wonuvrs · 3 years
pairing : seokmin x reader
genre : angst(?)
word count : 1.2k
a/n. i wrote this two weeks ago but never had the energy to finish :p
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❝you love him.❞
you can never help but smile by how goofy seokmin looks whenever he wins an arcade game. he jumps up and down while approaching towards you before grabbing your waist and giving you a peck on lips, every single time he wins a game. whenever he smiles you swear you want nothing but happiness for him, you don’t want to see that smile fade away ever. the love he has for you is so pure and full, it’s the kind of love everyone dreams of.
after giving you another kiss after a round of skeeball you smile up at him “seokmin, i have to use the bathroom ok?” you say as you hold his hands. “mm” he mutters under his smile, giving you another kiss before you head off. as you walk towards the bathroom you try to gather yourself while have feeling a lump in your throat. when you enter the bathroom, a few tears hit the sink and you let out a huge sigh before glancing at your phone, which held a wallpaper of you and seokmin from your very first date.
flashback to 2 and a half years ago :
your heart was nearly pounding out of your chest as your best friend was trying to reassure you via facetime. you were going on a date with lee seokmin, the guy who sat in front of you in class with a smile that could heal the world. you’ve been crushing on him the second you guys made eye contact, since then he’s turned around an x amount of times just to talk to you getting in trouble for most of it. there was nothing else in the world that made your heart flutter the way he did. 
as you were finishing up getting ready for your first date, you got a message from seokmin.
seokmin: excited to see u :)
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a huge bouquet of flowers, and in your favourite colour too. your heart sank as a painful smile grew on your face, he’s truly the most thoughtful and sweetest boy to ever exist. “he sent me a photo of a bouquet of flowers.” you told your friend nearly squealing. you bit your lip, trying to calm yourself down and took a deep breath before finalizing your look for tonight’s date. “he’ll be here soon, i’ll tell you everything when we get back!” you told your friend before hanging up.
seokmin: look outside :)
after reading the message you look outside and see seokmin standing outside of his car looking as dashing as ever. blood rushed to your cheeks as you ran outside giving him the biggest hug ever. you lock eyes for a moment and just then, nothing else felt more perfect than being there with him. is this what love felt like?
at the restaurant, you guys talked the entire time. he listened whenever you spoke and always made sure you were heard, he wiped your mouth whenever you got food on your face and he would hold your hand whenever given the chance.
at the end of the night after dinner, you both went on a walk to admire the night and the atmosphere. standing on a bridge staring into the lake he asked a stranger to take photos of the two of you. a couple poses later and he pulled you in by the waist in for a deep kiss, one hand on your lower back and the other on your cheek. at that moment you knew that this man was your soulmate.
*flashback end*
you hold the phone to your heart, not knowing how to stir up the courage to tell seokmin that you still love him, but you’ve fallen in even more love with someone else. you take in a deep breath as you wipe your tears away, the longer you stay with him the more painful it’ll be for the both of you.
as you get ready to go back out you receive a message from him. the boy that holds your heart…
boo seungkwan.
without reading the message you already felt reassured because you know it was seungkwan telling you everything will be okay. were you an asshole for falling love with someone else? for falling in love with his best friend?
would you ruin their friendship?
thoughts of these sorts were forever occupying your mind. even due to the fact that seungkwan told you that seokmin just wants happiness for you, even if that means he’ll get hurt along the way.
you try to remind yourself that everything will be okay and a weight will be lifted off your shoulders once you get it over with.
as you head out you put your phone in your back pocket and seokmin was already outside waiting for you. he smiled and said “are you okay?” as he rubbed your arms, while you were trying to muster up the courage to say anything he took your hand and said “let’s talk in the car.”
as you sat in the passenger seat he pulled something from the back, “ta da~” he said while showing you a bunny plushie, you smiled softly as you took it. “i’m glad i was able to at least give you this bunny plushie, i almost didn’t have enough tickets.” he laughed. “seokmin…” you tried to speak.
“it’s a nice little gift to remind us of our last date.”
he cut you off with that very sentence and your heart dropped to your stomach as you let the tears flow out. he looked ahead of him staring into the sunset, “i don’t want you to say anything. i know it hurts you trying to tell me..” you stared at him but he didn’t stare back, “i know you better than anyone, you know me better than anyone. you don’t need words to tell me anything, i understand your body language and the energy you give off. that alone tells me enough.” he continued as you noticed him holding back tears.
