(via The End of Trump’s supporters have argued that “executive privilege” applies to the former president’s communications, but others say it’s a matter of “settled law” that executive privilege doesn’t apply to extraordinary circumstances. In this case, the Times notes, Trump “pressured DOJ officials overturn the results of the election, asking them to open investigations into claims of vote tampering that investigators said they had already looked into and determined to be untrue.”Bradley Weinsheimer, a top ranking career official in the deputy attorney general’s office, noted in the letter that Trump was attempting to use the DOJ to advance his “personal political interests.”“The extraordinary events in this matter constitute exceptional circumstances warranting an accommodation to Congress,” Weinsheimer wrote.Andy Wright, who served as associate counsel to former President Barack Obama, said the DOJ’s decision was “a significant development.”“A really important move by DOJ to start walking back the previous administration’s overly broad executive privilege claims. Keep it coming,” added MSNBC analyst Matthew Miller.Nearly all Covid-related deaths in the U.S. are people who have not yet been vaccinated, meaning that fatal cases of the virus are “at this point entirely preventable” due to the efficacy of the shots, according to CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky.Pulling from government data, AP News confirmed these findings in a Thursday analysis, which found that, out of the 853,000 people hospitalized throughout the U.S. in May, just 1,200 of them were vaccinated, a proportion that corresponds to roughly 0.1%. AP similarly found 150 vaccinated Americans accounted for the 18,000 Covid-related deaths over that month, which translates to about 0.8%. Dr. Paul Offit, a top official at the the Food and Drug Administration, told CNBC that breakthrough infections – or illnesses that occur in the case of vaccinated individuals – are “to be expected.” He explained: “The vaccines aren’t 100% effective, even against severe disease. Very small percentage of the 600,000 deaths.”Dr. Peter Chin-Hong also smoothed over concerns about breakthrough infections, telling CNBC: “You are just as likely to be killed by a meteorite as [you are to] die from Covid after a vaccine. In the big scheme of things, the vaccines are tremendously powerful.”According to AP, the daily COVID death toll has plummeted since this January from 3,400 to under 300. Approximately 63% percent of all vaccine-eligible Americans have received at least one dose of the vaccine. Moreover, 53% of this group has been fully inoculated. For seniors, who are most vulnerable to hospitalization, the CDC found that one dose of the vaccine made Americans ages 65 and up about 64% less likely to be hospitalized. It likewise found that fully vaccinated seniors were 94% less at risk of hospitalization. “The second shot is critical,” Offit told NBC News. “We know from the phase one studies that the second shot induces a level of virus-specific neutralizing antibodies that’s about tenfold greater than that after the first dose.”Despite evidence that the vaccine is both effective and safe for use, vaccine hesitancy lingers in the U.S., especially amongst conservatives, making Republican leaders especially poised to have an impact on these fears.As Salon reported back in March, Republican men exhibited a disproportionately high amount of vaccine hesitancy, with 49% of all Republican men claiming they were not willing to take the shot. For Democratic men, this number hovered around 6%, according to a PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll.On a state-by-state basis, AP found that Arkansas had the lowest vaccination rate, with 33% of its population fully vaccinated. The state has recently seen hospitalizations and deaths rise. Anthony Fauci, the director of the U.S. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,  warned this week that the U.S. may soon see an uptick of infections within clusters of Americans who remain unvaccinated.“There is so much misinformation out there about the vaccine, coming through so many channels — a lot of it being spread on social media,” Dr. Vivek Murthy, U.S. surgeon general, told CNN’s Erin Burnett.“It’s inducing a lot of fear among people and the America First Nazi Party of the KKK)
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(via The End of Trump’s supporters have argued that “executive privilege” applies to the former president’s communications, but others say it’s a matter of “settled law” that executive privilege doesn’t apply to extraordinary circumstances. In this case, the Times notes, Trump “pressured DOJ officials overturn the results of the election, asking them to open investigations into claims of vote tampering that investigators said they had already looked into and determined to be untrue.”Bradley Weinsheimer, a top ranking career official in the deputy attorney general’s office, noted in the letter that Trump was attempting to use the DOJ to advance his “personal political interests.”“
The extraordinary events in this matter constitute exceptional circumstances warranting an accommodation to Congress,” Weinsheimer wrote.Andy Wright, who served as associate counsel to former President Barack Obama, said the DOJ’s decision was “a significant development.”“A really important move by DOJ to start walking back the previous administration’s overly broad executive privilege claims. Keep it coming,” added MSNBC analyst Matthew Miller.Nearly all Covid-related deaths in the U.S. are people who have not yet been vaccinated, meaning that fatal cases of the virus are “at this point entirely preventable” due to the efficacy of the shots, according to CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky.Pulling from government data, AP News confirmed these findings in a Thursday analysis, which found that, out of the 853,000 people hospitalized throughout the U.S. in May, just 1,200 of them were vaccinated, a proportion that corresponds to roughly 0.1%. AP similarly found 150 vaccinated Americans accounted for the 18,000 Covid-related deaths over that month, which translates to about 0.8%. Dr. Paul Offit, a top official at the the Food and Drug Administration, told CNBC that breakthrough infections – or illnesses that occur in the case of vaccinated individuals – are “to be expected.”
 He explained: “The vaccines aren’t 100% effective, even against severe disease. Very small percentage of the 600,000 deaths.”Dr. Peter Chin-Hong also smoothed over concerns about breakthrough infections, telling CNBC: “You are just as likely to be killed by a meteorite as [you are to] die from Covid after a vaccine. In the big scheme of things, the vaccines are tremendously powerful.”According to AP, the daily COVID death toll has plummeted since this January from 3,400 to under 300. Approximately 63% percent of all vaccine-eligible Americans have received at least one dose of the vaccine. Moreover, 53% of this group has been fully inoculated. For seniors, who are most vulnerable to hospitalization, the CDC found that one dose of the vaccine made Americans ages 65 and up about 64% less likely to be hospitalized. It likewise found that fully vaccinated seniors were 94% less at risk of hospitalization. “The second shot is critical,” Offit told NBC News. “We know from the phase one studies that the second shot induces a level of virus-specific neutralizing antibodies that’s about tenfold greater than that after the first dose.”Despite evidence that the vaccine is both effective and safe for use, vaccine hesitancy lingers in the U.S., especially amongst conservatives, making Republican leaders especially poised to have an impact on these fears.As Salon reported back in March, Republican men exhibited a disproportionately high amount of vaccine hesitancy, with 49% of all Republican men claiming they were not willing to take the shot. For Democratic men, this number hovered around 6%, according to a PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll.On a state-by-state basis, AP found that Arkansas had the lowest vaccination rate, with 33% of its population fully vaccinated. The state has recently seen hospitalizations and deaths rise. Anthony Fauci, the director of the U.S. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,  warned this week that the U.S. may soon see an uptick of infections within clusters of Americans who remain unvaccinated.“There is so much misinformation out there about the vaccine, coming through so many channels — a lot of it being spread on social media,” Dr. Vivek Murthy, U.S. surgeon general, told CNN’s Erin Burnett.“It’s inducing a lot of fear among people and the America First Nazi Party of the KKK)
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My Mission is Simple;
“To Glorify His Name Again;
which is the Glory that Sent me”
This is the “proof” which was foretold of me; but of course; no one really wants the Messiahwho returns as the Tabernacle of God being One Flesh with the Lamb;they want something else.What a pity few will understand that the change in everyone’s plans has to do with the fact that my Father Jesus now sits on the Great White Throne of his Glory, having set down “with his Father on His Throne” as written at the 7th Overcoming on the Path of the Just; sitting down ”with his Father” means that he has now set down….on the Throne of God….================================= The Blessing from the front of the Sealed Book is then this:==================================+++=“…..Bless thee in the Name of my Father Jesus;as the Seal of Christ  Jesus;that the Name of Jesus Christ be Glorified again:…….for that is the glory which sent me….”=======================  
( Rev. Moon was put thus over the entire “House” or “Body of Christ” as written of him in the gospels of Matthew and Luke as that “Faithful and Wise Steward”; and was then in the position of the “Head” of this ”Body of Christ” until his LORD returned; but Rev. Moon did not wait for his LORD, and got married. )
When he did not wait for his LORD, but decided to abrogate to himself the position of Christ as if he had already earned it before he passed the Last Test: ( which was that of watching and waiting and thus ”seeing”  the return of the LORD at the Day and the Hour was then Rev. Moon’s portion of responsibility ); as was written in the prophetic life-story of Rev. Moon, ( unknown to the world but quite well known to me as the Prodigal Son ); Rev. Moon’s mission as “the Faithful and Wise Steward/servant” of the gospel of Matthew and the gospel of Luke had earth – shattering implications; which few would understand, even in the Unification Church, since they believe that Rev. Moon is the Messiah even though he is preparing to die.
