writingstuff1789 · 4 years
Roman Sionis (Black Mask)
Legal Name: Roman Charles Sionis Known Aliases: Black Mask, Romy (nickname), Mister (title) Identity Status: Public Relatives: > Richard Sionis (father, deceased)                  > Loretta Sionis (mother, deceased) Affiliations: > The False Facers (Leader)                     > Janus Cosmetics (President)                     > Sionis Investments (Shareholder)                     > Sionis Steel Works (CEO)                     > Gotham Merchants Bank (CEO)
                           Biographical Information
Date of Birth: August 22nd Education: Masters Degree in Business, presumably Occupation: Businessman, Crime Lord Employer: None Marital Status: Single Residence: 
                                Physical Description
Age: 36 Race: Human (... ?) Gender: Male Orientation: Bisexual Hair Colour: Bald (Brown, formerly) Eye Colour: Hazel Height: 6′’1 Weight: 195lbs (88 kg) Photo Sample:
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                            Personality Description
Strengths: A master businessman, expert criminal and information extractor, decent at using firearms and close combat, surprisingly hard to kill. Weaknesses: Arrogant, relies too much on his goons, short tempered and stubborn. Goals: To completely run Gotham’s underworld and Gotham as a whole. Personality: Roman Sionis is a sadistic psychopath who tortures his enemies not only for information and control but also entertainment. Roman is a man that is very full of himself, priding himself on his resilience as he has survived many attempts on his life throughout his career, the wealth he has accumulated over the years, his obsession with masks and his skills at torture. Despite his narcissism however, Roman does show a great deal of respect to his False Facers as they were the ones who have been around him since the very beginning of his organization and values their loyalty to his cause. However this is a respect that few outside his criminal career can achieve, Roman will generally regard most people he meets on a day-to-day life as either liars or nobodies. He is also not only obsessed with masks but has a deep hatred for Bruce Wayne for many reasons, though it is mostly projection. He likes putting on an intimidating bravado but due to many influences on his life, his parents, his jobs etc, he is at heart a paranoid and petty coward who holds equally petty grudges. Roman Sionis is a man that wants everything and is very willing to do anything to meet these goals.
~[Childhood]- Roman was raised in a very wealthy family, a father that owned two very successful businesses that competed with Wayne Enterprises. Roman’s mother was obsessed with self image to the point where one time she accidentally dropped Roman as a child and was more worried over how this would effect the families’ reputation than the well being of their son. Roman was not sparred in his mother’s quest to present her family as the best and perfect ones, often forcing Roman to change his entire personality to fit that of whoever’s children he was interacting with. Roman’s father, Richard Sionis, was a man with a reputation of being a shady businessman and minor crime lord of the Greek Mafia, he took his business work seriously and expressed frustration at his inability to outperform Wayne Enterprise and took his frustration out on Roman whenever the excuse presented itself. These years of abuse towards Roman lead to a hatred for not only his parents but a projected hatred towards the young Bruce Wayne and his family along with many other psychological issues that would later reveal themselves.
~[His First Murder Attempt]- At the age of sixteen, Roman finally had enough and made plans to kill his parents. When his parents were fast asleep Roman had planned to burn the house down and frame it as an accident. Fortunately for Roman, he successfully managed to set fire to his house and kill his mother, unfortunately for Roman, his father had survived the ordeal and was furious. Roman decided to flee Gotham entirely and go to Hub City to lay low for a bit, knowing his father’s pride would prevent him from reporting this to the police and his father’s cowardice would prevent him from leaving Gotham.
~[Time in Hub]- Roman decided to flee Gotham entirely and go to Hub City to lay low for a bit, knowing his father’s pride would prevent him from reporting this to the police and his cowardice would prevent him from leaving Gotham. While in Hub, Roman began as a small time thief until a faithful encounter with a minor mob boss, who found his attempted robbery amusing and decided to invite the young Roman into his organization. Roman even started a secret relationship with the mob boss’ son. It was during these activities that Roman discovered his love for torture and a new sense of identity. He enjoyed the feeling of power it gave him and his brutal methods quickly earned him a small following of fellow like-minded criminals. Roman seemed very compliant in staying in the city with his small band of friends, even almost forgetting the reason as to why he even came to Hub in the first place. This all changed when word reached Roman that his father was making plans to remove him from his will this act reignited the rage and hatred Roman had for his father and he quickly made plans to return back to Gotham along with a small group of his Hub friends. Intent on bringing his father down.
~[War]- When Roman arrived in Gotham, he and his gang had made plans to completely tear apart his father’s organisation, bombarding The Gotham Merchants Bank and Sionis Investments with robbery after robbery. However most of his gangs visits mainly consisted of assault on staff and destruction of property as opposed to taking any of the money, they did that too though of course. During one of these, Roman had managed to break into his father’s office at Sionis Investments and took a great interest in the masks that hung around his room, particularly a black skull-like mask which he would then wear during this gang war. His constant bombardment against his father’s work eventually resulted in a number of his own men turning against him in favor for the winning side. Roman approached his father and, after a lengthy gloat, shot him multiple times and removed his mask, placing it on his father’s chest and declared that he was done with crime. he had his father’s death marked as an accident and had is will changed so that Gotham Bank and Investments and his mask collection were now his, despite this things were not going to get better for Roman.
~[The Decent]- Unfortunately, he was not prepared to take on such a heavy burden with multiple and big companies and this made quick work of his mental health growing more and more angry and paranoid at the thought of his father’s friends coming back to get revenge on him. It also took a toll on the companies he ran, Investments would have gone bankrupt where it not for a generous donation from Wayne Enterprises, a massive blow to his pride. All this culminated into a mental breakdown where Roman dug up his father’s grave and took the mask back from him, believing in the moment that it would protect him from his father’s ghost and bring back the old, better him and not wanting to ever lose the mask again, Roman had it painfully grafted to his scalp. This event of course left a scar on Roman’s psyche and also made him realize that he was a terrible legitimate businessman and so he got back into contact with his old gang members.
~[The Rise of the False Facers and Black Mask]- While the Batman and Harvey Dent ruined all of the Italian Mobs businesses Roman Sionis, now going under the alias of Black Mask, was there to pick up the scraps and offer jobs to those who were willing to join his side and to those who remained on the Italians side were made into subjects for Black Mask’s torture and convinced more and more people to side with Black Mask out of fear. Black Mask set up his old gang with masks while they were doing all this and earned the nickname “The False Facers” by the media.
~[Currently]- Black Mask is now a very successful businessman, opening up many legitimate and illegitimate businesses such as Janus Corporation, Daggett Industries and recently opened an Old Steel Miller and renamed it as Sionis Steel, along with many smaller businesses, restaurants and clubs which are obvious fronts for illegal activity. Black Mask now sits as one of the most powerful and influential crime lords Gotham has to offer.
                              Other Information
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writingstuff1789 · 4 years
Arkham Staff
Chairman of the Board of Directors: Quincy Sharp Board of Directors: Bruce Wayne, Hamilton Hill, Aaron Cash, Jeremiah Arkham, Gerry Lang, Charles Quimby Administrative Director: Jeremiah Arkham Assistant Director: Alyce Sinner Warden: Quincy Sharp Psychiatrists:
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writingstuff1789 · 5 years
Character Bio Structure
Legal Name: Known Aliases: Identity Status: Relatives: Affiliations:
                            Biographical Information
Date of Birth: Education: Occupation: Employer: Marital Status: Residence:
                                 Physical Description
Age: Race: Gender: Orientation Hair Colour: Eye Colour: Height: Weight: Photo Sample:
                             Personality Description
Strengths: Weaknesses: Goals: Personality: Backstory:
                                  Other Information
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writingstuff1789 · 5 years
Circus of Strange
Baby Doll stuff: The goal is to remember she's a woman despite her appearance. She only talks like a child when she needs something or when she's talking to her co stars. She's actually a bitter woman who probably has a pretty fowl mouth and hates being treated like a child outside of her acting. She'd be flattered to have fans and wants nothing more than one more acting opportunity.
