writteninthegarden · 5 months
my policeman
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Summary: Harry is the police officer assigned to your case, though you are inexplicably drawn to one another 🤭 this will be the first instalment of a new series (if you guys like it lol)
Warnings: age gap romance, Harry is approx mid 40s and MC is early-mid 20s 🥰 smut!!
A/n: I hope you enjoy!! I really like this idea & the storyline so far for these two
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“I need to speak to someone please, I’ve been mugged.”
You were panting, having run the ten minute journey to the police station from the bus stop. Someone had snatched the bulky work bag from your shoulder as you walked, then fled down a side street before you’d even had time to comprehend what had happened. Your natural instincts were to just run, and that’s exactly what you did. You ran until you stumbled through the police station doors, your heart still pounding with adrenaline.
“Styles!” the man behind the desk called out, an outstretched arm directing you to a closed door. You shuffled over, legs jelly after your spontaneous sprint. You weren’t sure whether to go through the doors or wait there, and the officer behind the desk had his back to you. But as you shifted awkwardly, the doors swung open, revealing possibly the hottest police officer you’d ever seen. He was old, older than you’d usually be interested in, but there was something about him. He was stocky and toned, grey streaks peppered through his deep brown curls. He smiled at you and extended his hand. "Officer Styles, but you can call me Harry.” Officer Harry Styles, the world’s sexiest police officer. You followed him down the corridor, into a tiny room with only a desk, a chair and a small sofa. It was cold and clinical, four grey walls lit by the same sort of lights you’d find in hospitals. It made you uneasy, but Harry’s eyes were laced with warmth as he looked over at you. "First of all, are you okay?" he asked, his voice gentle.
You whispered a quiet “yes”, your response barely audible, but Harry caught it. You felt vulnerable now, having been too close to danger and not realising it at the time. You’d lived in London for years, heard so many tales of rape and mugging but never experienced it yourself, or had it happen to someone close to you. You were lucky to only have your work bag taken and be left otherwise untouched, but you couldn’t help feeling shaken by the encounter. “I was mugged,” you told Harry.
“Did they hurt you?”
“No. Just took my bag.”
“M’sorry that happened to you,” he said. There was a slight northern twang to his voice, the kind that suggested he’d been in London long enough to start losing it, but been in the North long enough for the accent to be stubborn. “Did you get a look at them?” he asked, tapping his pen against the sheet of paper in front of him.
“No, they were already running before I turned around.”
“Where did it happen?”
“The bus stop near Florence Gardens, going towards the station.”
“What did they take? Any valuables?”
“My work laptop. And my lunchbox,” you told him, corners of your mouth turning up slightly at the thought of the thief finding your leftover pasta. “They were in my rucksack, I had my phone and keys in my pocket.”
“What does the bag look like?”
“Black, it’s leather. I can show you?”
You pulled up a picture on your phone and handed it to Harry, watching as he wrote down the details.
“Alright, give me 10 minutes to file this, okay? You’ll be okay waiting here?” He handed the phone back to you and stood up as you nodded, then strode toward the door, the glinting badge on his chest catching the light. You’d never had to deal with the police before, and always been a little bit scared of authority figures. But Harry was warm, he made you feel safe despite the circumstances that had brought you to the police station.
It wasn’t long before Harry was back, a thick puffer jacket now covering his torso and a huge tote bag slung over his shoulder. He reached out and gently placed a comforting hand on the back of your seat. “Come on, my shifts over so I’ll walk you home.” You smiled as you followed him out of the room, grateful beyond words for his company.
“Do you not have worse crimes to solve than my stolen lunchbox?” you asked him as you walked, somehow comfortable in his presence. “Not anymore,” he told you. “Been in the police for 25 years now. Did a lot of that but wanted to settle down the last few years, s’better for me like this.”
“Guess it’s nicer for your wife that you’re not out chasing murderers,” you quipped, earning a chuckle from Harry. "Yeah, m’sure she’d appreciate it if she hadn’t divorced me already," he said with a small smile. “I’m sorry,” you told him, glancing over to try to read his face. Truthfully, you were excited by the idea of him being divorced. It didn’t mean he was single, and it definitely didn’t mean he’d be into you, but it was one less hurdle in your mind. "It's alright," he said. "Sometimes things jus’ don't work out, you know?”
“Mm, I know. My flat’s just down here,” you pointed the way to Harry. He walked you all the way to the doorstep, staring up at the building. “It’s not the best area,” he told you. "Be safe, okay? If you need anything, or remember anything, don't hesitate to call," Harry told you, a touch of protectiveness in his tone as he took out his phone. He sent a text to your number so you could save his, then watched as you opened the front door. “Thank you Harry, for everything,” you smiled. “I’m only a call away,” he said, rubbing a hand on your forearm.
Jesus Christ. You collapsed against your front door as you got inside, heart racing from just a gentle touch. You’d get mugged every day if it gave you the chance to be around Harry more. The thought of seeing him again made your head pound, the fear and violation you felt earlier in the evening long forgotten.
Maybe it was a reaction to the weirdness of your evening, maybe it was a way to work through all the emotions you were feeling, but you found yourself reaching for your vibrator as you stepped out of your work clothes. Harry was all you could think about, his hands trailing down your body, his fingers pinching at your nipple, his mouth pressing hot kisses across your abdomen. You could almost feel him hovering over you, so close and yet not close at all. He would be authoritative, demanding you press the vibrator to your clit, his fingers beginning to pump inside of you as you writhed on the bed.
You were moaning into the ghost of his mouth, his nose brushing against yours as your core tightened, a rush of emotions filling you to the brim. It was too much, your toy working at your clit with the idea of Harry’s ringed fingers pounding at your pussy, your free hand gripping onto his loose curls. You were coming faster than you ever had, hips bucking as you screamed out his name.
It was borderline insane. Coming so fast and so heavily for a man you barely knew, crying out his name as if he were here, riding you through your high. You felt almost dirty as you chucked your vibrator to the side, too mentally preoccupied to even shower or eat before climbing into bed. You just wanted to dream of Harry, try to work through your delusions before you had to see him again.
Your thoughts of Harry came and went over the next few days. Your manager had suggested you work from home for a few days, your only route home from the office marred by your mugging. The four walls of your apartment felt too small, too closed in even before you had an imaginary Harry following you around. You’d tried to push him out of your mind, desperate to avoid a crush on a man you hardly knew. You did this all the time, it was a symptom of being chronically single. As soon as a man showed kindness towards you, you fell in love. Harbouring a crush on the police officer working on your case was bad news, and yet as you thought about him, his name flashed up on your phone.
“Hey, y/n. How are you?”
“I’m okay, you?”
“Better for hearing your voice.” You could almost hear the smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth. “Listen, do you have time to swing by? Wanted to update you on a few things.”
“I can come now?” you offered. Working from home was slow, and you’d already completed your tasks for the day. So how could you wait any longer to see Harry again?
You looked over yourself in the mirror as you put the phone down, tightening your ponytail and smoothing a hand down the front of your top.
Harry was waiting in the reception area when you arrived at the police station, a big beaming grin sitting pretty between his dimpled cheeks when he saw you. Truthfully, he could have spoken to you over the phone, but he wanted an excuse to see you again. It was silly, childlike even, the way he’d racked his brain for reasons to call or message since he’d dropped you off at home a few days ago. He felt ridiculous, far too giddy over a girl far too young for him, but he couldn’t get you off his mind.
“We think we’ve located your bag,” Harry told you as he ushered you into the same room as before. “Really?” you squeaked. “It’s not 100% yet, but we have had a few more reports of thefts in the area. We’ve tracked down an address, and we’ll be going in this week.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” you grinned, throwing your arms around him before your brain could stop you. Harry chuckled, wrapping a strong arm around your shoulders. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, before freezing. You’d both suddenly remembered where you were, who you were, and yet neither of you wanted to step away.
Harry gently squeezed you before saying, "It's all part of the job,” a small smile on his lips. There was something unspoken in the air as you stepped back, your gaze meeting his. “Sorry,” you muttered. His eyes were soft as he looked at you, reaching out to gently tuck a loose strand of your hair behind your ear.
“You don’t have to apologise,” Harry told you, his lingering touch burning against your skin. You stared at each other wordlessly for a moment, tension heavy in the air, until a familiar call of Harry’s name broke the spell. You stepped further away from him, glancing down at the floor as the professional mask settled back into place on Harry’s face. “Thank you, Harry. I’ll see you later,” you smiled, turning your back on him.
You needed to distract yourself, arranging a last minute girls night to take your mind off of Harry. And yet, it was as if the universe was playing a cruel joke on you. The man you were specifically going out to forget was standing on the doorstep of your apartment building, hand poised to buzz your intercom as you opened the door. “Harry-” you started, unable to find any other, better words.
“Come to dinner with me,” he said, gaze trailing up and down your body. You were wearing your ‘good’ jeans, the ones that sucked you in in all the right places yet showcased your curves in all the best ones. You had more makeup on than he’d seen you in before, though your freckles and beauty spots still peeked through. The oversized leather jacket slung over your shoulders obscured the top half of your body, but Harry didn’t need to see any more to know just how good you looked. “Please,” he added, holding up a single red rose.
“Dinner with you,” you repeated, a little stunned by his offer. “Dinner.. with me. Should we say it once more for good luck?” Harry laughed. “Maybe once more,” you smiled, pulling your phone from your back pocket. need to cancel, something came up x you sent quickly to your best friends. “Where are we going?” you asked Harry, eyes locking back onto him as he walked back down the path. “In first, questions later,” he told you, unlocking his car and opening the passenger side door for you.
“You’re acting very murdery for a man of the law,” you laughed, sliding onto the seat. “It was a test, and you failed. Should never get in a strange man’s car,” he joked.
The drive was mostly silent, except for the rhythm of Harry’s fingers tapping against the steering wheel. You were suddenly nervous, mouth dry and heart pounding as you watched the city become a blur. The sun was starting to set overhead as you drove further from home, street lamps and homes beginning to light up around you. Harry glanced over at you, brows furrowed as he tried to read the emotion etched onto your face. “You okay?” he asked, resting a strong hand on your knee.
“Shy,” you smiled weakly. It had only just hit you that you didn’t know Harry at all, couldn’t even think of anything to say to cut through the silence. You wanted the evening to go well, wanted to explore the connection you felt with him. But if you stammered and stuttered all night long, you’d have to go into hiding before a future with Harry even became a possibility.
You watched him as he drove, brows knitted in concentration as he navigated the busy streets. You hadn’t even paid attention to what he was wearing before, and as your eyes wandered over his body, your jaw went slack.
Harry wore a loose white dress shirt that although slightly oversized, seemed to fit him perfectly. He’d left the top few buttons open, allowing glimpses of his toned physique. As he moved his hands around the steering wheel, the material of the shirt shifted, revealing intricate tattoos that adorned his arms and chest. You’d seen a couple on his arms, but the amount that littered the tanned skin of his torso made your heart race. With each tiny movement, his tattoos peeked through the fabric, muscles flexing underneath the inked skin. He was handsome in a way that was new to you, rugged and yet soft.
There was something about his age that drew you to him, his years on you more a challenge than anything. He clearly knew how to act and had no problems going after what he wanted, a world away from the men you knew who were all still stuck in their fratboy mindsets.
“We’re here,” Harry said, resting a gentle hand over yours to pull you from your daydream. He’d pulled up in front of a quaint pub. The bold blue exterior was littered with bright flowers in hanging baskets and window boxes. A crowd of merry customers had spilled out onto the pavement outside, the warm glow from the pub washing over them. “This is so cute,” you told Harry, following him through the open door. “Officer Styles!” a man called out from across the bar. Harry greeted him with a firm handshake, turning his ear to the man’s mouth to hear him over the music. It wasn’t long before he turned back to you, grabbing a hold of your hand to lead you up the stairs. “I did some work for the owner,” he told you, pulling open another door. “Don’t live far from here so I come often now. Good food and good views,” he smirked, stepping out of the way to reveal the scene set up for you.
The balcony was slim, only just wide enough to fit two small tables. One was set up for dining, a bottle of red perched among ice in the middle. The other was covered in candles, wax dripping around a beautiful bouquet in the centre. It was secluded and romantic, the dream setting for your first date with what could be your dream man.
You talked and laughed for what felt like forever, voice hoarse from giggling at Harry’s jokes. The sharing plates he’d ordered sat cold and forgotten in front of you both, almost empty glasses stained pink from the wine.
A hint of a smirk played on Harry's lips as his eyes trailed over yours. “Quickfire round, since I have a feeling you won’t let me kiss you until we know each other better. Family?”
“My brother’s younger, he’s in uni. Parents live by the coast,” you told him, heat rising through your core at the very idea of kissing him.
“My mum lives up north, got an older sister too. Hobbies?”
“I like painting. Don’t do it as much anymore but..” you let your voice trail off.
“But you’re going to paint me?” Harry grinned, turning his back to you and peering seductively over his shoulder. “Draw me like one of your French girls,” he drawled, a mocking glint in his eyes.
“Nuh uh. Got to answer or you’ll never get that kiss.”
“I don’t have hobbies. I like working out and like puzzles,” Harry shrugged.
“Typical old man hobby,” you laughed. Harry chuckled and shook his head. "Well, maybe I am an old soul trapped in a sexy young body," he replied with a playful grin. "Can't complain about that, right?"
You nodded, still amused by his choice of hobbies. "You’re right, I can’t.”
As your conversation continued, you and Harry discovered more and more about each other. Your dreams, fears, and your favourite childhood memories. You laughed and shared stories, the connection between you growing stronger with each passing moment.
“M’not ready to let you go yet,” Harry smiled, looking out over the river. It was almost totally dark now, the last rays of evening sunshine nearly vanished behind the horizon. You smiled back at Harry. “"I'm not ready to go either," you admitted, rolling your bottom lip into your mouth as you looked over him, taking in the beauty of the scene. He was the definition of a silver fox. You’d noticed heads turning as you left the pub, young (and older) women captivated by just a glance of Harry. Being the girl on his arm felt good, even if it was just for the evening.
“Let’s walk,” Harry told you, his fingers intertwining with yours. You strolled down the riverside hand in hand, chatting mindlessly. Harry shared stories of his childhood, his years working for a local bakery before he moved to London and joined the Met.
You felt so much comfort and warmth as you listened to Harry. His stories painted vivid pictures in your mind, a glimpse into his past giving you some understanding of the person he was. As the two of you continued walking, the sound of the flowing river created a soothing backdrop to your conversation. The setting sun was casting a golden glow over your surroundings, and you couldn't help but feel a growing connection with Harry. It was as if time stood still, and the world around you faded away, leaving only the two of you in that moment.
You found yourself opening up to Harry, sharing your own stories. He listened attentively, his eyes filled with genuine interest and understanding. It was refreshing to be with someone who truly cared about getting to know you on a deeper level.
As the evening progressed, the conversation shifted towards more lighthearted topics. Laughter filled the air as Harry recounted some of the funnier people he’d encountered during his career. His animated gestures and contagious laughter made it impossible for you not to join in. There was a boyish charm behind his manly facade, and the more time you spent with Harry, the more you realized how effortlessly he made you feel at ease. There was a natural chemistry between you, a connection that went beyond words. It was a feeling of familiarity, as if you had known each other for years.
As darkness began to envelop you, Harry gently squeezed your hand, bringing your attention back to the present moment. You both paused, eyes trailing over the other’s features under the moonlight. Harry tugged on your arm quickly, pulling you towards the wall. Your heart quickened as his gaze fell to your parted lips, his body gently pressing your back into the brick. The light cast a soft glow on his face, lust etched into every line on his face.
You felt as if you were floating somewhere outside your body as Harry leaned in, his warm breath mingling with yours. His lips brushed against your own, gentle yet filled with an insatiable longing.
You responded eagerly, your hands instinctively finding their way to his waist. The kiss deepened, becoming a dance of lust and unspoken desires. Harry's lips moved against yours with a hunger that matched your own, his hands roaming your body. It had been a long time since a kiss had ignited a fire within your core, and yet you were burning brighter with every touch.
The taste of him was intoxicating, warm wine, sweetness and desire on his tongue leaving you breathless. He pressed you further into the wall, your bodies molding together perfectly as if they were made to be intertwined.
It had started to rain at some point, though you were too consumed by the raw passion that existed between you to notice the soft raindrops running down your skin. All you could focus on was Harry’s tongue licking into your mouth, a silent promise of the yearning and desire that he felt for you.
He pulled your bottom lip into his mouth before you both pulled away, breathless and panting. The world slowly came back into focus, but the sight of Harry before you nearly made your heart stop. The rain had soaked through his shirt, the thin material now translucent and dipping and weaving over his toned abdomen. His curls were slick against his forehead, raindrops lingering on the end of his eyelashes. His jaw was tense as he looked over your face, one hand gently grazing your waist. He was mesmerising, powerful and yet vulnerable as he stood soaked through in front of you.
You reached out with a gentle hand, pushing the wet curls from his face. But just as your swollen lips parted to speak, the heavens opened above you. It was as if someone had thrown a bucket of water over you and Harry, raindrops pelting you from every angle. You looked at each other in shock, a laugh tumbling past your lips.
Harry grabbed a hold of your hand and ran, the sound of your footsteps slapping against puddles breaking the silence of the now empty streets. You were barely able to hold yourself upright from laughter, falling into Harry’s body as your legs carried you closer to the car. His grip tightened on your wrist, guiding you through the dark paths.
As you reached the car, Harry fumbled with the keys, his hands shaking from the sudden cold. You stood beside him, shivers of adrenaline running through you. The rain smacked against the roof of the car as Harry unlocked it, pulling open the door for you. Even in the pouring rain, he was still a gentleman. You slid in quickly, the sudden warmth fogging up the windows.
You sat in silence for a moment, eyes trailing over each other as you caught your breath. A smile played on Harry’s lips as he looked at you, his hand coming up to brush your sodden hair from your face.
There was no way you could sleep. You’d been tossing and turning for at least an hour, the ache in your core too much to sleep on. All you could do was replay the evening in your mind, wondering exactly how you ended up alone in Harry’s bed.
“Here,” Harry handed you one of his T-shirts and some pyjama bottoms. “Shower’s through there, get yourself warmed up.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead as you headed into the bathroom, a tiny sigh of disappointment slipping past your lips. You were desperate for him to join you in the shower, craving more of his touch. A night of stolen glances and gentle touches had you burning up even before the kiss, but after seeing what Harry’s mouth was capable of, you were dying for more of him.
As the water washed over you, all you could think about was Harry’s lips on yours. The hunger in his eyes before he kissed you, the taste of red wine on his tongue.
“Would you not get in trouble for this?” you asked Harry, hands wrapped tightly around the hot chocolate he’d handed you. “Maybe. But once we have your stuff back, the case is over. They can’t say anything then,” he shrugged, turning to lean against the kitchen counter. He got more handsome every time you looked at him, as if that were even possible. Now, standing there with his old man plaid pyjama pants and a T-shirt tight against his muscular frame, you were left pressing your thighs together to keep the heat in. The anticipation was almost too much to bear, adrenaline coursing through your veins.
“Can’t sleep either, huh?” Harry smiled from the sofa. You almost jumped out of your skin at his voice, having tried your hardest to creep silently into the kitchen. He looked adorable, tucked under a thick blanket with his long legs squashed up at the end of the sofa. “Just needed water,” you told him, grabbing an empty cup from the counter.
“Why don’t you want to share a bed with me?” you suddenly burst out, turning on your heel to face him. You weren’t going to beg, didn’t want to whine, but the words came out before you could stop yourself. Harry chuckled, padding over to join you by the sink. He pushed a strand of hair out of your face, cupping your cheek with his free hand. Pressing a gentle kiss to your lips, he whispered, “come on,” his voice low and husky.
You followed Harry out of the kitchen and back up the stairs, watching as he sat down on the edge of the bed. He patted his legs, signalling for you to join him. You straddled his thick thighs, eyes fixed on his as he looked over your body. In only his t-shirt and your tiny panties, you’d never looked more delicious to him. “I didn’t share a bed with you because I try not to sleep with women on the first date,” he told you, slipping a hand under your t-shirt before holding your waist with a firm grip. “And I wouldn’t be able to resist if I were in bed with you.” His eyes came to rest on yours, his pupils blown under thick eyelashes. “You don’t have to resist, Harry,” you replied, your voice small, barely slipping out past your heart pounding in your throat. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, one hand toying with the curls at the nape of his neck. His hand moved further up your body, thumb running over your nipple.
“Y’so beautiful,” Harry cooed, pulling your t-shirt off in one quick movement. He sat back for a second, an arrogant smirk pulling at the corners of his lips as he gazed over you. Hunger was written all over his face, the intensity of his gaze sending a shiver down your spine.
He leaned in, his lips soft as they brushed against yours. Gentle, yet fuelled by desire. His tongue moved around yours, a delicate dance that left you breathless against his mouth.
Harry’s hands roamed your exposed skin, tracing patterns of heat and need. His touch was electric, insatiable as he gripped and groped at every bit of skin he could reach. He moved with purpose, tracing the curves and contours of your upper body. Every touch, every stroke, sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body.
His lips left yours, trailing a path of fire down your throat, a trail of goosebumps left in their wake. His breath was hot against your skin, his lips smooth as he suckled and nibbled at the sensitive flesh.
You shifted slightly on his lap, his hard cock nudging at your folds through his pyjama pants. The room was filled with a symphony of whispered moans and ragged breaths as you rubbed yourself on him, the soft scratch of Harry’s pyjamas between your thighs only adding to your desire. You needed him in a way that transcended reality, a hunger that went beyond the physical. Your yearning was deep in your soul as Harry’s hands continued to explore you, his touch more than just a physical sensation. It was a language of its own, speaking unbridled passion.
He wrapped an arm under your hips, lifting you up just enough to slip his pyjamas down his thighs. His cock sprang up between the two of you, grazing your entrance. You whimpered as his tip touched you, your head falling onto Harry’s shoulder. He stroked a hand down his shaft, hissing as his thumb brushed over the angry tip. He started to move you, not expecting you to want to ride him, but you wrapped a firm hand around his neck and shook your head softly, pulling your face from his shoulder to meet his eyes. “Like this, Harry,” you whispered, shifting in his grip until his head lined up with your folds. You pulled your panties to the side, your juices warm against his head.
“You’re on birth control?” he asked, voice strangled as he resisted the urge to push into you. You nodded, sinking down slowly until his thick cock was deep inside of you, splitting your walls wide open. A deep cry fell from your lips as you stilled, his shaft throbbing as it settled into you.
“So fuckin’ tight, kitten,” he drawled, lips planting hungry kisses along your jawline. His eyes were fixed on the mirror behind you, watching his hand grip onto the curve of your ass. His free hand slid under you, easing you up ever so slightly. You could feel him everywhere, in your stomach and in your throat as he pushed deeper into you. Your walls were threatening to burst around his shaft, the size of his cock scratching an itch you never knew you’d had. It was pure ecstasy.
