worldoftvshows · 5 days
Two halves of one whole haircut
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worldoftvshows · 5 days
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worldoftvshows · 5 days
something that i really like about blue eye samurai, now that im thinking about it, is that it discusses violence against women without becoming torture porn. like, in a lot of media that portrays women's issues, they show you that scene. like they give you this extended visual of a woman experiencing something traumatic and then laud themselves as feminist for doing so.
blue eye samurai doesn't do that. the whole show is set in a world that is extremely antagonistic toward women, and it makes a point to tell you that being a woman right now sucks, because they are property and are used sexually. but even though it doesn't shy away from this, it doesn't show you the violence itself, which you would almost expect it to because of how graphic the rest of the show is.
im thinking specifically of kinuyo. they very well could have shown us a scene of her being abused, but they didn't. they didn't show the abuse itself, but they did show how it affected her. they showed her seeing a doctor for her sores. they could have made this incredibly traumatic and grotesque scene a spectacle, showing us exactly how powerless she is and how powerful he is. they could have shown us this incredibly triggering event in full detail for our entertainment, but they didn't. they chose not to. and i think that's how it should be.
it is not necessary to have an extended visual and auditory reenactment of violence against women. we the audience understood the gravity of the situation and were able to empathize without needing that scene. having that scene would have completely detracted from the point they are trying to make. it would have turned something completely reprehensible that women everywhere fear because it's a very real issue into entertainment.
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worldoftvshows · 3 years
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Dean Winchester haunts Jensen’s everyone’s pie 🥧
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worldoftvshows · 3 years
“We will do what we have always done, Jim. We will find hope in the impossible.”
— Spock, Star Trek Beyond
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worldoftvshows · 3 years
“I’ve always believed in numbers and the equations and logics that lead to reason. But after a lifetime of such pursuits, I ask: ‘What truly is logic?’ 'Who decides reason?’ My quest has taken me through the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional…and back. And I have made the most important discovery of my career, the most important discovery of my life: It is only in the mysterious equations of love that any logic or reasons can be found. [Looking at Jim] I’m only here tonight because of you. You’re the only reason I am…you are all my reasons.”
— Spock
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worldoftvshows · 3 years
Gabriel: Just got back from playing a game of Russian Roulette with the guys.
Sam: Did you win, babe?
Gabriel: You really don't know what Russian Roulette is, do you?
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worldoftvshows · 3 years
Dean: I can't believe we have Angel powers!
Sam: Let' s see what powers we have. Super strength?
[Dean karate chops a table in half and Sam kicks a hole in the wall]
Dean: Yup.
Sam: Uh huh. Lickety speed?
[Both teleport to the other side of the bunker library]
Dean: Check.
Sam: Yes, sir. Ability to command the loyalty of other angels?
Dean: Hey, Gabriel! Get in here!
Gabriel, shouting from the other room: Screw you!
Dean: Ain't got that.
Sam: Nope.
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worldoftvshows · 3 years
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Look buddy, i’m just trying to make it to Friday.
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worldoftvshows · 3 years
““So many times people don’t see people with disabilities as feasible relationship material. Because of that they’re often desexualized and written off, especially in that particular sort of way, but it’s something that is so central to the human experience, and it’s something that people deserve to have if they’re so inclined. And so the fact that the main character of the show is interested in a deaf woman in that way is something that I believe is the opposite of reductive. It’s enhancing, not just for the a character, but for young people with disabilities in the audience.I hope they see themselves the way that Sam sees Eileen and realize that they can, should, and will be seen that way by people that are important to them and to the world, because that carries an inordinate amount of weight.””
— - Shoshannah Stern
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worldoftvshows · 3 years
How can I achieve this level of sexiness? I mean I’d be satisfied with half of it, but how?!
Ian tell me your secret!!
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Anon requested: Ian Somerhalder 250x400
Please, like and reblog if you save/use. Do not remove the credit and do not redistribute as your own. Thanks ♥
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worldoftvshows · 3 years
Why is it so weird to see Damon Salvatore working against vampires? 😺
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worldoftvshows · 4 years
Analysis of the Ending
So Someone asked me to explain the ending of the season. The way i see it is there are 2 ways to interpret the ending
1. The dog is one of many people/animals that may be able to travel between the different dimensions. As we see in earlier episodes the dog that Cassandra sees after the prom is the same one in the finale when we get a glimpse of the parents’ dimension. And again, we see the dog with Elle when she finds it around her and campbell’s house. She takes it in but later campbell takes it out and the dog never surfaces again in the show, many speculated that campbell killed the dog and that is why it traveled back to the old dimension but i don’t think that it is that.
I was doing a bit of research on the finale and i was watching a video and they said that even Mrs. Pressman, Allie and Cassandra’s Mom, could have been the one to kill Cassandra as well as travel between the two dimensions. I don’t really believe that.
2. The second theory is that since everyone in the parents dimension assumes that the kids are dead because of the “we remember them” memorial, which uncannily looks like the “citizens of new ham” mural. It is Personally i think that the parents have done something wrong to Pfeiffer and this is why they are in 2 different dimensions. The reading of peter pan definitely has a significance as to why they are in 2 different dimensions. One of the things that i do think happened is that Pfieffer somehow took the kids to an alternate dimension and the parents that are most responsible for this split are the ones that have to atone for the pain. So Cassandra’s mom may soon find out that Cassandra is dead and that allie is in trouble. 
Final Thoughts
Okay so what I think the ending was trying to tell the viewers was that the dog has special abilities such as move back and forth between the dimensions and soon, both dimensions will discover that. Maybe some of the parents or the citizens of New Ham have that ability as well. 
One of the things that i really do believe is the connection that this story has to the Pied Piper of Hamelin. But thats for another post. 
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worldoftvshows · 4 years
The Doctors as John Mulaney Quotes
pre-show one: You know how you lie to your parents?
1st: I look back on being 17 and think, "Oh my god how did I not die?"
2nd: Everyone get out of my way! I just wanna sit here and feed my birds.
3rd: I will pepper in the fact that I'm gay.
4th: Sometimes, people would say, “What do you think you’re doing?” But that just meant “Stop.” They didn’t actually wanna know my thought process.
5th: Life is already so goddam weird. This might as well happen.
Also 5th: I hear what you’re saying, and I ALSO don’t want me to be doing what I’m doing.
6th: And I shit you not!
Also 6th: I'm gay and I'd like a few dollars.
7th: Brush your teeth, now, boom orange juice, that's life.
Movie-early 8th: I'm very small and I have no money. So you can imagine the kind of stress I am under.
Mide-late 8th:[groans] Ya know life?
War: And life is a fucking nightmare
9th: I'll put my emotions here, and one day I'll die.
10th: No That's The Thing I'm Sensitive about
Time Lord Victorious 10th: You have the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair
11th: And I said no, ya know like a liar.
Also 11th: You know how I'm filled with rage?
12th: Emily Dickinson is a lesbian.
also 12th: Now we don't have time to unpack All That
13th: I need everyone, all day long, to like me SO much.
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worldoftvshows · 4 years
“He sees the threads that hold the universe together and mends them when they break.”
—Zastor about the Doctor in the serial “Meglos”
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worldoftvshows · 4 years
Doctor: No Barbara, I shall slap that bitch myself
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Caption This!
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worldoftvshows · 4 years
“‘We’re still on Earth, aren’t we?’ 'No, that’s impossible.’ 'Don’t you ever admit that you’re wrong?’ 'No. That’s impossible, too.’”
— Classic Doctor Who, the third Doctor
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