i need someone who can’t keep their hands off me
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Everybody says congratulations when you get a new job, or start a business, or buy a house, or have a baby, or get married, or buy a new car...
I just wanted to take a second out of the day to say congratulations to all of you who made it through a hard week this week.
Congratulations to those who are holding it together for the sake of the people you love.
Congratulations to anyone who thought about taking the easy way out and decided to stick around for a while longer.
Congratulations for showing up. Again.
You deserve all the love too.
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I’m so sad… time for an x reader fan fiction
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"You can pry this wedding band from my cold, dead, gay hand"
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Brandon sklenar is doing things to me he’s so pretty wtf???
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poly marauders. reader sees James fall off of his broom during a game. he gets injured, but makes it out fine. it affects reader more than she wishes to admit, but hides her concern/fear. maybe her hurt turns into anger when she hears him talk highly about his upcoming game, snaps at him to leave the team (maybe Sirius and Remus ganging up on her too?) maybe after a nightmare she seeks him out, apologizing and just wanting to ensure he’s all alright?
maybe a fic on this, if you wish to!
hi sweets! thanks for this idea - I hope I did it justice!
poly!marauders x fem!reader who hates seeing her boys get hurt - 2.7k words
CW: James gets injured [he's fine tho], brief mention of Sirius' crappy childhood, angst [with a happy ending, obviously], poor communication [but ends in good communication]
Every step you took seemed to lodge your heart further and further up your throat; you were nearly certain that one wrong move would have it leaping right out of your mouth as you made your way to the infirmary.
You had a one track mind as you pushed your way through various students and staff in the halls; get to James. Get to James. Get to James.
You had been sitting with your friends from Ravenclaw during the game instead of with Remus and Sirius which was obviously problem number one.
Problem number two had to be this stupid sodding game - quidditch. Whoever invented it clearly wished death on many generations to come.
The third problem - and arguably your biggest problem - had been watching James hurdle from nearly thirty feet in the air before hitting the ground with a bone crushing thud. 
You were certain you were only three steps away from actually losing your heart (and your dinner) as you pushed your way into the infirmary to see two familiar silhouettes standing over a hospital bed.
Whatever relief the sight of two of your boys had on you quickly melted into something uneasy when Sirius let out a bark of laughter. 
“Hope he gets suspended for at least one game.” You heard James chuckle, which caused Remus to snort.
“Please, Madame Hootch looked like she was ready to bar him from the pitch all together.” 
“Good; one less beater we have to worry about then.” Sirius added before you stepped around the curtain to look at the patient and alert them all to your presence.
Save the bandage currently wrapped around James’ head and the fact that his left arm was situated in a sling, he looked like he was being served a cheeky breakfast in bed rather than emergency medical care.
“Hey sweetheart! Did you enjoy the game?” He called to you with a cartoonish smile on his face. 
You found that you had no response to that. 
Did you enjoy the game? You had been enjoying the game, until…oh…you don’t know, had to watch your sodding boyfriend fall out of the godsdamn sky!? 
You took a moment to survey your surroundings. You currently had:
One boyfriend situated in a hospital bed with an injury to his head and clearly something wrong with the left side of his body
There was an empty bottle of pain potion and what looked to be a vial of skele-gro 
Your long haired boyfriend was still decked in his quidditch kit as he took a casual and sloppy seat in the chair beside James’ bed
And Remus roughly patted James’ knee as he moved to stand on the other side of him, leaving you standing at the end of the bed on your own as all three of your boyfriends waited for you to respond. 
James’ brows furrowed momentarily as he cocked his head to the side as if perhaps your answer would make more sense from a 45 degree angle. 
Remus merely offered you a sympathetic smile. 
“No?” James parroted.
“No.” You insisted, growing more and more agitated at the nonchalance the boys were showing the current circumstances. 
“Not enough action for you, dollface?” Sirius teased.
That apparently had been your last straw.
“Oh fuck off, Sirius.” You hissed, causing the air to be sucked out of your quasi curtain-walled room. 
“Hey, easy Y/N…” Remus started, but it was too late.
“What the fuck were you doing out there?” You asked James pointedly, throwing your arm behind you as you gestured in the direction of the quidditch pitch.
“Erm…I was playing quidditch?” 
“That was a trick question, babe.” Sirius added rather unhelpfully; smirking at Remus and James.
“This isn’t sodding funny Sirius; he could’ve died!”
“But he didn’t.” Sirius offered with a tone harsher than you were used to hearing from him, though you figured perhaps you deserved it. “As you can clearly see, he’s fine.”
“He’s not fine.” You fumed, gesturing to his current state. “He could have brain damage, he could have broken his neck, he could have-”
“But I didn’t, sweetheart. Listen, I know-”
“No!” You cut James off. “I don’t think you do know. Because you’re sitting here laughing like it’s nothing!” 
“Because it is nothing, dovey. Look, I know you’re upset but I think all you needed was to come and see that he was fine, yeah?” Remus tried placatingly, holding his hands up at you as if he were trying to quell a feral cat. 
That just made you feel even more angry.