“Harry,” you whined, gripping him tighter as you pushed your hips upwards, starting to find your rhythm. The burn was white-hot in your core, tingles of pleasure spreading through your body as you bounced up and down on his lap. Your nails raked down his back as he fucked into you, deep whines and moans being pulled from your mouth every time Harry’s cock hit your sweet spot. His strong arm was guiding your hips up and down, his free hand still exploring your body as he pressed kisses along your throat. You still wanted more of each other, still searching each other’s bodies as if you had been starved of touch for years.
You were as close as you could be to him, your bodies melding together with every push of his hips. Your clit was rubbing against the fabric of your panties with every movement, every slap of your cheeks against his groin sending you further into your spiral.
“You’re mine, all mine, huh?” Harry mewled against your skin, his lips moving down to find your nipple. He sucked and licked around the bud, his lips swollen and hot. “All yours,” you whined, your orgasm creeping up on you after Harry’s dominant ownership. He held you tightly, your trembling legs heavy on his arm despite how light you felt. You were sure you could take flight in that moment, pleasure coursing through you with every buck of his hips. You threw your head onto his shoulder as you came, a strangled cry pushing past your dry lips.
Your walls tightened around his cock, his lips pressing a tiny moan into your skin. He flipped you over once your breathing slowed, the new angle pushing his cock deeper into you. Harry splayed a hand across your stomach, feeling where he was fucking into you. His eyes were dark as he looked down at you, watching the way your tits bounced with every rock of his hips. His thrusts started to get sloppier, his hips knocking into you harder as he came close to his high. You could feel him throbbing inside of you as he panted, jaw slack as he pulled out of you quickly. One hand stroked the length of his cock as he came, his come splashing violently all over your chest. You released the hand gripping his shoulder to swipe a finger through the puddle, licking it from your fingertip hungrily. “So fuckin’ perfect,” he drawled, chest heaving as he watched you.
You were more content in that moment than you’d ever been, silently thanking whoever had decided to steal your bag. If it was all an insane plan to get you here, covered in Harry’s come, you’d thank them every day for the rest of your life.
taglist: @sleutherclaw @slutforcoffein @harrysolaf @opheliaofficial07 @dragonslayersupremacy @nikkisimps @michellekstyles @im-an-overthinker @fangirl7060 @indierockgirrl @palmettogal508 @thereunion1d @hannah9921 @harryshotpocket @daphnesutton @tenaciousperfectionunknown @thegrapejuiceblues1982 @mema10 @annageeeezzzz @cicicavill7 @drewsephrry @tswiftsgf @ashleighsss @bikestyles @he6rtshaker @prettygurl-2009 @softestqueeen @jerseygirlinca @teammom4 @chesthairrry @golden-hoax @lilfreakjez @swag13r @cursingatdaylight @s-h-e-l-b-e-e
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writteninthegarden · 1 year
manbun | H.S blurb
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my masterlist
summary: you and harry are about to fuck in the back of his car, and you want his hair out for it. little do you know how much he likes a bit of hair pulling.
warnings: SMUT, car sex, quickie, hair pulling (m receiving), unprotected PIV, swearing.
a/n: just a little snack for y’all while I work on far from sober’s second part! manbunrry is so underrated.
“Baby—“ you hiss as Harry’s teeth come in contact with the junction of your neck and jaw.
His hands are on your hips, gripping tight since the moment he slid you up his lap.
You were making out in the back seat of his car— an impromptu decision to drive out to the nearest city lookout has quickly turned into, well… whatever you call this.
You weren’t together, the two of you. But it’s complicated to describe what you even are. He’d invited you over to watch a movie, so you did that, and nothing sexual had even happened.
Quickly that changed, after driving out here, the middle of butt-fuck nowhere and all the sudden being all over eachother.
Well at least since he joked about the both of you fucking in his car. Pretty sure he was just really into the idea.
He hums in the back of his throat, it’s gravelly, laced with the pleasure he’s evidently gaining from this. You can feel him plumping up beneath you.
You’re salivating over his half unbuttoned shirt. It’s borderline slutty, the way he walks around like that. Teasing his pecs and the top of his butterfly tattoo.
Sometimes you don’t know how people have a coherent conversation with him while he looks like that outside. Hair out, abs peaking through— it makes you almost nauseous.
He’d probably had his hair down during the earlier hours of the day, and then tied it up before you’d come over, since it’d been up since you went over this evening.
As much as your a fan of the manban— trust me, no one loves that bun like you do— you want his hair out.
So your hands lace behind his neck, sliding up to where the hair-tie securing his hair was. You start to tug on it.
It was in tighter than you’d initially expected— causing you to be practically just pulling on it— and nothing could’ve prepared you for the moan that comes out of him.
“God— you’re— shit.” His hips snap up against you. Hard. You almost laugh at how unexpected it was.
“Harry,” You begin, and there’s a teasing yet aroused edge to your voice, “are you getting worked up over me pulling you hair?”
He can’t even verbalise the heat that flushed through him as that happened, his jaw gone lax.
Your fingers wrap around the hair-tie again, tugging it out, earning another groan from him. You don’t stop there though, not after seeing him react like this. You gather up his hair into a make shift ponytail, pulling on it, gauging his reaction again.
His lips scrape up your neck as he tilts his head back to follow the pull.
“Didn’t know you liked getting your hair pulled, huh.” You said, tightening your grip and bringing his eyes to lock with yours.
“Fuck— I didn’t… I didn’t know.” He hissed at your teasing, pushing his hips up to your core again, trying to relieve a little pressure.
“Seems like a pretty submissive trait if you ask me? Like being a bottom hm?”
“Shut up.” He huffs, but you just grip his hair tighter.
Reaching down, you undo a few more buttons on his shirt, “Already half undone for me.”
He pulls at your sweatpants, tugging them off with only a minor struggle. Beginning to palm over you through your underwear, which is damp already.
“Already so wet. Feel it through y’underwear, babe.” He groans, kissing your neck.
You start unbuttoning his jeans, and he lifts his hips and helps you pull them down below his thighs.
“Want me on top? Want me to ride you in the backseat of your car?” You pull his cock out from his briefs, salivating at the sight.
The two of you seemed to be dancing, swapping who was leading every few steps and it was weird to experience. But it was hot regardless, seeing him act so submissive yet dominant in a span of moments.
“Jesus, ‘course I do.” He takes his hand, pushing your underwear to the side, sliding his fingers through your slit.
He drags your arousal up to your clit, drawing fast circles over you that has your stomach clenching. You move his hand away, replacing it with the head of his cock, earning a shared moan from the two of you.
One hand is still tangled up in his hair as you sink down his length about half way before allowing a moment to adjust and take a breath.
“Still so fuckin’ tight Y/N. Anyone would think I’d never fucked y’with my cock before.” He moaned, hands cupping your ass and squeezing.
“Y’still feel huge, H.” You feel him pulse within you as you slide a little further down.
As you feel the stretch, you let out that tension on his hair— yanking it back more.
“Don’t— baby— you’re gonna make me come.” He moans, thighs tensing under you.
“Hold it.” You say, getting to the very base of him and rolling your hips against him.
“Shit…” He curses, and you lean forward to kiss his adams apple, licking a stripe up to his chin.
You begin bouncing on him, starting up a rhythm that has his eyes rolling back into his head.
His hand slides forward from your ass, and down to play with your clit.
The car was genuinely swaying, and with the way the both of you were panting, you were beginning to fog up the windows.
He pinches your clit, and you give a rough tug on his brown curls.
The two of you are undoing eachother, so fast it’s giving you whiplash.
The groans coming from him are unmatched though, and you never thought he’d be so into this.
“Fucking dirty, Harry. Didn’t think you’d love getting pulled on like this. Like a slut would.” Jerking his head back to meet your eyes again, his pupils are blown out with pleasure.
“Y/N—“ he moans, and you purposefully squeeze around his cock.
“Cant admit it, can you? That you’re just a fucking slut.” You say, holding him in place.
“I’m gonna— Jesus Christ— gonna come if you keep pulling on me like this.”
You bounce harder over his cock, kissing his jaw and lips as you ignore the burn in you legs and the pit of your stomach.
His fingers are fucking your clit with a matched pace to your bounces, and your resolve starts to crumble beneath you.
“Harry—“ you cry as his fingers slip all over your absolutely soaked clit.
“Come. Just fucking come on my cock, please!” He begs, and your whole body tenses as it happens.
You thighs are shaking as you come around his dick, so hard your digging the nails of your free hand into his shoulder. The other has got his hair in a vice-like grip.
That combined with the clenching of your cunt, Harry can’t hold it a second longer— his own moans are sounding seconds after yours.
“Fuckfuckfuck—“ he hisses, abs clenching as his warm ropes of come shoots into you.
It takes a moment to come down from your highs. And you’re both still shaking as you begin to untangle yourselves from one another.
“You’re probably gonna have a sore scalp tomorrow.” You laugh a little as he tucks himself gently back into his briefs, wincing a little at the sensitivity of his cock.
“Worth it, I guess…” he admits quietly.
“It’s hot you know? You pulling on my hair like that. Nearly came when you first did it.”
“Well fuck, I think it’s hot you like having your hair pulled.” You shrug, kissing his lips.
“M’ glad. Means you’ll do it again.”
“Anytime, Harry.” You smile, half joking, half not.
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writteninthegarden · 2 years
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Aaron Hotchner in “The Slave of Duty” [05x10]
777 notes · View notes
writteninthegarden · 2 years
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writteninthegarden · 2 years
Better than Whipped Cream
“Y/N?” you hear Gibbs growl in that oh so gruff voice of his that you love, and you stand up from your seat at Tony’s desk and make your way over to him.
“Jethro?” you growl right back, grinning cheekily.
“What,” he asks, disdain dripping from his voice as he uses his index finger to scoop whipped cream off the top of his coffee, “is this?”
“This, Jethro-“ you hold his hand with your own, wrap your lips around his finger and playfully suck on it. “Is my coffee,” you finish after pulling back with a sharp pop that has McGee nearly choking and Tony’s jaw on the floor.
You snag your cup from his hand and replace it with the black coffee you bought specifically for him, bending down to nip at his earlobe. “A little preview for tonight,” you murmur as you stand.
He grabs your hand and pulls you back down to his seated level, earning a gasp from you that instantly turns him on. “Let me walk you back down to your car, honey,” he says softly, that twinkle in his eye all too familiar.
“Hey McGee, ten bucks says they don’t make it to the c-” Gibbs cuts Tony off with a sharp smack to the back of his head as he walks by, your hand gripped tightly in his free hand.
Your laughter is cut short as Gibbs all but shoves you into the elevator, following close behind.
You roll your eyes at him, acting annoyed even though every nerve in your body is on fire thinking about all the delicious things he’s going to do to you in the car. “Yknow, I actually wanted to drink that coffee, Jethro,” you huff good-naturedly. “And enjoy my whipped cream.”
Gibbs suddenly smacks the emergency stop and you yelp at the abrupt halt. “What are you-“
His fingers are around your throat before you can finish the question, backing you up against the wall of the elevator as he uses one of his legs to spread yours. You moan at the feeling of his hand on your skin, the lingering threat of him playfully cutting off your air supply making your knees weak.
He kisses you soundly, his tongue forcing its way past your lips without asking for permission- even though you give it every time. He owns your mind, body, and soul, and he knows it. “Oh Jethro,” you moan as his kisses work along your jaw and down your neck, the hand around your throat squeezing occasionally.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this,” he mumbles against your skin, “but Tony’s finally going to win a bet.”
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writteninthegarden · 2 years
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Good Company - Aaron Hotchner x BAU!Reader
WC: 4.4K / navi / preview
Summary: You’re stuck rooming with Hotch on your first case with the BAU. You’re confused as to why everyone is shooting you sympathetic glances, but a talk with Hotch himself reveals that he’s a lot softer than he lets on, and that you’re the only one who cared to notice.
Contents/Warnings: Hotch gets the love that he deserves !!!! Some self-doubt/self deprecation, and slight mentions of a typical cm case and its contents
feedback is greatly appreciated! comment, reblog, talk in the tags, send me a message, tell me what you think!
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You didn’t think you’d ever looked forward to collapsing in a stiff hotel bed more than you were now. You had just finished day one of your first ever case on the job, and the paranoia settled in your chest almost outweighed your exhaustion. 
It didn’t, though. You nearly fell asleep in the van, the snow blanketing the sidewalks as you made your way to your hotel for the night. You had been warned already that the heating system in the hotel was less-than-satisfactory, but you were determined to bury yourself under at least three blankets, and get as much sleep as possible until you had to be up again in the morning. 
You were barely able to rouse yourself from your sleepy state when the van was parked, but you hauled yourself out into the snow anyways. Your bag was packed into the trunk, and you waited for Morgan to take his out first, slipping in beside him and letting the bag hang at your side.
You shuffled into the hotel lobby beside JJ, who smiled sympathetically at you. You were sure she’d had her fair share of late nights on the job, and you applauded her for being so strong.
Hotch, who had gone to talk to the receptionist, picked up four room keys, meaning two people per room. Penelope had (reluctantly) joined you for this case, as the local police department was sorely lacking in technological strength. You’d needed all hands on deck to sift through their security camera footage, and who better than your very own technical analyst?
You didn’t have time to plan out a roommate for the night, filing into the elevator with the rest of your team and offering a tired smile at Reid who caught your eye on the way in. Your eyes practically closed in the elevator, the soft hum of the machinery lulling you to sleep even though you were standing up.
Prentiss seemed to notice, snorting softly and bumping against your shoulder. You weren’t very balanced, your eyes shooting open as you stumbled sideways, knocking Hotch against the wall of the elevator. Your face hit his shoulder, your head bumping gently against the wall as he hurried to stabilize you. His hand found a grip around your waist, then flitted quickly to the small of your back once he’d hauled you onto your feet.
“I’m so sorry!” You rushed to steady yourself again, your eyes still panicked from your almost-fall, “I didn’t mean to-”
“Y/L/N,” Hotch let a miniscule, reassuring smile cross his features, “It’s fine. Are you okay? It looked like you hit your head.”
“I’m fine,” You raised your free hand to brush gently over where you’d hit the wall, feeling no residual pain, “It didn’t hurt.”
Hotch nodded at you, his eyes drifting back to Prentiss who stood casually in the corner, chatting with Reid and trying to pretend like she hadn’t been the reason for your fall. You noticed a hint of sternness in his gaze, though you had to look away before you could evaluate it, just in case he caught you staring.
Thankfully, you only had to go to the fourth floor of the hotel. If you had stood in that elevator for much longer, you would have died, either out of exhaustion or embarrassment from ramming into your boss.
Finally the elevator stopped, the doors sliding open before you. You had to let Rossi and Morgan out before you, but you filed quickly behind them, purposely bumping into Prentiss on the way out. She only smirked, and you reluctantly let a smile flit over your face, your friendly teasing amusing to you both.
You had half a mind to ask to room with her, but you didn’t have time to do anything about that before Hotch was turning to face you all. You hadn’t noticed him slip past you to be at the front of the group, and you hoped that he’d missed you shoving Prentiss in the hallway.
“Okay, let’s pair up.” He spoke simply, and you turned to Emily, realizing that she was already headed towards JJ. You floundered slightly, watching as Garcia clung tight to Morgan’s arm, the pair already giggling about some stupid joke.
You sought out Reid next, but he was in the middle of rambling animatedly to Rossi about a documentary that he’d been wanting to share with the man, and not even Rossi’s half-panicked expression at his new roommate was enough to get you to interrupt him and ask to be his roommate instead.
Before you could process the situation, you felt a tentative hand on your shoulder.
“It looks like we’re together for the night.” Hotch murmured, his voice low between you in the dim hallway, “I’m sorry you didn’t have much choice.”
You frowned at his apology, your mouth falling open to ask him to clarify, but he was already taking your bag from your hands, hoisting it over his shoulder and tossing everyone else their keys.
“Everyone meet back at the precinct by seven tomorrow,” Hotch made eye contact with each of his agents, “And get some sleep. We need to be on top of our game.”
You waved a brief goodbye to everyone as Hotch opened his door, catching Morgan’s eye as he mouthed an, ‘I’m sorry,’ at you. His sympathy confused you just as much as Hotch’s earlier statement had, and your frown only deepened, hearing the door click behind you as the lock was turned.
“Go ahead,” Hotch pushed the door open for you, your bag still hiked over his shoulder, “You can pick which bed you want.”
You felt around blindly for a light switch, your fingers curling around it when you felt the cool plastic. A quick flick of the switch revealed not two twin beds, but one queen bed, standing proudly in the middle of the room, like it was taunting you.
Hotch seemed to notice at the same time that you did, a soft, ‘Oh.’ coming from behind you as you stilled in the door. You broke out of your trance a second later, making a beeline for the loveseat that stood against the wall.
“I’ll stay here for the night,” You reached for your bag, but he stepped away from you, frowning skeptically at the sofa.
“You need to get a good night’s sleep, Y/N. This is your first time here, you can’t compromise your health like that. I can take it for the night, it’s okay.”
“No!” You urged, “No, I’d feel so guilty if I made you sleep on that. Seriously, it’s fine, I don’t mind.”
“I do,” Hotch frowned, glancing tentatively at the bed, waiting a moment before speaking again, ‘It’s big enough to share, if you’re comfortable with that.”
You were glad that he’d suggested the somewhat compromising sleeping arrangement, because you hadn’t been looking forward to sleeping on what was sure to feel like cinderblocks. But you didn’t want to push his boundaries, so you had stayed silent.
At his offer you nodded with a soft smile on your face, “That’s fine with me.”
His shoulders relaxed slightly, no longer stiff under the dark fabric of his suit jacket. He set your bag beside the bed, letting his fall to the floor with an unceremonious thump on the other side. 
You were glad that you’d showered that morning, not wanting to waste any possible sleeping time in a hotel bathroom.
“I’m gonna shower tonight,” He seemed to have read your thoughts, gesturing to the bathroom, “Did you wanna go first?”
“I’ll take one in the morning,” You waved him off, “Go ahead.”
He nodded, grabbing a change of clothes from his bag and locking himself in the tiny bathroom. You heard the shower turn on while you were reaching for a book in your bag, and you could tell just by the sound of the water that the pressure was terrible. You weren’t looking forward to tomorrow morning.
You busied yourself with your book while Hotch was in the shower, your eyes drooping steadily. You didn’t want to go to sleep yet, though, because if Hotch came out of the shower and saw you asleep, you knew he’d make an extra effort to be quiet, and you didn’t want to inconvenience him. 
Your eyes scanned the page in front of you, but your mind wandered. Why had both Morgan and Hotch apologized to you before you got inside? What were they apologizing for? You tried wracking your brain, but the only thing you could think of that would warrant an apology was Prentiss knocking you over in the elevator, and even she hadn’t apologized for that.
You finally gave into your curiosities when you heard the shower shut off, grabbing your phone and pulling up Morgan’s contact.
Hey, you typed, your fingers slightly less nimble than they normally were as you fought your exhaustion, Why did you apologize earlier? What were you sorry for?
He replied fairly quickly, and you rolled your eyes fondly at the knowledge that he wasn’t asleep yet. You weren’t sure if he or Penelope would sleep at all that night, too caught up in giggling and making jokes and enjoying each others’ presence.
‘You got the short end of the stick. No one ever rooms with Hotch. You’re gonna have a long night.’
Why? You replied, your brows furrowing. Did he kick in his sleep? Did he snore? Did he set obnoxious alarms for way too early in the morning?
‘Are you kidding? He’s a hardass! I can’t imagine sharing a room with him, is he barking orders at you? Has he demanded you be in bed, lights out yet?’
He’s not always like that, You scoffed lightly at Morgan’s judgements, He’s a normal person??
‘I think I’ve seen him smile twice.’
Well that sounds like he’s got nothing to smile about around you, You typed out bitterly, uneasiness growing in your chest as you realized why Hotch was probably so reserved around the office, And I wouldn’t either if my coworkers expected me to bite their heads off 24/7.
You didn’t bother replying to whatever half-joke that Morgan made back, setting your phone on the nightstand with a huff. Something inside of your chest ached as you realized that your team regarded your boss as only that, and never considered the person that he was outside the office. You were well aware that Hotch had been through significant trauma in his life, and was surlier than most. But you also knew that he wasn’t like that all the time. You’d seen him smile three times over the past two days, all centered around pictures and videos of his son that he’d been sent. Apparently no one was looking hard enough at their boss to see who he was underneath the title, and his mannerisms made sense now.
The bathroom door opened, and Hotch stepped out onto the thick hotel carpet. You glanced up from your book and offered him a smile at his reentry, and you saw the neutral frown on his face lift slightly.
“Aren’t you tired?” He gestured to the book in your hands, and you shrugged.
“I didn’t wanna pass out and then force you to tiptoe around for the rest of the night. I’ll sleep soon.”
His face fell slightly, and he wrestled with his suit jacket, slipping it over the hanger that he’d stored his dress shirt on, “Y/N, I’m sorry for making you think…” He started, but his face darkened even more and he thought better of it, shaking his head, “You- you can go to sleep. I want you to rest well, this is your first case on the job and you need to take care of yourself.”
You didn’t point out his usage of your first name, but it only further proved your point. He dropped his professional air in the privacy of the hotel room, addressing you as a person and not as a subordinate.
“No, no, it’s okay. I actually wanted to ask you something,” You set your book aside, shifting your body so that you were facing him as he hung up his suit, “Is that okay?”
“Go ahead,” He looked confused, a frown wrinkling his brows, “Is everything okay?”
“You tell me,” You let out a breathy laugh, “Why do you keep apologizing?”
“What do you mean?”
‘First you apologized when we paired up for the night. Now you’re apologizing because I wasn’t already asleep. What are you sorry for in both of those scenarios?”
A resigned smile crossed his features at your words, a pretty sight but one that saddened you, “I’m very well known among the team as the one to avoid rooming with.”
“Do you kick in your sleep or something?” You voiced a concern from earlier, “‘Cause if I’m gonna end up on the floor, I’ll just take the couch.”
“I think you’d be better off sleeping on the floor than the couch,” Hotch threw a disdainful glance at the sofa in the corner, “But no, I think everyone’s just scared to room with their boss.”
“That’s dumb.” You huffed, your words deepening the smile on his face, “It’s not like we’re on the clock or anything.”
“I’m sure I’m not the best company either way,” He mused, his eyes anywhere but meeting your own, “I don’t blame them for avoiding me.”
As his smile widened, your frown did the same. He spoke of his terrible reputation with a wistful air, like he wanted to change it but didn’t know how, or didn’t think he could. The ache in your chest felt like it was splitting you apart by now, the man standing in front of you wringing your heart out with his admission.
“You’re great company.” You spoke, and you watched his eyes widen slightly. He froze for a second, then his hands continued fumbling with his tie, his cheeks growing rosy.
“I’m glad you think so,” He murmured, “Haven’t heard that in a while.”