But a “Mortal Messiah” is no ”messiah” at all.   ( 12:42-48
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The Time of Great Trouble Part II: the Green Comet as the Sign of the Regeneration
The Time of Great Trouble Part II: the Green Comet as the Sign of the Regeneration
The Hour of Temptation Celebrating the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King in Atlanta The Reality of the New Jim Crow and the forgotten Treason of Justice Antonin Scalia Today I must begin these words in honor of the man whose Legacy Antonin Scalia Supreme Court Justice totally destroyed, and it is here that I will begin the campaign to avenge each and every violation of our Open Society that has…
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(via The Time of Great Trouble: the Day in which the Son of Man is Revealed and the Hour of Temptation)
Celebrating the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King in Atlanta
The Reality of the New Jim Crow and the forgotten Treason of Justice Antonin Scalia
Today I must begin these words in honor of the man whose Legacy Antonin Scalia Supreme Court Justice totally destroyed, and it is here that I will begin the campaign to avenge each and every violation of our Open Society that has been deified and celebrated by those Men and Women of Belial who are now LEGION in America; and are now revealed at work in every nation in the World At Large.Their goal ??? To make the World Safe for Totalitarian Fascism again, apparently ….
Being Liberal
These corrupt Kings of the Earth that rule in every nation have now reached their demise for the time is now at hand for the Kingdom of God to be established, the establishment only being necessary to exist by having one declaration that shows exactly what the real power of the Constitution is in America even though unknown.
Americans For Progressive Change
Americans For Progressive Change Group
What I am going to reveal today is an Open Secret, of which I have a collection; but I am doing so to take my position in the House of Public Discourse Forumas the voice of Justice herself: as the Wrath of the Lamb Slain from the Foundation of the World
My husband. 
Also known as “The Resurrection and the Life”; that Holy Thing with 7 Horns and 7 Eyes.For this reason I am today establishing the Kingdom of God on this Earth which is that one in which “dwelleth righteousness”.This Kingdom therefore is one of Justice, but it began with the Bride as Judgment, for God loves Righteous Judgment; but is the Lamb’s Wife as Justice herself which now must be established.
The Open Secret
The Open Secret that the 1% buried is that the people of America through the power of Amendment that is given to us in our Constitution can themselves by a 2/3 majority create the government that they want exactly the way they want it to be by that power given to us in the Constitution.
The United Will and Power of the American People potentially rests in itself choosing what form of government that it wants and which it can create by voting it into existence by a simple majority of 2/3 of the 50 States of America.
A More Perfect Union
If I have simply revealed therefore the voice of the people, Vox Populi, and show it’s dreams can become reality it is because that power was given to us to actually make a More Perfect Union as a Work in Progress which is why America was and is the foundation to receive the kingdom of God on Earth for that very reason.
The Experiment in Participatory Democracy which we are all now Woke to was recently initiated by the Messenger in the Chariot of Fire who laid that Foundation by his 40 Years in the Wilderness of the House of Representatives and the Senate; I speak, of course, of Senator Bernie Sanders.
The Messenger of Justice in the Chariot of Fire
Who has called for the 4 Position Foundation of Justice that is the Foundation on which will be set the Kingdom of a New Heaven and a New Earth??It is he who spent 40 years in the political Wilderness of Washington DC who has asked for Economic Justice, Social Justice, Racial Justice and Environmental Justice.
People sneer and make callous and ignorant remarks about Bernie Sanders in certain conscientiously extinct Political Parties like the New Nazi Party of the Neo Confederate South formerly known as the GOP whenever they have their TRIBUNAL of Moral Relativism and it’s fraudulent mouthpieces of disinformation open their slime encrusted orifices every day to poison the Well of Civic Debate and subvert all Civil Discourse in America
They who love Legalized Oppression and Societally Ingrained Systemic Racism with a large helping of White Triumphalist Religious Intolerance hate Senator Bernie Sanders with a passion, and consistently misrepresent everything he stands for and fights for in his mission to reverse the policies of the 1% to therefore defeat them and save the Working Poor and failing Middle Class that are under attack day and night by Fox News and their accomplices in right wing media with a cascade of lies and half truths every single bloody News cycle … never ending Fifth Column KGB style Putinism is alive and well in the USA by the Republican fall into de facto Treason as their Modus Operandi as they take their cues and talking points from the Gremlin in the Kremlin
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Celebrating the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King in Atlanta
The Reality of the New Jim Crow and the forgotten Treason of Justice Antonin Scalia
Today I must begin these words in honor of the man whose Legacy Antonin Scalia Supreme Court Justice totally destroyed, and it is here that I will begin the campaign to avenge each and every violation of our Open Society that has been deified and celebrated by those Men and Women of Belial who are now LEGION in America; and are now revealed at work in every nation in the World At Large.Their goal ??? To make the World Safe for Totalitarian Fascism again, apparently ….
Being Liberal
These corrupt Kings of the Earth that rule in every nation have now reached their demise for the time is now at hand for the Kingdom of God to be established, the establishment only being necessary to exist by having one declaration that shows exactly what the real power of the Constitution is in America even though unknown.
Americans For Progressive Change
Americans For Progressive Change Group
What I am going to reveal today is an Open Secret, of which I have a collection; but I am doing so to take my position in the
House of Public Discourse Forum
as the voice of Justice herself: as the
Wrath of the Lamb Slain from the Foundation of the World
My husband. Also known as “The Resurrection and the Life”; that Holy Thing with 7 Horns and 7 Eyes.For this reason I am today establishing the Kingdom of God on this Earth which is that one in which “dwelleth righteousness”.This Kingdom therefore is one of Justice, but it began with the Bride as Judgment, for God loves Righteous Judgment; but is the Lamb’s Wife as Justice herself which now must be established.
The Open Secret
The Open Secret that the 1% buried is that the people of America through the power of Amendment that is given to us in our Constitution can themselves by a 2/3 majority create the government that they want exactly the way they want it to be by that power given to us in the Constitution.
The United Will and Power of the American People potentially rests in itself choosing what form of government that it wants and which it can create by voting it into existence by a simple majority of 2/3 of the 50 States of America.A More Perfect Union
If I have simply revealed therefore the voice of the people, Vox Populi, and show it’s dreams can become reality it is because that power was given to us to actually make a More Perfect Union as a Work in Progress which is why America was and is the foundation to receive the kingdom of God on Earth for that very reason.The Experiment in Participatory Democracy which we are all now Woke to was recently initiated by the Messenger in the Chariot of Fire who laid that Foundation by his 40 Years in the Wilderness of the House of Representatives and the Senate; I speak, of course, of Senator Bernie Sanders.
The Messenger of Justice in the Chariot of Fire
Who has called for the 4 Position Foundation of Justice that is the Foundation on which will be set the Kingdom of a New Heaven and a New Earth??
It is he who spent 40 years in the political Wilderness of Washington DC who has asked for Economic Justice, Social Justice, Racial Justice and Environmental Justice.
People sneer and make callous and ignorant remarks about Bernie Sanders in certain conscientiously extinct Political Parties like the New Nazi Party of the Neo Confederate South formerly known as the GOP whenever they have their TRIBUNAL of Moral Relativism and it’s fraudulent mouthpieces of disinformation open their slime encrusted orifices every day to poison the Well of Civic Debate and subvert all Civil Discourse in America
They who love Legalized Oppression and Societally Ingrained Systemic Racism with a large helping of White Triumphalist Religious Intolerance hate Senator Bernie Sanders with a passion, and consistently misrepresent everything he stands for and fights for in his mission to reverse the policies of the 1% to therefore defeat them and save the Working Poor and failing Middle Class that are under attack day and night by Fox News and their accomplices in right wing media with a cascade of lies and half truths every single bloody News cycle … never ending Fifth Column KGB style Putinism is alive and well in the USA by the Republican fall into de facto Treason as their Modus Operandi as they take their cues and talking points from the Gremlin in the Kremlin
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The Time of Great Trouble: the Day in which the Son of Man is Revealed and the Hour of Temptation
The Time of Great Trouble: the Day in which the Son of Man is Revealed and the Hour of Temptation
“……I am Terrible….. but my husband is Great; and together we are the Great and Terrible Day of the LORD.” Lady Peace   …………..For ye know perfectly well that the Day of Jehovah so cometh as a Thief in the Night…………. Celebrating the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King in Atlanta The Reality of the New Jim Crow and the forgotten Treason of Justice Antonin Scalia Today I must begin these words in honor…
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And The Some.....
