wonderfulthings111 18 days
[Gone but not Forgotten]
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"Takes a picture and tell me what you see? Were the memories bitter or sweet?
If it's sweet, keep it.
If it's bitter, throw it away.
But if it's bittersweet, bury it and never take it out again."
I'm not confident about drawing soft Alastor, but just because he rarely shows that side in the show, it doesn't mean he doesn't have any. Still it's not easy to approach from his POV.
In contrast to Vox's explosive emotions, I think Al struggles with his own emotions. Not so much that he doesn't have feelings, but rather the concept can be quite confusing.
Friend, family, lover,... people tends to separate love in categories when in the end, it all comes do how much attached we are to certain people and emotions.
Did he like Vox or did he not, did he feel sad for what happened between them or not, the answer can be both yes and no. Because in the end, if they can't see eyes to eyes, can't let go of whatever holding them back to understand each other, all those emotions will always be burdens weighing them down.
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wonderfulthings111 1 month
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I just needed to draw some "normal" sherliam domestic/silly moment that lives rent free in my head. They try their best to take care of each other... I miss them...
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wonderfulthings111 1 month
be careful in front of your boyfriend's family...
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wonderfulthings111 1 month
i mean eventually but damn
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wonderfulthings111 1 month
Now I wanna see his school days photos
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wonderfulthings111 1 month
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The Moriarty family's visit to Eiffel tower, 1887
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wonderfulthings111 1 month
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I may have gotten a tad carried away with my 'sketch'- I just had to draw this picture, the pose is adorable- :D
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wonderfulthings111 1 month
Hey fandom, have we ever talked about this parallel?
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It's quite literally the same scene, the same facial expressions, the same poses - but the frames are mirrored, and the lighting is the exact opposite, with one scene happening at night, and the other in the midst of the day. I wonder if Whiteley's confession was framed as a flashback just to give it an opposite background color, too.
Both William and Whiteley are crushed by the weight of their very similar crimes, and both don't know what to do next, and need a pep talk about their respective futures, and both receive that gentle guidance in a very similar manner...
...but with an opposite underlying message. Whiteley is encouraged to atone by dying, and William gets to live on.
I wonder if William ever thinks of Whiteley post-fall. If he ever regrets the way he dealt with the situation because he never thought atonement by living on was even possible. I wonder if he would wish he could go back and say to Whiteley the same things he got to hear from Sherlock. I wonder if he ever feels like it's unfair of him to live on, not because of his crimes, but because there was someone else who was denied the same chance he was given. It's one more thing in his past to make peace with, and I wonder what it would take for William to let it go, or if he ever can.
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wonderfulthings111 1 month
Sherlock reacting to seeing William in the same way he reacted to seeing a DEAD BODY just a few chapters prior is the funniest thing about the character
Sherlock, your weirdness is showing
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The best part is, John's and Lestrade's remarks would be just as fitting for the second panel as they are for the first
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wonderfulthings111 1 month
So, I'm going through the fan translations of the earliest chapters (for reasons), and I stumbled upon this.
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Gem hidden so well, us official volumes readers would never know
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wonderfulthings111 1 month
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I've been wondering what is going on with William's hand since forever. Why is he holding it like that and staring at it? Drama for the sake of drama? Never a good answer, even for William.
Then it hit me.
He's remembering, and he's remembering this - not just the sickly child Louis was in general, but this specific moment. The memory of bonding so dear to both of them.
When Louis talks about how important William is to him, he talks about this moment when he felt cherished. It's this memory that keeps him afloat thorough loss and uncertainty.
When William talks about his ego speaking, he's referring to this moment when he felt needed. It's this feeling he's desperate to preserve.
We got this scene from both Louis' and William's POV, and we are not supposed to notice until third, fifth, or tenth reread.
But also,
They put William's weird gesture in chapter 10, knowing it would look like unnecessary dramatics up until chapter 55.
This is the subtlety of Yuumori parallels and testament to its planning.
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wonderfulthings111 1 month
I have been listing through the Final problem and noticed something I hadn't paid attention to before
Is that Loius' hand on Liam's back? Lois comforts Liam while he blames himself for the fact that Sherlock is now a murderer?
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How did I not notice this earlier???
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wonderfulthings111 1 month
I know that Sherliam is way more of a canon ship than Mycal is, and that Mycroft's motivations are as likely to be Sherlock's safety and happiness as anything else, but I do kind of feel like chapter 39 is just "HEY SO our boyfriends are trying to get themselves killed and I'm the one holding the axe so if you could please get your shit together and stop them that'd be great"
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wonderfulthings111 1 month
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P.S. He has the same smile.
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wonderfulthings111 1 month
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William and Albert鈥檚 Reunion 馃挏聽 Yuumori Chapter 64 馃挏
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wonderfulthings111 1 month
the lord of crime and the greatest detective
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wonderfulthings111 1 month
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catch me if you can, mr. holmes
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