wolfiebucky · 2 months
Headcanons (Michael B. Jordan x OC!cast member) part 2
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part one
Press tour:
it’s been two months since you’ve seen Michael
even though the two of you have text bearly everyday and facetime as frequently you miss being around him
Michael literally counting down the days till he see you again
reuniting with the whole cast and it being amazing
literally jumping in Michael’s arms as he spins you around
Daniel saying “okay love bird we got work to do”
hiding your blushing face in Michaels chest as he arm is over you shoulder and the two of you listening to the layout of the weeks of press ahead of you
leaning into Michael and smelling because Damn he smells amazing
the two of you get paired together for most of the interview because Ryan didn’t want to hear complaining from Michael
when the two of you are together it’s literally like you were never apart
him think “mann I missed her smile”
a lot of not so subtle flirting during interviews
“yeah the one thing I wish, if I could wish for anything, was that I could have more scenes with Y/N”
the interviewer asks what is one word to describe you fellow cast members
“that easy for Y/N, beautiful”
interviewer: “who would you rather be big- sponned by after a night of netflix and chilling: t’challa or w’kabi?”
“hmmm can I choose Killmonger??”
Michael getting slightly jealous when during a interview you said bucky was your favorite character in the MCU
“what the hell! You said it was me”
constant laughing because the two of you always have such a great time together
after on interview the interview say “thank you so much and may I just say the two of you make a love couple”
awkward blushing and stuttering follows
the next couple days are full cast interviews
Lupita making Michael do push-ups do to his lose of a bet
that ‘bet’ he lost was him promising he would as you out by the time filming wrapped but he didn’t follow through
interviewer:“So I was wondering what each yours favorite song off the album is?”
you instantly saying “Kings Dead”
Danai: “hmmm I wonder why…;)”
anytime the two of you are around each other you literally around each other you both light up
during a one on one interview Michael is asked about his relationship status
“I’m not gonna lie I have my eye on someone and she’s…..incredible”
After finishing press in other countries you all fly to California to continue press but have a few days break
Michael decided to spend the few days break at your house because you have a home in LA
the two of you decide to take a roadtrip and you show him around the city you grow up in
the whole day spent just between the two of you and Michael can easily imagine a life with you by his side
when you guys get back to your house you decide to make the two of you some crepes for dessert
even though he’s preparing for the sequel to Creed he can’t help but cheat on his diet
“you look so cute in your apron”
“shut up Michael and focus on slicing up the strawberries”
somehow you both end up having a mini food fight
“Y/N there some whipped cream on you mouth”
“wait….where…..did I get it?”
Michael brushing it off your lower lip and wipping it off
“there I got it”
he hand in stil gentle hold your face
his thumb lightly strokes your cheekbones
your chest are close and you can feel his breath on your mouth
your eyes flutter and suddenly he’s kissing you the kiss is soft yet passionate saying all the feelings you’ve both have had for a long time now
he pulls away for air and rest his forehead on yours
You say “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while”
Michael: “Y/N I’ve been waiting for this moment my whole life”
you spend the rest of the time talking and cuddling on the couch
lots of kisses and making out
Him not hesitating to ask you to be his girlfriend because quite frankly it been long over due
he posting a picture of the two of you captioned: “I know they say Paris is the city of love but I lost my heart in Wakanda”
Lupita captioning “well its about time!”
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wolfiebucky · 2 months
Marauder’s: A Naughty Fiction (Part 5) SIRIUS’ POV
Requested?: No
Prompt: Y/N has always been a student at Hogwarts but has gone through her years practically unnoticed by anyone that caught her eye. This year, she expects that to change. Instead of shoving her nose between the pages of books someone will be begin to take quite the interest in her. Watch her finish off her last year of schooling while fucking around with guys along the way.
Warnings?: Mentions of sex, fluff, mild language
Words: 1,947
A/N: I feel like at this point this is really becoming a series because if you haven’t read any of the other parts you won’t understand this one at all.
[Italics indicate dreaming]
“Sirius!” She moaned as I relentlessly pounded into her.
Her head, face first into the sheets, I was hitting it from behind. In the room all I heard were her moans and the intense sound of skin slapping. She began to tremble from under me, her legs shaking, the sound of my heart racing swelled in my ears. And suddenly I felt it, the burning sensation in my stomach, the tingle of my nose, I was about to… I reached my hand infront of her, beginning to rub  so she could get on sooner.
“Sirius!” She yelled, her voice deepening, sounding a little different.
I began to shake.
“Sirius, wake up!” She moaned again, catching me off guard, her voice sounding completely diff-
“Sirius, bloody hell, wake up already!” James yelled, shaking me vigorously.  
“What time is it?” I asked, rubbing my eyes.
“Half past seven.”
“Shit.” I said, “Why didn’t you bloody wake me up!”
James rolled his eyes, walking away from me and grabbing his tie off my bedside table.
“I’ve been trying to,” He smirked. “But you wouldn’t stop moaning Y/N’s name.”
“Oi!” I yelled back at him, a smile plastered on my face now.
James pointed down to my now noticeable erection, “Better take care of that,” he said, and walked out of the room.
I sit in my bed staring at the ceiling for a second, trying to figure out how i’m going to take care of the growing problem in my pants.
“Fuck it.” I say, running off into the bathroom, headed for the shower.
The great hall was loud, so loud, much too loud for someone who had just woken up. I walked down the long aisleways toward my Gryffindor table, spotting Remus, Peter, and James.
“Morning,” I said, brushing my hair back. “Do I look okay?”
“Morning,” Remus said, “When do you not look okay?”
“He’s right mate, you could be beaten to a pulp and still look good.” He said, patting me on my shoulder, sitting down on the bench.
I looked around for her, she wasn’t in her usual place in front of, or next to me. My eyes wandered, until I spotted her clearly, she was sporting her red uniform which seemed oddly obscure next to the green one. The green one. He was tall and blonde, hovered over her tremendously. She had her hair wrapped around her finger, and him as well, twirling the long strand. She looked up at him intensely, and he stared right back, a slight flush coated his cheeks. A girl of that caliber is not meant to flirt with someone like him.
