wordgirlprompts · 2 years
Wordgirl shows up to the scene of multiple crimes only to find each villain stopped another, and their attempts to explain what happened is wild
That legitimately sounds like a plot for a special
- It starts off small, just Eileen having a tantrum over not being able to get more the one cupcake sample at the grocery story for her “birthday”
- Becky is there because she’s always in the right place at the right time, and sees Eileen growing into her birthday girl form, she sneaks away from her dad and transforms into Wordgirl
- Right about when she’s going to confront Eileen, she notices that she has already been made small, and is being held captive by a Tobeybot. The rest of the Tobeybots are raging through the city. Becky goes to confront Tobey, and is met with his usual fury, but for some reason he thinks that Eileen is trying to “steal” Wordgirl from him, and won’t listen to reason otherwise.
- Becky gives up trying to reason with Tobey and defeats the robot and brings both kids to the ground. She turns to go and destroy the rest of the rampaging robots but is caught off guard when she sees Claire and Mr. Big standing angrily behind her, both glaring at Tobey. She turns to see a dozen mind-controlled Robots marching themselves into the sea.
- Wordgirl is incredibly confused at this point, but before she can say anything Mr Big gets in Tobey’s face and starts saying “You can’t just go around stealing other villain’s shticks, I mean what is this! Don’t you already tread on my toes enough with the whole technology thing!” Tobey has no idea what he means, and Mr. Big gets more indignant and explains to Wordgirl that Tobey has apparently been trying to add mind-control devices to the very robots that Mr. Big had just taken down. Tobey denies this
- Mr. Big says “well, if you’re not going to fess up, then i’m just going to have to prove who's the top dog in the mind control field. [evil laugh].” He talks into a walkie talkie for Leslie to start up ‘the device,’ and Wordgirl gasps as she zooms to the Big Tower.
- Once she gets there however, Leslie’s been tied up and the brain washing machine has been broken. Amazing rope guy is also tied up on the ceiling… for some reason. Over at Big’s desk is Lady Redundant Woman. She’s searching through Mr. Big’s computer at his desktop. Wordgirl asks her what’s going on, and LRW huffs and explains that Mr. Big (who owns the copy shop branch she works at) was going to use this mind control device to promote Dave again and mind control him into working overtime, instead of moving her up a notch, which made her furious, mad, and extremely peeved because she deserves that promotion! “Aren’t I, Lady Redundant Woman, good enough to be mind controlled?” But she couldn’t find anything on his computer about that being part of his plan.
- Becky is like “well maybe? He wasn’t going to do it then? Sheesh what is up with everyone today”
- LRW realizes that Wordgirl might be right, and makes an offhand remark about not needing to send her clones to kidnap Dave afterall! Wordgirl goes “you WHAT?” and zooms off to save this poor guy
- However, when she reaches the copy shop she sees that Dave is completely fine, he smiles and waves at her and offers her a juice box. Standing there, looking lost, is Victoria Best.
- Dave says that Victoria’s been such a great employee all day, there's no need for Wordgirl to worry! And Victoria makes a snide remark about how tch, she’s the best employee. Lady Redundant Woman had no idea what she was talking about when she said Victoria Best wasn’t the best at working in a copy shop! Victoria then looks worried and lowers her voice, and whispers to Wordgirl that “I might have done a bad thing, which means it’s really bad, because I'm the best at being bad” and Wordgirl gets concerned because what could be so bad that Victoria feels guilty??
- Turns out that Victoria had karate-chopped a clone that was trying to kidnap Dave to get revenge on LRW, and freaked out when the clone turned to paper. Becky explains Victoria did not in fact kill Beatrice and is shocked that Victoria is so full of herself that she doesn’t notice other villain’s powers.
- Wordgirl has to go quick though, because she hears screaming at… Victoria's house?! She grabs her and flies them both to the mansion.
- The Butcher is holding his hands out at the Best parents and demanding they hand “it” over. Wordgirl jumps in between them to defuse the situation, and Butcher emotionally tells her that Victoria stole his second-place meat curing prize, to which Victoria is disgusted at the fact that he thinks she would stoop as low as stealing a second-place trophy.
- Butcher tries to fire meat at her, but it doesn’t work. He panics and runs away. Wordgirl captures him and takes him to jail with the rest of the convicts she captured today.
- Upon leaving the jail, she hears a loud explosion and flies to the sound, she arrives at DTB’s warehouse to hear him diabolically laughing. She gets caught in a trap and he gives her the whole crazy-mad-scientist look, him and his henchman put protective goggles on and he motions for them to put some on her too, and he starts villain monologuing about how “when I found out the Butcher had been setting up mouse traps around his out, I couldn’t let my brethren go unavenged! So I concocted a scheme… to build a device that cuts him off from his precious meat dimension! And it WORKED! But then I thought… Why stop there? I could tap into other dimensions… think of the infinite power I could have! All the knowledge! And most importantly, all the CHEESE!”
