wizardingfamilies · 3 years
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Unfortunately there are no surviving documents or portraits of the progenitors of the Black family. The infamous family tapestry created in the 13th century, recorded all siblings, spouses, descendants, and even cousins of members of the family, although none of these older names are known.
However in recent years among the possesions of famed scultputress Misapinoa Blishwick (nee Black) is an interesting piece tilted “Fleeting Moments of CEB” detailing the last moments of the now known earliest member Caelum Etamin Black as told by her aunt Alexia Walkin Black. 
Caelum Etamin Black was born into the wizarding family House Black in the 1700s. By the accounts of his eldest child and son Licorus, Caelum Etamin Black’s mother was a French witch named Plaisance Lucrece Limette which roughly translate to “a pleasant wealthy small lime” which is an oxymoron in itself. 
It is known that he had three sisters Vindemiatrix, Sterope and Algae Fornacis Black. He married pure-blood witch Golgotha Walkin whose family was prominent members of the Wizard’s Council. His features were a stark contrast to his wife. Gologtha had dark eyes and hair where as Caleum and his family’s eyes and hair became an array of vibrant colors that changed at will, traits of being Metamorphagi.
 Caelum died at the relatively young age of 38. He suffered from the end stages of wizarding diseases Star-Sickness and Screaming Body. His eldest daughter Phoebe was distressed and terrified of her father’s screams and violent tremors. His son Licorus stated by his eighteenth birthday his father’s entire body looked like the night sky.
 Golgotha purchased an unknown property that was more private and compact and stayed with her husband as her son took care of the family affairs. Golgotha became pregnant in 1828 and gave birth to a stillborn daughter whom she named Hesper. Less than three weeks after Golgotha died from postpartum complications. Her husband shortly followed a month later after his wife and youngest child’s death.
 The Walkin family took in daughter Alexia who was eleven and the Limette family cared for the youngest son Eduardus who was only six years old at the time.
Caelum was buried beside his wife and daughter in an unplottable location.
(Image Source)
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wizardingfamilies · 3 years
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This character is part of the third branch of the Lupin family. She is an OC character of mine. 
As of reference, Gytha is Remus’ aunt; sister of Lyall. 
Gytha Ivy Lupin (1927 - )
Gytha is the first child of John and Elin Lupin, named after Elin’s mother, Gyda Efa Cadwallader, who actively fought against Grindelwald’s rise. Gytha was born in Swansea, in November of 1927 when the Global wizarding war was at its peak.
The Lupins and Cadwalladers had a ver close-knit family relationship. Both Gytha and Lyall grew up surrounded by cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. While Lyall was Bathsheba’s favourite - Bathsheba couldn’t stand Gytha’s tendency to be wild and irreverent; Gytha was Gyda’s favourite, her grandmother from the mother line adored her warrior and fiery nature. 
In 1939 she started her 1st year at Hogwarts where she was sorted into Ravenclaw. Lyall would join her in Ravenclaw a year later. Gytha and Lyall always nurtured a very close relationship, both feeling responsible for each other. In her last year, Gytha was nominated Head Girl. 
During her time at Hogwarts, Gytha revealed herself a true Potions master from a very early age and was therefore “collected” by Slughorn to join his selected club. This was where she met Alphard Black and Orestes Dalloway, one year her seniors, inseparable friends and both Slytherin. Her unmatched wit and beauty caught both Slytherin friends attention and they eventually fell in love for the same woman. Orestes, stepped away, after acknowledging he was not the favourite. 
But Gytha and Alphard’s love is a sad story. Alphard Black, despite his love for Gytha, did not want to affront his family by marrying a non pureblood witch. Gytha, on the other hand, was not a woman to wait peacefully, she was demanding and fiery. She brought the best and worst of him to the surface. Their secret love affair lasted for, at least, three years; and when Alphard discovered he could not have children, Gytha decided to give him the only thing he could not have in a twisted attempt to drive him into a commitment or elopement.
But that didn’t happen and Alphard and Gytha’s breakup was an irreversible one - that’s when Alphard decided to start travelling around the world, running away from everything in his life. Her daughter, Magdalena Dalloway was born out of wedlock, when her father, Orestes Dalloway, an already married man. 
All the circumstances surrounding Magdalena’s birth contributed to the distant and cold relation of Gytha with her daughter to whom she never showed much  motherly affection. 
