wldekitty · 4 years
Jake: Why not?
Kitty: You're joking right?
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wldekitty · 4 years
Jake: Seriously? Why the fuck do people keep thinking it was Matt that made out with Michaela? I kissed one of the hottest girls in glee club and everyone's patting that dude on the back for something I did.
Jake: I could get most of them to have sex with me without needing them to feel sorry for me, thanks. Also what kind of rumors are we talking here?
Kitty: What the hell! You kissed Michaela??? Why???
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wldekitty · 4 years
As soon as Puck sat down next to her Kitty knew that it was time to truly pay for what she'd done with the Glist. When Kitty had actually written the list, she hadn't given entirely too much thought on who would take the top spot past "worst reputation" and "generally high social status at McKinley", it wasn't until well after it's release and Jake's reaction to it, that she realized that it looked like she had a weird dumb crush on the Walking talking penis that had been rude enough to impregnate her (former) idol. "Are we doing what?" Kitty asked, flinching away from Puck just as he leaned towards her. "I didn't confess anything to the whole club.. I already told you, I'm not interested in you like that, Puckerman and I meant it."
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“So… number one, huh?” With everything going on lately, Puck hadn’t had the time to properly address Kitty’s confession of a big, fat crush on him. It was flattering, really. He wasn’t sure he would have even put himself up that high on the list, especially not before Santana, Quinn, and Lauren. He couldn’t compete with boobs. “You know, you could have just told me, you didn’t have to confess it to the entire club, but hey, I can admire a bold woman. I think it’s kind of hot. A little bit borderline crazy, but honestly? I kind of like that in a chick.” Tossing his arm over the back of her chair, he leaned in, flashing her a grin. “Are we doing this, or what?” @wldekitty​
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wldekitty · 4 years
Jake: Well, the rest of us don't, so kind of makes it seem like you're just full of crap. All it did was make people pay even more attention to the same people they're usually all over, so cool, glad Puck's the center of the universe.
Jake: How is being the bottom of a list he's the top of going to get me out of his shadow? Just seems like you made his shadow even bigger to me.
Kitty: But I'm not so whatever. Literally no, it didn't? The only thing worth mentioning since I dropped the Glist has been Tina's (-1)half-assed nudes, Matt (-4)and Mickey (11) making out at Blaine's (-10)party, and Raphael (-5) somehow getting enough votes to tie with two other people even though literally everyone hates him. Your Lima Loser of a big brother isn't the center of anyone's universe.
Kitty: You're joking right? Everyone on the squad was talking about how weird it was that you were so low on the Glist. If it wasn't for a few well placed threats and rumors, from yours truly, you probably would've gotten wild amounts of cheerio pity sex
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wldekitty · 4 years
now that quinn has fallen from grace, who's your new icon?
My lord and savior, Jesus Christ. As it should be. 
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wldekitty · 4 years
why did you join glee club?
I love performing, Mr Schue's a nice teacher and Quinn Fabray did it first. 
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wldekitty · 4 years
what made you choose kitty as your nickname?
I didn't chose it, it's not a nickname. I was named after a Springsteen song. 
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wldekitty · 4 years
Since you're religious, does that mean you're a virgin?
That's exactly what it means. I'd have joined the Chastity Club but apparently it was disbanded last year by the local adulterer and no one saw it as a warning sign. 
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wldekitty · 4 years
Mason: I am? Thanks! I mean, Kait is interesting looking if you like alien-looking girls and some people do but I'm not one of them. Hey, we're not automatically effed! Sugar's got a lot of other strengths too; she's a really really good dancer and she's super rich so we could have WAY better costumes and effects if we made it like a generic battle of the bands kind of thing! I love sharing circles but you're probably right, people don't seem to want to share...
Kitty: Yeah, you talking about people always sounds like you're at least getting a half chub thinking about them. Unless you're talking about Madison, then it's a full. I know the girl looks like ET with a snapchat filter on, you don't have to validate yourself. In a SING OFF? Yes, we would be! Also literally last time we had a week about "sharing things", Finn beat the snot out of her own best friend in the choir room.
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wldekitty · 4 years
Mason: My name is Mason, not James! You know that, Kitty 😂 Being separated from Madison for forever would be worse than those other torture things you listed, wow, that place sounds so mean! Just because I think most of the people in glee are cute doesn't mean I'm lusting over them, why do you always go so extreme with it? And Kait is maybe not as high on the cute list as other people to me if that means anything about my eyesight LOL. There's got to be more productive ways to force it though! Like... I don't know, having a sing off, juniors versus sophomores, and kicking their butts! Or having a sharing circle and telling them and Mr. Schue how we feel!
Kitty: 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 The extreme always makes an impression, I guess. But whatever Mason, you're close enough. Kait not being high on your list does help a little bit, but not by much tbh. One thing about the sing off though, Sugar's a sophomore too so we're automatically fucked. We're not in kindergarten, no one's going to want to do a sharing circle.
