wretchedsons-blog · 5 years
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The following pieces of morbid art are by Nicola Samori, a 35 year old Italian artist. He says “My work stems from fear: fear of the body, of death, of men. I think my nature as an artist is something like feeling hopeless. Works are just temporary shelters and painting is a leisure place where you can conceal yourself.”
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wretchedsons-blog · 5 years
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Thought of the Day:  Will is not enough. Act!
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wretchedsons-blog · 5 years
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Thought of the Day:  Let your soul be armoured with Faith, driven on the tracks of Obedience which overcome all obstacles, and armed with the three great guns of Zeal, Duty and Purity.
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wretchedsons-blog · 5 years
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★ 疾速k | 踏雪 ☆ ⊳ sekiro: shadows die twice ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ visit my fb / insta / twitter / blog
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wretchedsons-blog · 5 years
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wretchedsons-blog · 5 years
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wretchedsons-blog · 6 years
French vocabulary
Le droit - Law
l'accusation (f) - prosecution/charge
l'accusé (m)/l'accusée (f) - defendant
l'acte judicaire (m) - writ
l'assignation (f) - summons
l'avocat (m)/l'avocate (f) - lawyer
le banc de jurés - jury box
le cabinet - lawyer’s office
le cassier judicaire - criminal record
la cause - court case
la caution - bail
la cellule - prison cell
le client - client
la condamnation - sentence
le conseil juridique - legal advice
la cour - court
la cour suprême - supreme court
la date du procès - court date
la défence - defence
la déposition - statement
le gardien de prison - prison guard
le greffier - court official
le juge/la juge - judge
le jury - jury
la justice - justice
la liberté conditionnelle - parole
la loi - law
le mandat - warrant
la photo d'identité - mugshot
le plaidoyer - plea
la preuve - proof
la prison - prison
le procès - trial
le procureur/la procureure - prosecutor
le procureur/la procureure de la République - district attorney
la salle de tribunal - courtroom
le sténographe - stenographer
le suspect - suspect
le système judiciaire - judicial system
le témoin - witness
le tribunal - court
le verdict - sentence
faire appel - to appeal
acquitté - acquitted
coupable - guilty
innocent - innocent
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wretchedsons-blog · 6 years
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wretchedsons-blog · 6 years
Somewhere, Sometimes
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wretchedsons-blog · 6 years
Mutuals, if you wanna stay in touch with me after the great purge just stand under the moon and do the Make Contact gesture
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wretchedsons-blog · 6 years
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wretchedsons-blog · 6 years
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Glyn Smyth - The Black King
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wretchedsons-blog · 6 years
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wretchedsons-blog · 6 years
Untranslatable German Words
Engelsgeduld: (lit.: angel's patience) great amount of patience
Feierabend: (lit.: party-evening) the rest of the day that remains after work
Fernweh: the desire/longing to travel to faraway places/ foreign countries
Fingerspitzengefühl: (lit.: fingertips-feeling) good skill in handling things/ sensitivity and empathy
Fremdschämen: (lit.: foreign shame) shame that arises from the compassion with someone who made a fool of himself
Geborgenheit: more than safety, protection and invulnerability, it symbolises peace, warmth and calm you feel especially when you're with the people you're close to (e.g. family, friends)
Gemütlichkeit: feeling of comfort
Habseligkeiten: valuable and personally important possessions
Innerer Schweinehund: (lit.: inner pig-dog = weaker self) the part of a person that they have to overcome to be productive
Kitsch: objects with superficial beauty that are actually useless but are appreciated nonetheless
Konfliktfähigkeit: (lit.: conflict ability/skill) ability to deal with conflict / ability to constructively solve interpersonal conflicts
Kummerspeck: (lit.: grief/sorrow bacon (fat)) gained weight from emotional overeating (especially after a breakup)
Lebenslüge: (lit.: life's lie) a lie that you tell yourself to make life more bearable
Mitdenken: (lit.: with-thinking) ability to think for yourself and do more than what you were demanded to do / trying to find a conceptional solution to a problem together with other people
Sehnsucht: intense inner longing for somebody, something or a place
Schnapsidee: (lit.: schnapps idea) a ridiculous and crazy plan/idea you have while you are drunk
Sprachgefühl: (lit.: language feeling) feeling/sense of language, instinctive feel for a certain language / intuitive feeling of what is linguistically appropriate
Stehaufmännchen: (lit.: little stand up man) someone who doesn't give up and begins anew
Torschlusspanik: (lit.: gate-closing-panic) the fear of missing something important / not being able to do some things (because you're too old)
Verschlimmbessern: (lit.: verschlimmern=exasperate, verbessern=improve) improve something for the worse / make something worse but with having had the intention of improving it
Vorführeffekt: (lit.: demo effect) the effect that something you're actually able to do doesn't work when you want to demonstrate it to other people
Waldeinsamkeit: (lit.: forest loneliness/solitude) the seclusion/solitude of the forest
Warmduscher: (lit.: warm showerer/ somebody who showers with warm water) a wimp / a person that doesn't like to leave their comfort zone
Weltschmerz: (lit.: world pain (world weariness)) gratuitous melancholia / kind of feeling experienced by someone who believes that physical reality can never satisfy the demands of the mind / the feeling of anxiety caused by the ills of the world
Zeitgeist: (lit.: time-spirit, spirit of the time ) the dominant set of ideals and beliefs that motivate the actions of the members of a society in a particular period in time
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wretchedsons-blog · 6 years
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my all time favorite quote from this series
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wretchedsons-blog · 6 years
Ironic that...
Tumblr, the cesspit of degeneracy that it is, is trying to rid itself of NSFW content. Sure, you can get rid of tits, but what can you do about the rancid politics and incoherent screeching that floods this place?
The answer is everything, but then what would be left?
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wretchedsons-blog · 6 years
Conspiracy theory:
Tik Tok is a system used to train AI in speech recognition and replication, cultural understanding, and emulation. Perhaps the "I'm already tracer" song was actually created by an AI program as an exercise in replicating parodies of popular culture and music. Or perhaps the videos created for the service are actually input for the AI programs, teaching them as they process data. The high amount of views could be explainned with numerous accesses of the dat in order to do thorough examinations, and the high volume of comments are actually the AI replicating human comment patterns that were observed by outside input from sources like Twitch and YouTube streams. I also think that children's YouTube childrens' streams (the really creepy ones that are poorly rendered and have terrifying images and music) could be AI experiments in association and replication.
Just theories.
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