withsvt · 3 years
reblogging this here, icymi
[CLOSE] withsvt ;; 20170214 - 20210101
- admin leen
hello. admin leen here. it’s been a while since i greeted you guys.
first of all, happy new year. i can’t say anything about 2020 because there were bad times and some good times but we’re done with that so let’s just pray for a better 2021 and look forward.
anyways, i think the last time i posted was in march and it wasn’t even an actual post but i thought it’s about time that i came out from my cave and say hi lol
nothing new has happened to me. nothing newsworthy at least. i’m still studying, still struggling. still in love with seventeen. still laughing at them and with them. also still crying over them for no reasons and weird reasons.
however, i did started enjoying more (new) things this past year though. one of it is a game called a3! - literally started in july and from then on, my life (and wallet) has been taken over by these 2d men. i’ve also started watching the anime and the stage play and that has also taken over my life - the stage and voice actors especially :’)
even though there’s been a lot of things going on lately, i don’t recall anything significant happening to me in 2020 so i’ve got nothing to share tbh. 
but i am gonna talk about the future of this blog. i don’t think i’ve addressed this but even if i didn’t, my inactiveness probably gave it away. basically i no longer have the energy to keep this blog running and especially since i’m gonna start working next year, i definitely won’t have the time either so i’m officially announcing the closing of this blog.
i will still keep the account up, just not gonna update it so don’t worry about this blog going missing. it will still be here so everyone to see. i will also close my other blog - withsvt but will also keep it up.
i don’t really have an explanation or anything to say about this because i believe that it’s pretty obvious that the blog isn’t going anywhere anymore and i really don’t have any motivation to write anything either. so, yeah. it’s about time.
i’m definitely sad about this because i’ve had this blog since 2015 and since then, i’ve met so many amazing people and done so many great things so it’s definitely something that i treasure a lot but like i said, it’s time for me to let go and just fangirl freely on my own time and terms - because i be late to updates sometimes ^^;;
i wish everyone the best from now on and i hope you guys have a better 2021 - with your loved ones, family, friends, svt. i also wish for everyone to be happier and healthier and richer from now on lol
idk if i’ll come back, even for non svt-related posts because i haven’t been active on tumblr in general so if you still wanna keep in touch with me, i’ll be on twitter @/rilakleen and if you’re malaysian, maybe you’ll see me in future svt events ((when everything gets better, of course ^^)).
anyways, that’s all from me. once again, thank you so much for everything. i can’t begin to list it all but i’ve shared so much with you guys all these time and every little thing remains a precious memory to me. i love you guys 💖💎
[CLOSE] with-woozi ;; 20150819 - 20210101
- admin leen <3
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withsvt · 5 years
Imagine immediately calling Hoshi when it hits midnight at where he is because you want to be the first to greet him on his birthday, even with the time difference.
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withsvt · 5 years
Imagine the boys surprising Jun by barging into his room while singing the birthday song in unison, once the clock strikes midnight on his birthday.
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withsvt · 5 years
Imagine the boys surprising Mingyu in his hotel room for his birthday, the moment the clock strikes midnight.
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withsvt · 5 years
Imagine hearing S.Coups’ deep, soothing voice and feeling a lot more calm and comforted.
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withsvt · 5 years
Imagine bestfriend!DK playfully teasing you when you present the gift that you got him for his birthday.
BONUS: When he opens the gift, realizing it’s something he’s been waiting for a while now, bestfriend!DK starts tearing up in joy while repeatedly thanking you for the gift.
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withsvt · 5 years
Imagine sending bestfriend!Vernon a really long and thoughtful message for his birthday, only to receive a simple ‘okay, thanks’ as a reply.
BONUS: Despite the short reply, you know that bestfriend!Vernon is actually touched by your message, he just doesn’t need to say much to show how thankful he is and that’s okay with you.
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withsvt · 5 years
Imagine giving crush!Dino a card for his birthday because you’re not sure what to get him but for Dino, receiving that one card from you is enough to make his whole day.
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withsvt · 5 years
Imagine Hoshi sending you a voice message of him doing aegyo.
BONUS: Although his voice takes up most of the message, you can still hear the other boys jokingly make gagging noises in the background.
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withsvt · 5 years
Imagine Seungkwan getting shy because the members keep spoiling him with gifts and showering him with compliments for his birthday.
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withsvt · 5 years
Imagine convincing Dino to take a nap because you know he hasn’t been getting enough sleep because of the preparation for Seventeen’s comeback.
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withsvt · 5 years
Imagine 2019 being Seventeen’s year.
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withsvt · 5 years
Imagine Joshua having a simple birthday celebration with his family and the members of Seventeen because he prefers that over a fancier party.
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withsvt · 5 years
Imagine the members of Seventeen holding a mini Christmas party at their backstage waiting room.
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withsvt · 6 years
Imagine watching Dino dance and being in complete of awe of how talented he is.
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withsvt · 6 years
Imagine badboy!S.Coups trying to avoid you because he knows you’ll question the fresh wounds on his face after he promised not to get into any more fights.
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withsvt · 6 years
!!! important !!!
since tumblr is updating their guidelines and will no longer allow adult content, i will no longer be posting adult content/nsfw stuff.
i don’t really know how they define adult content and whether writing/written post are included in the ban but it’s better to be safe than sorry.
i doubt that my blog will be affected but if anything were to happen, either follow me on my main blog @peachieleen or my twt @/rilakleen to get any updates in case this blog goes missing.
until anything were to really happen, i’m just gonna be posting like normal so don’t worry about that. this is just a heads up for the future.
thank you for reading !
- admin leen
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