Sorry for the dumb question but how do you play women’s FM?
It’s a fan made added database. If you already have FM you just subscribe to the women’s database on steam.
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Chelsea choking on the last day of the season
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I’m too emotionally invested in this team to be good at this game...
- refuses to sell any players because I love them all (even when they want to leave i refuse to release them)
- doesn’t sign any new players because who else do I need besides these girlies
- gives any player that asks an improved contract
- never critiques the teams performance even when they play like shit, only ever uses the “I’m disappointed in your performance” option when we lose
- demands the board build better training facilities 
- demands the board let me hire more physios because no one can stay healthy
the board is not happy with me but I have great player support
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Everyone is injured...
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Hell yeah, I’m hiring Ella Masar as a coach!
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Internal struggle to not waste my whole transfer budget on getting Tobin
Also I love that the Kelley Smith is the default Scout for Arsenal:)
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Lets Freaking Go! Fingers crossed they all stay healthy
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I want to sign Pernille, but apparently she is unavailable at any price:(
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Jordan and Viv’s stats are ridiculously good
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Bugs you just gotta learn to live with:
-The game will refer to players with male pronouns
-The bodies of the players are male body types
-The american league isn’t quite right because they have to use MLS teams that are premade in the game
-the players salaries are not accurate to real life
-new youth players the game generates will have male names and faces
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How to Play Football Manager with the Women’s Database
Step 1 - Download Steam (https://store.steampowered.com/)
Step 2 - Buy Football Manager (there is a free demo version but you need the full version to add the women’s database to it)
Step 3 - Add the women’s database to the game, these videos are helpful in figuring out how to do that:  
Step 4 - Enable the women’s database when your setting up your first save 
*Disclaimer - there may be a better way to do this, but this is the way I found that worked
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Also shout out to one of my favorite podcasts, which are sponsored by football manager and tipped me off that this game exists. Congrats your marketing ploy worked
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First and foremost, thank you FM Guru for creating this database
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