wrosemont17ahs-blog · 7 years
Blog Post #10: INFOGRAPHIC
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                                                 Works Cited
"Abortion ProCon.org." ProConorg Headlines. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 June 2017.
The Battery. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 June 2017.
 "Huffington Post: The Fight for Women's Reproductive Rights Can't Just Be About Winning or Losing the Abortion War." Center for Reproductive Rights. N.p., 16 Jan. 2013. Web. 05 June 2017.
 "Intimate Choices, Public Threats - Reproductive and LGBTQ Rights under a Trump Administration — NEJM." New England Journal of Medicine. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 June 2017.
PBS. Public Broadcasting Service, n.d. Web. 05 June 2017.
 "Why Planned Parenthood Is a Valuable Organization That Should Continue Being Funded." Odyssey. N.p., 07 Oct. 2015. Web. 05 June 2017.
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wrosemont17ahs-blog · 7 years
Civic Action Assessment of Issue
1. My role as a citizen is to be open to everything and everyone, and to not judge a book by its cover. Why is this important? It is important because it reflects all aspects of life whether it be a person, an issue, an action, or a country’s decision, it is important to look at it with an open mind. This allows no preconceived ideals to develop, no prejudice, and no conflict. Having no conflict would allow a community to excel and build relationships. This would be effective to my community because with a currently strong issue, like reproductive rights, it would defy all conflict and allow people to just go about life. Being open to all opportunity will allow everyone’s civil rights to be heard. 
2. I have learned that civic action is extremely important. Civic action means to go out, volunteer, and stand up for an issue you believe in. I have learned that if you join an organization regarding your issue, it can help the fight to keep it going as well as spreading the word about the issue. The more voices you reach, the bigger the impact you will have, and that is what civic action has taught me. 
3. I do feel as though that it is my obligation to help with my civic action issue because of the current White House Administration, and the current political climate regarding this issue. Currently, the country is split whether or not abortions should be legal, whether or not Planned Parenthood should be funded, and whether or not women deserve reproductive freedom. This is all split because the current administration does not believe in any of those three points, while we are living in a time period where the majority tends to feel the opposite. This obliges me to stand up with this issue because I do not believe anyone’s rights should be taken away and if the current administration does that, then they will be taking away those rights, making the fight even stronger. 
4. Sadly, due to my work, school, and leadership schedule, I have not been able to volunteer or attend anything regarding my issue. But, before this assignment was given, I participated in the Women’s March in Oakland, where myself and thousands of other people walked to express our views on women’s rights, reproductive freedom, and other rights Donald Trump is willing to take away. This experience showed me that I am not alone and that millions of people across the nation feel the same way and are just as willing to stand up for this issue. 
5. In the future, I plan on attending more marches to stand up to huge issues like this. I also plan to donate, and raise money for Planned Parenthood because I strongly believe it is very important to every citizen, no matter what gender. I also plan on volunteering at Planned Parenthood because it allows me to get inside knowledge on the organization and the good it provides all of us. 
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wrosemont17ahs-blog · 7 years
Interest Groups and PACs
1. A. National Organization for Women (NOW)
B. "Since its founding in 1966, National Organization for Women's goal has been to take action to bring about equality for all women. NOW works to eliminate discrimination and harassment in the workplace, schools, the justice system, and all other sectors of society; secure abortion, birth control and reproductive rights for all women; end all forms of violence against women; eradicate racism, sexism and homophobia; and promote equality and justice in our society."
C. -The litigation efforts of the foundation seek to protect reproductive health options, as well as focusing on other areas of concern to women, such as pregnancy discrimination, healthcare discrimination, and the effort to keep Planned Parenthood funded.
-Strongly value the Equal Rights Amendments of the U.S. Constitution and refer to that throughout the foundation.
-NOW Foundation includes: "Love Your Body Campaign," "Crisis in Family Courts Project," "Global Feminism," and "Voter Mobilization."
-NOW is "pro-choice," emphasizing women have the right to choose whether or not they need an abortion and they believe the women that are pregnant are the ONLY ones who can make this choice.
-NOW has been involved extensively in the preparation of reports on how Social Security can be updated to help women, enforcing they receive fair and affordable healthcare for a lifetime.
D. This group recently endorsed Hillary Rodham Clinton for President in the 2016 election.
E. This organization is located in Washington D.C. They provide different chapters categorized by state. So in California, there are events, and meetings where local people can attend and allow their voices to be heard.
F. They offer volunteer options through their website to find action in an area close to one’s current location. The headquarters also provides a lot of volunteer working experience as well. 
