wombwellness-blog · 5 years
How was y’alls Full Moon?
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wombwellness-blog · 5 years
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Hiidenportti National Park 📷 Anna-Elina Lahti
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wombwellness-blog · 5 years
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Repost • @sacredwombanhood Don’t believe us? Place your newborn on your chest and watch them. They will do what’s called a “breast crawl” and either bob their head until they find your nipple or use their cheeks to navigate to your nipple. And they can literally do it with their eyes closed! 😉 https://www.instagram.com/p/B2x3fy8AXnj/?igshid=qly0eu93bdu8
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wombwellness-blog · 5 years
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Let’s chat! What was most comforting to you during labor? Answer below! https://www.instagram.com/p/B1XvIh5A7YT/?igshid=bhl0vv4cwycl
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wombwellness-blog · 5 years
You was born in a hospital with incompetent doctors Who didn't bother to press you against your mother's chest But that's okay, 'cause Jehovah say that your mother blessed And we are here to guide you through life and teach you what is best Do not have your kids in a hospital, they don't give a fuck Especially 'bout black folk Learn how to deliver your own kids And have 'em at home, kid And leave that placenta attached as long as you want, kid It's different for black boys, harder for black girls Start your own business venture, thrive in a black world Where you and your homies don't gotta worry 'bout gettin' fired and facin' discrimination We are creators; we don't go beggin' for placement where we are not wanted And I'ma keep it a hunnid, youngin', we used to be hunted They had us sittin' in zoos So what you see in the news Is really nothin' that's new They really targetin' you You hear me talkin' to you? But even if your bread straight Big house, nice car, gotta keep your head straight People that be gossipin' constantly only dead weight Wiser assessments of situations will carry you to your best days Put away a portion of your profit when you get paid And do not be afraid of change It could be a segue To a better something But have patience And always make time for family and celebration And every good thing in life requires dedication Like career, wife, kids, and it's spiritual The point of our existence isn't physical. ✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 https://www.instagram.com/p/B0h09IhgS9A/?igshid=8zl6xzvn4372
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wombwellness-blog · 5 years
Repost • @trillyoungbrit F O R O U R C O L O R E D B O Y S [& G I R L S] ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽 https://www.instagram.com/p/B0hzo9ug4Ug/?igshid=101mlea86omgs
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wombwellness-blog · 5 years
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Repost • @nyssacare “The advantage of motherhood for an artist is that it puts her in immediate and inescapable contact with the sources of life, death, beauty, growth, corruption. ⁣ ⁣ If she is a theoretician it teaches her things that she could not learn otherwise; if she is a moralist it engages her in serious and useful work; if she is a romantic it constitutes an adventure which cannot be duplicated by any other, and which is guaranteed to supply her with experiences of utter joy and utter misery; if she is a classicist it will nicely illustrate the vanity of human wishes. ⁣ ⁣ If the artist has been trained to believe that the activities of motherhood are trivial, tangential to the main issues of life, irrelevant to the great themes of art and literature, she should untrain herself. The training is misogynist, it protects and perpetuates systems of thought and feeling which prefer violence and death to love and birth, and it is a lie.” ⁣ ⁣ — Alicia Ostriker, “A Wild Surmise: Motherhood and Poetry” (1983) ⁣ ⁣ Art by @guadypleskacz https://www.instagram.com/p/B0hze2oAaG4/?igshid=3jzmfzqq1xxb
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wombwellness-blog · 5 years
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Reost • ~ATTACHMENT PARENTING~ _ ❤️I breastfed/breastfeed my babies for as long as I want (5 years straight and still going strong) and they are extremely happy and healthy. They were all exclusively breastfed for a year until I introduced solids shortly after they all turned 1. ❤️I cosleep with all three of my babies and they have a hightened sense of security. ❤️Skin to skin is EVERYDAY for all of my babies and they are so grounded and rooted in love. Oxytocin flows through me as I feel their warm little bodies embracing me and they benefit so much from mama being so loved! Skin to skin is such a healing experience every single time for all of US. ❤️Bonding is EVERYDAY for my babies as I check in on their mental, physical and emotional well being. They know that they matter and that they are special just the way they are. ❤️I carry my babies for as long as I want. They love being held! ❤️I home-school my babies because I am their first point of reference in this world and I don't feel comfortable letting other people teach them. They are mine therefore I am responsible for educating and raising them fully. ❤️My babies are plant-based little beings who love animals and consider them friends. They never ate animals and never will. They also know every vegetable and fruit in the book because that's what they love to eat! ❤️I don't believe in artificial immunization...I am the source and so is NATURE. #letearthbethymedicine #eattolive #saynotopoison #foodfortheblood ❤️I don't believe in circumcision. #takeyourwholebabyhome ❤️I refuse to repeat detrimental cycles. My babies deserve the best and so does the world. I don't want to give my babies the world... I want to raise them to be powerful, grounded, loving, wise and compassionate melanated ALPHA males and then give my babies to the world. #healing #raisingkings #mamaofthreeboys #boymom 📸@lifeofshimmy https://www.instagram.com/p/B0hzZWoACyh/?igshid=beh8mckewkxe