“Hotch,” You crawled across the bed, kneeling on his side, “Do you believe them?”
“What do you mean?” He hummed, though he continued fussing with his belongings instead of looking at you.
“Do you believe the team when they make jokes about you? About how you’re no fun, or that you’re too serious?”
“I am too serious,” He let out a breathy laugh, “Just because they’re made as jokes doesn’t mean they’re not true.”
“But you’re not always like that!” You urged, “You have a life outside of work. Just because they don’t always see it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist, or that it’s not really you. I’ve seen you smile, and laugh, and crack jokes, and I’ve only been here for a month.”
“I…” Hotch started, opening his mouth to speak and shutting it again quickly. You could see the conflict brewing behind his eyes, then finally he found his voice again, “Why are you doing this?”
“Why am I doing what?”
“Why are you trying to persuade me that I’m fun to be around?”
“Because you are.” You spoke plainly, shifting your legs so that they hung over the side of the bed, “And I don’t want you to keep thinking you’re not.”
“I appreciate your efforts,” Hotch let a smile break through his expression again, this time much more genuine and positive, “But you’re going to have to listen to them say stuff like that for as long as you work here.”
“Well they can say whatever they want, we’ll know it’s not true.”
Hotch’s smile only grew, and he shook his head slightly, glancing down at the ground, “You’re very persistent.”
“Is it working?”
“Yes,” He finally glanced up at you, appreciation painted over his face, “Thank you, Y/N.”
“Anytime,” You grinned, scooting back to your side of the bed, “And if they ever bother you again, I’ll take care of ‘em.” You waved a fist in the air threateningly, and it drew an incredulous laugh from Hotch who crawled under the blankets beside you, occupying the spot you’d just vacated.
“I’d love to see Prentiss’s face when she realizes you’re my protector now.”
The teasing title warmed your heart, as did the soft smile on Hotch’s face. He looked comfortable, not only physically in his flannel pajama bottoms and t-shirt, but emotionally as well, if his eyes lingering on your own was any evidence.
“I’d love to get her back for pushing me in the elevator,” You recalled nearly tipping Hotch over, “Just say the word and I’ll attack.”
You could tell that your joke amused him, but at the mention of the near-disaster earlier, his smile faded. He reached out without thinking, the gesture somewhat intimate in the bed between you, his fingers brushing softly over the spot on your head that you’d bumped.
“Are you-” He intended to make sure you were okay, but he seemed to realize just how intimate the touch really was, blushing softly once more, “Sorry, I didn’t think- I just wanted to make sure…”
“It’s fine,” You waved off his concerns, slightly disheartened when he pulled his hand away, “My head doesn’t hurt at all.”
“Do you remember your name?” He recovered from his momentary awkwardness quickly, raising one eyebrow in a teasing expression.
“No,” You let out a yawn, the gesture aiding your sentence perfectly, “But I think that’s because of how tired I am, not because I have a concussion.”
“I hope you’re right.” Hotch murmured, reaching blindly behind him to feel for the light switch, pointedly not turning away from you, “Good night, Y/N.”
“Night Hotch,” You mumbled, your eyes slipping shut, “See you in the morning.”
He hummed softly, flicking the light off and settling his head on the pillow, “You can call me Aaron.”
“Tomorrow,” Your brain could barely form the thoughts you wanted to get out, too consumed already by exhaustion, “I’m too sleepy tonight.”
He let out a soft laugh, and you felt his knee gently graze yours beneath the blankets, “Right, tomorrow.”
It turned out that Aaron didn’t set obnoxious alarms for way too early in the morning, his phone chiming at only six-thirty. You weren’t even sure if you’d be able to make it to the precinct on time, but you appreciated the extra sleep.
You were much closer than you remembered being to Aaron in the queen bed, the both of you having shifted in your sleep to be pressed against one another. One of his hands was wound around your waist, the other beneath your head, acting as your pillow. One of your hands was resting between you two, spread out over his broad chest, as the other was slung over his shoulders. The proximity left a strange, warm feeling in the pit of your stomach, but you chalked it up to the stifling heat you’d awoken to.
Aaron’s alarm was still chirping on the nightstand, but apparently he couldn’t hear it from where he was burrowed into the crown of your head. Your face was tucked neatly into his neck,and you felt his breath fan out over your skin. You smiled fondly at the way he’d snuggled up to you in his sleep, knowing full well that he hadn’t intended to, and would be adorably bashful once he found out.
You kept your promise from the night before, gently patting his shoulder when he didn’t stir at the alarm, “Aaron,” You mumbled sleepily, “Aaron, it’s time to get up. We’ve gotta get back to the precinct.”
He groaned gruffly, his arms only tightening around you. You giggled softly at his haziness, this time patting his chest, “Come on! We’ll get so much shit if we’re late.”
He stayed still for a moment, but you could feel him gradually waking up, a long sigh escaping him after a yawn, “I thought you said it didn’t matter what the team said.”
You groaned as he quoted your statement from the night before, reluctantly wriggling away from him, “Yeah, but I also wanna find this woman and go home.”
He seemed to agree with that argument, his arms loosening in their grip around you. You blinked slowly as you woke yourself up completely, and because of the way that Aaron had pulled back, his face was level with yours. You felt his eyes on you, and you blearily stared at him too, returning the soft smile that he gave you.
“You slept well?” You guessed at the reason for the bashful grin on his face.
“Best I’ve slept in forever,” You decided not to look into his flattering statement too far, your eyes glued to his own as you agreed.
“Me too.” You prolonged the eye contact for moment, and you could have sworn that he shifted slightly closer to you. Your heart began racing, any leftover drowsiness from waking up completely gone as you watched him inch forward. Your hand was still braced on his chest and you let your fingers curl gently into the front of his shirt, ready to let your eyes slip closed when his phone rang on the nightstand.
He froze, his lovesick gaze on you remaining for only a moment. Then, he was arching backwards, grabbing the phone from his nightstand and sitting up to hold it to his ear. Your hand fell away from his chest, and you caught your breath while he spoke to whoever was on the end of the line.
“Yeah, we’re coming.” He rubbed a hand over his face, still clearly half asleep, “We’ll be there soon.”
He hung up, setting the phone back on his nightstand and turning to face you. You hauled yourself upright, your heart still pounding in your chest. You would give anything to be trapped in that singular, serene moment until the end of time, the closeness and intimacy of what could have been tempting you more than anything ever had before.
“We’re a little late,” He smiled fondly at you while you checked your phone, “We should head over there now.”
“I’ll go get dressed,” You gestured to the bathroom, “I’ll be right back.”
You missed the way that his eyes tracked you as you headed into the bathroom, your clothes for the day in hand. A certain adoration lined his eyes, and he had to shake himself out of his daze to get himself dressed.
You were changed faster than he thought you’d be, because when you stepped out of the bathroom once more, he was half-naked. His slacks were unzipped, his chest on full display as he fumbled with the buttons of his shirt. Your cheeks flared, and he bit his cheek, containing the smirk that threatened to slip past his lips as you hurried to your side of the bed, shoving your pajamas in your bag haphazardly.
He tucked his now-buttoned shirt into his slacks, buttoning them and reaching for his belt. He saw the way that your eyes lingered on his hands while they slid the leather strap through the loops on his slacks, and he basked in your attention.
“We can grab breakfast on the way,” Next he went after his tie, slinging it haphazardly over his neck, “There’s this place down by the precinct that we can drive-” He stopped dead in his sentence as he reached for his bag, feeling your hand on his arm. You turned him to face you, your eyes flitting to the tie over his neck rather than his own that stared down questioningly at you.
Your fingers twisted the tie around itself, brushing against his chest far more often than they needed to. But he relished the contact, finally letting his smile grow over his cheeks once more as you tied his tie.
You adjusted it once the knot was in place, tightening it to his neck and tugging at his collar when it threatened to crease, “There.”
“Thanks.” At his voice, you looked up at him, and your eyes widened slightly with just how close you were. 
You were trapped in another one of those suspenseful moments, the ones that had your heart fluttering and your breath catching in your throat. You so desperately wanted Aaron to kiss you, and he so desperately wanted you to kiss him, but all anyone did was stare into the other’s eyes. Your smiles grew the longer you stared, his eyes twinkling in adoration as yours shimmered similarly in excitement. 
You stood frozen, close enough to each other that you shifted forwards slightly, and were pressed against his chest. Your bold move seemed to give him all of the confirmation that he needed, and his large, rough hands came up to cup your cheeks, tilting your face upwards. He leaned down in one confident swoop, his lips pressing to yours as his eyes fell shut.
Your hands twisted themselves desperately in the collar of his suit jacket, tugging him impossibly closer to you by the fabric. He seemed to understand what you wanted, deepening the kiss while setting a hand on your hip, tugging you in closer. Your cheek was cold now that Aaron’s hand wasn’t covering it, but the warmth that his lips brought you filled your chest and flushed to your cheeks, heating you right back up.
You let out a soft hum into the kiss, a sound that made his hand tighten in its grip around your hip. His tongue swiped sensually over your lower lip, and you wanted nothing more than to part your lips, granting him the access he so confidently sought.
You would have done it, too, if there hadn’t been rampant pounding on the door only seconds after he’d kissed you. 
“Guys,” Morgan’s voice was slightly annoyed, something you’d never heard from the man directed at his boss, “Come on! We’re all waiting on you, are you even up?”
Aaron sighed, breaking away from the kiss and resting his forehead against yours. He had a sheepish grin on his face, making him look as youthful as you’d ever seen him, and he mumbled an apology against your lips.
“We’ll continue this later?” He murmured, keeping his voice low enough so that Morgan couldn’t hear it from outside.
“Definitely,” You nodded, for once hoping that you’d drag out the case long enough to stay another night, “I think we should start rooming together more often.”
Aaron reluctantly let you go as the knocking intensified, but the soft smile was still lingering on his face, “They’re gonna think you’re crazy.”
“Let them,” You started for the door, swinging it open and dodging Morgan’s fist which was still knocking on nothing, not noticing that you’d opened the door. The man glared exasperatedly at you, expecting an explanation as to why you'd been so unresponsive, but you didn't grant him one. Instead, you turned back to Aaron, who had stiffened slightly at the near-accident, sending him a reassuring smile, “I don’t care.”
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tags: @sunflowermotel @jhiddles03 @just-shut-up-kid @fadingpersonaspyexpert @cheyxfu @beeblisss @rosaliedepp @skyler666 @wanniiieeee @ssamorganhotchner @wheelsupkels
feedback is greatly appreciated! comment, reblog, talk in the tags, send me a message, tell me what you think!
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writteninthegarden · 2 years
Instagram/Text POV: You’re a member of the BAU
….. and you might be in love with your unit cheif 😉
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again, if you see typos (bc my phone sucks), no you don’t.
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writteninthegarden · 2 years
priest: repeat after me
hotch: don't tell me what to do
priest, to haley: are you sure you want this one?
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writteninthegarden · 2 years
I love these 🥰
pov: your instagram but you’re dating aaron hotchner
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Liked by itspennyg, e.prentiss and 87 others
its(Y/L/N): eyebrows furrowed because he just got up from falling on his butt
view all 14 comments
itspennyg: adorable!!! have fun, we miss you 💗
↳ its(Y/L/N): I MISS YOU MORE PG!! got you some cute stuff to add to your batcave ;)
e.prentiss: did you get a photo of hotch on his butt
↳ jenniferjareau: share it to the world aka us
↳ its(Y/L/N): he told me that he’d leave me in the mountains if i post it on here
↳ aaron_hotchner: please don’t betray me, sweetheart.
↳ spencer.reid: she just sent it to the group chat
↳ its(Y/L/N): literally fuck off spencer
↳ jenniferjareau: i feel like i have two adult children with spence and (Y/N) 😐
↳ aaron_hotchner: get your child here she’s sulking because i pushed her off her skis.
Keep reading
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writteninthegarden · 2 years
Happy Daddy’s Day, indeed 😮‍💨🤤
Daddy’s Day
Summary: It’s Aaron’s first Father’s Day as a part of your family since marrying your mom. You don’t get him a gift, so it only makes sense to give him something after everyone else has gone to sleep.
Pairing: Hotch x blank slate Fem!Reader (no use of y/n)
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: stepdad hotch, smut, daddy kink, gagging, some spanking, teasing, a bit of breeding kink if you squint, general immorality by the author. 18+, minors DNI
A/N: This is…. I don’t know. I don’t know what the hell this is, aside from stepdad hotch filth. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to blame me for any mistakes because I wrote all of this today. Blame the name on @laurensprentiss though xx. Find it on ao3 here, or under the cut!
Happy reading <3
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You shouldn’t even be here. Celebrating Father’s Day is a waste of a perfectly good Sunday that you could be spending doing something else. Something like going to the mall, or working, or fucking your stepfather like you’ve been doing in secret for nearly two months now.
None of those are suitable Father’s Day activities. That means that you’re stuck at the public park with your mom, your stepdad, and your stepbrother, Jack. Your stepdad's coworkers are also there, many of them with their families.
When you get to the park, your mom announces that it’s time for presents. The four of you sit at a picnic table and you watch as Aaron is presented with a new watch from your mom, and a crude family drawing from Jack along with a card declaring him the ‘Best Dad Ever!!!!!!’.
Aaron thanks them both profusely, puts the watch on then and there while Jack crawls into his lap for a hug.
“Sweetheart?” Your mom prompts you after a moment, and both boys look at you. “Do you have a gift for Aaron?”
You arch one eyebrow. It’s all too easy to play the part of reluctant stepdaughter, a role that you find yourself leaning on heavily these days. “He’s not my dad. Just because you’ve been married for a year doesn’t mean I’m going to start calling him daddy.”
Aaron lifts Jack off his lap as your mom opens her mouth- inevitably to scold you- and he cuts her off in the nick of time. “It’s okay, hon. You know I don’t expect anything, and this is more than enough.”
“It’s not about that. It’s about respect,” she argues, but Aaron is unwavering.
“She respects me perfectly fine. If she doesn’t want to give me a gift, I’m fine with that. Now come on,” he says, standing up. “JJ is here with the kids. Jack, let’s go see Henry.”
The little boy is off like a shot, as excited to see his friend as Aaron obviously is to break out of the current conversation.
The afternoon passes in a daze under the summer sun, filled with laughter and drinks and uncountable complaints against the heat.
You play with the kids for most of the day, and find yourself squatting to talk to Jack while Aaron is behind you once or twice. Based on the way he sputters on his beer, he’s caught a glimpse of the black lace lingerie set you bought yesterday.
When Jack begs you to get him some ice cream, you agree and get a cone for yourself, too. It’s hard to pretend not to notice Aaron’s eyes boring into you as you lick up drips of vanilla, but somehow you manage.
The only time your composure breaks is in the mid-afternoon when you’re just finishing your second cone. You’re wearing a low cut tank top, one that makes it glaringly obvious when a droplet of the ice cream falls onto your chest.
Glancing left and right, you don’t notice anyone’s attention on you except Aaron, passively glancing at you while mid-conversation with Derek. Shooting him a wink, you scoop the droplet up with your thumb and lick the digit clean.
If it’s a little more dramatic than necessary, well, that’s no one’s business except your own. And if Aaron averts his gaze like you just pulled off your top completely, that’s no one else’s business either.
Aaron is getting more and more wound up as the day passes, and it’s clear in the clench of his fist and the fire in his eyes. Part of you wonders how not a single FBI profiler is picking up on the downright filthy looks their boss is giving his stepdaughter. But no one says a word, not even when you bring him a drink and flutter your lashes a little and ask if there’s anything else you can do for him, so you consider yourself safe.
Maybe they aren’t paying attention; it’s their day off, after all.
When you finally, finally get home from the park, everyone is exhausted. Jack is fast asleep by the time the car pulls into the driveway, and your mom gives you a kiss on the forehead before she scoops him up.
“I’m going to go to sleep, too. Don’t stay up late, honey,” she adds as she walks inside with you right behind her. Aaron stays outside for a minute, but you could swear that you feel a hand brush against your ass as you pass him.
You go right up to your bedroom and sit back on the bed, content to wait. You listen to the sounds of water running, doors closing, and your mom finally settling Jack in his bed before you hear the master bedroom door click shut.
It’s been a long day under the hot June sun, and it seems like everyone except you is exhausted.
You hear the sound of the front door open and close. Maybe you’re not the only person who isn’t exhausted.
Adrenaline thrums through your body as you hear heavy footsteps leading up to your bedroom, and your breathing is heavy with anticipation.
When the door opens, it’s with a soft ‘click’.
“Hi,” Aaron whispers, closing the door behind himself. “Are you tired?”
God, no. “Not at all,” you answer honestly, sitting up a little straighter. “Are you?”
Aaron doesn’t answer in lieu of grabbing your hand, pulling you to your feet and crushing his lips to yours. One hand cradles the base of your skull as he licks into your mouth, kissing you until you’re dizzy and he’s had his fill.
When he pulls away, you let out a breathless, “Oh…”
“You didn’t get me a gift today,” he says, skimming his hands down your waist until he gets to the waistband of your skirt, tugs it a little. “In fact, I’d call it the opposite.”
It’s hard to resist pouting at that, and you shoot him one until he kisses it away. “You didn’t like it?”
“‘Like you’ trying to get me to slip up in front of everyone? Sweetheart, I almost had to bend you over behind the ice cream stand.” He pulls at your skirt again. “Take it off.”
You follow his direction, slipping the skirt down your legs and stepping out of it before tugging your shirt off. It leaves you in nothing but the black lingerie you put on this morning just to tease him, and he groans softly as one hand comes up to grope at your tits through the thin lace of the bra.
“See? I got you a present,” you say, and he groans a little louder.
“I thought this was a new set. I need a make-up present, too, after everything you put me through today.”
Your eyes light up at that. You weren’t sure he was in the mood for anything further, especially today, but if he’s asking….
“I could ride you, daddy.” Your suggestion hangs in the air as Aaron attached himself to the visible strip of skin above your breasts, mouthing there without leaving any marks.
“You want to ride me? Want to start calling me daddy now that your mom can’t hear you?” He pants against the soft skin, sending shivers down your spine. From his words or from the feeling of his lips against you, you aren’t sure. “You want to lay me down, make daddy feel good? You’re so good to me, baby.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I do.” It pains you to put a hand on his chest and push him off, but you steer him towards the bed without breaking that contact. “Please, I’ll make you feel so good.”
“After today, you’d better,” he warns. He sinks down onto your bed, lays back with his head on a frilly decorative pillow angled so he’ll have a good view of you. “Go on, baby, make it up to me.”
That’s all the encouragement you need before you strip off the black lingerie, tossing it onto the floor as he pulls his pants and boxers off.
You waste no more time before straddling and sinking into him, his hiss and your moan harmonizing for a moment before you start to move.
Usually, Aaron prefers to fuck you. You’re out of practice with riding him, and it’s obvious with how off-rhythm you are. After a couple minutes of you trying to bounce on top of him, he finally speaks.
“Can you speed up at all? I need more, baby, you’ve got to give me more.”
He thrusts up a couple of times, testing his luck with helping you out. A whine of frustration makes him stop, and he stifles a frustrated noise of his own in favour of gripping your waist hard.
“What’s that about? You don’t want my help?”
“I’m doing my best. It’s fine,” you insist, panting quietly as you continue to move at a pace that’s so achingly slow it’s almost masochistic for him to let you continue.
One of his hands lifts up and cracks down against your ass, causing you to clench around him and stop moving.
“Baby, I know you’re doing your best. It’s just not good enough,” he chastises. “So just stop moving, let daddy get on top.”
You lift yourself off of him and let him guide you to lie on the bed. “But I wanted to ride you,” you mumble, giving him your best puppy-dog eyes. “It’s your present, remember?”
Aaron chuckles, leaning down to kiss you as he slides a hand between your thighs and spreads them. “Just let me do what I want, baby, alright? That’s what today’s about.”
“Yeah, daddy.” Your sigh is breathy as Aaron moves his lips down to your breasts, running his tongue over one nipple while sliding back into you.
You moan out loud, and Aaron is quick to pull his mouth away and throw a hand over yours. “Shut up,” he whispers, and you see the shadow of his hand scrambling for something beside the bed.
He finds what he’s looking for, shows you your panties. They’re wet, and he snickers when he notices. “All this just from teasing me? That’s cute, baby,” he taunts, tapping your cheek with three fingers. “Open up.”
“Mm, yeah, daddy.” You smile up at him and open your mouth wide, letting him push the panties in. They’re an effective gag, stifling your moans and whimpers when he starts to really fuck you.
“That’s it, atta girl. So nice and quiet for me, that’s right,” he speaks against your neck, kissing down it while he fucks you. He moves down to your breasts- as much as he can- to leave marks there, sucking and biting in a way that tells you that these bruises will be around for a while.
You moan around the panties, grinding down on him as he speeds up. Maybe it’s the atmosphere, or maybe just the fact that you’ve been teasing him all day; for whatever reason, you’re already ready to cum.
“Hm? Are you close?” Aaron’s voice is more of a low grunt than anything else, his muscles shaking against your thighs. He’s trying not to cum, chasing your orgasm before worrying about his own.
He’s such a gentleman.
You nod frantically, hips bucking up under him as he brings a thumb to your clit and rubs at it. “Cum for me, go ahead. Cum.”
The command hits you like a tidal wave, and your orgasm crests through you so hard that you writhe under him on the bed. Your legs shake hard and you’re moving so much that Aaron has to stop thrusting to hold you down with one arm while his other hand stays on your clit to work you through it.
“Good girl, that’s it,” he pants, obviously close to the edge himself. He pulls the panties out of your mouth, tosses them to the floor. “I need a yes or a no, baby. Do you want daddy to cum inside you?”
“Please, please, please,” you chant as Aaron pumps his hips, a shallow movement out-and-in, once, twice, and then he’s filling you up with a groan that he muffles in the crook of your neck. “Thank you, daddy, oh my god.”
When he pulls out, he sighs and stands up immediately. “Good girl,” he whispers, bending to kiss you as he starts to pull up his pants. “Go to sleep, baby. You need to get some rest.”
“Mmm… stay with me?” You request, and you watch Aaron glance at the clock with a sigh.
“Only until you fall asleep,” he responds, crawling back into the bed. “The last thing we need is your mother waking up right now and wondering where I am.”
You hardly hear him, already burying your face in his chest and cuddling into him. You’re post-orgasm and cozy, and his big hands just feel so nice and comfortable when they pull you in close.
“Happy Daddy’s Day,” you mumble into his chest, and he chuckles at that before laying a kiss on your forehead.
“Thank you for my gift, baby.”