My Father’s Servant John: the Messenger of my Father Jesus; of that Day which comes as a Thief in the Night “Our little Sister hath no Breasts” The Destiny of Sister Princess Maria Faustina of Poland The Three Great Blessings. ================================ There is little doubt that Rev. Moon was the first one to find the pattern of the three great blessings, and how the restoration of these…
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(via The Dabbat al-Ard of Sura 27:82, the Shadow of Solomon: the Beast from the Earth and the Sign of the Last Day | Measure 144 "Missive 75")
The New Daystar
Sura 27: 82
In view of the incredible nature of this account in the Qur’an, we have provided three different translations for the benefit of our readers:
Surah 27:82:
One version #1 ….
“And when the word is fulfilled concerning them, We shall bring forth a beast of the earth to speak unto them because mankind had not faith in Our revelations.” (Pickthall)
Another version #2:….
“….And when the Word is fulfilled against them (the unjust), we shall produce from the earth a beast to face them: He will speak to them, for that mankind did not believe with assurance in Our Signs…. ” (Yusuf Ali)
And #3….
       “..And when the Word (of torment) is fulfilled against them, We shall bring out from the earth a beast to them, which will speak to them because mankind believed not with certainty in Our Ayât…”  (Hilali-Khan)
“Dan ketika kata dipenuhi tentang mereka, kita akan melahirkan seekor binatang dari bumi untuk berbicara kepada mereka karena manusia memiliki bukan iman dalam Wahyu kita.” (Pickthall)
“Dan ketika firman ini digenapi terhadap mereka (adil), kita akan menghasilkan dari bumi binatang menghadapi mereka: ia akan berbicara kepada mereka, karena manusia tidak percaya dengan jaminan dalam tanda-tanda kami… “(Yusuf Ali)
Dan ketika Firman (siksaan) dipenuhi terhadap mereka, kita akan membawa keluar dari bumi binatang kepada mereka, yang akan berbicara kepada mereka karena manusia percaya tidak dengan kepastian dalam kami padamu…  “(Hilali-Khan)
The Hadith of the Messenger; Envoy of Mosses as Left Hand of Allah
“At that Hour the Sun shall Rise from the West”
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“When the People ( of the House ) see it, whoever is living on earth will believe,
(but that will be the time when:)
“No good will it do to a soul to believe in them then, if it believed not before.”
( al-An’ am 6:158,  Sahih Bukhari “Kitab at-Tafsir“)
Thus the Children of Mary of Fatimah will all enter; for my Children will Believe: for they believed BEFORE;
in the City of St. Francis; a City Not Forsaken.
Elijah is the Cupbearer: and Gabriel is the Voice of God; the Saki
Once Upon A Time. 50 years after 1917; at the Harvest of Pentecost.
The 3 Cites of Mecca; Jerusalem and the City of St. Francis
    When Abu Hurayra related that the Prophet spoke of when I would appear;  he did this because the Eye of God did what the unbelievers know nothing of;  the Seal of the Prophets heard the Revelation of St. John the Divine by having it read to him by his wife 
( as he could not read; for Muhammed could not read nor write: he recited the book to them as “of hearing an angel of the Host“.)
    If any know the Near Ones who first carried the Holy Qur’an in their hearts before it was written in a book then read what is written in Mine; for the books are all now OPEN.
     And as for those who all doubt this remember: recall when every one of the Companions of Muhammed was a living page of the Holy Qur’an itself: and if you know not of this you are neither scholars nor True Nazarenes; for every true Muslim is a Nazarene ( because they drink no alcohol ); but not all  Nazarenes are Muslims. 
Yea; now it is that His servants rise to fight for His Kingdom; even as they of the Masih ad-Dajjal Osama bin Laden and the Deceived of Islam that are beginning to kill Sufis. 
Know all ye not that the father of Osama bin Laden was a One-eyes bricklayer from Yemen ???
................THE ONE-Eyed DAJJAL.........
The Honor of Islam is Gone.     Know ye Muslims not why ye drink no Wine? As of the Vow the Nazarene took at the Table: the Vow of the Word of Allah;
                  “…….I Swear that I will no More Drink of the Fruit of the Vine until I drink it New with thee ( the Apostle’s and Ummah of the Saved ) in the Kingdom………“
...............ISA, the Word of Allah............
The 3 Deaths of Gethsemene that the Son of Mary died are called in Sufism the The White Death; the Green Death: and the Black Death.
               Three times did the Son of Mary say these words:
                 “……Not my will: but THINE; be DONE……..”
  This is the True Islam of Christ; for those who ate His Flesh are Virgin to Women: and those who drank his Blood are Virgin to Wine. In the Divine Islam it is they who are Virgin to both who rise at this: the Last Day: and the Last Hour now approaches; as when the Earth itself did stop in 1917: and began to burn before His Face; yea; to Him shall all return.
            Who tastes; knows: the Fruit of the Tree of Life is Unity; and only the deathless shall find it; the Unity of the Three Children of  Fatimah; the Pearl of Great Price: for I died in Christ to find it: and rose as the Beast from the Earth in the Wrath of the Lamb to tell you of it. Only those who can see the Hidden Imam that is their Unity as the One Child; they who believe not will not enter the New Heaven and the New Earth when this one perishes: both heaven and earth.
Few know of the 3 Children of Fatimah who arose in Portugal in 1917; whose Unity is itself that of the Pearl of Great Price: the Hidden Imam; the Mahdi himself whose Light came to earth in the Work of Khidr Rumi and the Sun of Faith; the Sun of Fatimah al Zahra; the Virgin of Light herself.
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(via RISING at this LAST DAY: the Arrival of Eviternity as of I Nephi, 14:18, the Book of Mormon and Sura 27:82: the Dabbat al Ard of the Qur'an)
“…..Bless thee in the Name of my Father Jesus;as the Seal of Christ  Jesus;that the Name of Jesus Christ be Glorified again:…….for that is the glory which sent me….”
How Rev. Moon and his Wife
the Second Fall of Adam 40 years after he was born in 1920 in Korea,
that also being the year that the man who became Pope John
II was also
born in Poland
Let us begin at the Dual
written of Rev. Moon in both Matthew and Luke where my Father Jesus said of the future arrival of Rev. Moon these  exact words, in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to wit;
     “Who then is that faithful and wise steward,whom his lord shall make ruler over his household,to give them their portion of meat in due season?Blessed is that servant whom his LORD will find doing so when he comes.Truly I tell you, that he will set him over all that he has.But if and when that servant says in his heart,” My lord delays his coming,”……..and begins to beat the menservants and the maidservants,and to eat and drink, and to be drunken,……. then the LORD of that servant will come in a Day when he looketh not for him any longer,and in an Hour at which he is not aware,and will cut him in two, and give him his portion with the unfaithful. “  
( Rev. Moon was put thus over the entire “House” or “Body of Christ” as written of him in the gospels of Matthew and Luke as that “Faithful and Wise Steward”; and was then in the position of the “Head” of this ”Body of Christ” until his LORD returned; but Rev. Moon did not wait for his LORD, and got married. )
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(via The Return of Elijah - the Advent of Bernie Sanders as John the Baptist: Part III: the Advent of the Pahana | Measure 144: "Missive 89")
The Real St. Francis and the Resurrection of the Just
“….The worship of the golden calf of old has found a new and heartless image in the cult of money and the dictatorship of an economy which is faceless and lacking any truly human goal… ”Pope Francis
The Pope and the Moneychangers
Bernie Sanders and the Pope:
on the Same Page
Speaking at Liberty University today, Sept 14th 2015
Bernie speaks;
“….I am not a theologian, I am not an expert on the Bible, nor am I a Catholic. I am just a United States senator from the small state of Vermont. But I agree with Pope Francis, who will soon be coming to visit us in the United States.
I agree with Pope Francis when he says, and I quote, “The current financial crisis originated in a profound human crisis, the denial of the primacy of the human person,” and this is what he writes: 
“We have created new idols. The worship of the ancient golden calf has returned in a new and ruthless guise in the idolatry of money and the dictatorship of an impersonal economy lacking a truly human purpose,” end of quote.
