This is so important.
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Cuddling Baby Foxes Request
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- I’ve recently found an absolutely spectacular artist.
A French man who goes by the alias JR. His work is amazing, he takes his own photographs PASTES them to walls, buildings ETC. then captures the images.
I highly reccomend checking out his work here: http://www.jr-art.net
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Love the framing in this photograph.
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Lefkada island - Greece
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Photography Tips: Your Camera.
If you’re just getting into photography, you’re probably scrolling through tons of sites looking at different cameras and stressing about the prices. There are so many different types of cameras like: 
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 - Cell phones. 
(iPhones, Androids, Windows.. ETC.) 
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 - Compact Digital cameras/ “Point and Shoot”
{http://www.pcmag.com/encyclopedia/term/57851/point-and-shoot-camera }
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 - Electronic Viewfinder, Interchangeable Lens/ E.V.I.L. cameras. {http://alphatracks.com/dslr-photography-basics/what-is-an-evil-camera } 
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 Getting a new camera/lens is exciting, BUT it’s expensive. It’s a big decision that should be carefully considered. Every photographer is different, there are different preferences, ideas and biased knowledge. That is why it’s crucial to take your time. Look at many different reviews, figure out if you like Canon, Nikon, Sony or etc. 
Then go from there. 
Think about how often you plan to use your camera, how it affects your income, daily life etc. Think about the TYPE of style or photography that suits you. I began with cheap point and shoot cameras, I used my iPhone for awhile and then I used my moms camera which was a Nikon Coolpix p510.
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 It eventually became MY camera (she never used it). It went to Idaho, London, Paris and on car rides, hikes and other adventures with me. Then I got serious. My Nikon was good, but I was shooting in Automatic and the Manual options were not very good. To grow as a photographer, you HAVE TO GET OUT OF AUTOMATIC MODE AND INTO MANUAL. Otherwise, getting a big fancy camera yet using automatic is equivalent to using a cell phone camera. So I decided it was time to upgrade. At the time, I had no idea what type of camera I wanted. I knew I wanted a DSLR but I couldn’t decide what brand or model. After asking a couple of my friends who are photographers and heavily researching and watching video reviews I decided to go with a good and simple starter camera, The Canon Rebel EOS t5i.
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This is my current camera^
I’m still learning a lot about it and I have a lot to share about it. It’s a really great camera. I was worried about the switch from Nikon to Canon, but it was silly to worry about that. The first lens I got with it was a 18-55mm, which is a pretty good lens for standard pictures, however, I wanted a lens with better zoom so I recently purchased a Tamron 70-300mm macro lens and I have been loving it.
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(None of the pictures included are mine, the rights go out to the artists and owners.)
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Photography: Passion or Hobby? Pursue or Put Aside?
Ever since I was little I remember having a camera in my hand.
 There are pictures of me at age 5 with a white canon camera. I don’t remember the make or model but I remember it bringing me joy. 
Ever since then its been a subconscious love of mine. That along with travel and unique beauties. For a short period of time, I lost that passion. I put it aside to deal with school, friends, family and other hobbies. BUT, something clicked last year. 
Something inside of me screamed at me to pick up my moms Nikon and snap as many pictures as I can. I did… and I fell in love again.
When people ask me, a young 17 year old, what my career objective is my stomach drops into a pit of burning anxiety. 
What do I want to do nearly everyday to keep myself above the water. To keep treading and avoid drowning? 
To the question I reply, I don’t know. But as I say those three words, my mind wonders. 
It wonders to the sound of my camera focusing and the satisfying click. It wonders to the feeling of adventure, rare sights and tired limbs. What’s holding me back? Why am I afraid of my passion?
When I think of a “dream job” I picture myself learning stories from different souls. People who come from different backgrounds, who have different traits and characteristics that make them breathtaking. I imagine filling my car up with gas and just GOING. Crossing places off my list & sitting down to marvel at the stills of time that I CAPTURED. 
So. This year, 2017. I’m going to push myself. I’m going to learn and study my passion. I’m going to think outside the box and explore. 
I just need to get out of my head and into my heart. 
-and to those whom are having the same struggle as me?
You’ll figure it out, just remember to PURSUE what you LOVE. When you think of that dream and then stitch it into reality does it leave a smile on your face and a buzz of excitement in your stomach?
Ask yourself that. 