Taglist: @crowfootwrites @abschaffer2 @jaspxr @angelfxllcm @arsonhotchner @ssamorganhotchner @sadgirlml @sunshinexhotchner @wheelsupkels @shyhotch @ashhotchner @laurensprentiss @hotchnerxo @haley-h0tchner @thebaileybugle @helmihotchner @dontcallmekittens @ssacharcoalgrey @allthefandomstogether @pandorasdreamings @hotched @scargarcia-magshotchner @multiverse-mxdness @nevillescomslut @queenofthepouges @ivanaplvc @itseightbeats @justreadingficsdontmindme
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writteninthegarden · 2 years
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Team Building - Aaron Hotchner x BAU!Reader
WC: 6.3K / navi / preview / gif creds to @shyhotch, i miss you meg :(
Summary: Hotch whisks you away for a team-building session after you reveal to him that your short time at the BAU hasn't been quite enough to assimilate you into the group. You have a wonderful time, you're just confused as to why he leaves the rest of your team behind.
Contents/Warnings: bau!reader, mutual pining!! lots of puppy love ooey gooey mushy pining for each other, a few sexual innuendos/mentions, rossi is stingy, typical cm case contents
feedback is greatly appreciated! comment, reblog, talk in the tags, send me a message, tell me what you think!
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In your short time working for the Behavioral Analysis Unit, you’d learned two things:
Never, ever touch Reid’s coffee mug.
Aaron Hotchner is intimidating as fuck.
You lived by these principles; they helped you navigate your work life. You’d carefully avoided the topic of the first one just this morning, quickly putting the mug back in the cabinet when you’d seen the label on it and pretending that you hadn’t touched it at all. Thankfully, the young genius didn’t seem to notice.
But the second one wasn’t so easily avoidable. Your Unit Chief was surly, stubborn, and vigilant, which meant that any little mistake you made put you on thin ice, especially as a newer agent. And that wasn’t to say that he was awful 100% of the time. He joked, he laughed, he smiled, just sparingly. His more common exterior was hardened and cool, which made it tough for you to relax around him sometimes, even knowing that he broke his facade occasionally.
Now was no different. All you were doing was sitting next to him in the van, and he was freaking you out. His commonly-donned suit was fitted tight to his body, and he sat rigid in his seat, never relaxing for a second. You understood the tension, you really did, because you’d just wrapped up a case with a rather unfortunate ending, but you couldn’t understand how he could remain so stoic all the time. You yourself were slumped against the window, the cool glass doing wonders for your heated cheeks.
You told yourself that you were burning up because of the stuffy van, or because you were frustrated over the case you’d just finished. It was local, too, which was a grim reminder that terrible things happened everywhere, even at home. But in reality, you were pretty sure it was because you were sitting close enough to Hotch to smell him.
Equal parts, in fact, attracted to him and afraid of him. That was often the space where horniness brewed. 
You couldn’t say that you were feeling the result of combining those two emotions now, though. You were more silently suffering beside him now than you were fantasizing about his large, calloused hands wrapped around your―
You couldn’t say that you were feeling the result of combining those two emotions now, though. You were more silently suffering beside him now than you were fantasizing about his large, calloused hands wrapped around your―
“Y/L/N,” You blinked bewilderedly at the sound of Hotch’s voice, looking dazedly at him as he gestured to the door, “We’re here.”
“Oh,” You mumbled, your cheeks flaring once again, “I’m sorry, I-”
“There’s no need to apologize,” Hotch let a miniscule, exhausted smile creep over his face, “We’re all a little out of it right now.”
You hummed along in agreement, pulling the latch on the car door and stepping onto the rain-soaked ground. It had mostly stopped raining since you started driving, the only thing coming down being a light drizzle that you avoided by keeping a hand hovering above your eyes.
“I booked us for eight,” Garcia stuck by Morgan’s side as they stepped out of the second van, ensuring a seat beside him, “I thought we could treat ourselves tonight, y’know?”
You peered up at the dimly lit neon sign for the gourmet restaurant that Penelope had chosen, your work attire perfectly suited for the formal dress code. You filed through the door one by one, relishing in the slightly warm, cozy atmosphere of the restaurant.
Hotch held the door for you all, and stepped in just behind you, the last one to enter the restaurant. JJ was already speaking to the hostess, giving them your reservation information. You watched her brow furrow as she turned, her eyes scanning the eight of you before she turned back to the hostess and replied.
It seemed like troubling news, whatever it was that they were talking about. You simply shifted your weight between feet while you waited, your shoulder brushing against Hotch’s gently.
“Sorry.” You turned, edging away from him on the tiled floor so that you wouldn’t bump into him again.
“It’s fine,” He murmured, his hand pressing comfortingly into the small of your back for a split second as you steadied yourself, “Don’t worry about it.”
His voice was arguably more soothing and beautiful than the violin music coming from the speakers. You didn’t usually have the pleasure of hearing him outside of the office, and his work voice contrasted starkly with what you’d just heard. There was no tension, no professional lining to it, it was smooth, and low, and soft.
The feeling of his hand on your back nearly took you out, your head practically spinning as you tried focusing on JJ when she turned to face you all.
“They’re splitting us up,” She started, a sympathetic grimace on her face, “They’ve only got two tables, one for five and one for two. They said we could stick an extra chair at the one for five, but two of us are gonna have to eat separately.”
You watched everyone look awkwardly around, silently praying for someone else to take one for the team. Take two for the team, you supposed.
“I’ll go,” You stepped forward, drawing everyone’s attention, “You guys enjoy your meal together!”
You didn’t feel unwelcome at the Bureau, by any means. But the rest of the team had worked together for significantly longer than you had, and you would feel bad sticking with them while their older friends had to eat elsewhere. You didn’t mind sitting one dinner out, especially if you’d get to eat some of the food that you saw being carted around.
There was a palpable release of tension at your volunteering, a few people sending you appreciatively sympathetic smiles, though there was still the matter of who’d be dining with you. 
You half hoped for Prentiss or Garcia, though you were sure that the latter wouldn’t dare leave Morgan’s side unless it was absolutely necessary. You mulled over the thought of dining with Reid, though you weren’t sure you’d be able to listen to him with the proper attention that he deserved, you were practically falling asleep standing up.
Before you could run through any other possible eating arrangements, that same smooth voice came from behind you, “I’ll join you, Y/L/N.”
You were almost certain that a few of your team members caught the way that your eyes widened a fraction. You turned tentatively to face Hotch, nodding and returning the half-smile that he sent your way.
“Right, well now that we’re all settled,” Prentiss smiled at you, nodding again in thanks, “Let’s eat, I’m starving.”
You joined the group as they were led to their table, hovering awkwardly beside it while the waiter got them situated. You felt Hotch’s presence behind you, intimidating even in silence and out of sight, but soon enough your waiter was leading you to your own table.
The table for two was just as romantically-undertoned as you’d expected it to be. Candles stood tall and flickering between the two plates, and a single rose rested in a vase between them. You felt your legs threaten to give out as you sat down, your brain overanalyzing the way that Hotch pulled your chair out for you.
You busied yourself with your napkin, spreading it over your lap while Hotch sat. You weren’t sure if you’d have been able to stand the sight of his hands gripping the back of the chair, or the way that his pants hugged his thighs as they flexed when he sat.
“We’ll be back to take your orders in a bit, but could we get you started with any drinks?” The waiter hovered beside your table, pen and paper in hand as he looked between the two of you.
“I’ll just have a water,” You started, smiling gratefully at the waiter, “Thank you.”
“The same for me, please.” Hotch folded his hands together on the table, his watch glinting in the low lights of the restaurant, “Thanks.”
The waiter nodded, hurrying off to fulfill whatever orders he needed to bring out next. You glanced around at the floral patterns lining the accent wall of the restaurant, taking your blissfully granted opportunity to look at anything but the man across from you.
“Just water?” Hotch spoke after a moment, his eyes tracking you as you snapped back to attention.
“I’m not really in the mood for much else,” You hummed, “And you?”
“The only other thing I’m in the mood for is alcohol, and I don’t think they serve what I need here.” He cracked one of his rare jokes, a soft smile spreading over his face when you laughed.
“Tonight was tough,” You regretted bringing down the mood at the table, but you weren’t sure what else to say, “I think I’d agree with you that nothing they have here is hard enough.”
The waiter had sidled back over to your table by then, setting your waters down and giving you something to do.
Hotch took a sip of his and you pointedly avoided watching him, but you saw him nod at your words.
“I’m just glad we all made it out of there alive.”
You tried to take his words at face value, ‘we all’ meaning you and your team, but you couldn’t help but think of the unsub’s final victim, shot in the crossfires of the man’s takedown. You were certain you wouldn’t be able to forget watching her lifeless body fall to the ground any time soon. Not all of you had made it out of there alive, and you couldn’t help but blame yourself.
If you had just been faster; better at negotiation, perhaps? You were sure that there was a way to have gotten her out of there before she was killed, and it was disheartening to know that you’d failed her.
“Y/N?” For the second time that evening, Hotch’s voice broke you out of your thoughts. You realized that your grip on the glass had tightened slightly, your fingers pressed against the dewy cup until condensation ran down your wrist.
“Sorry,” You mumbled feebly, your cheeks growing hot as you registered his switch from your last name to your first, “I just- I was thinking about her.”
His face dimmed, and you regretted making the light leave his eyes.
“I am too,” He admitted, “Just don’t blame yourself.”
“But we-”
“Couldn’t have done anything.” Hotch didn’t even let you finish your sentence, giving you a knowing look, “Guilt like that will tear you apart. It gets easier with time, and this is one of your first, so I know it’s a lot. But I- uh, we are here to help, if you need it. Okay?”
His rather impromptu speech seemed to have drained him, his chest heaving with a long exhale when he stopped talking. Your eyes had widened slightly, and you nodded hesitantly at his words.
“Thank you, Hotch.”
“We’re not at work, Y/N,” He seemed relieved that you’d taken his advice, a gentle smile spreading over his face, “You can call me Aaron.”
“Thank you, Aaron.” You corrected yourself, sending him a similar smile as you sipped from your glass, your heart fluttering as his only widened.
“We should figure out what we want,” Aaron suggested, reaching for the menu that was set atop his plate, “It’s been a while since I ate here last.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever been,” You mused, thumbing carefully through your own menu, “I haven’t really been out to eat much since moving here.”
Aaron let out a sympathetic hum at your words, “I’ve been living here for years and I still haven’t been out to eat much.”
You let out a short chuckle, your eyes skimming the seafood section of your menu, “Well, maybe if you left the office before eleven every once in a while, you’d have more dinner opportunities.’
“Maybe,” Aaron hid his wistful smile behind his menu, “But how do you know I never leave before eleven?”
You bit the inside of your cheek, trying to stop your bashful grin from spreading, “Well, okay, maybe I should leave earlier too.”
“Definitely,” He nodded, “It’s your first year on the job and you’re already trying to rival my hours.”
“I could never steal your title as reigning workaholic,” You teased, adoring the beautiful grin that seemed permanently affixed to Aaron’s lips now, “I think I’d work myself to death trying.”
He looked down at his menu once more, not to figure out what he wanted, but to keep the fondness he knew was brewing in his gaze out of sight. He could feel the rest of the team staring at the two of you, and he knew that he was acting more open now than he usually ever was with them. It was bound to raise questions.
“Have you two had time to look at the menu?” The waiter came back, asking despite seeing the menus in both of your hands. You nodded, handing them over as he jotted down your orders. The food was expensive, you knew the bill would be large, but Rossi had volunteered to pick up the tab (before he knew where you were going), and you weren’t going to let him take back his poorly timed generosity now.
The waiter left with your orders and your menu, leaving you and Hotch to pick up conversation again. You hoped to steer it away from your jobs, the topic all-too-familiar, and into something that might let you know more about your Unit Chief as a person.
“How’s Jack doing?” It was a good start, apparently, if the widening of Aaron’s smile was anything to go by.
“Good,” He glanced at his phone, and you knew that if he’d tapped the screen a picture of his son would come up, “He wants me to bring him back a book, even though this one was local. We have a little tradition, every time I miss reading him a bedtime story. I have to pick one up from wherever we are. I told him I’ll be home tonight, but I think he went to bed early just to weasel another book out of me.”
“Oh,” You gushed, “That’s adorable! What kind of books does he like to read?”
“We’re in the middle of the Magic Treehouse series right now.” Aaron reached into his suit jacket, rifling through a plastic bag that was tucked inside and flashing the cover for #64, “We’re only on number thirteen, but I miss a lot of bedtime stories.”
You hummed sympathetically, “I’m sure he’s happy when you do get to read them.” “He is,” Aaron smiled softly, images of his sleepy son asking him for one more chapter flashing through his head, “He doesn’t let anyone else read them to him. Just me.”
You cooed at the admission, watching Aaron’s cheeks tinge just the slightest bit pink. You caught Prentiss’s eye from across the room, her own blown wide open as she gestured frantically between you and Hotch.
You looked away as if you hadn’t seen her, not wanting to ruin the moment you’d gotten yourself into with Aaron.
“What about you? Are you a big reader?” Hotch raised an eyebrow, taking another sip from his drink. 
“Well I’ve advanced a bit past the Magic Treehouse series,” You joked, “But yeah, I usually read on the jet.”
“I’ve noticed,” Aaron admitted, not missing the way your eyes widened almost imperceptibly at the thought of him watching you, “Sometimes I can’t even see your face behind the book you’re reading.”
“I just get into it,” You groaned sheepishly, “They’re good books!”
“I’m sure.” Aaron hummed into his glass, the water level dwindling as he glanced around the restaurant. 
By the time you’d gotten your food, you’d received twelve texts. Six from Penelope, three of which had some form of sexual innuendo about them, two from Prentiss, who demanded that you reveal your true feelings over your accidental candlelight dinner, one from JJ, asking you if the bread at your table was as dry as it was at theirs, one from Rossi who had mispelled several words in asking if you were ‘comsiderig tbis a datw’, and finally, one from Reid, complete gibberish which he’d accidentally typed while the phone was in his pocket.
You ignored all but Penelope’s, knowing that she’d come over to your table and talk to you herself, right then and there, if you didn’t answer.
Shut up, you typed, your fingers tapping the screen below your table so as not to look rude, If you guys ruin this for me I’ll ruin you.
You watched with disdain as Penelope handed her phone to Derek, the two giggling at your message before Derek typed back.
Someone’s real defensive ;) - D
Just stop looking at me like you expect me to strip for him right here, I can’t-
“How was your food?” Hotch raised an eyebrow, watching your gaze shoot up to meet his in surprise. He let out an apologetic, ‘oh,’ shaking his head slightly, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“No problem,” You locked your phone eagerly, happy to not have to carry on conversation with the other table anymore, stuffing it in your pocket, “It wasn’t important.”
You would have been content to continue your casual conversation with the man, but his eyes lingered on you, the flickering candlelight between you reflected in his discerning gaze.
“Y/N,” He started, a hint of something you’d never heard (uncertainty?) in his voice, “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course,” You hoped that the way your voice shook was just in your head, because the simple question had your stomach in knots, “Ask away.”
“Why did you volunteer to sit here so fast?”
“When we got the news that we needed to split,” Aaron gestured back to the hostess stand, “You stepped up almost immediately. Why was that?”
You knew you wouldn’t be able to lie to a profiler, let alone a seasoned one like Hotch. But you tried anyways, letting a smile that didn’t reach your eyes cross your face as you joked, “I just wanted to get things moving along so we could eat faster.”
He hummed in acknowledgement of your answer, but not in acceptance. He took another long sip of his now-refilled water, speaking again after licking his lips softly.
“What you said back there: ‘You guys enjoy your meal together?’”
“What about it?” Your brow furrowed as Hotch quoted you, uncertainty brewing in the pit of your stomach as he kept his eyes locked on you.
“You weren’t taking one for the team, Y/N. You were excluding yourself. Why?”
“I don’t- I don’t really think that-”
“Please be honest with me.” Hotch murmured, his own brows dipping as he watched your reactions to his questions, “I’d like to know what your reasoning was. It’s important to me.”
Another lie was on the tip of your tongue, ready to spill from your lips, but Hotch’s concerned eyes seemed to melt your stubbornness away, and you sighed inaudibly.
“I felt like they’d enjoy a meal together more than if I was there. They’ve known each other for way longer than they’ve known me, it makes sense for me to duck out first.”
Hotch finally seemed to take your answer as the truth, which was good, because you’d never been more honest with the man. His face was set in his usual neutral frown, but his lips shifted miniscully as he monitored your confession.
“I- I know I’m welcome here,” You felt as though you needed to contribute more to the discussion, him having fallen silent and leaving an awkward air behind, “I just thought that I’d let everyone else have their dinner together.”
Before you’d even said the last word, the waiter had come by with your check. Apparently the other table was taking longer, even though Rossi had forbade anyone from ordering dessert and lengthening the bill.
“Thank you,” Aaron broke out of his trance, his eyes leaving yours for the first time in minutes as he slid his card into the folder, “The food was excellent.”
“Hotch,” You murmured, forgoing his first name after your conversation had taken such an intimate turn, “Rossi said-”
“I’d like to pay for tonight.” He stated simply, handing the waiter back your bill, “Would you return the card to that table? We need to leave rather urgently.” Hotch gestured between the two of you, and your heart sunk. Were you terrible enough company for him to want to rush out like this? How awful had your admission been to drive him away?
Tears stung at your eyes and you ducked your head to hide them from Hotch, though you knew he saw them anyways. The waiter frowned at the odd request, but ultimately complied, leaving your table once more to charge the card.
Hotch stood abruptly, readjusting his suit jacket on his shoulders and subsequently rustling the plastic bag inside. You made to stand up by yourself, but Hotch circled the table, gripping the arms of your chair and gently pulling you out from the table. He laid a hand on your arm, guiding you up and out of the chair, then the same hand flew once more to the small of your back.
You tensed at the contact, and you knew he felt it. But he didn’t back down, waving subtly at the rest of your team and leading you out the front doors of the building.
You followed him without protest, walking side by side through the parking lot. His hand never left its comforting position on your lower back, even though the mood of the situation was less-than-pleasant.
You felt anxiety churning your stomach as he stepped up to the van, unlocking the doors and holding the passenger’s side open for you.
“Hop in,” He offered at your hesitant gaze, “We’re going team building.”
“Team building?”
“Team building.” He confirmed, offering no further explanation, “In.”
You climbed into the van, sliding your seatbelt over your chest and thanking him softly when he went to shut the door for you. You felt your phone vibrate relentlessly in your pocket, probably another round of texts from everyone wondering if you were boning your boss in the government vehicle. Hotch rounded the front of the van in seconds, stepping up into the driver’s side seat and starting up the car.
“Dessert preference?” He adjusted his mirrors, not bothering to look you in your (very confused) eyes.
“Wh- what?”
“What do you want for dessert?” He finally glanced over at you, “We’re stopping by a bakery.”
“Oh, Hotch, you don’t have to-” You cut yourself off at his stern gaze, not sure whether it was because you’d called him ‘Hotch’ or because you were protesting his actions. Probably a bit of both, so you swallowed, starting again, “What do they have?”
“A bunch,” Aaron glanced behind him, stretching a hand to rest on the back of your seat as he turned, backing out of the spot with his free hand, “I usually get a muffin.”
“That sounds good,” You hummed, trying to focus on anything but the soft bulge of his muscles from under his shirt, “Um, Aaron?”
He seemed much more pleased once you addressed him the way he’d asked, turning to face you with a soft smile, “Yes?”
“Why are you doing this?”
“What do you mean?” His smile never fell, traces of amusement lingering as it dimmed.
“This,” You gestured to the road he’d started on, “Why did we leave the restaurant?”
“Because we were finished eating.” He spoke plainly, “That’s what you do once you pay the check.”
“That’s not what I mean,” You let out an exasperated but lighthearted scoff, a small smile creeping over your lips, “I mean, why did we ditch everyone and drive to a bakery at eight at night?”
“Oh,” Aaron feigned surprise, “That.”
“Yes that,” You let out a breathy laugh, “Is there a reason you abducted me?”
“Abducted,” Aaron scoffed, shaking his head as his smile turned fond, “I told you. Team building.”
“Well we left our team back there.”
“I didn’t think you’d want to tell them what you told me.” Aaron’s voice became softer, more sincerity coating it rather than its previously-contained sarcasm.
“So that’s why you’re doing this?”
“Yes.” He nodded once, “I’m glad that you don’t feel unwelcome with us, but if you still think that you’re the odd one out, you clearly haven’t spent enough time with us outside of the office.”
“That’s not- I don’t think I’m the odd one out!” You protested weakly, “I’m just the newest.”
“But that doesn’t mean you’re the least desirable.” Aaron glanced over at you carefully from the driver’s seat, “It’s important to me that this team feels like one. And if you’re not feeling that a hundred percent, I’m going to do something about it.”
His sincere concern for you left more butterflies swarming around your stomach than you’d have liked to admit. You wished so desperately that you could turn off your attraction to him, that you could take his words at face value and treat him like your boss. But there was always the desire for something more hidden deep inside of you, and it crawled further and further towards the light the more he expressed such gentle care for you.
You leaned to the left slightly as he turned the van rather sharply, and his hand shot out to rest on your thigh.
“You okay?” He murmured, his brows furrowed in concern.
“I’m good,” You answered honestly, your eyes locked onto the way that his hand dug slightly into your thigh, “I’m good.”
“Good.” He parroted you, a satisfied smile adorning his features.
When he finally pulled into the bakery’s parking lot, the dimly lit sign flickered with age. It was a little hole-in-the-wall place, shelves lining the walls of different baked goods that looked a thousand times better than any tiny portion you’d have gotten at the restaurant you’d eaten at.
Aaron gestured subtly to the rack of muffins, “That’s what I usually get. But you’re welcome to anything, Y/N.”
Your eyes skimmed over the prices listed on the display cases, flickering away from items whenever the first digit went over 5. You felt in your pocket, making sure that you still had your spare $5 that you’d stuck in there after lunch that day. Finally you decided on a chocolate croissant, smiling kindly at the woman behind the counter as you ordered.
“And a chocolate muffin, please.” Aaron was suddenly right behind you, that comforting touch of his hand on your lower back again, “Thank you.”
You didn’t dare turn, having heard his voice from right beside your head. You weren't sure what you'd do if you made eye contact with him while your faces were that close, but you knew you wouldn't be able to control yourself. If he felt you tense once more at his touch, he didn’t let on, standing confidently behind you at the counter as he waited for the woman ringing you up to be finished.
Your total came out to be less than $5, and you jumped at the chance to repay one of Aaron’s many favors towards you that night. Before you could so much as touch the bill that laid in your pocket, though, Aaron was sliding another card over the counter and handing it to the woman.
“Aaron-” You started, “Please let me pay for this.”
“Not neccessary,” He brushed you off, pushing your hand away when you offered up your cash, “This was my idea, I’ll cover the tab.”
You wanted to protest more, to insist that he let you pay, but you would have caused a scene, and you didn’t want to inflict that upon the poor employee. Instead you merely frowned, nodding in agreement and thanks.
You took the bag that the woman handed you, the brown paper wrinkling under your touch. You could feel the heat from the pastries inside, and even though you’d just eaten, your stomach twisted eagerly at the thought of a warm, gooey chocolate croissant. 