Despite her unfortunate love affairs, Gytha did succeed in her Potionmaker activities and was responsible for the study and implementation of Centauri healing solutions for human use. Rumours say that during Gytha's field research for this discovery, while living among Centaurs' herds, she had a love affair with a Centaur as well.
Gytha was, therefore, a skilled Potioneer and a supporter of the Order of the Phoenix. She was the maker and supplier of almost all the Polyjuice the Order used during the two wars.
During the Armistice, she worked with Damocles Belby in the discovery of the Wolfsbane potion as well. And after 1981, it was Gytha who kept Remus at surface - showering him with a kind of caring and affection she could never give to her daughter.
Currently Gytha has 93 years old and she lives in Iceland with her brother, Lyall where they breed Mooncalves. 
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wizardingfamilies · 3 years
Brides of House Black
Disowned Members of the House of Black
The Wives of House Black
The Women of The Black Family
Women of the House of Black
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wizardingfamilies · 3 years
Reblogging with a few name changes and dates to keep consistency.
Black Family Tree (Part 1)
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This is my version of the Black Family Tree - Early Generations. If you find errors and inconsistencies, feel free to point them out! 
More about:
Eduardus Limette Black 
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wizardingfamilies · 3 years
Black Family Tree (Part 1)
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This is my version of the Black Family Tree - Early Generations. If you find errors and inconsistencies, feel free to point them out! 
More about:
Eduardus Limette Black 
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wizardingfamilies · 3 years
Reblogging because I did a new design for the family tree with better resolution.
Lupin Family Tree
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More about:
Bathsheba Llywelyn
John Lupin, Jr.
Elin Lupin
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wizardingfamilies · 3 years
Reblogging just to point out some background changes made to Eduardus’ bio.
Eduardus Limette Black
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Disowned Members of the House of Black (1/8)
Much of what I am writing here is inspired on the following headcanons: here and here.  
Eduardus Limette Black was the fifth child of Erechtheus Black and Obsidiana Black (née Walkin), being born after Licorus (1808), Phoebe (1810), Hesper (1813) and Alexia (1818).
Eduardus was named after his great uncle, from the female line, Everardus Limette, who was childless and was expected to leave his inheritance to Eduardus - who, being a second son and a fifth child, was not expected to have much of an inheritance from his father. 
Eduardus was born in the Winter of 1821, two years after the premature and violent death of his sister, Hesper Astra Black who died after hearing a Banshee’s scream, when she was spending time at a relatives’ House in Ireland. 
The death of Hesper had a deep impact on the family and both Eduardus and Alexia’s childhood and upbringing was profoundly affected by this event. With only three years of difference, it would be expected that Alexia and Eduardus would have a strong bond, but that was not the case. Due to the fact that Eduardus was Limette’s heir, most of his time was spent with the Wizarding French Family and Eduardus’ contact with his siblings and parents was, therefore, small. 
He studied at Hogwarts from 1833 to 1840. He was sorted into the Slytherin House, where he revealed an extraordinary gift for all matters related to Herbology. This was how and why he met the one that would become his future wife - Laverne de Montmorency (1823 -1893) one year below him and a brilliant Ravenclaw student who had the tendency to raid the greenhouses after curfew in an attempt to gather ingredients for her experiments. Laverne would become one of the most famous Potioneers of all time, thanks to her inventions in the Love Potions field. 
However, Eduardus’ love for Laverne was not seen as favourable by his family. Not only she was a Muggle born witch, she was also a member of a French ancient and noble family that had had centuries of rivalries with the Limette Wizarding family in France. 
Eduardus ended up being the first known Black to have been disowned after a heated discussion with his father, Nigellus, that is said to have declared that Eduardus would be no son of him if he were to marry the muggleborn witch, to which Eduardus allegedly replied, “then I’m good as burned off from this family”  and walked out of the door to never return. And this is how - supposedly - the tradition of burning off the disarranged Black members from the family tapestry started. As a consequence, Eduardus was also removed from his great uncle’s inheritance. 
Eduardus married Laverne in 1842 and they had three sons in their early years of marriage, the twins Amadeus and Amable de Montmorency (1843) and Felix de Montmorency (1845), who, the rumours say, was conceived under the effect of Felix Felicis. They all adopted Laverne’s surname as a result of Eduardus’ disownment. The three Montmorency went to Hogwarts, the twins were sorted into Ravenclaw, like their mother, and Felix was sorted into Gryffindor. 
