Becky Lynch x Reader
A one-shot for my bestie! Happy birthday!!!
It’s not long cause I’ve been dealing with writers block for a really long time but I read that instead of not writing you have to try so here I am….trying
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“Can I uncover my eyes yet?”
“…….ok how about now?”
“You just asked me that same question one second ago do you really think the answer has changed?”
“Well…… has it?”
You groaned as you continued to keep your hands over your eyes. Today was your birthday and your girlfriend of one year Becky Lynch was planning a surprise for you at your shared apartment before you came home early and almost ruined it.
As soon as you came through the front door Becky was on you, covering your eyes with her hands and leading you over to the couch.
“Sit here and wait I’m almost done ok?”
“Done with what?” You asked eagerly as Becky quickly replaced her own hands with yours.
“You’ll see when I’m done just…..wait please? I have something really special planned”
You could tell she was giving you the puppy dog eyes without having to even look at her and like always they worked.
“Alright, I’ll stay here with my eyes closed if it makes you happy”
You felt Becky give you a sweet but quick kiss on the lips. “Thanks babe. I promise I’ll be done soon”
You pouted as she pulled away with a laugh. “You’ll get more kisses later.
So here you sat, it’s been at least half an hour by now. You were starting to get restless but continued to sit and wait like your loving girlfriend had asked of you.
“Ok babe I’m all done”
You quickly removed your hands from your eyes and gasped as you took a look around the room.
The room was filled with balloons that were your favorite color, present’s and flowers sitting on the table with lit candles along with your favorite meal and a small cake.
You turned to look at Becky who was smiling sheepishly in the corner of the room. “Surprise!”
“Becky…..this is so sweet. Thank you” you said as you ran over to the love of your life, giving her kisses all over her blushing face.
“Anything for you babe. I love you so much”
You smiled as Becky kissed you sweetly pulling away before you could deepen it like you wanted.
“Beckyyyyy” you whined trying to kiss her again, but she was too fast, moving out of the way and sitting at the table.
“Let’s eat first, then you can open your presents and I’ll run a bath for you after that” Becky said as she gave you a plate full of your favorite food.
“And then we can make out?”
“We’ll be doing a lot more than making out” Becky winked at you.
You beamed while Becky took her glass in her hand raising it in the air as you did the same.
“Happy birthday babe. I love you more than anything and I’m so happy that I have you in my life. Here’s to another year full of happiness and love”
You clinked your glasses together before leaning over to give her one more kiss. You were truly happy to have someone as wonderful as Becky Lynch in your life. And as she went on to tell you all about putting this whole evening together just for you only one thought popped up in your head as you smiled and listened to her.
She’s perfect.
I haven’t written anything in years so I’m sorry if this sucks but I’ll try to continue and get better
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Becky Lynch-
Pina Pollo
Sick days
Prank Wars
Marcel Gerard (TO)
Suit & tie
Stefan Salvatore (TVD)
My Lobster
The Way I loved You *
Damian Priest
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Thank you bestie! Love you 💙💙
(I didn’t know how to reply to the post 😭.)
Love you too 💙💙💙💙
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My best friend started writing stories! Y’all should check this out ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Enchanted *Damian Priest one-shot*
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"Leave her alone, you know she's shy!" Came the voice of his wife, your other best friend Becky Lynch.
You sighed as you turned to look at them "shut up Seth, besides I wasn't staring at him.... That long" you mumbled the last part. If love at first sight existed, you were sure experiencing it with Damian priest, the United States champion. Ever since the first time you met him, you couldn't get him out of your head. You didn't mean to stare like a creep, but Becky was right you were shy. You and Damian were kinda friends, but you wanted to be more.
"Whatever, I'm gonna go get ready for match. Are you still riding with us to the next town?" Seth asked you.
"Yeah, I am. I should get ready as well. I'm pretty sure my match with Rhea is after yours." You got up from your seat at the table in catering and made your way to the women's locker room.
As you made your way to the locker room, you thought about the first time you actually met Damian.