“No, what I need is for him to quit the team.” 
James choked on air as Sirius started laughing incredulously. 
“Okay, doll; clearly you’re not feeling very well right now. James ‘Quidditch’ Potter, Gryffindor team captain, is not quitting the team.” 
“I don’t understand how you can so calmly climb atop a wooden stick and ascend 30-50 feet into the air just to fall like that.” You argued.
“Well, you see, I actually wasn’t supposed to fall. That was sort of the problem.” James started, causing Remus to snicker. 
“Stop laughing.” You shouted; horrified when your voice cracked and your sinuses filled painfully. 
Unfortunately for you, all three boys caught it.
“Don’t dove me, Remus. I’m serious - don’t you fucking dare.” You cut yourself off as Sirius opened his mouth.
“Why are you doing this to me?” You pleaded with James.
James very rarely got angry or frustrated with you; he was one of the most easy going people you had ever met in your life and he was always the first to have considered every person’s feelings and sides before participating in discourse. 
But you seemed to have found something he was not willing to negotiate about. 
“What exactly is it that am I doing to you, Y/N? Because from where I’m standing, I’m the one who’s hurt.”
“James…” Remus started, but much like you had, James cut him off.
“No! I don’t see her getting all worked up about Sirius playing quidditch!”
“Because people in his position are the one’s trying to knock you out of the fucking air!” You argued.
“That is the point of quidditch!” He bellowed back at you.
“Okay, enough.” Sirius barked. “James, relax, it’s alright. She’s just upset.”
You laughed humourlessly as you looked to the sky for patience.
It didn’t come.
“I’m not just ‘upset’. I have spent countless holidays waiting,” You started severely, still looking towards the ceiling as you tried to ward off your tears. “Wondering what kind of state you might be in, how you were being treated. Wondering if-” You choked on a sob and shut your eyes harshly as the first wave of tears fell. “If you’d even come back at all, Sirius.” You finally finished with a laugh that turned into a sob as you finally made eye contact with him.
“Every winter.” You continued. “Every Easter break. And every summer, which were always the hardest because they were the longest and there was no way for me to know. 
“And every month I sit and wait and watch and worry and wonder and hope and fear.” You continued, turning your gaze to Remus. “And I will never stop waiting and watching and worrying and wondering and hoping and fearing but-”
Finally, you turned your gaze back towards James. “But to do this willingly, to… I don’t know, to put yourself in harm's way for what? For sport, for fun, for a goof? I…I don’t understand.” 
James let out a sad and tired sigh as he looked at you pleadingly. “Look, Y/N, I’m sorry I upset you; I really am.”
“No, no - don’t apologise just because I’m crying.” You argued as you wiped angrily at your face. 
“I think it makes sense to be upset, dove. You’re worried; that’s more than fair.” Remus offered; ever the voice of reason.
But the more he discussed your feelings and concerns and not the actual problem - which in your opinion was currently your third boyfriend holed up in a hospital bed - you could feel your temper rising again. 
“I can’t do this. I need to go.” You announced before turning on your heel.
“Y/N, wait.” You could hear Sirius start, but you carried on and let the door to the hospital wing shut behind you.
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You felt silly.
You were still upset, but you felt silly all the same. 
You aren’t sure where you got off demanding James quit the team, but you do wish he would take his health and safety a little more seriously, at least for your sake.
But you hadn’t said that to him.
And you shouldn’t have brought up Sirius’ trauma to push your point across when you had been the one walking into their conversation with an air of hostility about you.
And Remus, poor Remus.
You had no right to bring up his affliction like that; you knew he struggled letting people in for that very reason.
Gods, you were awful. 
But you were still upset.
You were awful and upset, which was why you were currently sitting behind the curtains of your four poster bed simply tossing and turning without any hope of ever falling asleep. 
Not whilst angry, and not alone. 
Before you had much time to think about it, you felt a familiar…scurrying on the side of your bed.
“What in Godric’s fucking name?” You hissed as you pulled your blankets back in a panic to expose a yellow rat looking rather guilty (or, as guilty as a rat could manage to look) with a folded piece of paper in its mouth. 
You stared at the rat disbelievingly as it slowly dropped the note beside you before sitting down and looking at you expectantly. 
“What?” You asked expressionlessly. 
The rat - being a rat - simply looked back down at the note before returning its gaze to you.
“You need me to read that?”
The rat seemed to nod yes.
“Now?” You deadpanned.
“Did they pay you for your efforts?”
“Tell them to pay you double.” You sighed as you unfolded the note. 
I’m sorry, sweet girl.
I shouldn’t have snapped at you, especially when all you were trying to do was care for me.
Please come see me? 
I’m sorry. 
You could almost hear the desperation in James’ words as you traced your fingers over the xx’s he had signed on the bottom. 
You looked down to see the rat was still sitting there.
“For fucks- you’re job is done, Peter. Tell them to pay up.” You muttered in faux contempt as you felt any residual ire melt from your body. 
The rat seemed to give you a little pat on the knee with his tiny hand before he scurried off back down the stairs of the girls dormitory. 