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wombwellness-blog · 5 years
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self care 🌸 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxte0KoAI91/?igshid=1gz7giuuj2n16
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wombwellness-blog · 5 years
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Posted @withrepost • @womanofthewomb Sending love to all of the Mothers and Daughters working to heal themselves and overcome the cycles of Wounded Womb traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation.. Speaking love, life, and healing over anyone who may be struggling on this Mother’s Day.. Giving thanks for the opportunity to transmute our pain in order to move forward with wisdom and understanding. Asé 🙏🏾💗🌸✨ https://www.instagram.com/p/BxbaF93gv2g/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hr9hj746wygm
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wombwellness-blog · 5 years
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wombwellness-blog · 5 years
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wombwellness-blog · 5 years
#repost @thebirthingplace ・・・ “I’m an African!” ~ Afua — #TheBirthingPlace #BBWW18 #African #AfuaKnowsBest #MidwifeLife #BabyWearing #BlackMidwife #3rdWard #BirthCenterBirth #WearAllTheBabies #HTX #HoustonBirthCenter #HoustonMidwife #BlackBabyWearingWeek2018 #MidwiferyLedCare #OutOfHospitalBirth #MomsSupportingMoms @blackbabieshotspot @blactavist @blackwomenbirthing @blacklovepage @blackbabywearingweek @blacklovepage @pregnancy_beyond https://www.instagram.com/p/BwTem9FA-ca/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10via0cgvyzgq
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wombwellness-blog · 5 years
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🌱🍉🍓🥑🥬🍍🥒 https://www.instagram.com/p/BwAzoCggTCF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1k2h56i8tq89k
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wombwellness-blog · 6 years
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#worlddoulaweek ❣️ https://www.instagram.com/p/BvdGf44g-a2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1d9012ku9gobd
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wombwellness-blog · 6 years
“If you don’t like girls with stretch marks, think about how many stretch marks you gave your mother when she carried you in her womb for 9 months and how none of them were worth it because you’re a piece of shit.”
— Courtney Stranger 
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wombwellness-blog · 6 years
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Happy world breastfeeding week!! 👶💕 Here’s to the breastfeeding mamas out there! Through your struggles achievements, tears & joy, no matter how you breastfed or for how long for you deserve to be celebrated today & everyday! Here are some of the amazing benefits of breastfeeding:
•Breastmilk adapts to your baby’s changing needs •Breastmilk contains all the nutrients your baby needs for the first six months of life •Breastmilk is easy to digest and is easily absorbed into your baby’s system •Both colostrum and mature breastmilk contain antibodies and other agents that protect your baby from infection and diseases like gastroenteritis, respiratory tract infections, ear infections and type-1 diabetes •The good fats in breastmilk are important for baby brain and nervous system development •Breastfeeding is important for baby eyesight, speech, jaw and mouth development •Babies who are breastfed have a lower risk of sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and fatal sleeping accidents •Breast milk contains a full range of vitamins and minerals in an easily digestible combination •Decreased risk of allergies •Breast milk is sterile, fresh and safe •Baby experiences less nappy rash and thrush •It’s convenient, cheap and always there when you need it •Fewer stomach upsets and constipation •Babies benefit emotionally, because they are held more •Breastfeeding promotes mother-baby bonding •The baby’s sucking causes a mothers uterus to contract down to normal size and reduces the flow of blood after delivery •Mothers who breastfeed are less likely to develop breast & ovarian cancer later in life For the first 2-4 days of your baby’s life, your breasts will secrete colostrum, a yellowish fluid rich in proteins. The protein is easily digested and absorbed by the body, especially by the rapidly developing brain. It provides factors that promote maturation of the gut and good digestion ost superior and is the most well-designed nutrition for your baby in the first few days of life. If you are unable to breastfeed, then feeding your baby with formula is still completely fine. If your baby is having difficulty nursing, there are steps you can take to help them. If breastfeeding has become a bit of a struggle, there’s usually a reason behind it, and there are things you can do to help you do it successfully. In reality, it’s not that you can’t breastfeed, it’s that your baby needs to be guided and shown how to breastfeed effectively. Some of the main issues that can occur can be: Improper latch Post-birth stiffness Incompatible anatomy Hard breasts Wrong position Tongue-tie See your GP, Midwife, lactation consultant or professional to assist you in breast feeding. There are also amazing herbal remedies and supplements that can help to increase your milk supply and reduce the incidence of mastitis. And remember theres also milk banks and wet nurses if it’s important for you that your baby have breast milk. Educate yourself ladies and don’t be afraid to seek out help, knowledge is power! #breastfeeding #breastfeedingmama #doula #motherhood #birth #birthwisdom #labour #pregnancy #postnatal #fertility #preconception #empowerment #selfcare #birthwithoutfear #parenthood #empoweredbirth #peacefulparenting #birthday #naturalbirth #homebirth #homebirthbaby #womb #women #melbournedoula #empoweredbirth #positivebirth #childbirth #birthsupport #worldbreastfeedingweek #normalizebreastfeeding
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