wordsareonlywords · 8 years
Blood stains.
3 years ago today. You broke my heart and I didn't even know you. Day after day you would tell me you loved me as if you knew what it was, but as I guessed, you had never experienced it for yourself. 3 years ago today Your voice sounded different over the phone as we talked on our international cellphone plans. The lines use to carry words of a future. One that seemed ever flowing of words of affirmation and the touch we longed for from one another. How that embrace would be so different than something we had never experienced. 3 years ago today You tightened the noose before I could even jump from the ledge. You watched as my face turned to red, then blue, then purple, and then finally it was turning to a shade of white and you tightened it tighter so you could see the blood stream from the side of my neck. 3 years ago today I never thought I'd get to this day before meeting you. I never thought I'd grow a vast affection for someone who I've never physically touched or seen form a sentence with their lips. I never thought I'd wonder what our kids would look like. Well it's been 3 years And today you're still Telling me you love me when you're a little too tipsy. Telling me about your day and how shitty it was. Telling me that you love me when we finish our conversation. But most of all on this day every year you remind me how you killed me on that summer day when we were both kids. So I hope you have a happy 3 year anniversary with your "love" I'll be celebrating the 3 year anniversary of what I thought the rest of my life was, being buried six feet under. It's been 3 years ago today and you're still telling me about the day we'll meet.
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wordsareonlywords · 8 years
My dream.
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wordsareonlywords · 8 years
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wordsareonlywords · 8 years
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wordsareonlywords · 8 years
Dream house
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wordsareonlywords · 8 years
Seeking what's not mine.
I barely knew her and I promised her body things I could not keep. I was full of ill intentions and selfish acts to follow by a pain that no one could utter I barely knew her and she knew measurements better than my fiancé does. I never wanted to become the man I have. I never wanted to become the coward. But yet here we are, in a place of intimacy and physical stance we both don't deserve. A place we've taken from one another that we'll never get back because we just wanted to feel something. Lord take me back to the place where all I could feel was numb. Take me to the place where I didn't care about how I treated the opposite sex because then I wouldn't have to worry about telling my wife about everything I did to hurt her.
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wordsareonlywords · 8 years
Today is your 19th birthday. What a gorgeous woman the ground is turning you into. The rocks and clay are purifying the skin you always tried to with all that foundation you'd throw on that beautiful soft pale face of yours. Today is 5 years. 5 years past the day you decided to take your life out of mine and show me how empty I could be. I miss you. There, I said it. I miss you. You were a sunshine that only shown 2 hours a night. I hope all the boys that took advantage of you are happy. I hope they're satisfied with the piece that they took one after another shoving you further into the ground. Babybabypleasebemine you always said like a Christopher Drew song or something. Well, baby baby I'll always remember you for the progress that was in process instead of the pain that blazed in your eyes. So I hope you're having a good birthday in heaven where the Father will treat you better than any earthly man ever did.
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wordsareonlywords · 8 years
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Trying to stay awake
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wordsareonlywords · 8 years
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Basketball with Dave.
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wordsareonlywords · 8 years
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Spike ball magic y'all!
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wordsareonlywords · 8 years
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wordsareonlywords · 8 years
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I love waterfalls. Especially at Cochran mill!
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wordsareonlywords · 8 years
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Visited outer space today.
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wordsareonlywords · 8 years
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@jjweeks #jjweeksband #jjweeks #band #northCarolina
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wordsareonlywords · 8 years
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When Mrs Taylor get upset at coach.
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wordsareonlywords · 8 years
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When that sugar hits your blood stream.
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wordsareonlywords · 8 years
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God bless the broken road.
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