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writingstuff1789 · 5 years
Title:  You Better Hope I Don't Find You Freaks.
It’s been a while, huh?
I’m sure that I’ve been missed dearly but now you’ll all be very happy to know that I’m back and more than ready to bring in the criminal scum of Gotham. Don’t get in my way. And if any scum happens to be reading this post: Give up now and I promise that I’ll turn you into Arkham and not under my prison. Believe me, Arkham will seem like a five star hotel compared to what I have in store for you freaks.
[[Heya folks, OG Bolton mun here and Imma just explain a few things while the blog itself is completely independent from any askverse stuff, anything that happens in the blog eg character interactions is canon for the blog only. This is the askverse version of Bolton with the “friendships” and development he’s had along the way. The reason the previous blog was deleted and a new mun took over the role ((whom you should all very much continuing following btw)) is just purely because of impulsive decisions mixed with anxiety and all that jazz. Anyways back to Bolton, basically this version of Bolton has been in hiding since the Mayoral Election event that was going on and hasn’t done much if not anything interesting but don’t worry, things are gonna get real spicy for the bastard man soon enough ^^]] [[ Also to repeat one more time this blog is not going to be related to the askverse in any way, it will be independent so to avoid confusion and while I may interact with other muns and muses of the askverse the interactions for my blog will be cannon to my blog only. It’s up to the other muses whether interactions with this Bolton will be cannon or not or whether they even want to interact with this version of Bolton. ]]
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writingstuff1789 · 5 years
Title: "Changing The World, One Step At A Time"
Description: The official blog of LexCorp and it's brilliant CEO, Alexander Luthor. If you have any questions about him or the company then we strongly recommend sending them here. Have a nice day!
Hello internet, Lex Luthor here
But you all likely knew that since you are following this blog, am I right? haha Anyways yes I have decided to open one of this account, both to keep you all informed about LexCorp and all the events it will be involved with in the coming years and to let you all send any questions you might have about this fine business or me. The questions will be answered by me personally when I have the time. Thank you for reading and have a nice day.
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writingstuff1789 · 5 years
New Recording
[ the footage shows Pyg in clear view this time, with a few lumbering figures behind him. Pyg is holding something in his hands but with the poor lighting it could be anything ] “Friends, fans and foes alike! Welcome one and all to Pygs clinic! Do excuse the mess, Pyg is quite the slob.”
[ a mix of laughter and a snort could be heard as Pyg clears his throat ]
“Pyg has decided to open an account, to answer all your burning question about Pyg and his work. No doubt you all must have quite a bit to ask Pyg about, hmm? So do feel free to ask away! And… Oh yes? What’s wrong Mother?”
[ Pyg stares down at the thing he is holding for a moment, remaining silent ]
“Aha but of course! Anywho, where was I? Oh yes! So do feel free to come and play and ask away! But do not delay!”
[ the light flickers on for a moment showing Pyg and a small army of his “Dollies” all standing and shuffling around behind him, each one is wearing a white baby doll like face with tufts of hair peaking through and a yellow jumpsuit. Pyg sets aside what looks like a ball with long black wirey hair on a nearby desk and approaches the camera. picking it up so it is on his level. ]
“We’ll be waiting, have a pleasant day!”
[ the footage ends here ]
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writingstuff1789 · 5 years
[ the sound clattering tools and a drill could be heard as well as the distorted sound of opera playing. the footage slowly begins to clear as it moves closer to the large and lumbering figure of a man wearing a pig mask, who then turned to face the camera with a snort ]
“Oh? What have you got there my lovely dolly? A cellular device? Oh how lovely! May I have it? Thank you!” [ the footage shakes slightly as Pyg takes the phone closer to him, a small moan of objection could be heard as soon as he did ]
“Oh hush now! Don’t be rude! Pyg will give you an extra treat later my sweet, for now go join the other dollies.”
[ the faint sound of shuffling feet could be heard along with Pyg’s own footsteps walking to his workshop and laying the phone down, a few snorts later and the footage begins to clear up, showing Pyg in a dusty, dirty building followed by a screech of delight ]
“Oh Pyg knew he was a skilled machanic! Much better than that young delinquent… hmm But what should Pyg do with this device? Record his procedure? Oh no, no, no, if they knew Pyg’s method then Pyg will surely be ruined! Those clever little piggies could learn a way to reverse Pyg’s perfection! Oh the horror! Pyg might just faint at the thought I-…
[ Pyg stared off into an area of the building for a moment, seeming to listen to nothing before giving a snort ]
“Right you are Mother! So smart and lovely as always!… Yes Pyg agrees! Lots of Pygs friends have been opening these accounts so why should Pyg not get the chance? Perhaps we should introduce ourselves to our future admirers, yes?”
[ footage ends here ]
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writingstuff1789 · 5 years
Name: Hunter Zolomon Alias: Zoom, The True Flash (( only he calls himself that though )) Gender: Male Age: 34 Orientation: Heterosexual Date of Birth: June 3rd MO: To gain the ability to reverse time and kill the Flash Personality: Very vain, impulsive and full of spite. It is very easy to get on Zoom's bad list but he generally keeps that list very short, usually containing all the Flashes. To those who are on his good side he can lean a little on the possessive side since he has so little people to care about nowadays. He is very prideful about his time during the FBI. Backstory: Hunter Zolomon did not have an easy upbringing, his parents were abusive and often neglected him but that all changed when his father forced Zolomon, as a punishment, to watch as he shot his mother dead in front of him. If it wasn't for his highschool sweetheart, Ashley, Zolomon would've definitely gone down a very, very dark road but she helped him maintain a relatively healthy lifestyle. Fuelled with a burning passion for justice, Hunter applied to join the CCPD when he became old enough, becoming a very well known and respected cop, and then went on to join the FBI where his reputation only grew more. Hunter then married Ashley and life started to look good for him until tragedy struck yet again and he got into a car accident which completely ruined the use of his left leg, forcing him to be suspended from the FBI. Zolomon then approached the Flash and asked him to go back and stop the crash from happening but Flash refused, forcing Zolomon to break into the Flash museum and use the cosmic treadmill but it only exposed him to the Speed Force, overloaded and exploded, completely destroying the museum and killing several people and branding Zolomon a criminal. He now is in complete denial about the explosion, blames Flash and has the ability to slow down time.