Do you want to tread through water, OR SWIM?
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This post is not actually written to motivate you (LOL). I believe motivation is highly subjective and that each person has a unique motivational catalyst. What this post will do, however, is give you 3 distinct points on how you can generally motivate yourself, based on observations made in my brief time working with entrepreneurs. Of course, like with anything, this is not a closed list and the order of these is insignificant.
1. Have Passion For What You Do:
You’ve heard this plenty of times, I know, it’s annoying to me too. But we wouldn’t hear it so often if it wasn’t so important.
Steve Jobs, when addressing a crowd at his alma mater, famously said “I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers.”
Love what you do, and not in an airy fairy, kumbaya kind of way. If you derive actual pleasure from what you do, you are likely to be more motivated than the average person. It follows that people who do what they love will approach their work with a guaranteed level of enthusiasm. I don’t think this needs a great deal of explanation.
2. Find A Suitable Co-Founder:
Some of the best companies in the world were started by co-founders (e.g. Apple, Microsoft, Procter & Gamble, etc.). Often, a start-up is launched and maintained through a combination of expertise, which, for complex projects, is hardly ever held by a single person. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 people to start a project. So the importance of compatible co-founders cannot be stressed enough.
Like with every endeavour, there will be challenges that dampen the passion. The honeymoon period WILL end, and co-founders need to understand their effect on each other because this can serve as the necessary spark to push each other forward. During a slump in motivation, if you don’t feel more motivated after speaking with your co-founder, he or she may not be the right person for you to work with.
Some questions you should ask about your co-founder - When you are not feeling your best will they be able to take control? Do they create a mood which is conducive to productivity? How do you feel after talking to them about a hurdle you are facing? Do they actually have the capacity to perform the tasks that are needed to drive the project forward?
To achieve the best results, be brutally honest with yourself when answering these questions. Based on your answers, you may need to make some changes.
I left the first business I started at University because I could no longer work with my co-founder. The person whom I had originally chosen as my co-founder because of his technical knowledge of the (media) industry became the reason for my loss of enthusiasm. I am not sure what the root cause was, but my co-founder started developing a habit of killing the business relationships I had worked hard to build (and many other bad habits, if you know what I mean). In turn, our reputation as a serious business began to take a knock. But this wasn’t yet the issue. The real issue was his inability to realise his problem, and then act in accordance with such realisation. Needless to say, I cut ties with him in my professional capacity.
I was brutally honest with myself, and now my entrepreneurial journey has taken a positive trajectory.
3. Figure Out Your Motivational Currency
I define motivational currency as: a positive response to an idea, which fuels the desire to keep producing. 
For example, I run a consulting business. Now, as much as I love what I do, there are mornings which feel completely hopeless (because - life) and my reason for continuing has escaped me. However, my mood suddenly changes when I get up from my bed, check my mail, and find an email from an entrepreneur requesting my services. After viewing this email, I feel a new energy, a sense of purpose, which prompts me to keep going. I am motivated, and the email is my motivational currency. 
If you are an outdoor event organiser whose event receives good reviews on social media and in the local papers, such reviews are your motivational currency because they prompt you to repeat the amount of effort put into your work, in pursuit of the same or an even better response from your market. 
This type of “currency” is different for different businesses, and is usually controlled by external factors. We cannot determine when motivational currency will be forthcoming, but the more work we put in, the more motivational currency we will receive. (i.e. the more good work I do for my existing clients, the more likely I am to wake up to an email requesting my services.)
Staying motivated is, in my opinion, the most important thing for any entrepreneur. You can do anything you set your mind to with the right amount of motivation. Conversely, you can do very little without it.
So print this. Put it on your wall, and highlight the points which speak to you the most. Every time you feel demotivated, give it a quick read, and I guarantee that you will feel at least a little more optimistic.
As always, thanks for reading. I promise to make it a shorter read next time.
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Today, I am procrastinating. 
I am sitting in front of my screen obsessing about the adventures other beings are having while stressing myself out over things like that essay I’ve been needing to write and the fact that I have a meeting in 3 hours and I need to get ready. 
All I want to be doing is sitting near water, with my feet breaking the surface ever so slightly. I want to feel the warm air of summer embrace me as I peer through my viewfinder and snap another picture.
Doesn’t that sound nice? Sadly, I need to deal with reality.
So I leave my update here. My first update. 
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