Unfortunately, sometime after 1847 and due to some mishaps with her Potions’ experiments, Laverne contracted a severe skin condition (that turned her skin green), which eventually spread to her internal organs, preventing her from having more children. 
Eduardus died in 1899 at the age of 77. It is said he died of love, or better say, he died because he deeply missed the love of his life, Laverne - who had died six years before after succumbing to the long-term skin condition she had suffered from an early age due to her Potions experiences. 
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wizardingfamilies · 3 years
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Before the siblings Licorus, Hesper, Alexia Walkin, Phoebe and Eduardus Limette Black. Before the line of Phineas Nigellus Black.
The Ancient and Noble House Black did not possess features of dark hair and dark eyes. Members long forgotten Sterope, Caelum, Vindemiatrix and Algae Fornacis Black did not look like their descendants from the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries.
Instead manuscripts and recollection from the four founders and earliest headmasters of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Brian Gagwilde and Heliotrope Wilkins stated that the students from House Black under their tutelage could change their body structure at will and so could the children’s parents.
Their hair and eyes became an aray of vibrant colors and their pupils had a “magic star” shape known to arithimancers as the “tessellation effect.” Muggles thought the wixen to be divine or celestial beings. These inheritated traits started to lessen through the generations as time went on. Siblings Alexia and Eduardus were known metamorphagi. Their nephew Sirius I and niece Iola Black had tessellation effected pupils, Iola’s descendants had metamorphic traits. One hundred and seventy years later a relative named Nymphadora Tonks and her son Edward Lupin were born metamorphagi.
Artist: Libet
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wizardingfamilies · 3 years
Eduardus Limette Black
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Disowned Members of the House of Black (1/8)
Much of what I am writing here is inspired on the following headcanons: here and here.  
Eduardus Limette Black was the fifth child of Erechtheus Black and Obsidiana Black (née Walkin), being born after Licorus (1808), Phoebe (1810), Hesper (1813) and Alexia (1818).
Eduardus was named after his great uncle, from the female line, Everardus Limette, who was childless and was expected to leave his inheritance to Eduardus - who, being a second son and a fifth child, was not expected to have much of an inheritance from his father. 
Eduardus was born in the Winter of 1821, two years after the premature and violent death of his sister, Hesper Astra Black who died after hearing a Banshee’s scream, when she was spending time at a relatives’ House in Ireland. 
The death of Hesper had a deep impact on the family and both Eduardus and Alexia’s childhood and upbringing was profoundly affected by this event. With only three years of difference, it would be expected that Alexia and Eduardus would have a strong bond, but that was not the case. Due to the fact that Eduardus was Limette’s heir, most of his time was spent with the Wizarding French Family and Eduardus’ contact with his siblings and parents was, therefore, small. 
He studied at Hogwarts from 1833 to 1840. He was sorted into the Slytherin House, where he revealed an extraordinary gift for all matters related to Herbology. This was how and why he met the one that would become his future wife - Laverne de Montmorency (1823 -1893) one year below him and a brilliant Ravenclaw student who had the tendency to raid the greenhouses after curfew in an attempt to gather ingredients for her experiments. Laverne would become one of the most famous Potioneers of all time, thanks to her inventions in the Love Potions field. 
However, Eduardus’ love for Laverne was not seen as favourable by his family. Not only she was a Muggle born witch, she was also a member of a French ancient and noble family that had had centuries of rivalries with the Limette Wizarding family in France. 
Eduardus ended up being the first known Black to have been disowned after a heated discussion with his father, Nigellus, that is said to have declared that Eduardus would be no son of him if he were to marry the muggleborn witch, to which Eduardus allegedly replied, “then I’m good as burned off from this family”  and walked out of the door to never return. And this is how - supposedly - the tradition of burning off the disarranged Black members from the family tapestry started. As a consequence, Eduardus was also removed from his great uncle’s inheritance. 
Eduardus married Laverne in 1842 and they had three sons in their early years of marriage, the twins Amadeus and Amable de Montmorency (1843) and Felix de Montmorency (1845), who, the rumours say, was conceived under the effect of Felix Felicis. They all adopted Laverne’s surname as a result of Eduardus’ disownment. The three Montmorency went to Hogwarts, the twins were sorted into Ravenclaw, like their mother, and Felix was sorted into Gryffindor. 
