writingcrustacean · 5 days
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ted lasso — silly huddle cheers
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writingcrustacean · 7 days
there are currently TWELVE active tornado warnings and 24 severe thunderstorm warnings across central and Southern US. today is a great day to practice weather awareness and just make sure none of these dangerous tornadic storms are headed your way /5/26/24 9 PM EST
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Areas in the orange and red are in for it tonight with the storms moving west to east.
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writingcrustacean · 13 days
Of Threads and Mannequins
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Pairing: Usopp x Fem Reader
Warnings: Mannequins. Usopp being a love sick fool.
Note: I, personally, am not a Usopp girlie. However, I think he's absolutely adorable! And the thought of him love drunk? Ugh, yes, too cute. Also, this turned out to be MUCH longer than I anticipated? Was also supposed to be Sanji originally, but it just fit Usopp more - in my opinion. So yes, at the very least, there will be a part two. Maybe more. Dunno.
It was your tinkling laughter that drew him towards you, watching you in awe. The way you twirled in the sand, your soft yellow sundress flaring out around you. He could just barely make out the way the spaghetti straps were tied off at your shoulders or the small, delicate pink flowers you had tucked away behind your ear. You were barefooted, with a matching pastel yellow on your toes and a wide smile gracing your lips. Your eyes were closed as you threw your head back, basking in the warmth of the sun.
He was pretty sure he hadn't died yet, but that didn't explain why an angel like you was living amongst men like him. Either way, Usopp was enchanted. Spellbound. Entranced. Your joy and beauty were unrivaled by any women he had seen before, probably after, too. 
Usopp hadn't realized he had taken a step closer, or two, or however many. Not until his foot connected with a long-forgotten tree branch, pulling you both out of your own fantasies. His head shot down to the branch, and his mouth opened in surprise. You, however, only cocked your head as you turned to look at him. When he looked back up, he met your gaze and found himself sinking into it's depth. The way your eyes sparkled and shined reminded him of gems, precious treasures worth millions—maybe more. 
“Shishishishishi!” The sniper heard behind him, freezing at the laughter of his captain. “Hey Usopp, where'd ya go?”
The long-nosed pirate turned his head, glancing over his shoulder in the direction he could hear his captain barreling towards him. He called back with an ‘over here’ before turning his attention back to you, only to be met with disappointment. He could see where you had been standing, your footprints etched into the sand. But it was like you had disappeared into thin air, as those were all that had remained of you.
— — — — — — — —
The town on this island was full of life. Small children squealing with laughter and excitement, men and women chatting along the streets. Bright colors painted on the buildings, flags fluttering in the wind. It was like this part of the world was untouched by the cruelty of the outside, a haven of sorts. The only one in his group not seeming to enjoy the lightheartedness is Zoro. But then again, when was he not grumbling about something if he didn't have a tankard in one hand?
“So, tell us again about the girl you saw?” Robin's calming voice questioned the sniper, her eyes barely glancing over at him.
He wanted to wave it off, having already rambled about you for the umpteenth time while Zoro and Sanji rolled their eyes at him. They were probably thinking something about how he made it up, even though he swore up and down that it was the truth. You were an angel, soft and gentle and warm and free. 
Zoro scoffed, “Something about a yellow sundress and spinning.”
Usopp glared at him; however, Robin's ‘hmm’ caught his attention. “What?” He asked, turning his full attention to the dark-haired woman. She didn't respond; she just stood there, staring in a direction off to his left. “Robin, what is it? What are you looking at?” He pestered her.
“Huh,” Zoro murmured, once more gaining Usopp's attention. He, too, was looking in that direction. 
Finally, Usopp gave in and glanced at what caught their attention. And there you stood, in the window of a quaint little shop, while a gaggle of children surrounded you. Your smile lit up your face, and your mouth opened in what must have been laughter. What faces of the children he could see all stared up at you, eyes twinkling and with matching smiles. Of course, you would be good with kids; it only made sense.
