broknfeed · 2 months
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『S』 ---- "Y'know. Stefan told me Elena is better than you." He began, "I'm starting to believe it considering that you're such a bitch."
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chaos--mode · 4 months
@malka-lisitsa continued from here.
ren snorts; yes, she very much does. ❝ only if you're buying. ❞
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wastheheart · 5 months
Continued from here || @malka-lisitsa
To be honest, Esme would normally let these things slide, but exhaustion was cruel. She remembers what it feels like to run on nothing, but keep pushing regardless. In a way, this life is cruel; no matter how tired she is, she can't rest. The closest she'll ever get is feeding, but even then, the respite is brief.
A smile curls the corners of Esme's lips upwards in response to Katherine's less than kind words, Esme's shoulders offering a shrug shortly after.
"That's true," she agrees, smoothing creases from her skirt which is resting across her legs, one crossed over the other. "But I can still make sure you're alright. Consider it, well... consider it a question in good faith and nothing more."
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demcnsinmymind · 26 days
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@malka-lisitsa continued from here
"Oh, I bet it's a bad idea. Hence the offer."
There is a smile on his face, though the way he assesses her top to bottom is still calculated and sharp, as if looking for something very specific. And the nice thing about her is that he doesn't even have to look for it. It's there, all over her. Age. Power. No warning words needed.
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"Tell me, which side do the Mikaelsons fall on? With you? Against you?"
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brokenbrxther · 7 months
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" i am not afraid. i just... i can not imagine going through so much was easy, and yet you seem so confident and pleased with your life. you make what many call a curse look like a blessing. i suppose i wanted to understand what it was truly like. " stefan's hand lifted to cup her cheek as if to prove he wasn't frightened. if anything, her honesty made his feelings for her run deeper. " you glow after you feed, you know. you are beautiful always, but right now you just look so... " he lets out a breath, once again lost for words to describe her-- something he found happened often. " i just wanted to understand because i am quite sure i have fallen in love with you. every part of you. "
cont. with @malka-lisitsa
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ofcrossrcads · 8 months
@malka-lisitsa from xx
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“ well, i was going to offer you a top off, but suit yourself. not an offer that comes around often -- just for the record. ”
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shadowbrn · 8 months
"You look, very familiar... I can't tell if its your smug face or the overwhelming aura of self importance that's doing it for me.... do I know you?"
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(For Donnovan bc i thought it would be fun)
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his brow furrows, unsure of exactly what the hell is happening right now. the woman in front of him is the spitting image of his aunt elena, and yet it very definitely isn't. he tries to remember literally anything his father had told him over the years . . . and he's suddenly wishing he paid maybe a little more attention.
❝ uh . . . nice to meet you too? ❞ he looks down at himself before looking at her, ❝ but uh, no. i don't think so. do i know you? ❞
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lordofthestrix · 3 months
"What's your answer to the trolley problem, I'm curious."
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"The flaw at the root of utilitarianism is that it assumes all souls are worth the same. A comfortable lie some simple-minded fools tell themselves in order to feel virtuous. And not one among them truly believes it. Other than statistical probability, there is no reason whatsoever to infer five people represent a greater loss than one. No matter what virtues and gifts you personally value in others, there are those who let them flourish and there are those who know nothing of them. To reduce life to a game of numbers represents an insult to our spirit. When you say no life is ever worth more than any other, what you are doing is degrading every wonder and marvel we are capable of achieving. Of being. No different than employing a lawn mower to decapitate any growing trees in their infancy, before they can reach the skies, as to avoid the envious scorn of the glass. There are plenty of lives worth hundreds. Some worth thousands. Those I take under my wing are worth millions. One alone who is worth all the rest. And then some. Five strangers by my inaction against one by my hand? It would depend on the impression they all give me while facing their impending doom."
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nexusvcrti · 10 months
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Mystic Falls is... quaint. There's really no other way to describe the town that her father and his siblings have a connection to. Even in the modern age, it's quiet in a way that Hope isn't accustomed to, and it always feels a little bit like people are watching. She honestly pats herself on the back a little for eluding Elijah for so long, and she's throwing caution to the wind by doing this. She jogs down the steps outside the church, toward the tomb that her uncle had come back to at least twice now. Something, or someone was down there and Hope is never going to learn anything by eavesdropping on high school students. There's a body propped up against a wall inside, and she can't quite make out her features, so Hope inches closer, eyes widening as she recognizes the woman. She'd seen her portrait only one time, right before her father had flown into a terrifying range. Her hair and clothes are obviously different, but the features are the same. Pulling out a bloodbag from her bag, Hope tears it open and holds it under the pallid, dessicated face, waiting for her eyes to open. "So...what'd you do to piss off an Original?" // @malka-lisitsa
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brokenbrxther · 6 days
She's brought him soup.
"Don't worry. It's store bought, I didn't make it."
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" thank you , but i'm not really hungry . " he poked his head out from under his sheets to look at her . " i wouldn't be opposed to some company in here . that is if you don't mind me being such a mess . "
@malka-lisitsa is apparently going to be playing doctor
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lostxtosunlight · 20 days
flaw: Katherine says his taste in men
Yuki's Flaws | accepting
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"Any one of my men could run circles around Stefan Salvatore."
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thesnarkybrother · 21 days
▶;; { malka-lisitsa - katherine } LIKED FOR A STARTER
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                       ❝     How is it that whenever something (( HAPPENS )) in this town, no matter the century it always seems to somehow involve you     ?      ❞     Damon complained—— he was half asking out of genuine curiosity, half asking because he was, as usual, using sarcasm to mask real feelings. The elder Salvatore's newfound resentment for Katherine wasn't out of nowhere, for over a hundred years he'd loved her, been desperate to save her, only to find out she was alive, that she knew he was looking for her, but she didn't care. It was easier for him to grouse and complain than to just admit that—— or apparently simply attempt to move on.     ❝     You have ( NOTICED ) that, right     ?      ❞          .
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cagedmenace · 1 month
"I guess 'Handsome Devil' has a little merit to it after all."
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(clearly from Devil Katherine)
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" Yeah, sure. Whatever, I'm taking my throne back now. Thanks for keeping it warm, sweetie. "
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redemptivexheroics · 1 month
@malka-lisitsa [Continued]
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Dean stopped at her comment; why she got under his skin more than anyone was beyond him, and here he goes. "I'm sorry, Katherine, are you trying to meet your bitch quota for the month? What's got your vampire panties in a twist?"
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dynastymusesarch · 10 months
white flower, pointy tree, moon
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send 🌼 and i'll recommend a blog with beautiful writing
god so freaking many its crazy. @shefatales you!, @survivingpierce/@touchedbydestiny @asoulunbound
send 🌴 and i'll recommend a blog i haven't spoken to yet but admire from afar
i can't think of any. usually i follow, and if i don't get a follow back, i unfollow... and forget.. oops
send 🌙 and i'll recommend a blog for my favorite character
you! @girlofsteel is an amazing kara!!!!! like wow so good!
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lcstpaths · 9 months
"This isn't the first time I've been threatened, and I'm still here." - for Stefan
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"AND HOW MANY people have died in order for you to survive, Katherine?" He keeps his gaze steadfastly focused away from here for a moment, before he pauses, looking up with a faint crease between his brows so he can see her. "That's the part you always leave out whenever you mention how you've survived."
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