Unfortunately, sometime after 1847 and due to some mishaps with her Potions’ experiments, Laverne contracted a severe skin condition (that turned her skin green), which eventually spread to her internal organs, preventing her from having more children. 
Eduardus died in 1899 at the age of 77. It is said he died of love, or better say, he died because he deeply missed the love of his life, Laverne - who had died six years before after succumbing to the long-term skin condition she had suffered from an early age due to her Potions experiences. 
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wizardingfamilies · 3 years
I see Callidora as being the great-grandmother to Neville and to Michael Corner. Charis is possibly a great-grandmother, but I don’t know to who. I’ve seen people have Charis as the oldest, then Callidora and then Cedrella. On the family tapestry, it’s shown just like that, really weird.
I'll certainly use some of these ideas ;) Neville and Michael Corner related? Curious, never actually pictured it, but sounds like a nice idea. I wouldn't say Charis the oldest... usually the oldest marry better than the youngest and that was not the case.
Charis is more likely to be the youngest daughter in my headcanon. I'd say Callidora is the older daughter and Cedrella, the middle, like Andromeda.
Or maybe Charis, as the oldest, had some kind of handicap that made her less appealing for suitors of great wizarding families and ended up marrying later than her sisters, later in age too, to a second rank wizarding family. Indeed, the tapestry puts her in first...
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wizardingfamilies · 3 years
Do you have headcanons of who the children of Callidora, Cedrella, and Charis are?
Right now I don't. But I really want to do the Longbottom family tree very soon, so I’ll gather some ideas. As for the Weasleys, I will get there in time. I love Cedrella and I really need to picture aunt Muriel in a timeline too... So, Callidora and Cedrella, yes, I’ll share some ideas soon. As for the Crouch family, I don’t know when I’ll get there, they are not on my top list.
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wizardingfamilies · 3 years
What about the first person disownwed from the house of black?
Oops! I know ^_^ I only realized there was a first one when I was almost finishing Iola... I'll post the first one tomorrow! I really need to update my research skills :)
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wizardingfamilies · 3 years
Iola Hitchens née Black
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Disowned Members of the House of Black (2/8)
Much of what I am writing here is inspired on the following headcanons of Padfoot, Prongs and Polaroids and Starchildlazaro. 
Iola Cressida Hitchens, née Black, was born in 1853 in London, a few months after the premature death of her eldest brother, Sirius Black I, who had just turned eight years old. 
She was the youngest child of Cygnus Black and Ella Black (née Max). She was the sister of Sirius, Phineas Nigellus and Elladora Black. 
The three living siblings did not have much of what is called brotherly and sisterly affection. In fact, their entire childhood was spent on petty rivalries. Particularly among the sisters, Elladora and Iola, with just three years of difference, were permanently competing with one another. Elladora tended to surpass her sister, perhaps due to her cunning personality. 
At Hogwarts, Iola was sorted into the Slytherin House. 
At the age of fifteen, Cygnus Black, betrothed Iola Black’s hand to the second son of the Tripe family, much older than her. Iola was not happy - at all - and it was then that her attitude towards the family shifted. She did not rebel, she simply stopped caring.
It was during the summer of 1870, four weeks before she turned seventeen - when she was sent to spend some time at the Blishwick’s estate with her aunt Misapinoa - that she met the young Robert Hitchens, also known as Bob, the heir of a small parish in the county of Hampshire.
They happened to meet at a small chapel lost in the open fields of Bob’s parish, where they both run to in order to protect themselves from the sudden rain that started to fall from the sky. 
They eventually met there again, by chance (or not!) in the following days and Iola find herself yearning for the sweet and brief moments of conversation with Bob in the mild summer afternoons in which he explained her all the Muggle Greek myths surrounding her name, telling her about Iole and Heracles and King Eurytus. 
At the end of that summer, Iola Black eloped with Bob Hitchens and was therefore struck off the Black family tree. Iola was the second known disowned person in the Black family and the first to receive the label of blood traitor. She never finished her education at Hogwarts. 
She married Bob Hitchens at the age of seventeen and, in time, she eventually renounced the use of magic, not because she was obliged to, but because she wished to adapt to a real Muggle life, particularly after the birth of her two Squib children: Osborne Hitchens (1871) and Roger Hitchens (1874), who grown up to be a righteous landowner and an attorney, respectively. 