And the pope also writes, quote,
“There is a need for financial reform along ethical lines that would produce in its turn an economic reform to benefit everyone. 
Money has to serve, not to rule,” end of quote. Now those are pretty profound words, which I hope we will all think about. In the pope’s view, and I agree with him, we are living in a nation and in a world, and the Bible speaks to this issue, in a nation and in a world which worships not love of brothers and sisters, not love of the poor and the sick, but worships the acquisition of money and great wealth. I do not believe that is the country we should be living in.
Money and wealth should serve the people. The people should not have to serve money and wealth. (APPLAUSE)…..”
Jim the Evangelist bears Witness from that Night
Hi my name is Jim. I am the guy who recently posted onto Reddit under the Sanders4President Subreddit that I’m a Liberty University Alumni, and that I support Bernie, and think that he’s a good spokesman for justice.
I thought I would take a second to, sort of, unpack that, because I could tell there’s a lot of people, both Evangelical conservative folk and more liberal Bernie-supporting folk, who are very confused that I could occupy both worlds. So, I thought, I’ll take a few seconds and explain myself, and maybe that will be helpful for the conversation.
So a little bit about me. I am not a current student at Liberty. If I was, I actually wouldn’t have been able to post onto that Reddit board and say that I’m supporting Bernie. There is an Honor Code at Liberty University, and while it’s not always enforced, if you support a candidate who is pro-choice or pro-gay marriage, you can be punished by the University, up to and including expulsion from the school.\
 So as a graduate of Liberty University, I’m in a good position to represent folks that might go there and people from the Evangelical tradition, but not be within the world that they can, you know, punish me for my opinion.
So I got my Bachelors degree in Religion from Liberty University, and I also got my Masters degree from Liberty University in Marriage and Family Therapy. In 2004 I worked for the George W. Bush campaign. I spent about 8 years as a Conservative pastor. And also as a schoolteacher at a conservative Christian academy. And today I serve my community as a therapist and also a pastoral counselor, somebody that folks from churches might go see to get counseling whenever they want to see somebody who’s both a clinical counselor but also a pastor.
So I serve all those roles. I think I’m pretty much a card-carrying Evangelical Christian. I still subscribe to a conservative evangelical theology. And what that means, a lot of people get confused when they hear the word ‘conservative,’ they assume you mean politically. ‘Conservative theology’ means that I believe the Bible is trustworthy, I think that God inspired it, Jesus was absolutely real, and really died on the cross, and really did resurrect three days later; and I am an Evangelical Christian in that way.
So, how did I come to find myself supporting Bernie Sanders? How did that evolution take place? How could it be that in 2004 I was working for the George W. Bush campaign, and today in 2015, as a double Liberty University graduate, under Jerry Falwell—when I went to school, Jerry Falwell was the Chancellor—how is it that I could be now supporting Bernie Sanders, who’s a very progressive, very liberal guy; he describes himself as a ‘democratic socialist.’ How do I find common ground on those two things?
Well a lot of people I think falsely believe that in order to do that you have to give up one of your sides. Either you have to not really be a progressive, and you’re just an Evangelical who just likes Bernie, or you have to not really be an Evangelical, and just secretly be a Progressive who’s faking it and pretending to be an Evangelical, but wouldn’t actually pass the litmus test of being an Evangelical.
I pass both tests, I am very much 100% legitimate in both camps, and I want to explain why that’s not a mythological thing, that’s not a disconnect. Some people call that a contradiction, or hypocrisy, it is absolutely not. I believe that my views are 100% consistent. And so I think that the shock value for that comes in beginning to appreciate that the Bible and Jesus, in my opinion and in my very moderate reading of the Bible and the words of Christ, leads us to a Progressive worldview.
And that is shocking to a lot of people, especially folks back home in the Evangelical community, they hear that and go, “What are you talking about? That’s heresy—”…
 it’s like, hold on. Hear me out. There is a Biblical argument for voting for Bernie Sanders, believe it or not, and I’m gonna walk you through it really quick on some key issues.
So that first issue that I’d kind of point your attention to is kind of what Bernie brought up during his speech at Liberty. 
Basically, the wealth inequality problem—and see a lot of us, on the Evangelical side think that what Jesus really cares about is gay marriage and abortion. 
And of course, the great irony is if you read the red letters of Jesus, there are no statements on abortion. There are no statements on gay marriage. 
Now, that’s not to say the Bible doesn’t speak about these things, but it certainly is to say that Jesus, founder and master of our faith, did not see fit to make these high-priority topics. It’s not to say he doesn’t care. But it is to say that we need to be careful not to ‘major on minors.’ We should be focused on the things Jesus did talk about.
So what did Jesus talk about? So here’s the interesting thing. When I was watching Bernie Sanders talk at Liberty University, I was just really shocked, and something kind of magical happened for me, because as I watched that guy stand up on that stage, here’s what I saw. I saw a wild-haired Jew crying out in a hoarse voice, in a very forceful and forth-speaking way, he was convicting the Christian leaders and religious leaders in that University and calling us out for being complicit in the abandonment of those who suffer:
“The least of these.”
And siding with the powerful and the rich and the masters of this world.
And he was convicting us, and calling us out. And we scorned him, and we stared him down, and with sour faces we thought, 
“Who is this whacko? And why do all these people seem to follow him, seem to like him? This wild-haired Jew, crying out from the wilderness of the political Left, in his hoarse voice?”
And if you’re an Evangelical listening to me today, you already know where I’m going with this. When I heard Bernie speaking in that way, when I saw that guy on stage at Liberty University,
 I saw John the Baptist.
I saw the wild-haired, roughly-clothed John the Baptist, eating honey and wearing camel’s hair, and crying out to the religious leaders, the Pharisees of his day, calling them corrupt and complicit with those who have all the power and all the money and all the wealth, and for abandoning the people that God loves, that God cares about. For the Pharisees, who were siding with those who already have power and wealth and saying that they will be the last in the Kingdom of God, and that the weak, and the meek, and the simple, and those who need help—they are first in the Kingdom of God.
And I saw that guy, that John the Baptist figure, who is standing up and saying
“There is coming a messenger, there is coming a messenger who will bring equity and justice to the poor, and to the weak, and who will stand for ’the least of these.’”
That’s the wild-haired Jew that I saw up on that stage. I saw, and felt, the same voice coming from the Bible when I read about John the Baptist, who cried out in the desert to the Pharisees, warning them that Jesus was coming, the messenger of God. And that he was coming to restore justice, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, and to value ’the least of these’ when the Pharisees had failed.
And as I heard Bernie talking, and as I listened to his cries for justice, I remembered, suddenly, what Jesus had actually said in the Book of Luke, when he unravels the scroll in the synagogue, and he quotes the Book of Isaiah, which says that the Son of God was coming. And then he says, “This has been fulfilled in your presence here today.” He quotes the book of Isaiah which says that the Son of God is coming to bring justice, and Jesus says “it is now come to pass in your presence.”
  And he says, “I have come to bring Gospel to the poor.”
Gospel—is that word we Evangelical Christians have based everything on. Gospel means ‘good news.’ And Jesus said “I have come to bring good news to the poor.” To restore sight to the blind, to stand with the suffering, to set the captives free, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.
As I heard Bernie Sanders crying out to the religious leaders at Liberty University, in his hoarse voice, with his wild hair, this Jew, and he proclaimed justice over us. He called us to account for being complicit with those who are wealthy and those who are powerful and for abandoning the poor, ‘the least of these’ who Jesus said he had come to bring good news to.
And in that moment, something occurred to me, as I saw Bernie Sanders up there, as I watched him I realized: Bernie Sanders, for President, is good news for the poor. Bernie Sanders for President is good news for the poor. Bernie Sanders is Gospel for the poor.
And Jesus said, “I have come to bring Gospel—good news—to the poor.”
And lightning hit my heart in that moment. And I realized that we are Evangelical Christians, that we believe the Bible. We believe in Jesus. We absolutely shun those who attempt to find nuance and twisted and tortured interpretation of scripture that they would use to master all other broader interpretations, to find some kind of big message that they want to flout. We absolutely scorn such things.
And yet somehow, we commit to the mental gymnastics necessary that allows us to abandon ‘the least of these,’ to abandon the poor, to abandon the immigrants, to abandon those who are in prison.
