wrocloverb · 11 years
Speakers and tickets
We're happy to announce our next speaker - Emanuele Delbono. In his talk "From ActiveRecord to Events" Emanuele will give a look at Event Sourcing and Event Driven architectures - what problems they solve and how can they be implemented in Ruby and Rails applications. You can follow Emanuele on twitter and his blog.
Next batch of tickets will go on sale 1st Feb at 9pm (21:00). There will be 50 tickets available this time. Last batch sold out in 2 minutes, crazy!
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wrocloverb · 11 years
First tickets - Monday 27 Jan, 9pm
The first batch of 50 tickets starts on 9pm, 27 Jan 2014, CET
(Monday, 9pm)
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wrocloverb · 11 years
Application Architecture: Boundaries, Object roles & Patterns
One of the main themes of our 3rd edition of the wroc_love.rb conference will be "better ruby/rails architectures".
We're happy to announce that Adam Hawkins will have a talk titled:
"Application Architecture: Boundaries, Object roles & Patterns"
If you'd like to know what to expect from this talk, look at the recent work of Adam, the amazing series of "Rediscovering the Joy of Design". It's a series of blog posts which are not only inspiring on the high-level, but also deep down to the code, showing every step, how to create a new Sinatra application, where your domain is decoupled from the delivery mechanism (http). 
2014-01-21 - Delivery Mechanisms with Sinatra - Testing
2014-01-20 - Delivery Mechanisms with Sinatra - Composing Web Services
2014-01-17 - Delivery Mechanisms with Sinatra - Logic-less Views
2014-01-16 - Delivery Mechanisms with Sinatra - Route Handlers
2014-01-15 - Delivery Mechanisms with Sinatra - Helpers & Errors
2014-01-14 - Delivery Mechanisms with Sinatra - Middleware
This is what we need in our community, more down-to-the code examples of good architectures!
See you all in Wrocław!
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wrocloverb · 11 years
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We've got few announcements for you today:
The conference is taking place in Wrocław, March 14-16th 2014. Mark that day in your calendar and wait for the news about open ticket sale.
Michael Feathers (The Author of Working Effectively with Legacy Code) is going to be with us this year. After Rails usage skyrocketed few years ago, now we have to deal we all the code written by successful startups few years ago which might be bringing lot of money today but is also often tremendously hard to maintain right now. Michael has done a lot in the past to help us deal with such projects. Find out more about Michael way of thinking by reading his blog: http://michaelfeathers.typepad.com/ . Even his last blog post about Unconditional Programming has very nice examples in Ruby. And his second blog https://michaelfeathers.silvrback.com/ is also full of good content. We are honored Michael is going to join us.
Last week we selected first few talks submitted to our Call For Papers. Michał Taszycki sent us a proposal which fits very well with our vision of where Ruby is and where Ruby is going. We believe Ruby is better and stronger than ever! With the rise of technologies like Rubymotion, Opal and Ruboto, you can write once and run the same Ruby code everywhere. That's what Michał is going to show us with his talk: "Ruby - write once, run anywhere". This vision is an extension of the 'let create more modular Ruby code in our apps' approach and fits well with the "more modular Rails" discussion that is happening. What if your Rails code could be reused for the mobile app? What if it can be reused for the JavaScript part? Wouldn't that be cool? Watch previous Michał Taszycki talks at:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXQLil_SGCI - programing workout (36m)
http://vimeo.com/42404640 - also programing workout (lighting talk)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0FrkjvC6EY - rubymotion (45m)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pmQk27i1PM - Programmer Productivity fishbowl (30m)
Sales is not open yet but it will be soon. We will notify you about it in next time. Normal ticket is going to cost you only 60€.