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writingstuff1789 · 5 years
Name: David Perrillis  Alias: Shark, Davy, Snobby D. Gender: Male Age: 17 Height: 5′‘9 Weight: 150lbs (68 lbs) Date of Birth: March 16th  Orientation: Heterosexual General Appearance: Nicely trimmed bleach blonde hair (Originally brown), tanned skin, brown eyes. Usually wears buttoned up light blue shirt with black jeans and a red and black checkered sweater tied around his shoulders for casual attire. When performing crimes he wears a Shark mask with a dark blue Italian cut suit, a blue and white stripped tie with a white shirt underneath and black shoes. Personality: As snobbish as a snob his age could be, he is arrogant and very confident in himself despite the fact that his family isn’t as rich as he boasts and doesn’t really have much skills beyond being a surprisingly smooth talker. He acts as the “provider” of the group, using his wealth to get the things and objects the group needs though he’s refer to himself as the “looks” of the group. Strengths: Ties to organized crime, very good at talking, reasonably wealthy. Weaknesses: His suit is tight on him and makes him lack in movement when doing a job and like the others the mask makes it difficult to see, often reluctant to engage in physical work. Goals: To become the next big crime boss along with the Trio, take on the family business of running the docks of Gotham MO: Robbery, Transportation of Goods Backstory: The production of a shaky alliance between two warring Greek families, David was born into the lap of luxury that inflated his ego significantly, though since Roman Sionis became the head of the Greek families his family have suffered a significant reduction in their wealth and he had to be moved to the public school in Gotham. David had great difficulty fitting in with the other kids and was quick to be scooped up by Rose, who took an interest in him due to his families infamy. He provides the group with the funding they need to function as an organization and often “helps” give his not asked for input about the plans, often trying to change them in a way so that he can get more of a spotlight. Because of this and his penchant for being a dick, he and Rose often get into disputes with one another that get settled by Anton.
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writingstuff1789 · 5 years
Name: Anton Tomas Ivanovich Alias: Vulture, Ant, Aunty Tomas Gender: Male Age: 17 Height: 6′‘0 Weight: 139 lbs (63 kgs) Date of Birth: March 20th Orientation: Ace-Homosexual General Appearance: Tall and slim appearance with a pale face and dark brown hair. Often seen wearing glasses. He usually wears a grey hoodie with baggy jeans as casual attire. When doing criminal activities he’ll wear contacts along with a vulture mask, a light pink dress shirt with black stripes and black suspenders, grey trousers and black shoes with grey gloves. Personality: A shy and reserved young man, Anton behaves as the “Mother Goose” of the group and often finds himself worrying over the well being of his friends and very little things which earned him the nickname Aunty Tomas. Despite these faults however, he is very intelligent and often plays the role of the “brains” of the team, planning out their various schemes though his lack of confidence in himself and these plans often results in him taking up a lot time for the group. Strengths: Very tech savvy and good at coordination and organization Weaknesses: Lack of confidence in himself leads to hesitation in every action he takes, insomniac, germaphobe and not very good as a physical threat. Goals: To help the Trio become the next big criminals of Gotham and overcome his confidence issues. MO: Robbery, Mugging, Transportation of illegal goods. Backstory: Son of notorious Russian Mobster Ivanov “The Butcher” Borisovich, Anton moved over to Gotham when he was very young with his family as the Russian Mafia wanted Ivan to get a foothold in there. Anton isn’t one to talk much about his time in Russia as he either doesn’t remember much or what he does remember he doesn’t want to talk about. Anton actually prefers his life in Gotham, even if it is way more dangerous than Russia. He quickly made friends with Rose when he attended Gotham Academy and the two bonded over their common interest in the various criminals in Gotham. Now Anton spends his time at the Trio’s hideout, helping out in the planning of future criminal activities.
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writingstuff1789 · 5 years
Name: Róisín O’Sullivan Alias: Fox, Rosie, Rose Gender: Female Age: 17 Height: 5′‘8 Weight: 125 lbs (57 kgs) Date of Birth: March 15th Orientation: Bisexual (Slight Heterosexual leanings) General Appearance: Short slightly curly red hair with a few freckles dotting her face and green eyes. She usually wears a Jersey that supports the various Gotham sports teams, a hoodie and a tracksuit as casual attire. When committing crimes however, she’ll wear a fox mask with a red dress shirt, a black basic five button vest, dark brown jeans and a black tie. Personality: She is very stubborn and blunt to a lot of people if she either doesn’t know them or like them. Rose is very cunning and quick-witted too though, the trio largely relying on her to be the leader and to come up with the schemes. Absolutely despises being underestimated.  Strengths: Irish Mob connections, decent brawler. Weaknesses: Low visibility with the mask on, she is an adolescent so there’s only so much a physical threat as she can be, short temper that can be used to someone’s advantage, not a very experienced fighter. Goals: To become the next big mob boss of Gotham City or at least a well known criminal MO: Bank robbery, mugging, transporting goods Backstory: Róisín grew up in a fairly normal household, given the lifestyle of her hitman of a father. The only tragedy to ever really effect her development growing up was the lack of a motherly figure in the house as her mother walked out on the two shortly after she was born. Other than that though she had a relatively normal upbringing. Rose makes no effort to hide the fact that she’s a little obsessed with the criminals of Gotham, especially with the Rogues and spends a lot of her free time coming up with ways that she and her group could become the next big one.
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writingstuff1789 · 5 years
The Interview
If there was one thing Warren hated about Gotham it was the smell. That, and the lack of any colour and the fact that their beaches were filthy. Okay, so maybe more than one thing he despised about this place. Regardless, it soured his mood slightly whenever he had to step outside, this place was nothing like Star City but then again Warren shouldn’t have expected much from a city with a reputation like Gotham. Even this restaurant oozed of the same stench that this city had. Despite his thoughts Warren couldn’t help but smile, for nothing made him more happier than the all too familiar smell of desperation. So much potential for this city. Truly it was the only reason Warren even considered moving here.
He was dragged back to reality as he felt the air of the restaurant deaden, he looked over towards the doorway and sure enough, there he was. His ticket to making it big. The Black Mask.
[[ CUT HERE ]]
A smile grew on Warren’s face as he got up from his seat and walked over to him. “Mr Sionis!” He announced with a chuckle. “Fashionably late, I like it! I like it!” He shook an unimpressed Roman’s hand. “Yeah, yeah, how ya doing?” Roman said absently as he leaned over to whisper something into his bodyguard’s ear. “Doing swell sir! Just swell! Especially since I get to meet a man of your reputation! And how about you?” “Peachy” Roman bluntly said as he walked past Warren “Let’s get this over with.” Warren sped past the bodyguard as Roman sat down on his chair, pushing it in for him and earning a glare from the guard. “Certainly sir I imagine you’re quite a busy fellow!” Warren laughed as he sat down, pushing his seat in. “Uh-huh” Roman nodded, taking the menu and skimming through it. Warren’s smile soon became nervous at Roman’s unenthusiastic vibe. “Ah, might I add, Mr Sionis, that this was a great choice for a restaurant!” “It’s one of my places” Roman responded as he continued to read the menu. “Aha! Then you have great taste in business! Something that you and I have in common, I’m sure!” That seemed to catch Roman’s attention as he looked up at him from the menu. “Oh yeah?” “Yes sir! Did my pops not tell you that I set up multiple small successful businesses for him?” “He did. He also told me that you were interested in becoming the accountant for Sionis Mills.” Good ol’ Pops, Warren thought to himself as his smile soon returned to him. “Indeed I am, sir! I don’t mean to speak ill will of your current accountant but if I remember correctly, I heard word that you were having some money issues?” That made Roman set down the menu, a small glare on his face. “And who the fuck told you that?” Warren shrugged and chuckled nervously. “Oh you know, just gossip. I don’t believe it personally, of course!” He waved his hand slightly. “Roman Sionis, bad at business? What a stupid rumor to spread around!” “Yeah, yeah, well, look, it might be true and my current accountant might have proved himself to be unreliable in the past.” Roman sighed slightly. “One fucking misstep after another.” Warren took a deep breath before speaking. Desperation. “Oh imagine how frustrating it must be, sir!” He nodded before leaning slightly forward. “But I can be a very valuable asset to your company, I promise you that! With a White managing everything you’ll never have to worry about money!” “Sounds a little too good to be true, doesn’t it?” Warren waved a hand and scoffed. “Check with my father, check with anyone in Star and I swear that they’ll all say Warren White is very, very good at what he does!” “Right, right.” Roman nodded, a very faint smile appearing on his face. “I’ll consider you a replacement.” “That’s all I ask, sir.” Warren grinned. “But I think we’ve talked enough about this, let’s eat, shall we?”