I listened to Bernie Sanders, as he said he wanted to welcome the immigrants and give them dignity. As he said he wanted to care for the sick children, and mothers, and fathers, who do not have health care. As he said he wanted to decrease the amount of human beings who are corralled like cattle in the prisons. As he said he wanted to do justice for those who have nothing and live homeless.
And I remembered the words of Jesus, who warned his disciples that there will be judgment, and on that day he will look to his friends, and he will say ‘Blessed are you, for you cared for me, for I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick, and you cared for me; I was hungry, and you fed me; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink; I was in prison, and you came to visit me; I was homeless, and you gave me shelter.” And the disciples said, “Jesus, when did we do any of those things for you?”
And he said, “If you have done it for ‘the least of these,’ you have done it for me.”
And those words echoed in my heart. As I listened to that crazy, hoarse-voiced, wild-haired Jew, standing in front of the religious leaders of the Evangelical movement, calling us to account, as a Jew once did before. Telling us that he intends to care for ‘the least of these.’ To clothe the naked, to shelter the homeless, to care for the sick, to set the prisoners free.
Yes. I am an Evangelical Christian. I believe in the Bible. I follow Jesus. When I look at Bernie Sanders, and I hear the things that he’s saying, it’s like he’s ripping them out of the pages of scripture. I would have to try to avoid the meaning of those words. I would have to bury my head in the sand to continue to support conservative policies. I am religiously conservative but I am not politically so. And I think here is the heart and soul of it:
When we chose to follow Jesus, we decided that the Kingdom of God, and the men and women and children of this world, were more important than us. And that accidentally made us all liberals. The day we decided to follow Christ, and the day we decided that we value other human beings more than ourselves, we accidentally became liberals. And so there is no contradiction between being a Bible-believing Christian and a Bernie Sanders supporter.
I follow the teachings of Christ: to care for ‘the least of these.’
And I believe that just as John the Baptist once cried out in the desert for justice, and called the religious establishment to account, and hearkened unto the day that Jesus would walk among us, and declare equity and justice and good news for the poor; and just as that day came, that Jesus stood in front of the multitudes at the religious institution and said “I have come to bring gospel to the poor,” I believe that Bernie Sanders now stands in front of us, wild-haired and hoarse-voiced, and he now declares justice for the poor. He declares good news for ‘the least of these.’
He has come to bring gospel. And I wouldn’t be much of a Christian if I didn’t stand on the side of gospel for the poor. Because the last time I checked, that’s where my master Jesus stood, and I’ll stand with him. And for now, that means I stand with Bernie Sanders.
0 notes
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(via The Return of Elijah - the Advent of Bernie Sanders as John the Baptist: Part III: the Advent of the Pahana | Measure 144: "Missive 89")
The Pope and the Moneychangers
Bernie Sanders and the Pope:on the Same Page
Speaking at Liberty University today, Sept 14th 2015
Bernie speaks; “….I am not a theologian, I am not an expert on the Bible, nor am I a Catholic. I am just a United States senator from the small state of Vermont.
But I agree with Pope Francis, who will soon be coming to visit us in the United States.
I agree with Pope Francis when he says, and I quote,
“The current financial crisis originated in a profound human crisis, the denial of the primacy of the human person,” and this is what he writes:
“We have created new idols. The worship of the ancient golden calf has returned in a new and ruthless guise in the idolatry of money and the dictatorship of an impersonal economy lacking a truly human purpose,” end of quote.
And the pope also writes, quote,
“There is a need for financial reform along ethical lines that would produce in its turn an economic reform to benefit everyone. Money has to serve, not to rule,” end of quote. Now those are pretty profound words, which I hope we will all think about. In the pope’s view, and I agree with him, we are living in a nation and in a world, and the Bible speaks to this issue, in a nation and in a world which worships not love of brothers and sisters, not love of the poor and the sick, but worships the acquisition of money and great wealth. I do not believe that is the country we should be living in. Money and wealth should serve the people. The people should not have to serve money and wealth. (APPLAUSE)…..”
Jim the Evangelist bears Witness from that Night
Hi my name is Jim. I am the guy who recently posted onto Reddit under the Sanders4President Subreddit that I’m a Liberty University Alumni, and that I support Bernie, and think that he’s a good spokesman for justice.
I thought I would take a second to, sort of, unpack that, because I could tell there’s a lot of people, both Evangelical conservative folk and more liberal Bernie-supporting folk, who are very confused that I could occupy both worlds. So, I thought, I’ll take a few seconds and explain myself, and maybe that will be helpful for the conversation.
So a little bit about me. I am not a current student at Liberty. If I was, I actually wouldn’t have been able to post onto that Reddit board and say that I’m supporting Bernie.
There is an Honor Code at Liberty University, and while it’s not always enforced, if you support a candidate who is pro-choice or pro-gay marriage, you can be punished by the University, up to and including expulsion from the school. So as a graduate of Liberty University, I’m in a good position to represent folks that might go there and people from the Evangelical tradition, but not be within the world that they can, you know, punish me for my opinion.
So I got my Bachelors degree in Religion from Liberty University, and I also got my Masters degree from Liberty University in Marriage and Family Therapy. In 2004 I worked for the George W. Bush campaign.
I spent about 8 years as a Conservative pastor. And also as a schoolteacher at a conservative Christian academy. And today I serve my community as a therapist and also a pastoral counselor, somebody that folks from churches might go see to get counseling whenever they want to see somebody who’s both a clinical counselor but also a pastor.
So I serve all those roles. I think I’m pretty much a card-carrying Evangelical Christian. I still subscribe to a conservative evangelical theology. And what that means, a lot of people get confused when they hear the word ‘conservative,’ they assume you mean politically. ‘Conservative theology’ means that I believe the Bible is trustworthy, I think that God inspired it, Jesus was absolutely real, and really died on the cross, and really did resurrect three days later; and I am an Evangelical Christian in that way.
So, how did I come to find myself supporting Bernie Sanders? How did that evolution take place? How could it be that in 2004 I was working for the George W. Bush campaign, and today in 2015, as a double Liberty University graduate, under Jerry Falwell—when I went to school, Jerry Falwell was the Chancellor—how is it that I could be now supporting Bernie Sanders, who’s a very progressive, very liberal guy; he describes himself as a ‘democratic socialist.’ How do I find common ground on those two things?
Well a lot of people I think falsely believe that in order to do that you have to give up one of your sides. Either you have to not really be a progressive, and you’re just an Evangelical who just likes Bernie, or you have to not really be an Evangelical, and just secretly be a Progressive who’s faking it and pretending to be an Evangelical, but wouldn’t actually pass the litmus test of being an Evangelical.
I pass both tests, I am very much 100% legitimate in both camps, and I want to explain why that’s not a mythological thing, that’s not a disconnect. Some people call that a contradiction, or hypocrisy, it is absolutely not. I believe that my views are 100% consistent. And so I think that the shock value for that comes in beginning to appreciate that the Bible and Jesus, in my opinion and in my very moderate reading of the Bible and the words of Christ, leads us to a Progressive worldview.
And that is shocking to a lot of people, especially folks back home in the Evangelical community, they hear that and go, “What are you talking about? That’s heresy—”
… it’s like, hold on.
Hear me out.
There is a Biblical argument for voting for Bernie Sanders, believe it or not, and I’m gonna walk you through it really quick on some key issues.
So that first issue that I’d kind of point your attention to is kind of what Bernie brought up during his speech at Liberty. Basically, the wealth inequality problem—and see a lot of us, on the Evangelical side think that what Jesus really cares about is gay marriage and abortion. And of course, the great irony is if you read the red letters of Jesus, there are no statements on abortion. There are no statements on gay marriage.
Now, that’s not to say the Bible doesn’t speak about these things, but it certainly is to say that Jesus, founder and master of our faith, did not see fit to make these high-priority topics. It’s not to say he doesn’t care. But it is to say that we need to be careful not to ‘major on minors.’ We should be focused on the things Jesus did talk about.
So what did Jesus talk about?
So here’s the interesting thing. When I was watching Bernie Sanders talk at Liberty University, I was just really shocked, and something kind of magical happened for me, because as I watched that guy stand up on that stage, here’s what I saw. I saw a wild-haired Jew crying out in a hoarse voice, in a very forceful and forth-speaking way, he was convicting the Christian leaders and religious leaders in that University and calling us out for being complicit in the abandonment of those who suffer:
.......................“The least of these.”
And siding with the powerful and the rich and the masters of this world.