- He flips the switch on a ray to open a portal, but the warehouse blacks out as the unmistakable roar of the energy monster pierces the air
- Maria zaps all the energy from DTB’s ray and leans down at him and yells. No one can tell what she’s saying but she’s very clearly upset with him, and he and the henchmen start running away. Maria begins rampaging through the city, until 10 tons of liquid granny perfume gets poured on her head. She shrinks, and granny may scoops her up in her purse, and starts scolding Maria “well I never, young lady! If you think you can just come into my house and change the channel from my stories with your fancy-schmancy electricity hooplah then you’ve got another thing coming!”
- Wordgirl’s like “uhhh” and Granny May just shoots her with the yarn no questions asked because she gets shit done
- Before she gets hit though she gets Whammed out of the way, and Granny May gets knocked over.
- Granny grumbles and goes home, while Wordgirl thanks them hesitantly.
- Chuck is just like “no problem Wordgirl! Me and Whammer were having a nice day together, thought it would be polite of us to help you out for once, haha”
- Chuck and Whammer explain that they originally were upset because Whammer heard from somewhere that Chuck had been telling everyone that he was a bad sidekick and villain, but Whammer talked to Chuck and they realized that someone had lied to Whammer, and they ended up just hanging out all day.
- Wordgirl thinks out loud to them and Huggy, saying that someone seems to be turning all the villains against each other, and if this keeps up it could destroy not only the Villains association but the city in the crossfire! They brainstorm who it could be and how they can stop them.
- Hiding behind a tree, Miss Power smirks as she watches her plan unfold.
Made by @beckface
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wordgirlprompts · 2 years
I would love more 4th wall breaks, like the characters questioned why they’re doing the same animations and the Narrator goes, “We’re a little on budget so we have to reuse that animation three times.” Or a character ((cough) wordgirl (cough)) Being this close to pissing them off and she says, “If this PG-Friendly, I have more words to define.. Not the good ones.”
This is so funny.
An entire episode centered around the show production just going completely wrong, because in-universe it’s filmed live.
- The words of the day are “meta” and “production”
- The show opens as normal, with a wide shot of Fair City and the narrator announcing that it’s another beautiful day yadda yadda
- He goes in on a shot of Becky’s bedroom, announcing that she’s in there, but whoops! She’s not there.
- Becky, turns out, was having trouble getting away from her family. We hear a conversation from another room where Tj is asking her “why would the narrator need you?” and Becky makes up some excuse about this Wordgirl episode involving “Wordgirl’s classmates, I mean not classmates because haha Wordgirl doesn’t go to school! Yeah- um- uh- I-gotta-go!”
- She rushes into her room, facing the wrong way, and apologizes to the ceiling (the narrator)
- He says something like “about time!” and the episode continues as normal.
- Until they cut to the villain of the day, let's say Twobrains because he makes meta jokes all the time, and while the narrator tries to introduce him like he’s all foreboding and sinister he gets interrupted because Twobrains appears to be on a date with another villain. The narrator clears his throat, and then Twobrains looks directly at the camera and mutters “**** I forgot it’s my day” (the curse is bleeped out)
- He quickly shoves out his date and tries to do an evil laugh but chokes on himself, Squeaky apparently gets mad and Twobrains starts arguing with the mouse brain all like “I have to do all the walking and talking around here, you could at least remember some things for us!”
- The narrator gives up and cuts to Becky flying in the sky. She’s like “What’s got you all upset” and he’s all “Just continue with the episode”
- Absolutely yes to the animation idea so maybe something like Becky saying “hey can while this is already going wrong, is now a bad time to request a new flying pose? This one feels kinda repetitive don’t you think?”
- Becky then goes to stop the Butcher, and things go on as normal. Except the narrator is incredibly confused, and keeps interrupting the fight, because she’s supposed to be stopping Twobrains.
- Narrator and Butcher start yelling at eachother, and then at some point Butcher gets mad and knocks over the audience-view camera with a piece of meat, and then the scene cuts out to show a cartoon version of Dorothea Gillim (the show creator) laying on the floor with her eyes doing the cartoon dizzy spin things
- The Butcher apologizes to her and behind him we see Wordgirl talking casually to a background character, drinking something out of a red solo cup. Someone comes from off screen, looking apologetically at the camera, to attach a sticky note to the red solo cup that says “It’s Orange Juice”
- Twobrains walks in incredibly casually, wearing glasses and his hair in a ponytail, and says “hey uh I looked at the script? I think that i’m next week, so- oh” He just kinda. Looks around and takes it all in.
- Wordgirl, now wearing sunglasses and sitting on a chair with her helmet completely off, holding a croissant instead of a cup this time, is getting her hair and makeup done by a crew. She says “Hey Doc”, clearly having given up on this episode
- The Narrator goes “let me see that!” and a giant gust of wind blows the script out of Twobrain’s hands and fwooshing his hair all over the place, he looks disturbed.
