worldwarwilson-blog · 11 years
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worldwarwilson-blog · 11 years
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Fotos da Linha do tempo on We Heart It - http://weheartit.com/entry/51575368/via/pink_moon
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worldwarwilson-blog · 11 years
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worldwarwilson-blog · 11 years
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I prefer to play life with no cheat codes.
There once was a man from Nantucket
I wouldn’t follow Lizzy anywhere, either. She’s a sneaky old broad, did you know her hair isn’t even real?
[pointedly ignoring that he’s not welcome] Works for me. [flops down on the floor, sitting Indian style]
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worldwarwilson-blog · 11 years
[takes a fortifying breath] Right. I'm Wade, and you're Kitty. Now that we've met you don't have to worry about that whole, scary 'don't go anywhere with strangers' thing, and I'm not leaving you alone out here like this. 
So we're gonna head to my sweet pad for a bit. I don't have a TV, but I do have Scrabble. You remember how to play Scrabble?
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[stops dead, steps back a couple of feet] If this is a joke, you’re gonna stop it right now, Kitty Kat. Leave those up to me ‘cause you’re godawful. [trying to sounds flippant, but concern leaks through]
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worldwarwilson-blog · 11 years
[softly] 'Anna, Anna.'
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[runs through the residence hall, caterwauling]
‘Hit me with your best shot’
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worldwarwilson-blog · 11 years
Wade reclined in his seat, kicking his feet up onto the corresponding desk. Really, he supposed he should be putting a little more effort into actually passing this simulation and getting the heck out of dodge, but he had nowhere to be and was in no particular rush to face the boredom that another lonely, restless night would surely bring. That, and riling Kitty up was so much more rewarding than receiving a good grade.
The task they were meant to complete wasn't anything particularly difficult; at least, nothing to warrant twelve failed tries. Wade supposed that if he didn't have such butterfingers, and could refrain from distracting Kitty, they could have probably finished up well before the rest of the class, even. Oh well, shame on their professor for pairing them together.
He looked up at Kitty's yell, then around the room as it began to waver and then shift into an increasingly familiar setting. Casually he stood from his seat seconds before it blinked out of apparent existence - he had the opening transition down to a damn art by that point.
Shrugging flippantly, Wade replied: "Ready as I'll ever be. This time don't tempt me to drop the civilian off a balcony." As if on cue a rally of bloodthirsty, computer-generated things came tumbling from the far side of a nearby building.
Lucky Number 13 || Wade & Kitty
Trial run 12. Twelve times they had run the same simulation and yet neither one of them had made it past the first few obstacles before something or another had them back at the beginning, simulation reset. She was bursting at the seams with nervous energy, wanting nothing more then to put this test behind her and get out of that room and away from Wade. Usually she could get a handle on him or at least phase away without too much damage that would break any psychiatrist’s chair if she even tried to begin to explain Wade to them. Their teacher had an idea though, considering he had partnered the pair of them together- probably to get some sick pleasure out of seeing them both fail miserably TWELVE TIMES ALREADY. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER WILSON. 
Looking to her side, she watched him lounge around as if none of this bothered him or the fact that they were the only ones left to finish their test, everyone else had completed and left for the day. But no, these two geniuses were still stuck trying to complete one of the easiest simulations offered by the class, what’d that mean when they hit the hard ones? She groaned, not wanting to have to think about that day until it was staring her down and she couldn’t hide behind her laptop. “Are you ready?” Asking him as the room started to hum, signalling the start of the simulation again, for the thirteenth time. Lucky number thirteen. Glancing between him and the room start to waver into something else, she took a deep breath trying to ready herself. She wasn’t but she was well past done with this class and Wilson.
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worldwarwilson-blog · 11 years
No need for hostility, South. You asked. Don't shoot the messenger.
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Yessir. The first mouse walks up to the cheese and gets gutted. The second comes along, walks over the corpse of his slaughtered comrade and claims his calcium-rich reward. They’re way more like people than we give them credit for.