“you love him.”
a tear rolled down his face, “and you love me too.” he said, finally looking back at you with a small smile. “but you love him more and i understand that, i want you to be happy but i want that to be with me.” that’s what you know he wanted to say, he wasn’t kidding when he said that you two know each other better than anyone. “if he’s the one that makes you happy then i don’t want to be in the way of that.” he said as he stared back into the distance. “don’t think lowly of yourself for hurting me, i love you so much that i’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you’re happy, even if that means sacrificing my happiness.” was the last thing he said before driving to drop you off at home. not another word was said the entire ride.
before you left the car he cupped your face with his hand and gave you a kiss on the cheek one last time, “you’ll always have a spot in my heart, you’ll always be the one that i love.” he said before wiping the tear from your face. a love like that, is only something you experience once in a lifetime.
yet it slipped away in a second.
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wonuvrs · 3 years
no matter how many times i listen to fearless, jeonghan’s part will always catch me off guard
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wonuvrs · 3 years
pairing : vernon x reader
genre : fluff , college au , toxic relationship(?)
word count : 1.1 k
a/n. late night shit post. emphasis on shit
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❝ok then kiss me❞
all throughout your time knowing vernon, you’d always hear phrases like “you guys look so cute together,” “when will you admit you’re dating” and all other sorts of bull crap within that genre of questions. was it obvious that you’ve had feelings for him from the moment you met? maybe so… or was it because vernon was so COY when it came to those types of things. it’s been about 2 years since you first met vernon at your college freshman orientation. anyone with eyes can see how attractive he is, and once you get to know him there’s no way you wouldn’t fall in love. he’s effortlessly funny and he’s got a pure heart. naturally, you’ve learned to push aside your feelings for him when another person gets in the picture. whether he liked them or vice versa, you were his cupid despite all these feelings. but they never really worked out, which both gave you a bit of hope and made you feel like your chance was done for. maybe he just wasn’t made for relationships. it’s not like vernon is your best friend or a close friend, he’s actually just a casual friend that you happen to hang out with whenever you get the chance to. with the two years of liking him, him just being a casual friend and the vibe that he’s not into relationships you vouched that it’s time for you to move on. so there you are, back in the dating scene.
it’d been about a week since you’ve last hung out with and actually talked to vernon. of course there’s still the occasional “how are you” and nods in the hallways, but never anything more. you’re determined to get over him, and keeping your distance is actually working. you’ve been talking to a handful of people and going on dates left and right, for the first time in a while you weren’t thinking of being in his embrace. 
another week later, it’s like vernon stopped trying to contact you completely which honestly bugged you. why did he stop? was a question constantly ran through your mind. as you were chilling in the school cafe someone had tapped your shoulder, you turned around in hopes that it’d be vernon but no, it was actually your most recent date. you got up from your seat and hugged them with a smile on your face. even though vernon was occupying your mind, this new person was starting to occupy your heart. there were butterflies in your stomach around them and they genuinely made you feel the best you could ever feel. never anything vernon couldn’t make you feel though. you had hopes that this person would someday be yours, the moment felt so close. as you were talking to them, you spot vernon from afar. your attention immediately transfers to him and your heart starts skipping beats, he looks in your direction and you guys make eye contact. you snap yourself back into reality and focus your attention back to the person you’re currently with. suddenly you see a familiar silhouette walking towards you, vernon. “can we talk?” vernon says abruptly, not even introducing himself and completely ignoring your friend. “vernon.. i’m in the middle of something-” he grabs your wrist and walks you outside “it’ll just be a minute.” he mutters.
“what’s your problem?” you say in a condescending tone, this wasn’t like vernon. “why did you stop talking to me?” he spat out. you were caught by surprise, you thought he wasn’t fazed by the lack of attention you were giving him. “i’m sorry, i’ve been busy and haven’t had time to get back to you. besides, you didn’t respond to me either and you never look at me in the halls.” you confessed. he stared at you for a moment before scoffing. “did it bother you?” he said in a cocky tone, “me ignoring you, you no longer being the one occupying my attention. did it bother you?” he continued. your heart dropped to the core of the earth. did you hear that correctly? that you were the one that vernon paid attention to. and he just openly admitted that? there were butterflies in your stomach and you didn’t seem to know what to say. on one hand you were over the moon that vernon practically confessed, but at the same time you were already spending your time with someone else and it’s not fair to them if you drop everything for vernon. “i know about your feelings for me and i know they haven’t faded. but while you were so focused on your feelings and trying to set me up with all these people you hadn’t realized that i only acted so coy because of you.” he let out. “that’s not fair vernon, you can’t just automatically assume that i’ll drop everything for you. i was getting over you and am spending my time with someone who makes me happy-”
“ok then kiss me.” he said as he lowered down so that you were making eye contact. 