- There’s page rustling noises and the narrator goes “well… It seems that I have made a bit of a mistake. My bad everyone!”
- The episode cuts off right as everyone (except Wordgirl who’s posing for the press) starts angrily talking at once
- Neither word of the day actually gets defined. Like they’re said in the episode but Becky never bothers to define them, and everyone forgets to ask her to.
This prompt was made by @beckface
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wordgirlprompts · 2 years
Becky/Wordgirl invents a third persona for the purposes of clandestine spying on the villains via signing up to assist them with their schemes; she rapidly becomes the most beloved and appreciated minion in the whole Fair City villainous underbelly, and Charlie, Meatloaf, General Smoochington, and Leslie all try and make her go away.
Hehehe villain found family lol
- The villain's schemes and plans have been getting more and more difficult to outmach. Its actually becoming more of a challenge to beat them which is the last thing Wordgirl wants. So as she was venting this to Scoops and Violet, Scoops piped up and put in his few cents on the matter. "Why don't you go undercover to gather information? A lot of my favorite journalists did that too get info they otherwise couldn't get otherwise.". Which this imediatly sprang a lightbulb into Wordgirl's head.
- With some training from Scoops on what and what not to do as a villain and a information gathering spy, they eventually came up with Becky's new third identity. Melony the Minion. A young girl who's a fair city villains fan who wants nothing more then to be just like her favorite villains, in that she applies to as many villains as she can and then spreads her appointments throughout the week Including weekends (But also trying to stay away from villains who might know her as Becky, so she tries to keep her distance from Victoria, Tobey and Eileen.)
- She basically wears whatever the villain's want her to as uniforms, so with Twobrains she wears the standard uniform like Charlie and Meatloaf, with Butcher she wears a little butcher's uniform with a white apron and paper hat, with Chuck she doesn't wear a uniform and just wears whatever she wants (Which is usually just her standard clothes, but with a hoodie, fake glasses and her hair in a ponytail.), with Mr Big she wears a fancy suit, and with all the others she wears whatever she wants.
- Her job consists of carrying heavy objects, remind her bosses of important tasks, going on errands, helping out with chores in Chuck’s case, answering Ms Question’s questions, locking Dave out of the copy shop so he doesn’t mess with LRW’s copier (Sabotage their plans) etc. 
- Whammer tries too teach her how too wham, it goes as well as you expect.
- “Melony” had this spirit and can do attitude about her that just made her a pleasant presence to be around, always lit up a room over time.  She was a great conversationalist, always had a quip for everything, always had something to add to the conversation and it was like talking to an old friend.  
- Soon she became more then a minion in the villain’s and Becky’s pov.  Chuck would invite her to play videogames with him, Twobrains would invite her to watch TV dramas with him just like he would do with Meatloaf and Charlie (Though most of the time, they would just complain on all the inaccuracies in the show or movie), when Mr Big found out she had a passion for horse figurines he started buying some for her here and there.  Becky on the other hand is honestly having fun with all this, as long as she signs out when the project is nearly done, she can swoop in as Wordgirl and stop them.   It was like playing pretend for her then an undercover mission
- Becky has been noticing glares from Leslie lately, she kinda jocked it up too her worrying Melony taking her job away from her as Mr Big’s 2nd in command (which Becky has no intention on doing so since this mission is only temporary). But once they had a time alone together without Mr Big in the room, Leslie bellowed “So Wordgirl, how long do you plan too keep working in villainy”
- Becky forgot Leslie was the one with the only braincell in the show
“Whhhaaat? Pbtff I’m not Wordgirl, I mean why would Wordgirl work for a bunch of villains, doesn’t that kinda go against her whole thing. Didn’t think of you as a joker, Leslie.”
“That’s what’s i’v been asking, Wordgirl. You’re the number one most respected minion in the whole Fair City criminal underbelly. I mean there wasn’t one until you showed up but still. Surely you would have quit while you were ahead considering you’ve most likely memorized our patterns by now.”
“It started off that way… But I don’t know in all honesty. I guess even though this is like my third secret life so far, i feel more like myself then I am when i’m Wordgirl. For a criminal underbelly, everyone is pretty laid back and nice too each other in their own way. I don’t want too pursue villainy, don’t get me wrong! But this has been strangely therapeutic. I guess a downside is I have too fight myself not too correct mispronunciation or define words heh… Are you going too tell the others?”
“I appreciate the extra help, so i’m going too enjoy this while it lasts. Also i’v tried, no one listens to me because they like you too much. Actually all the minions and 2nd in commands in the city have tried getting rid of you.”
“Even Meatloaf and Charlie?!”
“Especially those two.”
“How did they know??”
“I told everyone because you have the same voice, same hair/eye color and same spunk. Also no child can lift a ten ton crate of machinery.”
