worldoffanfic · 6 years
Pet Part 1
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You loved the finer things life had to offer you. And men were placed before you to give you anything you wanted with just a snap of your fingers. 
Even diamonds 
Men were willing to give you anything just to see you here. You worked at a club in the dark part of the city, the places where mobsters brokered deals, drug dealers received shipments, gang leaders met to make deals, or even rid each other. It was never unusual to see a fight or hear the pops of guns go off in the VIP section.
You went by the alias of Antoinette, you fit the name quite well honestly. you drained the pockets of any man who dare tried to commit themselves to you, and your love for the luxury life was similar to Marie Antoinette’s own love. 
You were one of Mr.J’s Diamond Dogs. His top dancers that never showed her nether regions nor her bits, but rather sat with men on their arms served them drinks, flirted here and there hell the job was the best. But with this job came the downfall of guys always getting a little to touchy feely with you. 
But you never met J or his old lady as the bartenders or other workers murmured about. Their VIP section overlooked the entire club being hidden by the golden beads at the very top of the club. 
Tonight was like any other usual night. You sat next to a tatted man, Monster T ,he was one of your usual customer, who kissed and nipped at your neck talking about how much he’d loved to take you home, but all you cared about was what was in that black box sitting on the table.
“…baby” You opened your eyes looking into his brown ones.
“What’d you say babe? You had me lost in all of this pleasure I couldn’t concentrate” You purred grinding on his leg his head fell back as he breathed out a moan. 
“Just like that baby oh yeah” His hands gripped at your waist tightly as his hips bucked upward for more friction. You slowed down bringing him for his lustful high to grin with a flat like eyes as you you rubbed his shoulders slowly down to his chest.
“I missed you so much baby, leaving your girl here all lonely” you said with a girl pout and fluttering your eyes at him.
 Lies. If anything I missed those checks he was brining 
He smiled pressing your body closer to him as he rubbed a hand on the small of your back pecking your pouting lips. 
“I got ya something so you won’t forget me baby its on the table got it socially made just for my girl” He said nodding towards the box” You swiped it and quickly popped off the top and let out a squeal pulling out the sparkling ring that was all nestled inside. 
“Oh baby you spoil me too much” You cooed slipping the ring on and pecking the corner of his lips.
“Well, well well….so this is where you’ve been hiding from me huh…” You felt all the warmth of not only the warm room but also the shots you had been taking wear off. You had heard that smooth deep voice before followed by that girlish insane chuckle. 
“M-Mr.J what a surprise” Monster stuttered pushing you off his lap to the side of the couch you finally caught a glimpse of the clown prince with his queen of Gotham holding on his arm. 
They truly looked like a King and Queen.
Mr.J wore a a red and black lined suit jacket that was unbuttoned and showing off the onyx tattoos that adorned his pale chest along with tight black pants and gold shining chains, his ring covered hands clutched his cane tightly.
Next to him, Harley was her name? You had seen her dance in that cage before with other dancers, she truly was a firecracker. Her blood red lips turned upward as she caught sight of you. She wore a black and gold dress that showed every curve on her body.
“Mister J ain’t been to happy since you’ve been late on his payments” Harley tutted sitting on the couch crossing her legs while Mr.J sat on the table eyeing Monster T.
“You have the nerve to spend MY MONEY on one of my best girls” Mr.J’s voice roses as he struck the cane across Monster T’s sending him on the floor in a bloody whimpering mess as J cackled along with Harley above him as he continued to bash his face and body with the cane.
You slowly stood and tried to back out the room as silently as you could but the large sparkling heels you wore clicked getting the attention of the clown couple
“Where do you think your going baby?” Joker purred walking towards you slowly you went your blood practically freeze as he came face to face with you staring into your soul with those ice blue eyes.
“Yeah the fun’s just gettin’ started puddin” Harley giggled wrapping her arms around you from behind and resting her chin on your shoulder. 
“W-well I thought I might leave you to your business Mister J…” You gulped he smirked dragging his finger down the side of your cheek as he tutted shaking his head.
“No no don’t lie to me doll face” Your cheeks heated up at the pet name “we aren’t gonna hurt ya” He caught your hand with the ring bringing it up to his lips he pecked it.
“You tied up with anybody?” Harley asked her lips brushing slightly against your ear. 
“N-No he gave it to me” You pointed to the knocked out Monster .
Joker snorted pulling the ring off and threw it behind him carelessly.
“I could buy you a ring with a rock twice that size” he whispered letting his hands stroke down your cheeks and grasp your aw to tilt your head to meet his eyes.
“It looks like we haven’t been taking care of our pet huh Harls?’ 
“Seems so Puddin” 
The lump n your throat seemed to silence you as you found yourself to be taken from the reserved room and out of the club. 