G. It is a very active foundation and every day they are doing something to fight for women's equality. They do not hold back.
2. A. Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California (PPAC)
B. “Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California (PPAC) is a 501(c)(4) organization, representing eight separately incorporated Planned Parenthood affiliates throughout California on statewide governmental issues. We are one of 21 state public affairs offices of Planned Parenthood Federation of America..PPAC’s mission is to create a personally and politically safe climate in which individuals have universal and unfettered access to sexual and reproductive health service and are free to follow their own beliefs, values and moral code when making decisions about these services.”
C. -PPAC’s mission is to create a personally and politically safe climate in which individuals have universal and unfettered access to sexual and reproductive health service and are free to follow their own beliefs, values and moral code when making decisions about these services.
-Secured a Medi-Cal reimbursement rate increase for family planning services.  
-Restored family planning funds when they were line item-vetoed by Governor George Deukmejian.
-Made it a crime to block access to a health facility.
-Protects Californians’ fundamental right to choose a safe and legal abortion even if the federal government reduces protections under Roe v. Wade.
-Ensured that students who receive sex education in schools receive accurate information on abstinence, human sexuality, contraception, pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases in an age-appropriate manner.
D. This current administration is bad for this interest group. The Trump administration has expressed their views on Planned Parenthood through his campaign all the way back to the oval office. He, alongside other members in his cabinet believe Planned Parenthood. 
E.The interest group is spread all around the state, primarily in bigger cities. Also, it is actually in other states as well, just with a name affiliated with their own states. 
F. They offer volunteer options through their website to find action in an area close to one’s current location. The headquarters also provides a lot of volunteer working experience as well.
G. “PPAC’s vision and leadership has spurred lawmakers to enact legislation that makes California the number one state in the funding of family planning and other reproductive health care services. PPAC played a key role in augmenting state funding for family planning and has played a leading role in the fight against anti-choice legislation for 30 years.”
3. A. National Right to Life Committee (NRLC)
B. "National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) is the nation's largest pro-life organization, with 50 state affiliates and approximately 3,000 local affiliates nationwide. NRLC works through legislation and education to protect those threatened by abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, and assisted suicide."
C. -National Right to Life carries out its lifesaving mission by promoting respect for the worth and dignity of every individual human being, born or unborn, including unborn children from their beginning; those newly born; persons with disabilities; older people; and other vulnerable people, especially those who cannot defend themselves.
-Nation-wide network of 50 affiliated state groups, thousands of community chapters, hundreds of thousands of members and millions of individual supporters all across the country act on the information they receive from them.
-Recognized as the flagship of the pro-life movement, NRLC works through legislation and education to protect innocent human life from abortion, infanticide, assisted suicide and euthanasia.
-Against Planned Parenthood and the funding for it. 
-Believe adoption is a more beneficial way to relieve one’s duty as becoming a parent if they are not ready. 
D. They endorsed Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court Justice. 
E. It is located in Washington D.C. There is a headquarters for the west side, east side, and the middle of the country. The closest near me is the one in Sacramento. There is currently no meetings regarding this issue. 
F. Yes, there are! The biggest volunteer opportunity is to become a state affiliate for the state you are representing. They manage a lot of the events for the interest group. 
G. They believe funding for affordable healthcare is not constitutional. 
4. The most organized and successful interest group was The National Organization for Women because of their long history and their strong activism towards women’s equality. Their target audience is all women, and democrats. Their supporters are those typically on the left side of the political spectrum. 
5. A. Community Oncology (COA)
B. “The Community Oncology Alliance (COA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to advocating for community oncology practices and, most importantly, the patients they serve. COA is the only organization dedicated solely to community oncology where the majority of Americans with cancer are treated. The mission of COA is to ensure that cancer patients receive quality, affordable, and accessible cancer care in their own communities. More than 1.5 million people in the United States are diagnosed with cancer each year and deaths from the disease have been steadily declining due to earlier detection, diagnosis, and treatment.”
C. In total, they have raised $317,977. The total spent is $245,530. The amount of cash on hand is $110,731. 
D. Republicans: $139,00
Democrats: $64,500
E. There are many donors on the website that are physicians, doctors, and nurses. This reflects the PAC because they are contributing money to a PAC that is beneficial to patients and granting a lot of access. This allows them to get more donations, which means more money. 