After washing your face to try to hide any remaining evidence of tears being shed, you stalked towards the boys’ dormitory with your own metaphorical tail between your legs before you paused in front of their door to knock.
Your fist had hardly made contact with the wood before the door was flying open to expose a rather bedraggled looking James.
“Angel.” He breathed out, seemingly simultaneously relieved that you were here and worried about what the next words coming from your mouth would be. 
“Jamie.” You sighed, hating the fact that you had just spent time and effort to hide any evidence of previous emotions only for your voice to crack and your eyes to fill with tears immediately.
Thankfully, it seemed James was prepared.
“I’m so sorry.” He breathed out; words muffled from where his lips were pressed into the crown of your head as he pulled you tight against his chest. “I’m so sorry; I should never have shouted at you.”
“I was being unreasonable.” You argued, causing James to make a pleading sound in the back of his throat.
“You weren’t being unreasonable. You were upset and I brushed you off.”
“Can we both be sorry?” You asked as he rubbed his hands up and down your back.
“Only if you can tell me what you did that was so wrong.”
“I should never have asked you to quit.” You whispered; embarrassment flooding you at the mere memory of your demand. 
James let out a sigh as he backed up enough to see your face, but not far enough to let you out of his hold. 
“I…I think I can understand why, though. I don’t think you would have jumped to that if I had taken my injuries more seriously.”
You let out a noncommittal sound as you pushed your face back into his chest. “I’m still sorry.”
“I would, you know.” He said suddenly.
“Would what?”
You pulled your head back rather suddenly at that causing a momentary bout of dizziness that even James seemed to notice as he helped you right yourself. 
“James ‘Quidditch’ Potter would quit quidditch?” You asked disbelievingly. 
“Try saying that five times fast.” Remus chuckled quietly, causing you to turn to find him sitting on the edge of Sirius’ bed with his hand resting atop a rather pitiful looking Padfoot. 
“Pads…” You whispered, causing Sirius’ dog form to step off the bed and make his way over to you, nudging your hand with his wet nose. “I’m so sorry for the way I spoke to you; you didn’t deserve that.” 
Seemingly appeased that you weren’t about to lash out at him again, your (arguably most) sensitive boyfriend spun back into his human form and stood rather bashfully in front of you. “I completely brushed you off; I would have told me to fuck off too.” He offered as he took one of your hands in his and rubbed his thumb over your knuckles. 
“I’m sorry I took all of my anxieties and concerns out on you. None of you deserved it and it’s not your responsibility.” You declared, pointedly looking towards your last boyfriend who you felt arguably most guilty for having accosted earlier. 
“I appreciate your apology, dove, but I disagree with part of it.” Remus said as he stood and made his way over to your three. “Your anxieties and concerns are our responsibility; they became our responsibility the second we started dating.”
“And we right fumbled that.” James let out with a breath, causing Sirius to smirk and pinch his good arm. 
“I got upset when I didn’t think any of you were taking it seriously, and then got defensive when it felt like you were being flippant with me. I wish I had handled it differently.” You explained, leaning into Remus’ side as he pulled you under his arm. 
“I’d say we all could have handled it differently.” Remus decided as the rest of you nodded. 
“Next time?” Sirius asked then.
Remus scoffed. “Haven’t you heard, Pads? There won’t be a next time; James is quitting the team.”
James seemed to baulk at that fact before he turned to look at you, face falling forcefully neutral as he took a deep breath.
“Right… yes. If…if that’s what you want.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at your sweetest boy before jostling his shoulder that had been in a sling. 
“Where’d your bandages go?”
He turned slightly bashful before looking towards Remus. 
“Erm, well, I had wanted to come find you immediately afterwards, but we thought it might be better to wait until I didn’t look so…hospitalised.” 
“What Prongs is trying to say,” Sirius teased as he looked at James with no shortage of love. “Is that the pain potion and skele-gro did their jobs and he’s back in tip top shape for his girl.” 
You let out a sigh of faux exhaustion and rolled your eyes. “Well then I suppose I could allow you to continue playing if you promise to be extra careful going forward, and also to cuddle me the whole night after every game?” 
“Deal.” He agreed quickly before enveloping you in a hug so big that it picked you up off your feet.
“Oh yeah.” Remus laughed. “He’s right back in tip top shape indeed.”
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I saw something about Glen and Gracie Abrams and instantly felt ick she’s so younggggg
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I don't wanna see ANYONE talking about how they won't be voting for Harris in November because of Palestine. This is the best it can possibly get. We're all depending on you. Vote.
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Newsmax doing their best help to Kamala here.
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PEDRO i can’t accept a compliment for the life of me PASCAL
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can’t stop thinking about how joseph quinn had his breakout role in a netflix show where he was a complete nobody working with a bunch of known stars and he only had like 1 hour of screentime where his performance blew the entire world’s mind. and now, arguably, he has one of, if not the, BEST acting career/opportunities out of literally everyone in the cast.
a thousand oscars for joseph!!!!!!!! a thousand emmys to him!!!!!!!!
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extremely annoyedddd to be doing unpaid labor still
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