wweimagineandedit · 6 years
When you only want to write certain parts of your story, but in order for those parts to make sense and have any impact you need to write other parts connecting them and you just don’t… wanna…
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wweimagineandedit · 6 years
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Local soccer mom brings her rebellious kid to school
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wweimagineandedit · 7 years
Can you make a imagine of seth Rollins and being married to him?
Here you go!
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wweimagineandedit · 7 years
A Married Life - Seth Rollins x Reader
Summary :-You’re married to Seth Rollins, just going through normal day to day life, and nothing could be more perfect. Well, he could do his own cleaning... but thats a whole other story. 
Warnings :-Just a whole lot of fluff.
Word Count :-1,002
Requested by @val2557
@fangasm202 @blondekel77
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Turning over in bed, I smile as I see Seth sleeping peacefully next to me. I would never get tired of this – the way it felt to wake up next to him knowing that he was mine and was always going to be mine. It wasn’t often Seth was home for long periods of time, so having 10 days together felt like a miracle. Picking my phone up from the dresser, I check the time 7:23am. Putting my phone back down on the dresser, I plant a gentle kiss on Seth’s forehead before creeping out of bed.
 Picking up Seth’s shirt from the floor, I pull it over my head before heading to the bathroom. I was only letting it go for the first couple of days that he’s leaving his clothes everywhere, I’ll put him in his place eventually. There was no way I was letting him leave after these 10 days with our home in a state.
 I look at myself in the mirror and sigh. “Why do I get up so early? Why don’t I do late night workouts instead?” Rubbing my eyes, I feel arms wrapping around my waist from behind. I feel Seth kiss the back of my neck, and I turn to face him.
 “Shouldn’t you still be sleeping?” I smile, wrapping my arms around Seth’s neck.
“Well, I sleep better with my wife next to me, so I’m not going back to bed unless you come with me.” He says hoarsely, his voice still thick with sleepiness.
“I’m ever so sorry my love, but some of us have to get up and workout in the mornings because they have to do other things during the day.” I sigh.
“(Y/N) If anyone knows anything about having a busy schedule, its me.” He laughs. “I’ll go make us some coffee while you get cleaned up beautiful, then I’ll come to the gym with you”
“What on earth would I do without you baby”
“Be an emotional wreck?” He giggles moving away quickly to avoid a light slap on his bare chest.
 Trudging into the front room still slightly groggy from being tired, I smile seeing Seth trying to drink his coffee, but not being able to get his cup to his lips before our dog Kevin has jumped up and started licking his face.
“Kev, buddy stop!” Seth laughs. “I want my coffee! Kev!”
“Kevin!” I call in what Seth likes to call my ‘doggie talking voice’. Kevin quickly jumps from Seth’s lap and runs to my feet, and I pick him up to be greeted with a large amount of licks to the face.
“Great, now you keep hold of him until I’ve had my coffee.” Seth says relieved.
“What about my coffee?” I smile, raising an eyebrow.
“You can have it on the go, I don’t see Kevin allowing you to drink yours either somehow.”
 Laughing, I put Kevin down and head over to Seth and kiss him before going to get both of our gym things ready, Kevin following closely at my heels.
 Seth and I return from the gym, both of us hot, sweaty and smelling rather pungent.  
“You wanna shower first?” Seth asks, tightening his man bun and taking off his sweaty shirt, tossing it onto the couch.
“You sure? I don’t mind going after you.”
“Don’t worry about it (Y/N), I’m sure I’ll live going second. You never know, I might just join you” He winks at me before giving my posterior a firm squeeze, making me jump slightly and a little “oop” escaping from my lips, earning a laugh from Seth.
“Go shower, beautiful, you stink.”
“Speak for yourself!” I call back, heading to the bathroom.
 After my shower, I quickly towel dry my hair before slipping into some simple black underwear and my old cosy above the knee dressing gown. It may only be 11:30am, but I didn’t plan on going anywhere for the rest of the day, so there was no point in putting in any effort.
