wrecktify · 6 years
i’m getting eager and posting an open non-event starter call :))  i’m getting settled in at school but i got the writing bug this morning! smash that like and i’ll whip u up something, specify who for/from if u want!
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wrecktify · 6 years
sorry for my spareness!  i’ve been packing and getting ready to move back on campus, but i think tonight i’m gonna have time to get on and reply to plotting messages and some event threads :~) happy thursday see u soon love u
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wrecktify · 6 years
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wrecktify · 6 years
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“can i get your opinion on something?” bristol tries for the attention of the nearest stranger she gives the rotating rack another turn. she wouldn’t typically go out of her way to engage with a stranger, but she’s bored. and by the looks of them, figures they just might be, too. she’s browsing the selection of sunglasses at the boutique, selecting pairs to slip on and off lazily, checking her reflection in the mirror that sits on top. when she’s certain they’re focused on her, she slides on an over-sized pair. “these are cute, right? like paris and nicole, mid 2000′s vibes.” she speaks casually, giving no mind to whether they’d catch or care for the reference. “should i get them?” ( @wrecktify )
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      he tries to not give off any sort of deer-in-headlights vibes when his sister speaks to him for the first time.   shawn had wondered if he had taken too big a risk standing so close and now he’s starting to feel like he had.   while it wasn’t the first customer run in he’d had waiting around for audrie’s shift to end,   it was the first run in he’d had with bristol since coming to carina.   he recognized her immediately from the photos piper had shared and while he knew striking up conversation with her without full disclosure may not have been in his best interests,   he couldn’t help but grin,   laughing maybe a little too enthusiastically at her comparison.   ❝   does that count as vintage yet ?   or is it still recent enough that it’s just a throwback  ?   either way,   i say yes.   and you can trust me,   because i don’t even get commission or anything.   ❞
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wrecktify · 6 years
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“Falling in love with someone cute at a coffee shop sounds really nice,” Autumn said, looking around and complaining to the person to her right (who definitely didn’t ask to be complained to), “but all I see is eleven year olds with iPhones and middle aged women in yoga pants. Where are the single people who might be interested in going on a date with me?” She took a sip of her coffee and sighed, feeling a bit lonelier than usual.
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     jacob takes the time to finish sipping on his smoothie before he replies.    he doesn’t mind the company.   ❝   i dunno.   tinder ?   farmer’s only ?   or maybe just a different coffee shop.   have you tried the one in the bookstore ?   i hear it’s just crawling with babes.   ❞
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wrecktify · 6 years
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     “watch this,” adrian says impishly, beckoning to whomever’s closest in proximity to where he’s sat atop a little picnic-style bench on the pier, pink jelly sandals resting on the seat where his butt might have gone were he a little more prone to rule-following. he’d found a crappy little slingshot at a dollar store in town and had now made a game of shooting skittles at unwary passersby. when he has the attention of his captive audience, he fits a yellow one into the sling and lets it fly, barely stifling laughter when it hits a woman in the shoulder and she spins around wildly, looking for the culprit but never landing on adrian. “i got somebody in the ear before, it was iconic. here,” he passes the slingshot off to them and the bag of skittles. “if you can get a headshot, i will personally confer upon you the title of carina’s best sharpshooter.”
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      ❝   challenge accepted.   ❞    hazel’s not usually the type to humor people like this.   it’s half the whimsy of it all and half her good mood that makes her cave in the end.    ❝   i gotta give you a fair heads up though,   i was a student athlete.   it’s been years since i hit the court,   but,   i think you’ll find that what they say is right when they tell you that the grind just never stops.   ❞   she gives a small laugh at her own joke,   taking the slingshot and a purple skittle out of the bag.   ❝  what d’you think the most humane way to pick a target is ? ❞
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wrecktify · 6 years
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“i’m glad you’re positive about us.” he returned, a matching nod following his words. charlie can’t keep himself from laughing at her words, her sense of humor slowly, but surely, becoming the highlight of his day. one he didn’t know he needed. “too many hard candies and you haven’t offered me not one?” he pulled an expression that copied one of someone who was mortified by what they were hearing, hand over heart and everything. “and here i thought we were friends. you just told me how you believe in us, but you don’t offer me a hard candy? i am, for the lack of better words, very upset.” the act didn’t last long until a grin took over. the boy eventually gives the girl a nod as he steps down from the step stool. “i can be down with that. i mean, i am down with that.” he mocked her previous words before planting himself in front of her, smirk present. “just give a me a few minutes to pack this up and we can go?”