“Remind me too never go near you when i’m in my other secret identity.”
- This was a sign Becky had too resign from being a minion, it was fun and educational but the fact all underlings have been trying too get rid of her was a sign that she should leave before things get ugly. She had too lie and say she was transferring to a different city. Some villain bosses just sadly asked too call them once in a while and too not be a stranger.
- Just so you know Bob protested this from the very beginning, I just didn’t know what too do with him
Maybe I should make more dialogue for this ask because cute villain and Wordgirl interactions are just immediate euphoria for me  
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wordgirlprompts · 2 years
AU where Becky and Wordgirl don't realize they're the same person, and Huggy has to manage who's the one in control and who's basically unconscious within their own body, also Mind Affecting abilities (Big mind control, Victoria recorder, Ms. Question's powers) can cause glitches on occasion
Disclaimer: This should not be interpreted as a portrayal of DID or anything of that likeness!
- When Huggy came down to earth he expected to be dealing with other entities similar to Lexiconians, but he quickly discovered that the top inhabitants of earth were incredibly physically weak, and had simply managed to outsmart the low-intelligence other being on this planet
- When he and Becky were found by the Botsfords, Huggy thought he could keep everything under control until he learned more about the distrusting nature of humans and panicked, fearing that revealing that Becky was an alien to the Botsford would land them both in heaps of trouble
- Huggy has military training so we’re just gonna say he can also build crazy shit like the villains do, so he creates a ray so he can turn Becky’s powers off manually while she’s a baby. This backfires and turns Becky and WG into two separate people mentally.
- It works similar to if Twobrains and Squeaky were unaware of eachother
- Huggy at first is the one who can bring out Becky or Wordgirl as they both slowly develop into separate people, but all with the same core personality.
- At some point after Wordgirl has enough hero training, she flips into Wordgirl as soon as she hears a call for help or an alarm, and instinctively knows to fly back to wherever her family is after the defeat, but always seemingly goes unconscious before understanding why she’s there
- Tobey is like 99% sure Becky is Wordgirl and it’s driving him insane because other the all of the other obvious clues Becky is sure that he’s spouting nonsense and she’s really convincing about it too
- During “Twobrains forgets” TV switches on Wordgirl in front of the Botsfords, but she fails to understand why she’s in this house until he captures them and TJ angrily explains she's his sister, Becky Botsford. Becky also gets hit with the forget ray during the chaos moment, and everything goes back to normal.
- During Bunny Lovers Scoops finds out she’s Wordgirl due to Becky panicking and punching a wall like before, yet this time she’s not fully aware of what she just did, and Wordgirl comes out before Scoops can talk to Becky. Scoops confronts her about this like he does in the episode, but WG think’s he’s being ridiculous, and Scoops eventually decides it’s not his place to tell her
- Rose figures it out too, but Scoops scolds her in a similar scene to the original episode that it’s not right to change someone’s life like that and reveal something like that
- Rhyme and Reason is when Becky finds out for real about her true identity, why she’s always had these blackouts, and that Huggy has been basically lying to her this whole time. Instead of Violet being mad at Becky, Becky is mad at Huggy, and Violet tries to comfort her, but Becky shoves her off
- Tj always roots for Wordgirl to beat up the villains, but Becky always feels a pang in her chest when imagining them being offed or seriously injured. She’s not sure why.
- I imagine that everyone in fair city has a “favorite villain”, and Becky’s changes often, she thinks she’s just indecisive but it’s actually based on her most recent reactions with everyone. She always finds herself having a soft spot for Twobrains, and will have some vague nostalgic feelings around him that she doesn’t understand.
- Wordgirl feels extra protective of Becky’s friends and family, and she doesn’t really get why but just assumes that she likes these people’s vibes. If any villain targeted Violet, Scoops, or a Botsford there would be hell to pay.
- Becky’s bit about always saying “huh, must have missed her, next time!” About Wordgirl but like actually
- Becky thinks she just has terrible luck and never gets to see Wordgirl in action
- I think that Wordgirl has generally more positive feelings towards Tobey but with that ever present string of annoyance, but Becky just can’t stand him
- Becky gets mad at Wordgirl merch still
- One day Bob introduces Wordgirl to Pretty Princess since Becky likes it so much. Best idea he’s ever had, and he gets sentimental about watching her get all happy relearning to love one of her favorite things
- She has an adjustment period after learning about her true identity, and she and Huggy try to find a way to combine Becky and Wordgirl together again.
This was written by our new mod @beckface ! They'll help me keep the blog active since there's a mountain of asks too get through and it was all very overwhelming while it was just me
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wordgirlprompts · 2 years
Question: Not a gift or a prompt, but isn't what Eileen has rhotacism, not a lisp?
