writeit-up · 7 years
I wrote this in hopes that people learn from my mistakes. Live your life. Don’t take it for granted. You’re only young once. Please share or don’t. Just read it please ❤
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writeit-up · 7 years
I Wish
I wish I could tell you what I felt right now Tell you about the bubbling in my stomach That comes about only when I think of you And how perfectly imperfect you are I wish I could show you the way I feel How when I see your name My whole being lights up like the night sky And my eyes shine like the stars I wish I could grab your hand And entwine my fingers with yours Reminding you that I believe in you Even if you don't see it in yourself I wish I could tell you that I would do anything, Anything to be yours That I want to kiss your cheek And keep you happy I wish I could tell you that I want to help you To mend what's broken And make you whole again All while never letting you go But more than anything I wish that you were mine And I wish this feeling on my chest would go away Because I doubt you feel the same
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writeit-up · 7 years
I felt the panic fill my body as I looked into his eyes. There was a lone tear streaking down his face as I tried to say goodbye. Namjoon and I have been dating for 2 years. We've been living together for 8 months. We wake up every morning together before we go to work: him to the studio and myself to the set where I film.  We talked about getting married after he got back from his next tour. I never expected this to happen. I never thought I'd have to leave him behind. "Namjoon, please don't cry. I can't handle this. Please, don't make this any harder than it has to be." He just stared into my eyes, silently, not saying a word. Thousands of people scrambled around us, trying to get through security as quickly as possible before it was too late for the flight. Namjoon and myself were in everyone's way as the rest of the boys watched in silence from behind. "Y/N, i dont want you to go. Please for the love of god, don't go. You can get a different role here. You can stay with me, with all of us. LA is too damn far from me, i need you here. Please just stay" There were more tears now, from both of us this time. "I need to do this. This is the role of a lifetime, joon. I need this for me." He just nodded his head and opened his arms, letting me fall into them one last time before it was too late. Before I left him standing there. I accepted the offer and threw myself into him, burying my face in his chest. I felt his lips on my hair, and his tears fall on my shirt as we said goodbye. "Flight 275 to LA, California boarding" "Y/N. I need you to promise me you won't forget me. Promise me you'll come home to me. Promise me you'll still want me when you come back." "I'll always come back to you. You are my home. You will always be home. "I love you more than anything, baby. You are my everything. Be happy in LA. If you ever need me, I'll throw away whatever I'm doing just to come to you. I love you so much." "I love you namjoon." The rest of the boys came up to us now, and I could see them all crying quietly. Jin put his arm around namjoon's shoulder and squeezed. Jungkook squeezed his hand. I looked at the scene unfolding in front of me and hugged each boy. yoongi whispered "we'll keep your seat saved in the dorm. It'll be waiting for you when you get back." Hobi squeezed me and said "don't worry, we'll take carre of him." Jimin brushed the wet hair off of my face and kissed my cheek. Tae sighed sadly in my ear. I walked back to Namjoon feeling my world falling apart around me. He threw both of his hands on my face, taking over each cheek and kissed me. The anger, the sadness, the tears, and the pain all melted into a passionate kiss that still burned, even after he pulled away. "You're home is with me, Y/N. Always." "And my heart is with you too. Take care of it for me." I kissed him one last time before turning away to leave. Namjoon yelled "Is there anything i can do to make you stay? Please! Anything!" I just shook my head, tears falling faster than before. "I love you, Namjoon. Dont forget that" **** As the plane took off, I cuold see inside the glass walls of the airport. There were seven boys with bright colored hair leaning against the class, each with their hands in the shapes of hearts. The tallest figure wore the sadest face and that was what burned into my memory for the next 2 years.
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