wordgirlhottakes · 2 years
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wordgirlhottakes · 2 years
bitch dat aint tobecky . thatz victleen or some shit. tobecky iz more like if ya had two dumbazzez conpemsating for insecure etees looken in each otherz eyez like "wow someone understandz me"
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This is THE shipping dynamic and you can’t change my mind
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wordgirlhottakes · 2 years
nothing dangerous or unhealthy is happening here i’m just a hater
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wordgirlhottakes · 2 years
how dere you talk trash abut deep character u don t understand . quit being cunt
Alternate version of the finale in which Becky, being away from Violet, reflects in the fact that she isn't that great a person, is really annoying, and really overreacted about the Wordgirl thing, so when Violet comes over and expects HER to make up for it, she just goes, "... I don't owe you anything" and LEAVES her hippy bitch ass.
Like I would maybe understand them making up if VIOLET apologised, but she has the audacity to not only act as if Becky is some whole new person, not hear out her side of the story, and generally just deny Becky any seperation from her alter ego. And then BECKY has to make up for it, as if she's in the wrong for not telling the second biggest fucking blabbermouth in the city about her secret identity? No, no sir. Becky did nothing wrong, and she deserves better. It's too bad that the show got canned, because the finale was alright, but it left a bad taste in my mouth.
This is offically a Violet Heaslip hate account /hj
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wordgirlhottakes · 2 years
Tobey McCallister III when he first becomes a hero
da more serius da crim, da more excuse to use robit on deese bitches.
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wordgirlhottakes · 2 years
soap dropping violationz dont happen in jubie, eww. itz only kidz dare so tobey should be safe . itz da other inn matez who should be careful . if tobey getz gud behaveor and getz pen, paper and buildin materialz, heal make some robits
he still cant be violet in checkerz though 😈 but maybe ya can practice in jubiez game room if ya get gud behaveor tobey
@officiallyfleeting-kaoru please stop calling me a bad influenza, wordgirl darling-chan daisuki kawaii baka aho uwu nyan is MINE and only mine UnU
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wordgirlhottakes · 2 years
ya ok keep dat obsessve behaver up and yuhll be more than a bad influenza on wordgirl . yuhll go to jail and violet well steal ya girl 😌😝😏
@officiallyfleeting-kaoru please stop calling me a bad influenza, wordgirl darling-chan daisuki kawaii baka aho uwu nyan is MINE and only mine UnU
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wordgirlhottakes · 2 years
reminder ppl dat sciolet is promblematic!!! violet waz grabbed by comphet and internalized lezbopho bias!!! just becaz she wantz a qpr width him dozen't mean she likes boyz 😑😑😑😑
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wordgirlhottakes · 2 years
nooo why make the bisectional baby cry 😢😞☹💔 she and her girlfriend are goin thru a rough pacth 😱😰😣 itll be ok beckyface 🙏you can get thru dis
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wordgirlhottakes · 2 years
tobey needz to hurry up out da dark agez. dis bitch ass really be usin casettez in hiz fuckin walkmen. he smart enough to build huge af robitz but can't build an ipod. 🤨😒 maybe dis lemoon demoon well motivmake him to stop being vintagecore. thatz violetz job 😠
tobey’s favorite song is “when robots attack” by lemon demon
he absolutely flipped when he found out that song existed, especially since he was already a huge lemon demon fan a few months prior
hc #228!
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wordgirlhottakes · 2 years
so sad dat ms healsip waz forced to marry a man 😥😞 two genarationz and still no respect for dese lesbeins . fuck da patriachy 👩‍👧like mother like daughter 👩‍❤️‍👩 icons ♀ ♥ ♀
I think Violet's mom is hella lesbian and I'm basing this off of two things.
1) Have you seen how she lives?
2) She named her child Violet. No way this woman doesn't know that violets used to be lesbian code for "I like you."
hc #142!
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wordgirlhottakes · 2 years
bout ta drop some fax on deez bitches fr fr.
violet should inherit her momz non air conditioned hippie cabin and take over da organic ice cream biz niz and become da rich kween she deserve to be. move over bitch-toria.
becky should quit superheroine work and be violets cute but super strong housewife
let tobey be creepy yandere caz den maybe heel mez up so bad he goes to jubie and violet can comfort her girlfriend
maria is a yappy zappy wacky bitch and needs to go to da circus honest
scoops x vickytoria so that dey can stay the hell away from the lesbean and bisectional kweenzz.
ms power had a point tho, wordz super powerful and if ya are enough ofa threat ya get powerful enough to wreck da gobernment . did ya not watch my little bony cozy glow ? das ms powers apprentice right dare fr fr fr i wanna be like her. im colonel gigglecheeks sympath
fun fact bob is gay ya know why ? because general smoochington gave a smooch. ask vickytori if ya don believe me
eileen avoidz jubie becaz problematic fav getz privilegezzz
OOC: this blog is 80% a joke and the ultimate 2 truths 1 lie/2 lies 1 truth game; good luck.
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wordgirlhottakes · 2 years
that what ya get for drawing furries without the fursuit
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#39 - Submitted by anon
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wordgirlhottakes · 2 years
but then they wouldn 't be lesbain and bisectional representation then would they ?? lol fucking idiot
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#45 - Submitted by @elsa12tmnt
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wordgirlhottakes · 2 years
yar mom had wasted potentcial . rhyme and reason hop round cities so even if they joind da show earlier they still would leave and get only one episode lol
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They have a great concept, with their hyper girl/ down to earth guy dynamic and Rhyme's superpowers (and the rhyming obviously) and their friendship is so adorable. The writers really wasted their potential by only adding them in the very last episode.
#48 - Submitted by @melonthesprigatito
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wordgirlhottakes · 2 years
wow rude . hashbrown tag violetdidnothingwrong . the only thing thiz got righ is violet being antibax . ya just mad that shes a lesbian that eats organic lol. it 's knot her fault you and beckyface forgot everything violet has done for her. and btw not liking the monster energy drink creature doesnt count as ableism cause shes a parasitte to fair city . she and vectoria dont need vaccinez anyway bcause their villainz .
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It's mostly because of her entitlement, never putting in ANY effort toward maintaining her friendship with Becky, and then acting like it's BECKY'S fault. Rhyme and Reason is one of my least fave episodes purely beacause Violet should NOT have hurt Becky like that. She honestly acts awful, and I think she'll grow up to be one of those anti-vaxxer moms who don't belive in allergies or disability.
#54 - Submitted by anon
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wordgirlhottakes · 2 years
thatz what she getz for being a yappy zappy bitch
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Seems pretty awful that Wordgirl was ok with letting someone's WORDS get taken away. Becky did the bare minimum respecting what Maria expressed when she COULD talk; respecting new thoughts even if they can't be voiced is imperative. Trans rights AND disability rights are important. Maria deserves an accessibility aid.
#50 - Submitted by @elsa12tmnt
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