Aaron slipped his card back into his wallet, his hand returning to its now permanent place against your back. His touch was electrifying, burning through the layers of clothing you had on and searing your skin.
You wished that the night hadn’t been as chilly as it was, because when he removed his hand to open the door for you, you felt a chill. You tried to commit the feeling of his hand pressing flush against your back to your memory, ashamed as you admitted to yourself that you’d spend many a night trying to relive the scenario.
You set the bag of warm pastries in your lap, thanking Aaron softly as he helped you get settled again. His attentiveness hadn’t gone unnoticed by you, and you couldn’t help but read further into it than you should have. The attraction that had been swelling in your chest since the moment you laid eyes on the man was starting to surface, and you weren’t sure if you’d be able to contain it if he touched you any more than he already had.
He stepped up into the van with the same confidence he had before, settling himself in his seat but waiting to shut his door. 
He slid his suit jacket off of his shoulders, eyeing your sheer blouse, “You cold?”
You felt heat rise to your cheeks, your jaw tensing before you stammered, “Only a little, but I don’t-” 
Before you could finish your feeble protests he had spread out the jacket, twisting his arms in what was probably a very uncomfortable gesture to lower the fabric over your shoulders. The faint scent that you had caught being sat beside him earlier was nothing compared to the smell that enveloped you as the fabric of his jacket clung to your shoulders, cozy and inviting, faintly husky.
Without meaning to, you shrunk into the jacket, relishing in what would probably be the closest you’d ever get to hugging the man. 
He watched you with that same hint of fondness he’d displayed in the restaurant, finally shutting his door and keeping the cold out. You thanked him softly, biting your lips to contain your overjoyed smile at the advances you were determined to look too far into.
“It’s no problem, Y/N.” His voice, just as low as it normally was, created a completely different atmosphere than it typically did, warming your heart instead of chilling it. While he was usually intimidating and cold, the affection dripping from his sincere smile made you genuinely forget what he looked like when he was stoic.
It was a beautiful expression on him, happiness. You wished that you could see it all the time, that his work didn’t suck so much joy out of his life, but you made a mental note to ask him about Jack more, because the same emotions lit up his face at the mention of his son.
You realized you’d been staring at him for way too long, clearing your throat lightly. Your eyes were locked onto his own, and you must have had some delusional lapse of coherency, because you could have sworn that his eyes had flickered down to your lips for a split second. But you had to be imagining things.
He reached forward, and your chest tightened. You swallowed lightly, preparing yourself for whatever impossible scenario was about to happen, but his hand only curled around the bakery bag, unfurling the crinkled paper.
You cursed yourself for being so hopelessly romantic, watching as he reached in, his muffin and your croissant in the same large hand.
“Here,” He handed you your pastry, “We’re eating in the car.”
“Isn’t that a bit unprofessional?” You teased, priding yourself on your steady voice.
“That’s the point.” He grinned, breaking off a piece of his muffin and popping it into his mouth, speaking delicately around the treat, “We have to be unprofessional together if we want to work well professionally.”
It was a sensible statement, it really was. But your mind began wandering to all of the other unprofessional things that you two could do together, Derek and Penelope’s teasing far too accurate to what ran rampant in your brain.
You took a bite of your croissant to give you something to do, to fill your mouth so that none of the words on the tip of your tongue could fall out and embarrass you.
You hummed softly at the warm pastry, the taste of chocolate fresh on your tongue, “‘S good.”
“Mine too,” Aaron agreed, leaning his seat back so that he was all but laying down, “Y’wanna open the sunroof? We can look out at the stars.”
You couldn’t help but scoff incredulously, an amused smile on your face, “Where did this come from?”
“What are you talking about?”
“This,” You gestured to him lounging in his government vehicle, munching on a warm chocolate muffin far too late into the night, “What happened to you? Is it the jacket?” You brushed a hand against the fabric over your frame, “When you take it off, does it break some grumpy spell you’ve had cast over you by a mean old witch? You’re a completely different person than I’ve ever seen you!”
He laughed, long and loud and free at your accusations, his eyes crinkling at the corners as chocolate stained his lower lip, “That’s why we need to do this, Y/N. We need to know each other outside of the office, or else we won’t know each other at all.”
You smiled, shaking your head teasingly at his words. This was a side of Aaron Hotchner that you liked, one that didn’t make you want to shrivel under his gaze and apologize for something that you didn’t do.
“This is not what I had expected of tonight,” You admitted, rolling back the sunroof and reclining your own seat, “I thought you were gonna fire me or something.”
“Well, I mean, you ran us out of that restaurant like it was rigged to blow!” You urged, eyes wide as you swiped chocolate off of your cheek, “I admitted I didn’t feel like one of the team quite yet and I thought you were gonna ensure that I never would be!”
He let out another one of his laughs, the sound quickly climbing your list of favorites, “I wouldn’t fire you for that. But, I mean, are you enjoying this? Even if it’s not what you’d expected?”
You wanted to gush, to tell him that it was the best night you’d had since moving to Virginia, profess your undying love for the man right then and there. But you caught yourself before you could, your tongue digging at your bottom lip to rid it of chocolate stains, and you spoke carefully and sincerely instead.
“I’m enjoying it. Thank you, Aaron,” His name felt comfortable on your tongue now, instead of foreign, “I really appreciate this. I was nervous, y’know. To tell you. Because I don’t even think I’d admitted it to myself, I.. I was kind of just trying to pretend. Fake it ‘till you make it, y’know?”
He nodded, his eyes drifting to the open sunroof above you and trailing after each star that he could see, “I know what you mean. But I’m glad you’re having a good time, Y/N. I’m sorry I didn’t bring it up until now,” A frown threatened to take over his beautiful smile, and it tugged at your heartstrings, “But you’re just as valuable as anyone else on our team, whether we’ve known your for minutes, for days, or for years.”
His sweet sentiment, murmured in that beautifully low, soothing voice of his, had you containing yet another massive smile. This time you let it break free, though, not even bothering to hide it behind your croissant as you turned to catch his eye.
“Thank you, Aaron, again.”
“Anytime,” He hummed, “You can tell me, you know? If things don’t feel right.”
What didn’t feel right was that you weren’t in his arms. He wasn’t holding you, he wasn’t kissing you, he wasn’t loving you. But you shook those desires away, nodding thankfully.
“I will,” You weren’t sure if you’d keep that vow, the threat of annoying him with your mediocre feelings scarier to you than feeling out of place. But you placated him with promises anyways, so that he settled back into his seat, his muffin nearly gone.
“Favorite star?” He asked, breaking a moment of silence.
“I- I don’t have one,” You hesitated, frowning slightly, “Do you?”
“No,” He admitted, a light blush dusting his cheeks as they raised into a bashful grin, “I don’t know why I asked.”
You laughed, the sound lighting up his expression just like his had done to you, “You don’t have to make conversation if you don’t have anything to say,” You chided him, “I’m perfectly happy to sit in silence for a bit.”
“You are?” He glanced over at you, something hesitant lingering behind his eyes.
“Of course!” You took another bite of your croissant, careful not to get crumbs on the jacket still draped over you, “This is nice.”
“It is.” A wistful smile broke out over Aaron’s face, and he tore his eyes away from you before he could do anything rash, “Thank you for opening up to me, Y/N.”
“Thank you for joining me tonight,” Your words held more behind them than you hoped Aaron perceived, “I’m glad it was you.”
You were too busy staring at the stars to watch him react to what you’d said, so you missed his eyes darting to your cozy figure, curled up on the seat in his jacket with your croissant in your hands. He admired you for longer than he’d like to admit, his eyes raking down your form and back up again, drinking in the sight of you in his jacket.
“Me too, Y/N,” He murmured, turning back to the stars, “Me too.”
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feedback is greatly appreciated! comment, reblog, talk in the tags, send me a message, tell me what you think!
A/N: i hope you enjoyed!! i've actually got a multi-chaptered hotch x bau!reader story in the works, and i might tweak this and add it in as a chapter. but for now, it's a standalone!
taglist: @sunflowermotel @honeybrowne @red-red-rogue
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writteninthegarden · 2 years
I Love That Idiot Cave Man
Aaron Hotchner x Female FBI Cyber Crimes Agent
A/N: When you run out of title ideas for updates...sometimes I just pick a fun line I used.
Summary: Reader is venting to Penelope a few days after Aaron’s visit to her office. Reader is struggling with wanting to move forward in the relationship, but still nervous if Aaron truly trusts her.
Word Count: 1800
Contains/Warnings: SFW, no shortage of fluff, relationship decisions, and bubble baths
“Oh, my good god and gumdrops!” Penelope exclaimed with an ecstatic hand clap. “Did you tell him?”
“Ssssh, Pen! Try and keep it down, please. Pretty please?” You closed her office door behind you and walked over to lean against the side of her desk.
“Okay, sorry. My bad. I’m just excited and still waiting for an answer…” she whispered. Well, at least a whisper for Penelope.
“I didn’t tell him or ask him yet.”
“Oh. Okay. Have you changed your mind?”
You let out a long and slow sigh. “No, I still want to.”
“But? I sense a but.” Penelope looked at you expectantly.
“He got jealous.” You held your head in your hands.
“Okay, Y/N. I’ve known you long enough to know when something is bothering you. Spill, sugar plum. Enough of the succinct Hotch-like one line responses.”
“He got jealous of the male agent I’ve been working with for this task force. Made up a pretty lame excuse to come up to that agent’s office the other night when I told him I was working late. I was upset. He didn’t get it at first, but I think I explained it to him. I mean, after how secretive and aloof he’s been with me in the past…he checks up on me as if I can’t be trusted? It pissed me off, Pen.”
“Wow, what a fumble. I’m sorry, Y/N. You’ve been working so hard with your new job and the task force. I see that and I’m proud of you. He’s so proud of you too. Strictly between us, I think he’s still figuring it all out when it comes to friendships and your relationship. He’s kept so much to himself for so long. Now he’s finally letting us all in a little and you…he’s letting you in a lot, which makes me so happy for you two.” Penelope fanned her eyes to fight off tears sneaking in. “Now, I’m not making excuses for him. Your feelings are valid. He was an idiot cave man. Also, just so we’re clear, I’m talking about your boyfriend when I say that. Your boyfriend was the idiot, not my boss.”
“I understand what you’re saying, Pen. Ugh, damn it.” You nervously bit your lip. “I love that idiot cave man. I had big plans, Pen. Big big plans to tell him I want to move in with him. If I do it now it will look like I’m only doing it in response to that night.”
“Honey, it’s Hotch for heaven’s sake. You don’t need anything elaborate. You could probably leave him a post it note and he’d be just as thrilled.”
“Nah, that’s too Grey’s Anatomy. I don’t need it to be a big production. I just want to do something meaningful. Any ideas?” The irony of asking Penelope for low key ideas was not lost on you.
“Remind me how he asked you. It was your last night in Florida?”
You smiled as you replayed the memory in your mind. “He beat around the bush because I think he was flustered. No, I know he was flustered. Finally he mentioned having forever sleepovers with me. Pen, I think I have an idea!” You jumped up and started pacing her office.
“Oooh, tell me! No, wait. Don’t tell me. Keep it a surprise. Can I be of any help to you?”
“Yes, that would be amazing. Is he still here?”
“Should be. He and JJ got back from a local consult like an hour ago. Do you need me to chase him out of the office? Or set off the fire alarm near his office so he has to evacuate? Eh, on second thought…that won’t be a crowd favorite so I probably shouldn’t. I can certainly chase him out the door. It wouldn’t be the first time, so he shouldn’t think anything of it. Just say the word, my dear!” Now Penelope had jumped up out of her seat too.
“Could you stall him from leaving for like an hour or two?” That should give you enough time.
“Wait, seriously? He’ll probably do that all on his own. Either way, I’ll be so covert. He won’t get spooked on my watch.”
“Thanks, Pen! You are the absolute best and I worry I don’t tell you nearly often enough!” You threw your arms around her in an all encompassing hug, which she of course immediately reciprocated.
“Go get your plan ready! You can sing my praises and hype me up later. I will gladly take a rain check for you.” She ushered you to the door.
Aaron came home a little over 2 hours later. Penelope had kept you updated on when he looked like he was leaving for the night. You texted him to ask if you could come over so he’d know you’d be there. When he came in you called out that you were in the bedroom. You carried on with putting away the clean clothes of yours you brought over, mostly replenishing your underwear stash and a few work outfits you’d need to hang up.
“Laundry night?” he asked as he leaned against his doorframe.
“Just refilling my underwear drawer. Oh, and I finally picked up my dry cleaning so I could have a few work outfits here.”
He walked over to where your work outfits sat on the edge of his bed and picked up the 3 hangers. He carried them over to his closet and pushed his clothes to the left to make room for the 3 outfits.
“Oh, I can hang those in the office closet if you’re tight on space. I just hadn’t made my way in there yet.” You finished putting your folded panties in the drawer and gently closed it.
“No need. There’s room. I’ve been meaning to clear out more space for you in this closet.”
“How about a proper hello first?” You smiled and stepped towards him.
He closed the distance and reached up to brush your cheek and chin with his hand. “My apologies. Hello, sweetheart.” He just barely pressed his lips to yours.
“That wasn’t a real kiss” you whined.
“I was aiming for proper” he said with that damn devilish half smirk that never failed to get you. Immediately afterwards he pulled you against him. One hand held your hip in place while the other gently shifted your hair behind your shoulders. You had taken the time to straighten it, which was all part of your plan. Hopefully he’d notice the little details. Your train of thought was interrupted when he smashed his lips against yours. Damn it, you reminded yourself. You asked for this. Now you had to keep your own eyes on the prize and not get distracted. You pulled back to meet his gaze.
“There’s your proper kiss, but I can always do it again for good measure. Practice is fun.”
“Later. I want to take a bath. I’ve been dreaming about a nice relaxing bubble bath all day. Before you grumble, I didn’t add any bubble bath yet. You can pick if you’ll get in there with me.” You looked up at him, eyes wide as you awaited his response. Take the bait. Come on, please.
“Okay, that does actually sound quite nice.”
“Yes, really. No lavender this time, but you can twist my arm to relax in a warm bath with my hot naked girlfriend. Did you style your hair differently? It looks extra straight.” He ran his fingers through it mindlessly.
“Yeah, I straightened it. Shoot, I should put it up so it doesn’t get wet. I don’t think my big hair clips are here. Will it completely ruin the moment if I wear a shower cap?”
“No” he said with a chuckle. “Do you have one here?”
“I might. Check the hook next to my robe.”
“Ah, you’re in luck. Look at that. Your rubber ducky one is here.”
“Ohhh, that’s where it is. Wait, why do you have my shower cap, Aaron?”
“I…” he paused. “Hmmm, I’m not sure actually. Did you bring it to show Jack or something?”
You shook your head no and whispered “I brought it to show you.”
Aaron looked up from the bin of bubble bath and bath bombs he’d been browsing.
“To show me?
You nodded. “Do you remember what we talked about the last night in Florida?”
“Of course. Is that why the shower cap made it over here?” You could tell he was trying to keep his voice and tone soft. However, his eyes gave him away. He was ready to hang on every word of your reply.
“Yes. Aaron, I’d love to have forever sleepovers with you if that’s still something you want too.” You remained where you stood. It took everything in you to fight the urge to leap into his arms. If he said yes, you told yourself then you could. You needed confirmation.
“Y/N, nothing would make me happier. I am, however, going to need you to come here right this very second.”
You took that as your green light and ran over to him. You wasted no time wrapping your arms around his waist and pulling him the rest of the way to you. “I have to make you come part of the way to me.”
His response was to lift you up by your waist and pepper your face, lips, and neck with kisses. “Fair enough. I love you, by the way.”
“I love you too, roomie. We’re still taking a bath.” You patted his chest and prepared for the complaints to follow.
“I figured.” He kissed your shoulder. “I’ll grab your prized shower cap.”
“Eh, that’s okay. It can sit this one out.” You climbed into the tub.
“Don’t forget your hair…”
“I didn’t forget. That’s why I always have a…crap. I must’ve taken my hair elastic off my wrist earlier. It’s fine.”
“I’m unconvinced. Turn around.”
Before you could ask why you felt Aaron start to gingerly gather your hair into a ponytail. Well, more like into Aaron’s version of a ponytail. Your heart warmed even more when you watched him leaning to reach for one of your elastics he spotted in the bathroom. He didn’t seem to want to lose the progress he’d made so he held your hair in one hand and reached with the other.
“Luckily, you have scrunchies in just about every room.”
You giggled. “Those are elastics, babe.”
“Aren’t they the same?”
“Nope, scrunchies are the bigger ones. It doesn’t really matter. There’s some useless trivia for you.”
“Jeez, I was just about to brag until I saw how bumpy I made it underneath.”
“That’s an easy fix” you said as you reached to pull the elastic out and adjust.
“Umm, excuse me” Aaron moved your hand away. “I’ll fix it.” You couldn’t help but smirk when you saw him put the elastic he grabbed on his wrist while he began his second attempt.
“If Jack ever decides he wants long hair you might get regular practice with this.”
You heard him chuckle behind you. “Trust me, if he’s smart he’ll style it himself…or ask you.
“Thanks, handsome. Now you should get in here.”
“Is the water still warm enough?” He pulled off his white undershirt.
“You’ll just have to come find out” you said as you motioned him towards you.
Taglist: @rousethemouse @itsmytimetoodream @hotch-meeeeeuppppp
170 notes · View notes
writteninthegarden · 2 years
As Long as You Want Me - college au (requested)
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summary: reader and aaron are in the same course on serial killers at university of texas and have been competing with each other for the entire year. what happens when he asks her on a date?
pairing: fem!reader x aaron hotchner
warnings: 18+ explicit language, smutty smut, public sex, sir kink, dom!hotch vibes
AN: another request from a bestie, hopefully this does it justice. this was super fun to write and i hope y’all enjoy. i listened to these three songs while writing: best friend, porto fino, & nasty. requests are open!
word count: 3.6k
You weren’t one to go out often. With a full class load and a part-time job there wasn’t much time for you to go out. But, your favorite and least favorite class, CJ ST 340 Serial Killers and Repeat Offenders had decided to celebrate finals and the end of the semester so here you were at a bar. It was your favorite class because who didn’t love to learn about why sickos did what they did. It was your least favorite class because of the guy sauntering up to you and your best friend, Sabina, as you take a sip of your beer.
Aaron Hotchner.
He was a cocky, self absorbed playboy. He was also your biggest competition. The entire semester the two of you had traded off in getting the highest scores on exams and presentations. It pissed you off because you knew that he wasn’t working as hard as you. He had the reputation of sleeping around and partying hard. He didn’t have to worry about financies and he wasn’t afraid to boast about it. He was the opposite of you, everything you detested.
“I didn’t know miss goody two shoes knew how to have fun.” His smooth voice is sarcastic as he nudges your elbow.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me Hotch and I’d like to keep it that way.” You lean away from him, your face wrinkled in disgust.
“Sabina, sweetheart, would you mind giving us a minute?” He doesn’t stop looking at you though he’s speaking to her.
“That’s my cue to get another drink.” Sabina announces without looking at you and your mouth drops open.
“Sabina!” You call after her, but she makes a beeline for the bar. You didn’t know how but you’d make her pay for this. You knew this is what she wanted. She always suggested that you and Hotch sort out your tension in a sexual manner but you were hellbent on staying away from him.
“Ouch, am I that bad?”
Ignoring his question you attempt to get him to the point of this unwanted interaction. “What do you want Hotch?”
“To congratulate you on getting the highest mark on the final.” He shrugs, taking a sip of his own beer.
“Well you’ve done it, thanks, you can go now.”
“I wasn’t finished.”
“What else could you possibly have to say to me?”
“Go out with me tomorrow.”
If the music in the bar weren’t so loud the laugh that leaves you could be heard down the street. “You’re kidding.” He keeps his expression serious and your laughter fades. “Oh, you’re not kidding.”
“There’s obviously some kind of tension between us, I’m not the only one who feels it, I know that.”
There was that word again; tension. You wonder for a moment if Sabina’s put him up to this.
“Yeah, there’s tension because you’re a prick.” You say matter of factly.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me too, ya know?”
“I know that you’re a rich playboy who just happens to be smart.”
“I’m hearing a lot of assumptions there.”
“Most of my assumptions happen to be right.”
He leans closer to you, his lips almost brushing your ear. “Let me prove you wrong.”
You think about it for a moment. What’s the worse that could happen? Nothing serious would come of this even if you did sleep with him and you’re sure the sex would be decent enough. You were long overdue for getting laid. “Fine.”
“Yeah?” His mouth quirks up into a smile.
“Don’t make me take it back. Give me your phone.” You hold out your hand. He fishes his phone out of his pocket and hands it to you. Quickly, you save your contact in his phone and text yourself before pulling out your own phone to save his number.
“Tomorrow, I’ll pick you up at 10:30.”
“Mmm.” You mumur noncommittally as you find Sabina in the crowd and start in that direction, preparing to strangle her with your bare hands for leaving you alone with him.
It was a mild Texas morning, you had checked to be sure it was okay not to bring a jacket. You’re making sure you have your keys and wallet in your purse when there’s a knock at your door. There was no getting out of it now.
“I have Sabina on standby in case you’re an asshole today so watch it, Hotchner.” You grumble at him as you step out of your apartment and make your way to his car.
“I plan on being the perfect gentleman, starting with this.” He opens the passenger side door for you, helping you into his black truck.
“Thank you.” You say begrudgingly to which he just flashes you a smile, patting your knee. When he climbs into the driver seat you look over at him skeptically. “Where are you taking me?”
“Well first, brunch because who doesn’t love a good drink at 10:30 on a Saturday. And then the aquarium.”
“The aquarium? Who have you been pumping for information?” You cross your arms defensively.
“I heard you talk about how much you wanted to go in class a few weeks ago.”
“So you were eavesdropping on my conversations.”
“Precisely, which worked in my favor because you said yes.”
“This is not a date by the way.”
“Whatever you say princess.” He places his hand on your thigh and squeezes.
The contact makes your heartbeat increase but you continue to look unaffected. “Don’t call me princess.”
“I think you like it.”
“I’m glad you don’t get paid to think.” You take his hand off your thigh in a grand gesture, letting it fall from midair.
He chuckles at your theatrics as he turns up the radio. A soft guitar instrumental starts to play, shocking you. It wasn’t what you thought he’d listen to since he was all leather, tight jeans, and rock band tees. “For a good girl you’re very feisty.”
“I am not a ‘good girl’.” You mumble defiantly and it sends him into a fit of laughter. Even though he was annoying you, you notice how much you like his laugh. It makes you think of warm days filled with nothing but happiness.
“I think we both know that’s not true.” He replies, snapping you out of your thoughts.
Don’t forget that you hate this man, you think to yourself.
“You’re insufferable.”
“Irresistible is a better word.”
“I’ll jump out of this car right now.”
“I never imagined you to be so dramatic, Y/n. Just relax. I really just want us to have a good time together, we don’t have to be class rivals right now.” He says softly. Gently. Patiently.
