wordadayofficial · 3 years
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wordadayofficial · 3 years
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wordadayofficial · 5 years
Today's Word is: Scronked
Scronked: [skronkt] verb, past-tense; present tense 'Scronk'
To have messed up a limb, muscle, or joint in a non serious way that nonetheless impedes daily tasks. Explicitly, a skronked body part is only referred to as such if it is a minor injury that at most mildly painful.
"I must have slept weird last night, I really skronked up my shoulder."
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wordadayofficial · 5 years
Today's Word is: Tubesteak
Tubesteak: noun [toob-stake]
Any meat or meat substitute shaped into a tube, sometimes with edible casing. Examples include hotdogs, sausages, bratwurst and jerky sticks.
"Tonight's dinner is tubesteaks on rustic rolls, served with tomato aioli and potato slaw."
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