I honestly never thought too much about it, but yeah the more I think about it it's not a lisp. Tbh I always narrowed it down to babytalk because she was younger, but I could see it as rhotacism if she's the same age as Becky
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wordgirlprompts · 2 years
Just like how Wordgirl oft gets Keys to the City, the villains begin awarding Locks to the City, at first as a joke, but they end up taking it more serously as time goes on
- So how it works is, whenever a villain’s crime unintentionally helps somebody or the city, they get rewarded a shiny golden lock with their name engraved on it. Scenarios like one of the villains destroying a building that needed demolishing or if on the rare occasion a villain teams up with Wordgirl to stop a bigger threat, they get rewarded a lock. It was just a funny thing Wordgirl thought of but slowly but surely crime rates started to go down because of the competition and rivalry that started to transpire.
- There was a lock leaderboard that was hung over the crime leaderboard. Surprisingly Twobrains was at the top, Chuck and Butcher were 2nd and 3rd.
- Some of the civilians who were aware of this had villains they would root for to get the most locks (Becky admittedly was on team Twobrains)
- this didn’t eliminate all crime in the city considering crime was their job, but it sure did make Fair City a better place.
- It wasn’t until some villains started stealing people’s locks/making their own and making counterfeit locks to the city was when Wordgirl was like “Okay this is going to far-“
- Locks to the city lasted a two weeks until everything went back to normal
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wordgirlprompts · 2 years
Victoria decides in the middle of a fight with Wordgirl to steal the other villains' language quirks, Nocan's contrarianism, Ms Question's constant questioning, Eileen's lisp, Butcher's mispronouncing words, even Learnerer's duplicated suffixes, just to upset Wordgirl as much as possible
Okay this is so hilarious-
- Wordgirl has never been more furious at a villain in her life. She would rather take Tobey’s horrible attempts at getting her to love him, Lady Redundant Woman making a dozen evil Wordgirl clones, having Chuck’s condiments stain her suit making her look ridiculous and Twobrain blowing up the goat cheese factory all while the actual villains Victoria is imitating are right there in front of her. ANYTHING BUT THIS HELL
- This was actually a bet Victoria made with Tobey and Eileen
- “Hey Wardgworl, hwat dwoeses annoywing mean?”
“Victoria you need to know i’m a pacifist when it comes to people… But right now i’m gonna pass a fist in your face if you don’t stop.”
“Hwat dwoeses Pwacifwistism mwean-“
*proceeds to take off gloves and crack her knuckles*
- Victoria got her end of the bet after school 👍
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wordgirlprompts · 2 years
I’m sorry but I need a Tobecky fic that isn’t drama fueled, i want a fic where after him and Wordgirl have become friends and actually hang out outside of robot attacks. I want him to find out about all the embarrassing qualities about her like she literally can’t do anything creatively for the life of her, that she makes dumb puns or that she snorts when she laughs. But y’know what? That only makes him fall in love with her more because this is one of the rare moments of her actually opening up to him. (I’m sorry I live off of this shit-)
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wordgirlprompts · 2 years
AU where instesd of Lexiconian, Becky is Irken! (And Huggyface is her S. I. R. unit, too!)
- So in this universe, Becky is named Bek since Irkens have three letter names usually.
- Bek is a defective irken. Her PAK while giving her a life source, never hardwired her mind on doom and destruction like it was supposed too. So she fully destained the Irken ideology of colonizing and taking over planets.
- Huggy is a bootleg S.I.R called a H.U.G (Harvesting, Useful, Globalinformation). Yes I know the acronym is a stretch but what can you do?).
- Bek and H.U.G are on earth because they’re rebels against the Irken Empire. They decide to crashland on earth in a highjacked ship to make sure they’re as far away from The Armada’s trail as possible.
- Plus Bek is fascinated by this planet because of its thousands of languages. Its kind of her goal to learn most of them. (If not all if she can). She has no plan to take over or spread doom, just live a peaceful life in general.
- I like to think she lives with Dr. Boxleitner because he found Bek and H.U.G wandering the streets. The deal was that he’s allowed to research and study her as long as Bek lives under his roof. But as time goes on they start to have a father and daughter relationship so the labs stop. (Tbh their dynamic needs a whole post of their own)
“Monkeys are the closest to humans in species, so they’ll just think you’re like a distant cousin or something.”
- Once she introduces herself to the class, no one really bats an eye at her. Violet and Scoops are still friends with her to little to no difference, but Tobey is the only one who has his suspicions.
“Boxleitner, what is that metal backpack you have?”
“Oh this? Um… I was in the hospital and uh- this keeps my heart beating?”
“Really? Never heard of such a thing.”
“I-its a protype..”
- Bek on the otherhand, is absolutely fascinated with him (not on a romantic level) but more for his engineering and robotics. Since she is Irken, she does have a history with that sorta stuff. So to know someone who has close to the same understanding as her in terms of engineering, makes her feel less alone.
- Once Tobey finds that out, he thinks his suspicions were just him picking up another fellow robot lover! They become close friends and they bond over robotics and the Princess Triana series.