“Fine, but don’t push me.” You warn to which he sends you a cheeky grin. You couldn’t deny how handsome he looked when he smiled. He had the cutest dimples and the whitest teeth.
He doesn’t respond but holds his hand palm up and glances at you expectantly. Instead of continuing your usual banter you give in and place your hand in his. He laces his figures through yours and that’s where your hand stays the entire drive as he hums along to the music. He takes you to one of the nicest restaurants in town. Luckily you had anticipated this and worn a dress, casual but nice enough to not feel underdressed.
Once seated at the restaurant the two of you talk about everything under the sun. His music taste is varied like yours but his favorite is The Beatles White album. You tell him that you have an older brother and learn that he has a younger one who gets himself into all kinds of trouble. Both of you eventually want to go into law or law enforcement. His dream is to be a renown prosecutor while your classes this semester have convinced you that you want to catch murderers. All in all its light and easy talking to him over brunch and you find yourself enjoying the time spent with him.
He finishes his plate when you stifle a giggle. “Hotch, you’ve got a little something.” You point to your face to indicate he has some grease on his cheek.
His eyes widen innocently as he uses his napkin to completely miss the spot on his face. “Did I get it?”
“No, just lean forward.” You command and he does. You use your fingers to wipe the grease away, his eyes catching yours as you complete the overly familiar gesture.
You try to pull your hand away as you feel your face heat up but his hand catches your wrist. “Thank you.” He murmurs before placing a quick kiss on the inside of your palm.
Your breath catches in your throat as you bring your hand back to sit in your lap. “You’re welcome.”
“Ready to go?”
“Don’t we have to pay?”
“They can just put it on my tab.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot you’re rich, you have things like that.”
He rolls his eyes at your words as he stands. He offers his hand to you, and you take it. To your surprise he pulls your body flush to his, his eyes smoldering into yours as he looks down at you. “Ready?”
“Mhmm.” You squeak. He releases all of you but your hand, guiding you out of the restaurant and to his car. Instead of opening the door he pins you against it, though you could easily push him off.
“Can I try something?” His gaze settles on you lips for just a second before looking back up at you.
He was asking permission to kiss you. The sentiment sends butterflies through your stomach.
“Um, sure.”
“Just relax.”
His lips gently capture yours, though you can tell he’s holding back by the strength of his grip on your hips. You wouldn’t be surprised if it left bruises with how tightly he was holding onto you. You moan into the kiss and his tongue eagerly slips into your mouth, taking your breath away.
“That was…” You huff once he pulls away for just a moment. He kisses you again, cutting you off.
“It was. Let’s go, yeah?” He asks, his lips still against yours. Unable to speak all you can do is nod.
The aquarium is surprisingly empty for a Saturday afternoon but you have no complaints. Your hand is in his firm grasp and all you can think about is how good it feels. You catch yourself, shaking your head slightly. This was not a date. This is the lead up to really good sex, and that was it. You refuse to catch feelings for Aaron Hotchner.
Absolutely not.
“Hotch at least let me pay for this, I know brunch was expensive.” You whine as the two of you make your way through the queue.
“I have a membership don’t worry.” He hands the attendant a card. After a quick swipe the attendant points to the left and mumbles some rehearsed greeting. The two of you start down the first hallway of tanks full of fish, jellyfish and other sea creatures.
“Of course you do.”
“And we’ve kissed, I think you can call me Aaron.”
“Aaron?” You ask skeptically, leaning closer to the glass to watch a school of clownfish swim by.
“I bet you let all the girls you kiss call you, Aaron and that’s a long list.” You tease, leaning up against the wall next to the tank so you can get a good look at him.
“No. Just you.”
“I know you think I hate you but I think you’re brilliant and funny and incredibly beautiful. Things with you are just…different. They always have been.”
“If you’re saying this to get into my pants, you didn’t have to, I was going to sleep with you anyway.” You try to joke away the feeling his words bring on but he doesn’t let you when he continues with his sweetness.”
“Y/n, I could never touch you again and I’d feel the same way.” He maintains eye contact as he says this and you feel your body get warm and tingly. “Never thought I’d render you speechless.”
You push on his chest playfully, taking your lip in between your teeth. “Shut up, let’s go see the dolphins.”
The two of you walk hand and hand through the aquarium, stopping to take pictures with the starfish and a mantis shrimp before you arrive at the tank with the dolphins. You practically glue yourself to the glass, completely enamored with them. What you don’t notice while you watch the dolphins swim circles around each other is Aaron taking candid photos of you.
“Do you want to touch them?”
“I wish, but I don’t think they offer that.”
“What if I told you we could?”
“Yeah?” Your whirl around to look at him, an infectious smile on your face, your eyes alight.
He simply holds his hand out for you and the two of you go through a bunch of hallways that say employees only. There’s a worker waiting for you and when you realize he had this planned your heart softens. Maybe, just maybe he wasn’t exactly who you thought he was.
The dolphins are sweet and playful, and Aaron takes a bunch of pictures of you feeding and petting them. You make sure to get plenty of him doing the same and then the worker takes some of you together. There was now concrete documentation of you and Aaron spending time together and you come to realize that you’re okay with that. Happy with it even.
As the day goes by he gets more affectionate. Whether it be a soft kiss at the nape of your neck or corner of your jaw and ear, or just the simple squeeze of your hips, his hands are always on you. His hands, which you’d never give much thought to before today that are so strong and rough and warm. All this physical attention drives you mad and by the time your make it to the sea lions you can’t take it anymore. He’s driving you wild, a subtle ache between your legs turning into a heartbeat you can’t ignore.
“Aaron.” You whisper desperately into his ear though no one is around you. It was still strangely empty in the aquarium.
His eyebrows knit in concern as he gauges your expression. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“You’re driving me crazy with all the physical attention.”
“Am I?” A familiar smirk spreads across his face and he raises an eyebrow.
“You’re a jerk.”
“Come with me.” He says, though you don’t have much of a choice since your hand is in his. He leads you to the nearest bathroom and into the largest stall in the back. Before you can say anything he pins you against the wall and his mouth is on yours.
“Mmm.” You whimper when he grinds his erection into you. You cup his face with your hands and you push your tongue into his mouth, intertwining it with his.
“I always like it when you wear a ribbon in your hair. Comes in handy.” He gasps as he unties the ribbon holding half of your hair up with ease, letting the rest spill around your shoulders.
“You’re going to tie me up? In a public restroom?” It was the first time a sexual partner of yours had done this and you’re intrigued.
“Absolutely, its not like we’ll get caught. Hands behind your back, now.” You stand up straight and put both hands behind your back and he ties your wrist together, tightly but not too tight. “You’re so obedient, I knew you would be, my beautiful girl.”
His hands push your dress up and your underwear down, baring you to him. He attaches his lips to your neck, sucking a dark mark in the soft skin there as his hand finds your clit. You mewl against him, unable to do anything but take and attempt to absorb the pleasure he was giving you. He rubs your clit slowly, enough to feel amazing but not enough to build towards anything and eventually, you grow impatient.
“Please, Aaron.” You beg breathlessly.
“Please, what?” His mouth quirks into his signature smirk and if you weren’t so needy for him you’d have a smart remark. But your mind is blank, the only thought registering is pure desire.
“Just fuck me already.”
“I don’t have a condom. I mean I’m clean but-“
“I’m clean and on birth control.” You interrupt him before he can finish, needing more than the lazy circles he’s rubbing into you.
“Ask nicely, like a good girl would.” He whispers seductively into your ear.
“Please fuck me, sir.”
The wolfish grin you receive tells you that’s exactly what he wanted to hear. His assault on your clit stops and he gracefully undoes his belt, dropping his pants and boxer to his ankles. Your mouth practically waters at the sight of his erection and you lick your lips, unable to do anything else because you’re tied up.
“Like what you see?” You nod eagerly in response. “Words, honey.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good, now spread those beautiful legs of yours and press hard into the wall for me.”
Following his orders is like breathing to you, you don’t think twice. His hands come to grip underneath your thighs, lifting you up. You wrap your legs around his waist and at the same time he plunges deep into you, your moans mingling with his as he stretches you completely.
“So wet. All for me?” He slides in and out of you slowly, letting you adjust to his size before he sets a steady pace.
“Just for you.”
One hand tightens around your hips, the other comes to squeeze your throat with the perfect amount of pressure. “Damn right just for me.”
He’s hitting your g spot with every single stroke, never missing a beat. No one had ever been this deep inside you or made you feel this good and you can barely concentrate on the intense feeling.
“Oh, fuck, Aaron, baby.” You can hardly choke out the words as his increases the speed of this thrusts, ramming into you like his life depends on it.
“That’s it, let me here you. Tell me how good it feels.”
“So good. So fucking good.” You flex your wrist again, wishing that you could run your hands over his chest or through his floppy hair.
“Who fucks you this good?”
“You do.”
“Louder.” In this moment you look up at him, wanting to take in all of him. His brown eyes are so dark they’re almost black, his mouth slightly slack with pleasure. He looks concentrated, almost frowning as fucks you, sweat collecting on his forehead.
“You do!” You yell, caution to the wind, leaning forward to place fleeting kisses on his jaw.
“Who does?”
“You do, sir!” You correct yourself. He rest his forehead against yours, kissing you once again.
“Fuck, you’re so tight. Are you gonna cum for me?”
“Yes, sir, I’m so close.”
“Cum for me baby, I need it.” The hand around your throat comes down to put pressure on your clit and you know he must be close, wanting you to finish before him. “Now, baby.” He grits through his teeth.
With that, your body throws in the towel, the most powerful orgasm you’ve ever had pulsing through every cell in your body. You throw your head back with a cry and your wrists pull against the ribbon wrapped around them. He continues to move in and out of you, prolonging your high. A low, guttural groan leaves him as he meets his own release, filling you up. As he stills inside you, your name comes out of his mouth in soft whispers.
He leans into you, placing a sweet kiss on your forehead. “You were so good for me.” His murmurs as he releases your wrists from the ribbon. All you can do is hum in agreement as he pulls out of you, your body exhausted.
After pulling his jeans back up he kisses you on the cheek and exits the stall. You hear the rip of a paper towel and the water running before he enters the stall again. He cleans in between your legs slowly and gently before he hoists your underwear up, smoothing your dress down over them.
“T-thanks.” You say timidly, reality setting in. You weren’t embarrassed per se but everything between you and Aaron had changed so quickly. It was going to be an adjustment.
He must notice your hesitancy because he plants a reassuring peck on your lips. “Of course, baby.”
You and Aaron are laying on the hood of his truck later that night looking up at the stars when something dawns on you.
“Aaron?” You lift your head off of his chest to look up at him.
“Yes?” He keeps staring up at the sky, his fingers drawing circles on the exposed skin of your thigh.
“How did you know we weren’t going to get caught earlier?”
“Because I rented the place out.”
“That’s a huge waste of money.” You scold, sitting up to look at him in disbelief.
“You’re worth every penny.”
“So what are we dating now or something?” You ask jokingly as he sits up next to you.
“For someone who was so opposed to even being seen with me yesterday you’re making huge leaps.” His laughs with a smirk on his face.
“Says the man who rented out an aquarium for a girl he barely knows.”
“I know you enough to say I want to keep doing this.”
“For how long?”
“I’ll be here as long as you want me. Work for you?” His hand comes up to caress your cheek, his eyes melting into yours.
“Yeah, works for me.” You whisper breathlessly before pressing your lips to his.
tagged: @mrsh0tchner, @hotchwhore15, @ssahotchie, @azenpal, @hyacinthhotch, @averyhotchner
313 notes · View notes
writteninthegarden · 2 years
I’ve got all the warm fuzzies now after reading this :)
Impulsive: Jimmy Palmer X Reader
Jimmy Palmer has been trying to propose to Y/N for months now, but he never quite manages to pull it off. Asking the woman he loves to marry him shouldn't be this complicated. A surprising revelation from Y/N during yet another attempt to propose manages to make things become all the more complicated.
Jimmy Palmer would consider himself to be a patient man. He had been told time and time again by Dr. Mallard that patience was an important virtue to have in their line of work.
Afterall, one very well couldn’t rush through an autopsy. When approaching an examination of a body and a crime scene one had to be willing to work slowly and thoroughly. You needed to take your time when it came to gathering evidence. It was best not to get far too eager and allow oneself to get caught up in the thrill of finding answers. When one moved far too quickly work became sloppy and mistakes were made. 
Dr. Mallard had stressed that there was no room for error in their occupation. NCIS and the victim’s families were relying on medical examiners to have the answers and know exactly what they were doing. 
 Dr. Mallard had stressed to Jimmy over and over again that in order to avoid error it was best to take one’s time when it came to examining the deceased. You never knew what tiny piece of evidence might very well contribute to discovering a cause of death or even being significant in solving a case.
You had to keep a watchful eye, a steady hand, and a sense of calm. 
Jimmy could admit that he’d taken this philosophy of being patient and taking his time over into other areas of his life. 
Afterall it seemed to be a reasonable piece of advice that could easily carry over into aspects of his life not related to autopsies. 
It seemed reasonable to approach life with a certain level of patience and a sense of calm. You couldn’t rush into life without careful consideration or you might make a mess of things.
Jimmy knew of course that he wasn’t always successful at following the path of keeping calm and collected. 
His anxiety could make him impulsive at times. It was something he’d had to learn to manage as he’d aged.
He liked to think of himself as not being impulsive, but having a tendency to follow his heart.
Still though, he had taken a route of patience when it came to many aspects of his life.
His relationship with Special Agent Y/N Y/L/N was an area that required a certain level of patience.
He knew that saying that sentence out loud sounded awful.
He wasn’t saying that his girlfriend was difficult to deal with. She was far from difficult to deal with.
In fact, his relationship with Y/N had felt as though it was one of the most effortless relationships he’d ever been in. Falling in love with her had been an easy path for Jimmy to follow.
He knew though that certain aspects of their relationship required a level of calm patience. 
His girlfriend had been through a lot. She’d had more traumatic experiences than most people should ever have to endure.
She had experienced abduction and torture during her time with the FBI and just when she finally felt that she’d come to a place of stability and a sense of balance in her life working for NCIS, she’d had to go through another abduction and an attack by a former coworker/boyfriend. She had to go through the experience of realizing that the team she had trusted at the FBI was far more flawed than she’d ever expected. She’d had to grasp the concept that a man she had once loved at one point in her life had become an absolute monster. 
It was a lot for anyone to endure and still come out the other side with their sanity and their desire to trust anyone still intact.  
Jimmy couldn’t help but to see Y/N as a beacon of strength. She’d survived more than anyone should ever be expected to.
She had survived and had maintained a sense of sweetness and generosity. She had maintained a love for her career and a love for those she worked with. She had somehow kept the ability to trust others even if people had so many times given her a reason not to trust.
She had maintained far more kindness than anyone who’d experienced what she’d been through should reasonably maintain.
That wasn’t to say that she didn’t have her bad days. She had days where she shied away from the world and those she loved. Sometimes she seemed to shut down as she needed the space to process her feelings.
She had her moments where she was anxious and irritable. She had times where she expressed vulnerability. She still struggled with nightmares and anxiety attacks.
She still struggled with post traumatic stress disorder. 
 She tended to cope with her trauma one day at a time.
Jimmy had learned that when it came to supporting Y/N through this coping he had to maintain a sense of patience and calm. He had to be the strong one in times where she felt vulnerable. She needed him to be the stable, calm one when she felt as though her surroundings were out of control.
Jimmy was proud to say that he’d developed the ability to remain strong, steady, and patient with Y/N. He was proud to say he’d managed to be not only the man she loved but the man she needed.
As patient of a man as Jimmy Palmer claimed to be, he could admit that lately he felt that he was reaching the end of his tether.
Things had started out so perfectly. His plans had moved smoothly without any hiccups.
He’d kicked off that start of his plans a little over six months before during a visit from Y/N’s mother. Jimmy had the opportunity to approach the woman and ask her an important question.
He knew that asking for the blessing of one’s girlfriend’s parents was horribly old fashioned. Asking your girlfriend’s parents permission to propose was an antiquated practice. Y/N wasn’t property that Jimmy was asking for permission to acquire from her mother.
Still though, the hopeless romantic in him couldn’t help but to want to follow the tradition no matter how outdated it felt. 
He knew that Y/N’s mother was important to her. She’d raised Y/N as a single mother. Jimmy knew that it seemed respectful to at least express to the woman just how much he adored her daughter and to express his intentions to ask Y/N to be his wife.
Much to his relief the conversation he’d had with Y/N’s mother had gone well. He had been given a delighted green light from Y/N’s mother when it came to her blessing to proceed with his plans.
The next part of Jimmy’s plans were where he’d met a few hiccups.
Buying a ring shouldn’t be so difficult in theory, but it was far more complicated than he’d dreamed it would be.
His first intention had been to buy an antique ring. It sounded romantic to him, buying her a unique piece of jewelry that had a story behind it.
He had quickly realized, though, that antique rings were far more expensive than he’d originally estimated.
He had found several beautiful options that he could picture on Y/N’s finger…but the price tag had made him feel as though he just might puke.
He was sure no ring, no matter how stunning it was, would be entirely adored by Y/N if she knew he spent more than his tuition to medical school on it. 
He was quite sure she’d murder him before they made it to the alter if he dropped an outrageous amount of money on a ring.
Y/N was not a materialistic person. She appreciated beautiful objects as much as any person, but she wasn’t the type of girl who would feel comfortable wearing a rock that cost more than a college education on her finger. 
She had a tendency to be frugal with her money. She had grown up on a far tighter budget than Jimmy. She still tended to keep her budget tight. She felt guilty over wasteful spending.
So Jimmy had abandoned his ambitions to buy an antique ring and had forced himself to lower his wants to align more with his budget.
The search for the perfect ring had been a disaster from the start. No ring felt perfect enough.
His mother had been the one who had come to his rescue. 
During a surprise visit she had made it her mission to help Jimmy find an engagement ring.
In the end he’d found hope when he found a vintage inspired ring that seemed simple enough to align with Y/N’s more modest desires and his desire to find something that was a little unique.
Getting the ring had been a mess. The size he needed wasn’t in and had to be ordered. Then the order had gotten lost in transit and he had to wait for the store he’d purchased it from to resolve the issue.
It had taken him months to get the ring.
He had hoped that the mess with the ring wouldn’t be precursor to how the rest of his plans would go.
He should have known better though.
Jimmy Palmer was ashamed to say he had tried and failed to propose to Y/N three times thus far.
The first attempt had ended with them not even making it out the door for the romantic dinner date Jimmy had planned. A case had ended their plans before they’d even begun.
The next attempt had been the same story. Jimmy had planned a romantic picnic at the park and they’d barely had time to set out their picnic blanket when work had once again come knocking.
The third attempt had ended not due to work but due to Jimmy’s health.
He’d planned a romantic day paying a visit to several of the places where they’d had past dates ending with a proposal over a nice dinner.
His body had chosen to betray him though. He’d woken up vomiting and had been forced to pretend that his heart wasn’t cracking with the realization that once again he’d failed to propose.
He was losing his cool. 
This had to be a bad omen. He was three strikes on proposing. 
He couldn’t take another failure.
He knew that desperate times called for desperate measures.
He had enlisted Ducky begging him to take Y/N out to lunch, begging him to make up some lie to get her out of NCIS headquarters.
He had been relieved that Ducky had found the perfect lie, pretending he needed Y/N’s assistance in buying a nice gift for an old lady friend of Ducky’s.
It had given Jimmy just enough time to wander upstairs, his heart slamming in his chest as he made his way to Tony’s desk.
He was running out of options. It was time to swallow his pride and go to someone he knew he could trust to help him.
If Jimmy couldn’t get Y/N to a romantic location to propose, then he had to find a way to make NCIS headquarters a romantic location.
He told himself that work couldn't interrupt his proposal if he got a coworker on his side.
He wasn’t sure why he had decided that Tony seemed to be a good choice. He guessed it was just that he couldn’t work up the nerve to ask Gibbs…and he didn’t think Abby would be able to help without it turning into some giant overcomplicated orchestration that would be far too intense. He knew Ducky would bend over backwards to offer help but he knew that there weren’t many locations in NCIS that Ducky could give Jimmy access to. Jimmy was sure that Y/N wouldn’t find it romantic if he proposed in Autopsy. 
He had considered going to Ziva or McGee, but they were busy and Tony was distinctly avoiding work, having shoved off his share of paperwork sneakily onto McGee’s desk.
He was sure that Tony, as annoying as he could sometimes be, was someone who was capable of giving Jimmy just what he was asking for. 
He was thankful that Tony was the only one on Gibbs’ team still at his desk. Ziva and McGee were still on their lunch breaks and Gibbs was off doing whatever it was Gibbs did. Jimmy had a feeling the man was most likely in MTAC. 
Jimmy felt his stomach knot up as Tony gazed up at him, tearing his eyes from his copy of Maxim magazine. “Autopsy Gremlin, Y/N isn’t here. Ducky took her to lunch.”
Jimmy let out a sigh ignoring the comment. He spoke his voice low, not exactly wanting to announce to the entire office just what he was requesting. “I know…I’m not here to see her.”
Tony raised an eyebrow unable to stop himself from asking. “Why are you whispering?”
Jimmy sighed taking a deep breath, his stomach still in tight knots. “I am trying to be discreet.”
Tony dropped his magazine, moving past being confused to being intrigued. “Why the secrecy? You look pale by the way, Palmer. Are you sick or something?”
“I need to borrow interrogation tomorrow afternoon. I need it for an hour…no one can know about it, especially Y/N.” Jimmy blurted out, his pulse speeding up, sure that Tony was going to shoot him down.
Tony smirked, unable to stop himself from pushing Jimmy’s buttons even when the man was clearly so wound up. “Why do you need interrogation and why the secrecy? Looking for a romantic spot to engage in a surprise session of hide the cannoli with Y/N? I thought you grew out of doing the no pants dance at work after that entire mess with Agent Lee?”
Jimmy felt his cheeks flush, his eyes darting around the room, sure that someone had overheard this entire conversation. He felt his stomach drop mortified by the mention of his past tryst with Agent Lee.
He spoke, his voice frantic, raising a pitch. “No, no. Of course not. It’s not anything like that. I just…”
He paused, taking a deep breath trying to find the words to finish his statement. He sighed knowing that he had to be blunt about it. “I have tried to propose to Y/N three times now. Everytime I make a plan, something happens and I don’t get to move forward with it. I am sick of work and other factors getting in the way. If I can’t give her the romantic proposal she deserves outside of work…then I’ll have to find a way to do it here. So, please Tony…I need to borrow interrogation tomorrow. It’s the one place I can think of where we can find some privacy. All I need is one hour in interrogation. I need you to make sure I have that hour and I need you to send Y/N to interrogation without her figuring it out…She has a physical tomorrow morning. She should be back to her desk by the afternoon. I am desperate to make this work. I can’t fail a fourth time.”
