wolfishturk · 5 days
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As some have informed me that they're upset with my lack of activity on some of my blogs, I'll be blunt. I've been busy with work and what could very well be my future in a career that I've dreamt of having since I was a kid but had always believed impossible until now and I intend to try my very best to see it through... atm I've been finding three muses to be my strongest right now with one in particular. I have no intention of abandoning my other blogs, like I've said, I really just haven't had the brain power right now and have felt most comfortable on certain blogs. If you're not happy to wait for replies etc, you're perfectly welcome to unfollow me. If you'd like to keep interacting with me, this is a list in order of strongest muse and decreasing, I can primarily be found on:
Koyash ( Turkic God of the Sun )
Matyr Han ( Turkic God of Bravery && Courage )
Ethan Watson ( OC werewolf )
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wolfishturk · 13 days
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If you scratch under Selim's chin or behind his ear his foot will start involuntarily kicking a.k.a. the 'scratch reflex'. Yes, this includes when he's in human form, but don't call him out on it cos he'll be embarrassed. 😆
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wolfishturk · 27 days
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Independent dual promo for two of my roleplay blogs for KOYASH, the God of the Sun and MATYR HAN, the God of Courage && Bravery from Turkic Mythology with influence from personal headcanon. OC, AU, multi-muse && crossover friendly. Mun && muse 21+.
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wolfishturk · 1 month
Just wanted to let people know that the next few months are going to be busy. I may get a weekend or so to myself every now and then but in the grand scheme of things, I'm going to be busy and therefore very tired while I try and get used to this new structure. There will also be times when I won't have access to my laptop for a while too, particularly during times when I'm offshore or sent off to another part of the country for training. Just know that I do want to interact with you and do replies, I promise, if I don't get to you right away it's purely because I'm absolutely shattered, stuck for time or just outright unavailable. ❤️
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wolfishturk · 1 month
Sb: Werewolves are just big, scary thuggish creatures... Selim:
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wolfishturk · 1 month
* tw for mentions of blood / cannibalism / death + murder .
to the werewolf .
❝ it’s almost a full moon. ❞
❝ are you still bipedal ? as a wolf, i mean. ❞
❝ you bit me ! ❞
❝ you smell like wet dog. ❞
❝ so do you howl at the moon ? ❞
❝ take a deep breath, okay ? you need to calm down. ❞
❝ your secret is safe with me. ❞
❝ so we should avoid silver then ? ❞
❝ i just saw you turn into a giant dog. ❞
❝ awoo. ❞
❝ so is this a lone wolf situation, or do you have like … a pack ? ❞
❝ do you prefer the term pack or family ? ❞
❝ you are covered in blood. ❞
❝ you’re not gonna start marking your territory or something, are you ? ❞
❝ you were howling with laughter. ❞
❝ look how big the moon is. ❞
❝ what big teeth you have… ❞
❝ luckily, i’m a dog person. ❞
from a werewolf .
❝ i’m a werewolf. ❞
❝ you seriously think i’m a werewolf ? ❞
❝ shut up and chain yourself to a tree. ❞
❝ we’re werewolves, not swearwolves. ❞
❝ alpha is an outdated term, based off of bullshit studies. ❞
❝ telling me to calm down is just gonna make it worse. ❞
❝ it’s the fullmoon, i don’t wanna ruin my good clothes. ❞
❝ look, i’m not gonna hurt you ! ❞
❝ get out of here, or i’m going to hurt you. ❞
❝ you think people are gonna believe you saw me turn into a giant dog ? ❞
❝ sorry i bit you. ❞
❝ so, you’re a werewolf now. ❞
❝ welcome to the pack ! ❞
❝ if it makes you feel better it’s not my blood. ❞
❝ i prefer the term werewolf/lycanthrope. ❞
❝ i told you, you need to leave. ❞
❝ are you … trying to walk me ? ❞
actions .
[ AWOO. ]   the sender howls at the moon.
[ TEETH. ]   the sender bites the receiver during a full moon .
[ CHANGE. ]   the receiver walks in on the sender during their transformation.
[ CALM. ]   the sender reaches out to calm the receiver. 
[ DARK. ]   the receiver finds the sender out on a full moon. 
[ FOUND. ]   the sender found the receiver somewhere after a full moon, and decides to take care of them
[ GROWL. ]   the sender growls at the receiver as a warning. 
[ PREPARE. ]   the sender helps the receiver prepare for the full moon. 