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wrosemont17ahs-blog · 7 years
Political Party Action
Republican Party
A. In regards to reproductive rights, the GOP has strong views. They believe the Affordable Care Act to help with healthcare was dishonest and not fair to all American citizens. For the majority of the party, Republicans do not believe in abortion and stand with the saying, "Pro-Life." Due to the fact that the Republican Party is very headstrong when it comes to the economy and finance, they do not believe the government should be funding free healthcare facilities, like Planned Parenthood. When it comes to reproductive rights, Republicans tend to view every action based on religious beliefs and influences. Due to the conservative views and religious beliefs, they tend to stay with the traditional background, and do not believe in a lot of the current social standings in regards to this issue. B. I do not agree with their position because I believe everyone has the right to make their own decisions with their life, not matter what background or religion. Also, I believe Americans have the right to be afforded affordable health care and should be able to benefit from facilities, like Planned Parenthood. It allows every citizen to have an opportunity to be granted help. Democratic Party 
A. Democrats believe that cooperation is better than conflict, unity is better than division, empowerment is better than resentment, and bridges are better than walls. Democrats have a platform is summary with just a two word statement: "Stronger Together." In regards to reproductive rights, the Democratic Party is in full support of it all. They believe in "Pro-Choice" in regards to abortion, believe Planned Parenthood should be funded all across the country, and believe everyone deserves easy and affordable healthcare. They stand with the Affordable Care Act, and fight for all reproductive freedoms every day. B. I do agree with their position because everything this party stands for, I believe in and in regards to this issue. The Democratic Party believes exactly what I do when it comes to reproductive rights. We all agree everyone has the right to receive reproductive health care because it allows safety, protection, prevention, and constitutional rights are abided.
Libertarian Party
A. The Libertarian Party is a unique party in the sense that the members tend to be economically conservative, while they tend to be socially liberal. In regards to reproductive rights, they have stated, “Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration.” In regards to more reproductive rights, they stated, “Individuals own their bodies and have rights over them that other individuals, groups, and governments may not violate. Individuals have the freedom and responsibility to decide what they knowingly and voluntarily consume, and what risks they accept to their own health, finances, safety, or life.”
B. I agree with their position because they recognize all the rights of citizens in the country and they believe people have the right to make their own decisions and develop their own beliefs. I do agree with their position because everything this party stands for, I believe in and in regards to this issue. The Libertarian Party believes exactly what I do when it comes to reproductive rights. We all agree everyone has the right to receive reproductive health care because it allows safety, protection, prevention, and constitutional rights are abided.
Peace and Freedom Party
A.The Peace and Freedom Party states, “We believe that access to quality medical and dental care is a basic human right. We stand for a democratically-controlled, publicly-funded health care system. We support health practices that emphasize education, prevention and nutrition. We demand: Free, high-quality healthcare for everyone, Eliminate for-profit health care, Free immunization programs, No private patents on drugs developed through publicly-funded research, Price controls on drugs and medical technology, Safe prenatal care, including women's choice of birth alternatives, More medical facilities to provide services and education in low-income neighborhoods and rural areas, More substance abuse treatment and needle exchange programs, More research into diseases and disorders caused by man-made substances, More community health care facilities, Support non-standard proven methods, Special attention to preventing epidemics of communicable diseases, such as AIDS.” This all has somewhat to do with the reproductive rights issue.
B.I agree with what is stated above because it is in regards to every citizen in this country, which to me is something that is key to having in a political party. The Peace and Freedom Party believes exactly what I do when it comes to reproductive rights. We all agree everyone has the right to receive reproductive health care because it allows safety, protection, prevention, and constitutional rights are abided.
My Identification
C. I identify in the Democratic Party. This is because all of the fundamentals and values that this party stands for and represents is something I want to be apart. This is not surprising to me because I am an extremely left-minded believer and thinker. Luckily, with this past 2016 Election, I was able to vote! And I did not vote for the man who is currently running the executive branch of our government. I voted for the candidate that I believed would be the best choice, but sometimes it does not go the way you want it to, but you just have to keep moving forward and do not judge people based off of their political views.
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wrosemont17ahs-blog · 7 years
Executive Action Assessment of Issue
1. Based on the White House website, there is no section declaring President Trump’s stance on Reproductive Rights. Due to the fact that there is no information, additional research was needed. It is pretty obvious where President Trump stands on this issue and he totally against abortion, and access to free healthcare. Donald Trump has made his opposition to reproductive freedom clear. Trump said there should be “some sort of punishment” for women who seek abortion if it were outlawed, as well as stating, “The problem with health is, what, you have a cold and you’re having an abortion?“ Based off of this, he declared he is solely against Planned Parenthood, stating, “It is like an abortion factory, frankly, and it will not be run under my government.”