~~~~ flashback 1 month ago——-
You had just got back from your match with Becky. Becky and you were competing for the number one contenders spot for the raw women's championship. She won. You weren't that upset. she was your best friend if you weren't gonna be competing for the championship, well you were glad it was her. You had made your way around the corner, and bumped into someone. The impact of that has made you fall to the floor.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you" came a deep voice, you looked up to see it belong to no one other than the United States championship Damian priest. He had his hand outstretched. You grabbed it, allowing him to help pull you up from off the floor.  you replied "It's okay, I wasn't really paying attention either. Sorry." 
He offered you a smile."I'm Damian, I just seen your match. You were really great out there. Sorry you didn't win."
"I'm Y/N, thank you. Yeah, well hopefully I'll get another chance to be in the title picture."
"I don't doubt that, I'm sure you will be women's champion in no time. I have to go, my match is next. But it was nice meeting you Y/N. Maybe we can hang out sometime after work."
You looked at him with a smile " yeah I'll like that, it was nice meeting you too Damian."
He smiled before leaving to go out for his match.
—— Flashback over——
You had just gotten ready, your ring gear was on and now you were sitting outside of Seths and Becky's shared locker room swinging your feet back and forth waiting for your match. You could have waited inside the locker room but Seth wouldn't stop teasing you about the crush you have on Damian and you just didn't want to put up with it. You had your phone in your hands, watching Raw. Damian was currently in the ring, and he just lost his championship. He was attacking Finn balor who just won it from him. Honestly you weren't gonna lie, it was pretty hot to see him attack Finn like that. Seth walked out of his locker room, peering over your shoulder to look at Raw from your phone. "Poor Finn, your boyfriend just destroyed him." With a smirk on his face, he walked away. You rolled your eyes, as you shouted back at him "I hope you lose to Kevin".
"Boyfriend?" Came a deep voice as you froze once you recognized it. It belong to Damian.
You looked to your right to see Damian standing there with a smirk on his face.
"Yeah, boyfriend, he was talking about Um Finn. Could I help you with something Damian?" You tried to lie your way out of this current predicament.
He let out a chuckle "you do know Finn is married right? I think it's cute you have a crush on me. I can tell I make you nervous" he moved so he was standing in front of you.
"I....... I. Don't have a crush on you."
"You do, but that's okay because I kinda have a crush on you too." Revealed Damian.
"You do?"
"I do, how would you like to go on a date after the show? I'm sure we can find some restaurant that's still open." Asked Damian. You don't know what gave you the courage to do this but before you could stop yourself, you pulled him closer and kissed him.
Pulling back from the kiss, you stood up and went to leave but not without replying "I would like that, meet outside by the entrance of the arena after the show." And with that left.
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Someone like you
Adam Cole x Reader
I literally started this the night Adam showed up in AEW then forgot all about it…..
Sorry for any mistakes
If you’d like a story please let me know
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You watched as Adam Cole made his debut for All Elite Wrestling. And although you were happy for him and all the success that would come his way, you couldn’t help but let a few tears slip from your eyes.
It hurt you to watch him leave. It hurt you to know that you’d never see him now.
Why did it hurt so much?
Because you were deeply and madly in love with Adam.
But Adam wasn’t in love with you.
He had a girlfriend. A beautiful partner who also worked for AEW so it made sense that he wanted to go wrestle for them.
But it upset you to see him leave without even telling you. Nothing was mentioned about him signing with AEW, the last thing you heard was that he was still thinking about where he wanted to go.
Yet there he was on the screen with all of his friends.
You wiped your tears as you turned the TV off, not bothering to see what else was about to happen.
He was gone. He was actually gone and chances were you weren’t going to see him again.
You would miss the days the two of you trained at the PC all afternoon. You would miss the hours upon hours of him telling you lame jokes or pulling harmless pranks. You would miss the nights when he’d seek to your apartment when his girlfriend wasn’t home to come spend the night with you.
You would miss him holding you close. You would miss the intimacy. You would miss his kisses and the things he would whisper in your ear.
