woo-amanda · 6 years
Amanda, you are such a blessing to have in my life. You are so sweet and so fun to talk to. I love how you interact with everyone and you’re always so kind and respectful.  I super appreciate whenever you’re willing to talk to me when I’m going through something. You’re so amazing and I’m so glad to be your friend.
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((u as a dog))
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woo-amanda · 6 years
AMANDA FREAKIN LYNN! I absolutlely adore you more than you think! I just wanna say, for me, you hosting motu maha, and somehow finding my contact to send me the link to apply like my fave season ever like thank you. Second of all, you are so nice, and just you radiate positivity and you are never involved in any negativity and i just love it! Thank you 4 being so amazing, and i hope your b-day is the best! 
- love from julia the witch
Ps i hope this dont sound crazy bc im a little dazed and confused atm
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woo-amanda · 6 years
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I’m an Amanda stan first and a human being second
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woo-amanda · 6 years
Djdjdjdn ok so I didn’t have time to make anythin so here we are :/ but um happy birthday icon !!!!!
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woo-amanda · 6 years
From Rebecka
(it won’t let me embed sorry)
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woo-amanda · 6 years
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~ From Dana
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woo-amanda · 6 years
A Birthday Haiku - RTP
You are older now
And that means you are closer
to retirement, betch
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woo-amanda · 6 years
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Happy birthday to my bestest friend in the whole community!!!!! When you were absorbed into Nii'hau all that time ago I had no idea that you and I would set off on a long whirlwind adventure of friendship and screaming about games unlike anything I've had online. From encouraging you to win Hawaii in my jury speech, to being hosted by you in Motu Maha and getting the game tea from you and the moms, to being hosted by you a few more times after that, to yelling with you about gorlley and bagels and woo and so many other things... It's been such a ride and I wouldn't change it for anything. Like the coupon says - I'll buy you a candle any time you want girl. If you need a scent... might I recommend cocoa? Your candle friend and fellow Hawaii sufferer, Mitch <3
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woo-amanda · 6 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMANDA!!!! I cannot belieb I've known you for a year. That's a year FULL of blessings. You're such a ray of sunshine in my life. I hope your birthday and the next year of your life is an absolute blast!!!
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woo-amanda · 6 years
hap borth
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woo-amanda · 6 years
Happy birthday Amanda!!! I’m so glad the org gods brought us together. You’re such an incredible, sweet soul yet always keep it real. You take no mess and I love it you really are my mom haha. I hope your day is fantastic and I know there’s a lot of greatness in store for you 😄
- Autumn
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woo-amanda · 6 years
Happy Birthday!!! - Jay
Hey Amanda! Since I was sick and dying and hosting Em*thia during your birthday last year, I figured I’d try to make up for it by putting together something even mildly nice. Even though we fight 85% of the time, I adore you and know that you are always there for me, and that we’ll always be on the same wavelength on the things that matter. I deeply admire your commitment to other people, to ethics, and to trying to make sure you’re doing what’s right. I love you to the moon and back, and I hope the upcoming year is as good to you as you deserve!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!
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woo-amanda · 6 years
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woo-amanda · 6 years
omg!!! I hope you have a birthday as wonderful and incredible as you! I love you!!
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woo-amanda · 6 years
YOOOO AMANDA HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! you’ve done so much for this community so i hope you have a relaxing day, you deserve it!!! - rhone
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woo-amanda · 6 years
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Happy Birthday Amanda!!
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woo-amanda · 6 years
OMG I HEARD ITS A LIL SPECIAL SOMEONES BIRTHDAY!!!! When I first joined the community, all I ever heard was how amazing you are, and might I say everyone was right. You are one of the kindest yet sassy people I know and I am glad within the short time I have been here, I have had the greatest privileged of getting to know you. HAP OF THE BIRTH LOVE ~~~~Heather
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