writer-sandbox · 10 months
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Why are they so adorable?
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writer-sandbox · 11 months
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writer-sandbox · 11 months
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writer-sandbox · 11 months
The things you create don’t have to make sense! They can be messy and wild! They can be confusing and strange! They can be ugly and weird! Stop tethering your sense of creativity to what other people will accept. You deserve to create without inhibition.
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writer-sandbox · 11 months
i have three responses to "how is your writing going"
1) it's not
2) it's going
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writer-sandbox · 11 months
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writer-sandbox · 11 months
writing fics be like
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writer-sandbox · 11 months
reminder that if you have writers block you can just like,,, skip it. skip that sentence. skip that paragraph. skip that whole damn chapter if you want to. go back to it later. there's no rules bitch
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writer-sandbox · 11 months
Are you a “can’t write dialogue” writer or a “can’t describe anything” writer
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writer-sandbox · 11 months
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Richard Hugo, Essay on Poetic Theory: The Triggering Town
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writer-sandbox · 11 months
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14K notes · View notes
writer-sandbox · 11 months
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writer-sandbox · 11 months
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it's a lot of stuff...
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writer-sandbox · 11 months
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Anyway, the new Bleach opening has some pretty cool clothes
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writer-sandbox · 11 months
I DO SHIP WHOLEHEARTEDLY MY BELOVEDS onoe & kaburagi together so much. like they DESRVE each other. the amount of ridiculous energy they give out is so <3 to me. they make so illll i cant. but also. k… fck despite rereading this manga many times I have NO clue what is name is. kanai? urgh….. cba to look it up right now. but that second lead who has a crush on onoe. i love him so much. his & onoe’s story is so <3 to me as well. also the flavour of kabu being so jealous is so great to me. whenever they get jealous of each other it’s SO funny to me (thinking rn of onoe/kabu magic au they would be So funny. i want that) ANYWAYS. as i was saying. onoe/k whatever his name is would be so good. like THEYRE CUTE okay. the way k crushes so hard on onoe got me like 😭😭😭 but onoe is so clueless he doesn’t even Realise. he keeps breaking his heart talkinh about kabu LMAO. but also. i v much believe in the threesome onoe/k/kabu….. LIKE FJFKFKF it’s so impossible but I want to see it work. i believe k has some kind of crush towards kabu….. but lmao kabu just hates him. well he doesn’t really hate him fjkfkf I THINK ITS JUST FUN TO THINK OF A THREESOME FOR THESE THREE
even if I have NO fcking clue how it would work. i cant Even See it at all tbh. i just really like k…. oh oh oh u know. this threesome just being a bit of k’s fantasy would be perfect 😭😭😭 like PLS. an entire thing where it seems like all three of them r getting together but then K just Wakes up. and finds himself in the actual, cold reality: onoe being completely unaware of his feelings + breaking his heart by talking about kabu to him and kabu just…..hating him :’ SAD REALITY.
u know. i think onoe should get jealous, seeing k close to kabu and them having these ‘moments’ I think that’d be so funny. kabu catching on some vibes off about onoe, enquiring him on what’s wrong, and the onoe blurting it out and kabu just being……speechless cuz HFJJFKFKF lmao k is in love with onoe. anyways i love how k keeps getting dragged into onoe/kabu shenanigans ITS MY FAV THING and making me even fonder about these three.
like honestly, i cant see the threesome or onoe/k ship BUT I V MHCJ LIKE THE IDEA OF IT SO I WANT TO MAKE IT POSSIBLE (in my mind)
anyways….. i think satoshi/onoe okay wow i was going to write satoshi/onoe/kabu but NOW IM THINKING ABOUT SATOSHI/ONOE that seems like a crazy dynamic cuz i don’t even think they’d register in each others mind usually. like would satoshi even find onoe appealing companion in any way….? idk. anyways. satoshi/onoe/kabu. i think this trio is more possible than k/onoe/kabu because kabu actually has some kind of relationship with satoshi even tho it’s hfjfjfjfjf. anyways! i think that satoshi should have a sudden panic n go on my god i love kabu. and then not still realising that kabu and onoe r a thing, consult him after it gets too much n onoe then gets JEALOUS!!!!!!! doesn’t tell kabu at first, but then kabu sees how he’s acting Weird and tells him to cough it up Now. and then kabu is like. What. satoshi is what. it kinda breaks his mind cuz what. i was gonna have more thoughts on this but I am tired now. will leave it here.
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writer-sandbox · 11 months
tbh 😭😭😭 until my reread of ameiro, I completely forgot that onoe actually had a ex gf but now god it makes SO CURIOUS… I want the insides !!!!! what was sakura & onoe’s relationship like….. like how did it even start……… who CONFESSED…. the way they ended fhjfkfkf n how onoe did look upset but he didn’t also look???? devasted?????? like honestly I think he was more upset about the fact that it was Kaburagi rather than sakura ending up falling for someone else. i don’t want to make light of the relationship while I know second to none to how it actually was like (IM SOOO CURIOUS) but. like idk…….mmmmh……. like it didn’t look they both were devasted about the whole thing fjjfjfjf also I think it’s SO funny how they broke up. sakura running to onoe and apologising saying she fell in love with kaburagi is SO funny. it must have dealt such a damage to onoe i cant T.T then onoe ending up falling for kaburagi himself, but unlike sakura, he manages to end up with him. KABURAGI MAKING TWO PEOPLE WHO USED TO COUPLES FALL FOR HIM IS SOOO <3 OF HIM also like the fact jfjfjfjf the next times he ends up bumping into sakura — he isn’t even jealous because of her……but……kaburagi….. HFJFJF it’s so funny how they end up. but anyways, I want the insides so badly. give me the onoe lore. JFJDJDJD. but I am aware I probs won’t ever get it 😔😔😔 then at least I want the crumbs. will sakura at least make another cameo[pleading eyes]…….?
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writer-sandbox · 11 months
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this Manga is so cute ^-^
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