2. I disagree with President Trump’s position because he is against abortions and Planned Parenthood which is something I strongly agree with. I believe women have the right to decide what they want to do with their body, as well as I do not believe anyone has the right to tell someone what they can and cannot due when it comes to health, and making huge decisions in regards to a body. Also, Planned Parenthood is providing everyone free, easy, safe, and accessible healthcare for all, and I believe every person can benefit from it somehow. It should not be discontinued.
3. The cabinet that manages my issue is the Department of Health and Human Services ran by Secretary Tom Price.
4. Mission Statement of the Cabinet: It is the mission of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) to enhance and protect the health and well-being of all Americans. We fulfill that mission by providing for effective health and human services and fostering advances in medicine, public health, and social services. This mission statement applies to my issue because it represents everyone and everyone’s needs, and reproductive rights are apart of this.
5. The most suitable out of the Programs and Services of the Cabinet is “HIPAA & Your Health Rights.” In this, it includes: Health Information Privacy, Civil Rights, and Environmental Justice. The main topic to go with my issue is the Civil Rights aspect. This ensures that people have equal access and opportunities to participate in certain health care and human services programs without unlawful discrimination.
6. The Trump administration is one that is planning on cutting funding in all of the cabinets except for three of them. The Health and Human Services is one that is going to be cut. This is not a viable approach to resolving the issue because by the administration wanting to cut funding for this will eliminate the easy access to affordable and safe healthcare for men and women. Also, it will eliminate the reproductive freedom people have been granted, making it harder for everyone to make the hard decision, as well as finding healthcare.
Title of Article: India Supreme Court Denies Abortion To Rape Survivor Living With HIV
Link: https://www.reproductiverights.org/India-Supreme-Court-Denies-Abortion-Rape-Survivor-Living-With-Hiv%20
Subject: Abortion and Reproductive Rights, as well as Legal Restrictions
Author: “Center For Reproductive Rights”
Context: The Supreme Court of Indiana, a fairly conservative state, denied the access to an abortion of a rape victim with HIV. This is an issue because a woman who was wrongly assaulted is being forced to live with the ultimate memory (child) of the rape. By denying this right, Indiana is creating the battle for reproductive rights to become stronger.
Intended Audience: Democrats, and people who believe in pro-choice.
Bias and Perspective of Author: In favor of the victim because they are an organization fighting for the rights of all people in regards to reproductive needs.
Significance: This shows that not all states are still legalizing abortions, and that the fight for reproductive rights is still happening and that not all people are getting the easy access they deserve.
My opinion: I thought this was extremely sad because this woman has to live with a living memory of assault for the rest of her life, and it is not her fault for the fact that she is pregnant. Indiana should have granted her the right to an abortion.
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wrosemont17ahs-blog · 7 years
The Legislative Branch
1. Congressman DeSaulnier
a. Women continue to face the impacts of gender discrimination in many forms from their pay, workplace protections, social stresses, healthcare and reproductive rights, education, and numerous other areas. Congressman DeSaulnier is committed to furthering gender equality. Mark continues to be a vocal advocate for policies that help create equal opportunities for women in the workplace, our educational systems, and society at large.
b. DeSaulnier is a cosponsor for the following bills:  Paycheck Fairness Act (H.R.1619),  Healthy Families Act (H.R.932),  Women's Health Protection Act (H.R.448), and  Women's Health Protection Act (H.R.448). 
Senator Harris
a. She supports the issue, and especially equality for women in general. She believes women have the choice to decide whether or not they need healthcare, as well as believing that all healthcare should be affordable. 
b. Due to the fact that Senator Harris is new to the Senate and has only been apart of it for four months, she has not yet signed off on a bill in regards to the issue at hand. 
Senator Feinstein
a. Senator Feinstein supports ongoing efforts to improve access to care, reduce costs for patients and families and make investments in research and disease prevention. 
b. Senator Feinstein supported the historic Affordable Care Act, which is benefiting millions of Californians.  
2. a. There are many bills that pertain to my issue. There are 18 bills related to my issue. 
b.  SENATE BILL S. 1861 - Cutting Federal Funds From Planned Parenthood. 
c. A bill to prohibit Federal funding of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
d. People who benefit from services at Planned Parenthood that are made possible through federal funding, people who object to Planned Parenthood’s federal funding, federal grant administrators, and Planned Parenthood.
e. I would vote no on the bill because it goes against women’s constitutional right, as well as it is taking away a resource that is crucial for women and men to help keep themselves protected and safe. This is a place where someone can get the needs they are desiring fufilled in an open environment. 
f. The bill originated in the Senate. The bill still has not been enacted, which means the President still has not signed this bill. 
g. I am currently fine with the current legislation regarding my issue because it is law that women are granted the right to free reproductive healthcare and if that law ever changes, and/or Planned Parenthood gets defunded, I will be happy or proud to stand with our country’s legislation. 