You would miss him dearly.
You picked up your phone and tapped the messages app, strolling a bit before you find his name.
You smile at the last message he sent you before you typed out your own before shutting your phone off.
You laid down on your bed, letting your head hit the pillow as the tears started to flow once more.
It hurt now but maybe one day it’ll all get better. Maybe one day he’d come back to you. Maybe one day all of this pain will go away and you could finally call him yours.
It was all false hope really, cause he wasn’t coming back.
You closed your eyes and tired to go to sleep with the love of your life on your mind.
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Real Talk
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This was a request from @blxxckheart so sorry for the wait. I hope you like it!
This is where the idea came from! We love to give credit where it’s due!
If you have a request please don’t hesitate to ask me.
It was the night of the biggest NXT TakeOver in NXT history. NXT TakeOver Stand and Deliver was guaranteed to be a star studded spectacular.
Everybody had a match that they were looking forward to seeing. Like Cole vs. O'Reilly and Bálor vs. Kross but the one match most of the locker room wanted to see was Tommaso Ciampa vs. Walter.
That was the match you were most looking forward to. You knew it would be a hard hitting contest and you were hoping Tommaso would come out victorious.
You liked Tommaso. You liked the way he wrestled, you liked the way he looked, you liked the conversations the two of you had.
Now it’s not like you two were the closest of friends, sure you were friendly to each other but you wouldn’t consider it friendship. Tommaso was a hard man to figure out sometimes.
Like for instance he was extremely kind to you, always smiling and laughing with you. Then other times he hardly ever paid attention to what you were saying.
But despite that fact you still had feelings for him and you really wanted to see him win tonight.
His match was coming up next so you decided to find a place to sit and watch. A lot of the other women and men from the roster were all gathered together to watch what was sure to be a five star classic.
And that it was.
It was exactly what everybody was expecting a tough rough powerful championship match that didn’t end the way you wanted it to.
You watched the next match for a few minutes before heading off to find Tommaso.
You assumed he was in the men’s locker room, so you knocked on the door.
After a few seconds Tommaso opened the door with a confused look on his face. “Hey, what are you doing here?”
You smiled. “I wanted to congratulate you on a good match. I thought you did great”
He had a half of a smile on his face so you assumed you were doing something right.
“I didn’t win though”
You shrugged. “Doesn’t matter, I thought you did great”
He smirked. “Well I appreciate that. Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go shower so if you don’t need anything else.....”
You didn’t know why, but you felt the urge to finally shoot your shot after years of admiring from afar.
“Actually” You said as he was about to close the door. “Well....I haven’t been able to get this idea out of my head recently”
“Really? What idea”
“Real talk, can I kiss you?”
Tommaso looked at you for a minute before he laughed. It wasn’t a rude laugh or hurtful but I genuine kind of laughter that made you laugh too.
“Is that how people ask to kiss each other now?”
“I’m not sure” you smiled. “But it’s how I do things”
“Well, I think I like the way you do things”
You smiled as you leaned up and placed his lips on yours.
His lips were a like rough but you didn’t mind. It was a simple kiss, everything you imagined it’d be.
After you pulled away Tommaso had a satisfied look on his face. “Well that was unexpected”
You giggled “I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself”
“No no” he reassured you. “It’s perfectly fine, I’m gonna go shower now but I’ll be finding you later so we can talk more”
“Yeah that sounds great” you agreed. “See you then”
Before you left you gave him one last kiss before heading off excited to see what would come of this.
And Tommaso watched you walk away with a smile on his face.
__________________________________________ thank you for reading! I hope you all liked it! If you have a request please let me know!
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This video with the song playing has me dying💀. This should not be so funny to me😭😭
-Credits to alistdreams via Instagram
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Sour attitude
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Requested by: @brodieleesclothesline hope you like it!
There’s no such thing as Covid in this story cause obviously partying during a pandemic is extremely irresponsible.
Sorry for any mistakes.
It was Saturday night and you were getting ready to head out to a party with your boyfriend Edge.