- As life goes on, Bek slowly recognizes the ongoing crime in the city. To repay the city for its hospitality, switches to her true Irken form and fights as a superhero (still called Wordgirl because Wordirk sounds weird)
- Instead of superpowers, she uses her metal spider legs for transportation and multiple tech she’s invented to help her.
- People are kinda weirded out by this sudden weird superhero, but tbh anything to stop the robberies y’know?
- This is what inspires Tobey to become a villain, he kinda has the same motives as Dib which is beat Wordgirl and then study her. Tobey doesn’t have romantic feelings for her though in this.
- Bek’s color scheme instead of purple and green, its velvet and green.
- “Hey Bek, I was wondering why you don’t go out in the rain? You honestly look scared of if.”
“I’m… i’m allergic to water.”
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wordgirlprompts · 2 years
Tobey, Victoria, and Eileen have kind of like a sibling dynamic. Tobey and Victoria are like the brother and sister who get along sometimes but mainly just argue over dumb shit and Eileen is just their annoying baby sister.
Hell yeah, villain siblings! God, I love sibling dynamics you guys don't even know-
- Tobey and Victoria mainly argue over Victoria proclaiming herself to be the best at everything. Which Tobey takes great offense to, because while he's not the best at everything (And he knows for a fact Victoria is any different from him in that regard). He's a boy genius for goodness sake! He's definitely better than Victoria will ever be. So this consists of pointless arguments like-
"OH if you're so much better than me, build a robot that could take down the city AND BEAT WORDGIRL!"
"I'm the best at building robots!... I just don't need to prove anything to you since I know for a fact even a light breeze could flip over your oversized tin cans."
- These arguments can go on for a while but no further actions would be made. These arguments remind the adults that they just invited literal children to this convention.
- Though outside of conventions, you could see them battling in the city with Tobey's robots vs Victoria's recorder (Or whatever stuff she has on hand) Wordgirl has to put a stop to it every time.
- Speaking of battles, if Eileen's in the area she will happily join in (By using her growing powers) and think they're just playing a game. If Tobey and Victoria tell her to go away, Eileen will then argue that its her birthday and they can't say no. If Victoria tries using her recorder, Eileen will cover her ears and sing the Pretty Princess theme song at the top of her lungs. So Tobey and Victoria have to sit back and watch their found baby sister wreck their stuff.
- Though if anybody bullies Eileen about her lisp, ohmygod you better start running-
- Victoria and Eileen definitely tease Tobey about his obvious crush on Wordgirl, though on occasion give him advice (It being good advice is up in the air though)
"Girls like compliments, make sure to compliment her if there's something new about her, no matter how small."
"I'll write that down-"
"Of course you will! I am the best at dating advice after all."
"I mean me and Wordgirl aren't dating yet, so you kinda misworded that-"
"YOU TWO AREN'T DATING!?  See this is why i’m the best Tobey, if I was into Wordgirl we’d already be dating by now.  We’d be holding hands and going out for icecream, your lucky that i’m-”
“And here I thaught you were being helpful.”
- And with Eileen
“Make sure to treat everyday like its her birthday!  Give her cake, balloons, presents, ponies-”
“*Sigh* Thank you, Eileen.”.
- I think if the three them somehow negotiated and decided to team up, it would end simalarly to when Tobey and Twobrains teamed up.  Their own arguments and short tempers would be their downfall lol.  
- Eileen would definitly steal things from them, if one of Tobey’s tools are shiny its hers now.  If Victoria has something pretty like a piece of cute jewelery, yeah its Eileen’s now.  This drives the two blondes mad.
- They probably all sit at the Villain kid’s table at conventions and that’s how they got close in the first place.
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wordgirlprompts · 2 years
Wordgirl returns to Lexicon, discovers her parents were both crimelords and also her powers are less being Lexiconian and more her parents wanting a weapon of mass destruction.
Okay, this actually would explain a lot on why an alien race all about language and words, would have superpowers like super strength, laser vision, super hearing etc. You'd think they would have a language-based power since based on all the villains' everybody kinda has a theme. I know Wordgirl has "A vocabulary larger than the average human" But that's just from her reading a ton of books.
- So Wordgirl goes back to Lexicon to finally meet her birth parents, she doesn't intend on staying but she at least owes them a visit now that she has the option. But as they soar through the stars Huggy seems on edge. Becky kinda jocks this up to anxiety on going back to his home ( I mean she's anxious too). But OH BOY, even though he really doesn't want to go back and have Becky find out about everything. She deserves to know the history she can't find in books, even if deep down he knows it won't end well. But he came prepared and he knows the kid will kick ass if she needs to.
- As they land and park in a cave on the outskirts, Becky was expecting a blossoming futuristic city or maybe at least a village or a town. But it was really just yellow and red desert. That would be the case if there wasn't a huge wall with towers and monkeys as guards, enwrapping some sort of huge base. It reminded her of a prison, but she gave this the benefit of the doubt, and maybe Lexicon was just a really alert gated community.