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wrosemont17ahs-blog · 7 years
State Action
1. Catharine Baker
a. Catharine Baker believes that we need to work to reduce healthcare costs and ensure that we have a strong provider network to serve the growing needs of our state. She also support keeping a woman’s reproductive choice safe and “legal to protect women’s health and human dignity.”
b. Yes, I agree on their position because they believe the same thing I do when it comes to this issue. That is being that women have the right to make the choice if they want an abortion, and need reproductive protection. We believe government funding organizations, such as Planned Parenthood, are needed because it gives everyone access to affordable health care. 
c.  Authored a bill that provides protection for reproductive healthcare workers and domestic violence survivors enrolled in the Safe At Home Program to protect them from stalkers and abusers.
Supported a bill that streamlines access to contraception for patients with prescriptions. 
Supported a bill to allow doctors to provide patients with 12 months of continuous birth control. 
Supported a bill that requires the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to monitor and report on assessment of access to care in Medi-Cal and evaluate the adequacy of Medi-Cal reimbursement rates and the existence of other barriers to access to care. 
Voted for legislation allowing women to seek reproductive care directly without requiring a referral from their primary care doctor. 
Supported a resolution urging congress to continue funding of women's reproductive healthcare facilities. 
Steve Glazer
a.  Steve Glazer supports every woman’s right to safe and legal abortion under the terms set out in the Roe vs. Wade decision and public funding for abortion services for low-income women. He supports the funding for the Family Planning, Access, Care, and Treatment program, as well as supporting the ability of health centers to provide services under the Affordable Care Act as well as public agency partnerships with health centers. He supports the teaching of comprehensive sexual health education, including information about both abstinence and contraception in public schools as well as confidential access to reproductive health services for minors. He is 100% pro-choice.
b,  Yes, I agree on their position because they believe the same thing I do when it comes to this issue. That is being that women have the right to make the choice if they want an abortion, and need reproductive protection. We believe government funding organizations, such as Planned Parenthood, are needed because it gives everyone access to affordable health care.
c. Steve Glazer voted for legislation allowing women to seek reproductive care directly without requiring a referral from their primary care doctor.
2. a. The bill number is HR-5.
b. The bill was introduced on December 5, 2016. 
c. The last major action in regards to this bill is as stated, “Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, That the California State Assembly opposes all proposals in the United States Congress to defund Planned Parenthood, to limit Planned Parenthood’s ability to serve its clients, and all efforts to appoint judges who have a record of opposing equal health care rights for all women; and be it further.” 
d. I feel very good about the bill because its emphasis is to keep the funding of Planned Parenthood and affordable healthcare available to everyone. This is something we want to encourage representatives because we need to keep Planned Parenthood open and running across the nation. 
Article Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/29/arts/womens-suffrage-collection-susan-b-anthony.html?smid=tw-nytimes&smtyp=cur&_r=0
Subject: A Trove on the Women’s Suffrage Struggle, Found in an Old Box
Author: Jennifer Schuessler
Context: A glimpse of the struggle women faced in 1874, and comparing it to current issues with women’s and their rights. It compares situations with Susan B. Anthony to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, reflecting how the fight still continues, especially when it comes to the reproductive rights. 
Intended Audience: Anyone who enjoys history, but mainly Democrats and people who believe in the fight for reproductive health rights for women. 
Bias and Perspective of the Author: Not present, due to her use of just stating the facts and the history with this struggle for women. There was no opinion ever present in the article. 
Significance: It demonstrates that even though we have come so far as a society, that the same fight that took place in 1874 is still being taken currently. Women deserve the right to chose what they want when it comes to their reproductive needs. 
My Opinion:  Yes, I agree on this position because they believe the same thing I do when it comes to this issue. That is being that women have the right to make the choice if they want an abortion, and need reproductive protection. We believe government funding organizations, such as Planned Parenthood, are needed because it gives everyone access to affordable health care.