[This is what I picture young Lucius to look like]
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My heart sank deeply, it yearned for her. It was practically trying to break out of my chest and wrap itself around her. I couldn’t take my eyes off the sight, her giggling at his jokes that probably weren’t funny, him leaning closer and closer to her as people busily walked around them. She always got along well with slytherins because her father was one and she grew up with them her whole life. I’m not surprised they aren’t prejudiced towards her because she wasn’t sorted along with them.
“You can tell just how much of a slytherin she is when she’s around them, can’t you?” Remus asked.
“True, she basically is one, just in a red uniform.” Added James.
“Who is that?” I asked, looking at the tall blonde boy.
“Who?” James replied.
“The one she’s talking to.” I said.
“Oh, that’s Lucius, Lucius Malfoy.”
I stared him down, the bloke wasn’t any better then me. Maybe she didn’t like him, maybe he liked her and she was just being nice. Then again, she wouldn’t waste her time with someone she didn’t like. She smiled goodbye, then went on her way, swaying her hips on the way back, making sure he saw. He sure did, his mouth practically watering, it made my blood boil.
“Morning!” She said cheerily, sitting down across from me and grabbing an apple from the center of the table, taking a big bite out of it.
“Morning.” We all said in unisense, me a little more monotone then the others.
“Thanks for the warm welcome.” She said jokingly, rolling her eyes, watching me with intent.
“How’d you sleep last night, Y/N/N?” Remus asked, looking up from his newspaper.
“Peachy,” She replied, taking another big bite. “What about you Sirius, how’d you sleep.”
James laughed loudly along with Remus and I stomped on their feet wildly, she stared at me with wide eyes.
“Swell.” I said, grabbing the apple from her hands, and biting into it.
“Hey, give me my apple!” She yelled, trying to rip it from my hands.
“What were you talking to Lucius about?” I asked, holding the apple behind my head.
“Bloody hell Sirius, give me my damn apple!” She yelled at me, her tiny fists grabbing at my forearms.
“Not until you tell me what you were talking about!” I retaliated.
“Jealous?” She asked smiling, cocking an eyebrow at me.
“Me jealous? No way…” I said, handing the apple back to her. “Just curious.”
She winked at me, then took another bite out of her apple.
She looked ethereal sitting there. Her skin was glistening, her cheeks had a hint of flush, her hair hung loosely in a ponytail, the ends upturned reflecting the sun off them, she always had a gleam in her eye, even if there wasn’t anything gleaming in the first place. She could be sitting in a pitch black room in the dead of night and still through all the darkness I could see the little gleam of light in her eyes.
“Sirius?” She said to me.
“Hm?” I asked, still entranced.
“This staring problem of yours has really gotten out of hand.”
It was halfway through the day and I still kept catching Y/N and Malfoy talking to each other during class and in between them. It was half past noon, just after lunch, and everyone loaded into our defense of the dark arts class. Luckily, it was all of us together, Me, Y/N, Remus, James, Peter and Lily, so we all had a relatively good time.
This year’s teacher was different than the last, and the last different from the one prior. Seemed each year someone new had to fill the position of the old, I assume teaching the class was much too tiring.
Y/N stood next to me, her arm brushing mine gently.
“Here,” She said. “You have something on your lip.” And wiped it off with her thumb, smiling.
I uncontrollably smiled back and blushed, then got angry at myself because I was supposed to be mad at her.
“The Boggart,” The teacher said suddenly, interrupting everyone’s conversations. “Is a truly, wondrous creature. Can anyone explain to me exactly what it does?”
Remus clears his throat.
“Shocker.” I said, rolling my eyes.
“A Boggart is a shapeshifter, and it shifts into a thing the witch or wizard threatening it is most afraid of.”
“Good, Remus.” The teacher says.
“The way you defeat it is by casting a spell upon it, which ultimately changes it into something humorous, taking the fear out of it completely.” Remus adds.
“Does anyone know what the spell is in which you use against it?”
Remus began to open his mouth.
“Other than Mr. Lupin.” The teacher said, casting him a glare.
Y/N suddenly speaks out from next to me.
“Riddikulus.” She croaks.
“Yes, Miss Y/N. Riddikulus.”
And one by one each person went up to cast the spell on the boggart which was hiding restlessly inside an old cupboard in the back of the classroom. Interestingly enough, our teacher made us all go up in groups depending on our houses, trying to see the distinct difference between everyone’s fears.
The slytherins were up first. Severus’ boggart shifted into james, and Malfoy’s shifted into himself, but lifeless, he pictured himself dead. After all the slytherins went it was our turn.
“Potter,” The teacher said. “You’re up.”
And from there James’ had shifted into a winning quidditch cup but for another house, Remus’ has shifted into a moon and clouds, Lily’s shifted into a spider, and then it was my turn.
I stepped up slowly. My wand shook in my hands because I already knew what mine was going to be, and how weak it would make me look.
“Maybe I should do this some other time.” I said to the teacher. They in return, just shooting me back a glare.
And suddenly it shifted, dust flying up around it, contorting into its desired shape.
Suddenly, there it was, my mother, looking at me with disgust. I rolled my eyes at the snickers I heard around me and held my wand up in front of her face.
“Riddikulus.” I muttered, yet she still stepped closer, unphased.
“Louder.” The teacher called.
“Riddikulus!” I shouted, and suddenly she stood before me with rat ears and a tail.
It was her turn, Y/N’s. I was actually quite anxious to see what hers was going to be, even though I’m almost certain it’s going to be her father.
She stepped up slowly, looking at the Boggart with fear in her eyes. Once again, it contorted, and flipped, and dust flew out from all sides, but suddenly there was… nothing. Where once my mother stood now was nothing, the boggart had disappeared. The whole room went silent. She looked at the emptiness, shocked.
“She broke it.” Someone muttered.
Yet she still stood staring at it. Suddenly, she began to walk backwards, slow at first, then ran out of the classroom in a flash.
