wutheringwolf · 9 years
blog psa
i should have posted this a while ago, but this blog is on indefinite hiatus. if anyone wants my new url (where im mostly blogging about the same things ngl) feel free to shoot me an ask :*
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wutheringwolf · 9 years
Always keep mint on your windowsill in August, to ensure that buzzing flies will stay outside, where they belong. Don’t think the summer is over, even when roses droop and turn brown and the stars shift position in the sky. Never presume August is a safe or reliable time of year. It is the season of reversals, when birds no longer sing in the morning and the evenings are made of equal parts golden light and black clouds. The rock-solid and the tenuous can easily exchange places until everything you know can be questioned and put into doubt.
Alice Hoffman Practical Magic       (via evemoneypenny)
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wutheringwolf · 9 years
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wutheringwolf · 9 years
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I’m adorable
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wutheringwolf · 9 years
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wutheringwolf · 9 years
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konari are small dragons, usually 8-16lb. they come in a wide variety of colours and eat mostly small vertebrates, along with a notorious sweet toothed love for fruit and honey. also theyre really cute
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wutheringwolf · 9 years
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wutheringwolf · 9 years
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wutheringwolf · 9 years
The Enigma of Kirkwall
You know the single thing that bothered me most about DA:2 (besides Ali and Zev’s hideous mutant faces)?
The Enigma of Kirkwall–not its existence, but the fact that this thing, this seemingly REALLY VITAL piece of information was all but abandoned, thrown in as a really difficult little side treasure hunt with no quest marker and no incentive.  I personally never came close to finding all the pieces.  And yet:
“The mages of Kirkwall have a more troubled history than those in other Circles. A greater percentage of them do not survive the Harrowing, and a greater percentage turn to blood magic—almost double that of Starkhaven or Ostwick.”
“The blood of countless slaves was spilled beneath the city in sacrifice. Whole buildings were built upon lakes of blood. The sewers have grooves where blood would flow, all leading down. The scale is hard to fathom.”
“Beneath the city, demons can contact even normal men.”
So, like, DA:2 is the story of one incredibly fucked-up city, and THIS IS WHY it’s fucked up, and that’s not relevant info?  And the whole conflict is mage v. templar and the only reason it’s remotely morally grey is because well honestly you trip over blood mages and abominations every time you try to have a quiet piss in an alley, so after a while you start to feel like maybe even Meredith has a point, but THIS IS WHY.  Probably nobody should try to live in Kirkwall, much less mages, and yet these codices are probably only found by the most rabid completionists.
[quotes taken from the Dragon Age wikia]
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wutheringwolf · 9 years
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Sea Bunnies
If you polled people on marine life they thought was cute, sea slugs would probably rate somewhere near the bottom if they made the list at all. That’s a shame, though, as the amusingly named nudibranch group is full of vivid color, out-there shapes, and even downright adorableness.
But maybe the sea slug’s image is about to change because the Japanese Net, purveyors of all things cute, have just discovered Jorunna parva, the fluffy little bunnies of the sea. The Japanese name for Jorunna parva is gomafu biroodo umiushi, which loosely translates to black speckled velvet sea slug.
And if you think those pictures of the Pacific sea slug are cute, check out the little fluff-ball in very slow action, captured on film by a diver off Shizuoka Prefecture.
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wutheringwolf · 9 years
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HOPE IS A MISTAKE  and they call her foolish for bringing an ex-cop back to the ‘dome. What do they know about him? What does he know about piloting a jaeger? But she’s not concerned with his past. It only took a few minutes fighting a group of assholes in an ally by this stranger’s side to know: THEY’RE DRIFT COMPATIBLE. Something Furiosa hadn’t felt since the day her mother was ripped from the hull of their jaeger along with her left arm. It was a battle that earned her a hushed sort of fame and a spot heading a jaeger repair team of her own. Still doing what she could, battling her losses day by day.
With millions of lives at stake, the cost of drifting with someone as filled with dangerous memories and rage as she is seems small enough in her eyes. And if they could harness that rage, there’d be no telling what they could do.
TOGETHER—- maybe they could find a bit of REDEMPTION.
aka the pacific rim au we all saw coming, with max rockatansky as left hemisphere and furiosa jabassa as right, the pair of them kicking kaiju ass.
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wutheringwolf · 9 years
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Films Directed by Women: Jennifer’s Body ( 2009, dir. Karyn Kusama).  
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wutheringwolf · 9 years
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Really happy with my most recent piece! The only prompt was that it had to be a circular format. Partially inspired by Interstellar. Also included some detail shots because I was proud of the plants and the backpack thing I drew
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wutheringwolf · 9 years
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wutheringwolf · 9 years
i’m pretty sure this twitter account is how sexting works in night vale
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wutheringwolf · 9 years
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wutheringwolf · 9 years
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hooded skull woman | by chris esze
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