- Immediately, all the monkey guards recognized Captain Huggyface for he was a general that was long thought dead. He was a hero in many galactic ship wars, saved lives, yadda yadda you get the gist of how important Huggy was. (The title captain isn't for nothing). So just upon seeing him, they open the gates immediately for them and without question. But upon seeing Becky, everybody was intimidated and afraid. As if she was a ticking time bomb.
- Speaking of the Lexiconians, they look nothing like her. If anything they look more like Ms. Power, but everybody's skin was a scaly green, brown, or dirty yellow and had bright yellow lizard eyes. Everybody also wore identical yellow and red jumpsuits. You could differentiate them from height, body shape, head shape, etc. They were like lizard people basically, just without the tail and lizard-like qualities. The Lexiconians also spoke in a language that Becky has never heard before, yet can understand as if she was fluent. It was kinda like her talking to Huggy.
- "Hey Huggy... Are we on the right planet? Everybody doesn't look like me."
"Yeah we're on Lexicon, just don't worry about the stares and stay close to me no matter what. We're almost at your parent's place."
- Turns out Lexicon is a military planet known for its war crimes against multiple intergalactic governments, and her parents are the leaders/lords of the planet.
- Becky turns out was the second successful bioweapon of Lexicon and what was going to be a soldier from "birth" (Or creation). Basically using the vulnerable and squishy form of a human as a defense mechanism to get the enemy's guard down and then attack with their powers at full force. She not only had superpowers, but she could also understand every language effortlessly (Lexicon did pride themselves in their linguists y'know?)
- Her "parents" entrusted their famous general to train their little science experiment for them, not really wanting a connection with Becky and they were already training one (Who grew up to be Ms. Power). But Huggy has a soul and recognizes this is a living sentient little being. He decides to take her away to earth, his leaders thinking he's taking her away to one of their neighboring military planets. While he did destroy any tracking devices beforehand, he intentionally crashed the ship just in case there was a slight hint of a signal from here to Lexicon.
- Her parents act like Becky is their long-lost daughter but it's really all a facade so she would stay. They acted and talked like Ms. Power so similarly, that Becky almost had a trauma-induced panic attack.
- The star of Lexicon represents that they will burn anyone and anything, while also burning bright themselves.
- To say Becky and Huggy hauled ass as soon as she gave the word was an understatement. They barely escaped with an inch of their life.
- Becky was very depressed after the little family reunion she had, worried she'll grow up to be like Ms. Power. But Huggy reassures that even though her parents intended on creating a weapon, they messed up and created a person with great power instead. The reason why Huggy lied and took her away to a planet was so she can lead a happy life and he succeeded in that. While Becky is comforted by this and doesn't claim those people to be her parents, this event will lead to a lot more depressed and anxiety-induced episodes in her life. She doesn't turn evil but she just needs a lot more therapy than she already did.
- The only good that came out of it was that it made her passion to be a hero stronger, wanting to prove her birth-parents wrong and reclaiming the star symbol. (Also appreciating the Botsfords more than she already did)
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wordgirlprompts · 2 years
Closing my asks for a bit cuz ohmygod there’s a lot to go through! But thank you so much for the attention, i’ll try and get them out as soon as I can <3
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wordgirlprompts · 2 years
Sorry i’m not frequent with my answers! I really want to get these out sooner, but tumblr keeps crashing and it sucks
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wordgirlprompts · 2 years
A couple years down the line, Becky watches as Victoria Best slowly deteriorates day by day as she starts to burn out. Finally succumbing to her stress and having more and more panic attacks
- Victoria is constantly exhausted, she’s less vibrant and passionate as she used to be. Very quiet and reserved. Which soon effected her grades and her parents became more harsh with their punishments and with what they say to her. To say her self esteem was at an all time low was an understatement
- she’d have frequent panic attacks in the bathroom if her grade was less then a 100%. Being the best was no longer a title she held proudly, but something she needed for her parents to love her and her will to live. It was like the need to breath to her.
- Victoria could usually be seen sitting with Eileen, mostly because her and Eileen were on good terms since the two of them were villains and the fact that nobody else would want to sit with her. Eileen was good company to have.
- Becky took note of her deterioration over the years, it was nice not having her gloat in her face all the time, talk down to anybody or get angry at anybody saying they were the best at something (Though they would get glares, but Victoria was just to tired to actually confront them). Which is probably why she hasn’t checked in on her till now. But one fateful day as Becky went into the bathroom to freshen up, she heard Victoria sobbing her eyes out in a stall.
- Becky contemplated on turning into Wordgirl in hopes that Victoria would better listen to her, but she decided that its better coming in as an equal then as a hero.