Robin and Zoro both shared knowing looks before walking past Usopp, towards the shop with ribbons and tape measures and fabrics lining one of the shelves next to your group. That pulled Usopp back into reality, shocked and confused by whatever they had planned. “Wait, no! You guys! What are you doing?”
Panic was written along his figure, shaking hands and quivering lips. His crewmates said nothing, did nothing. They just continued walking towards the shop.
The tinkling of a bell alerted you to the new guests, and you turned to them, dipping into a small bow to greet them. “Welcome to Ribbons and Rosettes! If you find anything you fancy, please let me know.” Your voice was sweet and warm, seemingly caressing Usopp's skin and swallowing him whole. And your voice was like music, better than that of Brook's creation even.
It was when your eyes caught ahold of him that you hesitated, your smile faltering for just a second. But you were quick to move past it, turning your attention back to the awaiting children that only began to chant your name—or so the three of them guessed, at least. It was confirmed when a smaller girl with blonde pigtails and pink ribbons gently tugged at your dress, calling your name to gain your attention. Usopp was frozen, watching as you knelt down to the girl so she could whisper something in your ear. The smile on your face was small, soft, and gentle. And the look in your eyes was soothing and relaxed. 
Eventually, a mother came by with a bag in hand, ready to drag her two kids back home. They trailed behind her, waving frantically over their shoulders towards you. Soon, the other parents collected their kids, each waving just as enthusiastically towards you as they left. The only one left was the one with pigtails, whom you had scooped into your arms and toted over towards the sales counter. Your coworker, maybe your boss, took the girl from you and pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek.
Robin and Zoro strolled around the tiny little shop, hiding snickers behind their hands at the dumbstruck look on their friend's face. And you, they were certain you noticed the way his eyes followed after your every movement, drinking you in from head to toe. Admiring your soft curves, your glittering eyes, your carefree smiles.
“Excuse me, miss…?” Robin's voice called from over one of the mannequins at the back of the shop, eyes locked on you as she waited for an answer. It took you a moment to realize she was calling for you and not Rosette herself, the owner of the shop. After you told her your name—though you were certain she must have overheard at least one of the kids earlier—she turned her attention back to the mannequin before her. “This shop, what all services does it offer?”
“Ah, Rosette, she's a dressmaker; she specializes in dresses but can make just about anything. I'm actually wearing one of her creations!” For emphasis, you did a small twirl, the skirt of the dress dancing around your figure for the second time before Usopp's eyes. “But she also offers various supplies for anyone looking to make their own clothes. I mostly just help out with keeping the store in running condition.”
Rosette rolled her eyes at your side, the little girl giggling in her arms. “Don't let her fool you. That piece in front of you is one of hers. Taught her everything she knows, ever since she was as big as this one.”
Robin scanned over the dress in front of her, a floor-length skirt that was ruby in color. A slit to about mid-thigh on the right side, loose and flowy in nature. The material was soft as she ran her hand along it, letting it slowly slip between her fingers. Not a stitch out of place, the lines even. Upon further inspection, she noticed the pattern on the underside of the skirt. Intricate swirls and waves in a shade of red just barely darker than that of the rest.
Suddenly, the mannequin twitched, and Robin gasped, pulling away from her admiration. Usopp and Zoro both turned to look at the sound of her panicked noise. Though for Usopp, it was quite a struggle. The mannequin took a handful of steps, making small twirls here and there. The skirt moved gracefully with its dancing, showing off just how well made it truly was. And then it was back in its spot. There was no noise to be heard, not until a smack rang throughout the storefront, Rosette's hand making contact with your upper arm in light annoyance. Then came peals of laughter, coming from the angel herself—or so Usopp told himself.