[ SILVER. ]   the sender accidently/purposefully gives the receiver something silver to see how they react. 
[ TRAP. ]   the receiver is caught in a trap by the sender. 
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wolfishturk · 1 month
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Full moon by johannes_moths.
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wolfishturk · 1 month
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"No, that is all right. I sometimes worry that it will be... bad? I understand that my scent to some people is, um... unpleasant? As a vampire has made clear when our paths cross." His 'uncle' didn't always say as much, he had at first, but it was his facial expressions that often made it obvious. Although, whether it was that he didn't like the smell or just wasn't overjoyed to be 'friendly' with a werewolf was likely up for debate.
Not that Selim knew, but his Kindred uncle did care for him, it just didn't help that their kinds were natural enemies and with something as old and stubborn as Galeb, it was difficult for the Elder to break old habits.
As much as he talked down to the werewolf, he really did care about him.
Not that he'd make that clear or let Selim know, of course.
"You are a hybrid?" The surprise was evident, yet it didn't come from disgust, but genuine intrigue. "You are the first I have met." He actually sounded rather delighted by the fact that he'd finally met one. "But no, I have no problem with hybrids. I am curious though... you were a werewolf first or... um, is it too personal to ask about this? I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable?"
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"I hope it doesn't offend you that I can smell your scent...?" was it somehow a cultural faux-pas? Lilith Drake used to be so adamant that Nina learns some manners... but then the daughter of Drac was not an easy-going person.
"My uncle is amazing. I am in control too, but mostly because I'm an hybrid. I didn't have control before a vamp got his fangs in my neck." Her voice was barely above a murmur, someone without enhanced hearing might not hear her words.
She rubbed her neck, the memory unpleasant even though she loved everything that she was. She just didn't love how it came to be her new normal.
"You're not against hybrids, are you?"
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wolfishturk · 1 month
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"Of course. Don't worry, arkadaş, I jest also." A warm chuckle fell from the Turkish werewolf's lips, offering one more nudge to the other as a rather shy smile enveloped his entire expression. It was nice to be able to play around with someone, he was always so guarded when it came to what he was, growing up being taught that the outside world wouldn't accept him, that they'd kill them if they had the chance, to let go in someone's presence felt almost -- - freeing.
He didn't have to worry about Chihiro finding out what he was and running for the hills, or worse. After all, it was that side of him the kitsune had met first.
"I, uh... have never worn a suit before." Though he imagined that was maybe rather obvious. Not that he was opposed to the idea, he just wouldn't even know where to begin and certainly didn't know how to tie a tie. "But yes, our discussion of suits can wait." A brilliant grin swept across his lip, taking the offered hand even though he mostly pushed himself from the step. He didn't want to pull the guy over by accident. "I will follow your esteemed lead."
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Settling down for now Chihiro found himself already comfortable in the young man's presence again, despite the fresh morning air that could easily have had a chill run through the kitsune. As a greeting the nudge was returned, bringing those amber eyes to meet the dark brown gaze, once more enchanted by their gentleness. "I never make fun of you. I jest." He corrected gentle along with reaching a warm hand to briefly ghost his knuckle over one of the pinkish cheeks just above the beard, the contact gone as quickly as it had come. "My hope is you don't get used to it too soon." With a grin he followed the other's gaze to the sign, finding himself once more amused although sincere about their differences. "You'd be surprised what a nice tailored suit can do." Especially with someone as handsome as Selim who seemed to be so blissfully unaware of his own looks. With an audible intake of his breath the older stood from the steps to make his way in front of the Turk, a hand held out as an offer to help him up - not that he would need it but as a gesture of kindness. "Now it's time for you to show me back to my roots, now how about that?"
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wolfishturk · 1 month
There were times when Selim was sure that he was getting translations wrong. Between slang terms and sayings, there was always something that had the young werewolf dumbfounded and clambering for the right words. It was simply harder when he was tired, finding it all too easy to tiptoe back into Turkish if he wasn't concentrating properly.
Then again, it also happened when he was feeling energised or excited, too many emotions automatically dragging him back into his native tongue without even realising it.
"That is nice name, much more interesting than... safe, I think?" He had to laugh to himself, more than willing to poke fun at his own expense. "You are from Japan?" That did seem to pique his interest, brow suddenly lifted. "I have never been, but I have heard it is very amazing. I would love to go there someday." Not that he expected it at this point, he went where the pack went and they tended to keep to quiet areas well away from highly populated areas. That didn't stop him from imagining it though, right?