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       ❝   i am.   duh.   you haven’t given me any reason to not be.   yet,   at least.   i’m watching.   ❞    she uses her free hands to point her fingers in a v from her own eyes to him,   a universal symbol for keeping an eye on him.    ❝   if i had my big purse,   i’d be on it,   sorry.   next time though.   i owe you an assortment of hard candies.   this month is these little cinnamon thingies.   really good stuff,   you’re missing out.   ❞   she comes a bit more into herself as he nods.   her confidence starts to swell again.   she smiles.    ❝   right.   that works.   i have to buy these anyways.   unless you’ve got a generous new friends discount policy.   i wouldn’t stop you from extending that my way.   ❞   she teases.
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wrecktify · 6 years
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landon gives his best attempt at listening intently, focus on veronica faltering once or twice as she spoke, wondering if it were appropriate to continue eating his pastry. conversations like these were still new to him - before now, he’s never been or had a confidant. he doesn’t want to mess it up. he takes her pausing for a drink as a go-ahead, and he has a mouthful of lemon danish when she prompts him to speak. “no,” he mumbles, mid-chew. he swallows and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “yeah, no,” he reiterates, giving an accompanying shake to his head. “it’s not weird. it’s like, being ditched for someone else but worse because you have to sit there and watch the whole time. it’s awkward. and unfair. pretty shitty on his part. i mean, sorry. but it’s true.” he flips the lid on his pastry box and fishes out an eclair, feeling comfortable to do so now, before pushing it off toward veronica, a silent invitation for her to help herself. “did you guys, like, talk at all? you and martina?”
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       ❝   exactly.   it’s like being ditched,   except you can’t just make new plans and move on,   because your first plans were never technically cancelled.   ❞    landon still encourages her,   she doesn’t see his interest in his pastry box as a jab towards her,   though,   granted,   it would take a lot for her to think that.   she’s so wrapped up in her own little drama,   she almost doesn’t notice as he offers her the pastries to pick though.   almost.   she breaks the edge off a kitchen sink cookie and pops it in her mouth before she continues.    ❝   a little.   mostly through theo.   i mean,   literally,   what do you say to the girl your baby daddy’s been courting ?   what’s protocol for making nice with your almost replacement ?   i just kinda stuck with smiling and nodding.     ❞
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wrecktify · 6 years
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*   liana liberato, 20, she/her | oh, them? that’s aurora hanna. they’ve lived in carina bay for, like, their whole life. last time i spoke to them they were a student, and if i remember correctly, they’re a virgo. seeing them around always makes me think of a loud pen clicking in the back of the library, a collegiate sweatshirt two sizes too big, and constantly waiting for that deep breath of relief.
rory, not aurora, is the youngest of three and i think she’s definitely got some kind of third child syndrome. while her birth order isn’t the most defining trait of her personality, it’s something: with two older siblings, one of whom required intense care at some points, she was hit with their parents at their most laissez-faire. while it’s made her more independent in the long run, for the most part, it’s been something that pushed her to fight for her parents attention.
always the baby and always tagging a few years behind her older siblings, rory’s used to feeling like she’s having to play catch-up with them all the time. she’s logical enough that at the end of the day, she knows that one of her little quirks is mostly self inflicted, but that doesn’t make it easier.
from a young age she was one of those kids designated ~gifted and talented~ but we all know what that does to you. rory grew up really holding her presumed intelligence up as one of the most valuable things about her. education was always a priority in the hanna home, with two parents and, eventually, two older siblings working or looking to work in the field.
for a while, she connected with her mom over this. there was a lot of pride from both her parents as she continued to grow up and excel academically, but there was always something about how her mom would beam and laugh with her friends about how one day, she’d be at duke with the best of them.
but the older she got the higher her mom’s expectations went. because she had made being #TheSmartKid her brand, her parents were generally tougher on her than her siblings when it came to school. she missed class less, was expected to keep a’s, and get the test marks that get the big money for college. and ike generally she doesn’t blame them for being too hard or anything because it really felt like a common goal they were all working towards and something her parents would be able to help her hack because they knew a thing or two about schools
even though it kind of got to a point where she felt like there was no point she could hit that would make them happy enough there was always something else she could be working on and they were too focused on the endgame and not the little goals she accomplished along the way ANYWAYS
she was accepted to duke and while in a perfect world she’d be there, she got offered nearly a full ride to a school that was closer to home and, with law school in her future, she chose what felt more fiscally responsible and ultimately what was within her family’s limits after years of being solidly middle class and having to pay medical bills & for two other kids to get through college.
in the past year her parents have come out and told everyone they’re getting a divorce. it’s ultimately put a weird strain on their family, but they’re working through it. if anything, since she’s moved out, rory’s focused more on her relationships with her siblings and people outside her family, so she’s trying to play the whole thing as unaffected as possible.