You were excited. You haven’t been to a party in a while and you were thrilled to see all of your friends again.
But there was someone who wasn’t thrilled or excited to go and it was your boyfriend Edge.
“How long do we have to stay?” Edge asked as you applied the finishing touches to your makeup.
“I don’t know. We won’t be there for too long but I wanna stay long enough to have a good time and see my friends. Don’t you wanna do that too?” You asked.
You sighed. “Well we’re going so go get ready”
“I am ready”
You looked over at what your boyfriend was wearing and rolled your eyes. “Seriously Edge?”
He was wearing a pair of sweats and an old rock t-shirt. “What? I think I look fine”
You groaned “At least change your pants. Please?”
Edge huffed but did what was asked as you took another look at yourself in the mirror before grabbing your phone and heading towards the door.
Soon you were on your way to the party with Edge complaining the entire way there. You almost wanted to turn around and go back home but you promised your friends you’d come so you just tried to ignore him as you continued the drive to your destination.
“We’re here!” You announced as you parked the car. “Now please leave your sour attitude in the car please? I just wanna have a good time tonight”
“I’m not making any promises” he said as he got out the car.
You groaned. Why did he always have to be so difficult?
He took your hand in his as you both made your way into the building.
As soon as you were inside you immediately saw your friends and dragged Edge over to them.
“You made it!” Your best friend said as she gave you a hug. “Hey Edge”
Edge gave a small wave to the small group of girls before heading over to the drinks.
“Is he ok? Cause if he’s not feeling well we’d definitely understand if you wanted to take him back home”
You shook your head. “He’s fine. He just didn’t wanna come out tonight but I wanted to see y’all so....he’ll be fine”
“Well if you’re sure...”
“I’m positive. Now come on let’s go dance”
Your favorite song started to play as you and the girls started to dance. While the song continued you saw Edge a few feet away from you.
“I’ll be right back!” You told the girls as you walked over to where your boyfriend was standing.
“Come dance with me” you said while tugging on his arm.
“No thank you”
“Oh come onnnn” you said while continuing to tug. “Just have some fun with me”
“Babe I said no”
You huffed. “You’re no fun”
He shrugged as you rolled your eyes. “I should have just left you at home and came by myself”
“Then why didn’t you?” He asked.
You could tell he was getting angry but you didn’t care.
“Cause I thought that maybe you’d want to come out and have a good time with your girlfriend but I guess not” you said as you all but threw the car keys at him. “So you can leave and I’ll catch a ride with one of the girls”
Before he could say anything you stomped away leaving him where he was at.
You went back over to where the girls where and ignored their worried looks. Clearly they were watching your “conversation” with Edge but you didn’t care. You were determined to have a fun night.
And eventually you did. The girls danced with you and the group took a couple of shots, everything was going great until a complete stranger decided he was going to join in on the fun too.
You were dancing with your friends when he pulled you closer to him. “Hey beautiful, I couldn’t help but notice you all night and I must say you’re absolutely gorgeous. Do you wanna dance with me?”
“Oh um no thanks I think I’m just gonna stay with my friends-“
“They won’t mind. Come on. I’ll make it worth your while”
You tried to push his hands off of you but he was too strong. “I said no”
“I heard what you said but you obviously don’t mean-“
“She said no”
You both turned around to see your boyfriend Edge standing behind the creep.
“Now let her go”
The man immediately let go of you and scrambled away, muttering a “sorry” and “my bad” on the way.
You watched him leave and then looked over to your boyfriend who did not look happy.
“We’re leaving” Edge said and you gave him no argument as you hugged your friends goodbye before following Edge out the building and to the car.
The ride back home was silent. Other than the radio playing in the background.
Once you made it back into the house you sat on the couch and sighed. “Thanks”
Edge put the car keys on the counter and sat next to you. “For what?”