I looked to Remus and he looked at me and suddenly I was right behind her, on her way down the hallway.
“Y/N!” I called, yelling to her as she walked into a supply closet.
“Y/N.” I said sadly, leaning in on the door, resting my ear on it.
“Go away, Sirius.” She sniffled.
“I’m not leaving until you open the door.”
And with that I heard a small popping noise, and I quickly pushed open the knob. She was sitting on the floor her knees to her chest.
“I don’t get it,” I said, crouching down in front of her.
She sat there quietly and stiff, I rested my hand on her head to comfort her. She relaxed into my touch.
“I’m fine.” She said.
I tilted my head and looked at her longingly, she definitely wasn’t fine.
“Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, I have known you long enough to know when you’re fine and when you’re definitely not.”
She giggled a little and look up at me, her face slightly coated with tears.
“Don’t look at me,” she said. “I’m hideous!”
I laughed slightly and sat down right beside her, taking her head into my hands, wiping away the wetness with my thumbs.
“You’re much too pretty to cry.” I say.
She looks at me with big eyes, they swelled with tears. She leant up slowly and pressed her lips on mine, they were soft and swollen against my rough ones. I leant in a little, swiping my tongue against her bottom lip and she quickly welcomed me in. We pulled apart after a few seconds and she laid into me.
“This,” She said. “This is the exact opposite of what I was afraid of.”
She stayed quiet for a minute afterwards and rested her head into my chest, I drew circles slowly into her lower back, her legs draped over my lap.
I thought of it suddenly, and tightened my grip around her with my arms.
Her biggest fear is simply no one being there for her.
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wolfiebucky · 2 years
i can’t decide who’s more of a “hand over mouth as i pound you in the back seat of my car so no one knows i’m fucking the loud mouth cheerleader” is that more eddie or steve 🤔
gotta be eddie dude, steve's more of a "kiss you to shut you up" type, but allow me to elaborate on the first for a moment (and by a moment I mean nearly over 1.5k words)
(warnings: smut obv, blood mention, drug use mention, hair pulling, overstimulation, crying during sex/dacryphilia, breath play, extremely vague/not serious breeding kink)
[part 2 here]
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"Shh, shh," he soothed, though you could hear the wide grin curling his lips, "don't want anyone to hear, now do we?"
Honestly, though, this was your attempt to stay quiet— digging your teeth into your lip so hard you tasted metallic, gripping the faded leather seats until your nails nearly tore through them. It wasn't your fault that it felt so good, that the weed had made your head all spinny and your insides all tingly and that his dick was slamming right into that spot that made your toes curl. No, that was all his fault; he gave you the joint and he promised it would 'awaken your senses', even if maybe neither of you anticipated exactly which senses it would awaken.
"Don't want anyone shining a light in here, right?" he continued, even though you could barely keep track of what he was talking about. "Don't want them seeing you on your hands and knees getting fucked and screaming like it's the best thing you've ever had, hm?"
"F-fuck, Eddie," you winced, gasping loudly when he tugged on your cheerleader-uniform-mandated ponytail. You breathed through your teeth, wishing you had the strength to tell him not to be so rough, not to fuck you like this... like a whore. But god, this is exactly what you wanted from him, if you were being honest, even if you hated yourself just a bit for liking it so much— for needing it. He dug his fingers into the hair at your scalp, surely ruining your half an hour of styling efforts from earlier tonight, and pushed your head back down against the seats; god, he was really rubbing it in, huh? You almost thought he'd be grateful, that he'd be delicate and careful with you because, well, the opportunity to fuck a cheerleader does not come by for a guy like him. But no, he was putting you in your place, and you were biting your lip to keep from begging him for more.
His free hand held your hips and suddenly his pace changed-- from hasty and rushed to slow but hard, slamming into you and knocking you forward with a loud groan. He did it again, and again, and you cried out louder with each thrust right into the deepest parts of you. "Oh, sweetie," he cooed condescendingly, "are you having trouble keeping quiet? I'll help you, babe— m'gonna shut you up, don't worry—"
He spoke so roughly that he sounded furious, leaning down over you to press his lips up to your ear, and suddenly the hand in your hair slipped around and covered your mouth. He gave you another one, so deep your eyes rolled back in your head, and you finally let it all out— it was muffled behind his hand, anyway, and it felt good to moan as loud as you wanted without it being actually as loud as it would be otherwise.
You weren't quite sure what to think: he was fucking you rather disrespectfully, but the intensity of it, the way he groaned deeply into your ear and mumbled little praises under his breath, the way he held your waist tighter and tighter— you could almost call it passionate, if you didn't know any better. Sure, not exactly sweet, but it could be worse.
Well, actually, it couldn't be better. It was perfect. It was Eddie fucking Munson, and you couldn't quite wrap your head around that yet, but you didn't need to because it felt goddamn perfect.
"Good girl, fuck, goooood fuckin' girl," he hissed into your ear. "Oh, you're still so loud, even with my hand on your mouth— need some more help, babe?"
He squeezed your nose shut with his thumb and the side of his finger, and suddenly you had no air at all; you didn't even care, you didn't need air anymore, you just needed this. It made the numbness that much better, made your eyes well with tears and your throat burn but you wanted more more more— you wanted everything.
"Ohh, fuck, are you coming?" he laughed proudly, fucking you faster right as it hit you. You hadn't even noticed until he said it, but, yep, you were clenching inside and your back was arching deeper and you felt the tears keep flowing over his hand. "Oh my god, that's good— you're so fuckin' tight, Jesus..."
It just kept getting bigger and bigger, it kept twisting in your core and you weren't sure how much more you could take. He let go of your nose and you took a deep breath in, hearing the most deranged noise break out of your throat and peter out in your mouth with his hand keeping it inside. You were crying out his name, at least you were trying to, but it was all just incomprehensible sobs muffled under that thick, clammy hand with the gaudy silver rings that you could taste on your lips.
God, was it ever gonna stop? This feeling, this light show on the back of your eyes, this whole-body spasm that danced under your skin— was it gonna let you go back down to Earth any time soon? Or was this just your new normal, was this just some other state of existence that Eddie had knocked you face-first into, with no plan to rescue you?