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worldwarwilson-blog · 11 years
[stops dead, steps back a couple of feet] If this is a joke, you're gonna stop it right now, Kitty Kat. Leave those up to me 'cause you're godawful. [trying to sounds flippant, but concern leaks through]
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worldwarwilson-blog · 11 years
Yessir. The first mouse walks up to the cheese and gets gutted. The second comes along, walks over the corpse of his slaughtered comrade and claims his calcium-rich reward. They're way more like people than we give them credit for.
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 worldwarwilson said: Mousetrap, South. Avoid the mousetrap.
There’s a mousetrap, too?
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worldwarwilson-blog · 11 years
Did you hit your head? That's means we should elevate your feet, right? Or is that for a broken leg? Do I clear your airway, or am I supposed to plug your nose? [by the end he's talking more to himself than to her, advancing as she shuffles away and unintentionally looming]
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[creeps up from behind, looks down at her] What’s the matter Kitty Kat? Run out of cream?
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worldwarwilson-blog · 11 years
'Hit me with your best shot'
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[runs through the residence hall, caterwauling]
‘But where would I go
What would I do
There’s no one else like you’
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worldwarwilson-blog · 11 years
[creeps up from behind, looks down at her] What's the matter Kitty Kat? Run out of cream?
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[She didn’t know how she had gotten there or where there was or who she was for that matter of fact. There wasn’t anything she knew except that she was lost and scared, trying to find something or someone recognizable. Somehow she had ended up here in this place and every where she looked-nothing looked familiar, so she had taken to trying to make herself as small as possible while the fear rose, choking her as her voice was strangled.] Help..
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worldwarwilson-blog · 11 years
Well you made a good effort, but not good enough. Seven outta ten; the claw thing was a unique touch.
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Everyone's drunk.
Aww, did you miss me? You did, didn’t you? I wish I could say the same for you, but not everyone can be as kawaii desu as yours truly.
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worldwarwilson-blog · 11 years
'But where would I go
What would I do
There's no one else like you'
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[runs through the residence hall, caterwauling]
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[blushes and waves him away]
Get out of here..
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worldwarwilson-blog · 11 years
I wouldn't follow Lizzy anywhere, either. She's a sneaky old broad, did you know her hair isn't even real?
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[pointedly ignoring that he's not welcome] Works for me. [flops down on the floor, sitting Indian style]
There once was a man from Nantucket
Only if you’re coming with.
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worldwarwilson-blog · 11 years
Eyes crossing as he tried to follow the progress of that threatening middle knuckle, Wade decided that it might be in his best interest to simply comply with Logan's demands. Likely being stabbed through the brain wouldn't kill him, but Wade had no interest in experiencing being brain dead, for any length of time.
"Alright, alright." Taking a moment for himself, Wade composed his face into an expression of contrite sincerity. "I apologize for my actions. All comments appearing in my speech are fictitious. Any resemblance to truth, recent or past, is purely coincidental." Despite his best effort, near the end of his diatribe Wade could not keep the smirk off his lips. He turned his face into the ground to hide his mirth. 
Talk about a Napoleon complex.
Disdain aside, Wade felt a slowly growing frisson of curiosity taking root in his thoughts. It was clear that Logan was a mutant - his current situation gave credit to that - but it wasn't just the extreme body mods that gave it away. Wade couldn't get the image of Logan's decimated spine, along with his near instantaneous recovery, out of his mind. It looked familiar, and Wade felt an irrational curling of dread in his gut when he pondered on why.
It Was Nice Running Into You || Logan&Wade
Logan stared down at the guy underneath him, frowning. Shouldn’t this guy be dead now? He probably hit a few main arteries and probably punctured a lung and this bastard was still talking? Was it possible? That someone had the same power as him? The healing factor? He rolled his eyes at the comment and placed the middle claw back into his knuckle. He pushed his hand by Wade’s face so two of his claws were on either side of Wade’s face.
“You want to apologize?” He asked, holding back the snarl that threatened to escape him. He didn’t want to add fuel to the fire although he would soon enough put Wade out of his misery. “Because there’s a third claw and it’s gonna be less painful if you do.”
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