“Getting that creep to leave me alone. I didn’t even know you were still there”
“After you threw the keys at me I went to the car and I was going to leave but I couldn’t stand the fact that I would be leaving you there so I went back in and that’s when I saw him messing with you”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled at you or threw the keys at you”
Edge pulled you closer and gave you a kiss on the cheek. “And I’m sorry for my sour attitude”
You laughed as you pulled him into a kiss. “I lovd you and your sour attitude”
“I love you too”
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Hi! I have a question - What wrestlers do you mainly write for? And who do you not write about? I have a request in mind! 😊
I mainly do WWE but I can try wrestlers from over promotions.....it might be a little ooc though. There aren’t really any wrestlers I refuse to write about lol. Just let me know what you have in mind and I’ll start writing asap!
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Lujuria (Santos Escobar)
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Requested by @alicejoaquin1990 hope you like it!
*I haven’t written smut in a lonnng time so I apologize in advance
**Lujuria means lust in Spanish according to Google
June 3rd 2020
You sat backstage and waited for the WWE Cruiserweight finals to begin. You were a big fan of Drake Maverick but you were hoping that your good friend El Hijo del Fantasma won the tournament and the championship.
You met Fantasma when he first got signed to WWE back in Augest and ever since then you developed a little bit of a crush on him.
He was always so nice and he flirted with you a lot you always wondered if he felt the same way.
You watched as both Drake and Fantasma made their entrances, you knew this was gonna be a good match and you were excited to see it play out. You were also hoping those two mysterious men with the luchador masks didn’t make an appearance.
They puzzled you. It appeared like they only attacked cruiserweights but you were unsure of their motives. It was ever confusing. Whenever you asked Fantasma about it he had no answers either only saying that they better not get involved in his business again.
The match was great, you didn’t move an inch as you watched Drake and Fantasma go back and forth, hitting each other with everything they had. Eventually it looked like Drake had the upper hand when the masked strangers reemerged. You watched as they zeroed in on Fantasma, you were worried that they were about to attack him but Drake came flying through the ropes and stopped them. Fantasma rolled back into the ring as Drake fought them off. But when Drake got back in the ring Fantasma kicked him in the face and hit him with the phantom driver and won the match.
You were shocked. El Hijo del Fantasma was the new WWE Cruiserweight champion.
And as happy as you were for him there was a part of you that questioned why they showed up when they did and why for some reason they did nothing to Fantasma.
You decided you would ask him when he got back to the men’s locker room. So you went back to the women’s locker room and got all of your stuff together. By the time you was done it looked like everybody already left the arena.
You were worried that Fantasma already left too but as soon as you got to the men’s locker room and knocked on the door he opened it with a smile on his face.
“Y/N! Come in it’s just me in here”
You walked into the room and took a seat on one of the benches as you took in his appearance, seeing that he only had on a pair of basketball shorts.
“Hey, congrats on winning the cruiserweight championship. I’m really happy for you”
“Gracias, thank you! It is very appreciated”
You smiled as you thought about your next words, trying to choose them carefully.
“So um, I saw that those two masked guys came out there again”
Fantasma sat down across from you. “Yeah they were going to attack me”
“It looked like it yeah, but they didn’t really do anything until Drake jumped on them”
Fantasma smirked. “Yeah he really helped me out”
“Right he helped you out and.....well you kind of look advantage of that”
Fantasma looked puzzled” Well what was I supposed to do?”
“Why didn’t you help him?”
“Why are you asking me so many questions? What are you getting at?”
You took a big breath. You had to know.
“Are those two masked men working for you?”
It looked like Fantasma was expecting you to ask this question. “No. They aren’t working for me”
“Are you lying to me?”
Fantasma huffed out a humorless laugh. “Why would I lie? Especially to you?”
You just sat there. Is he telling the truth? You haven’t known him for that long but you felt like you could trust him.
Fantasma got up and sat down next to you, holding your chin with his thumb and index finger moving it so you could look directly in his eyes.
“I’d never lie to you Y/N”
He was close. Extremely close. You were practically sitting on his chest. His hot breath was in your face and you could feel yourself getting more and more aroused with every breath he took. He looked at your lips as you looked at his and whispered. “Yes Fantasma. I believe you”
He smiled. “Good”
You looked down at his lips again and leaned closer until you felt his lips on yours.