- Even though Victoria was hesitant and even annoyed that Becky showed concern to her (anybody who was the best wouldn’t need pity) but even her stubbornness and pride were fogged in the pure panic she was in. She got an 30% on a english paper. Victoria showed it to Becky as if it was her death warrant.
- It was a paper where she really didn’t understand what the purpose was, I mean why should the color of the curtains matter?? Even with proper punctuation and a good layout, she didn’t write about the subject the teacher wanted her to. (Which was the wording in the details and meanings in an already complicated book) So the best she could do is a 30%.
- Becky (while not encouraging) asks why Victoria just use her recorder and make the teacher give her a good grade. Victoria replies that it broke, that the recorder was so old and she used it so much when she was little, it wore out eventually. It was a toy recorder after all. (Plus Mr Big Industries discontinued it)
“My parents, they will kill me if they see this grade! They get mad whenever I get a 90%, i don’t know what they’ll do to me if they see that i’m useless enough to fail.”
“Victoria you’re not useless at all! You’re one of the most, if not the most talented person I know. I never thought i’d have to remind you of that.. By the way, if this is a ploy just for me to compliment you-“
“It was never talent, Beckface. It was never taking a break from being the best, it was constant all nighters, it was classes for everything 24/7. If i’m not the best at this dumb assignment, if i’m not the best in my class- Hell, if i’m not the best in my school. Then i’m just a walking lie.”
- Becky, unsure on what to do or what words will actually get through to her, asks if Victoria would like to sit with her and her friends at lunch. Saying they’ll help her with the paper so she can resubmit it (Violet was a poet so she’s good at finding the hidden details in text) and that they can help her hide the paper from her parents till then. Victoria agrees, anything was better then facing her parents.
- I want to end this on a happy note so- Over time, she did manage to get away from her parents and get therapy (her and her brother both) 👍.
(I like to think she gets adopted by one of the villains, but that’s a whole other post on its own.)
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wordgirlprompts · 2 years
tobey’s deep in the fnaf fandom
- He gives Wordgirl one of his Sanchee plushies
- He rants about the fnaf lore to Becky (or really anyone near him)
“Tobey I really don’t want to hear about the bite of 87 right now-“
- He’s thinking about the blueprints of the animatronics and if he can make a recreation of one with Glamrock Freddy’s base. (Imagine the higherground he’d have if he could ride in the chest of one and control it from the inside)
- he definitely binged all of game theory’s videos and now he thinks he’s the genius of Five Nights at Freddys
- In hindsight he probably watches GameTheory on the regular, especially one of his more logical and math centric vids
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wordgirlprompts · 2 years
For the prompt thing: lady redundant woman having to deal with the fact that she literally has metal parts and shit inside of her now from merging with the copier? Vaguely remember her having a panel in the back of her neck an’ stuff in one ep.
- She’s a lot more stiff then she used to be (which is saying a lot), she can’t move sporadically or do sudden movements because then her insides will get poked by gears or screws which she doesn’t want to risk.
- She always has the faint taste of ink in her mouth, which is hell to deal with
- If she copies herself to much, she’s left with a bad migraine (which isn’t new because of her normal stress migraines) and like a machine overheating she’s left having a weird fever.
- She tries to talk about these struggles with her clones but they don’t always make for great conversation when they end up having an identity crisis
- She tries to talk to some other villains about it. Even though they don’t know what she’s going through exactly, the villains with other disabilities and drawbacks help her realize she’s not alone with dealing with the struggles that came with her powers.
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wordgirlprompts · 2 years
Becky sees curse words like The F word or the S word as “The Unspeakable” because she found a bit of lore that Lexicons saw those words as actual curses and any Lexicons who said it are doomed.
- Wordgirl says all the family friendly substitutes like “Go to H-e double hockey sticks!” Or “Shoot!” Though she thinks frick is to risky so she uses fudge. It isn’t until she’s in highschool was until her friends were wondering why she doesn’t say curse words.
- Scoops and Violet jock it up to “Well those words aren’t in the dictionary, so maybe she refuses to use words outside of dictionary terms?”.
- Tobey just thinks she’s being childish and teases her about it a lot
- Becky then explains why she can’t and that curse words will literally curse her. They ask her how and she just says “Well likely outcome i’ll die.”
- This goes on until she kinda had an epiphany that it was never said how and why those specific words were to doom or curse her. She asks Huggy about it and he responds it as “Oh its Lexiconian myth, you think I started yelling fudge when I was crashing a ship with a baby inside it??
- So when she found this out, once she was finished stopping Tobey rampaging the city. Before she left-
“Hey Tobey before I send you to jail, there’s something I need to tell you..”
“Oh really what is it?”
“Its something i’v recently found out but also something i’v been wanting to tell you for a long time, its honestly surprising I haven’t figured it out sooner in all honesty heh.”
“… W-well spit it out, whatever it is i’ll perfectly understand.”
“Tobey Mccallister.. FUCK YOU.”
*Soars off*
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