And he was convicting us, and calling us out. And we scorned him, and we stared him down, and with sour faces we thought, “Who is this whacko? And why do all these people seem to follow him, seem to like him? This wild-haired Jew, crying out from the wilderness of the political Left, in his hoarse voice?”
And if you’re an Evangelical listening to me today, you already know where I’m going with this. When I heard Bernie speaking in that way, when I saw that guy on stage at Liberty University, I saw John the Baptist.
I saw the wild-haired, roughly-clothed John the Baptist, eating honey and wearing camel’s hair, and crying out to the religious leaders, the Pharisees of his day, calling them corrupt and complicit with those who have all the power and all the money and all the wealth, and for abandoning the people that God loves, that God cares about.
0 notes
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(via The Return of Elijah - the Advent of Bernie Sanders as John the Baptist: Part III: the Advent of the Pahana | Measure 144: "Missive 89")
The Pope and the Moneychangers
Bernie Sanders and the Pope:on the Same Page
Speaking at Liberty University today, Sept 14th 2015
Bernie speaks; “….I am not a theologian, I am not an expert on the Bible, nor am I a Catholic. I am just a United States senator from the small state of Vermont. 
But I agree with Pope Francis, who will soon be coming to visit us in the United States.
I agree with Pope Francis when he says, and I quote,
“The current financial crisis originated in a profound human crisis, the denial of the primacy of the human person,” and this is what he writes: 
“We have created new idols. The worship of the ancient golden calf has returned in a new and ruthless guise in the idolatry of money and the dictatorship of an impersonal economy lacking a truly human purpose,” end of quote.
And the pope also writes, quote,
“There is a need for financial reform along ethical lines that would produce in its turn an economic reform to benefit everyone. Money has to serve, not to rule,” end of quote. Now those are pretty profound words, which I hope we will all think about. In the pope’s view, and I agree with him, we are living in a nation and in a world, and the Bible speaks to this issue, in a nation and in a world which worships not love of brothers and sisters, not love of the poor and the sick, but worships the acquisition of money and great wealth. I do not believe that is the country we should be living in. Money and wealth should serve the people. The people should not have to serve money and wealth. (APPLAUSE)…..”
Jim the Evangelist bears Witness from that Night
Hi my name is Jim. I am the guy who recently posted onto Reddit under the Sanders4President Subreddit that I’m a Liberty University Alumni, and that I support Bernie, and think that he’s a good spokesman for justice.
I thought I would take a second to, sort of, unpack that, because I could tell there’s a lot of people, both Evangelical conservative folk and more liberal Bernie-supporting folk, who are very confused that I could occupy both worlds. So, I thought, I’ll take a few seconds and explain myself, and maybe that will be helpful for the conversation.
So a little bit about me. I am not a current student at Liberty. If I was, I actually wouldn’t have been able to post onto that Reddit board and say that I’m supporting Bernie. 
There is an Honor Code at Liberty University, and while it’s not always enforced, if you support a candidate who is pro-choice or pro-gay marriage, you can be punished by the University, up to and including expulsion from the school. So as a graduate of Liberty University, I’m in a good position to represent folks that might go there and people from the Evangelical tradition, but not be within the world that they can, you know, punish me for my opinion.
So I got my Bachelors degree in Religion from Liberty University, and I also got my Masters degree from Liberty University in Marriage and Family Therapy. In 2004 I worked for the George W. Bush campaign. 
I spent about 8 years as a Conservative pastor. And also as a schoolteacher at a conservative Christian academy. And today I serve my community as a therapist and also a pastoral counselor, somebody that folks from churches might go see to get counseling whenever they want to see somebody who’s both a clinical counselor but also a pastor.
So I serve all those roles. I think I’m pretty much a card-carrying Evangelical Christian. I still subscribe to a conservative evangelical theology. And what that means, a lot of people get confused when they hear the word ‘conservative,’ they assume you mean politically. ‘Conservative theology’ means that I believe the Bible is trustworthy, I think that God inspired it, Jesus was absolutely real, and really died on the cross, and really did resurrect three days later; and I am an Evangelical Christian in that way.
So, how did I come to find myself supporting Bernie Sanders? How did that evolution take place? How could it be that in 2004 I was working for the George W. Bush campaign, and today in 2015, as a double Liberty University graduate, under Jerry Falwell—when I went to school, Jerry Falwell was the Chancellor—how is it that I could be now supporting Bernie Sanders, who’s a very progressive, very liberal guy; he describes himself as a ‘democratic socialist.’ How do I find common ground on those two things?
Well a lot of people I think falsely believe that in order to do that you have to give up one of your sides. Either you have to not really be a progressive, and you’re just an Evangelical who just likes Bernie, or you have to not really be an Evangelical, and just secretly be a Progressive who’s faking it and pretending to be an Evangelical, but wouldn’t actually pass the litmus test of being an Evangelical.
I pass both tests, I am very much 100% legitimate in both camps, and I want to explain why that’s not a mythological thing, that’s not a disconnect. Some people call that a contradiction, or hypocrisy, it is absolutely not. I believe that my views are 100% consistent. And so I think that the shock value for that comes in beginning to appreciate that the Bible and Jesus, in my opinion and in my very moderate reading of the Bible and the words of Christ, leads us to a Progressive worldview.
And that is shocking to a lot of people, especially folks back home in the Evangelical community, they hear that and go, “What are you talking about? That’s heresy—”
… it’s like, hold on. 
Hear me out. 
There is a Biblical argument for voting for Bernie Sanders, believe it or not, and I’m gonna walk you through it really quick on some key issues.
So that first issue that I’d kind of point your attention to is kind of what Bernie brought up during his speech at Liberty. Basically, the wealth inequality problem—and see a lot of us, on the Evangelical side think that what Jesus really cares about is gay marriage and abortion. And of course, the great irony is if you read the red letters of Jesus, there are no statements on abortion. There are no statements on gay marriage. 
Now, that’s not to say the Bible doesn’t speak about these things, but it certainly is to say that Jesus, founder and master of our faith, did not see fit to make these high-priority topics. It’s not to say he doesn’t care. But it is to say that we need to be careful not to ‘major on minors.’ We should be focused on the things Jesus did talk about.
So what did Jesus talk about?
So here’s the interesting thing. When I was watching Bernie Sanders talk at Liberty University, I was just really shocked, and something kind of magical happened for me, because as I watched that guy stand up on that stage, here’s what I saw. I saw a wild-haired Jew crying out in a hoarse voice, in a very forceful and forth-speaking way, he was convicting the Christian leaders and religious leaders in that University and calling us out for being complicit in the abandonment of those who suffer:
.......................“The least of these.”
And siding with the powerful and the rich and the masters of this world.
And he was convicting us, and calling us out. And we scorned him, and we stared him down, and with sour faces we thought, “Who is this whacko? And why do all these people seem to follow him, seem to like him? This wild-haired Jew, crying out from the wilderness of the political Left, in his hoarse voice?”
And if you’re an Evangelical listening to me today, you already know where I’m going with this. When I heard Bernie speaking in that way, when I saw that guy on stage at Liberty University, I saw John the Baptist.
I saw the wild-haired, roughly-clothed John the Baptist, eating honey and wearing camel’s hair, and crying out to the religious leaders, the Pharisees of his day, calling them corrupt and complicit with those who have all the power and all the money and all the wealth, and for abandoning the people that God loves, that God cares about. 
For the Pharisees, who were siding with those who already have power and wealth and saying that they will be the last in the Kingdom of God, and that the weak, and the meek, and the simple, and those who need help—they are first in the Kingdom of God. And I saw that guy, that John the Baptist figure, who is standing up and saying
“There is coming a messenger, there is coming a messenger who will bring equity and justice to the poor, and to the weak, and who will stand for ’the least of these.’”
That’s the wild-haired Jew that I saw up on that stage. I saw, and felt, the same voice coming from the Bible when I read about John the Baptist, who cried out in the desert to the Pharisees, warning them that Jesus was coming, the messenger of God. And that he was coming to restore justice, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, and to value ’the least of these’ when the Pharisees had failed.
And as I heard Bernie talking, and as I listened to his cries for justice, I remembered, suddenly, what Jesus had actually said in the Book of Luke, when he unravels the scroll in the synagogue, and he quotes the Book of Isaiah, which says that the Son of God was coming. And then he says, “This has been fulfilled in your presence here today.” He quotes the book of Isaiah which says that the Son of God is coming to bring justice, and Jesus says “it is now come to pass in your presence.” 