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wrosemont17ahs-blog · 7 years
Constitutional Issues
Supreme Court Case
1. Cline v. Oklahoma Coalition for Reproductive Justice
2. November 4, 2013
3. In 2011, the Oklahoma state legislature passed a bill that restricts the use of abortion-inducing drugs to the uses described on their Federal Drug Administration (FDA) labels. The law criminalizes the use of these drugs in alternative combinations, known as "off-label uses," that have been found to produce safer, less costly abortions. This is a women’s reproductive issue because it does not afford women to accessible health care, as well as not allowing them to make their own decisions for their body. It was argued that the law effectively banned abortions in violation of both the state and federal constitutions. The state district court held the law unconstitutional and the state officials appealed to the Oklahoma Supreme Court due to women’s rights. The Oklahoma Supreme Court held that the state law conflicted with Supreme Court rulings that protected a woman's right to seek an abortion and was therefore unconstitutional. The Supreme Court of the United States, therefore, dismissed the case due to the previous ruling granting women the right to an abortion. 
4.  Did the Oklahoma Supreme Court in holding that the state law restricting the administration of abortion-inducing drugs to the uses described on their FDA labels conflict with Supreme Court rulings that protect a woman's constitutional right to seek an abortion?
5. The constitutional amendments that are in question are the 9th and the 14th Amendments. The 9th Amendment grants rights retained by the people. The 14th Amendment grants Civil Rights. 
6. The decision was unconstitutional. The Oklahoma Supreme Court held that the state law conflicted with Supreme Court rulings that protected a woman's right to seek an abortion and was therefore unconstitutional. The Supreme Court of the United States dismissed the case due to the previous ruling granting women the right to an abortion. Meaning, The Supreme Court of the United States believed that the case was pointless and did not need to be discussed any further because of their previous ruling. 
7. The precedent that this decision establishes is that women in the United States are granted the right to reproductive health care and the right to an abortion if they are in need of one. By the Supreme Court dismissing this case, it continued to allow women their constitutional right to have a choice when it comes to making life-changing decisions in regards to their body and reproductive issues. 
8. I agree with the Court’s decision to dismiss this case because I believe that women have the right to decide what they want to do in regards to reproductive healthcare, and abortions. I do not believe any one else has the authority to tell women they do not have the right to reproductive healthcare, as well as the right to an abortion. I strongly agree with the statement, “My body, my choice,” because every is allowed to live their life the way they want to and it provides equality for women, and equality is something I am strongly passionate about. 
Article Link: http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/30/health/kentucky-abortion-clinic-lawsuit/index.html?sr=twCNN033117kentucky-abortion-clinic-lawsuit0120AMVODtopPhoto&linkId=36037021
Subject: Judge grants temporary stay to keep Kentucky's last abortion clinic open.
Author: Sarah Jorgensen
Context: Many people in the state of Kentucky, court members, and others in the cabinet fought to have the last free clinic for abortions to be taken away, due to their personal values. A judge disregarded all of this and kept the clinic open due to constitutional rights, as well as it serves as a place for women to go to when they are in need.
Intended Audience: Democrats and people who believe in abortion rights.
Bias and Perspective of Author: Bias towards pro-choice and pro-abortions. 
Significance of the Article: This article showed how a traditional conservative state fought to keep a clinic open for women and women’s safety. This allows women in the state of Kentucky to have a place where their reproductive rights are met, and the healthcare is affordable. 
My opinion-Agree or Disagree: I agree with this because it is crucial women have the place they need to receive an abortion because no one will understand the circumstances as well as themselves. Also, in a traditionally conservative state, there are not many places, so it was refreshing to see that this place will stay intact. 
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wrosemont17ahs-blog · 8 years
Economic Assessment of Issue
1. Throughout the course of the women’s reproductive rights movement, different people, businesses, and government have been affected but in contrasting ways. Individuals are affected in many ways. Women, if they don’t receive the care they need for their reproductive needs, then the ability to have an abortion, and ensure safety is diminished. With the current social climate of the country, women feel as though if they don’t receive the care they need, they won’t have equal opportunity. On the other side of the spectrum, there are individuals who do not agree with abortion and the whole idea of women’s reproductive rights. These specific individuals believe all life should be able to be lived, and that free healthcare is not a necessity. Also, businesses that are affected by this issue are Planned Parenthood, adoption agencies, healthcare companies, and Trump organizations. Planned Parenthood allows women to receive free abortions and free birth control which is extremely beneficial to the women who cannot afford healthcare. Adoption agencies are affected by this as well because if Planned Parenthood gets dismantled, they will have a significant increase in adoptions because the easier access to get an abortion will be eliminated. Healthcare companies are affected by this issue as well because if Planned Parenthood diminishes, then they will receive more customers, but if Planned Parenthood continues then it will continue to be the same. Trump organizations are affected by this because they don’t necessarily agree with everything that comes with the issue. 