The kiss was simple at first but eventually it heated up so much that Fantasma moved you onto his lap.
You pulled back for air but Fantasma bought you right back in, pushing his tongue into your mouth. You moaned and started to grind down on his erection.
You wrapped you arms around him, his kisses felt amazing and you never wanted to stop. You imagined that he’d be a good kisser but you didn’t expect his.
Fantasma started to pull your shirt up and you immediately lifted up your arms to help. You stood up to remove your pants as he slipped off his shorts.
You were only left in your underwear and he in his boxers. Fantasma sat back down and pulled you closer until you were standing directly in front of him.
“You’re beautiful”
You smiled as you leaned down to kiss him again.
Fantasma smirked as he pushed you back a little bit. “I want to see you Y/N. All of you”
You felt your face get warm as you reached back and unhooked your bra, letting it all to the floor. Then you pushed your panties down your legs until they hit the floor, placing them in a pile along with the rest of your clothes.
Fantasma pulled you back onto his lap and you gasped, just now noticing that he removed his boxers. He laughed and kissed your neck. “Like I said, you’re beautiful”
You moaned as he continued to kiss your neck, your hips starting to grind on his shaft. He groaned as he held you closer, his hand traveling down to squeeze your ass.
“Please” you whimpered.
Fantasma moved away from your neck and stood you both up before laying you down on the bench. You wrapped your legs around him as he slowly pushed himself into you. You both moaned as he bottomed out.
“Fuck Y/N” Fantasma groaned. He started to move slowly leaving only the head inside of you before slowly pushing back in.
You moaned for him to go faster and he complied, thrusting into you faster.
The faster he went the louder you moaned as his hard and powerful thrust started to push you up the bench, your head almost hanging off the edge. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you felt yourself getting closer and closer to climax.
“Shit I’m close” you moaned, feeling that familiar tightening in your stomach.
“Come Y/N come for me”
Suddenly you felt Fantasma’s fingers rubbing your clit and that was all it took for you to come with a shout of his name.
“Y/N! Fuck!” Fantasma yelled as he came.
You both laid there for a couple of minutes before he pulled out.
“So....you believe me right?” He asked.
You sat up. “Yeah” you said, completely out of breath. “I believe you”
He lied.
He was working with them this entire time.
“I am Santos Escobar. I’m the NXT Cruiserweight champion, and no one can touch me”
So apparently his name is different and so is his attitude.
You were already waiting in his locker room when he walked in.
“Where’s your friends?”
“Waiting for me”
You both just stood there staring at each other. You were mad and he was calm cool and collected.
“So I guess that whole ‘they’re not working for me’ was a lie”
“No it wasn’t“
You just looked at him as he shrugged. “They don’t ‘work’ for me. Its a friendship. We’re familia”
“How come you couldn’t tell me that?”
“I wanted to, but I know you’re friends with Drake and I didn’t need him finding out”
You huffed. “I wouldn’t have said anything”
Santos moved closer to you and wrapped his arms around you. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I just needed my plan to go on perfectly. You believe me right?”
He kissed you and you sighed as you kissed him back. “Yeah” you smiled. “I believe you”
Thanks for reading! If you’d like a request just ask I write for WWE only!!!
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Guys the Santos Escobar story is coming I promise. Life gets in the way of writing sometimes so that’s why it’s so late but I’m hoping to post it Saturday or Sunday!
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Can you do a smut of Santos Escobar plz and thank you
Whew ain’t he gorgeous?!? And YES! I will start as soon as possible!
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Johnny Gargano/Reader
Requested by: @wwesarahjaneroszko
Warnings: none
If you have a request please read this first
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February 16, 2020
Today was the day. Today was the day that Johnny Gargano finally got his hands on Finn Balor.
