writingpseudonym · 40 minutes
“we live in an uncaring universe” yeah dude and I live in an uncaring house. and I shit in an uncaring toilet. but do you touch an uncaring lover? do you comfort an uncaring child? do you guide to sleep each night a cold and uncaring self?
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writingpseudonym · 22 hours
The noble Bus is a mode of transportation befitting the descendants of hunter-gatherers. Bus is a sort of urban beast that must be tracked, pursued, and taken, by force if necessary. It brooks no cowardice; by its own fortitude it engenders nobility in its hunters. Driving is faster, granted— but cold, solipsistic, enervating of body and spirit. The car is an apparatus of regression; the driver cocooned in womb-like solitude meets no hardship, no test of his mettle, and reacts to all discomfiture with the dyspeptic grumbling of an opium-eater prodded from his stupor. To travel and arrive by Bus requires resourcefulness, grit, alacrity, patience, and guile. The Bus-rider laughs at adversity and looks upon his fellow-passengers as brothers. What though the road construction waylay him? What though the rain wet his shoes? Shoes— pah! What cares he for such baubles? Not for him the base ignominy of "road-rage" hang on my stop's coming up I gotta finish this post
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writingpseudonym · 1 day
I just don’t get it. How can our society act so goddamned normal about seahorses. How can anybody so casually accept that that’s a fish???
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This is one of nature’s most anatomically perverse of all beasts. A FISH, like a carp or a bass or a beta is a fish, but it bent its body straight up only to bend its head permanently back down. It stretched its skull into a pipe. It tapered its tail like a lizard, specifically like a chameleon. It can also move its eyes independently by the way, you know, like a chameleon. Fun fact, it can change color to express its mood, like you know whatever does that. It doesn’t properly swim anymore. It buzzes its few remaining fins like an insect’s wings to float itself around at a snail’s pace. It lives its whole life clinging to coral branches or seaweed, which means it decided to become a “tree dweller” in an environment where gravity didn’t even matter anyway. The males get pregnant. They make noises at each other by rubbing some of their neck bones together. Every day, EVERY DAY a mated pair does a little dance and a little neck bone song so they remember which two seahorses they were. They’re a beautiful precious obscenity. Nothing so adorable ever made such a strong case against a logical creator.
They have as little skin and meat as they could get away with. Their skeleton is almost all they are.
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writingpseudonym · 1 day
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Senpai says you’re welcome
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writingpseudonym · 3 days
Three of the four elements are represented in types of hockey; Air hockey (air), field hockey (earth), ice hockey (water). Fire hockey needs to be a thing.
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writingpseudonym · 3 days
why cant i read a book and watch a movie and play a game and clean all at the same time
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writingpseudonym · 4 days
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writingpseudonym · 4 days
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we stan one muppet. and its janice
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writingpseudonym · 5 days
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My fellow leftists, do NOT give in to defeatism.
Things are already turning around.
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writingpseudonym · 5 days
Not telling your kid they have a learning disability, chronic illness, mental illness etc. so they can “feel normal” actually does the opposite. They will not feel normal if they do not have the context to understand that their normal will be different from that of their peers.
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writingpseudonym · 5 days
Gonna be so real if a 12 year old traced my art and put it on their school binder I would be so fucking honored
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writingpseudonym · 5 days
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writingpseudonym · 6 days
Do you think they realize how much cooler that makes it sound?
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Like. I'm not even an apotheosis type of guy. But you do know that makes it sound so much cooler right?
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writingpseudonym · 7 days
I don’t think you’re ready to have an adult conversation about politics until you’re able to admit that there are things you love and enjoy that would not and should not exist in a just world. $8 billion dollar budget movies every other month don’t exist in a just world. New 900 GB AAA video games every year don’t exist in a just world. Next day delivery doesn’t exist in a just world. 80 different soda brands don’t exist in a just world. 
All of those things come from exploitation on some level, and if you wouldn’t trade those for a world where everyone can eat and have a home no matter who they are or what they do, I don’t know what to tell you. 
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writingpseudonym · 8 days
i really hate those tiktoks that are like "posing in front paintings i could make" where they stand in front of a bunch of abstract art and stuff and like. youre right, you could make this. but why does that anger you, why does that make the art any less meaningful to you? why doesnt it give you hope instead? yes, you could make this, maybe you could be the one whose art is hanging in this world famous gallery. isnt that a nice thought?
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writingpseudonym · 8 days
No one tells you when you get a Big Serious Job™ how many fucking abbreviations you’ll be forced to learn.
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writingpseudonym · 9 days
"immortality sucks because all your friends die" all your friends die anyway. those we do not mourn are those who mourn us.
"immortality sucks because you forget who you are" we always forget who we are. do you remember who you were at four years of age? who you were at fourteen? "who i am" is a shadow cast on the wall.
"immortality sucks because" skill issue. skill issue. skill issue. give me your liver
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