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writingstuff1789 · 5 years
Kirk ran to Harvey, barely able to form a comprehensible sentence. All he seemed able to do was say the words “Pyg and Francine” over and over again. Harvey looked up from what he was reading, a look of confusion on his face. "Hey, hey, Kirk what's up? Did he send you another passive aggressive message about your wife again?” he smiled reassuringly “I'm sure it's fine, relax." “No, not message this time, a video, he has her!” He replies, obviously very panicked. “I don’t know how but he’s going to kill her, we have to do something!” In his panicked state he almost considered the idea of going to the GCPD but given the fact that they are now both wanted fugitives that is not an option, he was starting to regret his decision to part ways with Calendarman’s group. Dent looked shocked, taking a step back before shaking his head. "WHAT?” Harv shouted, his being one of both panic and confusion “How the fuck did he get to her?!" He abruptly get to his feet,  looking around and pacing around the room for a moment, the two having a brief exchange with one another as he moved around the room before looking back over at Kirk again. "Do you know where she could be?" Harv demanded. “I don’t know Harvey!!” Kirk shouted, starting to lose what little composure he had “H-he mentioned something about being ‘back at the clinic’, he c-could be there?” He begins to grow more panicked now, pacing the floor and running a hand nervously through his hair, muttering under his breath about Francine as his breathing starts to pick up. 
Harvey quickly rushes over to Kirk, grabbing him gently by the shoulders and looking him the eyes as he spoke calmly, "Come on buddy, breathe. I know you're panicked but it'll be harder to find her if you're like this. It won't be too hard to get there. How about we try go back to your house and start the search from there.” Harvey smiles, trying to be reassuring, before Harv adds “That's logical, right? You're a doctor. Think with logic". After a bit of silence from the doctor, Kirk’s breathing begins to slow down as he relaxes again slightly, looking him in the eyes as he tries to calm down. “Okay, yes, you’re right. Retracing his steps. Think logically. I can do all that, we can do all that” he breaks away to grab his shoes “But how are we going to get there unnoticed? The entire GCPD is looking for us!”. 
Dent paused for a moment before taking his black and white jacket and tie off, quickly throwing them in a pile on the ground. "Unnoticed, let me think... well, you can probably hide better than I can in plain sight..." Harvey'd slowly made his way towards the nearby window, much calmer than Kirk was, he looked back at Kirk with a grin "You’re bland enough that the cops won’t recognize you immediately" Harv added with a small chuckle, clearly his attempt to try to lighten the mood. Kirk would’ve been offended if his wife weren’t in the hands of a maniac in a pigs mask. “Alright, alright. Um, we could.. ” he trails off, looking for anything they could use for cover. He spots an old blanket in the corner of the room “H-how about this? You could wear this like a hood and then no one would notice!” He runs over to grab the blanket and quickly giving it to Harvey. "Yeah, that's a good option, thank you Kirk." Harvey smiled and quickly threw it over his head, tucking it into his shirt while also chuckling at how silly he must have looked. Luckily, it didn't look too out of place as it was quite simple. Harv looked slightly unimpressed and snorted before talking "...I hate this, but it works, if we act like we belong, nobody will notice us." 
Kirk nodded, a smile returning to his face “That’s the plan" he chimed in, making his way towards the door “Are you ready to go?” the doctor adds before looking panicked and stopping in his tracks, realizing a major flaw with the plan “Shit! I don’t have a weapon, d-do you have anything? I think Pyg’s friends broke out of Arkham too, what if they’re waiting for us?”. "I can't believe that psycho has friends..” Harvey muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes as he spoke I mean, I've still got my guns” he added slowly taking out his dual pistols “Y'aint getting them though!!" Harv growled defensively before clearing his throat, putting his guns back in their twin holsters and looking around. "Don't think I have anything else though, I’m sorry Kirk." Harvey added meekly, rubbing the back of his head. “I’m sorry?!” Kirk repeated, sounding slightly annoyed by that “Harv- or Harvey this is important, are you sure you don’t have anything else?” He says, beginning to panic again and trying to plead desperately “I-I can’t take them on unarmed, do you at least know where we could find something?” 
Harv growled and threw his hands up into the air for a moment, "STOP FREAKING OUT ALREADY” he yelled angrily “You can just turn into a fucking giant bat, use that!!”. “A giant fruit bat” Kirk corrected stubbornly, beginning to grow annoyed again “Manbat is useless in a fight, all he does is try and run away the second he gets the opportunity!” He paused for a moment, biting his lip “Besides I’m-I’m not sure if he could take them on and-and I don’t want you to get hurt!” He takes a breath for a moment, that small rant seeming to have helped to calm him down Ah! This isn’t important right now, that maniac has my wife, and the longer we sit here and argue about this, the less likely it is that we’ll find her alive”. Harv sighed and nodded "You’re right doc, sorry we didn’t mean to upset you” he said before Harvey spoke up “We can get hurt to protect you and your wife, don't worry. Let's go while she's still alive, which we know she is. Pyg's a may be a maniac but he’s a methodical one, he'll take his time. Which although morbid, will be on our side." He spoke as he was already heading for the door alongside Kirk. The pair stepped out into the dark, depressing city streets only illuminated by the streetlights. 
After a few minutes of walking, to Kirk's house Harvey would abruptly stop outside of the couple's abode. He was quite thankful for the blanket hood, as it was protecting his head from the ever present Gotham rain. "Kirk, we should probably look around for a few minutes. See if we can find anything suggesting where she is. If we go to the wrong place it... could be disastrous." “Alright, alright, let’s head inside. Maybe there’s something in there?” He walks up to the front door, left unlocked, and opens it. The inside of the house just barely shows signs of a struggle, Francine barely had time to fight back. “Let’s look around, tell me if you see anything that looks out of place” he begins to search. Harvey looked around the house, mainly at the walls and floor for any sign of markings or left over fabric from either Francine or her kidnappers. Eventually, he pulled up a marked letter that was placed neatly on the kitchen counter "Hey Kirk, I think it's for you!” he called out, before starting to inspect the letter “EURGH IT SMELLS LIKE CANDYFLOSS." Harv added in a disgusted tone, gagging slightly as he handed the letter to Kirk just as he walked in the room. “Candy Floss?” Kirk said, raising an eyebrow slightly as he quickly reads through the note 
“Oh it’s that moronic asshole, Flamingo!” Kirk bitterly muttered as he crushed the note angrily “She’s at Pyg’s hospital, we need to go there now!” Harvey raised an eyebrow. "Wow I'm surprised you could read that gibberish, let's go!” He paused for a moment as he was thinking “Hey Kirk, what’s the quickest way to get there?". Langstrom’s eyes widened slightly in panic “We-Well, god I don’t know...” an idea suddenly sparked in his mind and he looked over at Harvey with a slight smile “... Hey Harvey? How opposed would you be to the idea of flying?”  Harvey immediately paled at that. "Oh god please don't make me fly” Harv chuckled at Harvey’s nervousness “But it’s to help someone’s wife, don’t be so heartless Harvey” he said teasingly, “Screw you Harv.” Harvey muttered under his breath “Oh well if you hate me so much let’s let the coin decide” Harv said eagerly as Harvey reluctantly took the coin out of his pocket and flipped, landing on tails  much to Harv’s amusement, he giggled excitedly and turned to Kirk "We’re down for flying Kirl!" Harv grinned at Langstrom. 