It was too much, it was far too much, but you could already see yourself tomorrow morning, staring at the phone, trying to decide how long to wait until coming back for more.
"That's it, baby," he encouraged you, "scream for me, just like that— nobody's gonna hear you, promise."
He couldn't promise that, but he didn't need to. He could fuck you in front of whoever he wanted if it was always gonna be like this; he could fuck you in front of your grandmother and you wouldn't stop him— you were whipped. Like, whipped whipped. Like, 'pearls and heels making a roast dinner if he asks me to' whipped. Like, 'we are so doing this again' whipped.
You heard him gasp, a sound almost like a wince or a cry, almost like it hurt— and you could relate to that right now, certainly. "Fuck!" he grunted. "M'close, I'm so close, babe..."
You were way too proud of that; it wasn't much of an accomplishment or anything, you heard that guys come pretty easy and in your experience so far it was mostly true. But you felt good, you liked knowing he was going to come because of you, you liked hearing that composure falter for even just a second— and, if nothing else, you were looking forward to taking a fucking breather, because you needed it.
"God, no fuckin' way I'm pulling out," he laughed thinly, "s'too good, babe— I'm gonna come inside, you ready, honey?"
You nodded, as best you could, and heard his own moans get higher in pitch slowly until they stopped all at once and you felt it, warmth filling you and just slightly soothing the ache inside you. He gave you a few shallow thrusts, sudden and seemingly involuntarily like a twitch, and dropped his hand from your mouth with a sigh. You gasped, hearing the hint of a moan on each of your breaths even though it was over now; he pulled out and fell back on the seats dramatically, resting his hand on his forehead like a maiden in an old-timey movie about to faint. You couldn't help but giggle, impressed that he could keep up his theatrics at a time like this.
"Oh, shit," he whimpered, "you really took it all out of me. Literally. Jesus. Y-you're on the pill, though, right? Cause I can buy you something—"
"S'fine," you croaked, clearing your throat when you heard how broken your voice sounded. "Yeah, don't worry about it."
"'Don't worry about it,' she says," he narrated while he raised an eyebrow, "yeah, that's not ominous at all— nine months later you're knockin' on my trailer door with your curly-headed new mini-me and a whole lot of questions—"
"Shut up," you laughed, rolling your eyes. You adjusted your panties to hopefully catch some of the mess before you left a puddle on the seats, then pulled your uniform skirt back down and finally leaned back with a long sigh. The radio was on— you forgot about that— and you heard Black Sabbath mixing in with the sounds of Eddie's belt jingling while he got himself back into his jeans.
"Our babies would be cute, though," he grinned.
"Okay, actually shut up," you frowned, smacking him on the thigh. "I should go— the team's probably wondering where I am—"
"Oh, no no no," he chided, "you're not getting away that easy."
He yanked you down quickly and wrapped his arms around you.
"You owe me at least three minutes of cuddling," he demanded.
"Eddie, I—"
He grabbed your head and pulled it down into his chest, stroking your thoroughly-mussed hair. "Shh, shh," he interrupted you, "get comfy, I'm not letting you leave for a while— feel free to fall asleep, whatever, it'll be cute."
"This is so not how I thought this was gonna go tonight," you grumbled.
"What, you thought we'd smoke up and call it a night?" he wondered. "So did I, but you were givin' me those eyes—"
"No, I mean— what?!" you squawked. "Eyes?! I was not giving you eyes."
"Uh, yes you were, missy!" he insisted. "You were all, Eddie, make love to me, I need you," he imitated a smoky-sensual voice.
"That's what you call 'making love'?" you snorted. "I'd hate to see you fucking. Gonna put a girl in the ICU."
"Oh, babe," he grinned, looking down at you, and you looked up at him from his shoulder expectantly, "I'm just getting started."
(part 2)
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wolfiebucky · 2 years
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16K notes · View notes
wolfiebucky · 2 years
Knoxville refusing to let picture wrap for Number Two
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wolfiebucky · 2 years
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johnny knoxville moment that does something to me
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wolfiebucky · 2 years
I want to be knoxville's controversial girlfriend
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wolfiebucky · 3 years
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Peter Parker - Lockscreen
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wolfiebucky · 4 years
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me too, courtney
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wolfiebucky · 4 years
A cold Façade
Fandom: Harry Potter (Marauders Era)
Pairing: Sirius Black (young) x Reader
Warnings: none just some angst and cuteness
Request: Hi! I was wondering if you could do a marauder era! Sirius x Slytherin! Reader where they hate each other and James accidentally gives Sirius amortentia -it was meant to be a prank for Snape to be in love with y/n- but turns our y/n really likes Sirius then realizes he’s under the spell and ofc gets upset and Sirius makes it right with her somehow. Can you make it really angsty but has a happy ending?
Word Count: 4k holy moly this is my longest so far I think
You looked in your mirror tightening your tie and neatly tucking it into your sweater, you brushed your curled hair behind your ears flattening any loose ends. You laced your shoes and patted down your already freshly ironed uniform. A slight sent of fabric softener being released in the air as you did so. You put a lot of effort into your appearance, the way people saw you was important to you, unlike some people.
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wolfiebucky · 4 years
Not So Perfect Sister Part 2 (Final Part)
Part 1
Pairing: Sirius Black x potter!reader
Word Count: 3,235
Warnings: Mentions of neglect, Mentions of sexual harassment, Swearing, yelling, Angsty
Summary: Reader returns to house to confront her parents and brother.
A/n: Ngl this part isnt as good as the first in my opinion. But whatever. I hope you guys like it!
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You felt the light buzz of alcohol in your chest. You could hear crickets chirping quietly, the dull thud of your head following their rhythm. You took in a deep breath, letting it out, its steamy fog disappearing into the cool night air. You licked your lips, they tasted of vodka and blood. Your heart hammered in you chest uncomfortably. You wanted to turn and run. You would much rather fly than fight. 
You then felt a warm grip fall around your hand. Its heat flowing up your arm and spreading through your body like water slowly trickling through a stream bed. 