I head into the lounge where Seth is sat on the couch, stroking Kevin while looking at something. Pouring myself a cup of coffee, I go and sit on the other side of him, curling my knees up to my chest while I lean my head on his shoulder. “What’re you looking at?” I ask inquisitively.
“Our wedding photos. It feels like it was yesterday, not three years ago” he smiles, turning a page to reveal a picture of me smushing wedding cake into his face and crying with laughter.
“I still remember the look on your face when I did that to you” I giggle.
“And I still remember the look on your face when I did it back to you!” He smirks.
“Yeah yeah, I deserved it I know. It’s a shame, the one day of my life where I looked half decent I had cake all over my face.” I laugh.
Seth places the album down on the coffee table and turns to me, taking my face in his hands.
“You look beautiful every second of every day. When you’re sleeping, when you’re working, when you’re in the gym, when you’re mad, when you’re happy, when you have makeup on, when you have no makeup on. You are beautiful ALL the time.” He smiles, kissing all over my face making me laugh as I feel all the blood rush to my cheeks.
“Okay, I better go for a shower.” He says, standing up.
“Yeah, you should, you stink.”
“Is that so? Maybe you should come and help clean me up if I’m so dirty.” He smirks, letting me know what he’s hinting at.
“We’ll see, baby, the quicker you get in the shower, the quicker you’ll find out if I’ll be joining you.”
And with that, Seth is off like a shot and I hear the shower water start running. Sipping the last drops of my coffee, I place the cup down -  and head towards the bathroom.
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wweimagineandedit · 7 years
When you’re waiting on your invitation to the Shield reunion.
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wweimagineandedit · 7 years
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wweimagineandedit · 7 years
Imagine Dean and Seth coming to protect you from Bray Wyatt.
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wweimagineandedit · 7 years
Can I ask for a Shane Mcmahon fic where him and his assistant are locked in the arena after a show and they realise that they have feelings for each other and act on them. If your still doing them that is.
Here you go! I’ so sorry it took so long! 
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wweimagineandedit · 7 years
Locked In - Shane McMahon x Reader
Summary:- You’re Shane’s assistant and you’ve had feelings for him for a long time. Shane hears you talking to a friend about how you feel about him, and once you two are stuck in a room together, you’re forced to speak to Shane about what happened - and things escalate from there. 
Warnings:- Smut, Swearing
Word Count:-1,773
Requested By Anon
A/N - Well guys, after far too long - I’m finally back. 
@fangasm202 @blondekel77
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Let’s be real. Being the assistant of Shane McMahon was not the easiest job in the world to say the least. Constant running around trying to get everything done for a set time, always having to be on my toes in case something unexpected was to arise. Most people would hate the job I’ve got – but I couldn’t be any happier. I like to be kept busy all the time, the pay is good, and Shane is, well, rather dreamy.
 I think the time I realised I had feelings for him was when he went on holiday to The Caribbean and insisted that I come with him. “There’s still gonna be business to take care of when I’m away, (Y/N). I’ll need you there, just in case” were the exact words he said to me.  I remember them as if they were yesterday, playing them over and over in my head, trying to stop convincing myself that he wanted me to come away with him because he had feelings for me. Stopping myself from thinking that our relationship is anything but business.
I’m snapped out of my thoughts when I feel a buzz in the right pocket of my tight fit black trousers.
Pulling my phone out of my pocket, my phone screen lights up to a text from Shane.
“Pick me up a bottle of water from catering pls (Y/N). Dehydrating here lol. C u in 5 x.”
 Grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, I text him back. “No probs. Be there in 3 ;) x”
 After pressing send, I immediately regret sending the winking face. Was that too flirty? He is my boss at the end of the day. Shaking my head, I head towards the meeting room to meet with Shane and the creative team.
After the meeting with the creative team, I glance at my phone and see  text from Carmella.
