writergirl659 · 5 years
Today, 13 years ago, Tim McGraw was released, and our lives were forever changed
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@taylorswift @taylornation
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writergirl659 · 5 years
Anyone excited for the 13th anniversary of Tim McGraw on June 19th?
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writergirl659 · 5 years
GUYS GUYS Taylor Swift has 7 suitcases and 13 clouds. 7/13 release date???
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writergirl659 · 5 years
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Mine (2010) | ME! (2019)
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writergirl659 · 6 years
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“There’s a song I wrote years ago that to me is always gonna be you.” - Taylor before Long Live, July 7, 2018
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writergirl659 · 6 years
Also still my favorite moment from the whole show: when the guy from the contest goes “rule number one: if nobody saw it, it didn’t happen” and the lighting goes completely dark with just a spotlight on each band member, you hear a gun being cocked, and they all twitch a little bit.
Oh man. Leaves me breathless every time. SUCH a powerful portrayal of PTSD and the war right there.
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writergirl659 · 6 years
overheard in the movie theater after bandstand:
“…because the american theater wing are ASSHOLES. that’s why. but anyway, i think that’s the best thing i’ve ever seen.”
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writergirl659 · 6 years
The incredible Tony performance of Once on this Island, winner of Best Revival of a Musical
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writergirl659 · 6 years
the ben fankhauser version of “run away with me” is the best version not just in singing but also in portrayal bc jeremy jordan gives this sly cocky boy w a heart of gold type deal which is fine if that lifts ur skirt but ben fank gives this earnest boy next door vibe who’s rlly whipped and believes everything he���s saying and it adds more depth to the song, thanks for coming to my ted talk
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writergirl659 · 6 years
Grief, Not Guilt
I wish you a tongue scalded by tea. A hangover. Burnt toast. Stubbed toes. A lost job. I wish you weeping in the shower. Salt in the sugar bowl. A wishlist of sorrows. Grief, not guilt. Hole in your favorite coat. Stain on the good suit. Arthritis for your joints. A broken guitar string at every show. I wish each breath a little harder. Each workday an hour longer. I wish your heart a thousand breaks. All your sports teams, bottom rank. I wish your friends go quiet. The leaves brown above your head. A thunderstorm every morning. Nothing but pearls when you shop for her diamond. I wish you bad knees, a sore back. Empty sheets. A ghost to haunt your house. A tub brimming with mud. Closet stuffed with too-small shoes. Flat beer. Sour milk. Weak coffee. I wish you flat tires, soggy pasta, a tax audit to fail. Bent forks, dull knives. A hangnail for every finger. I wish you a room wallpapered with my photographs. A chamber filled with empty bassinets.
JeanAnn Verlee, “Grief, Not Guilt” Check her out on Word Riot - http://www.wordriot.org/archives/4780
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writergirl659 · 6 years
how to write a personal statement for graduate school
I originally posted this on Facebook but I thought putting it here would make it easier to find. I also highly recommend reading the tweets from the Q&A Clint Smith and I hosted in fall 2015 about how to apply for grad school.  Alright, y'all. Every year people send me their personal statements to apply for doctoral programs and every year I give the same advice. Trying to make this advice more public so that more people can find it helpful. (And to save myself time, lol.) Feel free to share.
The personal statement is a slightly misleading title for this document. It is not primarily about you holistically in the way your college personal statement was. It serves ONE MAJOR PURPOSE: to demonstrate to a department that you understand how to formulate and pursue a research question, and that there is a good fit between your question and the department.
Your personal statement (for the humanities and social sciences) should follow roughly this outline. (Colleagues– if you think this is bad advice or have anything to add please feel free to comment.)
- Open with a story, anecdote, or scene that draws the reader in and helps us understand who you are and how your present research interest emerged. (In my personal statement, I talked about a scene in my classroom that helped me realize something about black adolescent girls and literature. In Clint Smith’s for example, he talked about being displaced by Katrina and experiencing a huge difference in educational quality.) Close this paragraph by explicitly stating an OBSERVATION, INSIGHT, or QUESTION that you took from this experience, that has guided you since then. So this is not just a random story. It should be a parable or fable explaining something crucial about you and your work.
