wren-cross · 10 years
Yeah. I know.
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Well, don’t you look dashing today?
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wren-cross · 10 years
[Wren gets out of the Hypnos cabin and has a dagger in his hand. He's bored and has been thinking of getting out of the camp. He's completely calm but once he see the familiar blonde that he's been thinking about lately, his heart skipped a beat. He runs toward her, somehow afraid that if he comes closer to where she is she would disappear and he has to face the fact that he's daydreaming again. He's been doing that lately. He runs and then he kneels down and reaches for her.] Anna. [he says breathlessly and in shock because she is real, she's here in front of him bloody and hurt. And she's real. It made his heart skip.] Anna. [he repeats and shoves her small body into his arm, and he stands up and starts jogging his way to the infirmary.] You're going to be fine. I'm here.
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[She was late. Dear Gods, she was so fucking late. Chiron was going to kill her. It’s been a month— no, more than that. Over a month. She’d been gone so long ? With a little painful noise, Anna-Rose dragged the dead weight of her legs up the camp’s hill, green eyes staring at the tall pine. You’re almost there. Just a little more… She couldn’t even remember when she’d lost her wheelchair, crushed under the weight of a monster, and she was too weak to use her powers. It would probably kill her.] Come on, Anna… Come on… [The loud, piercing scream of Stymphalian Birds froze her on the spot for a few seconds before she tried to move a bit faster. She couldn’t die here, a few feet away from the camp’s borders. Not like that. With a groan, she pushed harder on her arms and rolled inside the borders just in time— a Stymphalian bird crashed against the magical shield two seconds later. She was safe. Dirty, in pain, with blood and monster dust and flower juice on her clothes, with new scars and injuries on her skin, but she was safe. The only thing she could do was to start crying.]
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wren-cross · 10 years
Who the fuck said I implied that?
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[raises an eyebrow] Who said they were for you?
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wren-cross · 10 years
[gets inside the car, he puts his feet on the dashboard.] Tell me about it.
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[rolls his eyes and gets into the car.  When the radio turns on, he immediately turns it off] Gods, the music sucks in this time period.
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wren-cross · 10 years
Ahh, yeah, thanks for lettin' me know?
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[checks on the cupcakes] They aren’t that bad.  I’ll just cover the burnt parts with frosting and no one will even notice.
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wren-cross · 10 years
'Don't know. [he shrugs and walks alongside his brother.] Let's jus' see.
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[catches the keys and walks to the car] Anything else we should get while in the city?
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wren-cross · 10 years
Seems like he'll learn now.
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[Looks over at him.] Thanks. Fuckin’ little ankle biter needs to learn some manners.
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wren-cross · 10 years
Yea', get some ciggies. [he wears his coat and tosses the car key to Dalton.]
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Go buy cigs?  Yeah, lets go buy cigarettes.
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wren-cross · 10 years
Shit, indeed, they'll taste like shit as well. [he then walks to the door of the kitchen.]
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[gasps and quickly runs over to the oven and opens the door] Shit!
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wren-cross · 10 years
I didn't say ya can't hold my hand, y'know?
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[pulls him into line and leans back against the fence and pulls him closer] You know roller coasters have changed since lotus right…. are you sure you don’t want me to hold your hand? [smirks teasing him]
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wren-cross · 10 years
[he couldn't help but chuckle.] Nice one.
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[Chews gum as she stands at a claw crane, staring into the big box of toys. She sighs and then notices a kid staring at her stomach. She rolls her eyes and turns to face him.] Did you know that starin’ at people will land you a spot next to Hitler in Hell? [She raises her eyebrows.] Fuck off. [When the kid leaves she turns back to the machine and continues staring.]
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wren-cross · 10 years
I won't get into yer fuckin' radar then. [he leaves.]
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Well either speak up or can the attitude. You’re fucking with my groove.
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wren-cross · 10 years
Probably. [he shrug as he starts throwing rocks into the lake and then he watches them skip.]
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[She’s sat by the lake, dipping her ankle into the water to cool it and curses loudly before pulling her leg out again to examine the new tattoo she had had done during the city trip — still red, and rather swollen.] Fucking shit. Did they fuckin’ poison me or something?
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wren-cross · 10 years
I think it's burnin'. [he shrugs as he takes out something from the refrigerator.]
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[making cupcakes in the kitchen and eats some of the frosting while she waits for the cupcakes to finish baking]
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wren-cross · 10 years
Nothin' 'cause I don't 'ave any. 'Forgot to buy some when we're at the city. [he stands up and takes his coat.] We can go there though.
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What do I have to give you to get a pack of cigarettes?
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wren-cross · 10 years
Yeah, lots of it.
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You got a problem?
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wren-cross · 10 years
[he just sighs and makes a face.]
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[smiles and hugs it happily then hugs him] Thank you thank you!!! [doesn’t let go]
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