Tony widened his eyes taking in this information. He bit his tongue, stopping himself from making any comments about whether Jimmy was sure he wanted to commit to one woman forever. He was sure that Jimmy wouldn’t appreciate any cynical comments about commitment from Tony.
He let out a huff the desperation on the man’s face tugging at his heartstrings. Tony knew he might enjoy giving Jimmy a hard time and making him squirm…especially when he came to Jimmy’s relationship with Y/N.
Tony wasn’t going to kick an Autopsy Gremlin while he was down though.
He took a deep breath deciding to hold back the desire to be a smartass and do a good deed.
“I’ll help you Palmer. If Gibbs catches wind of this though I know nothing. Pretty sure he’s got a rule about not proposing at work and not using interrogation for romance.”
Jimmy nodded his head eagerly, the words leaving him. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
Tony shook his head picking up his magazine again. “Yeah, don’t mention it. Who am I to stand in the way of love? Now get back to Autopsy before your girlfriend gets back from her lunch break.”
Jimmy followed this piece of advice, his heart lifting as he allowed himself to mentally go over everything he needed to make tomorrow a success.
His string of bad luck must be coming to an end…surely it would be smooth sailing from now on.
Y/N felt like the world was crashing in around her.
This couldn’t be happening. 
This couldn’t be real.
She would be lying if she tried to claim she hadn’t pinched her arm just to check and be sure she wasn’t dreaming.
She had expected her physical to be uneventful. It was just an annual physical. She had gone into the appointment knowing it would be pretty typical. The most exciting thing she might experience in her appointment was a tetanus shot or maybe a flu shot. 
Things had derailed so quickly though.
It had taken one single question to make Y/N feel as though she’d been smacked over the head with a brick.
The question was so innocent “When was your last period?”
Y/N had felt breathless as cold harsh reality slapped her in the face. 
She was late….it was almost the end of the month and she was late.
Her physician had tried to reassure her, of course. A late period didn’t automatically mean pregnancy.
She could just be experiencing stress. Stress could make someone’s menstrual cycle irregular. 
The next question had once made Y/N feel faint. “Is there any chance that you may be pregnant?”
Y/N had insisted that no, of course not. She was on birth control.
The words that had left her doctor had made her once again feel as though the walls were closing in on her. “Oh…you didn’t get the message from our office or your pharmacy? The prescription birth control you were prescribed, the latest batch has been recalled. There was a recent issue with the storage of the latest batch from the manufacturer. I asked our front desk to leave you a message notifying you that you needed to request a new prescription. You never returned our call. We thought that perhaps you had taken a different method of birth control.”
The rest of her doctor’s words had flown right by Y/N she wrestling with the knowledge that had just been dropped on her. 
As the appointment had proceeded that feeling that the walls were closing in on her had continued.
Her doctor had insisted on taking a blood sample, insisting that this would be the best method to test for pregnancy. If she had a raise in hcg then chances were she was pregnant.
Results from blood tests took time though.
Y/N could admit she was impatient. She had always been too impulsive for her own good.
She hated waiting.
So, she had done what any reasonable person would do in her position. 
She had stopped at a pharmacy on her way back to NCIS and loaded up on pregnancy tests and the biggest bottle of water she could find.
From there she’d parked herself in a bathroom at a nearby gas station and had gotten to work.
She had never thought that she would receive life changing news in a Shell gas station bathroom, but apparently this was the route her life had taken.
She had desperately fumbled with the instructions to both of the tests she’d taken, her mind spinning as she realized both tests had the same result. Positive.
She’d felt as though she was in a daze as she’d left that bathroom barely having the sense to wrap the tests in toilet paper and shove them in her purse.
She remained on autopilot as she drove back to the NCIS headquarters.
The word danced around in her head taunting her; pregnant, pregnant, pregnant.
Could this actually be happening?
Was she ready for this?
She guessed it didn’t matter if she was ready for this, it was happening.
Then again didn’t she have options? 
Did she even want to take those options though?
What would Jimmy want?
He had a say in this, didn't he? After all, she didn’t just magically spawn this kid all on her own. Jimmy had played a pretty big part in the creation of this pregnancy.
She sat at her desk lost in her own thoughts.
She had fought the urge to run down to Autopsy and break the news to Jimmy.
She had no idea how she was going to tell him.
Things in their life finally felt as though they were settling down back into some sense of normalcy.
Her shoulder was completely healed from her encounter with her ex.
She was in therapy dealing with the trauma.
Jimmy and she had settled into their new home.
They were settling back into their lives and Jimmy was helping her cope with all she had been through.
Was this the right time to have a baby?
Anytime they’d discussed marriage or children they had presented it as something that would happen in the future.
They’d not made any real concrete plans.
She had to fear that Jimmy wasn’t ready for this step.
He was still technically in medical school after all. 
It took so much time along with his work assisting Dr. Mallard.
Was she even ready for this step?
She was finally getting to the point where she felt stable again.
The concept of being someone’s mother made her feel anything but stable.
Doubts and fears danced around in the back of her mind.
Along with those doubts she couldn’t shake the sense of joy.
A voice in the back of her head told her that if she was going to reproduce with anyone she was lucky it was Jimmy Palmer.
The voice told her that sure this wasn’t the ideal time, but honestly were there that many pregnancies that were actually planned to occur right at the perfect time?
The voice told her that just because this was unplanned didn’t mean it had to be unwanted.
Even if she was scared and filled with doubts she had to feel some sense of love for this baby even if it was most likely just a clump of cells at the moment.
How could she not love someone who was half her and half Jimmy?
She loved Jimmy so dearly that she was certain she’d love anything that was a piece of him.
He truly was the best boyfriend on the planet. He was so patient with her and so adoring. He was funny and kind. He was far braver than anyone gave him credit for. He was intelligent and hardworking. He had so much love for the people in his life both his coworkers and his family alike. He was the gentlest man she’d ever met.
How could she not see all these qualities and not feel comforted that he was the father of her child.
A voice in the back of her brain told her that Jimmy most likely felt the same way about her. He loved her as dearly as she loved him. So any child of theirs surely would be cherished.
Who was to say he wouldn’t want this?
She stood up from her desk making a decision.
She had to grow a spine and let JImmy in on the news.
He had a right to know. He had a right to panic with her.
Surely bringing him in on this would make it feel as though the world wasn’t closing in on her.
He always had the amazing ability to make her feel as though she could breathe even when the world felt like it was suffocating her.
Y/N didn’t have a chance to get far from her desk before Tony approached her. “Hey Y/N, Gibbs needs you in interrogation real quick.”
“Tony, can’t this wait?” She blurted out confusion washing over her.
Wait, was Gibbs even in interrogation? Didn’t she spot Gibbs head into MTAC?
Why was he even in interrogation? They weren’t currently working a case so there was no suspect to interrogate.
Tony played it cool, he was quick to reply. “Do you really think it’s wise to keep Gibbs waiting?”
Y/N felt her shoulders slump realizing he had a point.
Tony was quick to speak again, giving her shoulder a pat. “It won’t take long. It’s nothing bad I promise. He just needs your help with something real quick.”
Y/N furrowed her brow dumbfounded as to what Gibbs could possibly need her help with in interrogation.
She pushed back her suspicions following Tony to interrogation knowing that the sooner she got this task Gibbs was asking of her out of the way the sooner she could go find Jimmy and give him the news.
She was even more dumbfounded as she opened interrogation and entered the room not finding her boss, but the other man she was seeking out.
Jimmy felt his palms sweat as he paced the tiny interrogation room.
He’d done his best to make the bleak dreary looking room seem less depressing.
There wasn’t much he could do to fix the atmosphere of the room.
He’d gotten some battery powered plastic candles at the very least and had managed to purchase a bouquet of red roses this morning. 
He had spread the candles across the table at interrogation and had lowered the lights just enough to give the room a glow that didn’t seem menacing. He’d managed to borrow a small battery-powered set of purple string lights from Abby, only explaining that he needed them because he had a surprise for Y/N.
The string lights had been hung over the two way mirror. He’d gotten a small box of red rose petals that he’d carefully spread across the table along with the candles in hope that it looked romantic and not as though he was building an altar to perform a sacrifice for the Gods of Interrogation. 
He had even done his best to get some pink rose petals that he’d used to form a shape that vaguely looked like a heart on the table. 
He had also made an effort to stop on the way back from his lunch break and get a few red heart shaped balloons which he’d tied to the chairs. He knew this addition might be cheesy but he had to hope that she’d get the message that he was trying his best to work with what he had access too. 
Jimmy had to pray that the room didn’t look pathetic. He had to hope that she would appreciate the effort he’d put into this. He knew it wasn’t everything she deserved but he had to hope that she’d appreciate that he’d made the best out of his location. 
He couldn’t help but to feel guilty that he couldn’t make the room more romantic.
He had to feel that he should have done so much more. A voice in the back of his brain screamed she deserved champagne and a romantic meal. She deserved chocolate dipped strawberries. She deserved to be able to get dressed up and have a romantic date with him. She deserved a setting that was somewhere other than where Gibbs stared down murderers. 
This romantic setting in interrogation was a far cry from the original set up he’d planned on having each time he attempted to move forward with his plans.
He stepped forward as Y/N entered the room shutting the door behind her.
She spoke her brow furrowing her eyes darting around the room taking in the location. She resisted the urge to pinch her arm once again and be sure that she wasn’t dreaming.
“What’s this?”
Jimmy took a deep breath, the words sliding from him. “Surprise.”
She opened and shut her mouth at a loss of words. She felt her heart rate speed up, it hitting her that she had something major to share with him. How was she supposed to share it with him here?
What was he doing?
Jimmy took another deep breath, moving closer to her, his hand reaching out grasping over hers. 
He gave her hand a gentle squeeze as he spoke. “I know this isn’t what you planned on walking into.”
He paused, swallowing a lump developing in the base of his throat. “I want to start off by apologizing. I know you deserve so much more than this. I’ve always tried to insist that I’m a patient guy, but…to be honest I’ve tried to do this three times already and we keep getting interrupted. So, I got desperate and impulsive. My patience ran out.”
He paused again giving her hand another squeeze trying to gather his nerves to do this. “I will definitely do this again in a better location if you want…but I can’t hold it back any longer. I’ve been thinking about this for months now...I’ve been planning this for months.”
He felt his heart began to beat faster as he took another deep breath. He found the words, deciding to speak from the heart. Even if the room wasn’t the perfect romantic location, he knew his words could maybe make up for it. “I know we’ve talked about this before back when I asked you to move in with me…and I know the last time we mentioned it we said it was something we pictured for our future. I…I can’t wait for the future though Y/N. A lot has happened in our relationship thus far…I could have lost you…I-it put a lot into perspective for me…it made me think hard and long about what I want…what I want with you.”
He did his best to keep her hand in his as he dropped down to one knee taking another deep breath knowing it was now or never. “I think I fell in love with you at first sight, back when you were first hired at NCIS. I was so enamored with you. I’d heard so much about this new agent that was so young and had already accomplished so much. I think I was entranced with you before I even laid eyes on you…then we met and it hit me that you were the most wonderful beautiful girl I’d ever met. I think the first time we met my heart knew it was going to be you…I knew I was going to love you before I even had the nerve to ask you on a date…and as time has gone on that love has only grown. You are the strongest person I know and the kindest. You make me laugh. You make me feel adored. When I’m having an awful day you know just what to say to make it all seem okay. You make my world seem so much brighter. You make even my darkest days have a glimpse of light. When I picture my future you are exactly what I see. So Y/N, baby I have something I need to ask you.”
He took a deep breath shakingly reaching into his scrubs pocket with his free hand finding the velvet box he’d been carrying around with him for a while now.
He opened it revealing the little diamond ring nestled inside of it as he spoke. “Will you marry me?”
Y/N felt the tears hit her, feeling so overwhelmed all at once.
Her knees felt weak and her head felt light.
She couldn’t form the words.
Her brain chanted the news she needed to tell him she struggling to process both it and the question he’d just asked her.
She couldn’t make herself speak; the only thing she could do was burst into tears.
Jimmy felt his heart sink wanting to kick himself.
He’d really screwed up.
He had meant to give her a perfect romantic proposal and he’d ruined everything.
A voice in the back of his head taunted him. Of course he shouldn’t have expected her to say yes. He’d asked her to be his wife in the same place people confessed to murder. The only way he could have screwed this all up more was by asking her in Autopsy.
He pushed back his wounded pride, the love he felt for her overpowering disappointment.
He snapped the box shut, placing the jewelry box on the floor, he grasping on to both her hands, his voice apologetic. “Oh, Y/N, honey. Don’t cry. Please don’t cry. I’m so sorry. I’m such an idiot I’m so sorry. I am so dumb. This was such a stupid idea.”
Y/N struggled to speak she only managing to cry harder.
She dropped down to her knees in front of him, Jimmy embracing her relieved that at least she didn’t shove him away. He may have made this an awful experience but at least she didn’t hate his guts for this. 
He spoke, continuing to try to soothe her. “I promise we can just forget this. I can ask you again some other time in a location that is way better than this….or if you just aren’t ready I won’t ask again. I can wait if you need to wait. I love you no matter what.”
He felt his throat tighten up knowing that despite his disappointment he loved her and if she wasn’t ready for this step he’d push back his disappointment and wait. He’d wait forever for her.
He sighed as it hit him, she was nowhere near close to stopping crying.
He reluctantly let go of her deciding she needed some tissue. Surely he could get some tissue in the bathroom.
He spoke his voice frantic he just wanting to fix this. He couldn’t take her crying. He loved her so much. Her crying broke his heart.
He moved the words flying from him. “Let me get you some tissues.”
He felt so frantic to fix things that he managed to move too quickly, his long limbs not cooperating with his attempts to get up from the floor so quickly. He felt himself trip over his own feet in his attempts to race from the room.
He fell flat on his face, yanking down a chair with him that he’d grabbed in an attempt to catch himself from falling.
Y/N moved to help him, Jimmy shooting up a groan leaving him as it hit him he’d somehow bit down on his bottom lip as he’d fallen. At least he hadn’t knocked out a tooth or cracked a tooth in the process of hitting the hard interrogation room floor.
He still managed to bleed from his bitten lip. It wasn’t a lot of blood but there was still a steady stream.
Y/N frantically reached into her jacket pocket finding a soft scarf she’d stuffed into her pocket earlier.
She held it up to his mouth applying pressure to it, the chaos of what had happened making her tears and panic attack take a backseat for a brief moment. Her concern for her clumsy boyfriend had overpowered any anxiety she was experiencing. 
Jimmy attempted to talk, more apologies spilling from him though they were muffled against the scarf.
She sat down beside him on the floor holding her scarf against his wounded lip, her mind spinning. This situation had gone from bad to worse. 
After a long moment of awkward silence, Jimmy’s lip had finally stopped bleeding and Y/N was able to lower the scarf. Jimmy managed to find the words, a self deprecating chuckle leaving him. “I really screwed this up.”
Y/N found the words as she finally fully began to recover from her panic attack enough to speak. “You didn't. It's not the proposal that set me off. I-I…”
She paused, taking a deep breath knowing she had to come out and say it. “I was actually going to look for you before Tony directed me to go to interrogation…I had something to tell you.”
Jimmy furrowed his brow, it was his turn to feel confused. He felt a million thoughts roll through his head trying to guess what she had to tell him that had sent her into such a panic.
He felt his stomach drop fearing the worst.
He took a deep breath ready to encourage her that they would make it through whatever had happened. He wasn’t going anywhere. He’d support her time and time again.
Y/N felt her throat grow tight, as she found the words. “I had my physical this morning and something came up…I’m pregnant Jimmy. Or…at least according to the pregnancy tests I took I’m pregnant. I still haven’t gotten back my blood results from the doctor…but you know me, I’m impulsive and impatient. So I got some home pregnancy tests and took them…and…I’m pregnant. Apparently the birth control I’m on had a major recall of this month’s batch, and I didn’t get the notification from my doctor.”
Jimmy felt the words sink into his brain soaking them up, rolling them around, and absorbing just what this meant. 
He took her by shock, his lips meeting hers. He pulled from the kiss as quickly as his lips met hers, remembering his wounded lip. He spoke his voice soft.  “Ouch.”
He managed to speak again, his hand reaching down, placing over her stomach the words leaving him. “A baby, we’re having a baby.”
Any doubts and fears that Y/N had dancing around in her brain faded by the second as she took in the look on his face.
She was sure she had never seen him look so starry-eyed. He smiled even if it did make him cringe a little he still sporting a wounded lip. He stared at her his eyes filled with pure wonder.
She dared to speak, needing to hear the words. “You aren’t upset?”
Jimmy pressed his lips to hers the kiss quick he whispering another ouch at the pain in his bottom lip. “No, I’m not upset. Of course I’m not upset. I wasn’t expecting this…but I could never be upset about this.”
He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight against him, his hand not pulling from her stomach as he soaked up the news.
She allowed herself to sink against his hold feeling as though she could breath for the first time all afternoon. 
She found the words, finding it easy to be vulnerable with him. “I’m scared. I…These past few years of my life…so much has changed. Now more things are going to change…I know they’ll be good changes, but I’m still afraid. I don’t want to fail…I don’t want to fall apart.”
“You won’t fail…if you fall apart I’ll be right there to help you put yourself back together. I’m scared too…I mean, I didn’t have the greatest dad…I’m not 100 percent sure I know how to be a good dad. How do I be something I never had?” Jimmy remarked, feeling just as secure to share his fears with her.
She was fast to respond, the answer seeming so obvious. “I think you know how to be a dad. I know things with your dad…they were awful, but I don’t think it means you don’t know how to be better than him. I think you know what it takes to be a good dad. I think you know that you have people you can turn to if you ever feel lost…I’m pretty sure Dr. Mallard is going to elect himself as an honorary grandparent to this kid.”
Jimmy felt the smile cross his lips ignoring the gross sensation of dried blood cracking against his wound as he did so. “I know he will.”
He paused his hand caressing her stomach. “I think we can do this. I know we can do this. We can figure this out together. We have plenty of people who love us and will be there to help us along the way. I think you’re going to be a great mom. You’re the strongest person I know. I think that our kid is going to grow up knowing just how strong his or her mom is.”
Y/N felt the tears meet her eyes, her fears seeming so much quieter now.
She glanced down at the abandoned velvet jewelry box, she finding the words. “Ask me again.”
Jimmy furrowed his brow, it taking him a moment to realize what she was asking for.
He moved, reaching out for the box scooting so he could be sitting directly across from her. 
He opened the box taking a deep breath as he spoke. “I love you. Will you marry me?”
She felt tears meet her eyes for a far different reason she nodding her head frantically she working out an answer this time around. “Yes. Yes, I will definitely marry you.”
He managed to slip the ring on her finger, his lips meeting hers again he ignoring the discomfort that was still ever present in his lip.
She spoke as he pulled back from the kiss. “Sorry I ruined it.”
“You didn’t ruin a thing. You had a lot on your brain and you weren’t prepared for such a huge shock. If anything I felt like I ruined it. I was sure that I wrecked this entire proposal and gave you the world’s worst proposal…I mean I asked you to marry me in the same room Gibbs gets all scary in while Gibbs-staring at suspects.” Jimmy reassured her.
The comment worked a laugh from her lips, the guilt she felt over her reaction fading away. She managed to speak her brain picking up on his earlier comment. “You really tried to propose to me three times now?”
Jimmy sighed nodding his head. “We never got to the me getting a chance to ask you part of the proposal. The first time I had dinner reservations and then work called. The second time was when we had that picnic and work called again. The last time was last month…when I caught that stomach bug from hell. I…I was getting desperate. I thought desperate times called for desperate measures. I promise I’ll still give you a better proposal…one where I don’t injure myself and there’s no tears.”
She shook her head she reaching out her hand pressing to his cheek as she spoke “Don’t you dare propose to me again. I don’t want any other proposal than the one you just gave me. I want this to be your proposal…injuries and tears and all.”
She stroked his cheek he leaning into her touch as she spoke again. “One day when this kid asks how you proposed, I want to tell our kid that their dad face-planted after I cried on him.”
He pressed a kiss to her temple he fast to reply. “Let’s hope this kid is more graceful than me.”
She didn’t have a chance to reply as there was a knock at the door the door to interrogation creaking open Tony sticking his head in quick to speak. “I also pray your unborn offspring takes more after Y/N in the grace department.”
Jimmy groaned, it hitting him that there was only one way Tony knew all of this information. “You were watching the entire thing behind the two way mirror weren’t you?”
Tony nodded his head, not ashamed. “Hey, I helped you score this room. I would have left the viewing room if things got hot and heavy. I was curious about just how you planned on pulling this off…besides someone had to press the record button on the video monitor.”
Jimmy felt another groan leave him. “You recorded it?”
Tony shrugged fast to play innocent. “I thought it’d be a good wedding present for you. Who doesn’t want a romantic memory captured on film forever?”
Tony spoke again unable to stop himself from saying it. “You can get back at me later, but know I had the best of intentions even if I’m tempted to create a video that is just a loop of Palmer faceplanting.”
He spoke yet again before either of his coworkers had a chance to respond to his comment. “You two should clean this mess up and ditch interrogation before Gibbs figures out I loaned the room to you.”
Jimmy and Y/N felt their cheeks flush as they soaked in Tony’s comment. 
Y/N spoke softly, taking Jimmy’s hand in hers. “Come on let’s go see if Ducky has something to disinfect your lip.”
Jimmy felt the words leave him before he could stop them. “Are you sure you’re okay being in Autopsy? Are you having any nausea yet? You did say you felt kind of gross a few days ago when you tried scrambling that egg, but we thought you just might be catching that bug I had. I know the smells at Autopsy might be too much if you’re having any morning sickness. Oh, and I need to check with Dr. Mallard and make sure that there’s no chemicals or anything around Autopsy that can be dangerous for you to be exposed to right now.”
Y/N groaned, shaking her head, she shot Tony a warning glare sending the message that he better not dare say a word about Jimmy’s fretting. She held back the desire to say anything herself as she spoke “I think I’ll be good.”
She had a feeling this was going to be a long nine months.
Jimmy swallowed back any further comments though he did make a mental note to ask Dr. Mallard some questions later.
He managed to clean up all the evidence of what had just happened quickly shoving all the evidence into a reusable shopping bag.
He held her hand in his as they left interrogation, the sensation of the ring on her finger against his skin making his heart swoon.
He couldn’t believe his luck, a proposal and a baby. 
His luck really had turned around. 
He knew that he’d have to spend the next nine months really practicing his patience.
151 notes · View notes
writteninthegarden · 2 years
Office Visit
Aaron Hotchner x Female Cyber Crimes Agent (formerly White Collar Crimes)
Per usual, 18+ please and thank you :)
A/N: Back at it finally! When work and class both pick up at the same time…yikes.
Summary: Reader is working hard to adjust to the new role in Cyber Crimes while still juggling the task force work with her new colleague. Unfortunately, that means Reader hasn’t had much time to spend with Aaron lately. He seems to be managing okay…until he isn’t. Aaron pays reader a visit, but reader sees it as a lack of trust. Naturally, that does not go over well.