You turned and locked your gaze into the stormy skies you considered more of a home than the one you stood in front of. You watched as Sirius' eyes dragged slowly over you. 
You were bathed in the yellow light, making your bloodshot y/e/c eyes shine, their rims red and puffy. Your lip was split open, still raw and brilliantly red. Your hands were bloodied, pebbles still lodged painfully beneath your y/s/c skin. Your left cheek was red turning purple, the palm of a hand struck there in anger. Your y/h/c hair was knotted and windblown, stained wet from tears and sweat. Your clothes wrinkled, the occasional smear of blood or dirt dotting your green t-shirt. A leather jacket that didn't belong to your draped over you. Your feet were bare besides a baby blue ankle sock on your left foot a purple one on your right, both were soaking wet, midnight dew soaking through their thin fabric.  
Yet you stood tall, your eyes turning back to the prison you called home, they narrowed with determination, darkened with rage. Your lips drew into a thin line, jaw tightening. Sirius sympathized for who ever you decided to lock eyes with next, you looked simply dangerous. 
He felt your hand tightened once more around his, the scratches pressing firmly into his palm. When you dropped it, he could still feel the warmth of blood linger there. 
He watched you climb the porch steps. Your actions weren't hesitant or careful. Instead they were firm and confident. You knew what you were doing and you weren't afraid. Not anymore. Each step you took left behind a wet footprint, staining the wood of the porch dark. 
You didn't hesitate at the door, not even for a second. You ignored every single thing in your body telling you to turn around and run back into the musky scent of alcohol and smoke. You needed to do this alone. No one could fix this but you. 
When you opened the door you were washed with a wave of warmth, the scent of a dinner you never ate still lingering in the air. You walked through the mudroom and into the living room. 
You were met with four pairs of eyes, each seeming to show a different emotion. Guilt flashed through all of them as they looked you over but only in one pair did it stay. The other three were replaced by anger, disappointment and fear. 
"Oh Merlin y/n." James gushed rushing towards you, one of his shameful eyes darkened to a bruised purple. 
You involuntarily flinched away from him, giving him a full view of the darkening red mark he left behind from your last meeting. 
He stopped dead in his tracks his eyes brimming with tears, "Oh my god." His voice was choked and broken. "I did that?" Tears slowly dripped from his eyes sliding smoothly down his cheeks. 
Only then did you see your parents eyes falter. They faded into sadness when they looked upon James. 
How could they? How could they feel sorry for him? When you stood broken before them? They grew angry but James gets upset because HE hit YOU and they felt sorry for him? 
"Yeah, yeah you did." You spat at your brother before pushing past him to stand in front of your parents whom to your disgust, almost looked bored. As if they were watching some unentertaining movie. 
You waited for a second, eyes flicking back and forth between the two adults seated on the couch. You wanted them to say something. Anything. Asking if you were okay or what happened to you. Even some half assed apology. But they stayed silent, relaxed. As if they were waiting for you to bore them with some meaningless lecture. 
"Do you even care?" You asked your voice broken and disgusted. 
The room fell deathly silent. Your father opened his mouth but you cut him off. 
"You know what don't answer. I'll do it for you." Your eyes pricked with tears wanting to spring from your eyes. "No. No you don't." 
"Of course we do." Your mother spoke harshly, "Don't you dare disrespect us. We have taken care of you your whole life you have no right." 
"Ok mom." You chucked, "If you care so much and you have done so much for me, can you tell me what position I play in quidditch?" 
Both of your parents went silent. 
"The postion I've been playing since second fuckung year." You glowered at them.
They glance at each other expecting the other to answer.
"What about James." 
"You know his right?" 
"Oh right of course you do. Because his fucking point scored per game is ON THE REFRIGERATOR!" you could feel the hot tears seep down your face. 
"I'm a keeper by the way." You spat. "You've watched me save hundreds of goals. You've watched me block James shots for Godric's sake!" 
Your mother looked down at her hands. You father at the wall. 
"But you don't see your daughter do you? You don't see me saving those goals. You just see another green uniform getting in the way of your precious little boys game." 
"Y/n, we're sorry we don't cheer for you, it's just easier for us to cheer for the house we were apart of." You father explained as if it was obvious. 
"I'm sure it's so much easier for you to boo your daughter right. So easy to brush her off because of the color she's wearing." You wiped furiously at your tears.
"This is a lot of fuss over a few quidditch games " you mother scoffed.
"You think this is just quidditch games?" You seethed. 
You watched as she shrunk away from you, "You don't know a damn thing about me!" 
Once again your father opened his mouth to speak. 
"You don't!" You fired at him before he could even ask the question. "You don't know who my friends are, you don't know the name of my owl, you don't know my ex-boyfriends name. You-" 
"You had a boyfriend?"
You rubbed your eyes, pinching the bridge of your nose. "We dated for a year and a half. "
You watched your parents cringe.
"I bet you can't even tell me my favorite color." You scoffed. 
"That's easy, green" your father stated triumphantly. 
"I wish you were kidding." You muttered.
They cringed again. 
"Its y/f/c. It's been y/f/c since I was seven years old." 
"Y/n I'm sorry we don't pay attention to a few things in your life. We are very busy." Your father argued.
"You know all of that shit about James." You snapped. 
You turned so that you were facing both your parents and James whose eyes were now red rimmed and glassy. 
"I have a question for all of you." 
James snapped his attention to you. Lily who sat next to him, her arm wrapped him looked at you with pity, making you want to slap her so much more. 
"Do you know what happened to me in third year?" 
James shook his head solemnly. Your parents looking anywhere but you. 
"When I was in third year I was felt up by a sixth year." James looked like you just slapped him. "He thought that because I was wearing a crop top he could stick his hand up my shirt and pin me up against a wall." 
The room was dead silent. Sirius who had been standing in the corner of the room went pale. James began to sob again. Lily's mouth dropped. You moms eyes went glassy as your father went beat red. 
