writingisfancylying · 6 years
So I am moving to @wordsbyagremlin
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writingisfancylying · 6 years
So I am moving to @wordsbyagremlin
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writingisfancylying · 6 years
A new writblr intro cause I moved blogs. I’m Spencer, I’m 19, and I used to be @writingisfancylying
I usually write fantasy and romance but sometimes like to explore other genres and themes. My main WIPs are A Pirate’s Love is the Sea and Tea and Honey
A Pirate’s Love is the Sea is a fantasy romance and is about a pirate captain that is cursed to lose everyone he cares for. When he meets a young man made by Poseidon himself, he falls in love instantly and does everything he can to break the curse. Page
Tea and Honey is an urban fantasy that followed four friends as they face life altering discoveries. Carter must come to terms with the fact that his relationship is toxic and could end horribly for him, Felix makes many self discoveries with each more shocking than the last, and Marianne and Jason discover a relation that brings up old memories and feelings in the worst way. First in the Imperfection Chronicles. Page
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writingisfancylying · 6 years
A new writblr intro cause I moved blogs. I’m Spencer, I’m 19, and I used to be @writingisfancylying
I usually write fantasy and romance but sometimes like to explore other genres and themes. My main WIPs are A Pirate’s Love is the Sea and Tea and Honey
A Pirate’s Love is the Sea is a fantasy romance and is about a pirate captain that is cursed to lose everyone he cares for. When he meets a young man made by Poseidon himself, he falls in love instantly and does everything he can to break the curse. Page
Tea and Honey is an urban fantasy that followed four friends as they face life altering discoveries. Carter must come to terms with the fact that his relationship is toxic and could end horribly for him, Felix makes many self discoveries with each more shocking than the last, and Marianne and Jason discover a relation that brings up old memories and feelings in the worst way. First in the Imperfection Chronicles. Page
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writingisfancylying · 6 years
So I am moving to @wordsbyagremlin
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writingisfancylying · 6 years
I will shower and think on it and get back to you
…Actually I might just move blogs. Just so I can have a clean start when I come back…
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writingisfancylying · 6 years
What happened?
Nothing anyone would have to worry about. I dunno, I just get overwhelmed easily. And I'm worried if I don't make a change, I'll just end up leaving the writblr community entirely and I really don't want that to happen
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writingisfancylying · 6 years
...Actually I might just move blogs. Just so I can have a clean start when I come back...
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writingisfancylying · 6 years
come back soon spence! you're already missed!
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writingisfancylying · 6 years
I’m not here but I actually wrote so let me just share this lovely interaction:
“Trouble sleeping again?” Andy asked, his large hand resting on Carter’s back. He nodded slowly, rubbing his face. “Carter, I thought you were doing better.”
“I am, there’s no need to worry.” He looked up and faked a smile. “It’s fine. Really, Andy.”
Andy frowned, lifting an eyebrow. Trying to get anything by him was ultimately useless. He knew how to get information out of you. He was one of the few people Carter couldn’t fool. The thought was almost unnerving.
“Really,” Carter tried again. He glanced aside and Andy sighed. He moved to place a bag next to Carter on the desk.
“I haven’t eaten lunch yet and I know that you haven’t either.”
“I don’t want to lea--”
“I know. That’s why we’re eating here.” He stepped over and pulled a chair closer. “Move away the important things.”
Carter moved things on his desk and sat down again. He watched as Andy set down a takeout container in front of him and blinked as he recognized the smell. He opened it to confirm his suspicions.
“Spaghetti bolognese?” he asked, looked at Andy. He swallowed. “Is this from Romana’s?”
“I know it’s your favorite. I figured it was a good way to make sure that you actually ate.”
Carter watched him as he got his own food out, which seemed to just be from a fast food restaurant from down the street. He blinked feeling a few tears gather.
“Romana’s is all the way across town, you didn’t have to do that,” he said, picking up the fork. Andy just shrugged as they both started to eat. He swallowed before speaking.
“You needed the pick me up. I know you well enough to know when you’re having a bad day.”
Carter knew, in theory, how much Andy cared for him. He blinked a few times, feeling a tear slide down his cheek. He wasn’t sure if the emotions were caused by lingering fatigue or if it was that special a thing and he wiped it away discreetly. He moved to hug Andy tightly.
“Thank you so much, Andy,” he whispered. He took a breath. “I… You were right, I did need this.”
Andy chuckled and pat his back. “I know. Now go on and eat before it gets cold.”
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writingisfancylying · 6 years
Hey guys. I’m gonna disappear for a while, I guess. Just a little hiatus, I likely won’t be on Tumblr at all. You can message me on di///scord if you want to talk or something.
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writingisfancylying · 6 years
Hey guys. I’m gonna disappear for a while, I guess. Just a little hiatus, I likely won’t be on Tumblr at all. You can message me on di///scord if you want to talk or something.
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writingisfancylying · 6 years
Hey guys. I'm gonna disappear for a while, I guess. Just a little hiatus, I likely won't be on Tumblr at all. You can message me on di///scord if you want to talk or something.
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writingisfancylying · 6 years
Very short drabble
“Really, Carter, I could set you up with one of my sister’s friends. They’re all very sweet, I think you’d get along with any of them. I mean, I don’t understand why you don’t have a girlfriend. You’re great!”
Carter’s tired irritated gaze shifted to his coworker. He’d barely gotten any sleep the night before, which was probably why he said, “I’m gay, Phil.”
There was a long pause where Carter realized what he said. His eyes widened and he tried to think of an excuse but he had nothing. He braced himself for the consequences.
“Well… would you want to get coffee then?” Phil asked.
“Oh uh… s-sure.”
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writingisfancylying · 6 years
Me: I need to come up with Carter’s future love interest.
My brain: What about Phil that you made up for one stupid drabble?
Me: ...But his name’s Phil
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writingisfancylying · 6 years
Another Story Relating to Animals Somehow: my cousin went through a phase where she wouldn't talk. she'd only meow. she also wouldn't eat like a normal person ever. she had a special bowl that had to be on the floor and full of food before she'd eat it. she'd also purr and rub against people. plot twist: she doesn't even like cats
I’m like 60% sure that I went through the same phase when I was a child. Not to that extreme tho, my parents wouldn’t let me
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writingisfancylying · 6 years
I don't think anyone knows their reason for what they did at 5. Usually for the Aesthetic™
I used to eat off the floor with my dogs
What a life you led. Can I ask for why?
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