“Hey (Y/N)! Haven’t seen you for so long. I mean, I’ve seen you with Shane, how’s that going by the way girl? ;) Come down to the locker room and tell me everything! Xox”  I smile and roll my eyes before turning to see Shane heading towards me.
“Successful meeting, don’t you think?” He says, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and giving me a tight squeeze. No matter how many times he did that, it always gave me goosebumps.
“Aren’t they always when you’re the one leading them?” I shoot back playfully.
“Well I’m not one to blow my own trumpet but…” He laughs.
Laughing back at him, I say “Am I alright to go see some of the girls for a bit? You don’t need me do you? Cause I’ve got nothing on my schedule for some time and-“
Shane cuts me off mid sentence. “Of course you can. I’m your boss and your friend, not your probation officer.”
“Haha yeah of course. Well, you know my number if you need me.”
 With that, I head towards the locker room to see Carmella, ignoring how much Shane using the word ‘friend’ stung.
 Sitting on some crates near Gorilla with Carmella, I fill her in on everything happening regarding my feelings for Shane.
 “So do you really think it’s strictly professional between you guys? I mean so may of us girls see the way he looks at you, it looks like so much more than a employee/employer thing?” Carmella says.
 “I wish it was more than that. Literally all that he has to do is let his knee touch mine in a meeting and my heart melts. I wish I wasn’t so afraid of telling him you know? Everything else is so easy to talk to him about, but this is just something I’m so afraid of. He’s one of the most wonderful, kind, caring and loving men I’ve ever met. It’s so cringey how much I like Shane. I wish I didn’t but I do.”
 Carmella makes no facial expression, she just points behind me. My heart drops, and I already know what it is. As usual, I’ve lost track of time speaking to Mella, and Shane’s opening Smackdown tonight. I turn around and see Shane looking at me.
 “I-I have to go!” I stammer before running off down the corridor. I hear Shane calling after me, but I hear his music hit, so I know he can’t follow me.
 I spend the entirety of Smackdown hiding from Shane. Finding a safe hiding spot in an empty meeting room, I sit down on the couch in the corner, clutching my phone in my shaking hands. My phone blows up with texts from Carmella and Shane.
“(Y/N) Where are you? I’m worried! Call me. Love C xoxo”
“(Y/N) Please answer me x” “Where are you? We gotta talk about this x” “Pls tell me where you are (Y/N). I’m worried about u xx” All from Shane.
 Tossing my phone to the couch beside me, I curl up on the couch as I feel the pit in my stomach grow and grow. Laying down, I turn over to face the back of the couch. Shutting my eyes, I try to block out all the events of the last hour.
  All of a sudden, I feel a hand gently shaking my shoulder. Turning over, I look up and see Shane looking down at me. Quickly I sit up, moving to the other side of the couch. I pick up my phone, 11:30pm, realising I must of fell asleep.
 I stand up and head towards the door. “(Y/N) please stop. I’ve been worried about you and looking for you for hours. We need to talk about this.”  Shane says earnestly.
“Look I just want to go back to the hotel, I don’t want to talk about this Shane.” I retort, grabbing the door handle and pushing it, but the door jams. I try again, the door jams again.
 “The doors stuck.”  I sigh.
“What? Let me try” Shane says pacing towards me.
Dropping my hands to my sides, I move to the wall on the opposite side of the room as Shane tries to open the door with no success.
“The doors stuck” Shane says flatly.
“Tell me something I don’t know”
“Okay. I feel the same about you.”
 Shocked, I turn my body towards Shane. “Don’t joke about that, Shane.”
“(Y/N) I’m not joking. For so long I’ve wanted to tell you but I thought you’d think it was weird, having your boss hit on you. You get me, (Y/N). You go out of you way to help me get things done, you’re always there to talk to, you’re kind, funny, sexy as hell.”
I can’ t help but smile as he throws compliment after compliment at me. “And honestly, (Y/N),” he walks slowly towards me, trapping me between his body in the world, his face so close to mine I can feel his breath on my face “I think about you every second of every day”.