"None of you noticed." You cried voice breaking, "I wore nothing but long sleeves and oversized sweatshirts all of my third year because of it and none of you even cared!" Sobs began to wreck your body. You tried to speak but nothing but it was like someone had lodged an egg carton down your throat. 
Sirius still pale as a ghost took you quickly into his arms. 
"I'm so sorry." He whispered into your hair, "I'm so so sorry." 
You looked up at him and everything else fell away. His grey eyes glassy, his dark hair framing his unfairly handsome face, his cheeks were pale and he looked like he wanted to throw up.
 "It's not your fault." You murmured, you wrapped your hand around his neck pulling him into a soft kiss. 
"What the fuck!?" You instantly broke apart to see James, tears still sliding peacefully down his cheeks. His mouth dropped open and his bloodshot eyes wide with surprise. 
"None of your business James." You seethed. 
"I think it is my business! My sister and my best friend just kissed!" He hollered, standing and advancing towards you. "You're going to ruin my friendship!" 
You stepped towards your brother your hands shaking with rage. "This is what I mean!" You shouted, "You are selfish James!" 
"How am I possibly being selfish!" He shot back furiously. 
"You don't care about me! All you care about is your friendship! Your friend! YOURSELF! You don't give two shits about what's happening with me all you care about is your perfect little life being ruined by your not so perfect sister." Your voice was now lowered to a hiss as spoke.
James anger flashed in his eyes again and he took a step toward you, but this time you didn't flinch. 
"What?" You spat, "You gonna hit me again?" You challenged darkly. 
Shame flashed through him and suddenly it hit him. He almost stumbled at the force of the facts that suddenly became so real to him. He was selfish. He was an asshole. He ignored his sister for years simply because of the color of her robes. He had looked at her with disgust and anger simply because she was ambitious and cunning. He only cared for himself and his perfect life. He could suddenly see every time he blew you off, everytime he side stepped you or glowered at you as you did nothing but exist. 
"Oh my god." He whispered, his voice shaky. 
"I'm done with this damn family." You scoffed, "You're all selfish and rude. You all think your so much better than those stick up their ass purebloods but deep down your no better than them, because all you do is ignore and neglect those who are different than you and it's revolting." You turned to look at your parents, "All I ever wanted was a mom and a dad, but since the day that hat was placed on my head you couldn't see anything but a goddamn traitor." Your eyesight blurred and with that you began to walk for the door. 
But you were stopped, not by James or your parents but a pair of soft grey eyes. 
"Y/n/n, you can't." Sirius sighed. "You know you can't, just give them a chance." 
"I gave them thousands of chances." You muttered back attempting to shoulder past him but he held his ground. 
Sirius opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the sharp voice of your mother. 
"The fact that you think you have the right to call us as foul as families who would cast out their own son is what is repulsive young lady! If you truly believe that then by all means walk out that door!" 
You turned ready to unleash hell on to the women but were surprised when your brother stepped in front of you. 
"No mom!" He yelled, "Shes right!" 
Your mother stumbled backwards, her eyes going wide, "James?" She questioned softly as if she had just found out that he had done some unspeakable act. 
"Mom. You may not have physically cast her from the family but you just threatened to. And we have all neglected her since she was eleven as well." James paused taking a breath as your mother slumped back onto the couch. 
"We may not have used a torturing curse on her but for Godric's sake I just slapped her and we have mentally tortured her for years! Can you please get off your high horse for just a second and realize that maybe you and dad aren't as perfect as you seem to believe you are?!" 
The silence that followed was suffocating as you watched you mother process the information she had just been given. Slowly but surely reality began to seep through her skull and she looked up from her hands with guilt in her eyes. 
"I'm so sorry." She whispered, her voice breaking. Before she broke down to sobs and it took you a second to realize she was talking to you. 
Your eyes widened in surprise before narrowing once again and you turned on your heel but instead of heading straight for the door you stomped up the steps. Sirius sent a final glance around the room before following your actions. 
He walked into your room to see you lying on your back on the floor. Your eyes were trained on the white ceiling above your hands fiddling with the sleeve of his leather jacket. 
Sirius didn't ask questions, he simply lay next to you and slowly edged his hand over to yours, intertwining your fingers with his. 
You sat in silence for a few minutes hearing faint arguing bellow. 
"It took James." You finally spoke causing Siirus to turn his head towards you in question.
"It took James for her to realize that she might actually be wrong." You explained a tear sliding from your cheek like a raindrop set carefully against your y/s/c skin. 
"I know y/n." Sirius mumbled, "But at least she realized." 
"I know it just made me so mad that after everything she still won't listen to me." You winced feeling a sharp pain on you hand when Sirisu gripped it tightly. 
He immediately apologized having you situp as he fished for his wand. 
"Yeah it does suck." He agreed before muttering a spell over you hands as you felt the pebbles begin to slowly pull from your soft flesh. "But she needed someone like James agreeing with you to make her hear you. " 
You sighed, "Your probably right." You smiled softly up at him. 
"Of course I'm right," he smirked, "I'm Sirius Black." 
"God your an ass." You giggled as he pulled you towards him pressing his lips slowly on yours, his touch made you feel warm and fuzzy, you could feel his heartbeat quicken as you placed your hand lightly on his chest. 
There was a knock at the door, three soft wraps which you were sure had to be your mother's. Much to Sirius' dismay you pulled away standing to open the door. 
When you swung it open you were greeted by emerald green eyes and fiery red hair. Lily looked nervously at you probably expecting you to slam the door in her face, and the truth was you were tempted. 
"Yes Evans?" You asked feeling Sirius walk up next to you. 
"I think they need you down stairs." She said quietly. 
You glanced at Sirius who nodded, "Ok." You spoke hesitantly. 
You were about to leave when you suddenly stopped. 
She turned to face you expecting you to explode in her face. 
"Sorry about all this. And you can move your stuff into James room, Sirius can sleep in mine." 
She grinned back nodding and beginning to gather her stuff. 
"That is if you want to." You shrugged glancing at Sirius who seemed to be smirking down at you. 
"I thought you'd never ask." He taunted. 
