fans at her side and bowed before them once, twice over. She swung her fans around again toe pointed as she stood before them. Spinning around once more she smiled as she moved to walk off the stage.
“Give a ‘round of applause for the sensational Madame Pearl-Collier” the announcer said again as her items were collected off the stage itself.
Savannah stood to her feel as the performance ended and she clapped loudly. “Wooooh!” She hollered out along with the rest of the crowd. Looking over at Cairo and Israel, she smiled watching as they stood to their feet as well. “That was hot!” she said honestly, fanning herself a little.
Journee moved behind the stage towards the dressing room again with her feathers in her hand she smiled happily. She always got so nervous right before a show but this one, had to be one of her favorites. She was into it a lot because the crowd was. And the crowd was amazing as well. Moving into the dressing room she grabbed her robe for the time being. She took the lace wig off and moved to back up her things for the night.
Savannah sat back down and flagged down a waiter. “May I have another Moscow Mule?” she asked politely before she looked at Israel saying, “okay, so that was amazing.” Laughing out, she looked to the stage again, picking up a napkin to fan herself once more.
Israel looked at Savannah snorting. “You need to get you some. You just about orgasmed watching the show,” he told her patting her shoulder.
Cairo tucked her lips in. “You know Israel, I’m not going to lie, that got me a little hot and bothered too.”
Placing her wig in its container she placed her accessories in there as well. Hearing a knock at the door Journee answered it grabbing her things from the manager. “Well done Madame” he said in his own little way of apologizing. She smirked at him before she moved to place the delicate things away. When she was all finished with that she hung her dress and robe up putting that into the bag it came in. She allowed her real hair to fall at her shoulders after she took the wig cap off and combed it out. Taking some chopsticks, she put her hair up and moved to slide her Juicy Couture velvet track suit on and tennis shoes.
Savannah looked at Israel and rolled her eyes. “Come on that didn’t ignite something in you?” she asked him before looking at Cairo and smirking. “See!” she said pointing at her female friend. “I’m not alone in this, that was hot,” she said smiling as she accepted her drink from the waiter. Taking a fresh sip, she asked. “Will there be another performer?”
The waitress looked to the woman and she shook her head “no ma’am, usually there is though. Our apologies” she said kindly.
“Can I buy you a drink?” Brandon asked Journee politely and she looked up, rolling her eyes she zipped up her bag and grabbed the other draping it over her arm. Journee looked to him again “no thank you, I need to get home I have to go to work early tomorrow” she said to him. Moving past her ex-husband she moved through the back of the stage looking for the exit. She didn’t know why he lurked around her, it was such an annoyance however tonight he wouldn’t get the time or day.
Savannah nodded at the waitress. “Okay, thank you,” she said sweetly before turning back to her friends. “Y’all want to hang around for a bit or head out?” she asked looking at her watch.
Cairo looked at her own watch shaking her head. “I have an early shift tomorrow. Let’s head out,” she said looking at Israel who had caught the attention of some man.
Israel was half-listening to his friends as he replied. “You two go on. I’ll catch a ride home,” he said as he stood from the table, making his way over to the handsome man batting his eyelashes at him.
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withlovesav-blog · 7 years
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THREAD: The Show INVOLVED: Savannah Ward, Journee Ashton, Cairo Ansley, Israel Franklin, and Brandon Gilbert TIME FRAME: Saturday, October 7, 2017
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withlovesav-blog · 7 years
We have a choice every single day when we wake up of what you can put into the world and I ask you to please choose love every single day.
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withlovesav-blog · 7 years
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withlovesav-blog · 7 years
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“Miracle workers”
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