And he says, “I have come to bring Gospel to the poor.”
Gospel—is that word we Evangelical Christians have based everything on. Gospel means ‘good news.’ And Jesus said “I have come to bring good news to the poor.” To restore sight to the blind, to stand with the suffering, to set the captives free, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.
As I heard Bernie Sanders crying out to the religious leaders at Liberty University, in his hoarse voice, with his wild hair, this Jew, and he proclaimed justice over us. He called us to account for being complicit with those who are wealthy and those who are powerful and for abandoning the poor, ‘the least of these’ who Jesus said he had come to bring good news to.
And in that moment, something occurred to me, as I saw Bernie Sanders up there, as I watched him I realized: Bernie Sanders, for President, is good news for the poor. Bernie Sanders for President is good news for the poor. Bernie Sanders is Gospel for the poor.
And Jesus said, “I have come to bring Gospel—good news—to the poor.”
And lightning hit my heart in that moment. And I realized that we are Evangelical Christians, that we believe the Bible. We believe in Jesus. We absolutely shun those who attempt to find nuance and twisted and tortured interpretation of scripture that they would use to master all other broader interpretations, to find some kind of big message that they want to flout. We absolutely scorn such things.
And yet somehow, we commit to the mental gymnastics necessary that allows us to abandon ‘the least of these,’ to abandon the poor, to abandon the immigrants, to abandon those who are in prison.
I listened to Bernie Sanders, as he said he wanted to welcome the immigrants and give them dignity. As he said he wanted to care for the sick children, and mothers, and fathers, who do not have health care. As he said he wanted to decrease the amount of human beings who are corralled like cattle in the prisons. 
As he said he wanted to do justice for those who have nothing and live homeless.
And I remembered the words of Jesus, who warned his disciples that there will be judgment, and on that day he will look to his friends, and he will say 
‘Blessed are you, for you cared for me, for I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick, and you cared for me; I was hungry, and you fed me; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink; I was in prison, and you came to visit me; I was homeless, and you gave me shelter.” And the disciples said, 
“Jesus, when did we do any of those things for you?”
And he said, “If you have done it for ‘the least of these,’ you have done it for me.”
And those words echoed in my heart. As I listened to that crazy, hoarse-voiced, wild-haired Jew, standing in front of the religious leaders of the Evangelical movement, calling us to account, as a Jew once did before. Telling us that he intends to care for ‘the least of these.’ To clothe the naked, to shelter the homeless, to care for the sick, to set the prisoners free.
Yes. I am an Evangelical Christian. I believe in the Bible. I follow Jesus. When I look at Bernie Sanders, and I hear the things that he’s saying, it’s like he’s ripping them out of the pages of scripture. I would have to try to avoid the meaning of those words. I would have to bury my head in the sand to continue to support conservative policies. I am religiously conservative but I am not politically so. And I think here is the heart and soul of it:
When we chose to follow Jesus, we decided that the Kingdom of God, and the men and women and children of this world, were more important than us. And that accidentally made us all liberals. The day we decided to follow Christ, and the day we decided that we value other human beings more than ourselves, we accidentally became liberals.
And so there is no contradiction between being a Bible-believing Christian and a Bernie Sanders supporter. I follow the teachings of Christ: to care for ‘the least of these.’
And I believe that just as John the Baptist once cried out in the desert for justice, and called the religious establishment to account, and hearkened unto the day that Jesus would walk among us, and declare equity and justice and good news for the poor; and just as that day came, that Jesus stood in front of the multitudes at the religious institution and said “I have come to bring gospel to the poor,” I believe that Bernie Sanders now stands in front of us, wild-haired and hoarse-voiced, and he now declares justice for the poor. He declares good news for ‘the least of these.’
He has come to bring gospel. And I wouldn’t be much of a Christian if I didn’t stand on the side of gospel for the poor. Because the last time I checked, that’s where my master Jesus stood, and I’ll stand with him. And for now, that means I stand with Bernie Sanders.
0 notes
(via RISING at this LAST DAY: the Arrival of Eviternity as of I Nephi, 14:18, the Book of Mormon and Sura 27:82: the Dabbat al Ard of the Qur'an)
The Blessing from the front of the Sealed Book is then this:
“…..Bless thee in the Name of my Father Jesus; as the Seal of Christ  Jesus;
that the Name of Jesus Christ be Glorified again:… ….for that is the glory which sent me….”
How Rev. Moon and his Wife represented
the Second Fall of Adam 40 years after 
he was born in 1920 in Korea,
that also being the year that 
the man who became Pope John
Paul II was also born in Poland
Let us begin at the Dual Prophecy
This is the one written of Rev. Moon in both Matthew and Luke; where my Father Jesus said of the future arrival of Rev. Moon these  exact words, in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to wit;
     “Who then is that faithful and wise steward,whom his lord shall make ruler over his household,to give them their portion of meat in due season?Blessed is that servant whom his LORD will find doing so when he comes.Truly I tell you, that he will set him over all that he has.
But if and when that evil servant says in his heart,” 
My lord delays his coming,
”……..and begins to beat the menservants and the maidservants,and to eat and drink, and to be drunken,……. then the LORD of that servant will come in a Day when he looketh not for him any longer,and in an Hour at which he is not aware,and will cut him in two, and give him his portion with the unbelievers. “  
( Rev. Moon was put thus over the entire “House” or “Body of Christ” as written of him in the gospels of Matthew and Luke as that “Faithful and Wise Steward”; and was then in the position of the “Head” of this ”Body of Christ” until his LORD returned; but Rev. Moon did not wait for his LORD, and got married. )
When he did not wait for his LORD, but decided to abrogate to himself the position of Christ as if he had already earned it before he passed the Last Test:
(( which was that of watching and waiting and thus ”seeing”  the return of the LORD at the Day and the Hour was then Rev. Moon’s portion of responsibility ); as was written in the prophetic life-story of Rev. Moon, ( unknown to the world but quite well known to me as the Prodigal Son ); Rev. Moon’s mission as “the Faithful and Wise Steward/servant” of the gospel of Matthew and the gospel of Luke had earth – shattering implications; which few would understand, even in the Unification Church, since they believe that Rev. Moon is the Messiah even though he is preparing to die.))
But a “Mortal Messiah” is no ”messiah” at all.   ( 12:42-48 )
The Sister and the Image; Sister Faustina and the Calling of the Bride
The man who Lindsey Graham and Pedophile Dennis Hastert …. ex GOP-speaker of the House made their financier
This is the bad news; it reads further;
     “And that servant, who knew his LORD’s will, and didn’t prepare, nor do what the Lord wanted, will be beaten with many stripes,
( This refers to Rev. Moon knowing he was to gather the 144,000 virgins after sealing the eunuchs for the ‘sake of the kingdom’ as he was supposed to )
.. and yes, it IS Rev. Moon’s body substituting for the Messenger as ”the Priest” being the one ”to make straight the Way of the LORD” as restoring first the mission of “John the Baptist” as Elijah;  being the one presently who was put in the position of John as this one of whom my Father Jesus once said...…  ‘
‘….of men born of women there has not arisen a greater prophet than John the Baptist….”“/ aka ”Rev. Moon” and his role as the “body of the Messenger to all of us of ‘My Generation’ ..”;
and then he added; 
”but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he..” 
He goes on to say these curious words about me as representing Ephraim for My Generation; to wit: 
“…..but he who didn’t know, and did things worthy of stripes,will be beaten with few stripes.” 
( which is, me, as ‘the least in the kingdom of heaven’;before this mission became apparent, especially to me.. )
But of Rev. Moon it is these words which are directed to him for exactly this reason; quite curiously enough; as why he was supposed to become the Messiah by listening to me and being given the Seal of the Living God to become the Messiah; and all he had to do was listen to my message for him from my Father Jesus’ servant John; which of course he didn’t do……..because everyone in the Unification Church from Eric Holt to Jonathan Gullery and Kyle Toffey and Magnus
They all blocked any attempt for me to reach him …I guess they thought Rev.Moon would then have that “deniability” to say
“…But I didn’t know anything about this!!!