"Neither did I" You huffed as you descended the stairs. 
You were greeted by you parents and James.  He stood carefully next to you facing your parents as well. And you suddenly realized it was no longer four against one. It was three against two. 
You stood in front of your parents waiting for them to speak. They seemed to be communicating back and forth with their eyes, raising and lowering their brows to for different expressions that you honestly couldn't quite read. 
Finally you cleared your throat loudly and you father sighed before turning to you and saying, "Y/n, we want to apologize." He paused looking down before sighing and continuing, "You were right about everything thing you said, and it wasn't fair for us to neglect you simply because you were different." 
The room once again dropped silent, all eyes on you. You could feel them boring into you like a woodpecker into wood. 
Finally your mother spoke, "Y/n, please forgive us, we are so sorry, it is terrible that it took us that long to see it but please give us another chance." She begged. Begging was not a pretty color on her. It seemed strange to see such a strong woman, who you had grown to see as cold-hearted, beg. 
You glanced around this room, eyes sticking on Sirius the longest. Eventually you let your y/e/c orbs travel back to your parents. 
You sighed, "Ok." And with that word everyone in the room let put a relieved sigh.
"So you forgive us then?" You father asked hopefully.
"Merlin's beard no." You scoffed back watching them deflate, "I'll give you a chance but I'm going to forgive you in four seconds for what you did to me for four years." 
They nodded understandingly and you let out a sigh, "I'm going to bed." You mumbled before retreating back up to your room but before you could make it up you were stopped by a hand grabbing your wrist. 
You instinctively spun around to be greeted with a pair of dark eyes.
"Thank you y/n/n." He whispered and for the first time since you were 11 your nickname slipped from his lips. 
You just nodded before turning to leave but his grip stayed firm. 
"What happened between Sirius and you?" He asked nervously, "Because I mean I'm not just asking as a friend, I'm asking as a big brother and I-" 
Your giggle cut him off, "We kissed James, tonight actually so honestly, I don't even know what happened." 
"Oh. Okay well, I just don't want you to get hurt, you know how he is." He mumbled awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck as color tinged his cheeks. 
"Thank you James." You smiled giving his hand a squeeze before walking up the stairs Sirius soon following behind. 
When you reached your bedroom you turned pulling Sirius into a searing kiss, your lips colding sloppily as your tongue grazed his bottom lip. After a second you pulled away panting. 
"Thank you." You mumbled before pulling him close to you once again.
@accio-rogers @roslea @k3nz-doodl3 @sarcarstic-space-weirdo @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @mcluuvin666 @voldemort-twerks-for-jesus @freakingrat @handsheartsouleyes @paigeyisme @gutdump @thatgirlfromcamp25 @youlook-likehell @arianna-17-11 @xinyourdreamsx @magicalydelicious @thewolvesof1998 @voodoodollgirl @hahaboop @songforhema
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wolfiebucky · 4 years
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idc if you have daddy issues or not, if this doesn't make you smile idk what u need.
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wolfiebucky · 4 years
A cat person - Sirius Black x Reader
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Request: DAMN I LOVE YOUR WRITINGS! Can I request a Sirius x reader where he finds her as animagus (cat) and become super close and always tries to take her to his room and class and everywhere but like.. she can’t and one day decides to tell him?❤️❤️ Yayyy!
Warnings: Um, I don’t really know. My English, not that great? Image and Gif aren’t mine. Credits to their original owners.
You had finally achieved the transformation.
You had tried for months, followed every step. Of course, nobody knew. You, however,  had guessed that McGonagall was an exception. You had to keep a leaf of a Mandrake in your mouth for an entire month and you could honestly say that it sucked. You weren’t able to speak or eat properly and even the last person that you talked to was worried that something was wrong. Lily had even insisted for you to visit Madam Pomfrey. But you managed to escape that. She would know instantly.
Another bummer was that you couldn’t choose your animagus form. If you could, you would very much like to be a lion or a tiger or even a cat. You knew that your form would represent your personality and you liked to think that you, just like a cat, can show all the affection in the world if someone had earned it but was independent and very well self-sufficient. And it was cute. You had read that your animagus form and your Patronus could be the same. There was an exception, though. Your Patronus could change- so it would represent the soul of your significant other. You didn’t know your Patronus yet but you were quite positive that it would reveal your long-time crush on a certain raven-haired, gray-eyed boy. The crush was formed the very moment you laid eyes on him. But you were not that great when it came to actions. You just sat back while he slept with everyone. Literally everyone. But you didn’t do anything. What could you do anyways?  So, here you were. Your first transformation. You felt dizzy-like you had been drinking for a while. Kind of light headed. You looked down. Paws? Small paws? You wanted to squeal in happiness and excitement but all you managed to do was meow.
“Aren’t you adorable?”. Wait. What? You stopped walking because two strong hands picked you up, gently. You wanted to tell them to put you back down that instant but again, you just meowed. He laughed. Oh, no. You knew that sound. You knew that laugh. Just your luck. “Fiesty. But adorable” he continued, slightly petting your head, his slender fingers going through your fur. You purred before you could stop yourself. You must have been tiny for him to carry you in his palms.
“How did you end up here, alone?” he asked you and you felt the urge to facepalm. You moved your paws in a way that revealed your annoyance. He smiled and you felt yourself melting under his touch. But why was he outside that late?
“You need a name, don’t you?” he said softly. Not that you didn’t like him being there or that you were complaining. You leaned your head to his fingers. That was all it took. His smile dropped.
“Care to listen?” he simply asked you, his voice strained of happiness. You meowed. He remained still for a moment. You nudged him with your head.