ultimately, her childhood gave her the compulsive need to be heard, but not without earning it. she’s always put a great amount of importance on trying to be the smartest person in the room. she’s a know-it-all for sure and she’s not ashamed of it. 
the sleepiest bisexual u kno
while her academic path was all about pleasing her parents and staying off course, in other aspects of her life she does what she can to stand out. she rejects her matching name with her siblings, she’s never been shy of joining social groups and protests she feels worthy, she sometimes goes a little far to make sure she’s memorable at parties.
she’s realized her self worth being out of her childhood home for a couple years and she’s still in that honeymoon phase of aggressively embracing it someone stop her from getting a really dumb tattoo about how bad a bitch she is.
she also refuses to follow literally the rest of her entire damn family into teaching. she’s a double major in political science and journalism, looking to pursue law school once she’s graduated but truly she’s starting to think she’d be happy just skipping that and pursuing journalism full time even if she’s kind of relying on having the structure and rewards system of school for as long as she can
she likes to think of herself as someone generally above Pesky Feelings as an intellectual but really that just means she bottles everything up til she’s crying over tatertots in a sonic parking lot at 3pm but like. shes gonna get 2 working on that one day
i feel like im leaving out a lot but. baby sleepy so we’re gna go with this 4 now
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wrecktify · 6 years
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usually, it took convincing from cassandra for someone to join her on the risky adventures that she partakes in on a daily, but andrew was one that was on board with her crazy ideas right from the start  ━ which was extremely refreshing, to say the least. ❝  bungee jumping? though, skydiving sounds so great for today.  ❞ cassie smiles and lifts her head up to look up at the beautiful, clear sky that hovered overhead. it was perfect weather for a day of jumping out of a plane she thought. ❝  i wish more people around this town were like you. everyone seems scared to do this stuff.  i honestly have had to bribe some people just to get them in a shark cage, or even to have them go scuba diving with me. ❞
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      ❝   i wanna stay on the ground,   please.   ❞   he laughs,   rolling his eyes at her more ambitious suggestions.    ❝   i may be more flexible than some of the other sticks - in - the -mud around these parts,   but even i know that i’ve got no business jumping out of an airplane.   it’s just not right.   ❞   it’s rare for someone to make andrew feel like he isn’t adventurous enough.   rare enough that he feels a little out of place,   but not enough to make him consider facing those kind of fears.    ❝   scuba diving sounds fun though.   i was looking for something we don’t have to wait for though.   something we could just go and do and get fucking done,   you know ?  ❞
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wrecktify · 6 years
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     ❝   tina,   save me !   ❞   holly comes to the counter at waverly hiking her laptop back up on her shoulder.    ❝   i don’t think i’ve spoken to another human besides my roommate and my ex in the past week.   i’ve been up to my elbows in work,   which i guess isn’t really a bad thing,   but it’s so dry and i’m so tired.   i started speaking french to my dog this morning,   it’s gone too far.   i need mindless girl talk,   stat.   and coffee -----    all the coffee,   if that’s something you can do.   ❞   (   @smoldarlcngs​   )
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wrecktify · 6 years
— @wrecktify
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“i swear i’m listening to you, it’s just, i am so goddamn high right now,” jonas says with a small, dopey smile, getting closer to them as if getting closer will help him hear better. “this is a nice shirt. the material looks nice and soft. this isn’t a pick up or anything, it’s just. a nice shirt.” jonas takes another hit of the bong and rests their head against the others shoulder. 
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       she doesn’t appreciate the interruption at first,   but it ultimately pulls a laugh from her.   ❝   i think it’s actually just cotton.   but thanks anyways.   ❞    veronica knows this close to a bong probably isn’t where she needs to be right now,   but sometimes,   it’s all just too tempting:   the glitz and glamour of getting dolled up for a night out.   he leans over and she reaches to pet his head.    ❝   is it as soft as you imagined ?   ❞
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wrecktify · 6 years
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    at the sight of him, piper can’t help but fling her arms around his frame and hold him close. she did it the first time they met and she’s done it every single time since. “ hey, shawn. i’ve missed you so much, ” she cooed, moving back to give him a pinch on the cheek. “ i haven’t seen you since the bonfire and that’s just so tragic. “ now, tell me, are you absolutely loving carina or are you absolutely loving carina ? have you seen bristol yet ? if you have, she’s beautiful and wonderful and amazing like i said, right ?? ” ( @wrecktify )
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      he’s still not used to it.   the closeness.   he has a sister and she likes to hug,   he has to remind himself of that before he follows her lead,   wraps arms around her because it’s what you do.   ❝  missed you too,  ❞   he smiles in reply,   scrunching his face when she takes to pinching his cheeks.   the hugs he was acclimating too,   but touches like these were still a lot.    ❝   it’s a hell of a lot better than ohio.   but i don’t know if that really means anything.   anywhere it better than ohio.   haven’t met bristol yet,   but i still believe you.   ❞
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wrecktify · 6 years
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arry is surprised to see shawn turn up beside her, and she’s no good at hiding it. it’s all over her face – her brows first raise, and then knit together, and her lips form a tight line that’s barely a smile in greeting. “the best thing on the menu is the coffee,” she states, matter-of-factly, looking up from the phone that she scrolls on only momentarily. “but the vanilla chai is pretty good i you really want to try something new. i’d recommend it iced.”