…no one told me…!!“
But for Rev. Moon having said that very same accusation of Mary and John the Baptist’s father Zacharias; which destroyed John the Baptist before; and which Rev. Moon has now again repeated we have this from the Emerald Table of Justice where sit the 12 Apostle’s of the Lamb as the Jury of the Last Judgment;
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My Mission is Simple
This is the “proof” which was foretold of me;but of course; no one really wants to be caught in the Snare of the Messiah;who returns as the Tabernacle of God as being One Flesh with the Lamb:they want something else; but not Judgment: the Bridenor Justice: the Lambs Wife
Nuremberg in April 14th; 1561
“To Glorify His Name Again; which is the Glory that Sent me”
Few will understand that the change in everyone’s religious dreams and plans has to do with the fact that my Father Jesus now is revealed returning as the Only Wise God the Savior on the Great White Throne of his Glory,
......having set down “with his Father on His Throne”
as written at the 7th Overcoming on the Path of the Just
.........So sitting down ”with his Father”
means that he has now SET DOWN down on the Throne of God….
............seen at Revelation 21:3-7;
Returning on the Throne of God
.not as the Son of God
……but as our Father Jesus
in the position of
The reason for the “Secret Advent” on Palm Sunday 2015
On Palm Sunday, March 29th, 2015, I came was sent to Sanctuary Church by Glenn Emery to bring Judgment to the 7th Son of Rev. Moon; of who Rev. Moon had made the claim that this was to be his direct Heir by Blessing him three separate times on 3 very well publicized occasions….
Here on March 29th I was brought to Sanctuary Church from Dublin on a Day that arrived like a thief in the night
—— Judgment Day:
“.… Silver shoes and see-through blues ….”
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But it wasn’t quite so simple: was it??? Ask Kymberlyn Olsen and Janet Gordon….and John Beard…..                  
And one who wears the Cross of Jerusalem
================================= The Arising of Michael the Archangel at the Last Day
The Blessing from the front of the Sealed Book is then this:
“…..Bless thee in the Name of my Father Jesus;as the Seal of Christ  Jesus;that the Name of Jesus Christ be Glorified again:
…….for that is the glory which sent me….”
How Rev. Moon and his Wife represented the Second Fall of Adam 40 years after he was born in 1920 in Korea, that also being the year that the man who became Pope John Paul II was also born in Poland
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Let us begin at the Dual Prophecy
written of Rev. Moon in both Matthew and Luke where my Father Jesus said of the future arrival of Rev. Moon these  exact words, in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to wit;
     “Who then is that faithful and wise steward,whom his lord shall make ruler over his household,to give them their portion of meat in due season?Blessed is that servant whom his LORD will find doing so when he comes.Truly I tell you, that he will set him over all that he has.But if and when that servant says in his heart,” My lord delays his coming,”……..and begins to beat the menservants and the maidservants,and to eat and drink, and to be drunken,……. then the LORD of that servant will come in a Day when he looketh not for him any longer,and in an Hour at which he is not aware,and will cut him in two, and give him his portion with the unfaithful. “  
( Rev. Moon was put thus over the entire “House” or “Body of Christ” as written of him in the gospels of Matthew and Luke as that “Faithful and Wise Steward”; and was then in the position of the “Head” of this ”Body of Christ” until his LORD returned; but Rev. Moon did not wait for his LORD, and got married. )
When he did not wait for his LORD, but decided to abrogate to himself the position of Christ as if he had already earned it before he passed the Last Test: ( which was that of watching and waiting and thus ”seeing”  the return of the LORD at the Day and the Hour was then Rev. Moon’s portion of responsibility ); as was written in the prophetic life-story of Rev. Moon, ( unknown to the world but quite well known to me as the Prodigal Son ); Rev. Moon’s mission as “the Faithful and Wise Steward/servant” of the gospel of Matthew and the gospel of Luke had earth – shattering implications; which few would understand, even in the Unification Church, since they believe that Rev. Moon is the Messiah even though he is preparing to die.
But a “Mortal Messiah” is no ”messiah” at all.   ( 12:42-48 )
The Sister and the Image; Sister Faustina and the Calling of the Bride
The man who Lindsey Graham and Pedophile Dennis Hastert …. ex GOP-speaker of the House made their financier
This is the bad news; it reads further;
     “And that servant, who knew his LORD’s will, and didn’t prepare, nor do what the Lord wanted, will be beaten with many stripes,
( This refers to Rev. Moon knowing he was to gather the 144,000 virgins after sealing the eunuchs for the ‘sake of the kingdom’ as he was supposed to )
.. and yes, it IS Rev. Moon’s body substituting for the Messenger as ”the Priest” being the one ”to make straight the Way of the LORD” as restoring first the mission of “John the Baptist” as Elijah;  being the one presently who was put in the position of John as this one of whom my Father Jesus once said...…  
‘‘….of men born of women there has not arisen a greater prophet than John the Baptist….”“/ aka ”Rev. Moon” and his role as the “body of the Messenger to all of us of ‘My Generation’ ..”;
(( and then he added; ”but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he..” )) 
He goes on to say these curious words about me as representing Ephraim for My Generation; to wit: “…..but he who didn’t know, and did things worthy of stripes,will be beaten with few stripes.” 
( which is, me, as ‘the least in the kingdom of heaven’;before this mission became apparent, especially to me.. )
But of Rev. Moon it is these words which are directed to him for exactly this reason; quite curiously enough; as why he was supposed to become the Messiah by listening to me and being given the Seal of the Living God to become the Messiah; and all he had to do was listen to my message for him from my Father Jesus’ servant John; which of course he didn’t do……..because everyone in the Unification Church from Eric Holt to Jonathan Gullery and Kyle Toffey and Magnus
They all blocked any attempt for me to reach him
…I guess they thought Rev.Moon would then have that “deniability” to say“…But I didn’t know anything about this!!!…no one told me…!!“
But for Rev. Moon having said that very same accusation of Mary and John the Baptist’s father Zacharias; which destroyed John the Baptist before; and which Rev. Moon has now again repeated we have this from the Emerald Table of Justice where sit the 12 Apostle’s of the Lamb as the Jury of the Last Judgment;
Rev. Moon will be “cut asunder“,as John was when he lost his head, for saying that  ”Zacharias” was the “father” of my Father Jesus; and so,  
“…..he hath no cloak for his sin..”
;………because all those who stood in the position of Satan who blocked the providence worked for him yet knew of this “doctrine of devils”;
thus on them and Rev. Moon will fall the Judgment……..regardless of my having met Rev. Moon or not……… “
For he to whosoever much is given, of him will much be required;                   
......and to whom much was entrusted, 
of him more will be required
But for listening to the Devil who told Rev. Moon that the Holy Spirit was a ”female spirit” we have this to say to him; he was deceived;………
…because he did not even remember Ms. Pak from the Jesus Church who called herself the ”wife of Jehovah”
……….when she told him the revelation that Jehovah was the Holy Spirit of God Himself; and after they had ritual sex it was Rev. Moon who departed from the Faith by not listening to her; and then going further astray by then deciding he knew better than she did;……
……but she knew whereof she spoke; and my husband the Holy Spirit Christ Jesus is all the proof that I myself shall ever need; as well as the fact that Moses was a man but also the “wife of Jehovah” as he who was called ”the Servant of God” as well;……
…as the soul of Man is female; for all who prophesy in the Name of Jehovah can truly attest…as well as those Sufis who know of the Holy Spirit of Allah who they call “the Blessed Olive Tree” who was Jesus of Nazareth;…………and whose Spirit they know well, whom the Holy Spirit of Allah called ”Christ Jesus” enlightened personally; and whom he chose..
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RISING at this LAST DAY: the Arrival of Eviternity as of I Nephi, 14:18, the Book of Mormon and Sura 27:82: the Dabbat al ArdOur'an
RISING at this LAST DAY: the Arrival of Eviternity as of I Nephi, 14:18, the Book of Mormon and Sura 27:82: the Dabbat al ArdOur’an
The Reality becomes Manifested My Mission is Simple; “To Glorify His Name Again; which is the Glory that Sent me”   This is the “proof” which was foretold of me; but of course; no one really wants the Messiah who returns as the Tabernacle of God being One Flesh with the Lamb; they want something else. What a pity few will understand that the change in everyone’s plans has to do with the fact…
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WELL WELL WELL !!!!!!  So NOW Garland now gives Trumр and the corrupt Judge until 12 on Tuesday to reverse herself or be sanctioned and possibly disbarred- 11th Circuit responds INSTANTANEOUSLY: but Trump's lawyers know they have no case at all...they have ZERO defense or precedentMerrick Garland FINALLY DEFEATS Trumр in Coսrt! with APPEAL COURT'S REBUKE !!! ...
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