Kirk looked around the house, figuring that this was probably not the most suitable spot for a quick Man-Bat transformation “We’d better do this outside, come on” he says, leaving the house to go outside with Harvey, who stood back and watched as Kirk doubled over in pain, grew nearly twice his original height, grew large portions of fur on his body, his teeth become fangs, his ears grow long and pointy at the ends and what was left of his shirt get torn to, tiny pieces. Harv clapped his hands together, rubbing them excitedly at the sight of Manbat "So is this like a discount batmobile or-” “Shut up Harv” Harvey interrupted, now fed up with his counter part’s attitude “We're being serious”. Manbat turned to face Dent, screeching loudly before taking flight, Harvey’s eyes widened in shock as he realized that Manbat wasn’t coming back for them “Hey were the fuck do you think you’re going Langstrom!?” Harv called out angrily. Manbat quickly regained his senses upon hearing Dent’s words and remembered why that idiot Kirk decided to let him take reign, to save their wife, he quickly spun around and swooped down towards Harvey who was currently arguing with himself. Manbat prepared to grab Dent just as he raised his arms in frustration which caused Harvey to scream and panic for a moment, instinctively making him move and squirm around in Manbat’s claws. “Dent calm down, I’m here” Manbat said quickly, lifting back up into the sky again “Now please stay still and try not to move around so much” he added as Dent looked up at them “I swear to god this is the only time we’re ever going to let you get away with something like that Langstrom” Harvey said, quickly calming down as best he could. Manbat did what looked to be like a cheeky grin as he continued to fly towards Pyg’s hospital. 
0 notes
writingstuff1789 · 5 years
Oswald couldn’t believe it, the debate was ruined. Anarky’s group had staged a riot, thankfully though he was shoved off the stage and used the chaos that erupted to quickly hide underneath the podium and gather his thoughts. He watched as GCPD desperately tried to gain control while Anarky’s followers viciously fought back against the officers while Anarky stood just above Penguin, shouting about all the injustices going on in the city. The grip on his umbrella tightened slightly as he couldn’t spot Temple anywhere. Of course Temple could take care of himself, Oswald knew that but he couldn’t help but worry about him. He had to get out of here and soon, someone could spot him at any given moment. As though it were an answer to his fear, a strong hand gripped Oswald’s arm and pulled him further back into the podium.
[[ CUT HERE ]]
Oswald wasn’t about to go down without a fight though, still holding onto the umbrella as he was being pulled, he lashed out at his would-be attacker, smacking them on the head, arm and chest as hard as he could. “Dionysus! Save your fury for those who deserve it you fool!” a voice bellowed through his wacks, a very familiar voice actually, Oswald looked up and saw a very muscular man dressed in a toga. “Zeus!” Oswald gripped his arm tightly, breathing a sigh of relief and looking back up at him “Where’s Temple? We have to find him and get the hell out of here!” “I had thought you and Father would be together..” Zeus raised an eyebrow and looked over at the crowd for a moment, frowning slightly “But, ah, I’m certain he’s fine, Not-Father, he’s a god after all! No mere mortal can best him!” he chuckled, his smile returning but his tone suggested that he too was concerned for Temple’s safety. “Regardless, what’s important right now is that we get you out of here and somewhere safer” Zeus pointed towards a nearby building that was just across the rioting crowds “I saw your opponents, March and Hill, flee into there as the riots started. You should be safer in there”
Oswald looked over towards the building and then back up to Zeus once more, nodding with a determined look, gripping the umbrella tightly “You’re right, let’s head over there before something else happens”.  Zeus grinned as he gripped Oswald’s arm and the pair began to make their way through the crowd, “Temple will be fine” Oswald added quietly as he looked back towards the podium and descended into the chaos of the crowds.
They moved quickly through the crowds, thankfully Oswald’s height made it easy for him to slip through crowds which contrasted Zeus, who awkwardly maneuvered through the people. Oswald emerged from the crowd, quickly checking himself and smiling before turning back to the crowd and spotting Zeus getting pulled back into the fray “Zeus!” he called out, beginning to walk back into the crowd. “No!” Zeus shouted as he punched one of the people “Get to the shelter, I’ll join you shortly!” he lost sight of him soon after this. 
Oswald quickly made a break for the building, barging through the entrance and slamming it shut. He quickly noticed the two men in suits that stood near the entrance, they both were reaching for their weapons but stopped when they realized who he was. “I told you that you should’ve locked it.” one of them grumbled, quickly moving to lock the door tightly while the other guard moved towards one of the windows, looking outside.
“Ah, our political opponent joins us at last!” Oswald sighed and turned his attention to the sight of March sitting on the floor against the wall, who smiled at him and Hill, who upon seeing Oswald, quickly pulled out his phone and began speaking frantically to whoever was speaking on the other line. “I was beginning grow concerned that the crowds had gotten you” March added with a small grin. “I wondered where you two ran off to” Oswald muttered as he sat down on the cleanest part of the floor he could find “What’s wrong with him?” he asked, gesturing towards Hill. Hill scoffed, closing his phone and putting it into his pocket “There’s a mob of murderous psychopaths out for our heads, we’re backed into a corner and our security team is in shambles! And you have the gall to ask what’s wrong with me?” he sighed, sitting down on his side of the floor and wiping the sweat away from his face. “This whole debate has gone to hell”. “Yeah it’s a shame, I didn’t even get to say my speech” March nodded, sighing slightly. “It really is a shame” Oswald chimed in with a sigh“I spent weeks on the damn thing”. They all remained silent after that, just listening to the shouting and fighting going on outside. Oswald’s thoughts quickly turned to Temple again, and now Zeus as well, he shook his head and rose to his feet. “We have to get out of here, we’re sitting ducks if we stay in this place.” March shook his head “There’s a back exit but none of our cars are nearby, if someone spots us well...” he chuckled slightly “I have full confidence that I could get away but you two? I mean if you want to go for that then by all means start running and I’ll follow, less competition for me when you get caught.” “My people are already on their way Cobblepot.” Hill muttered, removing his glasses and wiping more sweat away “There’ll be an escort for us here shortly.” “Fine, I suppose we’ll have to sit here then.” Oswald groaned, growing frustrated now and punching the nearby wall “This is a disaster and to make matters worse, my family is out there” he added, sitting back down .
A few moments had passed after that and nothing changed, the shouts and screams were still as loud as ever. Suddenly a smoke grenade was flung through the window, hitting one of the guards in the face and going off, releasing a large cloud of smoke into the room. March, Hill and Penguin were quick to move further back into the room, away from the smoke while a large figure smashed through the door, launching the guard onto the ground while the other one shakily attempted to grab his gun only to be shoved harshly against the wall and kicked in the face, knocking him out. The figure then moved towards the guard on the floor and stamped on his face with a grunt of effort, knocking him out as well. The trio stared on towards the silhouette, who began to make his way towards them, Oswald gripping his umbrella tightly as a very familiar face emerged from the smoke.
