wormhaze · 4 years
wtf oomf homophobic
ghiaccio in part 4 artstlyle i would like to see it like if you agree
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wormhaze · 4 years
What do you have against the author of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?
He wrote jojo's bizarre adventure
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wormhaze · 4 years
i really stopped being active on tumblr and started being active on twitter and i became a ghiaccio stan.......twitter really is a hellsite huh
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wormhaze · 4 years
just accept the ghiaccio ass into your life smh
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@wormhaze​ youre literally obsessed with me
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wormhaze · 4 years
ok and? i’m not wrong have u seen the cake on this mann
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@wormhaze​ youre literally obsessed with me
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wormhaze · 4 years
let’s say ghiaccio was a cat. a kitty cat. and for the sake of debate, let’s say he dance dance dance.
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wormhaze · 4 years
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dont give in to peer pressure kids
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wormhaze · 4 years
can u elaborate on part6 having the best writing
i'm tired and just woke up and am sitting in a costco parking lot also tbh part 8 may have better writing i'm not caught up to it yet (i am enjoying the writing up to where i am tho) so i'll just talk about 1-7 lmao
also this is about the writing itself NOT the plot (ie part 2 has obviously glaring issues outside of just the writing)
part 1: being the first part of a giant series, part 1 suffers from some very expected issues that come along with this. it takes a while for araki to have a feel for what story he wants to tell, taking really weird jumps from horror to shonen to something more character driven and then back to shonen & though jojo does tend to blend together a lot of those things instead of just being a pure shonen/seinen part 1 is more experimental and araki seems to still be figuring out how to do it. part 1 also has horrible pacing (which i could go into in the form of an actual essay) and the characters are weirdly underdeveloped which would be okay if it was your typical 80s shonen but it's very obviously trying pretty hard to Not be that. despite that it's still fun & tl;dr it's fine as an intro to jojo (even good) but as a standalone series it would be. medicore.
part 2: oh my god the writing here is bad. like the writing is objectively bad. it takes part 1's pacing issues and just fucking amplifies them. the characters are also all extremely underdeveloped and feel flat. joseph and caesar's relationship was not developed outside of "they don't like each other jk they're besties now <3". tbh i could write a perfect spot on analysis for any character in part 2 in one singular paragraph and even that'd be too generous. but enough about the characters because i haven't emphasised how piss poor the pacing is. and i won't. because i'm tired of talking about part 2 and everyone already knows how shit part 2 is.
part 3: oh man i could talk forever about part 3. first time i watched part 3 i fucking hated it. however this may have just been because i watched parts 1-3 in one sitting without so much as sleep so i was Very Very Done With JoJo's Bizarre Adventure well before the second half of part 3. then after a rewatch i got fucking hooked. the plot is medicore at best but the characters are literally some of the best i've seen in anime. this is not a joke i constantly come back to analyzing their individual arcs and how they come together. as a former part 3 hater i implore anyone who hated part 3 to watch it with a focus on the characters instead of the plot. tl;dr :/ storywriting but the character writing in this part is the best
part 4: part 4 is an incredibly written part. the only thing i'll say is that i did get a little bit bored while watching it but that's my own personal failing. HOWEVER i will also say that part 4 and part 6 are completely uncomparable on the subject of which one is better because they're good in entirely different ways. part 4 is the best in a plot/character way & part 6 is best in a way i'll try to loosely explain when i get to it
part 5: part 5 has the worst writing in jojo. they hated jesus because he spoke the truth. GOD it is so fucking atrocious. sorry to all the part 5 stans ily & u deserved way better. the plot is fucking everywhere. the characters have no real bonds with each other except for bruno who was the only bitch good enough to maintain decent writing/character relationships in this godawful part. part 5 had the potential to he good. however it was not. and also it is not deep shut the hell up i overanalyze everything i watch we all know this it's not that i'm not looking hard enough. part 5 is the literal personification of the it's not that deep image.
part 6: part 6 is about symbolism. it has numerous callbacks to sdc (some subtle and some not so subtle) and is about the how huge of a role that fate plays in the jjba universe. it's extremely meta and it's. so good to analyze it's the best written from that standpoint. my only gripe with it is that since it's a part that's almost entirely focused on symbolism there's pieces of it where the plot/characters are lackluster compared to some of the other parts since it's more about The Big Picture and not just an individual part. uhh it's hard to explain & my thoughts on this r very convoluted but just like how part 5 is the personification of the not that deep part 6 is this one (look he's even in water just like an ocean it's all connected /j)
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part 7: man. i'm tired about talking about jojo's bizarre adventure. is anyone even claiming that part 7 is well written or? because it's not but i've been typing this up for like an hour now and am a bit sick of this. if u think part 7 is better than part 6 (FROM THE ACTUAL WRITING ASPECT NOT YOUR OWN PERSONAL ENJOYMENT) i'll gladly explain to you but i have a feeling you don't because i really don't know who would lol
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wormhaze · 4 years
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jotaro deserves to cry more
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wormhaze · 4 years
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miku says: eat the rich and defund the police!
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wormhaze · 4 years
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outfit swap with the homies!
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wormhaze · 4 years
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“you’ll forgive me, right?“
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wormhaze · 4 years
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wormhaze · 4 years
i’ve clearly not been sufficiently clear about this, so:
- if you ship adults and minors together, even if they’re “only” two or three years apart!
- if you ship incest of any kind, adopted or not!
- if you’re an adult who makes, consumes, or condones nsfw content of underage characters, aged-up or not!
- if you have close friends who do these things and you’re perfectly happy to turn a blind eye to it!
then don’t follow me! don’t reblog or like my posts! don’t comment on my fics! don’t apply for my server! and yes, this applies if you only do these things “secretly” and think no one will ever find out, because chances are someone will find out, and it’s just really not cool to disrespect people’s boundaries like that!
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wormhaze · 4 years
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I had a thought about how there must be a bunch of people in Spice City that see Mob and Reigen together all the time… (open in a new tab if the writing is too small!)
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wormhaze · 4 years
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wormhaze · 4 years
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