2. The resolution of this issue is a want because it is something that women want for their lives. The reason it is not a need is because even though free healthcare is available, it is still available with a cost. It is a want because women, as well as others are expressing their want for free healthcare in order to ensure protection and abortion rights. Women feel as though they need to have this because it reflects equal opportunity for them as others, as well as giving every person, no matter what income, can receive the benefits. But overall, the solution is a want because it reflects women’s want to affordable healthcare and free protection. 
3. Goods and services will most definitely be needed for this issue. The goods and services could be on a broad spectrum for this issue because there is an overwhelmingly amount of differences on opinion in regards to this issue. The goods and services needed for this issue would include more affordable options for women’s healthcare, marches and/or polite protests, and fundraising for the issues. More affordable options is the most obvious choice of a good because it would allow everyone to receive the healthcare they need, and with an increase of facilities, it would be a good for all of them. Marches and/or polite protests is a service for those who feel strongly about the issue to express their beliefs in a way they feel can be heard. Lastly, fundraising for the issue is a good outlet because it is a way to raise money and give back to women who cannot necessarily afford the healthcare needed. 
4. The only factor of production that would truly alleviate the issue is entrepreneurship. The reason being it allows women and other people who are passionate about the issue to open up organizations, businesses, and products that can work in the women’s favor, and provide the needs they can acquire. This would resolve the issue because it would increase the places where women can receive the healthcare they need, and it would alleviate the tension that can be brought up due to this issue. 
5. There are many incentives to encourage resolution of the issue. There are many incentives stating that if we continue to allow every women to receive free healthcare, it promotes equality. In current society, equality is a huge issue that many people are strongly presenting. This is an incentive because due to how so many people feel about equality, it inclines people to want to stand up and speak up about the issue. This exemplifies a political incentive as well because there are differences on the views in regards to this issue.
6. One opportunity cost to the issue would be if the government chooses to keep Planned Parenthood intact, they can open up a similar facility for those who oppose the idea of an abortion or free healthcare. This would allow these people to have some sort of a free therapy to counteract the idea of Planned Parenthood. Another opportunity cost of the issue is if Planned Parenthood gets dismantled, then the prices of birth control and other reproductive needs must take a significant decrease. This is important because it allows everyone to have the equal opportunity to get what they need. 
7. The opportunity costs above are identified are worth the political and social challenge of the issue. They identify in the political issue because it would separate the two major parties, because traditional republicans do not agree at all with this issue and traditional democrats are always in support. They also identify in the social issue because it allows people to express their beliefs ans views on the issue, as well as being apart of organizations that support the issue. 
8. The biggest organization that receives the most profit is Planned Parenthood but receives it in an unique fashion. Planned Parenthood does not charge for any of their services but they pay for their workers, and rent for their buildings. This is due to the immense amount of donations Planned Parenthood receives a year. Many celebrities, and people with lots of money donate to this organization allowing its success. This makes this to be one of the biggest businesses to receive profit from this issue, but in a unique way. 
9. Since there is no current solution to the issue, it is difficult to say what businesses or individuals would benefit from a profit. There are two ways to look at it. If you are one that believes the solution to abolish the free healthcare for women and others as well as disagreeing with abortion, some of the businesses and individuals that would profit would be Donald Trump, adoption agencies, hospitals and clinics, and health care agencies. In contrast, if you are one that believes that this is something that needs to stay intact because it allows equal opportunity, and keeping Planned Parenthood funded, then some businesses and individuals that would benefit profit would be Planned Parenthood, the democratic party, Hillary Clinton, and women’s organizations throughout the country. 
10. The women’s rights for reproductive services is a result of a externality. This being, people not being able to afford the care they need to ensure safety and the issue of having to pay an expensive amount for protection. This is an externality because people wouldn’t be protesting about the topic if there wasn’t one and many people have strong beliefs, creating this issue to be extremely controversial. 
11. The issue can be resolved if the government funds Planned Parenthood, as well as hospitals to continue to keep providing the protection and health care for women. This would be resolved because it would allow people who want to pay to do so, and those who cannot afford it can receive it for free. This also would allow teens to have a safe place to go to for their own privacy. 
12. Subject: U.S. Spending
Source: BEA, Zero Hodge
Context: The graph represents how much money goes to health care a year compared to other expenses made by citizens throughout the country. 
Audience: U.S. Citizens 
Bias: For keeping Planned Parenthood and similar organizations because they are showcasing that there is a clear need for cheaper health care and protection. 
