wonderlandofrogues · 6 years
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Commissions remain OPEN!
If only to supplement my income because chances are I’ll need to move at the end of the year and having to spend all my money on bills because the person I live with can’t seem to hold onto money isn’t making that very easy.
No fandom off limits (Even though most of the art featured is Tangled) but there are some things I don’t have the ABILITY to draw:
Realistic looking animals.
Just not good at them. Will save you the trouble.
HMU If you wanna talk art. I like to think I’m pretty reasonable  when it comes to what people ask me to do.
I’ve also removed sketches from my pricing list. I decided that’s a ripoff and if you get any of these I’m going to show you the sketch anyway. Just to be sure it’s what you want before I go further.
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wonderlandofrogues · 6 years
So yeah commissions are VERY open so I can buy myself a better tazer than the cheapo i have that doesn’t work. There are sex traffickers in my city looking for young women and I am not taking any chances. 
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wonderlandofrogues · 6 years
There is this ploy that rapists and sex traffickers are using where they take children and make them pretend to need help to lure women into secluded areas. It’s getting very common these days.
Well, this just happened to the daughter of one of my coworkers YESTERDAY and I just found out. And she lives roughly 5 miles from where I live.
She got home from work and there was a man standing across the street. When she got out of her car the man stopped and started staring at her. She felt super uncomfortable and could only describe it as a “predatory” way the man was staring at her. Even after she went in the house he was still out there for a little while staring at her house before walking away.
A little while later there was a knock at her (thankfully locked) front door. She was still home alone.
She was so freaked out by the guy that she didn’t answer the door. Instead she peaked out through the curtain and what does she see? A small child wearing nothing but a diaper standing at her door. No one with him. Totally alone. Not crying or anything. They just kept knocking. She waits and watches for a moment because that seemed weird. This saved her life.
People: If a child is lost or hurt they will look distressed. They will be crying. If that child isn’t crying then they know where they are and what they are doing. Or at least, they are being told what to do.
After knocking a couple times the girl heard a man’s voice telling the child to “knock harder” and then “ring the door bell”. They were trying to lure her into opening the front door.
The girl was freaked out and called her mom and a friend for help before finally calling the police. After she got off the phone she checked the window again and saw the man from across the street yanking the child away by the arm and walking off down the street with him.
The police haven’t caught him because the description of the man she was able to give was too vague and no one had any idea who he was.
People: Be careful. Keep a look out for people you don’t recognize in your neighborhoods. And if you see an unattended child CALL THE POLICE. Especially if they aren’t crying. Because that means there is an adult you cannot see somewhere near by watching that child. And that advice comes straight from the police officer who took the report last night.  Do not approach the child alone. Don’t go anywhere with the child. 
No child should be unattended ever. It’s okay to call the cops. I know it sounds cynical to not help yourself  you aren’t doing anything wrong by calling the police to pick them up. You’re potentially saving that child from further abuse and being raised to be a sex trafficker. Or at the very least, if you must approach the child, call the police first and stay where you are. Don’t go to a secondary location even if that child tells you that’s where they live. The police will be able figure out where that child really belongs.
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wonderlandofrogues · 6 years
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Commissions remain OPEN!
If only to supplement my income because chances are I’ll need to move at the end of the year and having to spend all my money on bills because the person I live with can’t seem to hold onto money isn’t making that very easy.
No fandom off limits (Even though most of the art featured is Tangled) but there are some things I don’t have the ABILITY to draw:
Realistic looking animals.
Just not good at them. Will save you the trouble.
HMU If you wanna talk art. I like to think I’m pretty reasonable  when it comes to what people ask me to do.
I’ve also removed sketches from my pricing list. I decided that’s a ripoff and if you get any of these I’m going to show you the sketch anyway. Just to be sure it’s what you want before I go further.
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wonderlandofrogues · 6 years
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Next stop             ANYWHERE
This new season has me PUMPED and ready for more!I can’t wait to see what Tangled and its characters have in store for me~
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wonderlandofrogues · 6 years
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I’m not sure why this guy has suddenly grown on me…. But WOOPS here’s some dumb art
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wonderlandofrogues · 6 years
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Next stop             ANYWHERE
This new season has me PUMPED and ready for more!I can’t wait to see what Tangled and its characters have in store for me~
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wonderlandofrogues · 6 years
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((My baby off to destroy people))
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wonderlandofrogues · 6 years
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Half awake thoughts with Varian
@wcrthpride this is for you
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wonderlandofrogues · 6 years
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wonderlandofrogues · 6 years
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Another commission for @badassdorkaudrey
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wonderlandofrogues · 6 years
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(Megacon pt 4- ME
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wonderlandofrogues · 6 years
Don’t let shelters fucking kill your cats
As much as the media likes to say “SPAY AND NEUTER- CONTROL CAT POPULATION” they never tell you about the negative side effects.