 He places his hand on my cheek, planting a soft kiss on lips, taking me by surprise. However, I react in no time, putting my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my waist.
 The kisses quickly become more passionate and wanting, his tongue sliding into my mouth, his hands wandering from my waist to my ass. I pull his shirt over his head, and he grabs either side of my shirt, ripping the buttons open and kissing from my collarbones down my torso, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to prick up.
 He moves back up my body, kissing my neck as he lifts me up. I wrap my legs around him, feeling his rock hard dick pushing against the fabric of his pants. He gently puts me down on the couch, kissing just above my waistband as he undoes the button of my trousers.
 He pulls off my trousers, tossing them to the side and drinking in the sight of me in my matching black underwear set.  He runs his hands down my body,
 “I’ve imagined what you look like under those clothes a million times, but nothing I’ve imagined will ever compare to how fucking hot you are In real life.” He rasps.
 I sit up, mimicking his actions, kissing above his waistband and unbuttoning his trousers, pulling both his trousers and boxers down at once, letting his huge member spring free. I lick the length of his dick, flicking my tongue over the tip, making him bite his lip and shudder.
 “Mr McMahon, I could say the exact same for you” I smirk, lightly kissing his tip once more before lying back down, him following me down so his body is pressed against mine.
 He kisses me softly on the lips as he pushes my soaked panties to the side, as I feel a trickle of my wetness run down my pussy. He rubs his dick against my slit, enjoying teasing me.
“Jesus please just fuck me”
Shane nips at my neck before responding by slowly pushing himself inside of me, stretching my pussy as it adjusted to his length.
“Fuck!” I moan as he starts to pick up a pace, pushing himself in and out of me.
“Shit you feel amazing (Y/N)” Shane rasps as he pushes himself deeper inside of me, causing my legs to shudder as I claw down his back when his pace increases even more.
 He reaches his arm down between us and starts to play with my clit, making me lose my breath even faster than before. I feel a familiar sensation pooling in my abdomen, “Fuck Shane I’m gonna cum don’t stop!” I whisper hoarsely into his ear.
 He pushes himself deep inside me once again, and I feel my walls contract as I cum all over Shane’s huge dick.  Shane follows seconds after, “Fuck (Y/N) I-I” he stammered as he emptied his load inside of me.
  Shane kisses my forehead and smiles down at me, stroking my hair back. “I’m afraid I’m gonna wake up and this was all a dream.” He chuckles.
Gently placing my hand on his neck, I pull myself up to place a kiss on his lips. “Trust me, this is real.” I smile up at him.
We dress just in time to have someone bust the door open.
“Mr McMahon, Miss (Y/N), we’re so sorry! We’ve had a few complaints about people getting stuck in here. Are you both ok??” The man dressed in all black with an earpiece in asks, worried.
 Shane slips his hand into mine and looks down at me smiling. “Yeah, everything’s perfect now.”
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wweimagineandedit · 7 years
'My name is feenie and I am here to grant 3 wishes'
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his lower half of his body is just nothing but a smoke cloud
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wweimagineandedit · 7 years
So I've been caught up for literally months with work and studies - I've got ton of requests but trust me, I'm getting to it. I finish all my studies and have 2 weeks of work soon and I will give you all what you've been siting for. Keep asking, I hear you.
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wweimagineandedit · 7 years
As much as I hate it, you are BEARillint
Wow, Dean getting beat up by two bears. I guess you can say that’s a little em-bear-assing.
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wweimagineandedit · 7 years
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mattjackson: “Good Christian Boy Moonsault”
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wweimagineandedit · 7 years
get the fuck out
Wow, Dean getting beat up by two bears. I guess you can say that’s a little em-bear-assing.
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wweimagineandedit · 7 years
Carmella….. cash in on Jinder and Randy. THAT will fix this.
371 notes · View notes
wweimagineandedit · 7 years
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wweimagineandedit · 7 years
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