You watched as Johnny got ready for his match. You weren’t wrestling tonight, you were just gonna keep an eye on the women’s championship match, and also watch Tegan’s match against Dakota, just in case Tegan needed your help.
Johnny’s match was right after Tegan’s and you were hoping that both your best friend and boyfriend came out victorious in their respective matches.
Since Dakota turned on Tegan and Finn kicked Johnny in the head injuring him neither one of them were acting normal. Tegan was hurt, heartbroken even. She felt betrayed. Johnny was angry. He just wanted to hurt Finn.
You were worried about him. When he got like this he would barely talk, hardly ever ate anything. He would just constantly train and prepare himself for his match.
“Are you ready?” You asked him as he sat down next to you.
“Yeah, I can’t wait to get my hands on him”
You nodded before giving him a small kiss. “Good luck, I’m gonna go watch Tegan’s match”
“Alright I’ll see you after mine” Johnny said before wrapping his arms around you and kissing your forehead.
Tegan lost but that wasn’t your biggest concern.
You tried to help her, but it all happened so fast and by the time you made it to the ring Dakota was already having her arm raised.
You helped Tegan backstage and to the women’s locker room, giving Johnny another quick kiss as you passed him. As soon as Tegan assured you that she’d be fine you went back to your seat to watch Johnny’s match.
Eventually Tegan joined you. And you both watched Johnny and Finn beat the living crap out of each other. But unfortunately after a coup de grace and a 1916 for good measure Finn got the win.
You watched as Finn made his way backstage with a smug look on his face. He walked past you and Tegan and sent a wink your way before going to the locker room.
You rolled your eyes as you turned around and saw Johnny stumble backstage.
You ran over to him and helped him to his locker room. “Johnny are you ok?”
“I’ll be fine I just- I need to be alone right now”
You were a little disappointed but nodded anyways. “Yeah that’s fine, I understand”
You hesitated but eventually left the room, going back to sit with Tegan and watch the show.
You both watched Rhea beat Bianca before Charlotte sneek attacked them both. You watched The BroserWeights defeat The Undisputed Era before the main event finally happened. You were hoping Tommaso destroyed Adam and took back the title he never lost.
And it looked like that was going to happen until the other members of the UE decided to get involved.
They tried everything they could but they couldn’t keep Tommaso down, you watched as the door to Johnny’s locker room opened and he ran out to gorilla.
“He’s gonna help Tommaso” Tegan said as we watched Johnny appear at ringside.
Your heart leaped with joy but was quickly crushed as Johnny snatched the title and hit Tommaso in the face with it.
As soon as Tommaso fell to the canvas Adam pinned him and retained the title.
“Um....what just happened?” Tegan was just as shocked as you were.
“I....I have no idea” you said while Johnny made his way backstage and walked right past you and Tegan.
“Johnny!” You tried to get his attention but he ignored you, simply walking into his locker room and putting his things into his bag.
“Hello? Johnny!” You said tapping his shoulder.
“Yes love?” He asked.
“No, don’t ‘yes love’ me what the hell did you just do?” You asked as he picked his bag up.
“Simple. I got revenge”.
You watched as he walked out of the room but you were quick to follow him.
“Revenge? Why now? If you wanted revenge so bad how come you didn’t do anything as soon as he came back? Why do I DIY reunion if you don’t like him?” You asked while following him outside.
Johnny walked to the car and put his stuff in before answering. “Because, I wanted to wait until it would really mean something, and I did. And now he doesn’t have the title he wanted so badly”.
He was talking so calmly, and it was a bit unsettling.
“Johnny......are you ok?”
He smiled. “Never better”
You nodded as you both got into the car. You knew this was only just getting started and you were worried about what Tommaso would do to your boyfriend.
“Stop worrying” it’s almost like Johnny could read your thoughts. “Everything’s going to be fine”
And as he took your hand into his you could only sit and hope that he was right.
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Here’s all of my stories! Hope y’all enjoy!!! If you have a request please read this first, thank you!