If you believe in the same values as we do, you can become our supporter. Contact us at [email protected] to get supporter ticket for 600€. In return you will receive
1 ticket
your company logo at the beginning of all the videos published after conference - https://www.youtube.com/user/wrocloverb
your company logo with a link on the home page of our conference - http://wrocloverb.com/
fame forever
If you dream o becoming a speaker and sharing your ideas with the world you still got the chance. There are 7hrs left till Call For Papers is closed. Sit down now, write your vision, submit the talk and perhaps it is you that we will choose. Most of our speakers are not invited but selected from submitted talks.
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wrocloverb · 12 years
Meet the supporters: Lunar Logic Polska
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Lunar Logic Polska delivers agile Ruby on Rails development services. Their personalized service emphasizes frequent open and honest communication to create strong and trusting working relationships. 
Founded in 2004, they have rapidly become one of the Poland's largest and most experienced agile Ruby on Rails development team. Their clients include web design agencies needing a flexible, affordable extension to their team, web entrepreneurs, start-ups, multinational corporations and NGOs.
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wrocloverb · 12 years
Meet the supporters: Yammer
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Yammer is a private social network for your company. It originally launched as an enterprise microblogging service and now has an applications on several different operating systems and devices. Only people with a verified company email address can access your company network it's because Yammer network is determined by a user's Internet domain. Whether your company spans seven cubicles or seven continents, Yammer helps your team collaborate on content, ask questions, share knowledge, and get work done.
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wrocloverb · 12 years
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Food and where to eat?
Few technical details. On Friday you will be able to buy some soups and drinks on the place. However free catering is not provided.
On the other hand, on Saturday and Sunday there will be catering so you can count on sandwiches, tee and coffee. There is also 2-hour-long break so you can go out and buy something. Go and see the list of restaurants recommended by the locals
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wrocloverb · 12 years
Meet the supporters: Shapp.ly
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2 out of 3 people shopping online fill out a shopping cart with all sorts of goodies and walk away. You have probably done that yourself many times. It's called shopping cart drop. 
Reducing shopping cart drop requires engagement and confidence. Engagement is what you feel when you shop in a "favorite"- it's fun and fulfilling because you know you get the best advice, shopping experice, products that suit your taste and budget and altogether people care about you. Engagement generally brings confidence and confidence makes you say goodbye to your hard earned money.
Webshops are constantly trying to get the shopper more and more engaged. It gets them higher conversion rates which is another word for cash. To do that, they need to either develop the solution themselves (expensive) or choose from many many solutions out there: some are great, most are less. Since choosing, engaging, on-boarding and working with multiple vendors is just as much pain as developing a solution yourself, we can see a problem emerging: there must be a way to increase engagement in a smart, yet affordable manner.
This is where shapp.ly comes into the picture. They'd like to offer a platform for developers to build engaging, smart yet affordable apps for web shops. The idea is to allow webshop owners to visit an app store and get cool apps to engage their shoppers better, implement it in a breeze and really spend their time learning what drive more sales than managing IT projects. Since apps are by nature "smaller", a shop can also combine them to do advanced stuff like data driven testing, behavior based apps etc.
When they say stuff like "cool" and "smart" they mean they're not just going to make all sorts of mashups and conventional API stuff. They'll bring developers bleeding edge tools and capabilities in areas like gamification, mobile, social so they can really turn a shop engaging and fun to be in. They will also take care of all that eCommerce stuff for you, so you can jet focus on innovation, disruption and the fun things in life. Not shopping cart systems and product catalog management. 
If you'd like to hear more and join their forming developer community, please sign up for their dev list.
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wrocloverb · 12 years
Saturday party in Mleczarnia
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We'll be chilling in Mleczarnia after Saturday talks. The party starts at 21:00. Make sure to take your conference badges with you. 
How to get there?
Located on ul. Włodkowica 5, but I recommend you to choose the entrance in backyard accessible from ul. Św. Antoniego. There's a passage depicted below you should take to get there. It is also the shortest path from tram stop "Rynek" (tram lines 3, 6, 7, 10, 14, 15, 20)
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If you're located in the city centre that's a 5 min walk from Market Square.