“We’re going to take such great care of you my little Diamond” 
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worldoffanfic · 7 years
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So recently, I got calls from the phone number, (937) 353-8319. They claim to be a job service, and one of their “employees”, Carrigan, is friends with whoever the call recipient is, and that Carrigan has recommended you for this $15.00/h “job”. I also got a text message from (937) 607-1493, claiming to be Carrigan, and that they need stuff to “win a scholarship”. I do not know anyone by the name of Carrigan and I know very well that this is a very dangerous scam. If you receive a call from a number, and they ask you if you would like a job for $15.00/h, HANG UP IMMEDIATELY. If you accept the “job” offer, and you go in for an interview, they will give you a drugged bottle of water and you will wake up somewhere you don’t want to be. These phone calls & texts are from a human trafficking service, and if you oblige to them, you will be sold to people and you will be raped, no doubt about it. So PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT ANSWER THESE CALLS OR TEXTS. I have listened to the voicemails, and allowed my dad to do the same, and he learned that anyone offering a $15.00/h “job” is a human trafficker. PLEASE SIGNAL BOOST THIS ALL OVER TUMBLR
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worldoffanfic · 7 years
 Six months ago. that's when my life turned upside down. That's when Loki attacked New York and tried to kill me. The nightmares started to get better but that al ended when a certain God came to live in stark towers. I wake up to a knock on my door, I look at the clock only to see its 8 a.m., I only got four hours of asleep. like I said the nightmares are getting better but not always. "come in" I see Tony walk in, he's like my older brother. Him, Steve and Sam have been helping since but it's still a work in progress. "hey sleeping beauty we need you in the kitchen" "it better not be for me to make breakfast" "ha I wish nope, something more" I groan but stand up. I follow behind him only to stop when I see Loki sitting at the island. I start to back up but I hit what feels like a brick wall. I look up to see Steve behind me, he smiles softly at me before leading me over to the island. I curl up in my seat and turn my gaze to the coffee that was placed in front of me. its dead silent until Steve breaks the silence "Ok, I know we don't want Loki here but Fury made it very clear that he is part of the Avengers now" the arguments break out, I quietly slip away with my coffee and head to the library. I fail to notice a pair of green eyes follow me.                  Ever since that day I've been avoiding Loki, at first, I would leave if he entered or not answer him if he asked me questions, and even not even acknowledge he was there. one day that all changed when I heard his inner monologue of how he was treated when him and thor were younger. how he was always in Thors shadow. how he was an outcast. I felt bad for him, I understand that, always living in my older sister’s shadow, how she became a doctor and has an amazing husband, and two perfect kids that don't even know they have an aunt. then there’s me, I have mind powers, control things with my mind or read minds. I was always the freak of nature, even our parents didn't want me. I feel bad for him but he's the reason for my nightmares. Like now I’m lying in bed awake because I’m too afraid to go to sleep. I glance at the clock and groan to see its three in the morning. I get up and pad my way to the kitchen to get some warm tea before heading to the library. I jump as I turn the lights on and see Loki just sitting in the dark. "hello mortal" "hi" I say quickly before making my tea before heading to the library and continuing to read my current book 'The Hobbit'         I start to dose off when I hear knocking at the door. it opens to reveal Loki looking in. his eye brows furrow in confusion when he sees me. "you've been in here all night" I place my book before looking away. "yeah I have a hard time sleeping sometimes" "why" "Nightmares" he steps towards me and I back further into my chair. I look up at him with fear evident in my eyes. he stops "your nightmares are of me" I look down at my hands but nod "from what happened six months ago" "yeah" I whisper. "I see" I can hear the hurt in his voice. I know he's trying to change and trying to earn our trust. I look at the grandfather clock and see its 7:30 "well I think I’ll go get some breakfast" I get up from my spot and place the book back in its place before walking past Loki. He grabs my wrist "I know I have done some horrible things in the past but please accept my apologies for my mistakes" I take a shuttering breath before gently taking my hand away from him and exiting the library.   "you pathetic mortals are all the same. you value everyone's life" I struggle against his grip as he chokes me harder. The more I struggle, the tighter his grip gets. "Name!!" I hear the others screaming my name. I can feel the tears falling down my face as my vision starts to blacken. Loki laughs "They're calling your name" I look up to the sky as the pain is getting worse by the second. I start to close my eyes as the grip loosens and I feel nothing but air around me. I pray that the impact of the concrete ground won't hurt as badly as I am right now. I just close my eyes and just wait for it all to end.         I shoot up in my bed, I’m breathing hard as I look around and realize I’m in bed and it was just another nightmare. "Damn will this ever end" I grumble before getting up and do the same routine that I do every other time I have this nightmare. I make my tea and walk to the library. when I walk in I’m surprised to see Loki sitting in my chair and see he's reading my book. I shift my weight from foot to foot not knowing how to fully react to this. He must have heard me because he looked up "what are you doing up? you need your rest." he takes notice of the slight sweat and dark circles under my eyes. "um, I just came in here to read that book actually but since you are reading it go ahead. I can come back." I turn to leave but his voice stops me. " Y/N wait" I turn around and watch him. he sets the book down and gets up. he walks slowly over to me and scoops me up in his arms. I'm frozen in place but I can't help but snuggle into his shoulder. He sits down with me in his lap. I slightly shift in place to get comfortable while he just watches me. I avoid all eye contact. I feel his hand under my chin as he lifts it up so I look into his eyes "I promise you, I will never be the cause of your nightmares again" he leans in and brushes his lips against mine. we break away for air. I lay my head down on his shoulder and snuggle into his neck. Loki picks up the book and starts to read aloud to me. "There once lived a hobbit...."         Soon after I’m passed out on his lap as he reads to me. He glances down at me and smiles before placing a soft kiss on my forehead. After months on constant nightmares I finally get a good nightmare’s sleep without any nightmares to ruin it.
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worldoffanfic · 7 years
Request’s open
I write anything and everything. From smut to fluff to heart ache
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