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wldekitty · 4 years
Mason: There's nothing horrifying about my relationship with my sister but okay, whatever you say! Hell DOES sound bad, I guess that's another good reason for not watching scary mean porn. What, why? I spot brilliantly every time which means my eyesight is fabulous which means that I'm mostly right and most of us are really pretty people! Well. I mean, being mean is never the answer but I understand where you were coming from at least. They really do get everything which is super unfair! They're not even more talented than us or anything, they're just older which isn't that useful -- if anything, the fact that we'll still be here in two years is a great reason to have us be the more seasoned performers. I just wish there was a way for people to understand that without having to hurt any feelings.
Kitty: Whatever you say, James Haven. Hell is Bad. You think being separated from Madison on a lame little list would be bad? Imagine that happening forever AND tortured regularly and have to do things like slide down waterslides lined with razor blades into a pool of boiling pee everyday! Or it means whatever's wrong with your eyes is a degenerative thing and one day you're lusting over Kait Hummel and the next you're punching some poor girl directly in the teeth during a simple dismount. EXACTLY! The only way to get them to understand that we have value in glee club at this point is to force it, otherwise we'll just get drowned out.
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wldekitty · 4 years
Jake: Wow, blaming the quiet kid, real classy. At least you sent the message where he could read it and defend himself, instead of saying it when he can't hear you over his headphones.
Kitty: Yes? Because it was his idea, He knows what was said. 🙄 A little chaos is exactly what we needed as a team to make people pay more attention to us! I refuse to live in a world where I'm stuck playing underdog to Santana, Brittany and Quinn in TWO groups. Don't you want to get out of Puck's disgusting shadow?
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wldekitty · 4 years
Mason: Why wouldn't we? We're siblings, we still live together, it makes sense! And ew, I don't watch twin porn, who would even make that?! I don't watch much porn at all, actually, did you know most of it is super violent towards women? It's not fun 😨 We would've been separated in spirit and that's just as bad, it's a twin thing. Oh. I mean, I knew it was all lies since everybody in the glee club is pretty hot, but I don't get it, why would you go out of your way to do something that made people feel bad?
Kitty: If you don't know why that's weird, I'm not going to explain it to you. I just know if I do you're going to tell me something else horrifying about your relationship with your sister. The world is a horrifying place, I don't know who does these things. I don't watch porn either, it's a one way ticket to the Boling hot shores of hell so that doesn't really surprise me. More like an extreme codependency thing but werk. I'm going to need you to check your eyesight before you ever spot me during a stunt ever again. Everyone in the Glee Club is absolutely not hot, most are more passable than the average Lima Loser but All hot is genuinely offensive to actual hot people. Because! All Mr Schue ever pays attention to half the time are the annoying juniors. Literally we all joined the club the exact same day, being an upperclassmen is meaningless here, so what makes Finn and Raphael better than Roderick, Me or even you? All the drama they shove in everyone's faces every week. So I needed to shake the table a little on behalf of all of us Glee club underdogs
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wldekitty · 4 years
Mason: Excuse you, we have bunk beds! And there are WAY better twinning representations out there, with no icky blood or ick, do you want recommendations? I don't know, because being separated makes us sad and we didn't get sad so yay, isn't that a good thing? I mean, you probably made the list to make people smile and people are getting caught on the negative but your happy plan worked on at least two of us!
Kitty: All jokes aside, I genuinely did not think you two still shared a room. Thank you for that horrible information. I do not want any of your freaky twincest porn recommendations, keep them to yourself. You wouldn't have actually been separated tf? If I ever remake the Glist one of you is ending up on a different list. I absolutely did not make the glist to make anyone smile. Puck, Ryder, Finn and Lauren are all on the hot list and I'M on the not list. Clearly it was a list of lies
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wldekitty · 4 years
Bree: Most people don't, but those with half a brain? Well... Let's just say Puck's head is probably even bigger at this point - if that's even possible.
Bree: Though I /should/ smack you for not putting Raphael higher. I think /everyone/ could agree that he's /not/ hot. He has the potential, sure, but he ruins it every time he opens his big mouth... And those sweaters? It takes him from a safe five to an ugly two.
Kitty: 🤢 Ok but what about Jake? He's cute but no one's inducting him into Mensa any time soon.
Kitty: I dare you to try 🙃 Raphael's placement literally doesn't matter. Some people were strategically listed in places and some people just landed where they fit. I don't care about him in the slightest, why do YOU?
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wldekitty · 4 years
Mason: You know, people are always talking about Game of Thrones around me and I don't get the hype. It sounds so creepy and violent! And right now, I'm not really sure what the relevance is! I'm just thanking you for not separating us, its no comment on Madison's appearance one way or another!
Kitty: That IS the hype, I'm surprised you and Maddykins didn't cuddle up and watch it in bed every Sunday for the "twinning representation". Of course you don't 🙂 It was just a list, Mason. Why does it even matter if you two were separated or not?
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wldekitty · 4 years
Bree: The Glist. I knew it had to be a Cheerio... I just didn't expect it to be /you/. Especially with how high you placed Puck - he's not the brother you're cozying up with.
Kitty: Ugh Please tell me no one thinks I ACTUALLY find the ugly Puckerman hot. Putting Jake or myself on the hot list would've been such a big giveaway
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