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    shawn realizes his opener was a non - starter.   arry answers dryly and he can’t blame her.   he tries to think fast,   a vain attempt to pull her attention back off her phone.   ❝  no,   i mean,   the coffee’s great.   it’s a solid cup-of-joe.   but sometimes you just wanna live on the wild side,  right?   but the chai sounds good too.   is that what you get?  ❞   he asks,   mentally scolding himself for keeping with coffee talk.
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wrecktify · 6 years
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“i was very proud, but now i feel like a failure. this is definitely a downfall in this very new friendship, let’s hope we can save it.” he tells her, his words full of sarcasm that ends with a short chuckle. charlie listens to her words with an amused smile plastered across his lips, still working on the task at hand. he finds it a bit endearing the way she holds a conversation, the quirkiness of the girl kind of refreshing in a way he hadn’t exactly figured out yet. “in your day? you sound like you’re eighty.” he jokes, sight finally veering upward as he shakes his head. “just trying to get a display together so i can, eventually, leave. i’m not even suppose to be here right now.” his eyes rolled at the thought before he took the large poster in his hand and made the short walk over to the window. “but after this, i’m done.” arms stretched upwards to attach the sign to hanging wires up above as he continued to speak. “did you wanna go get some coffee or something? somewhere rather than here. unless you’re busy, then don’t let me keep you.”
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      ❝   i believe in us.   i think any relationship that started with me shitfaced and barefoot can only go up,   no matter how many potentially emasculating things i say,   ❞   she nods,   enjoying that he’s become something of a captive audience for her.   he’s humoring her,   she appreciates that,   but she assumes it can’t be anything more.   ❝   i might as well be eighty.   not to brag,   but i’ve been told i have an old soul.   meaning that most children find me mildly off - putting and i carry around way too many hard candies.   but,   what can i say,   i can’t help that i’m just that mature.   ❞    his offer takes her off guard.   she nervously shifts the books in her arm and straightens her back before flashing him a smile.    ❝   i can be free.   i mean,   i am free  -----   coffee sounds great.   i was gonna stop at waverly on my way home anyways,   if you’re down with that..?   ❞
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wrecktify · 6 years
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“Cookies? What kind are these?” Luca asked taking the container from her smiling at her kindly in thanks. “A truce sounds good right now. Starting over sounds like our best best right now.” Leaning against the door jamb of his apartment Maisy meows in indignation at being ignored as they’d fallen asleep on the couch together before Leah had come over. “Oh you have plenty of treats already Mais.”
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    ❝  i went all out.   had a whole little baking day.   you got your chocolate chip,   a staple;   your snickerdoodles,   the sugar cookie’s spicy big sister;   and some of mama silber’s secret recipe butter cookies,   a well love family secret sans almonds because i didn’t wanna risk it.   food allergies and what - not.   ❞    she lists out from the doorway,   counting on her fingers.   leah smiles at maisy’s contribution.    ❝  i'll remember goodies for your roomie next time.   ❞
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wrecktify · 6 years
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    he can’t sleep. his mind keeps wandering, building up his anxieties. it’s not a new occurrence, but tonight it feels worse. he leaves his apartment hoping that fresh air might do him good. and maybe it’s because of some fucking ‘ cosmic ’  force, but suddenly he’s at andrew’s door. he doesn’t really question it ‘cause if he did, he’d just walk away and he’s tired of ignoring him. tired of having him always tugging at the back of his mind. he knocks only twice, hoping that maybe it’d go unnoticed. ( @wrecktify )
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    in the time he’s been back,   andrew’s little motel room sees a revolving door of guests ----   friends,   foes,   those undecided.   he thinks myles still falls in the last of those categories,   regardless of how many times he insisted otherwise.   and it’s a move like this that cements it.   he smiles as if it’s obvious that he would have shown up here   (   though,   had he really known,   he would have worn something nicer than sweatpants and a ratty ramones t-shirt   ).    he prepares a reply that’s confident,   but realizes it’s taking too long.   he bails and sticks with what’s real.   ❝  ----   i didn’t think you’d actually come.  ❞ 
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