“I have to be in my dorm and you are coming with me”. Was he insane? He was talking to a cat. Did he expect an answer? He chuckled. His friends were fast asleep and you felt really bad for him. He truly needed someone to listen. He plopped down onto his bed, softly placing you onto his lap. You nuzzled him and purred, rubbing your head against his stomach. He was petting you like it was calming him down. “Alright, tiger. Here is the deal…”Tiger? Really, tiger? He started telling you about his life and his family and even you wouldn’t call those people family; how he was treated and how he reacted. Eventually, he admitted that he wasn’t carefree and that it hurt him when he was disowned because after all, he was their son, their blood and you saw how hard it was for him. He tried to play it off but you just gave him a sympathetic look and bit his fingers playfully. What did I just do? You spent all night with him-in your animagus form, of course. At some point he fell asleep, his hands still petting you. You felt torn. You wanted to stay but you had to - To hell with it. You carefully moved near his head, curled up in a furry ball and fell asleep. You wanted to show him that someone did care.
That had been going on about a month now. You were staying all night with him and once he got out of the room for breakfast you’d run like hellfire was coming your way. Just to make it in time. The last couple of days though, he had tried to carry you to class with him. Something that was impossible. You would miss the class and all of the professors would know that you were an illegal animagus. Neither were things you were looking forward to. He, however, had managed to do it yesterday.
You were extremely uncomfortable. You hadn’t managed to stop him from carrying you to McGonagall’s class.Out of all of your professors, it had to be the other cat animagus. You knew she knew the moment she saw you. She smiled to herself.
“Mr. Black what on earth are you carrying?” she questioned him but her voice wasn’t stiff. She actually enjoyed it. “My cat. Meet Tiger. Tiger, meet Minnie” he proudly introduced you. You were thankful that animals don’t blush. “Your..cat?” she raised an eyebrow in question. Sirius grinned like a mad man. “I adopted her” he answered, thinking that Minnie would be proud. And she was. But for a different reason. She just gave him a pointed look and walked away.
“I am not sure you want that kind of relationship with her” she whispered under her breath but you heard it.
You walked into his room. A cat. A cat walked into his room. You had to remind yourself a couple of times that all he ever saw was a cat. You had learned that he was an animagus too- a black dog, which was the biggest irony in the world- as well as Remus’ secret. Not that you didn’t suspect it earlier. His words came as a confirmation. He was already inside, looking kind of mad. “You sneaky little Tiger” he said in a mocking way, pointing you-the cat. You furrowed your eyebrows, wait-not yours per say. You waltzed all the way to him, jumped on his bed and made yourself comfortable on his lap. You gave him a puzzled look or at least that was what you were aiming for. You meowed in protest when he removed you from his lap and almost scratched him.
“You haven’t let me impress her! She is never around when you are. Let me take you to her. PLEASE” he exclaimed with a funny look on his face. Oh, no. He wanted to use you to impress a girl? You abruptly yet gracefully landed on the floor, making your way out. You really wanted to be alone for a second. “Wait. No! Don’t go, Tiger” he said and a moment later you found yourself halting. He sounded… broken.
“She is never gonna like me. I mean-ugh!”. You weren’t sure if you should scream because ‘she’ wasn’t you or because he was hurt. But you did value his happiness a bit more than yours, so when he picked you up and petted you, you let him.
“Sure-most girls just throw themselves at me but she is not like that. She is this angelic-like creature; she is radiating. The sun doesn’t stand a chance. Her smile… oh, Tiger… her smile” he trailed off. He had that stupid grin on his face.        He looked cute. You would never have guessed that he could fall so much in love. She was one of the luckiest people on earth to have him swept off his feet- and she didn’t even know. He caressed your small head with affection. Something that you could only gain while in this form.
“I wish I could ask her on a date. Even her name is perfect. Have you ever heard a name so… Y/N. I mean it’s flowing like water- Tiger? Tiger!?”. You had lost your balance and fell down to the floor. Then, before you could think what had just happened, three idiots walked in.
“Still in love with Tiger?” James teased him but petted you while giving you a sweet smile. You, however, could only think of his previous words. Did he really say your name? Like you were that ‘she’? “No, Prongs. That’s Y/N” Peter said, laughing and you knew that if you weren’t already on the floor you would have fallen.
“Man up and ask her out, Pads” Remus advised him. Bless your soul, Moony! You run out of their room and made a beeline to yours. You could really use a moment.  
Once you were safely inside your dorm, you changed back to your human self! Finally. You decided to skip tonight’s meeting and actually leave him a bit alone. He actually liked you. He liked you. You kept repeating that to yourself but it didn’t seem any less impressive. You thought that you must have done something really good to deserve it.  You were sitting in the Great Hall, eating breakfast and cheerfully participating in the conversation that your friends had started. Something about boys. Oh, you thought about boys, alright. One in particular.  
You noticed the group walking in and sitting down next to you. James, of course, sat next to his Lily-flower. You chuckled. You could tell that he was staring at you and you felt your heart skip several beats. With all the courage you had muster to find for a second, you turned towards him, smiled brightly. He was taken aback. Your smile only grew bigger.
“Good morning Sirius” you said kindly and very amused.
“H-Hi!” he stuttered out. You held back the urge to chuckle. The great Sirius Black. Everyone’s attention was on you. “I would love to go out with you” you said nonchalantly while you poured some milk into your coffee. You could hear the gasps coming from everyone. Literally everyone. You looked at him like nothing had happened. He was choking on his breath.
“How- Wha-Uh?” he breathed out completely bewildered.
“A little cat told me” you said, sending him a wink. His eyes almost popped out. You laughed. He was so dense.
“You’re an animagus!” he whispered-yelled, causing you to shush him.
“What can I say? For a dog, you are quite the cat person” you mocked him, continuing your breakfast, but not before you reached and pecked his cheek. Little did you know, he was left breathless, bright red and smiling like he had won the lottery. Because in his mind, he had.
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wolfiebucky · 4 years
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esse clipe foi a coisa mais linda e triste que eu já vi na vida (quem não gostou sai no soco comigo agora pois eu chorei horrores amei muito e vou panfletar pra sempre)
like or reblog if you use/save xx
don’t repost
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wolfiebucky · 4 years
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I hope so, Mark. 
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wolfiebucky · 4 years
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Imagine you are an actress and a few days ago you and your husband Timothée Chalamet became parents of a little son.
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wolfiebucky · 5 years
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meh…anyway Joker x Arthur x Sophie are the way
change my mind 
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