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"I am from Istanbul in Turkey." Although he was born there, he'd never actually stayed in the capital for long enough to actually remember anything about it. "My mother likes to teach me other languages, she started four years ago, but, uh... my father does not approve so much. Our lessons are... discreet." He tried his best to explain, tilting his head to each side momentarily. "This is one of my first times speaking to someone else." All he could do was hope that he was making sense, though his mother had definitely been a good teacher. "Oh, you mean... me?" Admittedly, he seemed a bit surprised, if not bashful as warmth flooded his cheeks. "I hope I did not worry you, I... am very much happy to meet you."
Selim's accent was sweet, charming. Aya knew exactly how he felt about speaking a language that wasn't his mother tongue. She herself was going through a very similar phase when she was a lot younger.
“Safe… uh-huh…” At his explanation, she nodded and smiled. “That's a positive word. You can translate my name into something like 'color' or 'design'. It refers to the design found on traditional kimonos. I'm originally from Japan, so I grew up there, and know how hard it is to learn a new language.”
Although an accent was barely audible in her pronunciation. It was only in rare emotional moments that her second language even failed her.
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“Where are you from? So what is your mother tongue and when did you start speaking English?” Then she laughed, gesturing around to their surroundings. “I'm walking too, yes. I was almost on my way home when an obviously nice person approached me.”
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wolfishturk · 1 month
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Although it wasn't much of a surprise when Elysia confirmed she wasn't human, it didn't answer the ultimate question that was bouncing around inside the werewolf's head. What was she? While his senses could easily pick up on her scent not being human, whatever she was, she was something that he'd never met before.
Which didn't exactly narrow it down either.
"Bu kaba mı bilmiyorum ama… sen nesin?"
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Elysia let out a soft laugh, surprising even herself. Of course he wouldn't understand that. But his confused expression was so endearing, she couldn't help the sound. The laugh was very brief, but a rarity in itself.
"Iyi ki insan değilim o zaman," she answered easily. She wondered how far his supernatural abilities went in detecting demigods. She arched a brow, a hint of a smile remaining on her lips.
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wolfishturk · 2 months
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Independent Koyash, God of the sun, from Turkic Mythology with influence from his portrayal and background from Marvel comics and personal headcanons. OC, AU, multi-muse && crossover friendly. Mun + muse 21+
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wolfishturk · 2 months
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Consider this a temporary self-promo for Koyash from Turkic Mythology with influence from his appearance in Marvel comics and headcanons. OC, AU, multi-muse && crossover friendly. Mun + muse 21+
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wolfishturk · 2 months
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"People who live in glass houses should not throw stones? I don't understand? This is not, um... obvious? The glass would break, would it not?" The thick-accented Turk blinked several times as if visibly trying to process the saying. "Also, there are people who live in houses made of glass? Is this... normal?"
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wolfishturk · 2 months
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I'm going to try and be more active over all my rp blogs. ( emphasis on try 🤞 ) so here's a list of them and you're welcome to give any or all of them a follow.
Charles Xavier ( mutant ) FX's Legion
Erik Lehnsherr ( mutant ) FX's Legion
Ethan Watson ( werewolf ) OC
Galeb Bazory ( vampire ) VTMS
Fr. James Rutherford ( priest / exorcist ) OC
Dr. Jonathan Reid ( vampire ) Vampyr
Selim Sydin ( werewolf ) OC
Keep in mind that I'm still getting used to working again and juggling events and courses. I'm trying my best. 😂
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wolfishturk · 2 months
... why don't you dry off before you get dressed ?
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"My body runs at a higher temperature than most humans, it... does not take long for me to dry. Using a towel only, um... adds extra unneeded steps?" Not that he'd really given it much thought, he'd also been accustomed to warmer climates too, so between the hot air and his own body heat, he didn't really see the need to worry about drying himself. "I don't know, maybe I should start? Is it... more acceptable to use one?"
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wolfishturk · 2 months
Selim, do you like to go out when its raining cats and dogs?
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"It... rains cats and dogs?" The look of complete and utter confusion on Selim's face it all. "I don't understand? This is... normal? I have never heard of such a thing." That couldn't be right -- - could it? He'd been told about it raining fish due to thunderstorms before in rare occurrences, not that he'd seen it for himself, but passed along by word of mouth by other members of the pack, but cats and dogs? "I would not go out, it would be, uh... messy?"
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