Iscarrri enjoys mmmonologgguing. It is a pleasssure to listenn to him, especially whhhen he is so pleassed.
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Very well. I look forward to it.
Thhhat seems simmmple ennnough. I woulddd do that gllladddly in my free timmme, so to ssspeak.
I owe you one - or several, if this works as well as I hope it does. I’ll have Issy pass along the signature we’re looking for - you may recognize it as a mutual acquaintance of ours.
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Thhhat seems simmmple ennnough. I woulddd do that gllladddly in my free timmme, so to ssspeak.
Whhhat woulld you need me to dddo?
We keep getting unwelcome visitors, shall we say. Not always on Alternia, but it’s causing security issues.
I know how much you like things dying, and terrors generally have better overarching sight than terrestrials. Isyv’s busy. So if you feel like getting some death energy/that favor, I could send you the offending magic signature… 
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Whhhat woulld you need me to dddo?
Thhhere are mmany timelinnes, and manny mortalls thhat swarrm in each one.Whhhy should I pppay onnne more attentionn than any otherr?
Of course.
Well, if you are ever around and feel like having me owe you a favor, let me know. We’re always taking on independent contractors for this little passion project.
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Thhhere are mmany timelinnes, and manny mortalls thhat swarrm in each one.Whhhy should I pppay onnne more attentionn than any otherr?
Chhhrm, quitttte so.
Say, do you still lurk around my timeline, or have you found darker voids in inhabit?
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Chhhrm, quitttte so.
I ammm alwayys intrigggued by deatthh.
I’d be shocked if you weren’t!
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I ammm alwayys intrigggued by deatthh.
Thhat is good.
I ddo not thhhink yoouhhave readd anny of mmmy storries. I do nnnot carre to shhare them, sinnnce they are honessstly quite trite, mmere surrface-level explorrationns of hhhow mortalittty affeccts a morrrtal’s ultimate pursuittt of life, annnd similllar.
Indeed. Of course, it would be more fun if it wasn’t work related, but I ought not complain.
Interesting! And incredibly up your alley.
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Thhat is good.
I ddo not thhhink yoouhhave readd anny of mmmy storries. I do nnnot carre to shhare them, sinnnce they are honessstly quite trite, mmere surrface-level explorrationns of hhhow mortalittty affeccts a morrrtal’s ultimate pursuittt of life, annnd similllar.
I hhhave been welll. I hhave writtttenn sevverrral shooort stories, ammmong other purrrsuits.
How hhhave you been?
I’ve been well! Busier than usual, but it’s been a relatively pleasant endeavour. Nice to have housemates again.
Stories, though. Anything I would have heard of?
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I hhhave been welll. I hhave writtttenn sevverrral shooort stories, ammmong other purrrsuits.
How hhhave you been?
Issscarri preferrrs to worrk on his owwwn projects. Twwwo dimensssionalittty borrres him.
I’m not necessarily saying it’s a bad thing, simply noting that it’s interesting, Mortu.
How have you been, by the way. We haven’t spoken in a while.
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I ammm surrre he willl lett you know iff you succeeed.
What’s that supposed to mean? If you know how, just tell me.
Ittt is a meenntal and metttaphhysicalll barrier closssed arround yourssself. Inn orrder to rrreach beyyond it, yourrr suspicionns and all warrrinesss must fffade away. You mmmust puttt awaay the shhhield thhat hiddes you frrrom the Patron’s vvview.
In shorrrt, Stray, you mmust let down your guarrd.
Be easier if Iscari wasn’t such a piece of shit.
You knnnow he wwwill not hharm you.
… Yeah. He’d break the contract if he did.
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Issscarri preferrrs to worrk on his owwwn projects. Twwwo dimensssionalittty borrres him.
Iscari can’t be bothered to use his own blog anymore, I see. Interesting.
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If yyyou willl nnnot accept his commmmentary, you cannnot hhave the powwwer he grannnts. It is a sssimple conncept.
What’s that supposed to mean? If you know how, just tell me.
Ittt is a meenntal and metttaphhysicalll barrier closssed arround yourssself. Inn orrder to rrreach beyyond it, yourrr suspicionns and all warrrinesss must fffade away. You mmmust puttt awaay the shhhield thhat hiddes you frrrom the Patron’s vvview.
In shorrrt, Stray, you mmust let down your guarrd.
Be easier if Iscari wasn’t such a piece of shit.
You knnnow he wwwill not hharm you.
… Yeah. He’d break the contract if he did.
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What’s that supposed to mean? If you know how, just tell me.
Ittt is a meenntal and metttaphhysicalll barrier closssed arround yourssself. Inn orrder to rrreach beyyond it, yourrr suspicionns and all warrrinesss must fffade away. You mmmust puttt awaay the shhhield thhat hiddes you frrrom the Patron’s vvview.
In shorrrt, Stray, you mmust let down your guarrd.
Be easier if Iscari wasn’t such a piece of shit.
You knnnow he wwwill not hharm you.
… Yeah. He’d break the contract if he did.
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You knnnow he wwwill not hharm you.
Excusssse me.
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Ittt is a meenntal and metttaphhysicalll barrier closssed arround yourssself. Inn orrder to rrreach beyyond it, yourrr suspicionns and all warrrinesss must fffade away. You mmmust puttt awaay the shhhield thhat hiddes you frrrom the Patron’s vvview.
In shorrrt, Stray, you mmust let down your guarrd.
Excusssse me.
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I knnnow how. It is vvverrry simmple, but I doubbbt you willll be abble to do it.
Excusssse me.
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You realllize you do nnnot bennnefit from the connntracct if the fffade remmains in plllace?
Excusssse me.
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