wockeshaleatha · 21 hours
i been a " strong black women " since i was 11 nigga I'm exhausted
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wockeshaleatha · 22 hours
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wockeshaleatha · 3 days
i need to speak on here more wtf is wrong w me
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wockeshaleatha · 25 days
everybody needs to kiII themselves and stop pissing me off
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wockeshaleatha · 2 months
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so close, yet so far away...
anyways, plan was to leave sunday and i had my plane ticket set up and everything BUT it actually turns out that uti i've been dealing with is a combination of two multi-resistant superbugs and i am now in the hospital for iv antibiotics. not sure how long i will be here.
that being said! i'm gonna need help extending my hotel reservation for several more days (wasnt able to move out), covering the expense of updating my ticket to a later date, AND still covering flight fees for my cat and luggage because, as you can see, what i do have is about to be completely eaten away by hotel fees AGAIN 😔
y'all, i'm so close to finally getting away from my abuser. being hospitalized was an unexpected setback, but an unavoidable one for an immunocompromised person with an indwelling urinary catheter. i still really, really need help, maybe more than ever, and i would appreciate it so much 🫶🏽
pypal | vmo | cshapp
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wockeshaleatha · 3 months
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wockeshaleatha · 3 months
seeing people from my high school/city makes me so depressed. i gotta get out this fucking city.
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wockeshaleatha · 3 months
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wockeshaleatha · 4 months
stop fucking mocking me i know wtf i said dumb stupid ho. ik what i sound like tf
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wockeshaleatha · 4 months
dont allow the fear of time to overcome you.
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wockeshaleatha · 4 months
another gay male being lesbiphobic …
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wockeshaleatha · 4 months
who wants that perfect love story anyway?
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wockeshaleatha · 4 months
sometimes i unfortunately don’t enjoy others being happy whilst im suffering. that’s something i’m ashamed of and need to work on
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wockeshaleatha · 4 months
my ego is bruised beyond repair …
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wockeshaleatha · 4 months
rip my niggas sakura and hifume man …:(
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wockeshaleatha · 4 months
i don’t deserve pleasure.
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wockeshaleatha · 5 months
‘im sexy, fuck yall’
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