you felt all your blood rush to your cheeks, “w-what?” you barely got out. “kiss me. then tell me if you’re really getting over me.” he said as he raised an eyebrow. he smirked as he caressed your burning hot cheeks, “it’s not like one little kiss will hurt.” he said while straightening his posture. who knew he was quite the player? was he only doing this because you were taken? all these thoughts going through your head it was hard to process anything. you took a deep breath in before exhaling. 
before you knew it you grabbed his shirt and leaned in for the kiss. had it been everything you hoped for?
you could feel vernon smile as he melted into the kiss, your shoulders relaxing as your hands let go of his shirt and resting on his shoulders as he took a hand pulling you in closer. you could feel like your stomach would burst at any moment. before getting carried away you snap back into reality and pushed him away before touching your lips trying to hide the smile and the fireworks around you two. 
for the first time in your life you’re seeing vernon act all shy and giggly. he stood there trying to fight his smile from showing, you finally had him wrapped around your finger. “well?” he questioned. you smiled and said “i have to get back to my date.” while turning away with a goofy smile on your face. you wanted no one else in the world but vernon that’s for sure, but you had to get him back for playing you all this time. is this some sort of toxic relationship in the works? only time will tell.
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wonuvrs · 3 years
i’ve been on tumblr for YEARS and i still don’t know how to navigate the app lolz
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wonuvrs · 3 years
pairing: jeon wonwoo x reader
genre: fluff(?)
word count: 566
a/n. my first post lol soz that this sucks
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❝one more minute❞
it’s not that you decide to be late to work, it’s just that there was something (or rather someone) holding you back. hence the reason why you’d have to get up so much earlier than you’d like.
“hey it’s me, sorry i’ll be a bit late for work again” you called the shop you worked at nearly every morning, luckily they were flexible so a few minutes late never hurt anybody.
every morning was the same. and you wouldn’t have it any other way;
as the ring of your alarm goes off, the hands around your waist grip on tighter. the feeling of that warmth, that loving embrace, the joy in your heart knowing you had the blessing of waking up every morning to your beloved was only the right way to start your day. you wouldn’t have it any other way. as you tried to wrangle yourself loose from the tight grip of your significantly stronger boyfriend he would chuckle to himself and pull you in closer— if humanely possible. “wonwoo, you can’t do this every morning.” you would whine.
“just one more minute,” he responds as he brings one hand up to your face and pinches your cheek, “i just want to be with you.” he continues. you would crinkle your nose in cringe and turn around so that you were facing him. “how can i be so calm when i wake up to your face every morning?” he questions as he brings your head to his chest, hearing his heart beat which was almost going as fast as yours. who would’ve thought that even after all these years, his heart still races every time he saw you. is this true love? you swing your arm around him and now you’re in a loving embrace. “please let’s stay like this, for one more minute.” he begged as he pats the back of your head. “one minute with you feels like a lifetime.” you respond, slightly muffled due to being so close to his chest.
how did you ever get so lucky to have a man like wonwoo in your life? that once mysterious, quiet boy who stayed with himself was wrapped around your finger. the love he had for you could fill the entire universe, and he made sure you knew that. all you wanted for him was to be happy, forever and always. he treasured every moment and second with you, treating it like it’s his last. this life you live, however long it may be was not nearly enough to spend with him. you wanted to be with him through every life you live, soulmates would be an understatement to describe you two.
“every minute of my life, i want it to be spent with you.”
wonwoo said brisk and out loud. “just one more minute.” he continued, barely getting it out because of the huge lump in his throat. “one more minute before you become my partner for life.” he spoke once more, tears forming in your eyes as you watched him stand in front of his family and friends, looking as handsome as you could imagine. he gazed over at that empty spot right in the front row closest to him before looking up to the bright blue sky above and it felt like you locked your eyes with him again once more. knowing, that he was talking to you.
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