“Well, well, well, look what we have here” Lyle Bolton said, grinning through his mask as he pointed towards the trio with his baton “Three politicians all concerned like the filthy rats they are. Fortunately, I’m only here for the real crook here” he stared towards Hill and March “You two are free to go” he added as the pair quickly ran past him. “Bolton w-what the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Oswald shouted, pointing his umbrella towards the man. “I should’ve known you’d show your face around here” “And here you are, completely unprepared for me” Bolton chuckled, looking back at the security guards “I was also expecting more goons to beat up, a little disappointed that it was this easy” he shrugged, looking back at Oswald and shrugging just as Oswald pressed the button on the hilt of his umbrella which caused a blade to emerge from the tip of it. “I think you’ll find me harder to bring down than you prepared for Bolton, I don’t need bodyguards to deal with the likes of you” Oswald said with a grin.
“You have one chance to come quietly, freak” Bolton smiled eagerly “But by all means, please don’t take it.” Oswald was quick to charge at Bolton, swinging the blade at Bolton which was countered by his baton. The duo pushed against one another for a moment, Oswald eventually started to struggle against Bolton and quickly leaped up to headbutt him right in the chin, causing Bolton to stagger back while Oswald continued his attack and made swipes towards him, getting a few deep cuts along his arm and leg which only enraged Bolton and caused him to kick Oswald in the chest and sent him flying a few steps away from him. Bolton spat out blood and shook his head, glaring at Oswald “I’ll admit you’re tougher to bring down than I thought” he mumbled, his grip on the baton tightening. Oswald took these few moments to catch his breath “How does it feel to get your ass handed to you by an old man?” he asked with a smile. “Not so high and mighty now, are you?” Bolton simply shook his head and chuckled “You haven’t beaten me yet, Cobblepot” he said while he began to twist his baton around by the hilt, a loud clicking sound was heard and it was shortly followed by the loud buzz and bright glow of electric sparks that shot out from it. “But I have a few new tricks to show you freaks this time” he chuckled as he made his way towards Oswald, who was slowly backing away from him. “Not so high and mighty now, are you?” Bolton asked with a cruel smirk of his own before swinging the baton at Oswald when he was close enough, Oswald was quick though, narrowly moving past the blow and stabbing his umbrella deep into Bolton’s side which made him yell out in pain. Oswald decided to take his chances and run towards the open door, leaving the umbrella with Bolton and he was almost outside before a firm hand griped his shoulder from behind him and he soon found himself being thrown back inside the building, landing against the floor harshly and turning to see Bolton above him. “Bullet proof vest” he chuckled, tapping his side lightly. Though the blade had still managed to penetrate through, it was far from enough to keep Bolton down. “Got any more tricks, freak?”
Oswald glanced over and spotted what was left of his umbrella on the floor, he made an attempt to reach over and grab it only for his hand to be stomped on and he received a harsh whack on the head from Bolton’s baton. “He’ll find me” Oswald muttered under his breath, staring up at him “And when he does you’re doing to wish you’d have never started this stupid crusade against us, you maniac”. “Shut the hell up!” Bolton growled and hit him again on the head and again and again until Oswald’s vision was blurred. “T-Temple” he croaked before Bolton brought down one more strike, knocking him unconscious. He let out a sigh as he took a pair of handcuffs, putting them around Oswald’s wrists and he started to drag him. One down. Many more to go.
0 notes
writingstuff1789 · 5 years
Oswald couldn't believe it, the debate was ruined. A riot had broke out the moment he began his speech and if that didn't already hurt, he got pushed off the stage by one of the rioters. There was chaos everywhere and thankfully he managed to hide under the stage before he could get trampled. He needed to find Temple and fast.
A few moments passed as Oswald stood there under the podium and suddenly a firm hand gripped his shoulder. "Aha! There you are, Not-Father!" Zeus announced, pulling Cobblepot out.
Oswald gripped his arm in fear. "Zeus! Where's Temple? We have to get out of here." He looked around and took in all of the chaos, he didn't see the man anywhere.
Zeus pondered, staring off into the crowd for a moment before turning his attention back to Oswald again "I don't know, how curious!" he said with a light chuckle, scratching the back of his head "But I'm sure he's fine, Not-Father, he can take care of himself." while his tone remained in that joyful glee it always does, he looked concerned as he spoke. "Ah, right now what's most important is that I get you out of this place and somewhere safer. I saw your opponents scurry into a nearby building so perhaps we should head over there?" he added, gesturing to a small building that was just across the street from all the riots.
Oswald looked up at him and nodded with a determined expression on his face. "You're right, Temple will be fine. Let's get out of here  before something else happens. Maybe we can call for backup once we're in a safer spot." He picked up his umbrella that had fallen earlier and wielded it like the weapon it was. "Let's go."
"Oho! Let's make haste then!" Zeus grinned, as he rose back to his feet and began to make his way though the small openings in the crowd, guiding Oswald along with him only to be pulled into the crowd. "Get back you savages!" Zeus shouted as he tried to pull back towards Oswald, punching one of the people that came too close only to be pulled and pushed back further into the crowd "Keep going Dionysus!" he called out as he was pulled further and further back "I'll find another way to get to you!".
"Zeus! I can't just leave without you!" He yelled but it was too late, the other man was too far away to hear him. He held his umbrella close to his chest and ran towards the building as he fought off anyone that tried to stop him. He ran into the building as fast as he could, several of Anarky's followers on his tail, before slamming the door and locking it. "That ought to keep them out." He mumbled to himself as he looked around for another exit.
"Ah, our political opponent joins us, I was worried that the crowd had actually got you" March said with a small laugh, he sat on the ground near a wall while Hill was frantically pacing around the room attempting to call someone. There were two other men in suits with the trio who were watching the windows.
"I was wondering where you two went, I almost thought the crowd got to you." Oswald replied as he sat down on the cleanest part of the floor. "What's wrong with Hill?"
"What do you mean what's wrong with me?" Hill said, panicked "There's a mob of murderous savages demanding our heads on a pike, we're backed into a corner and our security is in shambles! Frankly I'm surprised that you aren't as concerned about this as I am" whoever he was calling on his phone seemed to finally answer and Hill started talking to the person on the other line. "He's just being Hill" March smiled slightly as he stood up and sighed "What a shame though, I was looking forward to presenting my speech. Even wore my best tie for this and everything".
"It really is a shame, I barely got through the first couple lines of my speech before this chaos erupted. I spent weeks on the damn thing." Oswald grumbled, arms crossed in outrage.  He looked around for a moment before sighing. "We need to get out of here. We're sitting ducks if we stay and who knows how long it will be before this all dies down."
"By all means if you want to try and make a break for it through that crowd go for it, less competition for the both of us" March smiled. "There's no back exit to this place unfortunately." "My people will be over here shortly" Hill muttered, fumbling to put his phone away as he wiped some sweat from his brow. "The police are currently trying to get the situation under control."
"Fine I'll stay here I guess." He grumbled before turning to Hill. "And how are your people even going to get in? We're trapped and surrounded."
"Once the GCPD get some amount of control on the situation they'll move in and evacuate us" Hill sat down on the floor, removing his glasses and sighing.
"Great, just great." Oswald calmly replied before punching a wall and knocking in a sizable hole. "This is an absolute disaster and what's even worse is that my family is still out there."
"I thought you'd have known better than to drag people close to you into debates in Gotham, Oswald." March said, opening his mouth to continue but only to be cut off by a gas canister smashing through the window and quickly beginning to fill the room with smoke The door burst open and a large figure entered the room, the two men in suits were quick to draw their weapons but not quick enough as the figure quickly grabbed the first man's arm and twisted harshly, he fell to floor screaming while the other man made an attempt to open fire on the figure but much like his partner he was too slow and soon found himself being slammed into the wall, leaving a decent crack and slumping over unconscious. The figure sighed and did a small stretch before turning his attention on the three candidates and stepping out of the smoke, he wore a eerily familiar dark blue SWAT uniform with a balaclava. He twirled the baton in his hand as he smiled underneath his mask. "Well, well, look what we have here" Lock-Up said with a small chuckle as he paced slightly "Three politicians all cornered like the rats they are." he gestured to the two unconscious men "And without any decent bodyguards too, lucky for you I found you before they all did, eh?"