- Now that we know who you are and what guides you, take us into your past work that has prepared you for grad school. Talk about professional experiences, classes, service opportunities, and so on. These should reflect your observation/insight/question. Close this paragraph with a key PUZZLE or CONUNDRUM or LINGERING QUESTION that emerged from this work. Something along the lines of “through this work I learned ___…. but I began to notice _____… which led me to wonder ____.” Something that keeps you up at night. Something that seems like it’s missing from the field currently.
- Demonstrate that you have made an informed effort to address this puzzle by doing some reading and research. What have other scholars said or done in attempts to get at this puzzle? What research articles and books have been written in this general area? (Google Scholar is your friend here.) Show that you are knowledgable about this topic. Close by making clear WHAT IS STILL MISSING FROM CURRENT RESEARCH. This, of course, is where you are going to direct your talents once you get into the program of your choice.
- Now you explain how this current program will help you answer these extant questions. Think of the program like an item in a video game or a secret weapon– it helps you level up from what you are currently able to do based on your already-impressive professional expertise. What resources does the department have that appeal to you? What faculty do you want to work with and how is their work related to yours? (Name two or three.) How is the program a good fit? (Not the university, not the field, not “graduate school,” but this department or program specifically. So yes, you need to modify this section for every school you apply to.) Reciprocally, what do you think you can add to the department and your peers? What are you bringing with you in terms of knowledge and expertise that makes you feel like this time is going to be really fruitful? THIS SECTION NEEDS TO MAKE SENSE. There needs to be a clear fit between the questions you have and the resources the department has. If not, take this school off your list.
- Now that we understand who you are, what your questions are, how you have approached them so far, and how you are going to approach them wielding the powers of the department, close by saying what you want to do with the degree. Briefly discuss your goals for after the program, then end with something profound (ideally, something that ties back to your opening anecdote or story).
*** Important addendum: if your interests change once you get to grad school and you do not do this exact thing, that is okay. In fact, it will almost certainly happen. (After all, hopefully you are meeting people and learning interesting things in classes that evolve your ideas. Otherwise what are you doing, lol) No one is going to come after you and say “you said here you would do xyz…” The purpose of this exercise is to provide an existence proof that you know how to develop a question, even if you end up pursuing a different question.
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writergirl659 · 6 years
Betsy Wolfe’s final performance of Everything Changes in Waitress. Of course the whole show was incredibly emotional being her last but I think this song in particular hit her hard for obvious reasons. I thought she was going to break any second but she got through it, can’t say the same for the audience.
Thanks for taking us to the moon Betsy
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writergirl659 · 6 years
2nd May 1998
20 years ago today, George lost his twin.
20 years ago today, Teddy Lupin was orphaned.
20 years ago today, Harry was ready to die.
20 years ago today, Narcissa made the right choice.
20 years ago today, Draco lost a friend.
20 years ago today, Ron and Hermione stopped pretending.
20 years ago today, Dennis Creevey lost his brother.
20 years ago today, Neville was the bravest of them all.
20 years ago today, Ginny stopped waiting.
20 years ago today, Molly killed for her daughter.
20 years ago today, Snape died a hero.
20 years ago today, Harry saved Draco.
20 years ago today, Many innocent lives were taken.
20 years ago today, Many died heroes.
20 years ago today, Lord Voldemort lost his greatest battle.
20 years ago today, The Battle of Hogwarts ended.
Raise your wands for the fallen who sacrificed their lives for the wizarding world.
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writergirl659 · 6 years
Kara Lindsay as Cynthia Weil in Beautiful: The Carole King Musical, 9/30/17
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writergirl659 · 6 years
Fact: Deaf babies, when exposed to ASL, start to babble with their hands and learn to produce handshapes just as hearing babies do. They proceed through a similar linguistic acquisition process.
Fact: When children have early language input of any type, they later develop better reading skills (in English) then children prohibited from learning language. Children who learn ASL early learn to read better.
Fact: Extended language deprovation causes children to be at risk in other areas of physical and emotional development
Fact: Language development lies at the core of human-emotional and mental development.
Fact: The brain processes signed languages just as spoken language. Signed languages are in no way inferior to spoken languages.
Fact: Just as everyone has the right to speak, everyone has the right to sign.
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writergirl659 · 6 years
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Top 10 Basic ASL you need to know!
FOLLOW ME: instagram.com/nyledimarco
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writergirl659 · 6 years
Those You’ve Known - Deaf West’s Spring Awakening
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