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Subject: Services Provided by Planned Parenthood
Source: Planned Parenthood 
Context: The graph represents that most of the people who go into receive the benefits are those of reproductive, and safety in regards to women. 
Audience: Democrats, and others in favor of this organization. 
Bias: The bias is for Planned Parenthood because it is showing how important it is for people to get abortions and the testing they need to ensure protection and safety. 
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wrosemont17ahs-blog · 8 years
Getting Started
Blog: The Hill 
Subject: Pro-Choice Feminists Can’t Take Women’s Rights Hostage
Author: Bridget Jack Jeffries, Opinion Contributor 
Context: This is spoken from her personal belief on the issue, and her opinion is biased. She is explaining how the feminist world has truly come together, because of this election and Hillary Clinton’s leadership, but the whole movement is taking a pause because of the newly-elected President, Donald Trump. The claim of the article is that, “If feminism can’t put away a man like Donald Trump, what can?”
Intended Audience: Feminists with the view of being against Pro-Choice, meaning they do not agree with abortion, and what the whole process of it requires. 
Bias and Perspective of the Author: The author’s bias is that she is a feminist, but against abortion. She doesn’t believe that feminists who believe in equality and equal rights have the ability to declare if they can have an abortion. She believes this because she doesn’t agree with the fact that the fetus does not have an equal chance to live his or her life. This perspective is different than most feminists because feminists believe in pro-choice. 
Significance of the Blog: This is significant because it brings a new perspective for the feminist community and gives readers another view on what equality means for another citizen who is pro-life. This is also significant because it demonstrates her views on what the feminist movement needs to do in order to succeed the Trump presidency. 
My Thoughts: I am pro-choice. So, this blog was super interesting for me to read because I thought it was interesting to see a fellow feminist and someone who believes in women’s rights, against abortion. Her view was interesting because it shows someone can believe in equal rights for women, but also can believe that pro-life is the only option. Although, I do not agree with her stance on abortion, I agree with her stance that the feminist movement is going to continue to get strong, and that if everyone comes together, the movement will triumph and everyone will be looked at equally. 
The Five People, Groups, and Agencies I am Following on Twitter Pertaining to the Issue:
Bernie Sanders: I followed Bernie Sanders because he was considered the man who “revolutionized” the Democratic Party. His views are extremely open and he fights for equality every single day. He is a good person to stay updated with on this issue because he is someone who will fight for every single individual and is pro-choice. He believes women have the rights to do whatever they want to do with their bodies. He is the perfect person to represent the feminist movement, and pro-choice rights. He is someone I look up to in the Democratic Party. His tweets regarding Donald Trump are interesting because he is strongly against Trump’s views and the policies he is going to enforce. 
Planned Parenthood: I followed Planned Parenthood because this is the organization that allows women to receive free reproductive care. This organization allows women to have a safe place to receive protection and allows women to get an abortion. This organization has a lot of debate whether or not it should government funded because of the mixed views around abortion. I think Planned Parenthood is important because not every woman can afford the reproductive care they need, and it is more important to be safe than expensive. Planned Parenthood’s tweets mainly share articles and petitions to keep the organization funded because there is fear it will not be in the future. 
Elizabeth Warren: I followed Elizabeth Warren because she is a female Senator who continues to fight for all rights every single day. She is a spokeswoman for women’s rights, and continues to fight for every single woman, no matter what background. I followed her because she holds a very strong perspective in the Senate and is never afraid to share her opinion. I believe she is important because she is a strong advocate to the women’s movement, and she is someone who will lead the country to success for women’s rights. Elizabeth Warren’s tweets tend to represent her views on equality and that the country needs to work together and not hold back. 
Donald Trump: I followed Donald Trump because he is the new President of the United States. He is against abortion and the funding of Planned Parenthood. He is important to this issue because he has control of what will happen to the future of reproductive rights of women, and his decision is keeping the rest of the country on their toes. I followed him because he isn’t afraid to use social media and I want to be updated on his decisions regarding this issue. His tweets tend to contain his strong opinion, as well as he is never afraid to call people out if there is something he does not support. 
Barack Obama: I followed Barack Obama because he is now not President of the United States but his presidency was strong for this issue. He fought for everyone and continued to keep Planned Parenthood funded because he wants the best for everyone, and he believes women have the right for reproductive care. I believe he is important for this issue because his belief’s contrast to current President, Donald Trump, so it will be interested to see the differences. His tweets include shout outs to the country and him showing support to the progress the country has made. 
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