"Bolton! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Oswald snarled as he pointed his umbrella at the man. "I should have known you'd be here."
"You know me Cobblepot, I'm always concerned for the state of our city and if the three future mayors of Gotham were killed here well that'd be a real shame." Lock-Up fixed his mask slightly as he spoke, not breaking eye contact with Penguin. "Unfortunately I only have enough room in the van for one of you fine fellows and I'd hate to show bias but my votes for Penguin" he added, pointing his baton at Cobblepot. "I'll give you one chance to come quietly but please don't take it. I wanna have a reason to hit you."
"Fine." He stood up straight and fixed his suit before pulling out the blade he had hidden in his umbrella. "I'm not going anywhere with you, you Bastard!" He growled before charging at Bolton.
Bolton's eyes widened with excitement as he charged at Oswald, striking at him with the baton.
Oswald dodged the baton and kicked Bolton in the knee before lunging forward and cutting his side shallowly. "If you think you're any match for me then you're wrong."
Bolton winced in pain, headbutting Oswald and striking at him with the baton again.
Oswald flew into the wall and yelled out in pain, he reached up and saw that his nose was bleeding. With a snarl, he tackled Bolton.  "You'll pay for that!"
Bolton also slammed into Oswald, holding his arm that held the bladed umbrella so that he couldn't use it and bringing up the baton to swing down at him again.
Oswald caught the baton in time and headbutted Bolton in the jaw.
He stumbled back from that "Your tougher to take down that you look." spitting out blood as he spoke, rubbing his jaw slightly.
"How does it feel to get your ass handed to you by an old man Bolton? Not so almighty now are you?" He taunted with a cruel smirk.
Bolton shook his head "You haven't beaten me yet, Oz" he looked down to his baton, twisting the handle slightly as it started to spark up with electricity "I got a lot more surprises for you all you freaks this time" he grinned.
"Shit!" He backed away when he saw the sparks, this wasn't good at all.
"Not so almighty now, are you?" he taunted with a cruel smirk of his own before charging at Cobblepot, jabbing his quickly in the stomach with the baton.
Oswald screamed the moment the Baton came in contact with his skin. But he wasn't going to go down without a fight. He reached out and touched Bolton's shoulder, shocking him too.
Bolton flinched stepping back from Oswald for a moment, taking in a few deep breaths before swinging at Oswald repeatedly now "Go down already you little piece of shit!" he yelled with every swing.
Oswald managed to dodge several times until  the baton immediately came in contact with his neck causing him to fall down.
Bolton pinned him down on the ground on his stomach, swinging the baton against the back of his head and quickly putting a pair of handcuffs on Oswald, hitting him again and again.
Oswald struggled sluggishly before the hits finally knocked him out, the last thought he had in his head was that he hoped his family was alright before his vision turned dark.
Bolton sighed with relief as he felt Oswald slump over, rising to his feet and taking a few moments before grabbing him by the handcuffs and dragging him outside the room. One freak locked up, many, many more to go.
0 notes
writingstuff1789 · 5 years
Bane stood outside a large apartment building in the pouring rain. It was old and ugly looking, basically looking about the same thing as the rest of these bland and colorless buildings. He tugged slightly on the collar of his jacket and opened the door, ducking under the doorway and completely ignoring the receptionist's question. His footsteps making the wood creak with every step and soon he found himself in the hallways. He continued his march and staring at the door numbers 110... 111... 112. There. He stood outside the door. Taking a moment to think of a brief plan before he breathed in and kicked down the door with ease.
Joel jumped at the noise of the door slamming into the ground. “Shit, he found me already?” He grabbed his vial of Venom he kept handy when a voice echoed through the house. “¿Joel mí corazón? Is that you making that racket?” He swore again, he had forgotten that Maria was home.
Bane ducked under the doorframe again, not seeming to have heard Maria speaking, as he quickly glanced around the room for a moment. "Come out, child, I know that you are here."
Joel came up to the doorway casually, his face showing no trace of the thoughts whirring through his head. “You could of knocked you know.”
Bane moved surprisingly quickly, grabbing Joel by the neck and lifting him up, slamming him against the wall. "Enough games, boy".
“Woah, woah big guy!” Joel grabbed at his arms with surprising strength. “Chill out a little! Unless you want to sho-“ whatever he was about to say was cut off by him paling at something in the hall.
"Where is the formula?" Bane shouted, pushing him back further into the wall, noticing his pale expression, Bane turned his attention to the hall.
Maria stood in the hall, a bat dangling loosely in her hands. “Antonio?” She questioned hesitantly. “I-is it really you?”
"Maria I- how?" he looked at Joel for a minute now suddenly noticing some very familiar features on the boy's face. Bane let go of him almost immediately, taking a few steps back. His look of shock quickly turning to one of anger and frustration "What the hell is going on here? Is this some sort of trick?" he shook his head, punching the nearby wall and leaving a decent crack.
Joel let out a cough rubbing his neck. “Honestly,” he said abit hoarsely. “I did tell you.” But he was ignored by his mother as she stepped forward. “No tricks Antonio, I-I’m sorry I didn’t tell you but-“ she seemed at a loss for words.
Bane, again looked between Joel and Maria, shaking his head again as he tried to figure out what the hell was going on. He looked down at his bruised hand now. This was definitely real. Not a dream. "I'm leaving" he said simply, making an attempt to walk towards the doorway.
Joel lunged forward and caught his arm tugging him to a stop. “The fuck you are.” He growled, “we are dealing with this now.”
He was surprised by the boy's strength, even moreso at how firm his grip was. He was a fighter like hi- "No!" Bane made another tug, trying to get Joel off of him again "You are not my son."
“Really?!” He tugged back harder this time. “What more proof do you want?” He gestured with his head to his mother. “You think I would bring her in danger of you for some sick joke?”
Bane actually stumbled back into the room now after that tug though he did manage to pull out of Joel's grip, there wasn't much point in leaving now. "You are not my son." he repeated firmly.
“Oh would you st-“ he was interrupted by his mother’s hand on his shoulder. “Antonio, please sit down. You too Joel.” She added firmly to her son who had opened his mouth to protest. “I’ll make some tea and we’ll all talk about this okay?” There was a underlying threat to her words.
Bane sighed, no point in trying to argue with Maria. She was as stubborn as he was, after all. Bane made his way over to the furthest seat in the room and sat down, taking in his surroundings and noticing the pictures of Joel and Maria on the walls and the table. Clearly he had missed out on a lot.
Joel sat down on the seat across from him, now that Bane was here and sitting down he seemed almost calm, like he wasn’t just choked by the man sitting at across from him.
Bane's stared over at Joel now, looking at the boy. He has his hair and his chin and his eyes.. were the same color? "You take Venom?" Bane asked, leaning forward in his seat.
“I did.” He placed the vial he had taken with him on the table, spinning it with a finger. “Until a test batch I was trying dyed my tongue green.” He stuck it out and sure enough it was. “Quit after that, I only take it in emergencies.”
He frowned at that "You're not addicted to it?".