For the record: street views from the beginning of the passage, tram stop and front entrance.
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wrocloverb · 12 years
Meet the supporters: X8
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X8 is a software development consultancy that specialises in Ruby on Rails. Using modern agile methodologies and a pragmatic approach, they transform their client ideas into innovative software solutions. 
Find out more about their services on their website. If you are a skilled back-end or front-end developer and would like to join their talented production team in Poland, they're hiring now!
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wrocloverb · 12 years
Meet the supporters: Base
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Base is the next-generation CRM designed to boost your team's sales productivity and keep your customer relationships on track. For the first time, a CRM built for people.
The team behind Base is committed to building smart, intuitive contact relationship tools to empower businesses, and they're looking for creative, talented, ambitious people to join them.
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wrocloverb · 12 years
Meet the supporters: Netguru
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Searching for a web development company who already organised and supported tons of events in Poland? It's definitely Netguru. 
Netguru operates with Polands biggest banks and media houses. But the best thing about them is not their enormous success, but attitude towards people. When you visit Netguru headquarters you will be astonished by the friendly nature of all of their workers. It is a pleasure to work there and do business together.
They are also trying to revolutionize hiring processes with a Humanway application. For me their biggest achievement is siepomaga.pl. It is a service that allows you to help other people in an extremely easy way.
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wrocloverb · 12 years
Saturday and Sunday venue: Instytut Informatyki, Uniwersytet Wrocławski
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Days packed with sessions take place in Institute of Computer Science. 
If you were on wroc_love.rb last year you already know the place. This  building is situated upon Odra river in the nearby of Most Grunwaldzki.
How to get there?
By tram (lines 0, 4, 33+) or by bus (lines 145, 146, 149). The stop is named "Most Grunwaldzki". You can use jakdojade.pl service to find the best way from your starting point.
If you're located in the city centre, you can also go by foot crossing Słowacki Park with Panorama Racławicka. Here's the route from Market Square.
Make sure to check out street view shots: front and back entrance.
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wrocloverb · 12 years
Meet the supporters: Shelly Cloud
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Shelly Cloud is one of the few clouds that can be found on the polish market.  Shelly cloud offers you a lot of features including:
Git-based deployment
Scale with multiple instances
Multiple databases
Local file storage
Developers can focus 100% on code and will never think about servers, instances, or VMs again. So if someone is providing services for european companies, with their collocations Shelly cloud is the best match.
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wrocloverb · 12 years
Meet the supporters: GitHub
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GitHub is version control for software development and so much more. Whether it’s a weekend side project, your favouite open source library, a startup destined for glory, or your company’s app, GitHub helps everyone work together with tools for easier collaboration and more visibility. That’s the official story. Here is an unofficial one:
GitHub is the best thing that happened to Open-Source since Linux (by François Zaninotto)
I’m pretty sure that you already met Github and use it for everyday work and toy projects. If not, try it out now. It definitely works great for our team. And make sure to check out their octodex gallery.
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wrocloverb · 12 years
Friday venue: Browar Mieszczański
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First, relaxed day of the conference takes place in Browar Mieszczański.
This is a XIX century building with unique industrial architecture. Formerly a brewery, hosts many cultural events nowadays.
How to get there?
Located on ul. Hubska 44. 12 min walk from main train station (Dworzec Główny PKP, starting from ul. Sucha). You can also get there with buses 110 and 125, bus stop is named "Hubska".
Check it out on street view too since the building is in the backyard.
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wrocloverb · 12 years
Meet the supporters: Anixe
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Two years after ruby was born, Anixe was created in Wroclaw. Since 1997, they create web solutions for travel and tourism. They are business innovators from the very beginning. One of the first internet systems for booking flight tickets is their work. Company hard work was awarded by ATA and Deloitte. They are constantly improving their products, for the past couple of years using Ruby, Rails and Scrum.
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