Despite her break off ties with the Black family, it was to her that Phineas Black II, her nephew, sought help when he too was disowned for supporting Muggle rights in 1902. 
Iola lived with her family in the countryside until 1921, when she died at the age of 68, after contracting typhoid fever. Yet, Iola lived to see her children marry, and meet her grandchildren. In the end, she died with the honest belief she did it her way and she was happy with it. 
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wizardingfamilies · 3 years
Lupin Family Tree
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More about:
Bathsheba Llywelyn
John Lupin, Jr.
Elin Lupin
Gytha Lupin
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wizardingfamilies · 3 years
Do you have any headcanons about the members of the House of Black?
I have a detailed draft of headcanons for Alphard Black because he is part of the headcanon of an original character of mine for the Lupin family, and the same goes for Andromeda Tonks. I also have some ideas for Walburga, because I think I need to atone her somehow :) But that is mostly it, I really love to read other authors headcanons for the Black family so I will reblog them here too, they are fascinating!
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wizardingfamilies · 3 years
Do you plan to make more posts?❤️
Hello! I do, indeed! I want to finish the Lupin family by the end of this week. I also have some drafts for the McKinnons as well. And some ideas for the Bones and Abbott families. 
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wizardingfamilies · 3 years
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These three characters are all OC and represent the first and second branch of the Lupin family. 
As of reference, Bathsheba is Remus’ great grandmother; John Lupin, Jr., is Remus’ grandfather; and Elin Lupin is Remus’ grandmother. 
Bathsheba Llywelyn (1852 - 1971)
Bathsheba Llywelyn was born in Anglesey in 1852, in the 19th of December. She was orphan but had, at least, one magical parent. 
Bathsheba is the mother of John Lupin, Jr.
Bathseba had a long term relationship with a widowed Muggle named John Lupin, Squire, to whom she never revealed her magical abilities and never married.
In the early days of young John Lupin’s life, when he started to show signs of magical powers, Bathsheba was forced to Obliviate John Sr. multiple times, which ended up causing him early signs of dementia. 
At Hogwarts, she was sorted into Ravenclaw.
She was Professor of Ancient Runes at Hogwarts from 1890 to 1950 and Ravenclaw Head of House from 1918 until 1950.
She is also the author of the Rune Dictionary still used at Hogwarts by those who attend the Ancient Runes course.
Bathsheba died at the age of 119.
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John Lupin, Jr. (1879 - 1970)
John Lupin, Jr., was born in Cwmbran in Wales in the 14th of April, 1879. He spent his childhood in his father’s Estate as a ward, because he was born out of wedlock. He was taught by his mother until he received his Hogwarts’ letter. From then on he only visited his father during the Summer breaks. 
At Hogwarts, he was sorted into Ravenclaw, like his mother. He excelled in Memory Charms - like his mother, John used it on his Muggle father everytime he needed to cast magic in front of him. 
After Hogwarts he went to work for the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad, a division of the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes of the British Ministry of Magic. John Lupin, Jr. was an Obliviator. 
John Lupin, Jr. later married a renowed Arithmancer named Elin Cadwallader, member of a wealthy Welsh wizarding family. 
Their love story emerged from an eventful situation in which John Lupin was called to the Royal Opera House in London to reverse the effect of magical mishaps caused by Elin’s younger sister who, deeply moved by the opera piece she was watching, provoked the continuous breaking of all the glass and crystals in the building.
John Lupin, Jr. and Elin Lupin married and had two children, Gytha Lupin and Lyall Lupin. 
Died at the age of 91 in his family house.
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Elin Lupin, née Cadwallader (1892 - 1990)
Elin Cadwallader was born on the 3rd of April of 1892 at her family’s Manor in Swansea, Wales. The Cadwalladers were a wealthy Welsh wizarding family with so many sons and daughters that, eventually, their wealth dissipated.  
At the age of eleven years-old, Elin was sorted into Hufflepuff, like the majority of her relatives. She was one of the best Arithmancers of her time.
Elin was an overprotective mother and sent daily owls to her daughter and son while they were at Hogwarts. Not only she was overprotective, she was also said to be a very controlling mother, particularly in relation to her children’s grades.
She died at the age of 98 in her family house.
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