“Oh don’t get me wrong.” He stopped the spinning vial. “It was painful to stop taking it. I had withdrawals and everything. but I also had a support system, mamá was very happy when I told her I was stopping.” He shrugged, “I still do get the urge now and again but I’ve managed to curb it.”
"Impressive." Bane mumbled, turning his attention to the vial now.
Joel noticed his attention shift and clasped the vial tightly, bringing it towards himself. “I can feel your questions from here, and since I’m so nice I’ll answer 3 of them about my Venom strain.”
He grunted "How did you make it?"
“I found some of your Venom, I just pulled apart the formula to its basics and experimented with different chemicals for different effects.” He grinned. “It really wasn’t that hard. I convinced my chemist teacher I needed the lab for a ‘after school project’ she was happy to lend it to me.”
Bane nodded slightly. So it wasn't entirely the same as his own, good. "How long have you been giving this out to people?"
He leaned back thinking hard, “about a year and a half now? We needed a boost of cash and I was desperate.”
"There are other jobs you could have taken. Ones that don't run as much risk".
“Yes but we needed lots of cash right away, and I already had the Venom manufactured. Figured that was better than killing myself off for one of the many mob bosses in Gotham.”
Bane grunted again and shrugged. "I suppose destroying your supply would make life difficult for you and Maria".
“Probably.” He glanced at him, “but somehow I doubt you’ll care all that much.” He resumed spinning the vial. “Hopefully I’m getting a new job soon though. Then I won’t have to sell it anymore.”
"How much is it for a sample?".
“Well it’s my own design, and not nearly as addictive as yours so around 1000$ per sample. It’s pretty costly to make, and each sample only lasts 30 minutes.”
"I want to purchase some of this from you. To see what alterations you have made." Bane glanced over to the kitchen area for a moment. "Later though, when I have the money."
Joel shrugged, “fine by me.” Maria came out of the kitchen holding a tea pot. She poured both Bane and Joel a cup before pouring her own and sitting down beside Joel.
Bane simply took a sip from the cup, remaining silent now.
Maria ran her hand through her hair. “where do I even start?” She sighed, “well first off Joel is your child, no tricks I promise.” She looked down at her cup, her hands tightly gripping the cup. “When he was born I lied about his death. I was terrified at what might of happened if he grew up under your... influence.” She looked up at that. “Not that you have a terrible influence! But you live such a dangerous lifestyle, i was afraid he’d try to follow in your footsteps and get hurt.” She scoffed at that. “A load of good that did me, he worked out and took Venom just to be like his pops.” A strangled sound came from Joel but she ignored it. “You probably have a lot of questions, and I’ll try to answer them as best I can.”
Bane shook his head and stared at her "I would have protected you both if you had stayed, you both could've lived in as much luxury as you wished. Why did you leave?" he looked away as he muttered "I needed you".
“I know you could of, but you were so focused on your goals and I didn’t want to raise my child in that much violence and addiction.” Her voice quieted, “ it was a hard choice I didn’t want to leave but I had to for Joel.”
Bane sighed and simply took a sip of the tea.
She tapped her cup anxiously. “I’m sorry, I should of told you. It wasn’t fair of me to hide our son from you.”
"He's practically a man now." Bane sighed "Maybe I should've made more of an effort to find you both."
“It’s never to late to start.” She leaned forward, “you are always welcome to come visit whenever you’d like.” Maria grinned at him. “Just as long as you don’t kick our door down every time you come to visit.”
Bane stared over at Joel for a moment before shaking his head. "I-I am not sure." he placed down his glass. "There is still so much that needs to be done. The Venom, the Bat. I don't know if I would even have that kind of free time."
Maria smiled at him. “Of course, I understand.” She glanced over at Joel who was biting his lip and looking away. “But if you do have the time don’t be a stranger alright?” She collected her empty cup and stood up. “I have to head to my job now, you are welcome to stay here and get to know Joel a little better if you’d like.”
"It-it was nice to see you again, Maria." Bane smiled back at her looking... shy? "Sorry about the door, I'll pay for it."
“It was nice to see you too Bane,” She lent down and placed a kiss on Joel’s cheek and then planted another on Bane’s cheek. “I’ll send you a bill for the door.” And with that she left the room.
He blinked, staying silent for a moment, shaking his head slightly. "I do not know what I did to deserve someone like Maria." he muttered before looking over at Joel and clearing his throat slightly. "I hope you've been treating her well."
“Of course I have!” He looked slightly insulted at this, “she was all I had.” His voice quieted at that as he resumed fiddling with the vial.
"A feeling I know all too well." Bane nodded before sighing "I'm sorry for taking all this as I did."
Joel shrugged, “honestly I wasn’t any better about it. We both were kinda awful.” He bit his lip, thinking for a moment before coming to a decision. “Here,” he said sliding the vial towards Bane. “Consider it, a peace treaty. On the house” he added.
Bane paused for a moment, seeming to be taken aback by this, before taking it and placing it carefully in his pocket "Gracias." he said with a small nod. "So, do you have any questions about me? After I've been asking you questions it's only fair that you should do the same".
“De nada,” he leaned back thinking hard. “How come you never visited mamá? I mean you were obviously close, so how come you never contacted her when she left?”
"I fell in love with her the moment I conquered all of Santa Prisca" he nodded before sighing "But after she left me I had sunk into a deep depression and in that moment I decided it would be better to conceal these feelings and try to forget her. It never did work and obviously I was wrong to do so."
Joel nodded, “these, so you still have feelings for her then.” It wasn’t a question that time.
"Yes." he replied, nodding again.
“Thought so.” He leaned father back in his chair lifting the front legs off the ground. “Are you going to try and come visit? Not for me of course.” He said quickly. “But for mamá?”
"I am uncertain. There is still a lot to be done." Bane, rubbed the back of his neck slightly as he spoke "But it wouldn't hurt to drop by, I am staying Gotham for a while" he added with a small smile.
Joel smiled at him. “Good, because I’d have to kick your ass if you disappeared again after showing up for the first time in 17 years.”
"I'd like to see you try" he chuckled, shaking his head.
“Please.” He flexed jokingly, “with these guns I could take on any-SHIT!“ his statement was cut short when the chair legs toppled underneath him and he fell onto the ground unceremoniously.
Bane laughed, rising to his feet and making his way over to Joel and offering him a hand "Learn to be more aware of your surroundings and maybe you'll be able to take me out yet" he smiled down at him.
Joel took it pulling himself up, “gracias, you know for a guy who was threatening to break my legs you’re not half bad.” He grinned sheepishly at him.
"And for an arrogant, egotistical little man" he patted Joel's shoulder slightly "You're a good son."
Joel looked away at that, “thanks.” He turned to him, “I’m not gonna start calling you my padre just yet though. That’d be weird.”
"Perfectly fair." Bane said with a nod. "I should probably take my leave now though but not before I learn the names of your clients, of course. I don't plan on killing them, just making sure that they aren't trying to mass produce your own formula".
“Right, I’ll be back in a flash,” he jumped over his chair on the floor pushing it up with his foot before turning down a hall. “ I have the list in my room.” He shouted, “just let me find it-AHA!” He came back holding a paper with a grin. Holding it out to Bane he said, “ and if I find out you’ve killed any of these people for no good reason I will hunt you down.”
Bane chuckled before offering a handshake "We'll see what happens, Joel."
“Mhm.” He clasped his hand firmly and shook it. “See you around Bane.”
Bane nodded before turning and walking over what remained of the front door, ducking under the doorframe and walking out the apartment.
Joel watched him go, it wasn’t a perfect fairy tale ending where everything had been miraculously fixed but it was a start.
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