The three pirates turned to look at you, all sharing similar looks of shock and wonderment. “Sorry, sorry! I just figured, ya know, if you're going to look at it, you might as well see what it looks like in action.” Your grin was broad, shrugging your shoulders lazily. You had to have been purposefully ignoring the glare Rosette was sending your way; you had to not care about the way she pursed her lips in distaste.
“I think our captain might like you,” Robin hummed, a hint of playful amusement playing at her smile.
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writingcrustacean · 14 days
Kinda Cute
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Pairings: Ace x Reader, Zoro x Reader
Content: Fluff. Gender neutral reader in mind.
Note: Am I making my first post- as in, first ever Tumblr post- a total shit shot? Yes, yes I am. Did I edit or review these at all? No, no I did not. But that's fiiiiiine. I haven't written much of anything in years, okay? It's just, these two boys just have me in a chokehold, and I love them. I promise I'm actually good at this shit, it's just 2:30 am and, again, haven't written in ages. So if it's bad and you read this, that's on you. Not me. Deal? Deal.
“Kinda cute.”
Those words were on repeat in his head, bouncing from wall to wall, echoing and silencing any other thought that could have existed. He had just woken up from one of many naps when you said those words to him the first time. His eye met yours, confirming that it was indeed meant for him. A slight upwards tilt to your lips and a sparkle in your eyes.
A rapid, onset blush kissed his tanned skin as he found himself unable to look away. You were quick to take it in, your smirk growing. You were teasing him, had to be.
It had been days since you first spoke those words to him, and you found every chance to repeat them- any chance to see his blush, truly. Your infatuation growing day by day, blush by blush. It was unfair, really. You were so smooth with your flirtations, so comfortable with turning Zoro into a stuttering mess. Normally so composed and in control, two words were enough to break him. He almost had enough of it, enough of the torture. But he couldn't deny it- he loved your attention. Secretly craved it, secretly wanted more. So much more. And he was about ready to go for it. If you could so easily make your interest known, so could he. Easy.
“I- d’you?” His face was hot, so hot. His mind was going blank, looking into your gaze.
You took a step closer, brows knitted together. The back of your hand gently met his forehead, an attempt at checking his temperature. “Ya okay, Zoro? Your fac-”
You were unceremoniously cut off as the swordsman slammed his lips against yours, his eye scrunched close. You could have giggled, would have, if he hadn't pulled you so close. And the electricity that shot through your body had both mind and body going numb. Your stiff shoulders and rigid posture caught his attention, a flicker of uncertainty and panic surging through his core. Fuck, he fucked up. Misread your teasing as flirting, thought you were dropping signals you weren't. He felt so stupid.
Slowly, you raised your hands. One on the side of his face, the other on his shoulder. His roughness met with a softness he hadn't expected, both blushes intensifying. 
The squeal slipped past your lips, loud laughter shortly following. Soft, warm fingers left feather touches along your sides. Up and down, up and down. His touch taunted you, tickled you.
Minutes ago you were sleeping so peacefully, relaxed and warm in the arms of your lover. And at first, you barely noticed his touches, softly caressing any inch of skin he had access to. But then his hands ran along your sides, snapping into reality at that ever familiar sensation. The chuckle from behind you confirmed it was on purpose. You would have turned to look at him until he did it again. And again. You quickly decided rolling away was the better option, meeting the floor with a rather solid “thunk” as you let out a loud huff. “Ace!” You whined up at him, pout ever evident in the tone of your voice- a failed attempt at hiding your amusement.
His freckles, black eyes and hair were soon hovering over the edge of the bed. His wild grin lit up his face as he drank in your appearance. Lips in a pout, eyes wide and glistening. “Heh, kinda cute.”
You exaggerated your eye roll, yet your lips began to curl into a grin at the compliment. As much as you hated admitting it, you wouldn't mind being woken up like that any day of the week. So long as it was him, with his warm smile and loving gaze. Unfortunately for you, he knew that. Knew just what effect he had on you and how hard it was for you to be mad at him.
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