Word Count: 1459
Warnings/Content: SFW, Jealous Hotch, Trust issues, Some angst, minor language
Aaron: Still at work?
You: Yeah, training sucks
Aaron: I don’t want to write this report I’ve been staring at for an hour. You should come distract me.
You: Wish I could, handsome. I’m stuck with Russell.
Aaron: My sympathy. I’ll let you focus.
You: Love you!
Aaron: I love you too
 Unfortunately, that became a familiar conversation the further you got into this joint task force with Agent Russell. You panicked one night when he commented about you texting.
“I’ll wait ‘til you’re done with your Tinder matching to review the timeline. He sat down and leaned back in one of the rolling conference room chairs.
“Sorry, just sending my another late night at the office text. I’m focused again. We can continue.” Your turned your phone face down on the table.
“Ah, boyfriend giving you crap for it? Or girlfriend? I shouldn’t have assumed.”
“He understands, I think. It’s just tough. Dating in this line of work is already difficult enough.” You shuffled the file folders in front of you, hoping Russell would take that as a hint to get back to the case.
“It definitely sucks. I honestly wish they included that in recruitment. Like an asterisk next to the marital status question that could read ‘don’t worry. The Bureau will take up your time, energy, and youth in lieu of a spouse.’ Your guy have banker’s hours or something ideal like that?”
“Russell, I think you missed your calling to be in HR” you said with a chuckle. “No banker’s hours, thankfully. He’s a lawyer, so he works long hours too.” It wasn’t an outright lie, you thought to yourself. Aaron is a lawyer and works long hours. Those long hours just aren’t spent preparing for court.
“You know, you can call me Tyler. We’re going to be working together for a bit and don’t have to be so formal.”
“Thanks. I never know who prefers what, so I default to last name.”
“Well, just please don’t reverse my name and start calling me Russell Tyler. That was a clerical mess I had to straighten out when I first started.”
“That sucks, Tyler. Now, do you have a timeline for us to review?”
“And she’s done with the small talk. Noted. Okay, where were we?”
Aaron seemed to be handling your limited availability as best as anyone could. At least, you thought he was until he dropped in for an unexpected visit one night…while you were working in Agent Russell’s office. You both looked up from your laptops when there was a knock at the door.
“Come in” Agent Russell told the visitor.
“SSA Russell, I apologize for the intrusion” Aaron spoke. It took everything you had to keep somewhat of a poker face.
“Aa…Agent Hotchner? How can we help?” You internally chided yourself for almost using his first name.
“Agent Y/L/N. Sorry, I didn’t realize you’d both be working this late. I was just going to drop off what my team found so far.”
Bullshit, you thought.
“Thank you, Agent Hotchner. I know our request probably was a tight time crunch, but you certainly didn’t have to deliver anything in person. I can imagine you’re slammed with other cases.” Agent Russell chimed in with the more professional version of what you were thinking. Why the hell are you here?
“Yes, I second that. I was keeping an eye out for an email from your tech analyst with anything she found.”
“Garcia might still send this over email. She printed a copy for me and I figured I’d drop one off under your door in case it’s helpful.” Aaron stepped forward to hand the inter office envelope to Agent Russell.
“Well, again, thank you very much for the report and extra effort” Russell said as he reached for the envelope. “Partner, what do you say we stop here for tonight? You can get home before closing arguments for a change.”
Aaron looked confused, but didn’t dare ask.
“Works for me. Tyler, I’ll see you tomorrow. Agent Hotchner, thanks again.”
You stopped by your work station to pack up. Thankfully, Aaron sensed better than to come find you there. You intended to ask him what the hell he was thinking, but for that exact reason you also knew you needed to cool down first.
Twenty minutes passed and you felt calm enough to stop by his office.
You knocked on his door. “Still here, huh?”
“Yeah, figured I’d wait to see if you stopped down.” He got up from his desk and made his way over to take you in his arms. “Hi, beautiful. I missed you.”
You kept him at arms length. “Yet, you just saw me. What was that all about?”
“What?” He looked back at you quizzically. “I figured I’d drop off the update.”
“Aaron…” you cocked your eyebrows at him in disbelief.
“Y/N…” he countered with a furrowed brow interrupted by a grin that snuck out.
You moved to sit down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. “Aaron…you’re the Unit Chief for god’s sake. You know that’s odd for you to just hand deliver a report Garcia emailed out.”
“I wear many hats here. I don’t think it’s that odd. I’ve handled the press stuff when JJ’s been on leave.”
“Fine. You know it’s risky for either of us to seek the other out at work. How did you know to come to Tyler’s office?” You looked back at him for an answer.
“I saw you weren’t at your desk and the conference room was empty when I walked by. Process of elimination. Since when is he Tyler?”
You couldn’t help chuckling to yourself.
“What?” Aaron pulled the other chair out from the front of his desk and took a seat near you.
“Since when are you the jealous type, babe?” You couldn’t hide your shit eating grin. The stoic Aaron Hotchner was jealous. Would the wonders never cease?
“Jealous? I am not-” he started, but you cut him off.
“Ohhh, you most certainly are. Aaron, we talked about this. You either trust me or you don’t.”
“Sweetheart, I absolutely trust you. I’m sorry if I made it seem like I didn’t.”
“I mean, what did you expect to find? That prick and I making out? Rolling on the floor? File folders scattered recklessly?”
“No, but now that image will be burned in my mind. You wouldn’t be reckless with your file folders though.”
“I’m not in a laughing place with this right now. You essentially spied on me tonight. Have I ever checked up on you like that?” You crossed your arms in front of you.
“Calling it spying might be a little over the top. You and your partner asked for my help. That’s what I gave you.” His tone grew stern. You really didn’t want to fight tonight. However, he needed to understand the issue here.
“That’s true, but it’s the undertone of distrust that concerns me. Have I ever done anything like that?”
He sighed and shifted in his seat. “No, you haven’t.”
“That’s right. I haven’t. I haven’t despite the times you randomly decided to stop talking to me, the times you’ve shut me out, or the time you had Penelope relay your warm regards to me rather than talking to me directly. Could I have had suspicion? Sure. I didn’t let it get to me because I trust you. Also, I knew that if I stooped to that you’d be bullshit.”
“Maybe” he said with a slight shrug.
“Try definitely. You may think I’m harping on this, but I’ve been in relationships where the trust wasn’t there. It’s never a good scene. I don’t want that to become us.”
“Y/N, I don’t want that either. I’m sorry. In the moment I don’t think I saw it as checking up on you, but I can see your point. I love you. I trust you with every part of my life and that’s something I wasn’t sure if I’d ever be able to feel with someone again.” He reached for your hand. When you gave it to him he gently pulled you closer until you took the hint to stand up. He held his arms out for you to sit on his lap, but you paused in front of him.
“Agent Hotchner, are you finished interfering in my investigation?” You put both hands on your hips.
“Yes, ma’am.” He could teach a master class in how to give pleading puppy dog eyes.
“Good” you replied as you plopped down into his lap. “Just so we’re clear…the only prick I want to make out with is you.”
“Ah” he said as he laughed. Then, he placed a soft kiss to your temple. “Clever, babe.”
Taglist: @itsmytimetoodream @rousethemouse and @hotch-meeeeeuppppp
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writteninthegarden · 2 years
Aaron Hotchner x Camgirl!Reader PART 13
part 12
word count: 2.6k
warnings include formalized s*x work, so minors DNI!!! smut, cursing, (obviously) drinking, some serious messy relationship issues, some singing, you can decide if it's good or not! Aaron being a lil dominant here, but not too the extreme. if i missed anything let me know. i love you guys so much ugh. also warning for a new lil sub plot i'm working in, i'm about to start laying the ground work for that also in the next few chaps.
"I was crying when I met you, now I'm trying to forget you, your love is sweet miseryyyyyy!"
You turned the dial on your stereo so Aerosmith could tune out Aaron banging on your door. He'd been knocking since Jack left for the evening with no signs of giving up any time soon. He would plead with you to talk with him between songs, so you had to fill the silence with the Jeopardy music, humming it as loud as you could to drown him out.
"If you'd just open the door," he sounded desperate, and you almost caved until Steven Tyler reminded you that you were crying because you let him do this to you in the first place.
"Not a chance! I hope you like George Michael!"
You tried your best to imitate the saxophone intro to Careless Whisper, and you could hear Aaron on the other side of the door trying not to laugh. He sounded drunk, and he probably was. You didn't blame him.
"This is a good one," he observed, and you heard the undeniable sound of him removing the cap to his whiskey and taking a swig.
"I love you, did you know that? Jesus Christ. What do I look like, falling in love with you after a few weeks? Pathetic, probably."
You turned down the music slightly, hearing him sink to the ground outside of your door. You did the same, only so you could listen to what he had to say.
"I couldn't stop it. I tried. I really did. Do you want to know who was in my car? Clarice. I came down to go get dinner. I was planning to come apologize, and she was in my fucking car. I almost shot her."
The old bat, up to her evil ways once again.
"I didn't sleep with her, if that's what you're thinking. She wanted me to promise her that you'd actually get your degree and do something with your life. Something more than what you're doing now. Not that it's ever been an issue for me. It isn't. It won't be, ever."
Your hand lingered over the lock on the door for a second before you dropped it again. He still wasn't in the clear. Not yet.
"Say something. Anything. Please."
"Answer when I call you."
He took another swig, chuckling lightly.
"Deal. Anything else?"
You hummed, clicking your tongue in concentration. You did actually have a list, and it was in your notebook.
"I made a list for you."
"Great. Can I come look at it?" He perked up instantly, scrambling to his feet, the knob twisting impatiently.
"I haven't heard an apology yet."
The knob quit moving abruptly, and you heard him put the cap on his bottle.
"I know sorry is just a word, but I am sorry. I know I don't deal with things in the best way, and I don't like the way that I speak to you sometimes. I'm working on both of those things. I don't want to just be neighbors again. I can't live like that," his words were a strangled mess while you fumbled with the lock, throwing the door open.
His arms were around you in an instant, clutching you with as much strength as he could without hurting you. You closed the door before returning his hug, letting his scent wash over you. You knew that you'd have to sit down and have an actual conversation about everything, but you were so glad to be in his embrace.
"I owe you an explanation, can we sit on the couch?" He pulled back long enough to look at you before he kissed your forehead, cupping your face with his massive hands. The rough pads of his thumbs worked to wipe the tears from your face, his breathing shallow as he took in how much damage he'd done just by not talking to you.
"Jump," he whispered, his arms catching you and clinging tight to your thighs as you wrapped your legs around his waist and let him carry you to the couch. Your head fell to his chest, the first few buttons of his white dress shirt were undone, so you planted a soft kiss on his neck as he sat down.
"Something happened yesterday when you were holding down my hands. It wasn't a bad thing. It just wasn't sex anymore, not for me. I know you felt it too."
You'd definitely felt it, which is why you were so confused when he left you in the dark, figuratively and literally.
"I kept thinking, 'this is it. She has me.' I couldn't move. I... I don't get like that. Granted, I've only loved one person before, and it's different now. But I know it's love. Something about you gives me tunnel vision. Things that never mattered before mean everything to me now. I love watching tv with you. Even when you aren't around, it's on. I found the cooking show. Channel 54?"
You nodded, a smile curling on your face before you had time to stop it.
"Yeah. He's good. Drunk all the time, but he's funny. Upbeat. It's very much your kind of show. He's always happy. And you. You... Are a walking show-tune. You're fun, and kind of dramatic, and you're so bright. I want to take you everywhere. I want to show you everything, whatever you want, I want to give it to you. I can't wait to see you do so many wonderful things. Just let me be with you when you do them," you could feel his heart pounding in his chest, but his voice was as steady as ever.
There was nothing you could say that would explain to him how right everything felt when he was around. You felt like the world had fallen into a melodious harmony of the angels when things were good, and with a little bit of work, the bad times wouldn't seem nearly as bad.
"We can be really happy together, you know that?" You could feel what your words were doing to him, his slacks tightening against his thigh as you whispered in his ear. He shuddered, gripping your ass harshly. His eyes met yours before he spoke again, the intensity of his gaze making you wet instantly.
"We are happy. Just a bump in the road," he was already tugging your lip between his teeth, biting lightly enough that you felt pressure but never enough to hurt you. It was gentle, and so fucking sexy.
"Just remember I'm not the enemy. It isn't me against you. It's us against whatever the problem is," you were dexterously unbuttoning his shirt, reaching behind you to hand him the list you'd made in your notebook earlier. You climbed out of his lap long enough to undo his belt and pants, and his hand instinctively freed his dick from his boxers.
"You expect me to read this when—fuck— you just put my dick in your mouth?" You let your tongue lay flat against him, licking directly up the center before flicking your tongue over the head of his dick. He hissed, trying like hell to focus on the words you'd written.
"If you want your dick to stay in my mouth, you'll agree to everything on that list," you looked up at him through your lashes and he nodded enthusiastically, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. The sight made you take him in your throat, gagging furiously. You arched your back and put your ass in the air, propping up on your elbows. You were in the perfect position to work his length with your hand, using your tongue on the rest of him. His hand flew to your ass, smacking it lightly before he groaned in satisfaction.
"There are only four things on this list, sweetheart," he panted, scanning the paper over again before directing his attention towards you, his eyes wild with lust as his hand took over stroking himself so you could answer him.
"Yes, and they're all important to me. Those are my terms. You tell me yours," you pushed his hand away so you could plop his dick back into your mouth, watching as his own mouth fell open in pleasure.
Your list was a short one, but each part was a necessary key for him to be able to love you properly. If you were going to be in love, you were going to do it the right way.
1. No more secrets. 2. We talk about our problems when they come up; no more ignoring each other and going off angry. 3. We always support each other. It's important to me that you know I'll always encourage you to be your best self. 4. We stay best friends no matter what.
"I only have a few things to add," he sat the notebook down, pulling the cap of the pen off with his teeth before he let it fall to the floor. He smiled down at you, brushing your hair away from your face.
"Look at you, still sucking my dick even when I'm trying to write," he muttered, jotting down his own list below yours. You were letting him do most of the work; when his hips would thrust upward, you'd let him slowly push past your tongue before sliding it back out and repeating the same movements. You tried to go slower every time, taking more of him until your mouth was full and tears streamed down your face.
"Always so eager to put my cock in your throat," he praised, his words like a cattle prod to your core. You loved when he got vocal, it was enough to have you slipping your hand past the waistband of your panties, vibrating his cock with the moan that was stuck in your throat. You were soaked and needy, spreading yourself open with two fingers so you could rub lightly at your clit. He was still writing, occasionally peeking at you from the corner of his eye. You could taste the saltiness of his precum on the back of your tongue, eager to have him fill your mouth when he finished.
You had never taken so much of him in your mouth, pausing for a second to work him with your hand as you took a breath. He took over for you, his hand wrapping around the base of his cock as he stroked slowly, just like you would.
"Shirt off. I want to cum on your tits," he breathed, and you were more than happy to oblige, pulling your hand from your pants so you could strip down for him. You got on your knees and leaned over, giving him the perfect aim to cum directly in the center of your chest.
"So sexy," you purred, ghosting your nails across his thighs, dragging upwards towards his chest and stomach. He was broad, what Clarice would call a tall glass of water, and it was the truth. You could hardly believe he was almost 40 at the way he kept up with you, but he ran all the time, so he was very fucking fit.
You had no clue someone could be so gorgeous mid orgasm, spilling his cum onto your tits as he stroked himself lazily, a content sigh escaping his lips.
"Can I take your picture?" He was shy in asking, but you nodded happily, pushing your chest forward so he could capture a photo of his handiwork. He put his phone away right after, giving you time to go clean up. When you came back, he was patting his lap so you'd come sit on it.
"Your list," he handed you the notebook, and you were surprised at how much he'd written.
1. You take my house key back. I want you to have it. You can keep yours if you want but I always want you to be able to get in somewhere.
2. Stop paying for things.
3. You finishing school is important to me. Not for Clarice, but for you.
4. Please don't change anything about yourself for me. I want you exactly how you are now.
5. I want to cook together all the time. Not just every once in a while. I think it's good for us.
6. I'm putting that we stay best friends in mine too. Even when we argue, or disagree, please keep in mind that you are truly my best friend and at the end of the day, I always want to be by your side.
"Hey," you pulled his face to look at you, brushing your nose with his before you kissed him. He seemed vulnerable, more than he did when he walked inside, if that was possible. He'd just confessed all of his feelings for you and then some.
"I just want you to know the same thing happened to me the other night when I got so sick. I've never loved anyone and when I realized that's what was happening..."
You knew he understood even when you couldn't find the words. He nodded, pulling you closer. In perfect Aaron fashion, he changed the subject to something you'd be more comfortable talking about.
"Have you decided what you're going to major in?"
You had an idea, but you were waiting until the time was perfect to tell him.
"Clarice had me thinking maybe I should just be an actress on her favorite daytime soap operas," you giggled, his brows tugging together as he smirked at you.
"My father went to law school. So did his dad. I don't regret what I did, but I will say this. Do whatever is going to make you happy. If you don't know what that is right now, that's okay too. You don't have to rush," his voice was sweet, endearing even. He was serious about supporting you, and you loved that.
"I'm really scared. I quit my first week the first time around," you admitted, putting your hand over your face.
"The first week?"
"Yeah, my lit professor was a really big fan of mine. He told me in front of about 120 other people halfway through my first week. Tried to transfer out of his class and I couldn't. Then he got a little nuts."
He sat up a little straighter and tensed underneath you as you told him about the nightmare that was your first attempt at college.
"I had no clue who he was online, so... I couldn't really do anything about it. But all of this weird stuff started showing up at Clarice's house, well... My house. It was a gift. But I haven't been back there since all this happened. First it was flowers, which didn't really throw me off too bad."
"You have a house?"
"I'll get to that, I promise. He started sending me answers to tests. They were just answers, no questions; but I went through every syllabus I had until I figured out who it was. This all happened in the course of 4 days. Four. I never went back to school and I moved here right after."
"I don't blame you."
"I don't plan on quitting this time," you assured him, standing up to go find a snack. He was right behind you, and it was obvious that you quitting was the furthest thing from his mind.
"Wait a second, you didn't call the cops? At least let me look into this guy—" you put your hand up to stop him before he could finish his sentence.
"It was a long time ago. I just wanted to explain why I quit. I'm not usually a quitter. But I was scared." He hoisted you up to sit on the kitchen island, letting you spoon feed him ice cream like he hadn't ate all day.
"Have you had that happen a lot with your job?"
You shook your head; most of the men were harmless and just needed attention. The professor was a rare exception.
"I'm sure a lot of people recognize me when I go out, but he's the only one that's ever singled me out of the crowd."
His protectiveness was sexy. It was something that you'd always wanted in a man; someone who could keep you safe. There was no one better suited for the job than Aaron.
"Why don't you have a car?" You we're surprised he hadn't asked sooner.
"I only like driving sometimes. Everywhere I go is close by." He nodded before telling you that a car would be helpful to get back and forth to school in. You knew what he was hinting at, so you told him a car was the last thing in the world you wanted. He knew better than to argue with you, so he got dressed instead, leaving you standing in the kitchen to stare him down. The muscles in his back flexing under the glow of your pink lamp made him look like a god; sometimes you wanted to drool at the sight of him.
"You're going to stay with me tonight, right?" He always asked that when he started getting tired, a sign that he'd be ready to crawl into bed sooner rather than later. You nodded, sliding off the island so you could follow him next door. The tv was still on, mindlessly droning about fall fashion on an infomercial. Crawling into his bed knowing that the weekend awaited you was enough to carry you to sleep within minutes.
taglist: @rousethemouse@realdirectionx@obsessed-oops
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writteninthegarden · 2 years
I took a break from Tumblr and now need to catch up on sooo much 🥰 Loved this one shot!!
I’m not claiming this to be the most fantastic one shot you’ve ever read, but hopefully it’s at least decent!
The elevator doors opened, and Jess shot out like a rocket, headed for the doors to autopsy.
Her words tumbled out in a rush. “Okay, McGee said you were alright but I still had to come down and make…” the rest of the sentence died on her lips as Jess took in the sight before her.
She let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding as she turned her focus to what had stopped her in her tracks. Her boyfriend was ripped. No, no…he was perfect.
She didn’t usually go for the guys who worked out all the time and had perfect abs, but she this was an exception she would absolutely make.
Jimmy cleared his throat, snapping Jess out of her trance and bringing a blush to her face when she realized she had been caught staring. Jimmy too was blushing under her gaze.
He gave her a soft smile. “Like what you see?”
Jess blushed harder, but decided to be bold. Besides, one word answers were about all her brain could handle right now. “Yes.”
Jimmy’s soft smile became a smirk. “I can tell.”
At that, Jess rolled her eyes. “Don’t let it go to your head. As much as I would love to talk more about what I like,” she flicked her eyes up and down his torso, “I actually just came down here to check on you. McGee said you were fine but I still had to see for myself.”
Jimmy softened at that. “Oh we are so coming back to this conversation later. But I am fine. I just slipped in the mud trying to get down the hill to our victim. I’m just a little scraped up is all.”
Conveniently, Jimmy left out the part about how he was running away from what he thought was their crazed suspect when he slipped. Turns out, it was just a fox that had been scared by all the activity around it. Jess would read the report later. For now, he wanted Jess’ view of him to be as unblemished as possible.
Lifting himself off the table, Jimmy pulled on a new shirt and readjusted his glasses. He crossed the room to where Jess still stood just inside the doors and took her hands in his.
“I promise I am fine. If I was in any real danger you would have known.” He rubbed his thumbs softly over the tops of her hands and rested his forehead on hers.
“I know. I think I could use a little more of a reminder though…”
Jimmy grinned and dropped her hands to wrap his arms around her waist, pulling Jess tight to him. He held her for a long moment before pulling back just a bit.
“You’re never gonna lose me, Jess. If I ever am in danger you know I will fight like hell to get back to you.”
Before she could answer, he pressed a soft kiss to her lips. Not chaste but still a little much for the workplace, he poured all the things he couldn’t find the words for into the kiss.
When he drew back, Jess still had her eyes closed. After a moment she opened them, drinking him in. “Thank you.”
Jess smiled softly. “Now, as much as I would love to continue our earlier conversation, Nick told me he was going to come looking for me if I wasn’t back in 5 minutes. The guys tease me enough already, I am not giving them any more ammo.”
Jimmy grinned. “I hear ya. I’ll come find you when it’s time to go. And then how about a post-work coffee date night?”
“Yes, please!” It was Jess’ turn to press a kiss to Jimmy’s lips, and then she headed out the door before she could get carried away.
“And by the way,” Jimmy yelled after her, “I want a hand written list of all the things you love about me tonight!”
The sound of Jess’ laugh as the elevator doors closed carried Jimmy through the rest of his day.
@hellokaelyn @eddiediaz-buckley
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