With female cats it’s less of a problem but TONS of male cats die every year because they are neutered as small kittens. Either by shelters that adopt them out, or by owners who don’t know any better. By doing this you are dooming your boy cat to a slow and painful death.
A male cat that is neutered before their penis is mature enough will develop “blockages” that can be life threatening. Your boy cat will lack the ability to properly pass urine and will develop a block that will distend their bladder and back their urine into their kidneys and cause infection. This leads to having to either repeatedly have a vet put a catheter in him which will become VERY expensive, or you have to pay for an equally expensive surgery where the cat’s penis is removed. Essentially turning the “male” opening to a “female” opening. And even then this is not a permanent solution that guarantees success. 
My cat is in the emergency room right now. He’s fighting for his life because a shelter neutered him before his body was grown enough to heal properly. He’s only two years old and his life is in danger. Because this shelter decided that this cat who was too young to make babies, needed his tubes cut.
If you’re going to neuter/spay, at least wait until your cat is done growing. Let them fully mature so that their bodies can heal and know HOW to heal. If you took a human man and cut his tubes when he was a baby, this would cause major complications into adult hood with growth and hormones. It is no different in another other species on our planet. It’s not like a circumcision, you are removing function from an entire ORGAN. One that is connected to parts of them that are necessary to LIVE.
Control population but don’t do it at the cost of your cat’s life. Don’t control population by killing cats slowly because you’re just too impatient to wait.
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wonderlandofrogues · 6 years
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wonderlandofrogues · 6 years
some villains: we’re here to kill superman!
martha kent:
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wonderlandofrogues · 6 years
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If you would go out of your way to argue how easy it is for capital to automate away jobs when labor costs become too high, then you should probably know that you’re giving all kinds of credibility to those of us who advocate fully-automated luxury communism. I mean, think about it: you’re arguing that so much of human labor ISN’T NECESSARY because said jobs can be done by machines, and yet you STILL want the bulk of humanity to pointlessly scrape by laboring for the capitalist class, receiving meager wages to buy the shit they helped generate in the first place. The above billboard is a THREAT. Let’s not mince words – that billboard is bourgeois propaganda designed to turn the working class against each other and against the broader goals of resource democratization. “If you fight for a basic livable wage, just know that you’re easily replaceable, peon!”
This is what leftists mean when they say that capitalism is an economic system filled to the brim with tensions and contradictions; it’s also what they mean when they say that capitalism inevitably produces its own gravediggers. Automation is one of those gravediggers, and it’s a major one at that. As more and more jobs become automated in the coming decades, the working class will face widespread dispossession, ramping up revolutionary class consciousness in the process. At that point, capitalism will either focus on generating more superfluous jobs for people to work or set about instituting a universal basic income – regardless, the point is to keep enough scraps flowing downward so that people don’t call for a broader system change. In this way, capitalism’s ruling class can maintain control over the wealth-producing means of production and imperialist capital accumulation can continue unrestrained.
For these reasons, “more jobs” and universal basic incomes are not enough. We need to democratize the broader social infrastructure and eliminate the profit system. If you recognize how possible it is to automate away human labor, then you should defenestrate yourself out of the Overton Window and use some political imagination – cut out the unnecessary jobs, automate all the labor you can, produce for human need rather than elite profit, and you end up with drastically reduced working hours and bountiful leisure time. This is the essence of fully-automated luxury communism – the natural conclusion of the conditions that capitalism set in motion.
Be wary of automation in the present climate, but always trace it back to the class struggle. Robots taking our jobs SHOULD be cause for celebration; why should we treat these potential liberators as harbingers of dispossession? Technological advancements are pushing us exponentially towards a de facto post-scarcity world, where everyone’s needs can be comfortably met alongside their desires for community and leisure and entertainment, and yet we’re held back by Empire’s insistence on keeping the means of production hoarded under the command of a superfluous ruling class. As long as we are divided into capitalists and workers, humanity will never know full liberation.
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wonderlandofrogues · 6 years
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staff i am BEGGING you to let me reblog this fucking ad
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