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Adam Cole
Just a little bit of your heart
Someone like you
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Johnny Gargano
Always by your side
Dating Johnny Gargano
Call up
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Mustafa Ali
Be the light
Dating Mustafa Ali
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Seth Rollins
Beast slayer
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Santos Escobar
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Sour attitude
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Tommaso Ciampa
Real Talk
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Becky Lynch
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Just a reminder that I’m taking requests! So if you want one just let me know! The only rules are I don’t write M/M. Whether you requested it or not my stories are for every nationality so I can’t write anything with you being the sister or being related to anyone. I only write for WWE wrestlers. And finally this isn’t really a rule but I don’t write smut very well so if you request it I’m just letting you know that it may not be that good.
So if you have something you want me to write I’d be happy to do it!
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Just a little bit of your heart
I’ve been working on this story for a little while now and I finally decided to finish it. I hope y’all like it
Adam Cole/Reader
Warnings: umm a broken heart? Mentions of sex
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I don't ever ask you where you've been
And I don't feel the need to know who you're with
I can't even think straight
But I can tell that you were just with her
And I'll still be a fool
I'm a fool for you
You weren’t dumb. As you sat on the couch and watched Adam walk through the door.
You knew where he just was, and you knew who he was just with and it broke your heart.
“Hey babe” he said as he gave you a kiss on the cheek.
“Hey” you replied as he walked off to the kitchen.
I don't ever tell you how I really feel
'Cause I can't find the words to say what I mean
And nothing's ever easy, that's what they say
I know I'm not your only
But I'll still be a fool
'Cause I'm a fool for you
You wanted to say something. You really wanted to bring it up, confront him about it just to see what he’d say but every time you finally decided to talk to him about it he was suddenly all over you, making you forget what you were wanting to say.
It’s like he knew you were planning on saying something.
“Do you wanna get dinner tonight?” Adam asked you as he sat down next to you.
“Yeah....yeah that sounds great. I’d love too” you smiled. It really did sound like fun. He’s said this before but ultimately ended up cancelling his plans because of work.
Ever since Adam became NXT champion he was busier than ever. And add on to the fact that his off time was mostly spent with....her, you barely saw him anymore.
But now he was taking you out to dinner . He was actually spending time with you and you were very excited. You missed him.
“I’ll take you to the fanciest restaurant in town, we’ll have a great time” he said as he gave you a kiss before leaving the room.
You smiled as you watched him leave. You were excited to have an evening alone with him. It’s been so long.
As you were about to leave the room and head to your bedroom you noticed Adam’s phone sitting on the table. You were about to just leave it there when it lit up with a message.
You picked it up and read the message. You’re heart breaking as you looked at the screen.
“Hey bay bay 😉 I heard you had no plans tonight. I was hoping we can meet up again at my place”
I know I'm not your only, but at least I'm one
I heard a little love is better than none
You felt tears prick at your eyes as you sat his phone back down. You knew she existed but it still hurt to see.
It broke your heart that Adam was seeing another woman behind your back. You thought maybe if you showed Adam how much you loved him that he would eventually leave her and stay with you. But that didn’t work. So you just tried to ignore it, ignore her existence and maybe everything would be better.
But here you where, crying in your liviroom cause the love of your life was with another woman behind your back.
The logical part of your mind was screaming at you to leave him. To just get rid of him and move on but your heart didn’t want to let him go. You were completely torn and you didn’t know what to do.
But all you knew was that you didn’t want this relationship to end.
As you wiped the tears from your eyes Adam came back into the room. “I forgot my phone” he said while picking it up off the table.
You watched him read the message with a small smile on his face. “Umm it’s work, they want me to do a signing tonight. I’ll have to take you out to dinner another day, is that alright?”
Your brain was screaming NO! But of course you didn’t say that.
“Yeah that’s fine. You can make it up to me later”
Adam smiled before he kissed you and left the room again.
As soon as you heard the bathroom door close you collapsed on the couch with fresh tears rolling down you cheeks.
He chose her over you.
And now you were left all alone while he did whatever he wanted.
Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart is all I want
Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit is all I'm asking for
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